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Package Latest Version Doc Dev License linux-64osx-64win-64noarch Summary
_r-mutex 1.0.0 BSD XXX A mutex package to ensure environment exclusivity between Anaconda R and MRO.
_r-xgboost-mutex 2.0 XXX None
abind 1.4_5 LGPL XXXX Combine multidimensional arrays into a single array. This is a...
acepack 1.4.1 MIT XXX Two nonparametric methods for multiple regression transform selection...
adgoftest 0.3 GPL XXXX Anderson-Darling GoF test with p-value calculation based on...
aer 1.2_6 GPL-2 XXXX Functions, data sets, examples, demos, and vignettes for the book...
afex 0.23_0 GPL XXXX Convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA...
anomalydetection 1.0 Apache XXX A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series.
ape 5.3 GPL XXX Functions for reading, writing, plotting, and manipulating phylogenetic...
argparse 2.0.1 GPL XXXX A command line parser to be used with Rscript to write "#!"...
askpass 1.0 MIT XXX Cross-platform utilities for prompting the user for credentials or a ...
assertthat 0.2.1 GPL-3 XXXX An extension to stopifnot() that makes it easy to declare the pre and...
backports 1.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Functions introduced or changed since R v3.0.0 are re-implemented in...
base64enc 0.1_3 GPL-2 XXX This package provides tools for handling base64 encoding. It is more...
bcp 4.0.3 GPL XXX Provides an implementation of the Barry and Hartigan (1993) product...
bdsmatrix 1.3_3 LGPL-2 XXX This is a special case of sparse matrices, used by coxme.
bestglm 0.37 GPL XXX Best subset glm using information criteria or cross-validation....
bh 1.69.0_1 BSL-1.0 XXXX Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. A...
bibtex 0.4.2 GPL XXX Utility to parse a bibtex file.
bindr 0.1.1 MIT XXXX Provides a simple interface for creating active bindings where the...
bindrcpp 0.2.2 MIT XXX Provides an easy way to fill an environment with active bindings that...
bit 1.1_14 GPL-2 XXX True boolean datatype (no NAs), coercion from and to logicals,...
bit64 0.9_7 GPL-2 XXX Package 'bit64' provides serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed)...
bitops 1.0_6 GPL XXX Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors.
blob 1.1.1 GPL-3 XXXX R's raw vector is useful for storing a single binary object. What...
boot 1.3_20 Unlimited XXXX Functions and datasets for bootstrapping from the book "Bootstrap...
boruta 6.0.0 GPL XXXX An all relevant feature selection wrapper algorithm. It finds relevant...
bradleyterry2 1.0_9 GPL XXXX Specify and fit the Bradley-Terry model, including structured versions...
brew 1.0_6 GPL-2 XXXX brew implements a templating framework for mixing text and R code for...
brglm 0.6.2 GPL XXX Fit generalized linear models with binomial responses using either an...
broom 0.5.2 MIT XXXX Summarizes key information about statistical objects in tidy tibbles....
cairo 1.5_10 GPL-2 XXX R graphics device using cairographics library that can be used to...
callr 3.2.0 MIT XXXX It is sometimes useful to perform a computation in a separate R...
car 3.0_2 GPL XXXX Functions to Accompany J. Fox and S. Weisberg, An R Companion to...
cardata 3.0_2 GPL XXXX Datasets to Accompany J. Fox and S. Weisberg, An R Companion to...
caret 6.0_83 GPL XXX Misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models.
catools GPL-3 XXX Contains several basic utility functions including: moving (rolling,...
cellranger 1.1.0 MIT XXXX Helper functions to work with spreadsheets and the "A1:D10"...
checkmate 1.9.1 BSD_3_clause XXX Tests and assertions to perform frequent argument checks. A substantial...
checkpoint 0.4.4 GPL-2 XXX The goal of checkpoint is to solve the problem of package...
chron 2.3_53 GPL-2 XXX Provides chronological objects which can handle dates and times.
class 7.3_15 GPL-2 XXX Various functions for classification, including k-nearest neighbour,...
classint 0.3_1 GPL XXX Selected commonly used methods for choosing univariate class intervals...
cli 1.1.0 MIT XXXX A suite of tools designed to build attractive command line interfaces...
clipr 0.6.0 GPL-3 XXXX Simple utility functions to read from and write to the Windows, OS X,...
clisymbols 1.2.0 MIT X A small subset of Unicode symbols, that are useful when building...
cluster 2.0.8 GPL XXX Methods for Cluster analysis. Much extended the original from Peter...
coda 0.19_2 GPL XXXX Provides functions for summarizing and plotting the output from Markov...
codetools 0.2_16 GPL XXXX Code analysis tools for R.
coin 1.3_0 GPL-2 XXX Conditional inference procedures for the general independence problem...
colorspace 1.4_1 BSD_3_clause XXX Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV,...
commonmark 1.7 BSD_2_clause XXX The CommonMark specification defines a rationalized version of markdown...
config 0.3 GPL-3 XXXX Manage configuration values across multiple environments (e.g....
copula 0.999_19.1 GPL XXX Classes (S4) of commonly used elliptical, Archimedean, extreme-value...
crayon 1.3.4 MIT XXXX Colored terminal output on terminals that support 'ANSI' color...
crosstalk 1.0.0 MIT XXXX Provides building blocks for allowing HTML widgets to communicate with...
ctv 0.8_5 GPL-2 XXXX Infrastructure for task views to CRAN-style repositories: Querying task...
curl 3.3 MIT XXX The curl() and curl_download() functions provide highly configurable...
cvst 0.2_2 GPL XXXX The fast cross-validation via sequential testing (CVST) procedure is an...
cvtools 0.3.2 GPL XXXX Tools that allow developers to write functions for cross-validation...
data.table 1.12.2 MPL-2.0 XXX Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins,...
dbi 1.0.0 LGPL XXXX A database interface definition for communication between R and...
dbplyr 1.4.0 MIT XXXX A 'dplyr' back end for databases that allows you to work with...
ddalpha 1.3.9 GPL-2 XXX Contains procedures for depth-based supervised learning, which are...
debugme 1.1.0 MIT XXXX Specify debug messages as special string constants, and control...
deoptimr 1.0_8 GPL XXXX Differential Evolution (DE) stochastic algorithms for global...
deployrrserve 9.0.0 GPL XX Rserve acts as a socket server (TCP/IP or local sockets) which allows...
desc 1.2.0 MIT XXXX Tools to read, write, create, and manipulate DESCRIPTION files. It is...
devtools 2.0.2 GPL XXXX Collection of package development tools.
diagrammer 1.0.1 MIT XXXX Build graph/network structures using functions for stepwise addition...
dichromat 2.0_0 GPL-2 XXXX Collapse red-green or green-blue distinctions to simulate the effects...
digest 0.6.18 GPL XXX Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of...
dimred 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX A collection of dimensionality reduction techniques from R packages and...
domc 1.3.5 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a parallel backend for the %dopar% function using the...
doparallel 1.0.14 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a parallel backend for the %dopar% function using the parallel package.
downloader 0.4 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a wrapper for the download.file function, making it possible...
dplyr MIT XXX A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both...
drr 0.0.3 GPL-3 XXXX An Implementation of Dimensionality Reduction via Regression using...
dt 0.5 GPL-3 XXXX Data objects in R can be rendered as HTML tables using the JavaScript...
dygraphs MIT XXXX An R interface to the 'dygraphs' JavaScript charting library (a...
e1071 1.7_1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for latent class analysis, short time Fourier transform,...
ellipsis 0.1.0 GPL-3 XXX In S3 generics, it's useful to take ... so that methods can have...
emmeans 1.3.4 GPL-2 XXXX Obtain estimated marginal means (EMMs) for many linear, generalized ...
essentials 3.6.0 Various XXX Some essential packages for working with R
essentials-mrclient 3.4.3 Various XX Essential R packages including MS R Client and MS Machine Learning
estimability 1.3 GPL XXXX Provides tools for determining estimability of linear functions of...
evaluate 0.13 MIT XXXX Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command...
fansi 0.4.0 GPL XXX Counterparts to R string manipulation functions that account for the...
fastica 1.2_1 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of FastICA algorithm to perform Independent Component...
fbasics 3042.89 GPL XXX Provides a collection of functions to explore and to investigate basic...
feather 0.3.3 Apache XXX Read and write feather files, a lightweight binary columnar data store...
fftw 1.0_5 GPL-2 XXX Provides a simple and efficient wrapper around the fastest Fourier...
fgarch 3042.83.1 GPL XXX Provides a collection of functions to analyze and model...
findpython 1.0.5 MIT XXXX Package designed to find an acceptable python binary.
forcats 0.4.0 GPL-3 XXXX Helpers for reordering factor levels (including moving specified levels...
foreach 1.5.0 Apache XXXX Support for the foreach looping construct. Foreach is an idiom that...
forecast 8.6 GPL-3 XXX Methods and tools for displaying and analysing univariate time series...
foreign 0.8_71 GPL XXX Reading and writing data stored by some versions of 'Epi Info',...
forge 0.2.0 Apache X Helper functions with a consistent interface to coerce and verify the...
formatr 1.6 GPL XXXX Provides a function tidy_source() to format R source code. Spaces and...
formattable MIT XXXX Provides functions to create formattable vectors and data frames....
formula 1.2_3 GPL-2 XXXX Infrastructure for extended formulas with multiple parts on the...
fracdiff 1.4_2 GPL XXX Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally...
fs 1.2.7 GPL-3 XXX A cross-platform interface to file system operations, built on top of...
functional 0.6 GPL XXXX Curry, Compose, and other higher-order functions
fwdselect 2.1.0 MIT XXXX A simple method to select the best model or best subset of variables...
gdata 2.18.0 GPL-2 XXXX Various R programming tools for data manipulation, including: - medical...
generics 0.0.2 GPL-2 XXXX In order to reduce potential package dependencies and conflicts, ...
geometry 0.4.1 GPL XXX Makes the 'Qhull' library <http://www.qhull.org>...
getopt 1.20.3 GPL XXXX Package designed to be used with Rscript to write ``#!''...
ggplot2 3.1.1 GPL-2 XXXX A system for 'declaratively' creating graphics, based on...
ggvis 0.4.4 GPL-2 XXXX An implementation of an interactive grammar of graphics, taking the...
gh 1.0.1 MIT X Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'.
gistr 0.4.2 MIT XXXX Work with 'GitHub' 'gists' from 'R' (e.g., ...
git2r 0.25.2 GPL-2 XXX Interface to the 'libgit2' library, which is a pure C...
glmnet 2.0_16 GPL-2 XXX Extremely efficient procedures for fitting the entire lasso or...
glue 1.3.1 MIT XXX An implementation of interpreted string literals, inspired by...
gmp 0.5_13.5 GPL XXX Multiple Precision Arithmetic (big integers and rationals, prime number...
gower 0.2.0 GPL-3 XXX Compute Gower's distance (or similarity) coefficient between...
gplots GPL-2 XXXX Various R programming tools for plotting data, including: - calculating...
gridbase 0.4_7 GPL XXXX Integration of base and grid graphics
gridextra 2.3 GPL XXXX Provides a number of user-level functions to work with "grid"...
grpreg 3.2_1 GPL-3 XXX Efficient algorithms for fitting the regularization path of linear...
gsl 2.1_6 GPL-3 XXX An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library.
gss 2.1_9 GPL XXX A comprehensive package for structural multivariate function estimation...
gsw 1.0_5 GPL XXX Provides an interface to the Gibbs 'SeaWater'...
gtable 0.3.0 GPL-2 XXXX Tools to make it easier to work with "tables" of...
gtools 3.8.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions to assist in R programming, including: - assist in...
guide 1.2.7 GPL-2 XXXX A nice GUI for financial DErivatives in R.
haven 2.1.0 MIT XXX Import foreign statistical formats into R via the embedded...
hexbin 1.27.2 GPL-2 XXX Binning and plotting functions for hexagonal bins.
highcharter 0.7.0 MIT XXXX A wrapper for the 'Highcharts' library including shortcut...
highr 0.8 GPL XXXX Provides syntax highlighting for R source code. Currently it supports...
hmisc 4.2_0 GPL XXX Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics,...
hms 0.4.2 GPL-3 XXXX Implements an S3 class for storing and formatting time-of-day values,...
htmltable 1.13.1 GPL XXXX Tables with state-of-the-art layout elements such as row spanners,...
htmltools 0.3.6 GPL XXX Tools for HTML generation and output.
htmlwidgets 1.3 MIT XXXX A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various contexts...
httpuv 1.5.1 GPL XXX Provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling HTTP and...
httr 1.4.0 MIT XXXX Useful tools for working with HTTP organised by HTTP verbs (GET(),...
hunspell 3.0 GPL-2 XXX Low level spell checker and morphological analyzer based on the famous...
igraph GPL XXX Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large...
implyr 0.2.4 Apache XXXX 'SQL' back-end to 'dplyr' for Apache Impala, the...
influencer 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides functionality to compute various node centrality measures on...
ini 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Parse simple '.ini' configuration files to an structured list....
inline 0.3.15 LGPL XXXX Functionality to dynamically define R functions and S4 methods with...
ipred 0.9_8 GPL XXX Improved predictive models by indirect classification and bagging for...
irdisplay 0.7.0 MIT XXXX An interface to the rich display capabilities of 'Jupyter'...
irkernel 0.8.15 MIT XXXX The R kernel for the 'Jupyter' environment executes R code...
irlba 2.3.3 GPL-3 XXX Fast and memory efficient methods for truncated singular value...
isocodes 2019.04.22 GPL-2 XXXX ISO language, territory, currency, script and character codes. Provides...
iterators 1.0.10 Apache XXXX Support for iterators, which allow a programmer to traverse through all...
janeaustenr 0.1.5 MIT XXXX Full texts for Jane Austen's 6 completed novels, ready for text...
jpeg 0.1_8 GPL-2 XXX This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and display...
jsonlite 1.6 MIT XXX A fast JSON parser and generator optimized for statistical data and the...
keras MIT XXXX Interface to 'Keras' <https://keras.io>, a high-level...
kernlab 0.9_27 GPL-2 XXX Kernel-based machine learning methods for classification, regression,...
kernsmooth 2.23_15 Unlimited XXX Functions for kernel smoothing (and density estimation) corresponding...
knitr 1.22 GPL XXXX Provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R...
kohonen 3.0.8 GPL XXX Functions to train self-organising maps (SOMs). Also interrogation of...
labeling 0.3 MIT XXXX Provides a range of axis labeling algorithms
lahman 6.0_0 GPL XXXX Provides the tables from the 'Sean Lahman Baseball Database' as...
lars 1.2 GPL-2 XXX Efficient procedures for fitting an entire lasso sequence with the cost...
later 0.8.0 GPL XXX Executes arbitrary R or C functions some time after the current time,...
lattice 0.20_38 GPL XXX A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization system inspired by...
latticeextra 0.6_28 GPL XXXX Building on the infrastructure provided by the lattice package, this...
lava 1.6.5 GPL-3 XXXX A general implementation of Structural Equation Models with latent...
lavaan 0.6_3 GPL XXXX Fit a variety of latent variable models, including confirmatory factor...
lazyeval 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX An alternative approach to non-standard evaluation using formulas....
leaflet 2.0.2 GPL-3 XXXX Create and customize interactive maps using the 'Leaflet'...
leaps 3.0 GPL XXX Regression subset selection, including exhaustive search.
libcoin 1.0_4 GPL-2 XXX Basic infrastructure for linear test statistics and permutation...
lintr 1.0.3 MIT XXXX Checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic...
lme4 1.1_21 GPL XXX Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and...
lmertest 3.1_0 GPL XXXX Provides p-values in type I, II or III anova and summary tables for...
lmtest 0.9_36 GPL-2 XXX A collection of tests, data sets, and examples for diagnostic checking...
logging 0.9_107 GPL-3 XXXX Pure R implementation of the ubiquitous log4j package. It offers...
loo 2.1.0 GPL X Efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) for Bayesian...
lpsolve 5.6.13 LGPL-2 XXX Lp_solve is freely available (under LGPL 2) software for solving...
lsmeans 2.30_0 GPL-2 XXXX Obtain least-squares means for linear, generalized linear, and mixed...
lubridate 1.7.4 GPL XXX Functions to work with date-times and time-spans: fast and user...
magic 1.5_9 GPL-2 XXXX A collection of efficient, vectorized algorithms for the creation and...
magrittr 1.5 MIT XXXX Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new forward-pipe...
manipulate 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXXX Interactive plotting functions for use within RStudio. The manipulate...
manipulatewidget 0.10.0 GPL XXXX Like package 'manipulate' does for static graphics, this...
mapproj 1.2.6 Lucent XXX Converts latitude/longitude into projected coordinates.
maps 3.3.0 GPL-2 XXX Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in separate...
maptools 0.9_5 GPL XXX Set of tools for manipulating geographic data. It includes binary...
markdown 0.9 GPL-2 XXX Provides R bindings to the 'Sundown' 'Markdown'...
mass 7.3_51.3 GPL-2 XXX Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, "Modern...
matrix 1.2_17 GPL XXX A rich hierarchy of matrix classes, including triangular, symmetric,...
matrixcalc 1.0_3 GPL XX A collection of functions to support matrix calculations for...
matrixmodels 0.4_1 GPL XXXX Modelling with sparse and dense 'Matrix' matrices, using...
matrixstats 0.54.0 Artistic-2.0 XXX High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of matrices,...
maxlik 1.3_4 GPL XXXX Functions for Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation and non-linear...
memoise 1.1.0 MIT XXXX Cache the results of a function so that when you call it again with the...
mgcv 1.8_28 GPL XXX Generalized additive (mixed) models, some of their extensions and ...
microbenchmark 1.4_6 BSD_2_clause XXX Provides infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution...
microsoftr file XXX Umbrella package with licenses and notices for all Microsoft R packages
mime 0.6 GPL XXX Guesses the MIME type from a filename extension using the data derived...
miniui GPL-3 XXXX Provides UI widget and layout functions for writing Shiny apps that...
minqa 1.2.4 GPL-2 XXX Derivative-free optimization by quadratic approximation based on an...
misctools 0.6_22 GPL XXXX Miscellaneous small tools and utilities. Many of them facilitate the...
mkl_fft 1.0.14 BSD XXX NumPy-based implementation of Fast Fourier Transform using Intel (R)...
mkl_random 1.0.4 BSD XXX Intel (R) MKL-powered package for sampling from common probability...
mlmrev 1.0_7 GPL XXXX Data and examples from a multilevel modelling software review as well...
mnormt 1.5_5 GPL-2 XXX Functions are provided for computing the density and the distribution...
modelmetrics 1.2.2 GPL XXX Collection of metrics for evaluating models written in C++ using...
modelr 0.1.4 GPL-3 XXXX Functions for modelling that help you seamlessly integrate modelling...
modeltools 0.2_22 GPL-2 XXXX A collection of tools to deal with statistical models. The...
mongolite 2.0.1 Apache XXX High-performance MongoDB client based on 'mongo-c-driver' and...
mrclient 3.4.3 Proprietary XX A free, community-supported, data science tool for high performance analytics
mrclient-mlm 3.4.3 Proprietary X Pre-trained machine learning models for sentiment analysis and image detection
mrclient-mml 3.4.3 Proprietary XX Provides state-of-the-art fast, scalable machine learning algorithms...
mro 0.1.1 GPL-2 XX Computes multiple correlation coefficient when the data matrix is given...
mro-base 3.5.1 GPL-2 XXX R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
mro-base_impl 3.5.1 GPL-2 XX R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
mro-basics 3.5.1 XXX None
multcomp 1.4_10 GPL-2 XXXX Simultaneous tests and confidence intervals for general linear...
munsell 0.5.0 MIT XXXX Provides easy access to, and manipulation of, the Munsell colours....
mvtnorm 1.0_10 GPL-2 XXX Computes multivariate normal and t probabilities, quantiles, random...
networkd3 0.4 GPL XXXX Creates 'D3' 'JavaScript' network, tree, dendrogram,...
nlme 3.1_139 GPL XXX Fit and compare Gaussian linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models.
nlopt-static 2.4.2 GNU XX nonlinear optimization library
nloptr 1.2.1 LGPL-3 XXX Solve optimization problems using an R interface to NLopt. NLopt is a ...
nlp 0.2_0 GPL-3 XXXX Basic classes and methods for Natural Language Processing.
nmf 0.21.0 GPL XXX Provides a framework to perform Non-negative Matrix Factorization...
nnet 7.3_12 GPL-2 XXX Software for feed-forward neural networks with a single hidden layer,...
numderiv 2016.8_1 GPL-2 XXXX Methods for calculating (usually) accurate numerical first and second...
numpy 1.17.0 doc dev BSD XXX Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
numpy-base 1.17.0 XXX None
numpy-devel 1.17.0 XXX None
nycflights13 1.0.0 CC0 XXXX Airline on-time data for all flights departing NYC in 2013. Also...
oce 1.0_1 GPL XXX Supports the analysis of Oceanographic data, including 'ADCP'...
odbc 1.1.6 MIT XXXX A DBI-compatible interface to ODBC databases.
openssl 1.3 doc dev MIT XXX Bindings to OpenSSL libssl and libcrypto, plus custom SSH key parsers....
openxlsx 4.1.0 MIT XXX Simplifies the creation of Excel .xlsx files by providing a high level...
packrat 0.5.0 GPL-2 XXXX Manage the R packages your project depends on in an isolated, portable,...
pbdzmq 0.3_3 GPL-3 XXX 'ZeroMQ' is a well-known library for high-performance...
pbivnorm 0.6.0 GPL XXX Provides a vectorized R function for calculating probabilities from a...
pbkrtest 0.4_7 GPL XXXX Test in mixed effects models. Attention is on mixed effects models as...
pcapp 1.9_73 GPL XXX Provides functions for robust PCA by projection pursuit. The methods...
pdftools 2.2 MIT XXX Utilities based on 'libpoppler' for extracting text, fonts,...
perm 1.0_0.0 GPL XXXX Perform Exact or Asymptotic permutation tests
pillar 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXXX Provides a 'pillar' generic designed for formatting columns of...
pkgbuild 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXXX Provides functions used to build R packages. Locates compilers needed...
pkgconfig 2.0.2 MIT XXXX Set configuration options on a per-package basis. Options set by a...
pkgload 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Simulates the process of installing a package and then attaching it....
pkgmaker 0.27 GPL XXXX Provides some low-level utilities to use for package development. It...
pki 0.1_5.1 GPL-2 XXX PKI functions such as verifying certificates, RSA encription and...
plm 1.7_0 GPL XXXX A set of estimators and tests for panel data econometrics.
plogr 0.2.0 MIT XXXX A simple header-only logging library for C++. Add 'LinkingTo:...
plotly 4.9.0 MIT XXXX Create interactive web graphics from 'ggplot2' graphs and/or a...
pls 2.7_1 GPL-2 XXXX Multivariate regression methods Partial Least Squares Regression...
plumber 0.4.6 MIT XXXX Gives the ability to automatically generate and serve an HTTP API from...
plyr 1.8.4 MIT XXX A set of tools that solves a common set of problems: you need to break...
png 0.1_7 GPL-2 XXX This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and display...
polspline 1.1.14 GPL XXX Routines for the polynomial spline fitting routines hazard regression,...
pool GPL-3 XXXX Enables the creation of object pools, which make it less...
praise 1.0.0 MIT XXXX Build friendly R packages that praise their users if they have done...
prettyunits 1.0.2 MIT XXXX Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities. Time intervals:...
proc 1.14.0 GPL XXX Tools for visualizing, smoothing and comparing receiver operating...
processx 3.3.0 MIT XXX Tools to run system processes in the background. It can check if a...
prodlim 2018.04.18 GPL XXX Fast and user friendly implementation of nonparametric estimators for...
profilemodel 0.6.0 GPL XXXX Provides tools that can be used to calculate, evaluate, plot and use...
profvis 0.3.5 GPL-3 XXX Interactive visualizations for profiling R code.
progress 1.2.0 MIT X Configurable Progress bars, they may include percentage, elapsed time,...
promises 1.0.1 MIT XXX Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous programming in...
proto 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXXX An object oriented system using object-based, also called...
pryr 0.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Useful tools to pry back the covers of R and understand the language at...
ps 1.3.0 BSD_3_clause XXX List, query and manipulate all system processes, on 'Windows',...
pspline 1.0_18 Unlimited XXX Smoothing splines with penalties on order m derivatives.
psych 1.8.12 GPL XXXX A general purpose toolbox for personality, psychometric theory and...
purrr 0.3.2 GPL-3 XXX A complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R.
qpdf 1.1 Apache XXX Content-preserving transformations transformations of PDF files such ...
qrm 0.4_13 GPL XXX Accompanying package to the book Quantitative Risk Management:...
quadprog 1.5_5 GPL XXX This package contains routines and documentation for solving quadratic...
quantmod 0.4_14 GPL-3 XXXX Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading strategies.
quantreg 5.38 GPL XXX Estimation and inference methods for models of conditional quantiles: ...
qvcalc 0.9_1 GPL-2 XXXX Functions to compute quasi variances and associated measures of...
r 4.3.1 GPL-3.0 XXX R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
r-a3 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Supplies tools for tabulating and analyzing the results of predictive...
r-abc 2.2.1 GPL-3 X Implements several ABC algorithms for performing parameter estimation,...
r-abc.data 1.0 GPL-3 X Contains data which are used by functions of the 'abc' package.
r-abc.rap 0.9.0 GPL-3 X It aims to identify candidate genes that are “differentially...
r-abcanalysis 1.2.1 GPL-3 X For a given data set, the package provides a novel method of computing...
r-abcoptim 0.15.0 MIT XXX An implementation of Karaboga (2005) Artificial Bee Colony Optimization...
r-abcp2 1.2 GPL-2 X Tests the goodness of fit of a distribution of offspring to the Normal,...
r-abd 0.2_8 GPL-2 X The abd package contains data sets and sample code for The Analysis of...
r-abe 3.0.1 GPL-2 X Performs augmented backward elimination and checks the stability of the...
r-abess 0.4.8 GPL-3 X Extremely efficient toolkit for solving the best subset selection...
r-abf2 0.7_1 Artistic-2.0 X Loads ABF2 files containing gap-free data from electrophysiological...
r-abind 1.4_5 LGPL XXXX Combine multidimensional arrays into a single array. This is a...
r-abnormality 0.1.0 MIT X Contains the functions to implement the methodology and considerations...
r-abodoutlier 0.1 MIT X Performs angle-based outlier detection on a given dataframe. Three...
r-abps 0.3 GPL-2 X An implementation of the Abnormal Blood Profile Score (ABPS, part of...
r-ac3net 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Infers directional conservative causal core (gene) networks. It is an...
r-aca 1.1 GPL-3 X Offers an interactive function for the detection of breakpoints in series.
r-academictwitter 0.3.1 MIT X Package to query the Twitter Academic Research Product Track, providing...
r-acceptancesampling 1.0_8 GPL-3 X Provides functionality for creating and evaluating acceptance sampling...
r-accessibility 1.3.0 MIT X A set of fast and convenient functions to calculate multiple transport...
r-acclma 1.0 GPL-2 X The main function is plotLMA(sourcefile,header) that takes a data set...
r-accrued 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Package for visualizing data quality of partially accruing data.
r-acd 1.5.3 GPL X Categorical data analysis with complete or missing responses
r-ace2fastq 0.6.0 GPL-3 X The ACE file format is used in genomics to store contigs from...
r-acepack 1.4.2 MIT XXX Two nonparametric methods for multiple regression transform selection...
r-acet 1.9.0 GPL-3 XXX Twin models that are able to estimate the dynamic behaviour of the...
r-acfmperiod 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Non-robust and robust computations of the sample autocovariance (ACOVF)...
r-acid 1.1 GPL-3 X Functions for the analysis of income distributions for subgroups of the...
r-acm4r 1.0 GPL X Fragment lengths or molecular weights from pairs of lanes are compared,...
r-acmer 1.1.0 MIT X Implementation of estimator ACME, described in Wolpert (2015), ACME: A ...
r-acnr 1.0.0 LGPL-2.1 X Provides SNP array data from different types of copy-number regions....
r-acopula 0.9.4 GPL-2 X Archimax copulas are mixture of Archimedean and EV copulas. The package...
r-acp 2.1 GPL-2 X Analysis of count data exhibiting autoregressive properties, using the...
r-acrt 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for testing affine hypotheses on the regression coefficient...
r-acs 2.1.4 GPL-3 X Provides a general toolkit for downloading, managing, analyzing, and...
r-acss 0.2_5 GPL-2 X Main functionality is to provide the algorithmic complexity for short...
r-acss.data 1.0 GPL-2 X Data only package providing the algorithmic complexity of short...
r-acswr 1.0 GPL-2 X A book designed to meet the requirements of masters students. Tattar,...
r-activedriver 1.0.0 GPL-2 X A mutation analysis tool that discovers cancer driver genes with...
r-activepathways 2.0.3 GPL-3 X Framework for analysing multiple omics datasets in the context of...
r-activity 1.3.4 GPL-3 X Provides functions to express clock time data relative to anchor points...
r-activityindex 0.3.7 GPL-3 X Reads raw 'accelerometry' from 'GT3X+' data and plain...
r-activpalprocessing 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Performs estimation of physical activity and sedentary behavior...
r-actuar 3.3_2 GPL-2 X Functions and data sets for actuarial science: modeling of loss...
r-ada 2.0_5 GPL-3 X Performs discrete, real, and gentle boost under both exponential and...
r-adabag 5.0 GPL-2 X It implements Freund and Schapire's Adaboost.M1 algorithm and...
r-adagio 0.8.5 GPL-3 XXXX The R package 'adagio' will provide methods and algorithms for...
r-adaptivesparsity 1.6 LGPL XXX Implements Figueiredo EM algorithm for adaptive sparsity (Jeffreys...
r-adaptivetau 2.2_3 GPL XXX Implements adaptive tau leaping to approximate the trajectory of a...
r-adaptmcmc 1.4 GPL-2 X Enables sampling from arbitrary distributions if the log density is...
r-adaptmt 1.0.0 MIT X Implementation of adaptive p-value thresholding (AdaPT), including both...
r-adapttest 1.2 GPL-2 X The functions defined in this program serve for implementing adaptive...
r-adbcdrivermanager Apache X Provides a developer-facing interface to 'Arrow' Database...
r-adct 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Existing adaptive design methods in clinical trials. The package...
r-addhaz 0.5 GPL-3 X Functions to fit the binomial and multinomial additive hazard models...
r-additivitytests 1.1_4.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of the Tukey, Mandel, Johnson-Graybill, LBI, Tusell and...
r-addt 2.0 GPL-2 X Accelerated destructive degradation tests (ADDT) are often used to...
r-ade4 1.7_22 GPL-2 XXX Tools for multivariate data analysis. Several methods are provided for...
r-ade4tkgui 0.3_1 GPL-2 X A Tcl/Tk GUI for some basic functions in the 'ade4' package.
r-adegenet 2.1.10 GPL-2 X Toolset for the exploration of genetic and genomic data. Adegenet...
r-adegraphics 1.0_21 GPL-2 X Graphical functionalities for the representation of multivariate data....
r-adehabitathr 0.4.21 GPL-2 X A collection of tools for the estimation of animals home range.
r-adehabitaths 0.3.17 GPL-2 X A collection of tools for the analysis of habitat selection.
r-adehabitatlt 0.3.27 GPL-2 X A collection of tools for the analysis of animal movements.
r-adehabitatma 0.3.16 GPL-2 X A collection of tools to deal with raster maps.
r-adephylo 1.1_16 GPL-2 X Multivariate tools to analyze comparative data, i.e. a phylogeny and...
r-adeptdata 1.1 GPL-3 X Created to host raw accelerometry data sets and their derivatives which...
r-adequacymodel 2.0.0 GPL-2 X The main application concerns to a new robust optimization package with...
r-adespatial 0.3_23 GPL-2 X Tools for the multiscale spatial analysis of multivariate data. Several...
r-adfexplorer 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Amiga Disk Files (ADF) are virtual representations of 3.5 inch floppy...
r-adgoftest 0.3 GPL XXXX Anderson-Darling GoF test with p-value calculation based on...
r-adimpro 0.9.6 GPL-2 XXX Implements tools for manipulation of digital images and the Propagation...
r-adjclust 0.5.7 GPL-3 XXX Implements a constrained version of hierarchical agglomerative ...
r-adklakedata 0.6.1 MIT X Package for the access and distribution of Long-term lake datasets from...
r-adlift 1.4_5 GPL-3 X Adaptive wavelet lifting transforms for signal denoising using optimal...
r-admiral 0.12.3 Apache X A toolbox for programming Clinical Data Interchange Standards...
r-admiraldev 0.5.0 Apache X Utility functions to check data, variables and conditions for functions...
r-admisc 0.33 GPL-3 XX Contains functions used across packages 'DDIwR', 'QCA'...
r-admit 2.1.9 GPL-2 XXX Provides functions to perform the fitting of an adaptive mixture of...
r-admmnet 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Fit linear and cox models regularized with net (L1 and Laplacian),...
r-adoptr 1.0.0 MIT X Optimize one or two-arm, two-stage designs for clinical trials with...
r-adpf 0.0.1 GPL-3 X This function takes a vector or matrix of data and smooths the data...
r-adpss 0.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Provides the functions for planning and conducting a clinical trial...
r-advdif4 0.7.18 GPL-3 X This software solves an Advection Bi-Flux Diffusive Problem using the...
r-adwordsr 0.3.1 MIT X Allows access to selected services that are part of the 'Google...
r-aer 1.2_10 GPL-2 XXXX Functions, data sets, examples, demos, and vignettes for the book...
r-afc 1.4.0 GPL-3 X This is an implementation of the Generalized Discrimination Score (also...
r-afex 1.3_0 GPL-2 XXXX Convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA...
r-affluenceindex 2.1 GPL-2 X Enables to compute the statistical indices of affluence (richness) with...
r-afpt GPL-3 X Allows estimation and modelling of flight costs in animal (vertebrate)...
r-aggregater 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Convenience functions for aggregating a data frame or data table....
r-aggregation 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Contains functionality for performing the following methods of p-value...
r-aghmatrix 2.1.4 GPL-3 XXXX Computation of A (pedigree), G (genomic-base), and H (A corrected by G)...
r-agop 0.2_3 LGPL-3 XXX Tools supporting multi-criteria and group decision making, including...
r-agreementinterval 0.1.1 MIT X A tool for calculating agreement interval of two measurement methods...
r-agricolae 1.3_7 GPL-3 X Original idea was presented in the thesis "A statistical analysis...
r-agridat 1.22 MIT X Datasets from books, papers, and websites related to agriculture....
r-agrmt 1.42.8 MIT X Calculates concentration and dispersion in ordered rating scales. It...
r-agror 1.3.5 GPL-2 X Performs the analysis of completely randomized experimental designs...
r-agsemisc 1.3_1 GPL-2 X High-featured panel functions for bwplot and xyplot, some plot...
r-agua 0.1.3 MIT X Create and evaluate models using 'tidymodels' and 'h2o'...
r-ahaz 1.15 GPL-2 XXX Computationally efficient procedures for regularized estimation with...
r-ahocorasicktrie 0.1.2 Apache XXX Aho-Corasick is an optimal algorithm for finding many keywords in a...
r-aiccmodavg 2.3_2 GPL-2 X Functions to implement model selection and multimodel inference based...
r-aid 2.9 GPL-2 X Performs Box-Cox power transformation for different purposes, graphical...
r-aidar 1.0.5 LGPL-2 X Read objects from the AIDA (<http://aida.freehep.org/>) file and...
r-aim 1.01 LGPL-2 X R functions for adaptively constructing index models for continuous,...
r-airgr 1.7.4 GPL-2 XXX Hydrological modelling tools developed at INRAE-Antony (HYCAR Research...
r-airgriwrm 0.6.2 AGPL-3 X Semi-distributed Precipitation-Runoff Modelling based on...
r-airgrteaching 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Add-on package to the 'airGR' package that simplifies its use...
r-airports 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Geographic, use, and property related data on airports.
r-airr 1.5.0 CC X Schema definitions and read, write and validation tools for data...
r-airthermo 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Deals with many computations related to the thermodynamics of...
r-ake 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Continuous and discrete (count or categorical) estimation of density,...
r-akima 0.6_3.4 ACM XXX Several cubic spline interpolation methods of H. Akima for irregular...
r-akmeans 1.1 GPL-2 X Adaptive K-means algorithm with various threshold settings. It support...
r-alabama 2023.1.0 GPL-2 X Augmented Lagrangian Adaptive Barrier Minimization Algorithm for...
r-albopictus 0.5 GPL-3 X Implements discrete time deterministic and stochastic age-structured...
r-ald 1.3.1 GPL-2 X It provides the density, distribution function, quantile function,...
r-aleplot 1.1 GPL-2 X Visualizes the main effects of individual predictor variables and their...
r-alfr 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Allows you to connect to an 'Alfresco' content management...
r-algaeclassify 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Functions that facilitate the use of accepted taxonomic nomenclature,...
r-algdesign 1.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Algorithmic experimental designs. Calculates exact and approximate...
r-algebraichaplopackage 1.2 GPL-2 X Two unordered pairs of data of two different snips positions is...
r-algorithmia 0.3.0 MIT X The company, Algorithmia, houses the largest marketplace of online...
r-aliner 1.1.4 GPL-3 XXX Functions are provided to calculate the 'ALINE' Distance...
r-allan 1.01 GPL-3 X Automated fitting of linear regression models and a stepwise routine
r-allanvar 1.1 GPL-2 X A collection of tools for stochastic sensor error characterization...
r-allehap 0.9.9 GPL-2 X Tools to simulate alphanumeric alleles, impute genetic missing data and...
r-allelematch 2.5.3 GPL-2 X Tools for the identification of unique of multilocus genotypes when...
r-alleleretain 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Simulate the effect of management or demography on allele retention and...
r-allelic 0.1 GPL XXX This is the implementation in R+C of a new association test described...
r-allpossiblespellings 1.1 GPL-2 X Contains functions possSpells.fnc and batch.possSpells.fnc.
r-alluvial 0.1_2 MIT X Creating alluvial diagrams (also known as parallel sets plots) for...
r-alpaca 0.3.4 GPL-3 XXX Provides a routine to partial out factors with many levels during the...
r-alphahull 2.5 GPL-2 X Computation of the alpha-shape and alpha-convex hull of a given sample...
r-alphashape3d 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Implementation in R of the alpha-shape of a finite set of points in the...
r-alphasimr 1.4.2 MIT XXX The successor to the 'AlphaSim' software for breeding program...
r-alphavantageclient 0.0.1 MIT X Download data from the Alpha Vantage API...
r-alphavantager 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Alpha Vantage has free historical financial information. All you need...
r-alr4 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Datasets to Accompany S. Weisberg (2014, ISBN: 978-1-118-38608-8),...
r-alscpc 1.0 GPL-2 X Using of the accelerated line search algorithm for simultaneously...
r-alsm 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Functions and Data set presented in Applied Linear Statistical Models...
r-alterryx 0.5.0 GPL-2 X A tool to access each of the 'Alteryx' Gallery 'API'...
r-altmeta 2.2 GPL X Provides alternative statistical methods for meta-analysis, including...
r-altopt 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Creates the optimal (D, U and I) designs for the accelerated life...
r-amap 0.8_19 GPL-3 XXX Tools for Clustering and Principal Component Analysis (With robust...
r-amap.seq 1.0 GPL X An Approximated Most Average Powerful Test with Optimal FDR Control...
r-ambient 1.0.2 MIT XXX Generation of natural looking noise has many application within...
r-amcp 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Accompanies "Designing experiments and analyzing data: A model...
r-amctestmaker 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Generate code for use with the Optical Mark Recognition free software...
r-ameco 0.2.9 CC0 X Annual macro-economic database provided by the European Commission.
r-amelia 1.8.1 GPL-2 XXX A tool that "multiply imputes" missing data in a single...
r-amelie 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Implements anomaly detection as binary classification for...
r-amen 1.4.4 GPL-3 X Analysis of dyadic network and relational data using additive and...
r-americancallopt 0.95 GPL-3 X This package includes a set of pricing functions for American call...
r-amerika 0.1.0 MIT X A color palette generator inspired by American politics, with colors...
r-ameshousing 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Raw and processed versions of the data from De Cock (2011)...
r-amget 1.0 GPL X AMGET allows to simply and rapidly creates highly informative...
r-aml 0.1_1 GPL X This package implements the adaptive mixed lasso (AML) method proposed...
r-ammoniaconcentration 0.1 MIT X Provides a function to calculate the concentration of un-ionized...
r-amore 0.2_15 GPL XXX This package was born to release the TAO robust neural network...
r-ampd 0.2 GPL-3 X A method for automatic detection of peaks in noisy periodic and...
r-amr 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Functions to simplify and standardise antimicrobial resistance (AMR)...
r-amt GPL-3 X Manage and analyze animal movement data. The functionality of...
r-anacoda GPL-2 XXX Is a collection of models to analyze genome scale codon data using a...
r-analogsea Apache X Provides a set of functions for interacting with the...
r-analogue 0.17_6 GPL-2 X Fits Modern Analogue Technique and Weighted Averaging transfer function...
r-analyz 1.4 GPL X Class with methods to read and execute R commands described as steps in...
r-anapuce 2.3 GPL-2 X Functions for normalisation, differentially analysis of microarray data...
r-ande 1.0 GPL-3 X AODE achieves highly accurate classification by averaging over all of a...
r-andrews 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Visualisation of multidimensional data through different Andrews...
r-andromeda 0.6.3 Apache X Storing very large data objects on a local drive, while still making it...
r-anesrake 0.80 GPL-2 X Provides a comprehensive system for selecting variables and weighting...
r-anfis 0.99.1 GPL X The package implements ANFIS Type 3 Takagi and Sugeno's fuzzy...
r-anmc 0.2.5 GPL-3 XXX Computationally efficient method to estimate orthant probabilities of...
r-anndata MIT X A 'reticulate' wrapper for the Python package...
r-annotlists 1.2 GPL X Annotate multiple lists from a specific annotation file.
r-anocva 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides ANOCVA (ANalysis Of Cluster VAriability), a non-parametric...
r-anoint 1.4 GPL X The tools in this package are intended to help researchers assess...
r-anomalize 0.3.0 GPL-3 X The 'anomalize' package enables a "tidy" workflow for...
r-anomalydetection 1.0 Apache XXX A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series.
r-anovareplication 1.1.5 GPL-3 X Allows for the computation of a prior predictive p-value to test...
r-antareseditobject 0.6.0 GPL-2 X Edit an 'Antares' simulation before running it : create new...
r-antaresprocessing 0.18.1 GPL-2 X Process results generated by 'Antares', a powerful open source...
r-antaresread 2.6.0 GPL-2 X Import, manipulate and explore results generated by 'Antares',...
r-anticlust 0.8.1 MIT X The method of anticlustering partitions a pool of elements into groups...
r-antiword 1.3.1 GPL-2 XXX Wraps the 'AntiWord' utility to extract text from Microsoft...
r-anylib 1.0.5 CC X Made to make your life simpler with packages, by installing and loading...
r-anytime 0.3.9 GPL-2 XXX Convert input in any one of character, integer, numeric, factor, or...
r-aod 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Provides a set of functions to analyse overdispersed counts or...
r-aods3 0.4_1.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions to analyse overdispersed counts or proportions. ...
r-aoos 0.5.0 MIT X Another implementation of object-orientation in R. It provides...
r-aoptbdtvc 0.0.2 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to construct A-optimal block designs for...
r-aorsf 0.1.1 MIT X Fit, interpret, and make predictions with oblique random survival...
r-apa 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Formatter functions in the 'apa' package take the return value...
r-apachelogprocessor 0.2.3 LGPL-3 X Provides capabilities to process Apache HTTPD Log files.The main...
r-apatables 2.0.8 MIT X A common task faced by researchers is the creation of APA style (i.e.,...
r-apc 2.0.0 GPL-3 X Functions for age-period-cohort analysis. Aggregate data can be...
r-apcanalysis 1.0 GPL-3 X Analysis of data from unreplicated orthogonal experiments such as...
r-apcf 0.3.0 GPL-3 XX The adapted pair correlation function transfers the concept of the pair...
r-apcluster 1.4.11 GPL-2 XXX Implements Affinity Propagation clustering introduced by Frey and Dueck...
r-apdesign 1.0.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of the additive polynomial (AP) design matrix. It...
r-ape 5.7_1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for reading, writing, plotting, and manipulating phylogenetic...
r-apercu 0.2.4 CC X The goal is to print an "aperçu", a short view of a vector, a...
r-apfr 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Implements a multiple testing approach to the choice of a threshold...
r-aplore3 0.9 GPL-3 X An unofficial companion to "Applied Logistic Regression" by...
r-aplot 0.2.2 Artistic-2.0 X For many times, we are not just aligning plots as what...
r-aplpack 1.3.5 GPL-2 X Some functions for drawing some special plots: The function...
r-apml0 0.10 GPL-2 XXX Fit linear, logistic and Cox models regularized with L0, lasso (L1),...
r-apng 1.1 GPL-3 X Convert several png files into an animated png file. This package...
r-apollo 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Choice models are a widely used technique across numerous scientific...
r-appestimation 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Calculating predictive model performance measures adjusted for...
r-apple 0.3 GPL-2 XXX Approximate Path for Penalized Likelihood Estimators for Generalized...
r-appliedpredictivemodeling 1.1_7 GPL-2 X A few functions and several data set for the Springer book 'Applied...
r-appnn 1.0_0 GPL-3 X Amyloid propensity prediction neural network (APPNN) is an...
r-approximator 1.2_8 GPL-2 X Performs Bayesian prediction of complex computer codes when fast...
r-approxmatch 2.0 MIT X Tools for constructing a matched design with multiple comparison...
r-aprean3 1.0.1 GPL-3 X An unofficial companion to the textbook "Applied Regression...
r-aprof 0.4.1 GPL-2 X Assists the evaluation of whether and where to focus code optimization,...
r-apsimbatch GPL-3 X Run APSIM in Batch mode
r-apsimx 2.3.1 GPL-3 X The functions in this package inspect, read, edit and run files for...
r-apsrtable 0.8_8 GPL X Formats latex tables from one or more model objects side-by-side with...
r-aptools 6.8.8 LGPL-3 X We provide tools to estimate two prediction accuracy metrics, the...
r-apyramid 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Provides a quick method for visualizing non-aggregated line-list or...
r-aqp 2.0.1 GPL-3 X The Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology (AQP) project was started in...
r-aqr 0.4 GPL XXX This R extension provides methods to use a standalone ActiveQuant...
r-ar 1.1 LGPL-3 X In mathematics, 'rejection sampling' is a basic technique used...
r-arabicstemr 1.3 GPL-2 X Allows users to stem Arabic texts for text analysis.
r-ararredux 1.0 GPL-2 X Processes noble gas mass spectrometer data to determine the isotopic...
r-arc 1.4 GPL-3 X Implements the Classification-based on Association Rules (CBA)...
r-archdata 1.2_1 GPL-2 X The archdata package provides several types of data that are typically...
r-archive 1.1.6 MIT X Bindings to 'libarchive' <http://www.libarchive.org> the...
r-arco 0.3_1 MIT X Set of functions to analyse and estimate Artificial Counterfactual...
r-ardec 2.1_1 GPL-2 X Autoregressive-based decomposition of a time series based on the...
r-ardl 0.2.4 GPL-3 X Creates complex autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models and...
r-areal 0.1.8 GPL-3 X A pipeable, transparent implementation of areal weighted interpolation...
r-areaplot 2.0.0 GPL-3 X Plot stacked areas and confidence bands as filled polygons, or add...
r-arf3ds4 2.5_10 GPL-2 XXX Activated Region Fitting (ARF) is an analysis method for fMRI data.
r-arfima 1.8_1 MIT X Simulates, fits, and predicts long-memory and anti-persistent time...
r-argo 3.0.2 GPL-2 X Augmented Regression with General Online data (ARGO) for accurate...
r-argon2 0.4_0 BSD_2_clause XXX Utilities for secure password hashing via the argon2 algorithm. It is a...
r-argondash 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Create awesome 'Bootstrap 4' dashboards powered by...
r-argonr 0.2.0 GPL-2 X R wrapper around the argon HTML library. More at...
r-argosfilter 0.70 GPL-2 X Filters animal satellite tracking data obtained from the Argos...
r-argparse 2.2.2 GPL-2 XXXX A command line parser to be used with 'Rscript' to write...
r-argparser 0.7.1 GPL-3 X Cross-platform command-line argument parser written purely in R with no...
r-argumentcheck 0.10.2 GPL-3 X The typical process of checking arguments in functions is iterative. ...
r-arht 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Perform the Adaptable Regularized Hotelling's T^2 test (ARHT)...
r-aricode 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Implements an efficient O(n) algorithm based on bucket-sorting for fast...
r-arkhe 1.3.0 GPL-3 X A dependency-free collection of simple functions for cleaning...
r-arm 1.13_1 GPL X Functions to accompany A. Gelman and J. Hill, Data Analysis Using...
r-armspp 0.0.2 MIT XXX An efficient 'Rcpp' implementation of the Adaptive Rejection...
r-arnie 0.1.2 CC X Arnold Schwarzenegger movie weekend box office records from 1982-2014
r-arpobservation 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Tools for simulating data generated by direct observation recording....
r-arpr 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Provides convenience functions for programming with 'magrittr'...
r-arpsdca 1.1.1 LGPL-2.1 X Functions for Arps decline-curve analysis on oil and gas data. Includes...
r-arrangements 1.1.9 MIT XXX Fast generators and iterators for permutations, combinations, integer...
r-arrapply 2.2 GPL-2 XXX High performance variant of apply() for a fixed set of functions....
r-arrayhelpers 1.1_0 GPL-3 X Some convenient functions to work with arrays.
r-arrow Apache X 'Apache' 'Arrow' <https://arrow.apache.org/> is a...
r-ars 0.6 GPL-2 XXX Adaptive Rejection Sampling, Original version.
r-arsenal 3.6.3 GPL-2 X An Arsenal of 'R' functions for large-scale statistical...
r-artiva 1.2.3 GPL X Reversible Jump MCMC (RJ-MCMC)sampling for approximating the posterior ...
r-artool 0.11.1 GPL-2 X The aligned rank transform for nonparametric factorial ANOVAs as...
r-artp 2.0.5 GPL-2 XXX For calculating gene and pathway p-values using the Adaptive Rank...
r-artp2 0.9.45 GPL-2 XXX Pathway and gene level association test using raw data or summary statistics.
r-arules 1.7_6 GPL-3 XXX Provides the infrastructure for representing, manipulating and...
r-arulescba 1.2.5 GPL-3 XXX Provides the infrastructure for association rule-based classification...
r-arulesnbminer 0.1_8 GPL-2 X NBMiner is an implementation of the model-based mining algorithm for...
r-arulessequences 0.2_30 GPL-2 XXX Add-on for arules to handle and mine frequent sequences. Provides...
r-arulesviz 1.5_2 GPL-3 X Extends package 'arules' with various visualization techniques...
r-arxiv 0.6 MIT X An interface to the API for 'arXiv', a repository of electronic...
r-asaur 0.50 CC0 X Data sets are referred to in the text "Applied Survival Analysis...
r-ascii 2.4 GPL-2 X Coerce R object to 'asciidoc', 'txt2tags',...
r-asciiruler 0.2 GPL-3 X An ASCII ruler is for measuring text and is especially useful for...
r-asd 2.2 GPL-3 X Package runs simulations for adaptive seamless designs with and without...
r-asdreader 0.1_3 GPL-3 X A simple driver that reads binary data created by the ASD Inc. portable...
r-asgs.foyer 0.3.1 MPL X The Australian Statistical Geography Standard ('ASGS') is a set...
r-ash 1.0_15 GPL XXX David Scott's ASH routines ported from S-PLUS to R.
r-ashr 2.2_63 GPL-3 X The R package 'ashr' implements an Empirical Bayes approach for...
r-asht 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Gives some hypothesis test functions (sign test, median and other...
r-asioheaders 1.22.1_2 BSL-1.0 X 'Asio' is a cross-platform C++ library for network and...
r-askpass 1.2.0 MIT XXX Cross-platform utilities for prompting the user for credentials or a...
r-asnipe 1.1.17 GPL-2 X Implements several tools that are used in animal social network...
r-aspbay 1.2 GPL-2 XXX This package allows to make inference on the properties of causal...
r-aspc 0.1.2 GPL-3 X The aSPC test is designed to test global association between two groups...
r-aspect 1.0_6 GPL-2 XXX Contains various functions for optimal scaling. One function performs...
r-aspi 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Tools for the analysis and visualization of bilateral asymmetry in...
r-asremlplus 4.4.15 MIT X Assists in automating the selection of terms to include in mixed models...
r-assa 2.0 GPL-3 XXX Functions to model and decompose time series into principal components...
r-assertable 0.2.8 GPL-3 X Simple, flexible, assertions on data.frame or data.table objects with...
r-assertive 0.3_6 GPL-3 X Lots of predicates (is_* functions) to check the state of your...
r-assertive.base 0.0_9 GPL-3 X A minimal set of predicates and assertions used by the assertive...
r-assertive.code 0.0_4 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of code....
r-assertive.data 0.0_3 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.data.uk 0.0_2 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.data.us 0.0_2 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.datetimes 0.0_3 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of dates...
r-assertive.files 0.0_2 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of files...
r-assertive.matrices 0.0_2 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.models 0.0_2 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.numbers 0.0_2 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.properties 0.0_5 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.reflection 0.0_5 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the state and...
r-assertive.sets 0.0_3 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of sets....
r-assertive.strings 0.0_3 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of...
r-assertive.types 0.0_3 GPL-3 X A set of predicates and assertions for checking the types of variables....
r-assertr 3.0.0 MIT X Provides functionality to assert conditions that have to be met so that...
r-assertthat 0.2.1 GPL-3 XXXX An extension to stopifnot() that makes it easy to declare the pre and...
r-assetcorr 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Functions for the estimation of intra- and inter-cohort correlations in...
r-assist 3.1.9 GPL-2 XXX Fit various smoothing spline models. Includes an ssr() function for...
r-assocafc 1.0.2 GPL-3 X When doing association analysis one does not always have the genotypes...
r-assocind 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements several new association indices that can control for various...
r-assortnet 0.20 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate the assortment of vertices in social networks. ...
r-assotester 0.1_10 GPL-3 XXX R package with statistical tests and methods for genetic association...
r-ast 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Fits a model to adjust and consider additional variations in three...
r-aster2 0.3 GPL-2 XXX Aster models are exponential family regression models for life history...
r-astrodatr 0.1 GPL-3 X A collection of 19 datasets from contemporary astronomical research. ...
r-astrofns 4.2_1 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous astronomy functions, utilities, and data.
r-astrolibr 0.1 GPL X Several dozen low-level utilities and codes from the Interactive Data...
r-astsa 2.0 GPL-3 X Contains data sets and scripts for analyzing time series in both the...
r-asyk 1.5.5 GPL-2 X A collection of functions related to density estimation by using...
r-asymld 0.1 GPL-2 X Computes asymmetric LD measures (ALD) for multi-allelic genetic data....
r-asymptest 0.1.4 GPL-2 X One and two sample mean and variance tests (differences and ratios) are...
r-asynchlong 2.2 GPL-2 X Estimation of regression models for sparse asynchronous longitudinal...
r-asypow 2015.6.25 ACM X A set of routines written in the S language that calculate power and...
r-ate 0.2.0 GPL X Nonparametric estimation and inference for average treatment effects...
r-atlas 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Stanford 'ATLAS' (Advanced Temporal Search Engine) is a...
r-atmcmc 1.0 GPL X Uses adaptive diagnostics to tune and run a random walk Metropolis MCMC...
r-atmray 1.31 GPL XXX Calculates acoustic traveltimes and ray paths in 1-D, linear...
r-atr 0.1_1 GPL-2 X Plot party trees in left-right orientation instead of the classical...
r-atsa 3.1.2 GPL-2 X Contains some tools for testing, analyzing time series data and fitting...
r-atsd 1.2.0 Apache X Provides functions for retrieving time-series and related meta-data...
r-attachment 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Manage dependencies during package development. This can retrieve all...
r-attempt 0.3.1 MIT X Tools for defensive programming, inspired by 'purrr' mappers...
r-attrcusum 0.1.0 GPL XXX An implementation of tools for design of attribute variable sampling...
r-atus 0.2 GPL X Abridged data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) for years...
r-auc 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Various functions to compute the area under the curve of selected...
r-aucrf 1.1 GPL X Variable selection using Random Forest based on optimizing the...
r-audio 0.1_11 MIT XXX Interfaces to audio devices (mainly sample-based) from R to allow...
r-audit 0.1_2 MIT X Find an upper bound for the total amount of overstatement of assets in...
r-auditor 1.3.5 GPL-3 X Provides an easy to use unified interface for creating validation plots...
r-augmentedrcbd 0.1.7 GPL-2 X Functions for analysis of data generated from experiments in augmented...
r-auth0 0.2.3 MIT X Uses Auth0 API (see <https://auth0.com> for more information) to...
r-auto.pca 0.3 GPL-2 X PCA done by eigenvalue decomposition of a data correlation matrix, here...
r-autocogs 0.1.4 MIT X Automatically calculates cognostic groups for plot objects and list...
r-autodeskr 0.1.3 Apache X An interface to the 'AutoDesk' 'API' Platform including...
r-autoencoder 1.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of the sparse autoencoder in R environment, following...
r-automap 1.1_9 GPL-3 X An automatic interpolation is done by automatically estimating the...
r-automl 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Fits from simple regression to highly customizable deep neural networks...
r-automultinomial 2.0.0 GPL-2 X Fits the autologistic model described in Besag's famous 1974 paper...
r-autopls 1.3 GPL-2 X Some convenience functions for pls regression, including backward ...
r-autoreg 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Make summary tables for descriptive statistics and select explanatory...
r-autoregressionmde 1.0 GPL-2 X Consider autoregressive model of order p where the distribution...
r-autoshiny 0.0.3 GPL-2 X Static code compilation of a 'shiny' app given an R function...
r-autostsm 3.1.2 GPL-2 X Automatic model selection for structural time series decomposition into...
r-autothresholdr 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Algorithms for automatically finding appropriate thresholds for...
r-autovarcore 1.0_4 MIT XXX Automatically find the best vector autoregression models and networks...
r-av 0.8.6 MIT XX Bindings to 'FFmpeg' <http://www.ffmpeg.org/> AV library...
r-averisk 1.0.3 CC0 X Average population attributable fractions are calculated for a set of...
r-aweek 1.0.3 MIT X Which day a week starts depends heavily on the either the local or...
r-awr 1.11.189_1 AGPL-3 X Make the compiled Java modules of the Amazon Web Services...
r-awr.athena 2.0.7_0 AGPL-3 X 'RJDBC' based 'DBI' driver to Amazon Athena, which is...
r-awr.kms 0.1 AGPL-3 X Encrypt plain text and 'decrypt' cipher text using encryption...
r-aws 2.5_3 GPL-2 XXX We provide a collection of R-functions implementing adaptive smoothing...
r-aws.cloudtrail 0.1.5 GPL-2 X A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services ('AWS')...
r-aws.comprehend 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Client for 'AWS Comprehend'...
r-aws.ec2metadata 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Retrieve Amazon EC2 instance metadata from within the running instance.
r-aws.iam 0.1.8 GPL-2 X A simple client for the Amazon Web Services ('AWS') Identity...
r-aws.kms 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Client package for the 'AWS Key Management Service'...
r-aws.lambda 0.2.0 GPL-3 X A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services ('AWS')...
r-aws.s3 0.3.21 GPL-2 X A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services ('AWS')...
r-aws.ses 0.1.4 GPL X A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Email...
r-aws.signature 0.6.0 GPL-2 X Generates version 2 and version 4 request signatures for Amazon Web...
r-aws.sns 0.1.7 GPL X A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services ('AWS')...
r-aws.sqs 0.1.10 GPL X A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services ('AWS')...
r-aws.transcribe 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Client for 'AWS Transcribe'...
r-aws.translate 0.1.4 GPL-2 X A client for 'AWS Translate'...
r-awsjavasdk 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Provides boilerplate access to all of the classes included in the ...
r-awsmethods 1.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Defines the method extract and provides 'openMP' support as...
r-azureauth 1.3.3 MIT X Provides Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication functionality for...
r-azurecontainers 1.3.2 MIT X An interface to container functionality in Microsoft's...
r-azuregraph 1.3.4 MIT X A simple interface to the 'Microsoft Graph' API...
r-azurekeyvault 1.0.5 MIT X Manage keys, certificates, secrets, and storage accounts in...
r-azurekusto 1.1.3 MIT X An interface to 'Azure Data Explorer', also known as...
r-azuremlsdk 1.10.0 MIT X Interface to the 'Azure Machine Learning' Software Development...
r-azurermr 2.4.4 MIT X A lightweight but powerful R interface to the 'Azure Resource...
r-azurestor 3.7.0 MIT X Manage storage in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud:...
r-azurevmmetadata 1.0.1 MIT X A simple interface to the instance metadata for a virtual machine...
r-b2z 1.4 GPL-2 X This package fits the Bayesian two-Zone Models.
r-b6e6rl 1.1 GPL-2 X This package contains b6e6rl algorithm, adaptive differential evolution...
r-babar 1.0 GPL-2 X Babar is designed to use nested sampling (a Bayesian analysis...
r-babelgene 22.9 MIT X Genomic analysis of model organisms frequently requires the use of...
r-babelwhale 1.2.0 MIT X Provides a unified interface to interact with 'docker' and...
r-babynames 1.0.1 CC0 X US baby names provided by the SSA. This package contains all names used...
r-backpipe 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Provides a backward-pipe operator for 'magrittr' (%<%) or...
r-backports 1.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions introduced or changed since R v3.0.0 are re-implemented in...
r-backtest 0.3_4 GPL-2 X The backtest package provides facilities for exploring portfolio-based...
r-bacprior 2.1.1 GPL-2 X The Bayesian Adjustment for Confounding (BAC) algorithm (Wang et al.,...
r-badgecreatr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Tired of copy and pasting almost identical markdown for badges in every...
r-badger 0.2.3 Artistic-2.0 X Query information and generate badge for using in README and GitHub Pages.
r-baessd 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements sample size calculations following the approach described in...
r-bagrboostr 0.0.2 MIT X bagRboostR is a set of ensemble classifiers for multinomial...
r-bain 0.2.10 GPL-3 XXX Computes approximated adjusted fractional Bayes factors for equality,...
r-bairt 0.1.2 GPL X Bayesian estimation of the two and three parameter models of item...
r-balancecheck 0.2 GPL-2 X Two practical tests are provided for assessing whether multiple...
r-bamlss 1.2_2 GPL-2 X Infrastructure for estimating probabilistic distributional regression...
r-bammtools 2.1.10 GPL-2 XXX Provides functions for analyzing and visualizing complex...
r-bamp 2.1.3 GPL-3 XXX Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort Modeling and Prediction using efficient...
r-bang 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the Bayesian analysis of some simple...
r-bannercommenter 1.0.0 GPL-2 X A convenience package for use while drafting code. It facilitates...
r-banxicor 0.9.0 CC0 X Provides functions to scrape IQY calls to Bank of Mexico, downloading...
r-baprestopro 0.1 GPL X Bayesian estimation and prediction for stochastic processes based on...
r-barborgradient 1.0.5 GPL-3 X Tool to find where a function has its lowest value(minimum). The...
r-barcode 1.3.0 GPL-2 X The function \code{barcode()} produces a histogram-like plot of a...
r-barcodingr 1.0_3 GPL-2 X To perform species identification using DNA barcodes.
r-barnard 1.8 GPL-2 XXX Barnard's unconditional test for 2x2 contingency tables.
r-barsurf 0.3.1 GPL X Produces heat maps, contour plots, bar plots (in 3D) and surface plots...
r-bart 2.9.4 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) provide flexible...
r-bartmachine GPL-3 X An advanced implementation of Bayesian Additive Regression Trees with...
r-bartmachinejars 1.2.1 GPL-3 X These are bartMachine's Java dependency libraries. Note: this...
r-barycenter 1.3.1 GPL-2 XXX Computations of entropy regularized Wasserstein Distances, a.k.a....
r-bas 1.6.4 GPL-3 XXX Package for Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging in linear...
r-base 4.3.1 GPL-2.0 XXX R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
r-base.rms 1.0 GPL-3 X We perform linear, logistic, and cox regression using the base...
r-base64 2.0.1 MIT X Compatibility wrapper to replace the orphaned package. New applications...
r-base64enc 0.1_3 GPL-2 XXX This package provides tools for handling base64 encoding. It is more...
r-base64url 1.4 GPL-3 XXX In contrast to RFC3548, the 62nd character ("+") is replaced...
r-basedosdados 0.2.2 MIT X An R interface to the 'Base dos Dados' API...
r-basefun 1.1_4 GPL-2 X Some very simple infrastructure for basis functions.
r-baseline 1.3_4 GPL-2 X Collection of baseline correction algorithms, along with a framework...
r-basetheme 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Functions to create and select graphical themes for the base plotting...
r-basicmcmcplots 0.2.7 GPL-3 X Provides methods for examining posterior MCMC samples from a single...
r-basicspace 0.24 GPL-2 XXX Conducts Aldrich-McKelvey and Blackbox Scaling (Poole et al 2016)...
r-basix 1.1 GPL-2 XXX BASIX provides some efficient C/C++ implementations to speed up...
r-bass 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXXX Bayesian fitting and sensitivity analysis methods for adaptive spline...
r-bat 2.9.4 GPL-3 X Includes algorithms to assess alpha and beta diversity in all their...
r-batch 1.1_5 GPL-3 X Functions to allow you to easily pass command-line arguments into R,...
r-batchgetsymbols 2.6.4 GPL-2 X Makes it easy to download financial data from Yahoo Finance...
r-batchjobs 1.9 BSD_2_clause X Provides Map, Reduce and Filter variants to generate jobs on batch...
r-batchmeans 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Provides consistent batch means estimation of Monte Carlo standard errors.
r-batchscr 0.1.0 MIT X Handy frameworks, such as error handling and log generation, for batch...
r-batchtools 0.9.17 LGPL-3 X As a successor of the packages 'BatchJobs' and...
r-batman 0.1.0 MIT XXX Survey systems and other third-party data sources commonly use...
r-bayesbio 1.0.0 GPL-3 X A hodgepodge of hopefully helpful functions. Two of these perform...
r-bayescombo 1.0 GPL-3 X Combine diverse evidence across multiple studies to test a high level...
r-bayescomm 0.1_2 GPL XXX Bayesian multivariate binary (probit) regression models for analysis of...
r-bayesda 2012.04_1 GPL-2 X Functions for Bayesian Data Analysis, with datasets from the book...
r-bayesdccgarch 3.0.4 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian estimation of dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model for...
r-bayesdfa 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Implements Bayesian dynamic factor analysis with 'Stan'....
r-bayesdistreg 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Implements Bayesian Distribution Regression methods. This package...
r-bayesfactor 0.9.12_4.5 GPL-2 X A suite of functions for computing various Bayes factors for simple...
r-bayesfm 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Collection of procedures to perform Bayesian analysis on a variety of...
r-bayesgarch 2.1.10 GPL-2 XXX Provides the bayesGARCH() function which performs the Bayesian...
r-bayesianetas 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX The Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model is one of the...
r-bayesianpower 0.2.3 LGPL-3 X A collection of methods to determine the required sample size for the...
r-bayesiantools 0.1.8 GPL-3 X General-purpose MCMC and SMC samplers, as well as plot and diagnostic...
r-bayesimages 0.6_1 GPL-2 XXX Various algorithms for segmentation of 2D and 3D images, such as...
r-bayeslife 5.2_0 GPL-3 X Making probabilistic projections of life expectancy for all countries...
r-bayeslogit 2.1 GPL-3 X Tools for sampling from the PolyaGamma distribution based on Polson,...
r-bayesloglin 1.0.1 GPL XXX The function MC3() searches for log-linear models with the highest...
r-bayesm 3.1_6 GPL-2 XXX Covers many important models used in marketing and micro-econometrics...
r-bayesmallows 1.4.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Bayesian version of the Mallows rank model...
r-bayesmams 0.1 GPL X Calculating Bayesian sample sizes for multi-arm trials where several...
r-bayesmixsurv 0.9.1 GPL-2 X Bayesian Mixture Survival Models using Additive Mixture-of-Weibull...
r-bayesni 0.1 GPL-2 X A Bayesian testing procedure for noninferiority trials with binary...
r-bayespiecehazselect 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Fits a piecewise exponential hazard to survival data using a...
r-bayespiecewiseicar 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Fits a piecewise exponential hazard to survival data using a...
r-bayesplot 1.10.0 GPL-3 X Plotting functions for posterior analysis, MCMC diagnostics, prior and...
r-bayesqr 2.4 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian quantile regression using the asymmetric Laplace distribution,...
r-bayesrules 0.0.2 GPL-3 X Provides datasets and functions used for analysis and visualizations in...
r-bayess 1.5 GPL-2 X Allows the reenactment of the R programs used in the book Bayesian...
r-bayessae 1.0_2 GPL-2 XXX Provides a variety of methods from Rao (2003, ISBN:0-471-41374-7) and...
r-bayest 1.4 GPL-3 X Provides an Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo algorithm for Bayesian t-tests on...
r-bayestestr 0.13.1 GPL-3 X Provides utilities to describe posterior distributions and Bayesian...
r-bayestfr 7.4_2 GPL-3 X Making probabilistic projections of total fertility rate for all...
r-bayestools 0.2.16 GPL-3 X Provides tools for conducting Bayesian analyses and Bayesian model...
r-bayestree 0.3_1.4 GPL XXX This is an implementation of BART:Bayesian Additive Regression Trees,...
r-bayestreeprior 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Provides a way to simulate from the prior distribution of Bayesian...
r-bayesvalidate 0.0 GPL X BayesValidate implements the software validation method described in...
r-bayesvarsel 2.2.5 GPL-2 XXX Bayes factors and posterior probabilities in Linear models, aimed at...
r-bayesx 0.3_3 GPL-2 X Functions for exploring and visualising estimation results obtained...
r-bayesxsrc 3.0_4 GPL-2 XXX 'BayesX' performs Bayesian inference in structured additive...
r-bayfoxr 0.0.1 GPL-3 X A Bayesian, global planktic foraminifera core top calibration to modern...
r-bayhap 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX The package BayHap performs simultaneous estimation of uncertain...
r-bayhaz 0.1_3 GPL X A suite of R functions for Bayesian estimation of smooth hazard rates...
r-bayloredpsych 0.5 GPL X Functions and data used for Baylor University Educational Psychology...
r-baystar 0.2_10 GPL-2 X Fit two-regime threshold autoregressive (TAR) models by Markov chain...
r-bazar 1.0.11 GPL-3 X A collection of miscellaneous functions for copying objects to the...
r-bb 2019.10_1 GPL-3 X Barzilai-Borwein spectral methods for solving nonlinear system of...
r-bbefkr 4.2 GPL X Estimating optimal bandwidths for the regression mean function...
r-bbemkr 2.0 GPL X Bayesian bandwidth estimation for Nadaraya-Watson type multivariate...
r-bbl 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Supervised learning using Boltzmann Bayes model inference, which...
r-bbmisc 1.13 BSD_2_clause XXX Miscellaneous helper functions for and from B. Bischl and some other...
r-bbmle 1.0.25 GPL-3 X Methods and functions for fitting maximum likelihood models in R. This...
r-bbmm 3.0 GNU X The model provides an empirical estimate of a movement path using...
r-bbmv 2.1 GPL-2 X Provides a set of functions to fit general macroevolutionary models for...
r-bbo 0.2 GPL X This package provides an R implementation of Biogeography-Based...
r-bbotk 0.7.2 LGPL-3 X Features highly configurable search spaces via the 'paradox'...
r-bcaboot 0.2_3 GPL-2 X Computation of bootstrap confidence intervals in an almost automatic...
r-bcbcsf 1.0_1 GPL-2 XXX Fully Bayesian Classification with a subset of high-dimensional...
r-bcc1997 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Calculates the prices of European options based on the universal...
r-bcdating 0.9.8 GPL-2 X Tools for Dating Business Cycles using Harding-Pagan (Quarterly...
r-bcee 1.3.2 GPL-2 X A Bayesian model averaging approach to causal effect estimation based...
r-bcf 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXX Causal inference for a binary treatment and continuous outcome using...
r-bcgee 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides bias-corrected estimates for the regression coefficients of a...
r-bchron 4.7.6 GPL-2 X Enables quick calibration of radiocarbon dates under various...
r-bclust 1.5 GPL XXX Builds a dendrogram using log posterior as a natural distance defined...
r-bcp 4.0.3 GPL XXX Provides an implementation of the Barry and Hartigan (1993) product...
r-bcpa 1.3.2 Unlimited XXX The Behavioral Change Point Analysis (BCPA) is a method of identifying...
r-bcpmeta 1.0 GPL X A Bayesian approach to detect mean shifts in AR(1) time series while...
r-bcra 2.1.2 GPL-2 X Functions provide risk projections of invasive breast cancer based on...
r-bcrypt 1.1 BSD_2_clause XXX Bindings to the 'blowfish' password hashing algorithm derived...
r-bcv 1.0.2 BSD_3_clause XXX Methods for choosing the rank of an SVD (singular value decomposition)...
r-bda 17.1.2 Unlimited XXX Algorithms developed for binned data analysis, gene expression data...
r-bde GPL-2 X A collection of S4 classes which implements different methods to...
r-bdgraph 2.72 GPL-2 XXX Statistical tools for Bayesian structure learning in undirected...
r-bdots 1.2.5 GPL-3 X Analyze differences among time series curves with p-value adjustment...
r-bdp2 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Tools and workflow to choose design parameters in Bayesian adaptive...
r-bdpv 1.3 GPL-2 X Computation of asymptotic confidence intervals for negative and...
r-bdsmatrix 1.3_6 LGPL-2 XXX This is a special case of sparse matrices, used by coxme.
r-beanplot 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Plots univariate comparison graphs, an alternative to...
r-beast 1.1 GPL-2 X Assume that a temporal process is composed of contiguous segments with...
r-beastjar 1.10.6 Apache X Provides JAR to perform Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference using...
r-bedmatrix 2.0.3 MIT XXX A matrix-like data structure that allows for efficient, convenient, and...
r-bedr 1.0.7 GPL-2 X Genomic regions processing using open-source command line tools such as...
r-beepr 1.3 GPL-3 X The main function of this package is beep(), with the purpose to make...
r-beeswarm 0.4.0 Artistic-2.0 XX The bee swarm plot is a one-dimensional scatter plot like...
r-beginr 0.1.7 MIT X Useful functions for R beginners, including hints for the arguments of...
r-behavr 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Implements an S3 class based on 'data.table' to store and...
r-bekks 1.4.3 MIT X Methods and tools for estimating, simulating and forecasting of...
r-belex 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Tools for downloading historical financial data from the www.belex.rs.
r-belg 1.5.3 MIT XXX Calculates the Boltzmann entropy of a landscape gradient. This package...
r-bench 1.1.3 MIT X Tools to accurately benchmark and analyze execution times for R expressions.
r-benchden 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Full implementation of the 28 distributions introduced as benchmarks...
r-benchmarking 0.31 GPL-2 X Methods for frontier analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), under...
r-benchmarkme 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Benchmark your CPU and compare against other CPUs. Also provides...
r-benchmarkmedata 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Crowd sourced benchmarks from running the 'benchmarkme' package.
r-benchr 0.2.5 GPL-2 XXX Provides infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution...
r-bender 0.1.1 MIT X R client for Bender Hyperparameters optimizer :...
r-benford.analysis 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Provides tools that make it easier to validate data using Benford's Law.
r-benfordtests 1.2.0 GPL-3 XXX Several specialized statistical tests and support functions for...
r-bentcablear 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Included are two main interfaces, bentcable.ar() and...
r-beqi2 2.0_0 GPL X Tool for analysing benthos data. It estimates several quality indices...
r-ber 4.0 GPL-2 X The functions in this package remove batch effects from microarrary...
r-bergm 5.0.6 GPL-2 X Bayesian analysis for exponential random graph models using advanced...
r-berryfunctions 1.22.0 GPL-2 X Draw horizontal histograms, color scattered points by 3rd dimension,...
r-bess 2.0.3 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of best subset selection in generalized linear model...
r-bessel 0.6_0 GPL-2 X Computations for Bessel function for complex, real and partly...
r-bestglm 0.37.3 GPL-2 XXX Best subset glm using information criteria or cross-validation, carried...
r-bestnormalize 1.9.1 GPL-3 X Estimate a suite of normalizing transformations, including a new...
r-bestree 0.5.2 MIT X Decision tree algorithm with a major feature added. Allows for users to...
r-betabit 2.2 GPL-2 X Three games: proton, frequon and regression. Each one is a...
r-betacal 0.1.0 MIT X Fit beta calibration models and obtain calibrated probabilities from them.
r-betafam 1.0 GPL X To detecting rare variants for quantitative traits using nuclear...
r-betalink 2.2.1 BSD_2_clause X Measures of beta-diversity in networks, and easy visualization of why...
r-betapart 1.6 GPL-2 X Functions to compute pair-wise dissimilarities (distance matrices) and...
r-betareg 3.1_4 GPL-2 X Beta regression for modeling beta-distributed dependent variables,...
r-betategarch 3.3 GPL-2 XXX Simulation, estimation and forecasting of first-order...
r-bethel 0.2 GPL-2 X The sample size according to the Bethel's procedure.
r-bets 0.4.9 GPL-3 X It provides access to and information about the most important...
r-bevimed 5.8 GPL-2 XXX A fast integrative genetic association test for rare diseases based on...
r-beyondbenford 1.4 GPL-2 X Allows to compare the goodness of fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da...
r-bezier 1.1.2 GPL-2 X The bezier package is a toolkit for working with Bezier curves and...
r-bfa 0.4 GPL-3 XXX Provides model fitting for several Bayesian factor models including...
r-bfast 1.6.1 GPL-2 X Decomposition of time series into trend, seasonal, and remainder...
r-bfp 0.0_46 GPL-2 XXX Implements the Bayesian paradigm for fractional polynomial models under...
r-bfpack 1.2.3 GPL-3 X Implementation of default Bayes factors for testing statistical...
r-bfsl 0.2.0 MIT X How to fit a straight line through a set of points with errors in both...
r-bgge 0.6.5 GPL-3 X Application of genome prediction for a continuous variable, focused on...
r-bglr 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Bayesian Generalized Linear Regression.
r-bgmfiles 0.0.6 CC0 X A collection of box-geometry model (BGM) files for the Atlantis...
r-bgphazard 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Computes the hazard rate estimate as described by Nieto-Barajas &...
r-bgsimd 1.0 GPL X Implement an efficient block Gibbs sampler with incomplete data from a...
r-bgw 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Performs statistical estimation and inference-related computations by...
r-bh 1.81.0_1 BSL-1.0 XXXX Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. A...
r-bhat 0.9_12 GPL-2 X Provides functions for Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Markov Chain...
r-bhh2 2016.05.31 GPL-2 X Functions and data sets reproducing some examples in Box, Hunter and...
r-bhm 1.18 GPL-2 X Contains tools to fit both predictive and prognostic biomarker effects...
r-bhsbvar 3.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides a function for estimating the parameters of Structural...
r-biasedurn 2.0.11 GPL-3 XXX Statistical models of biased sampling in the form of univariate and...
r-bib2df 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Parse a BibTeX file to a data.frame to make it accessible for further...
r-bibliometrix 4.1.3 GPL-3 X Tool for quantitative research in scientometrics and bibliometrics. It...
r-bibliometrixdata 0.3.0 MIT X It contains some example datasets used in 'bibliometrix'. The...
r-bibplots 0.0.8 EUPL X Currently, the package provides several functions for plotting and...
r-bibtex 0.5.1 GPL-2 XXXX Utility to parse a bibtex file.
r-biclique 1.0.5 GPL-2 XXX A tool for enumerating maximal complete bipartite graphs. The input...
r-biclust GPL-3 X The main function biclust() provides several algorithms to find...
r-bicorn 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Prior transcription factor binding knowledge and target gene expression...
r-bidimregression 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Calculates the bidimensional regression between two 2D configurations...
r-bien 1.2.6 MIT X Provides Tools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology...
r-bife 0.7.2 GPL-2 XXX Estimates fixed effects binary choice models (logit and probit) with...
r-bifiesurvey 3.4_15 GPL-2 X Contains tools for survey statistics (especially in educational...
r-bigalgebra 1.1.0 LGPL-3 XXX Provides arithmetic functions for R matrix and 'big.matrix'...
r-biganalytics 1.1.21 LGPL-3 XXX Extend the 'bigmemory' package with various analytics....
r-bigassertr 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Enhanced message functions (cat() / message() / warning() / error())...
r-bigd 0.2.0 MIT X Format dates and times flexibly and to whichever locales make sense....
r-bigintegeralgos 0.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Features the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve algorithm for...
r-biglasso 1.5.2 GPL-3 X Extend lasso and elastic-net model fitting for ultra high-dimensional,...
r-bigleaf 0.8.2 GPL-2 X Calculation of physical (e.g. aerodynamic conductance, surface...
r-biglm 0.9_2.1 GPL-3 XXX Regression for data too large to fit in memory.
r-biglmm 0.9_2 GPL-3 XXX Regression for data too large to fit in memory. This package functions...
r-bigmap 2.3.1 GPL-3 XX Unsupervised clustering protocol for large scale structured data, based...
r-bigmemory 4.6.1 LGPL-3 XXX Create, store, access, and manipulate massive matrices. Matrices are...
r-bigmemory.sri 0.1.6 LGPL-3 X A shared resource interface for the bigmemory and synchronicity packages.
r-bigml 0.1.2 LGPL-3 X The 'bigml' package contains bindings for the BigML API. The...
r-bigparallelr 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Utility functions for easy parallelism in R. Include some reexports...
r-bigqueryr 0.5.0 MIT X Interface with 'Google BigQuery', see...
r-bigreadr 0.2.5 GPL-3 XXX Read large text files by splitting them in smaller files. Package...
r-bigreg 0.1.2 GPL-2 XX Allows the user to carry out GLM on very large data sets. Data can be...
r-bigrquery 1.4.2 GPL-3 X Easily talk to Google's 'BigQuery' database from R.
r-bigsnpr 1.12.2 GPL-3 X Easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable tools for analyzing...
r-bigsparser 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Provide a sparse matrix format with data stored on disk, to be used in...
r-bigsplines 1.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Fits smoothing spline regression models using scalable algorithms...
r-bigstatsr 1.5.12 GPL-3 X Easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable statistical tools....
r-bigtabulate 1.1.9 LGPL-3 XXX Extend the bigmemory package with 'table', 'tapply',...
r-bigtcr 1.1 GPL-3 XXX For studying recurrent disease and death with competing risks,...
r-bigtime 0.2.3 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of large Vector AutoRegressive (VAR), Vector AutoRegressive...
r-bigutilsr 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Utility functions for large-scale data. For now, package...
r-bigvar 1.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Estimates VAR and VARX models with Structured Penalties using the...
r-bikeshare14 0.1.4 CC0 X Anonymised Bay Area bike share trip data for the year 2014. Also...
r-bild 1.2_0 GPL-2 XXX Performs logistic regression for binary longitudinal data, allowing for...
r-billboarder 0.4.1 MIT X Provides an 'htmlwidgets' interface to 'billboard.js',...
r-bimetallic 1.0 GPL-2 X A power calculator for Genome-wide association studies (GWAs) with...
r-bimets 3.0.1 GPL-3 X Time series analysis, (dis)aggregation and manipulation, e.g. time...
r-bimixt 1.0 GPL-3 X Estimates non-Gaussian mixture models of case-control data. The four...
r-bimodalindex 1.1.9 Apache X Defines the functions used to compute the bimodal index as defined by...
r-binarize 1.3 Artistic-2.0 XXX Provides methods for the binarization of one-dimensional data and some...
r-binaryemvs 0.1 GPL-3 X Implements variable selection for high dimensional datasets with a...
r-binarylogic 0.3.9 GPL-3 X Provides the binary S3 class. The instance of binary is used to convert...
r-binb 0.0.6 GPL-2 X A collection of 'LaTeX' styles using 'Beamer'...
r-binda 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Implements functions for multi-class discriminant analysis using binary...
r-bindata 0.9_20 GPL-2 X Generation of correlated artificial binary data.
r-bindr 0.1.1 MIT XXXX Provides a simple interface for creating active bindings where the...
r-bindrcpp 0.2.2 MIT XXX Provides an easy way to fill an environment with active bindings that...
r-binford 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Binford's hunter-gatherer data includes more than 200 variables...
r-bingroup 2.2_1 GPL-3 X Methods for estimation and hypothesis testing of proportions in group...
r-binhf 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Binomial Haar-Fisz transforms for Gaussianization as in Nunes and Nason (2009).
r-binman 0.1.3 MIT X Tools and functions for managing the download of binary files. Binary...
r-binmto 0.0_7 GPL-2 X Asymptotic simultaneous confidence intervals for comparison of many...
r-binnonnor 1.5.3 GPL-2 X Generation of multiple binary and continuous non-normal variables...
r-binnor 2.3.3 GPL-2 X Generating multiple binary and normal variables simultaneously given...
r-binom 1.1_1.1 GPL-3 XXX Constructs confidence intervals on the probability of success in a...
r-binomialcftp 1.0 GPL-2 X Binomial random numbers are generated via the perfect sampling...
r-binomlogit 1.2 GPL-3 X The R package contains different MCMC schemes to estimate the...
r-binomsamsize 0.1_5 GPL-3 XXX A suite of functions to compute confidence intervals and necessary...
r-binostics 0.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Calculates graph theoretic scagnostics. Scagnostics describe various...
r-binr 1.1.1 Apache X Implementation of algorithms for cutting numerical values exhibiting a...
r-binsegrcpp 2023.8.31 GPL-3 X Standard template library containers are used to implement an efficient...
r-binseqtest 1.0.4 GPL-3 X For a series of binary responses, create stopping boundary with exact...
r-binsreg 1.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools for statistical analysis using the binscatter methods...
r-binst 0.2.1 MIT X Various supervised and unsupervised binning tools including using...
r-bio.infer 1.3_6 GPL-2 X Imports benthic count data, reformats this data, and computes...
r-bio3d 2.4_4 GPL-2 XXX Utilities to process, organize and explore protein structure, sequence...
r-bioacoustics 0.2.8 GPL-3 X Contains all the necessary tools to process audio recordings of various...
r-biocircos 0.3.4 GPL-2 X Implement in 'R' interactive Circos-like visualizations of...
r-biocmanager 1.30.22 Artistic-2.0 X A convenient tool to install and update Bioconductor packages.
r-biodem 0.5 GPL-2 X The Biodem package provides a number of functions for Biodemographic analysis.
r-biodiversityr 2.15_4 GPL-3 X Graphical User Interface (via the R-Commander) and utility functions...
r-biodry 0.9 GPL-3 X Multilevel ecological data series (MEDS) are sequences of observations...
r-bioftf 1.2_0 GPL-2 X The main drawback of the most common biodiversity indices is that...
r-biogas 1.23.2 GPL-2 X High- and low-level functions for processing biogas data and predicting...
r-biom.utils 0.9 BSD_2_clause X Provides utilities to facilitate import, export and computation with...
r-biomod2 4.2_4 GPL-3 X Functions for species distribution modeling, calibration and...
r-bionetdata 1.1 GPL-2 X Data Package that includes several examples of chemical and biological...
r-biopn 1.2.0 GPL-2 XXX bioPN is a package suited to perform simulation of deterministic and...
r-bios2cor 2.2.1 GPL-2 X Utilities for computation and analysis of correlation/covariation in...
r-biostat3 0.1.9 GPL-2 X Utility functions, datasets and extended examples for survival...
r-biostatr 4.0.1 GPL-3 X Datasets and functions for the book "Initiation à la Statistique...
r-biotic 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Calculates a range of UK freshwater invertebrate biotic indices...
r-biotools 4.2 GPL-2 X Tools designed to perform and evaluate cluster analysis (including...
r-bipartite 2.18 GPL-3 X Functions to visualise webs and calculate a series of indices commonly...
r-birk 2.1.2 GPL-3 X Collection of tools to make R more convenient. Includes tools to...
r-birtr 1.0.0 GPL-2 X R functions for "The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R" by...
r-bisect 0.9.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of Bisect, a method for inferring cell type...
r-bisectr 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Tools to find bad commits with git bisect. See...
r-bisrna 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Bisulfite-treated RNA non-conversion in a set of samples is analysed as...
r-bit 4.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Provided are classes for boolean and skewed boolean vectors, fast...
r-bit64 4.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Package 'bit64' provides serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed)...
r-bitops 1.0_7 GPL-2 XXX Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors.
r-bitrina 1.3 Artistic-2.0 XXX Provides methods for the binarization and trinarization of...
r-bitrugs 0.1 GPL-3 XXX MCMC methods to estimate transmission dynamics and infection routes in...
r-bitsqueezr 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides a implementation of floating-point quantization algorithms for...
r-bivariate.pareto 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Perform competing risks analysis under bivariate Pareto models. See...
r-bivarp 1.0 GPL-3 X Parameter estimation of bivariate distribution functions modeled as a...
r-bivarripower 1.2 GPL-2 X Implements sample size calculations for bivariate random intercept...
r-bivgeo 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Computes the joint probability mass function (pmf), the joint...
r-bivgeom 1.0 GPL-3 X Implements Roy's bivariate geometric model (Roy (1993)...
r-bivrec 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX A collection of models for bivariate alternating recurrent event data...
r-biwavelet 0.20.21 GPL-2 X This is a port of the WTC MATLAB package written by Aslak Grinsted and...
r-bizdays 1.0.13 MIT X Business days calculations based on a list of holidays and nonworking...
r-bkmr 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Implementation of a statistical approach for estimating the joint...
r-bkpc 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian kernel projection classifier is a nonlinear multicategory...
r-blackbox 1.1.43 CeCILL-2 X Performs prediction of a response function from simulated response...
r-blakerci 1.0_6 GPL-3 X Fast and accurate calculation of Blaker's binomial and Poisson...
r-blandaltmanleh 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Bland-Altman Plots using either base graphics or ggplot2, augmented...
r-blandr 0.5.1 GPL-3 X Carries out Bland Altman analyses (also known as a Tukey...
r-blastula 0.3.4 MIT X Compose and send out responsive HTML email messages that render...
r-blatr 1.0.1 MIT X A wrapper around the 'Blat' command line SMTP mailer for...
r-blavaan 0.5_2 GPL-3 X Fit a variety of Bayesian latent variable models, including...
r-blendedlink 1.0 GPL-2 X A new link function that equals one specified link function up to a...
r-blendstat 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Performs a joint analysis of experiments with mixtures and random...
r-blin 0.0.1 MIT X Estimate influence networks from longitudinal bipartite relational...
r-blm 2022.0.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements regression models for binary data on the absolute risk...
r-blme 1.0_5 GPL-2 X Maximum a posteriori estimation for linear and generalized linear...
r-blmodel 1.0.2 GNU X Posterior distribution in the Black-Litterman model is computed from a...
r-blob 1.2.4 MIT XXXX R's raw vector is useful for storing a single binary object. What...
r-blockcv 3.1_3 GPL-3 X Creating spatially or environmentally separated folds for...
r-blockfest 2.0 GPL-2 XXX An R implementation of an extension of the 'BayeScan' software...
r-blockforest 0.2.6 GPL-3 XXX A random forest variant 'block forest' ('BlockForest')...
r-blockmatrix 1.0 GPL-2 X Some elementary matrix algebra tools are implemented to manage block...
r-blockmessage 1.0 GPL-2 X Creates strings that show a text message in 8 by 8 block letters
r-blockmodeling 1.1.5 GPL-2 XXX This is primarily meant as an implementation of generalized...
r-blockmodels 1.1.5 LGPL-2.1 XXX Latent and Stochastic Block Model estimation by a Variational EM...
r-blockrand 1.5 GPL-2 X Create randomizations for block random clinical trials. Can also...
r-blocksdesign 4.9 GPL-2 X Constructs treatment and block designs for linear treatment models with...
r-blogdown 1.18 GPL-3 X Write blog posts and web pages in R Markdown. This package supports the...
r-blorr 0.3.0 MIT X Tools designed to make it easier for beginner and intermediate users to...
r-blr 1.6 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian Linear Regression.
r-blrpm 1.0 GPL-2 X Due to a limited availability of observed high-resolution precipitation...
r-blsapi 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Allows users to request data for one or multiple series through the...
r-blsm 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides a Bayesian latent space model for complex networks, either...
r-bma 3.18.17 GPL-2 X Package for Bayesian model averaging and variable selection for linear...
r-bmamevt 1.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Toolkit for Bayesian estimation of the dependence structure in...
r-bmass 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Multivariate tool for analyzing genome-wide association study results...
r-bmisc 1.4.5 GPL-2 X These are miscellaneous functions for working with panel data,...
r-bmix 0.6 GPL-2 XXX This is a bare-bones implementation of sampling algorithms for a...
r-bmixture 1.7 GPL-2 XXX Provides statistical tools for Bayesian estimation of mixture...
r-bmk 1.0 GPL-2 X MCMC diagnostic package that contains tools to diagnose convergence as...
r-bmp 0.3 GPL-2 X Reads Windows BMP format images. Currently limited to 8 bit greyscale...
r-bmrbr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a highly versatile analytical...
r-bmrv 1.32 GPL-2 XXX Provides two Bayesian models for detecting the association between rare...
r-bms 0.3.5 BSD_3_clause X Bayesian Model Averaging for linear models with a wide choice of...
r-bnclassify 0.4.7 GPL-2 XXX State-of-the art algorithms for learning discrete Bayesian network...
r-bndatagenerator 1.0 GPL-2 X Data generator based on Bayesian network model
r-bnlearn 4.9 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference....
r-bnn 1.0.2 GPL-2 XXX Perform Bayesian variable selection for high-dimensional nonlinear...
r-bnormnlr 1.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of Bayesian estimation in normal heteroscedastic...
r-bnpmr 1.2 GPL-3 XXX Implements the Bayesian nonparametric monotonic regression method...
r-bnpsd 1.3.13 GPL-3 X The Pritchard-Stephens-Donnelly (PSD) admixture model has k...
r-bnptsclust 2.0 GPL-2 X Performs the algorithm for time series clustering described in...
r-bnsl 0.1.4 GPL-2 XXX From a given data frame, this package learns its Bayesian network...
r-bnstruct 1.0.14 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian Network Structure Learning from Data with Missing Values. The...
r-bnviewer 0.1.6 MIT X Bayesian networks provide an intuitive framework for probabilistic...
r-boa 1.1.8_2 GPL-2 X A menu-driven program and library of functions for carrying out...
r-boardgames 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Tools for constructing board/grid based games, as well as readily...
r-bodenmiller 0.1.1 CC0 X This data package contains a subset of the Bodenmiller et al, Nat...
r-boilerpiper 1.3.2 Apache X Generic Extraction of main text content from HTML files; removal of...
r-bold 1.3.0 MIT X A programmatic interface to the Web Service methods provided by Bold...
r-bolstad 0.2_41 GPL-2 X A set of R functions and data sets for the book Introduction to...
r-bolstad2 1.0_29 GPL-2 X A set of R functions and data sets for the book "Understanding...
r-boltzmm 0.1.4 GPL-3 XXX Provides probability computation, data generation, and model estimation...
r-bondvaluation 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Analysis of large datasets of fixed coupon bonds, allowing for...
r-bonsai 0.2.1 MIT X Bindings for additional tree-based model engines for use with the...
r-bookdown 0.36 GPL-3 X Output formats and utilities for authoring books and technical...
r-boolnet 2.1.9 Artistic-2.0 XXX Functions to reconstruct, generate, and simulate synchronous,...
r-boom 0.9.11 LGPL-2.1 XXX A C++ library for Bayesian modeling, with an emphasis on Markov chain...
r-boomspikeslab 1.2.5 LGPL-2.1 XXX Spike and slab regression with a variety of residual error...
r-boostr 1.0.0 GPL-2 X boostr provides a modular framework that return the focus of ensemble...
r-boot 1.3_28.1 Unlimited XXXX Functions and datasets for bootstrapping from the book "Bootstrap...
r-bootes 1.3.0 GPL-2 X Calculate robust measures of effect sizes using the bootstrap.
r-bootlr 1.0.2 LGPL-2.1 X Computes appropriate confidence intervals for the likelihood ratio...
r-bootmrmr 0.1 GPL-2 X Selection of informative features like genes, transcripts, RNA seq,...
r-bootnet 1.5.6 GPL-2 X Bootstrap methods to assess accuracy and stability of estimated network...
r-bootpr 1.0 GPL-2 X Contains functions for bias-Corrected Forecasting and Bootstrap...
r-bootres 1.2.4 GPL-3 X Bootstrapped correlation and response functions are widely used in...
r-bootruin 1.2_4 AGPL-3 XXX We provide a framework for testing the probability of ruin in the...
r-bootspecdens 3.0 GPL-2 X Bootstrap for testing the hypothesis that the spectral densities of a...
r-bootstepaic 1.3_0 GPL-2 X Model selection by bootstrapping the stepAIC() procedure.
r-bootstrap 2019.6 BSD_3_clause XXX Software (bootstrap, cross-validation, jackknife) and data for the book...
r-boottol 2.0 GPL-2 X Used to create bootstrap tolerance levels for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov...
r-bor 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Transforms focal observations' data, where different types of...
r-borrowr 0.2.0 GPL-3 XXX Estimate population average treatment effects from a primary data...
r-boruta 8.0.0 GPL-2 XXXX An all relevant feature selection wrapper algorithm. It finds relevant...
r-bosonsampling 0.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Classical Boson Sampling using the algorithm of Clifford and Clifford...
r-botor 0.4.0 AGPL-3 X Fork-safe, raw access to the 'Amazon Web Services'...
r-boussinesq 1.0.6 GPL-3 X A collection of R functions were implemented from published and...
r-box 1.1.3 MIT X A modern module system for R. Organise code into hierarchical,...
r-boxoffice 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Download daily box office information (how much each movie earned in...
r-boxplotdbl 1.4.0 MIT X Correlation chart of two set (x and y) of data. Using Quartiles with...
r-bpa 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Run basic pattern analyses on character sets, digits, or combined input...
r-bpbounds 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Implementation of the nonparametric bounds for the average causal...
r-bpcp 1.4.2 GPL-2 X Calculates nonparametric pointwise confidence intervals for the...
r-bpeaks 1.2 GPL-3 X bPeaks is a simple approach to identify transcription factor binding...
r-bpkde 1.0_7 GPL-2 XXX Nonparametric multivariate kernel density \ estimation using a...
r-bpp 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Implements functions to update Bayesian Predictive Power Computations...
r-bqtl 1.0_35 GPL-2 XXX QTL mapping toolkit for inbred crosses and recombinant inbred lines....
r-bracer 1.2.2 MIT X Performs brace expansions on strings. Made popular by Unix shells,...
r-bradleyterry2 1.1_2 GPL-2 XXXX Specify and fit the Bradley-Terry model, including structured versions...
r-braidrm 0.71 GPL-3 X Contains functions for evaluating, analyzing, and fitting combined...
r-branching 0.9.4 GPL-2 XXX Simulation and parameter estimation of multitype Bienayme - Galton -...
r-brandwatchr 0.3.0 MIT X Interact with the 'Brandwatch' API...
r-brant 0.3_0 GPL-2 X Tests the parallel regression assumption wit the brant test by Brant...
r-brea 0.2.0 GPL-3 X A function to produce MCMC samples for posterior inference in...
r-breakaway 3.0 GPL-2 X Species richness estimation is an important problem in biodiversity...
r-breakfast 2.3 GPL-2 XX A developing software suite for multiple change-point...
r-breeze 0.4_3 MIT X A collection of functions to analyse, visualize and interpret wind data...
r-bretigea 1.0.3 MIT X Analysis of relative cell type proportions in bulk gene expression...
r-brew 1.0_8 GPL-2 XXXX Implements a templating framework for mixing text and R code for report...
r-brglm 0.7.2 GPL-2 XXX Fit generalized linear models with binomial responses using either an...
r-brglm2 0.9.2 GPL-3 X Estimation and inference from generalized linear models based on...
r-bridgedist 0.1.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of the bridge distribution with logit-link in R. In...
r-bridgesampling 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Provides functions for estimating marginal likelihoods, Bayes factors,...
r-brio 1.1.3 MIT X Functions to handle basic input output, these functions always read and...
r-brlrmr 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Provides two main functions, il() and fil(). The il() function...
r-brm 1.1.1 MIT X Fits novel models for the conditional relative risk, risk difference...
r-brms 2.20.4 GPL-2 X Fit Bayesian generalized (non-)linear multivariate multilevel models...
r-brmsmargins 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Calculate Bayesian marginal effects, average marginal effects, and...
r-brnn 0.9.2 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian regularization for feed-forward neural networks.
r-brobdingnag 1.2_9 GPL-3 X Very large numbers in R. Real numbers are held using their natural...
r-broman 0.80 GPL-3 X Miscellaneous R functions, including functions related to graphics...
r-broom 1.0.5 MIT XXXX Summarizes key information about statistical objects in tidy tibbles....
r-broom.helpers 1.14.0 GPL-3 X Provides suite of functions to work with regression model...
r-broom.mixed GPL-3 X Convert fitted objects from various R mixed-model packages into tidy...
r-brotli 1.3.0 MIT XXX A lossless compressed data format that uses a combination of the LZ77...
r-browndog 0.2.1 FreeBSD X An R interface for the Brown Dog which allows researchers to leverage...
r-brq 3.0 GPL-3 X Bayesian estimation and variable selection for quantile regression models.
r-brucer 2023.9 GPL-3 X Broadly useful convenient and efficient R functions that bring users...
r-brunnermunzel 2.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides the functions for Brunner-Munzel test and permuted...
r-bs4dash 2.3.0 GPL-2 X Make 'Bootstrap 4' Shiny dashboards. Use the full power of...
r-bsda 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Data sets for book "Basic Statistics and Data Analysis" by...
r-bsearchtools 0.0.61 GPL-2 XXX Exposes the binary search functions of the C++ standard library...
r-bshazard 1.1 GPL-2 X The function estimates the hazard function non parametrically from a...
r-bsicons 0.1.1 MIT X Easily use 'Bootstrap' icons inside 'Shiny' apps and...
r-bslib 0.5.1 MIT X Simplifies custom 'CSS' styling of both 'shiny' and...
r-bsmd 2023.920 GPL-3 XXX Bayes screening and model discrimination follow-up designs.
r-bspec 1.6 GPL-2 X Bayesian inference on the (discrete) power spectrum of time series.
r-bsplinepsd 0.6.0 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of a Metropolis-within-Gibbs MCMC algorithm to flexibly...
r-bsplus 0.1.4 MIT X The Bootstrap framework lets you add some JavaScript functionality to...
r-bspm 0.5.5 MIT X Enables binary package installations on Linux distributions. Provides...
r-bspmma 0.1_2 GPL-2 X The main functions carry out Gibbs' sampler routines for...
r-bssm 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Efficient methods for Bayesian inference of state space models via...
r-bst 0.3_24 GPL-2 X Functional gradient descent algorithm for a variety of convex and...
r-bsts 0.9.9 LGPL-2.1 XXX Time series regression using dynamic linear models fit using MCMC. See...
r-btergm 1.10.11 GPL-2 X Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (TERGM) estimated by maximum...
r-btm 0.3.7 Apache XXX Biterm Topic Models find topics in collections of short texts. It is a...
r-btyd 2.4.3 GPL-3 X Functions for data preparation, parameter estimation, scoring, and...
r-bucky 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Provides functions for various statistical techniques commonly used in...
r-bucss 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Bias- and Uncertainty-Corrected Sample Size. BUCSS implements a method...
r-buddle 2.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Statistical classification and regression have been popular among...
r-buildmer 2.10.1 FreeBSD X Finds the largest possible regression model that will still converge...
r-bullwhipgame 0.1.0 GPL-3 X The bullwhipgame is an educational game that has as purpose the...
r-bunchr 1.2.0 MIT X View and analyze data where bunching is expected. Estimate counter-...
r-bundesbank 0.1_11 GPL-3 X Download data from the time-series databases of the Bundesbank, the...
r-bundesligr 0.1.0 GPL-3 X All final tables of Germany's highest football (soccer!) league,...
r-bundle 0.1.1 MIT X Typically, models in 'R' exist in memory and can be saved via...
r-bupar 0.5.3 MIT X Comprehensive Business Process Analysis toolkit. Creates S3-class for...
r-burstfin 1.3 Unlimited X A suite of functions for finance, including the estimation of variance...
r-burstmisc 1.1 Unlimited X Script search, corner, genetic optimization, permutation tests, write...
r-bursts 1.0_2 MIT X An implementation of Jon Kleinberg's burst detection algorithm...
r-busdater 0.2.0 MIT X Get a current financial year, start of current month, End of current...
r-businessduration 0.2.0 AGPL-3 X Calculates business duration between two dates. This excluding...
r-butcher 0.3.3 MIT X Provides a set of S3 generics to axe components of fitted model objects...
r-buysetest 2.4.0 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of the Generalized Pairwise Comparisons (GPC) as defined...
r-bvar 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Estimation of hierarchical Bayesian vector autoregressive models...
r-bvarsv 1.1 GPL-2 XXX R/C++ implementation of the model proposed by Primiceri ("Time...
r-bvartools 0.2.3 GPL-2 XXX Assists in the set-up of algorithms for Bayesian inference of vector...
r-bvenn 0.1 GPL-2 X This package implements a simple alternative to the traditional Venn...
r-bvls 1.4 GPL-2 XXX An R interface to the Stark-Parker implementation of an algorithm for...
r-bwd 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Implements a backward procedure for single and multiple change point...
r-bwgr 2.2.2 GPL-3 XXX Whole-genome regression methods on Bayesian framework fitted via EM or...
r-bwimage 1.3 GPL-2 X A computational tool to describe patterns in black and white images...
r-bwstest 0.2.3 LGPL-3 XXX Performs the 'Baumgartner-Weiss-Schindler' two-sample test of...
r-bytescircle 1.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Shows statistics about bytes contained in a file as a circle graph of...
r-bzinb 1.0.6 GPL-2 XXX Provides a maximum likelihood estimation of Bivariate Zero-Inflated...
r-c212 0.98 GPL-2 XXX Methods for detecting safety signals in clinical trials using groupings...
r-c2c 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Compare two classifications or clustering solutions that may or may not...
r-c3net GPL-3 X Allows inferring gene regulatory networks with direct physical...
r-c50 0.1.8 GPL-3 X C5.0 decision trees and rule-based models for pattern recognition that...
r-ca 0.71.1 GPL-3 X Computation and visualization of simple, multiple and joint...
r-cabootcrs 2.1.0 GPL-3 X Performs simple correspondence analysis on a two-way contingency table,...
r-cachem 1.0.8 MIT X Key-value stores with automatic pruning. Caches can limit either their...
r-cacirt 1.4 GPL-2 X Computes classification accuracy and consistency indices under Item...
r-cadftest 0.3_3 GPL-2 X Hansen's (1995) Covariate-Augmented Dickey-Fuller (CADF) test. The...
r-caesar 1.1.0 MIT X Encrypts and decrypts strings using either the Caesar cipher or a...
r-caic4 1.0 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the estimation of the conditional Akaike...
r-cairo 1.6_1 GPL-2 XXX R graphics device using cairographics library that can be used to...
r-calacs 2.2.2 GPL-3 X Implements several string comparison algorithms, including calACS...
r-calculator.lr.fns 1.3 LGPL-3 X Arithmetic operations scalar multiplication, addition, subtraction,...
r-calculus 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Efficient C++ optimized functions for numerical and symbolic calculus...
r-calibrate 1.7.7 GPL-2 X Package for drawing calibrated scales with tick marks on...
r-calibrator 1.2_8 GPL-2 X Performs Bayesian calibration of computer models as per Kennedy and...
r-callr 3.7.3 MIT XXXX It is sometimes useful to perform a computation in a separate R...
r-caman 0.78 GPL-2 XXX Tools for the analysis of finite semiparametric mixtures. These are...
r-camsrad 0.3.0 MIT X Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) radiations service...
r-camtrapr 2.2.0 GPL-2 X Management of and data extraction from camera trap data in wildlife...
r-cancensus 0.5.6 MIT X Integrated, convenient, and uniform access to Canadian Census data and...
r-candisc 0.8_6 GPL-2 X Functions for computing and visualizing generalized canonical...
r-canprot 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Chemical metrics of differentially expressed proteins in cancer and...
r-cansim 0.3.15 MIT X Searches for, accesses, and retrieves new-format and old-format...
r-canvasxpress 1.45.4 GPL-3 X Enables creation of visualizations using the CanvasXpress framework in...
r-caper 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Functions for performing phylogenetic comparative analyses.
r-capitalr 1.3.0 GPL-3 X Provides Capital Budgeting Analysis functionality and the essential...
r-capn 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Implements approximation methods for natural capital asset prices...
r-captioner 2.2.3 MIT X Provides a method for automatically numbering figures, tables, or other...
r-captr 0.3.0 MIT X Get text from images of text using Captricity Optical Character...
r-capushe 1.1.1 GPL X Calibration of penalized criteria for model selection. The calibration...
r-capwire 1.1.4 GPL-2 X Fits models from Miller et al. 2005 to estimate population sizes from...
r-car 3.1_2 GPL-2 XXXX Functions to Accompany J. Fox and S. Weisberg, An R Companion to...
r-carat 2.2.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions and command-line user interface to generate...
r-carbayes 6.0 GPL-2 X Implements a class of univariate and multivariate spatial generalised...
r-carbayesdata 3.0 GPL-2 X Spatio-temporal data from Scotland used in the vignettes accompanying...
r-carbayesst 4.0 GPL-2 X Implements a class of univariate and multivariate spatio-temporal...
r-cardata 3.0_5 GPL-2 XXXX Datasets to Accompany J. Fox and S. Weisberg, An R Companion to Applied...
r-cardidates 0.4.9 GPL-2 X Identification of cardinal dates (begin, time of maximum, end of mass...
r-cardiomodel 1.4 GPL-3 X Includes over 100 mixed-effects model structures describing the...
r-care 1.1.11 GPL-3 X Implements the regression approach of Zuber and Strimmer (2011)...
r-care1 1.1.0 GPL-3 X The R package CARE1, the first part of the program CARE...
r-careless 1.2.2 MIT X When taking online surveys, participants sometimes respond to items...
r-caret 6.0_94 GPL-2 XXX Misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models.
r-caretensemble 2.0.3 MIT X Functions for creating ensembles of caret models: caretList() and...
r-caribou 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Estimation of population size of migratory caribou herds based on large...
r-carletonstats 2.2 GPL-2 X Includes commands for bootstrapping and permutation tests, a command...
r-carlit 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate and plot ecological quality ratios (EQR) as...
r-caroline 0.9.0 Artistic-2.0 X The caroline R library contains dozens of functions useful for:...
r-carrier 0.1.1 MIT X Sending functions to remote processes can be wasteful of resources...
r-cartogram 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Construct continuous and non-contiguous area cartograms.
r-cartography 3.1.4 GPL-3 X Create and integrate maps in your R workflow. This package helps to...
r-cascadedata 1.4 GPL-2 X These experimental expression data (5 leukemic 'CLL'...
r-caschrono 2.4 GPL-2 X Functions, data sets and exercises solutions for the book Series...
r-casebase 0.10.3 MIT X Fit flexible and fully parametric hazard regression models to survival...
r-casematch 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Allows users to identify similar cases for qualitative case studies...
r-casmap 0.6.1 GPL-2 XXX A significant pattern mining-based toolbox for region-based genome-wide...
r-cast 0.8.1 GPL-2 X Supporting functionality to run 'caret' with spatial or...
r-castor 1.7.11 GPL-2 X Efficient phylogenetic analyses on massive phylogenies comprising up to...
r-cat 0.0_9 file XXX Performs analysis of categorical-variable with missing values....
r-catalog 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Gain access to the 'Spark Catalog' API making use of the...
r-catchr 0.2.1 MIT X R has a unique way of dealing with warnings, errors, messages, and...
r-catdap 1.3.5 GPL-2 XXX Categorical data analysis by AIC. The methodology is described in...
r-catdata 1.2.3 GPL-2 X This R-package contains examples from the book "Regression for...
r-catencoders 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Contains some commonly used categorical variable encoders, such as...
r-cateselection 1.0 GPL-2 X A multi-factor dimensionality reduction based forward selection method...
r-catirt 0.5.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions designed to simulate data that conform to basic...
r-catnet 1.15.7 GPL-2 XXX Structure learning and parameter estimation of discrete Bayesian...
r-catools 1.18.2 GPL-3 XXX Contains several basic utility functions including: moving (rolling,...
r-catr 3.17 GPL-3 X Provides routines for the generation of response patterns under...
r-catseyes 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Provides the tools to produce catseye plots, principally by...
r-catspec 0.97 GPL-2 X `ctab' creates (multiway) percentage tables. `sqtab' contains a...
r-catt 2.0 GPL-3 X This function conducts the Cochran-Armitage trend test to a 2 by k...
r-cattexact 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions for computing the one-sided p-values of the...
r-causaldata 0.1.3 MIT X Example data sets to run the example problems from causal inference...
r-causalimpact 1.3.0 Apache X Implements a Bayesian approach to causal impact estimation in time...
r-causalmgm 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Allows users to learn undirected and directed (causal) graphs over...
r-causalsens 0.1.2 GPL-2 X The causalsens package provides functions to perform sensitivity...
r-cba 0.2_23 GPL-2 X Implements clustering techniques such as Proximus and Rock, utility...
r-cbanalysis 0.2.0 GPL-2 X A set of functions that helps you to generate descriptive statistics...
r-cbcgrps 2.8.2 GPL-2 X Compare baseline characteristics between two or more groups. The...
r-cbinom 1.6 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of the d/p/q/r family of functions for a continuous...
r-cbird 1.0 GPL-2 XXX The clustering of binary data with reducing the dimensionality...
r-cblasr 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides the 'cblas.h' header file as C interface to the...
r-cbps 0.23 GPL-2 X Implements the covariate balancing propensity score (CBPS) proposed by...
r-cbsem 1.0.0 GPL-3 X The composites are linear combinations of their indicators in composite...
r-cbsodatar 0.5.1 GPL-2 X The data and meta data from Statistics Netherlands...
r-cbt 1.0 GPL-2 X The Confidence Bound Target (CBT) algorithm is designed for infinite...
r-cc 1.0 GPL-2 X Tools for creating and visualizing statistical process control charts....
r-cca 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Provides a set of functions that extend the 'cancor' function...
r-ccagfa 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Variational Bayesian algorithms for learning canonical correlation...
r-ccamlrgis 4.0.6 GPL-3 X Loads and creates spatial data, including layers and tools that are...
r-ccapp 0.3.3 GPL-2 XXX Canonical correlation analysis and maximum correlation via projection...
r-cccd 1.6 GPL-2 X Class Cover Catch Digraphs, neighborhood graphs, and relatives.
r-ccchooser 0.2.6 GPL-2 X ccChooser can be used to developing and evaluation of core collections...
r-cccp 0.2_9 GPL-3 XXX Routines for solving convex optimization problems with cone constraints...
r-cccrm 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Estimates the Concordance Correlation Coefficient to assess agreement....
r-ccda 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Implements the combined cluster and discriminant analysis method for...
r-cchs 0.4.2 GPL-3 X Contains a function, also called 'cchs', that calculates...
r-cclust 0.6_26 GPL-2 XXX Convex Clustering methods, including K-means algorithm, On-line Update...
r-ccm 1.2 GPL-2 X Classification method described in Dancik et al (2011)...
r-ccmm 1.0 GPL-2 X Estimate the direct and indirect (mediation) effects of treatment on...
r-ccp 1.2 GPL-3 X Significance tests are provided for canonical correlation analysis,...
r-ccpop 1.0 GPL-2 X Tests of association between SNPs or pairs of SNPs and binary...
r-ccremover 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Implements a method for identifying and removing the cell-cycle effect...
r-cdata 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Supplies higher-order coordinatized data specification and fluid...
r-cdb 0.0.1 GPL-2 X A constant database is a data structure created by Daniel J. Bernstein...
r-cde 0.4.1 GPL-3 X Facilitates searching, download and plotting of Water Framework ...
r-cdft 1.2 GPL-2 X Statistical downscaling and bias correction (model output statistics)...
r-cdlasso 1.1 GPL-2 XXX Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Lasso Penalized L1, L2, and Logistic...
r-cdltools 0.15 Unlimited XXX Downloads USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)...
r-cdm 8.2_6 GPL-2 X Functions for cognitive diagnosis modeling and multidimensional item...
r-cdnmoney 2012.4_2 GPL-2 X Components of Canadian Credit Aggregates and Monetary Aggregates with...
r-cdrom 1.1 GPL-2 X Classification is based on the recently developed phylogenetic approach...
r-cdvine 1.4 GPL-2 XXX Functions for statistical inference of canonical vine (C-vine) and...
r-cec 0.11.0 GPL-3 XXX Splits data into Gaussian type clusters using the Cross-Entropy...
r-cec2005benchmark 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX This package is a wrapper for the C implementation of the 25 benchmark...
r-cec2013 0.1_5 GPL-3 XXX This package provides R wrappers for the C implementation of 28...
r-celestial 1.4.6 GPL-3 X Contains a number of common astronomy conversion routines, particularly...
r-cellranger 1.1.0 MIT XXXX Helper functions to work with spreadsheets and the "A1:D10"...
r-cellwise 2.5.3 GPL-2 X Tools for detecting cellwise outliers and robust methods to analyze...
r-cem 1.1.31 GPL-2 X Implementation of the Coarsened Exact Matching algorithm discussed...
r-cengam 0.5.3 GPL-2 X Implementation of Tobit type I and type II families for censored...
r-censcov 1.0_0 GPL-3 X Implementations of threshold regression approaches for linear...
r-censnid 0_0_1 GPL-2 XXX Implements AS138, AS139.
r-censorcopula 2.0 GPL-2 X Implement an interval censor method to break ties when using data with...
r-censreg 0.5_36 GPL-2 X Maximum Likelihood estimation of censored regression (Tobit) models...
r-censregmod 1.0 GPL X Fits univariate censored linear regression model under Normal or...
r-census2016 0.2.0 CC X Contains selected variables from the time series profiles for...
r-censusapi 0.8.0 GPL-3 X A wrapper for the U.S. Census Bureau APIs that returns data frames of...
r-censys 0.1.0 AGPL-3 X The 'Censys' public search engine enables researchers to...
r-centiserve 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Calculates centrality indices additional to the 'igraph'...
r-cents 0.1_41 GPL-2 XXX Fit censored time series
r-cepreader 1.2_2 MIT XX Read Condensed Cornell Ecology Program ('CEP') and legacy...
r-cereal 0.1.0 MIT X The 'vctrs' package provides a concept of vector prototype that...
r-ceriolioutlierdetection 1.1.9 GPL-2 X Implements the iterated RMCD method of Cerioli (2010) for multivariate...
r-cernaseek 2.1.3 GPL-3 X Provides several functions to identify and analyse miRNA sponge,...
r-cernn 0.1 MIT X An implementation of the covariance estimation method proposed in Chi...
r-cetcolor 0.2.0 CC X Collection of perceptually uniform colour maps made by Peter Kovesi...
r-cfa 0.10_0 GPL-2 XXX Analysis of configuration frequencies for simple and repeated measures,...
r-cfc 1.2.0 GPL-2 XXX Numerical integration of cause-specific survival curves to arrive at...
r-cfestimatequantiles 1.0 GPL-2 X Estimate quantiles using formula (18) from...
r-cffr 0.5.0 GPL-3 X The Citation File Format version 1.2.0...
r-cfma 1.0 GPL-2 X Performs causal functional mediation analysis (CFMA) for functional...
r-cgam 1.21 GPL-2 X A constrained generalized additive model is fitted by the cgam routine....
r-cgauc 1.2.1 GPL-2 XXX The cgAUC can calculate the AUC-type measure of Obuchowski(2006) when...
r-cgdsr 1.3.0 LGPL-3 X Provides a basic set of R functions for querying the Cancer Genomics...
r-cge 0.3.3 GPL-2 X Developing general equilibrium models, computing general equilibrium...
r-cggp 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX Run computer experiments using the adaptive composite grid algorithm...
r-cgh 1.0_7.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions to analyze microarray comparative genome hybridization data...
r-cglasso 2.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Conditional graphical lasso estimator is an extension of the graphical...
r-cgp 2.1_1 LGPL-2.1 X Fit composite Gaussian process (CGP) models as described in Ba and...
r-cgpfunctions 0.6.3 MIT X Miscellaneous functions useful for teaching statistics as well as...
r-cgraph 6.0.1 Apache XXX Allows to create, evaluate, and differentiate computational graphs in...
r-cgwtools 4.0 LGPL-3 X Functions for performing quick observations or evaluations of data,...
r-chainladder 0.2.18 GPL-2 X Various statistical methods and models which are typically used for the...
r-chandwich 1.1.6 GPL-2 X Performs adjustments of a user-supplied independence loglikelihood...
r-changepoint 2.2.4 GPL-3 XXX Implements various mainstream and specialised changepoint methods for...
r-changepoint.np 1.0.5 GPL-3 X Implements the multiple changepoint algorithm PELT with a nonparametric...
r-changepointshd 0.3.3 GPL-2 XXX This implements the methods developed in, L. Bybee and Y. Atchade....
r-changepointsvar 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Detection of change-points for variance of heteroscedastic Gaussian...
r-changepointtesting 1.1 GPL-2 X A multiple testing procedure for clustered alternative hypotheses. It...
r-channelattribution 2.0.7 GPL-3 XXX Advertisers use a variety of online marketing channels to reach...
r-chaos01 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Computes and visualize the results of the 0-1 test for chaos proposed...
r-chargetransport 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX This package provides functions to compute Marcus,...
r-charlatan 0.5.1 MIT X Make fake data, supporting addresses, person names, dates, times,...
r-chatgpt 0.2.3 GPL-3 X 'OpenAI's 'ChatGPT' <https://chat.openai.com/>...
r-chcn 1.5 GPL-2 X A compilation of historical through contemporary climate measurements...
r-cheb 0.3 GPL-3 XXX Discrete Linear Chebyshev Approximation
r-checkarg 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Utility functions that allow checking the basic validity of a function...
r-checkdigit 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Check digits are used like file hashes to verify that a number has been...
r-checkmate 2.3.0 BSD_3_clause XXX Tests and assertions to perform frequent argument checks. A substantial...
r-checkpoint 1.0.2 GPL-2 XXXX The goal of checkpoint is to solve the problem of package...
r-cheddar 0.1_638 BSD_2_clause XXX Provides a flexible, extendable representation of an ecological...
r-chem.databases 1.0.0 CC0 X Contains the Multi-Species Acute Toxicity Database (CAS & SMILES...
r-chemcal 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Simple functions for plotting linear calibration functions and...
r-chemometrics 1.4.4 GPL-3 X R companion to the book "Introduction to Multivariate Statistical...
r-chemometricswithr 0.1.13 GPL-2 X Functions and scripts used in the book "Chemometrics with R -...
r-chemospec 6.1.9 GPL-3 X A collection of functions for top-down exploratory data analysis of...
r-chemospec2d 0.5.0 GPL-3 X A collection of functions for exploratory chemometrics of 2D...
r-chemospecutils 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Functions supporting the common needs of packages 'ChemoSpec'...
r-cherry 0.6_14 GPL-2 X Provides an alternative approach to multiple testing by calculating a...
r-cherryblossom 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Race results of the Cherry Blossom Run, which is an annual road race...
r-chff 0.1.0 GPL-3 X The software matches the current history to the closest history in a...
r-chi 0.1 GPL-2 X Light weight implementation of the standard distribution functions for...
r-chi2x3way 1.1 GPL X Provides two index partitions for three-way contingency tables:...
r-chillmodels 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Calculates the chilling and heat accumulation for studies of the...
r-chillr 0.73.1 GPL-3 X The phenology of plants (i.e. the timing of their annual life phases)...
r-chippcr 1.0_2 GPL-3 X A collection of functions to pre-process amplification curve data from...
r-chiptest 1.0 GPL XXX Nonparametric Tests to identify the differential enrichment region for...
r-chisq.posthoc.test 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Perform post hoc analysis based on residuals of Pearson's...
r-chk 0.9.1 MIT X For developers to check user-supplied function arguments. It is...
r-chngpt 2023.1_30 GPL-2 X Threshold regression models are also called two-phase regression,...
r-chnosz 2.0.0 GPL-3 XXX An integrated set of tools for thermodynamic calculations in aqueous...
r-choicedes 0.9_3 GPL-2 X Design functions for DCMs and other types of choice studies (including...
r-choicemodelr 1.3.0 GPL-3 X Implements an MCMC algorithm to estimate a hierarchical multinomial...
r-cholwishart 1.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Sampling from the Cholesky factorization of a Wishart random variable,...
r-choplump 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Calculates permutation tests that can be powerful for comparing two...
r-chopthin 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX Resampling is a standard step in particle filtering and in sequential...
r-chor 0.0_4 GPL-3 X Learning the structure of graphical models from datasets with thousands...
r-chords 0.95.4 GPL-2 X Maximum likelihood estimation in respondent driven samples.
r-choroplethr 3.7.2 BSD_3_clause X Choropleths are thematic maps where geographic regions, such as states,...
r-choroplethrmaps 1.0.1 BSD_3_clause X Contains 3 maps. 1) US States 2) US Counties 3) Countries of the world.
r-chromomap 4.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides interactive, configurable and elegant graphics visualization...
r-chromote 0.1.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of the 'Chrome DevTools Protocol', for...
r-chron 2.3_61 GPL-2 XXX Provides chronological objects which can handle dates and times.
r-chunkr 1.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Read tables chunk by chunk using a C++ backend and a simple R interface.
r-ciaawconsensus 1.3 Unlimited X Calculation of consensus values for atomic weights, isotope amount...
r-cicerone 1.0.4 MIT X Provide step by step guided tours of 'Shiny' applications.
r-ciee 0.1.1 GPL-2 X In many studies across different disciplines, detailed measures of the...
r-cifsmry GPL-2 XXX Estimate of cumulative incidence function in two samples. Provide...
r-cim 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Produces statistical indicators of the impact of migration on the...
r-cin 0.1 GPL-2 X Many experiments in neuroscience involve randomized and fast...
r-cinid 1.3_0 GPL X Method for identifying the instar of Curculionid larvae from the...
r-cinterpolate 1.0.0 MIT XXX Simple interpolation methods designed to be used from C code. Supports...
r-ciplot 1.0 GPL-2 X Plot confidence interval from the objects of statistical tests such as...
r-cir 2.3.1 GPL-2 X Isotonic regression (IR) and its improvement: centered isotonic...
r-circlize 0.4.15 MIT X Circular layout is an efficient way for the visualization of huge...
r-circmle 0.3.0 GPL-2 X A series of wrapper functions to implement the 10 maximum likelihood...
r-circnntsr 2.3 GPL-2 X Includes functions for the analysis of circular data using...
r-circoutlier 3.2.3 GPL-2 X Detection of outliers in circular-circular regression models, modifying...
r-circstats 0.2_6 GPL-2 X Circular Statistics, from "Topics in Circular Statistics"...
r-circular 0.5_0 GPL-2 XXX Circular Statistics, from "Topics in circular Statistics"...
r-circularddm 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Circular drift-diffusion model for continuous reports.
r-cirt 1.3.2 GPL-2 XXX Jointly model the accuracy of cognitive responses and item choices...
r-cit 2.3.1 Artistic-2.0 XXX A likelihood-based hypothesis testing approach is implemented for...
r-citbcmst 1.0.4 GPL-2 X This package implements the approach to assign tumor gene expression...
r-citccmst 1.0.2 GPL-2 X This package implements the approach to assign tumor gene expression...
r-citools 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Functions to append confidence intervals, prediction intervals, and...
r-cityplot 2.0 LGPL-3 X Input: a csv-file for each database table and a controlfile describing...
r-ckanr 0.7.0 MIT X Client for 'CKAN' API (<https://ckan.org/>). Includes...
r-cklrt 0.2.3 GPL-3 XXX Composite Kernel Machine Regression based on Likelihood Ratio Test...
r-ckmeans.1d.dp 4.3.5 LGPL-3 XXX Fast, optimal, and reproducible weighted univariate clustering by...
r-cla 0.96_2 GPL-3 X Implements 'Markowitz' Critical Line Algorithm ('CLA')...
r-cladorcpp 0.15.1 GPL-2 XXX Various cladogenesis-related calculations that are slow in pure R are...
r-clam 2.5.0 GPL-2 X Performs 'classical' age-depth modelling of dated sediment...
r-clamr 2.1_3 GPL-3 X Implementation of the Wilkinson and Ivany (2002) approach to...
r-clarifai 0.4.2 MIT X Get description of images from Clarifai API. For more information, see...
r-class 7.3_22 GPL-2 XXX Various functions for classification, including k-nearest neighbour,...
r-classifly 0.4.1 MIT X Given $p$-dimensional training data containing $d$ groups (the design...
r-classint 0.4_10 GPL-2 XXX Selected commonly used methods for choosing univariate class intervals...
r-cld2 1.2.4 Apache XXX Bindings to Google's C++ library Compact Language Detector 2 (see...
r-cld3 1.2 Apache XXX Google's Compact Language Detector 3 is a neural network model for...
r-cleancall 0.1.3 MIT XXX Wrapper of .Call() that runs exit handlers to clean up C resources....
r-cleandata 0.3.0 MIT X Functions to work with data frames to prepare data for further...
r-cleaner 1.5.4 GPL-2 X Data cleaning functions for classes logical, factor, numeric,...
r-cleanerr 0.1.1 MIT X How to deal with missing data?Based on the concept of almost functional...
r-cleanr 1.4.0 BSD_2_clause X Check your R code for some of the most common layout flaws. Many tried...
r-cleanrmd 0.1.1 MIT X A collection of clean 'R Markdown' HTML document templates...
r-clear 0.0.4 GPL-3 X Small package to clean the R console and the R environment with the...
r-cli 3.6.1 MIT XXXX A suite of tools to build attractive command line interfaces...
r-clickclust 1.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Clustering categorical sequences by means of finite mixtures with...
r-clickclustcont 0.1.7 GPL-2 X Provides an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to fit a mixture of...
r-clickr 0.9.39 GPL-2 X Tools for assessing data quality, performing exploratory analysis, and...
r-clikcorr 1.0 GPL-2 X A profile likelihood based method of estimation and inference on the...
r-climaemet 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Tools to download the climatic data of the Spanish Meteorological...
r-climatestability 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Climate stability measures are not formalized in the literature and...
r-climatol 4.0.0 GPL-3 X Functions for the quality control, homogenization and missing data...
r-clime 0.5.0 GPL-2 X A robust constrained L1 minimization method for estimating a large...
r-clinfun 1.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Utilities to make your clinical collaborations easier if not fun. It...
r-clinicaltrialsummary 1.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides estimates of several summary measures for clinical trials...
r-clinpk 0.11.1 MIT X Calculates equations commonly used in clinical pharmacokinetics and...
r-clinsig 1.2 GPL-2 X Functions for calculating clinical significance.
r-clinutidna 1.0 GPL-3 X This package provides the estimation of an index measuring the clinical...
r-clipr 0.8.0 GPL-3 XXXX Simple utility functions to read from and write to the Windows, OS X,...
r-clisymbols 1.2.0 MIT X A small subset of Unicode symbols, that are useful when building...
r-clock 0.7.0 MIT X Provides a comprehensive library for date-time manipulations using a...
r-clogitboost 1.1 GPL-2 XXX A set of functions to fit a boosting conditional logit model.
r-clogitl1 1.5 GPL-2 XXX Tools for the fitting and cross validation of exact conditional...
r-cloneseeker 1.0.11 Apache X Defines the classes and functions used to simulate and to analyze data...
r-cloudml 0.6.1 Apache X Interface to the Google Cloud Machine Learning Platform...
r-cloudutil 0.1.12 GPL-2 X Provides means of plots for comparing utilization data of compute systems.
r-clrdag 0.6.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides MLEdag() for constrained maximum likelihood estimation and...
r-clsocp 1.0 GPL-3 X This package provides and implementation of a one step smoothing newton...
r-clttools 1.3 GPL-2 X Central limit theorem experiments presented by data frames or plots....
r-clubsandwich 0.5.10 GPL-3 X Provides several cluster-robust variance estimators (i.e., sandwich...
r-clue 0.3_65 GPL-2 XXX CLUster Ensembles.
r-cluer 1.4 GPL-3 X CLUster Evaluation (CLUE) is a computational method for identifying ...
r-clues 0.5.9 GPL-2 XXX We developed the clues R package to provide functions for...
r-cluscov 1.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Clustered covariate regression enables estimation and inference in both...
r-clusrank 1.0_3 GPL-3 XXX Non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon rank sum test and Wilcoxon signed rank...
r-clust.bin.pair 0.1.2 MIT X Tests, utilities, and case studies for analyzing significance in...
r-cluster 2.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Methods for Cluster analysis. Much extended the original from Peter...
r-cluster.datasets 1.0_1 GPL-2 X A collection of data sets for teaching cluster analysis.
r-clusterbootstrap 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Provides functionality for the analysis of clustered data using the...
r-clustercrit 1.2.8 GPL-2 XXX Compute clustering validation indices.
r-clustergeneration 1.3.8 GPL-2 X We developed the clusterGeneration package to provide functions for...
r-clustergenomics 1.0 Artistic-2.0 X The Partitioning Algorithm based on Recursive Thresholding (PART) is...
r-clusterhap 0.1 GPL-3 X One haplotype is a combination of SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)...
r-clustering.sc.dp 1.1 LGPL-3 XXX A dynamic programming algorithm for optimal clustering multidimensional...
r-clusternomics 0.1.1 MIT X Integrative context-dependent clustering for heterogeneous biomedical...
r-clusternor 0.0_3 Apache XXX The clustering 'NUMA' Optimized Routines package or...
r-clusterpower 0.7.0 GPL-2 XX Calculate power for cluster randomized trials (CRTs) including...
r-clusterr 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Gaussian mixture models, k-means, mini-batch-kmeans, k-medoids and...
r-clusterranktest 1.0 GPL-2 X Nonparametric rank based tests (rank-sum tests and signed-rank tests)...
r-clusterrepro 0.9 GPL-2 X This is a function for validating microarray clusters via...
r-clusterses 2.6.5 GPL-2 X Calculate p-values and confidence intervals using cluster-adjusted...
r-clustersim 0.51_3 GPL-2 X Distance measures (GDM1, GDM2, Sokal-Michener, Bray-Curtis, for...
r-clustertend 1.7 MIT X Calculate some statistics aiming to help analyzing the clustering...
r-clusteval 0.1 MIT XXX An R package that provides a suite of tools to evaluate clustering...
r-clustmixtype 0.3_9 GPL-2 X Functions to perform k-prototypes partitioning clustering for mixed...
r-clustmmdd 1.0.4 GPL-2 XXX An implementation of a variable selection procedure in clustering by...
r-clustofvar 1.1 GPL X Cluster analysis of a set of variables. Variables can be quantitative,...
r-clustree 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Deciding what resolution to use can be a difficult question when...
r-clustsig 1.1 GPL-2 X A complimentary package for use with hclust; simprof tests to see which...
r-clustvarlv 2.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Functions for the clustering of variables around Latent Variables, for...
r-clv 0.3_2.4 GPL-2 XXX Package contains most of the popular internal and external cluster...
r-clvalid 0.7 LGPL-3 X Statistical and biological validation of clustering results. This...
r-cmaes 1.0_12 GPL-2 X Single objective optimization using a CMA-ES.
r-cmaesr 1.0.3 BSD_2_clause X Pure R implementation of the Covariance Matrix Adaptation - Evolution...
r-cmc 1.0 GPL-2 X Calculation and plot of the stepwise Cronbach-Mesbah Curve
r-cmce 0.1.0 AGPL-3 X Implements the Bayesian calibration model described in Pratola and...
r-cmf 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Collective matrix factorization (CMF) finds joint low-rank...
r-cmfrec 3.5.1_1 MIT X Collective matrix factorization (a.k.a. multi-view or multi-way...
r-cmls 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Solves multivariate least squares (MLS) problems subject to constraints...
r-cmm 1.0 GPL-2 X Quite extensive package for maximum likelihood estimation and weighted...
r-cmna 1.0.5 BSD_2_clause X Provides the source and examples for James P. Howard, II,...
r-cmocean 0.3_1 MIT X Perceptually uniform palettes for commonly used variables in...
r-cmpcontrol 1.0 GPL-2 X The main purpose of this package is to juxtapose the different control...
r-cmplot 4.4.1 GPL-2 X Manhattan plot, a type of scatter plot, was widely used to display the...
r-cmpprocess 1.0 GPL-3 X A toolkit for flexible modeling of count processes where data (over- or...
r-cmprsk 2.2_11 GPL-2 XXX Estimation, testing and regression modeling of subdistribution...
r-cmprskqr 0.9.2 GPL-2 XXX Estimation, testing and regression modeling of subdistribution...
r-cmrutils 1.3.1 GPL-3 X A collection of useful helper routines developed by students of the...
r-cmvnorm 1.0_7 GPL-2 X Various utilities for the complex multivariate Gaussian distribution...
r-cna 3.5.4 GPL-2 XXX Provides comprehensive functionalities for causal modeling with...
r-cnorm 3.0.4 AGPL-3 X Conventional methods for producing standard scores or percentiles in...
r-coarsedatatools 0.6_6 GPL-2 X Functions to analyze coarse data. Specifically, it contains functions...
r-cobalt 4.5.1 GPL-2 X Generate balance tables and plots for covariates of groups preprocessed...
r-cobiclust 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of a probabilistic method for biclustering adapted to...
r-cobra 0.99.4 GPL-2 XXX This package performs prediction for regression-oriented problems,...
r-cobs 1.3_5 GPL-2 XXX Qualitatively Constrained (Regression) Smoothing Splines via Linear...
r-coclust 0.3_2 GPL-2 X A copula based clustering algorithm that finds clusters according to...
r-coconut 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Allows for pooled analysis of microarray data by batch-correcting...
r-cocor 1.1_4 GPL-3 X Statistical tests for the comparison between two correlations based on...
r-cocron 1.0_1 GPL-3 X Statistical tests for the comparison between two or more alpha...
r-coda 0.19_4 GPL-2 XXXX Provides functions for summarizing and plotting the output from Markov...
r-coda.base GPL-3 XXX A minimum set of functions to perform compositional data analysis using...
r-codadiags 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Markov chain Monte Carlo burn-in based on "bridge" statistics,...
r-codalm 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Implements the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm as described in...
r-codatags 1.43 GPL-3 X Computes genomic breeding values using external information on the...
r-code 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Generates all necessary C functions allowing the user to work with the...
r-codep 0.9_1 GPL-3 XXX Computation of Multiscale Codependence Analysis and spatial eigenvector...
r-codetools 0.2_19 GPL-3 XXXX Code analysis tools for R.
r-codina 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Categorize links and nodes from multiple networks in 3 categories:...
r-codingmatrices 0.4.0 GPL-2 X A collection of coding functions as alternatives to the standard...
r-coefplot 1.2.8 BSD_3_clause X Plots the coefficients from model objects. This very quickly shows the...
r-coenocliner 0.2_3 GPL-2 X Simulate species occurrence and abundances (counts) along gradients.
r-coenoflex 2.2_0 GPL-2 XXX Simulates the composition of samples of vegetation according to...
r-coexist 1.0 GPL X species coexistence modeling under asymmetric dispersal and fluctuating...
r-cofad 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Contrast analysis for factorial designs is an alternative to the...
r-cofra 0.1002 GPL-2 X Calculates complete functional regulation analysis and visualize the...
r-coin 1.4_3 GPL-2 XXX Conditional inference procedures for the general independence problem...
r-coindeskr 0.1.0 CC0 X Extract real-time Bitcoin price details by accessing 'CoinDesk'...
r-cointmonitor 0.1.0 GPL-3 X We propose a consistent monitoring procedure to detect a structural...
r-cointreg 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Cointegration methods are widely used in empirical macroeconomics and...
r-cold 2.0_3 GPL-2 XXX Performs regression analysis for longitudinal count data, allowing for...
r-collapse 2.0.3 GPL-2 X A C/C++ based package for advanced data transformation and statistical...
r-collapsibletree 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Interactive Reingold-Tilford tree diagrams created using...
r-collectargs 0.4.0 MIT X We often want to take all (or most) of the objects in one environment...
r-collections 0.3.7 MIT XXX Provides high performance container data types such as queues, stacks,...
r-collesslike 1.0 GPL-2 X Computation of Colless-Like, Sackin and cophenetic balance indices of a...
r-collutils 1.0.5 GPL-3 X Provides some low level functions for processing PLINK input and output files.
r-colmozzie 1.1.1 CC0 X Weekly notified dengue cases and climate variables in Colombo district...
r-coloc 5.2.3 GPL-3 X Performs the colocalisation tests described in Giambartolomei et al...
r-colorblindness 0.1.9 GPL-2 X Provide the safe color set for color blindness, the simulator of...
r-coloredica 1.0.0 GPL-2 X It implements colored Independent Component Analysis (Lee et al., 2011)...
r-colorfulvennplot 2.4 GPL-2 X Given 2-,3- or 4-dimensional data, plots a Venn diagram, i.e....
r-colorhcplot 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Build dendrograms with sample groups highlighted by different colors....
r-colorpalette 1.0_1 MIT X Different methods to generate a color palette based on a specified base...
r-colorr 1.0.0 MIT X Color palettes for EPL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL teams.
r-colorramps 2.3.1 GPL-3 X Builds gradient color maps.
r-colorscience 1.0.8 GPL-3 X Methods and data for color science - color conversions by observer,...
r-colorspace 2.1_0 BSD_3_clause XXX Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV,...
r-colortools 0.1.5 GPL-3 X R package with handy functions to help users select and play with color...
r-colourlovers 0.3.6 GPL-2 X Provides access to the COLOURlovers...
r-colourpicker 1.3.0 MIT X A colour picker that can be used as an input in 'Shiny' apps or...
r-colourvalues 0.3.9 GPL-3 XXX Maps one of the viridis colour palettes, or a user-specified palette to...
r-colr 0.1.900 GPL-2 X Powerful functions to select and rename columns in dataframes, lists...
r-cols4all 0.6 GPL-3 X Color palettes for all people, including those with color vision...
r-colt 0.1.1 MIT X A collection of command-line color styles based on the 'crayon'...
r-comat 0.9.4 MIT XXX Builds co-occurrence matrices based on spatial raster data. It includes...
r-combat 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been widely used for...
r-combinat 0.0_8 GPL-2 X routines for combinatorics
r-combineportfolio 0.4 GPL-2 X Estimation of optimal portfolio weights as combination of simple...
r-combinepvalue 1.0 GPL-3 X We offer two statistical tests to combine p-values: selfcontained.test...
r-combins 1.1_1 GPL-3 X Series of partially balanced incomplete block designs (PBIB) based on...
r-combmsc GPL-2 X Functions for computing optimal convex combinations of model selection...
r-comclim 0.9.5 GPL-3 X Computes community climate statistics for volume and mismatch using...
r-comf 0.1.11 GPL-2 X Calculation of various common and less common comfort indices such as...
r-comics 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Provided are Computational methods for Immune Cell-type Subsets,...
r-commandr 1.0.1 Artistic-2.0 X An S4 representation of the Command design pattern. The Operation class...
r-commentr 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Functions to produce nicely formatted comments to use in R-scripts (or...
r-common 1.1.0 CC0 X Contains functions for solving commonly encountered problems while...
r-commonjavajars 1.0_6 GPL-2 X Useful libraries for building a Java based GUI under R are provided.
r-commonmark 1.9.0 BSD_2_clause XXX The CommonMark specification defines a rationalized version of markdown...
r-commonsmath 1.2.8 Apache X 'Java' JAR files for the Apache Commons Mathematics Library for...
r-commontrend 0.7_1 GPL-2 X Directly extract and plot stochastic common trends from a cointegration...
r-comorbidity 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Computing comorbidity indices and scores such as the weighted Charlson...
r-comp2roc 1.1.4 GPL-2 X Comparison of two ROC curves through the methodology proposed by Ana C. Braga.
r-compactr 0.1 GPL-2 X Creates empty plots with compact axis notation to which users can add...
r-compare 0.2_6 GPL-2 X Functions to compare a model object to a comparison object. If the...
r-comparec 1.3.2 GPL XXX Proposed by Harrell, the C index or concordance C, is considered an...
r-comparedf 2.3.5 MIT X Compares two dataframes which have the same column structure to show...
r-comparegroups 4.7.2 GPL-2 X Create data summaries for quality control, extensive reports for...
r-compareodm 1.2 GPL-3 X Input: 2 ODM files (ODM version 1.3) Output: list of identical,...
r-comparer 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Quickly run experiments to compare the run time and output of code...
r-comparetests 1.2 GPL-3 X A standard test is observed on all specimens. We treat the second test...
r-compas 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Manipulate and analyze 3-D structural geometry of Protein Data Bank (PDB) files.
r-compboost 0.1.0 MIT XXX C++ implementation of component-wise boosting implementation of...
r-compglm 2.0 GPL-2 XXX A function (which uses a similar interface to the `glm' function)...
r-comphclust 1.0_3 GPL-2 XXX Performs the complementary hierarchical clustering procedure and...
r-completejourney 1.1.0 CC0 X Retail shopping transactions for 2,469 households over one year....
r-complexity 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Allows for the easy computation of complexity: the proportion of the...
r-complexupset 1.3.3 MIT X UpSet plots are an improvement over Venn Diagram for set overlap...
r-complognormal 3.0 GPL-2 X Computes the probability density function, cumulative distribution...
r-compoisson 0.3 BSD X Provides routines for density and moments of the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson...
r-compoissonreg 0.8.0 GPL-2 XXX Fit Conway-Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson or CMP) regression models to...
r-compositional 6.5 GPL-2 X Regression, classification, contour plots, hypothesis testing and...
r-compositions 2.0_6 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the consistent analysis of compositional data...
r-compound.cox 3.30 GPL-2 X Univariate feature selection and compound covariate methods under the...
r-compquadform 1.4.3 GPL-2 XXX Computes the distribution function of quadratic forms in normal...
r-compr 1.0 GPL-2 X Different tools for describing and analysing paired comparison data are...
r-comprehenr 0.6.10 GPL-2 X Provides 'Python'-style list comprehensions. List comprehension...
r-compute.es 0.2_5 GPL-2 X Several functions are available for calculating the most widely used...
r-comtradr 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Interface with and extract data from the United Nations Comtrade API...
r-con2aqi 0.1.0 GPL-3 X To calculate the AQI (Air Quality Index) from pollutant concentration...
r-conake 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Continuous smoothing of probability density function on a compact or...
r-concatenate 1.0.0 GPL X Simple functions for joining strings. Construct human-friendly messages...
r-concaveman 1.1.0 GPL-3 X The concaveman function ports the 'concaveman'...
r-conclust 1.1 GPL-3 X There are 4 main functions in this package: ckmeans(), lcvqe(), mpckm()...
r-conconpiwifun GPL-2 XXX Continuous convex piecewise linear (ccpl) resp. quadratic (ccpq)...
r-concor 1.0_0.1 GPL-3 X The four functions svdcp (cp for column partitioned), svdbip or svdbip2...
r-concordance 2.0.0 GPL-2 X A set of utilities for matching products in different classification...
r-concreg 0.7 GPL-3 XXX Implements concordance regression which can be used to estimate...
r-condformat 0.10.1 BSD_3_clause X Apply and visualize conditional formatting to data frames in R. It...
r-conditionz 0.1.0 MIT X Provides ability to control how many times in function calls conditions...
r-condmvnorm 2020.1 GPL-2 X Computes conditional multivariate normal densities, probabilities, and...
r-condreg 0.20 GPL-3 X Based on...
r-condvis 0.5_1 GPL-2 X Exploring fitted models by interactively taking 2-D and 3-D sections in...
r-coneproj 1.17 GPL-2 XXX Routines doing cone projection and quadratic programming, as well as...
r-conf.design 2.0.0 GPL-2 X This small library contains a series of simple tools for constructing...
r-config 0.3.2 GPL-3 XXXX Manage configuration values across multiple environments (e.g....
r-configparser 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Enhances the 'ini' package by adding the ability to interpolate...
r-configr 0.3.5 MIT X Implements the JSON, INI, YAML and TOML parser for R setting and...
r-confinterpret 1.0.0 AGPL-3 X Produces descriptive interpretations of confidence intervals. Includes...
r-confintr 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Calculates classic and/or bootstrap confidence intervals for many...
r-confintvariance 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Surrounds the usual sample variance of a univariate numeric sample with...
r-conflicted 1.2.0 MIT X R's default conflict management system gives the most recently...
r-confreq 1.6.1_1 GPL-3 X Offers several functions for Configural Frequencies Analysis (CFA),...
r-confsam 0.2 GPL-3 X For multiple testing. Computes estimates and confidence bounds for the...
r-conics 0.3 GPL-2 X plot conics (ellipses, hyperbolas, parabolas)
r-conjoint 1.41 GPL-2 X This is a simple R package that allows to measure the stated...
r-conjointchecks 0.0.9 GPL-2 X Implementation of a procedure (Domingue, 2012; see also Karabatsos,...
r-connectapi MIT X Provides a helpful 'R6' class and methods for interacting with...
r-connectednessapproach 1.0.1 GPL-3 X The estimation of static and dynamic connectedness measures is created...
r-connmattools 0.3.5 GPL-2 X Collects several different methods for analyzing and working with...
r-conover.test 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Computes the Conover-Iman test (1979) for stochastic dominance and...
r-conquer 1.3.3 GPL-3 X Estimation and inference for conditional linear quantile regression...
r-conquestr 1.0.7 GPL-3 XX Extends 'ACER ConQuest' through a family of functions designed...
r-conspline 1.2 GPL-2 X Given response y, continuous predictor x, and covariate matrix, the...
r-consrank 2.1.3 GPL-3 X Compute the median ranking according to the Kemeny's axiomatic...
r-constants 1.0.1 MIT X CODATA internationally recommended values of the fundamental physical...
r-constellation 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Examine any number of time series data frames to identify instances in...
r-container 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Extends the functionality of base 'R' lists and provides...
r-contentid 0.0.18 MIT X An interface for creating, registering, and resolving content-based...
r-contfrac 1.1_12 GPL-2 XXX Various utilities for evaluating continued fractions.
r-conting 1.7 GPL-2 X Bayesian analysis of complete and incomplete contingency tables.
r-contourfunctions 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides functions for making contour plots. The contour plot can be...
r-contrast 0.24.2 GPL-2 X One degree of freedom contrasts for 'lm', 'glm',...
r-controltest 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Nonparametric two-sample procedure for comparing survival quantiles.
r-convergenceclubs 2.2.4 GPL-3 X Functions for clustering regions that form convergence clubs, according...
r-convergenceconcepts 1.2.3 GPL-2 X This is a pedagogical package, designed to help students understanding...
r-convertgraph 0.1 MIT X Converts graphical file formats (SVG, PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PDF, etc) to...
r-coop 0.6_3 BSD_2_clause XXX Fast implementations of the co-operations: covariance, correlation, and...
r-coordinatecleaner 3.0.1 GPL-3 X Automated flagging of common spatial and temporal errors in biological...
r-copbasic 2.2.2 GPL-2 X Extensive functions for bivariate copula (bicopula) computations and...
r-coppecosenzar 0.1.3 GPL-2 X The program implements the COPPE-Cosenza Fuzzy Hierarchy Model. The...
r-copula 1.1_2 GPL-3 XXX Classes (S4) of commonly used elliptical, Archimedean, extreme-value...
r-copula.markov 2.9 GPL-2 X Estimation and statistical process control are performed under...
r-copula.surv 1.2 GPL-2 X Simulating bivariate survival data from copula models. Estimation of...
r-copuladata 0.0_1 GPL-3 X Data sets used for copula modeling in addition to those in the package...
r-cor 0.0.1 MIT X An algorithm of optimal subset selection, related to Covariance...
r-coranking 0.2.4 GPL-3 XXX Calculates the co-ranking matrix to assess the quality of a...
r-corbin 1.0.0 GPL-3 X We design algorithms with linear time complexity with respect to the...
r-corclass 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Perform a correlational class analysis of the data, resulting in a...
r-cord 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Partition data points (variables) into communities/clusters, similar to...
r-core 3.2 GPL-2 X Given a collection of intervals with integer start and end positions,...
r-corelearn 1.57.3 GPL-3 XXX A suite of machine learning algorithms written in C++ with the R...
r-corenlp 0.4_3 GPL-2 X Provides a minimal interface for applying annotators from the...
r-coretdt 1.0 GPL-3 X Use to analysis case-parent trio sequencing studies. Test the compound...
r-corlink 1.0.0 CC0 X A matrix of agreement patterns and counts for record pairs is the input...
r-coro 1.0.3 MIT X Provides 'coroutines' for R, a family of functions that can be...
r-coroica 1.0.2 AGPL-3 X Contains an implementation of a confounding robust independent...
r-coronavirus 0.4.1 MIT X Provides a daily summary of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases by...
r-corpcor 1.6.10 GPL-3 X Implements a James-Stein-type shrinkage estimator for the covariance...
r-corpora 0.6 GPL-3 X Utility functions for the statistical analysis of corpus frequency...
r-corporacoco 1.1_0 GPL-3 X A set of functions used to compare co-occurrence between two corpora.
r-corpus 0.10.2 Apache XXX Text corpus data analysis, with full support for international text...
r-corpustools 0.5.1 GPL-3 X Provides text analysis in R, focusing on the use of a tokenized text...
r-corrcoverage 1.2.1 MIT XX Using a computationally efficient method, the package can be used to...
r-corrdna 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Can be useful for finding associations among different positions in a...
r-correctedfdr 1.1 LGPL-3 X There are many estimators of false discovery rate. In this package we...
r-correctoverloadedpeaks 1.3.3 GPL-3 X Analyzes and modifies metabolomics raw data (generated using...
r-correlation 0.8.4 GPL-3 X Lightweight package for computing different kinds of correlations, such...
r-correlplot 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Routines for the graphical representation of correlation matrices by...
r-corrgram 1.14 GPL-3 X Calculates correlation of variables and displays the results...
r-corrmixed 1.1 GPL-2 X In clinical practice and research settings in medicine and the...
r-corrplot 0.92 MIT X Provides a visual exploratory tool on correlation matrix that supports...
r-corrr 0.4.4 MIT X A tool for exploring correlations. It makes it possible to easily...
r-corrsieve 1.6_9 GPL-3 X Statistical summary of STRUCTURE output. STRUCTURE is a K-means...
r-corset 0.1_5 GPL-3 X Set of methods to constrain numerical series and time series within...
r-cortest 0.9.8 GPL-2 X There are 6 novel robust tests for equal correlation. They are all...
r-cortools 1.0 Artistic-2.0 X Designed for analysis of the results of a Genome Wide Association...
r-cosmofns 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Package encapsulates standard expressions for distances, times,...
r-cost 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Parameter estimation, one-step ahead forecast and new location...
r-costsensitive BSD_2_clause XXX Reduction-based techniques for cost-sensitive multi-class...
r-cotrend 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Implements cointegration/co-trending rank selection algorithm in Guo...
r-couchdb 1.4.1 AGPL-3 X Interface to the couchDB document database <http://couchdb.apache.org>.
r-count 1.3.4 GPL-2 X Functions, data and code for Hilbe, J.M. 2011. Negative Binomial...
r-countgmifs 0.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides a function for fitting Poisson and negative binomial...
r-counthmm 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides tools for penalized estimation of flexible hidden Markov...
r-countrycode 1.5.0 GPL-3 X Standardize country names, convert them into one of 40 different coding...
r-covafillr 0.4.4 BSD_2_clause XXX Facilitates local polynomial regression for state dependent covariates...
r-covbm 0.1.0 GPL-3 XXX Allows Brownian motion, fractional Brownian motion, and integrated...
r-covfefe 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Converts any word, sentence or speech into Trump's infamous...
r-covid19 3.0.3 MIT X Provides a daily summary of COVID-19 cases, deaths, recovered, tests,...
r-covid19.analytics GPL-2 X Load and analyze updated time series worldwide data of reported cases...
r-covr 3.5.1 GPL-3 XXX Track and report code coverage for your package and (optionally) upload...
r-covreg 1.0 GPL-2 X This package fits a simultaneous regression model for the mean vectors...
r-covrobust 1.1_3 GPL-2 X The cov.nnve() function implements robust covariance estimation by the...
r-covsep 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Functions for testing if the covariance structure of 2-dimensional data...
r-covtestr 0.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Testing functions for Covariance Matrices. These tests include...
r-cowplot 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides various features that help with creating publication-quality...
r-cowsay 0.9.0 MIT X Allows printing of character strings as messages/warnings/etc. with...
r-coxboost 1.4 GPL-2 XXX This package provides routines for fitting Cox models by likelihood...
r-coxme 2.2_18.1 LGPL-2 XXX Fit Cox proportional hazards models containing both fixed and random...
r-coxphf 1.13.4 GPL-3 XXX Implements Firth's penalized maximum likelihood bias reduction...
r-coxphlb 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Performs analysis of right-censored length-biased data using Cox model....
r-coxphmic 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Sparse estimation for Cox PH models is done via Minimum approximated...
r-coxphsgd 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Estimate coefficients of Cox proportional hazards model using...
r-coxphw 4.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Implements weighted estimation in Cox regression as proposed by...
r-coxplus 1.1.1 GPL-3 XXX A high performance package estimating Cox Model when an even has more...
r-coxridge 0.9.2 GPL-2 X A package for fitting Cox models with penalized ridge-type partial...
r-coxrobust 1.0.1 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of robust estimation in Cox model. Functionality...
r-coxsei 0.3 GPL-2 XXX Fit a CoxSEI (Cox type Self-Exciting Intensity) model to right-censored...
r-cp 1.8 GPL-3 X Functions for calculating the conditional power for different models in...
r-cpa 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Functions to test and compare causal models using Confirmatory Path Analysis.
r-cpca 0.1.2 GPL-3 X This package contains methods to perform Common Principal Component...
r-cpcg 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Solves system of linear equations using (preconditioned) conjugate...
r-cpgassoc 2.60 GPL-2 X Is designed to test for association between methylation at CpG sites...
r-cpgfilter 1.1 GPL-3 X Filter CpGs based on Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) when...
r-cpk 1.3_1 GPL-2 X The package cpk provides simplified clinical pharmacokinetic functions...
r-cplm 0.7_11 GPL-2 X Likelihood-based and Bayesian methods for various compound Poisson...
r-cplots 0.5_0 GPL-2 X Provides functions to produce some circular plots for circular data, in...
r-cpm 2.3 GPL-3 XXX Sequential and batch change detection for univariate data streams,...
r-cpmcglm 1.2 GPL X We propose to determine the correction of the significance level after...
r-cpp11 0.4.6 MIT X Provides a header only, C++11 interface to R's C interface. ...
r-cpprouting 3.1 GPL-2 XXX Calculation of distances, shortest paths and isochrones on weighted...
r-cprr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Calculate date of birth, age, and gender, and generate anonymous...
r-cpt 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Non-parametric test for equality of multivariate distributions. Trains...
r-cptcity 1.0.6 GPL-3 X Incorporates colour gradients from the 'cpt-city' web archive...
r-cptec 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Allows to retrieve data from the 'CPTEC/INPE' weather forecast...
r-cqrreg 1.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Estimate quantile regression(QR) and composite quantile regression...
r-cr 1.0 GPL-2 X This package contains R-functions to perform power calculation in a...
r-crac 1.0 GPL-2 X R functions for cosmological research. The main functions are similar...
r-cramer 0.9_3 GPL-2 X Provides R routine for the so called two-sample Cramer-Test. This...
r-crank 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Functions for completing and recalculating rankings and sorting.
r-cranlogs 2.1.1 MIT X 'API' to the database of 'CRAN' package downloads from...
r-crantastic 0.1 GPL-2 X Various R tools for http://crantastic.org/
r-crawl 2.3.0 CC0 X Fit continuous-time correlated random walk models with time indexed...
r-crayon 1.5.2 MIT XXXX The crayon package is now superseded. Please use the 'cli'...
r-crblocks 1.0_0 GPL-3 X Implements a statistical test for comparing bar plots or histograms of...
r-crch 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Different approaches to censored or truncated regression with...
r-cream 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides a new method for identification of clusters of genomic regions...
r-credentials 2.0.1 MIT X Setup and retrieve HTTPS and SSH credentials for use with 'git'...
r-creditmetrics 0.0_2 Unlimited X A set of functions for computing the CreditMetrics risk model
r-credsubs 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Functions for constructing simultaneous credible bands and identifying...
r-credule 0.1.4 MIT XXX It provides functions to bootstrap Credit Curves from market quotes...
r-crew 0.6.0 MIT X In computationally demanding analysis projects, statisticians and data...
r-crf 0.4_3 GPL-2 XXX Implements modeling and computational tools for conditional random...
r-crfsuite 0.4.2 BSD_3_clause XXX Wraps the 'CRFsuite' library...
r-crimcv 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX A finite mixture of Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) models for analyzing...
r-crisp 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Implements convex regression with interpretable sharp partitions...
r-crm 1.2.4 GPL-2 XXX Functions for phase I clinical trials using the continual reassessment method.
r-crn 1.1 GPL-2 X The crn package provides the core functions required to download and...
r-crochet 2.3.0 MIT X Functions to help implement the extraction / subsetting / indexing...
r-crone 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Functions to carry out the most important crystallographic calculations...
r-cronr 0.6.5 MIT XX Create, edit, and remove 'cron' jobs on your unix-alike system....
r-crop 0.0_2 GPL-2 X A device closing function which is able to crop graphics (e.g., PDF,...
r-cropdatape 1.0.0 MIT X Provides peruvian agricultural production data from the Agriculture...
r-crossdes 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Contains functions for the construction of carryover balanced crossover...
r-crossreg 1.0 GPL-2 X This package provides functions to calculate confidence intervals for...
r-crosstable 0.6.2 GPL-3 X Create descriptive tables for continuous and categorical variables....
r-crosstalk 1.2.0 MIT XXXX Provides building blocks for allowing HTML widgets to communicate with...
r-crossva 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Enables transformation of Verbal Autopsy data collected with the WHO...
r-crossval 1.0.5 GPL-3 X Contains generic functions for performing cross validation and for...
r-crov 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Fits a constrained regression model for an ordinal response with...
r-crp.csfp 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Modelling credit risks based on the concept of "CreditRisk+",...
r-crqa 2.0.4 GPL-2 X Auto, Cross and Multi-dimensional recurrence quantification analysis....
r-crrp 1.0 GPL-2 XXX In competing risks regression, the proportional subdistribution...
r-crrsc 1.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Extension of 'cmprsk' to Stratified and Clustered data. A...
r-crrstep 2023.1.1 GPL-2 X Performs forward and backwards stepwise regression for the Proportional...
r-crs 0.15_37 GPL-3 X Regression splines that handle a mix of continuous and categorical...
r-crseeventstudy 1.2.2 BSD_3_clause X Based on Dutta et al. (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2018.02.004>,...
r-crskdiag 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides the implementation of analytical and graphical approaches for...
r-crsmeta 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Obtain coordinate system metadata from various data formats. There are...
r-crsnls 0.2 GPL-2 X Functions for nonlinear regression parameters estimation by algorithms...
r-crso 0.1.1 GPL-2 X An algorithm for identifying candidate driver combinations in cancer....
r-crtsize 1.2 GPL-2 X Sample size estimation in cluster (group) randomized trials. Contains...
r-crul 1.4.0 MIT X A simple HTTP client, with tools for making HTTP requests, and mocking...
r-crunch 1.30.3 LGPL-3 X The Crunch.io service <https://crunch.io/> provides a cloud-based...
r-crwrm 0.0.1 GPL-3 X To re-calculate the coefficients and the standard deviation when...
r-csdata 2023.5.22 MIT X Datasets relating to population in municipalities, municipality/county...
r-csem 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Estimate, assess, test, and study linear, nonlinear, hierarchical and...
r-cseqpat 0.1.2 MIT X Mines contiguous sequential patterns in text.
r-cshapes 2.0 GPL-2 X Package for CShapes 2.0, a GIS dataset of country borders (1886-today)....
r-csn 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Provides functions for computing the density and the log-likelihood...
r-csp 0.1.0 CC0 X Provides the Correlates of State Policy data set for easy use in R.
r-csrplus 1.03_0 GPL-2 X Includes two functions to evaluate the hypothesis of complete spatial...
r-cssam 1.2.4 LGPL-3 X Cell-type specific differential expression of a microarray experiment...
r-cstab 0.2_2 GPL-2 X Selection of the number of clusters in cluster analysis using stability methods.
r-cstar 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions that allow a researcher to examine the robustness of the...
r-cstime 2023.5.3 MIT X Provides easy and consistent time conversion for public health...
r-csv 0.6.2 GPL-3 X Reads and writes CSV with selected conventions. Uses the same generic...
r-csvread 1.2.1 Apache XXX Functions for loading large (10M+ lines) CSV and other delimited files,...
r-csvy 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Support for import from and export to the CSVY file format. CSVY is a...
r-cthresher 1.1.0 GPL X Estimation and inference methods for the continuous threshold expectile...
r-ctmm 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Functions for identifying, fitting, and applying continuous-space,...
r-ctrdata 1.15.2 MIT X A system for querying, retrieving and analyzing protocol- and...
r-ctrlgene 1.0.1 GPL-2 X A simple way to assess the stability of candidate housekeeping genes is...
r-cts 1.0_22 GPL-2 XXX Functions to fit continuous time autoregressive models with the Kalman...
r-ctsem 3.9.1 GPL-3 X Hierarchical continuous (and discrete) time state space modelling, for...
r-ctt 2.3.3 GPL-2 X A collection of common test and item analyses from a classical test...
r-cttinshiny 0.1.0 GPL-2 X A Shiny interface developed in close coordination with the CTT package,...
r-ctv 0.9_5 GPL-2 XXXX Infrastructure for task views to CRAN-style repositories: Querying task...
r-cub 1.1.4 GPL-2 X For ordinal rating data, estimate and test models within the family of...
r-cubature 2.1.0 GPL-3 XXX R wrappers around the cubature C library of Steven G. Johnson for...
r-cubble 0.3.0 MIT X A spatiotemperal data object in a relational data structure to separate...
r-cubelyr 1.0.2 MIT X An implementation of a data cube extracted out of 'dplyr' for...
r-cubeview 0.2.0 MIT X Creates a 3D data cube view of a RasterStack/Brick, typically a...
r-cubfits 0.1_4 Mozilla XXX Estimating mutation and selection coefficients on synonymous codon bias...
r-cubist GPL-3 XXX Regression modeling using rules with added instance-based corrections.
r-cump 2.0 GPL-2 X Combining Univariate Association Test Results of Multiple Phenotypes...
r-cumplyr 0.1_1 MIT X Extends ddply to allow calculation of cumulative quantities.
r-cumseg 1.3 GPL-3 X Estimation of number and location of change points in mean-shift...
r-cumstats 1.0 GPL-3 X Cumulative descriptive statistics for (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic)...
r-curl 5.1.0 MIT XXX The curl() and curl_download() functions provide highly configurable...
r-currentsurvival 1.1 GPL-2 X The currentSurvival package contains functions for the estimation of...
r-curry 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Partial application is the process of reducing the arity of a function...
r-curstatci 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Computes the maximum likelihood estimator, the smoothed maximum...
r-curvecomp 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Performs multiple comparison procedures on curve observations among...
r-cusp 2.3.6 GPL-2 XXX Cobb's maximum likelihood method for cusp-catastrophe modeling...
r-customerscoringmetrics 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions for evaluating and visualizing predictive model performance...
r-cusum 0.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides functions for constructing and evaluating CUSUM charts and...
r-cusumdesign 1.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Computation of decision intervals (H) and average run lengths (ARL) for...
r-cutpointr 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Estimate cutpoints that optimize a specified metric in binary...
r-cutpointsoehr 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Use optimal equal-HR method to determine two optimal cutpoints of a...
r-cuttlefish.model 1.0 GPL-3 X This package can be used to standardize abundance indices using the...
r-cvar 0.5 GPL-2 X Compute expected shortfall (ES) and Value at Risk (VaR) from a quantile...
r-cvauc 1.1.4 Apache X Tools for working with and evaluating cross-validated area under the...
r-cvcalibration 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Statistical inferences for estimating the calibration equation with...
r-cvd 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Methods for color vision deficiencies (CVD), to help understanding and...
r-cvequality 0.2.0 MIT X Contains functions for testing for significant differences between...
r-cvgee 0.3_0 GPL-3 X Calculates predictions from generalized estimating equations and...
r-cvmgof 1.0.3 CeCILL X It is devoted to Cramer-von Mises goodness-of-fit tests. It implements...
r-cvms 1.6.0 MIT X Cross-validate one or multiple regression and classification models and...
r-cvq2 1.2.0 GPL-3 X The external prediction capability of quantitative structure-activity...
r-cvst 0.2_3 GPL XXXX The fast cross-validation via sequential testing (CVST) procedure is an...
r-cvtools 0.3.2 GPL XXXX Tools that allow developers to write functions for cross-validation...
r-cvtuningcov 1.0 GPL-2 X This is a package for selecting tuning parameters based on...
r-cvxbiclustr 0.0.1 MIT XXX An iterative algorithm for solving a convex formulation of the...
r-cvxclustr 1.1.1 CC XXX Alternating Minimization Algorithm (AMA) and Alternating Direction...
r-cvxr 1.0_11 Apache X An object-oriented modeling language for disciplined convex programming...
r-cwhmisc 6.6 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous useful or interesting functions.
r-cxhull 0.7.3 GPL-3 XXX Computes the convex hull in arbitrary dimension, based on the Qhull...
r-cxxfunplus 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Extend 'cxxfunction' by saving the dynamic shared objects for...
r-cyclertools 1.1.1 MIT XXX A suite of functions for analysing cycling data.
r-cyclocomp 1.1.1 MIT X Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric (measurement), used to...
r-cycloids 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Tools for calculating coordinate representations of hypocycloids,...
r-cyclops 3.4.0 Apache X This model fitting tool incorporates cyclic coordinate descent and...
r-cytobankapi 2.2.1 GPL-3 X Tools to interface with Cytobank's API via R, organized by...
r-cytobankbridger 1.0.0 Artistic-2.0 X A collection of tools that leverage the CytobankAPI R package...
r-d3network GPL-3 X This packages is intended to make it easy to create D3 JavaScript...
r-d3plus 0.1.0 MIT X Provides functions that offer seamless 'D3Plus' integration....
r-d3r 1.1.0 BSD_3_clause X Provides a suite of functions to help ease the use of 'd3.js'...
r-d3tree 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Create and customize interactive collapsible 'D3' trees using...
r-daag 1.25.4 GPL-3 X Functions and data sets used in examples and exercises in the text...
r-daagxtras 0.8_4 Unlimited X various data sets used in additional exercises for the book Maindonald,...
r-daarem 0.7 GPL-2 X Implements the DAAREM method for accelerating the convergence of slow,...
r-dabestr 2023.9.12 Apache X Data Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled ESTimation. Estimation statistics...
r-dacf 1.0.0 GPL-2 X An implementation of data analytic methods in R for analyses for data...
r-dae 3.2.19 GPL-2 X The content falls into the following groupings: (i) Data, (ii) Factor...
r-daewr 1.2_11 GPL-2 X Contains Data frames and functions used in the book "Design and...
r-dagitty 0.3_1 GPL-2 X A port of the web-based software 'DAGitty', available at...
r-dagr 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Draw, manipulate, and evaluate directed acyclic graphs and simulate...
r-daime 2.1.3 CC X Reverse and model the effects of changing deposition rates on...
r-dalex 2.4.3 GPL-3 X Any unverified black box model is the path to failure. Opaqueness leads...
r-dalex2 0.9 GPL-3 X Machine Learning models are widely used and have various applications...
r-dalextra 2.3.0 GPL-3 X Provides wrapper of various machine learning models. In applied machine...
r-daly 1.5.0 GPL-2 XXX The DALY Calculator is a free, open-source Graphical User Interface...
r-dam 0.0.1 CC0 X A collection of functions which aim to assist common computational...
r-dams 0.3.0 GPL-2 X The single largest source of dams in the United States is the National...
r-dang 0.0.15 GPL-2 XX A collection of utility functions.
r-dap 1.0 GPL-2 XXX An implementation of Discriminant Analysis via Projections (DAP) method...
r-dapr 0.0.3 GPL-3 X An easy-to-use, dependency-free set of functions for iterating over...
r-dark 0.9.8 GPL-3 X The recovery of visual sensitivity in a dark environment is known as...
r-dartr.data 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Data package for 'dartR'. Provides data sets to run examples in...
r-darts 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Are you aiming at the right spot in darts? Maybe not! Use this package...
r-dashboard 0.1.0 GPL-2 X The dashboard package allows users to create web pages which display ...
r-dashboardthemes 1.1.6 MIT X Allows manual creation of themes and logos to be used in applications...
r-dasst 0.3.4 GPL-2 X Provides methods for reading, displaying, processing and writing files...
r-data.table 1.14.8 MPL-2.0 XXX Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins,...
r-data.tree 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Create tree structures from hierarchical data, and traverse the tree in...
r-data.validator 0.2.0 MIT X Validate dataset by columns and rows using convenient predicates...
r-databaseconnector 6.2.4 Apache X An R 'DataBase Interface' ('DBI') compatible interface...
r-databaseconnectorjars 1.1.0 Apache X Provides external JAR dependencies for the 'DatabaseConnector' package.
r-dataclean 1.0 GPL-3 X Includes functions that researchers or practitioners may use to clean...
r-datacombine 0.2.21 GPL-3 X Tools for combining and cleaning data sets, particularly with grouped...
r-dataeditr 0.1.5 GPL-2 X An interactive editor built on 'rhandsontable' to allow the...
r-dataexplorer 0.8.2 MIT X Automated data exploration process for analytic tasks and predictive...
r-dataframes2xls 0.4.7 BSD_3_clause X Writes data frames to xls files. It supports multiple sheets and basic...
r-datagraph 1.2.14 GPL-2 XXX Functions to pipe data from 'R' to 'DataGraph', a...
r-datamaid 1.4.1 GPL-2 X Data screening is an important first step of any statistical analysis....
r-datamap 0.1_1 GPL-2 XXX datamap utilizes variable bindings and objects of class...
r-datamaps 0.0.3 MIT X Easily create interactive choropleth maps then add bubbles and arcs by...
r-datamods 1.4.2 GPL-3 X 'Shiny' modules to import data into an application or...
r-datapasta 3.1.0 MIT X RStudio addins and R functions that make copy-pasting vectors and...
r-datapreparation 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Do most of the painful data preparation for a data science project with...
r-dataqualityr 1.0 MIT X The package performs variable level data quality checks including...
r-dataretrieval 2.7.14 CC0 X Collection of functions to help retrieve U.S. Geological Survey and...
r-datarium 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Contains data organized by topics: categorical data, regression model,...
r-datarobot 2.18.4 MIT X For working with the 'DataRobot' predictive modeling...
r-datasaurus 0.1.6 MIT X The Datasaurus Dozen is a set of datasets with the same summary...
r-dataseries 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Download and import time series from <http://www.dataseries.org>,...
r-dataset 0.2.1 GPL-3 X The aim of the 'dataset' package is to make tidy datasets...
r-datasets.load 2.2.0 GPL-3 X Graphical interface for loading datasets in RStudio from all installed...
r-datassim 1.0 GPL-2 XXX For estimation of a variable of interest using Kalman filter by...
r-datastructures 0.2.9 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of advanced data structures such as hashmaps, heaps, or...
r-datautils 0.1.5 LGPL-3 XXX Contains facilities such as getting the current timestamp in decimal...
r-dataverse 0.3.13 GPL-2 X Provides access to Dataverse APIs <https://dataverse.org/>...
r-datavisualizations 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Gives access to data visualisation methods that are relevant from the...
r-datawizard 0.9.0 MIT X A lightweight package to assist in key steps involved in any data...
r-date 1.2_42 GPL-2 XXX Functions for handling dates.
r-daterangepicker 0.2.0 MIT X A Shiny Input for date-ranges, which pops up two calendars for...
r-datetime 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Provides methods for working with nominal dates, times, and durations....
r-datetimeutils 0.6_2 GPL-3 X Utilities for handling dates and times, such as selecting particular...
r-datos 0.5.1 CC0 X Provee una versión traducida de los siguientes conjuntos de datos:...
r-datr 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Interface with the 'Dat' p2p network protocol...
r-davies 1.2_0 GPL-2 X Various utilities for the Davies distribution.
r-daymetr 1.7.1 AGPL-3 X Programmatic interface to the 'Daymet' web services...
r-dbarts 0.9_23 GPL-2 X Fits Bayesian additive regression trees (BART; Chipman, George, and...
r-dbemplikegof 1.2.4 GPL-2 X Goodness-of-fit and two sample comparison tests using sample entropy
r-dbemplikenorm 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Test for joint assessment of normality
r-dbest 1.8 GPL-2 X A program for analyzing vegetation time series, with two algorithms: 1)...
r-dbhydror 0.2_8 GPL-3 X Client for programmatic access to the South Florida Water Management...
r-dbi 1.1.3 LGPL-2.1 XXXX A database interface definition for communication between R and...
r-dbitest 1.7.3 LGPL-2.1 X A helper that tests DBI back ends for conformity to the interface.
r-dblcens 1.1.9 GPL-2 XXXX Doubly censored data, as described in Chang and Yang (1987) <doi:...
r-dbplot 0.3.3 GPL-3 X Leverages 'dplyr' to process the calculations of a plot inside...
r-dbplyr 2.3.4 MIT XXXX A 'dplyr' back end for databases that allows you to work with...
r-dbscan 1.1_11 GPL-2 XXX A fast reimplementation of several density-based algorithms of the...
r-dbstats 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Prediction methods where explanatory information is coded as a matrix...
r-dbx 0.2.8 MIT X Provides select, insert, update, upsert, and delete database...
r-dcg 0.9.3 GPL-2 X Data cloud geometry (DCG) applies random walks in finding community...
r-dchipio 0.1.5 LGPL-2.1 X Functions for reading DCP and CDF.bin files generated by the dChip software.
r-dcl 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Statistical modelling and forecasting in claims reserving in non-life...
r-dcluster 0.2_9 GPL-2 X A set of functions for the detection of spatial clusters of disease...
r-dcov 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Efficient methods for computing distance covariance and relevant...
r-dcovts 1.4 GPL-2 X Computing and plotting the distance covariance and correlation function...
r-dcurver 0.9.2 GPL-3 XXX A Davidian curve defines a seminonparametric density, whose shape and...
r-dcurves 0.4.0 MIT X Diagnostic and prognostic models are typically evaluated with measures...
r-dcv 0.1.1 GPL-2 X This package performs several conventional Cross-validation statistical...
r-ddalpha 1.3.13 GPL-2 XXX Contains procedures for depth-based supervised learning, which are...
r-ddd 5.2.2 GPL-3 X Implements maximum likelihood and bootstrap methods based on the...
r-ddm 1.0_0 GPL-2 X A set of three two-census methods to the estimate the degree of death...
r-ddoutlier 0.1.0 MIT X Outlier detection in multidimensional domains. Implementation of...
r-ddrtree 0.1.5 Artistic-2.0 XXX Provides an implementation of the framework of reversed graph embedding...
r-deadband 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Statistical deadband algorithms are based on the Send-On-Delta concept...
r-deal 1.2_42 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian networks with continuous and/or discrete variables can be...
r-deamer 1.0 GPL-3 X deamer provides deconvolution algorithms for the non-parametric...
r-dear 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Set of functions for Data Envelopment Analysis. It runs both classic...
r-debugme 1.1.0 MIT XXXX Specify debug messages as special string constants, and control...
r-debugr 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Tool to print out the value of R objects/expressions while running an R...
r-decide 1.3 GPL-2 X Calculates various estimates for measures of educational differentials,...
r-decido 0.3.0 MIT XXX Provides constrained triangulation of polygons. Ear cutting (or ear...
r-decision 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Contains a function called dmur() which accepts four parameters like...
r-declaredesign 1.0.4 MIT X Researchers can characterize and learn about the properties of research...
r-decode 1.2 GPL-3 X Integrated differential expression (DE) and differential co-expression...
r-decoder 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Main function "decode" is used to decode coded key values to...
r-decompr 6.4.0 GPL-3 XX Three global value chain (GVC) decompositions are implemented. The...
r-decon 1.3_4 GPL-3 XXX A collection of functions to deal with nonparametric measurement error...
r-deconvolver 1.2_1 GPL-2 X Empirical Bayes methods for learning prior distributions from data. An...
r-decor 1.0.2 MIT X Retrieves code comment decorations for C++ languages of the form...
r-deducer 0.7_9 GPL-2 X An intuitive, cross-platform graphical data analysis system. It uses...
r-deepboost 0.1.6 Apache XXX Provides deep boosting models training, evaluation, predicting and...
r-deepgmm 0.1.62 GPL-3 X Deep Gaussian mixture models as proposed by Viroli and McLachlan (2019)...
r-deeplr 2.0.0 GPL-2 X A wrapper for the 'DeepL' Pro API...
r-deepnet 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Implement some deep learning architectures and neural network...
r-deepnn 1.2 GPL-3 X Implementation of some Deep Learning methods. Includes multilayer...
r-deepr 0.1 GPL-2 X Tests for, and describe differences in event count profiles in groups...
r-default 1.0.0 MIT X A simple syntax to change the default values for function arguments,...
r-deformula 0.1.2 MIT XXX Numerical quadrature of functions of one variable over a finite or...
r-deisotoper 0.0.7 GPL-3 X Provides a low-level interface for a deisotoper container implemented...
r-delaporte 8.3.0 BSD_2_clause XXX Provides probability mass, distribution, quantile, random-variate...
r-deldir 1.0_9 GPL-2 XXX Calculates the Delaunay triangulation and the Dirichlet or Voronoi...
r-delt 0.8.2 GPL-2 XXX We implement methods for estimating multivariate densities. We include...
r-delta GPL-3 X Measure of agreement delta was originally by Martín & Femia (2004)...
r-deltaplotr 1.6 GPL-2 X The deltaPlotR package implements Angoff's Delta Plot method to...
r-deltd 2.6.8 GPL-2 X A collection of asymmetrical kernels belong to lifetime distributions...
r-demetics 0.8_7 GPL-2 X This package allows to calculate the fixation index Gst (Nei, 1973) and...
r-deming 1.4 LGPL-2 X Generalized Deming regression, Theil-Sen regression and Passing-Bablock...
r-demogr 0.6.0 GPL-2 X Construction and analysis of matrix population models in R.
r-demography 2.0 GPL-3 X Functions for demographic analysis including lifetable calculations;...
r-demokde 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Demonstration code showing how (univariate) kernel density estimates...
r-demova 1.0 GPL-2 X Tool for the development of multi-linear QSPR/QSAR models (Quantitative...
r-dendextend 1.17.1 GPL-2 X Offers a set of functions for extending 'dendrogram' objects in...
r-dendroextras 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Provides extra functions to manipulate dendrograms that build on the...
r-dendser 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Re-arranges a dendrogram to optimize visualisation-based cost functions.
r-dendsort 0.3.4 GPL-2 X An implementation of functions to optimize ordering of nodes in a...
r-denoiseq 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Given count data from two conditions, it determines which transcripts...
r-denpro 0.9.2 GPL-2 XXX We provide tools to (1) visualize multivariate density functions and...
r-denseflmm 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Estimation of functional linear mixed models for densely sampled data...
r-densestbayes 1.0_2.2 GPL-2 X Bayesian density estimates for univariate continuous random samples are...
r-densityclust 0.3.2 GPL-2 X An improved implementation (based on k-nearest neighbors) of the...
r-densparcorr 1.1 GPL-2 X Provide a Dens-based method for estimating functional connection in...
r-densratio 0.2.1 MIT X Density ratio estimation. The estimated density ratio function can be...
r-denstrip 1.5.4 GPL-2 X Graphical methods for compactly illustrating probability distributions,...
r-denvax 0.1.2 MIT X Provides the mathematical model described by "Serostatus Testing...
r-deoptim 2.2_8 GPL-2 XXX Implements the Differential Evolution algorithm for global optimization...
r-deoptimr 1.1_3 GPL-2 XXXX Differential Evolution (DE) stochastic heuristic algorithms for global...
r-depend.truncation 3.0 GPL-2 X Estimation and testing methods for dependently truncated data....
r-deplogo 1.2 GPL-3 X Plots dependency logos from a set of aligned input sequences.
r-deployrrserve 9.0.0 GPL XX Rserve acts as a socket server (TCP/IP or local sockets) which allows...
r-depmix 0.9.16 GPL-3 XXX Fits (multigroup) mixtures of latent or hidden Markov models on mixed...
r-depmixs4 1.5_0 GPL-2 X Fits latent (hidden) Markov models on mixed categorical and continuous...
r-depth.plot 0.1 GPL-2 X Could be used to obtain spatial depths, spatial ranks and outliers of...
r-depthtools 0.7 GPL-2 X Implementation of different statistical tools for the description and...
r-dequer 2.0_2 BSD_2_clause XXX Queues, stacks, and 'deques' are list-like, abstract data...
r-derezende.ferreira 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Modeling the zero coupon yield curve using the dynamic De Rezende and...
r-deriv 4.1.3 GPL-3 X R-based solution for symbolic differentiation. It admits user-defined...
r-derivmkts 0.2.5 MIT X A set of pricing and expository functions that should be useful in...
r-des 1.0.0 MIT X Discrete event simulation (DES) involves modeling of systems having...
r-desc 1.4.2 MIT XXXX Tools to read, write, create, and manipulate DESCRIPTION files. It is...
r-descomponer 1.6 GPL-2 X Decompose a time series into seasonal, trend and irregular components...
r-descr 1.1.7 GPL-2 XXX Weighted frequency and contingency tables of categorical variables and...
r-describer 0.2.0 MIT X Allows users to quickly and easily describe data using common...
r-descriptio 1.2 GPL-2 X Description of statistical associations between two variables :...
r-descriptr 0.5.2 MIT X Generate descriptive statistics such as measures of location,...
r-desctools 0.99.50 GPL-2 X A collection of miscellaneous basic statistic functions and convenience...
r-designgg 1.1 GPL-3 X The package provides R scripts for designing genetical genomics experiments.
r-designglmm 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Use simulated annealing to find optimal designs for Poisson regression...
r-designmatch 0.5.4 GPL-2 X Includes functions for the construction of matched samples that are...
r-desir 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Functions for (1) ranking, selecting, and prioritising genes,...
r-desirability 2.1 GPL-2 X S3 classes for multivariate optimization using the desirability...
r-desnowball 1.0 GPL-3 X This package implements a statistical data mining method to compare...
r-desolve 1.38 GPL-2 XXX Functions that solve initial value problems of a system of first-order...
r-desplot 1.10 GPL-3 X A function for plotting maps of agricultural field experiments that are...
r-det 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Builds both ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) and DET (Detection...
r-details 0.3.0 MIT X Create a details HTML tag around R objects to place in a Markdown,...
r-detector 0.1.0 MIT X Allows users to quickly and easily detect data containing Personally...
r-detectseparation 0.3 GPL-3 X Provides pre-fit and post-fit methods for detecting separation and...
r-detestset GPL-3 XXX Solvers and test set for stiff and non-stiff differential equations,...
r-detmcd 0.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of DetMCD, a new algorithm for robust and deterministic...
r-detpack 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Density estimation for possibly large data sets and...
r-detr 0.0.5 GPL-2 XXX DetLTS, DetMM (and DetS) Algorithms for Deterministic, Robust Linear Regression.
r-detrendr 0.6.15 BSD_3_clause X Detrend fluorescence microscopy image series for fluorescence...
r-detsel 1.0.4 GPL-2 XXX In the new era of population genomics, surveys of genetic polymorphism...
r-devemf 4.4_1 GPL-3 XXX Output graphics to EMF+/EMF.
r-devfunc 0.1 GPL-3 X A concise check of the format of one or multiple input arguments (data...
r-devoid 0.1.2 MIT XXX Provides a non-drawing graphic device for benchmarking purpose. In...
r-devore7 0.7.6 GPL-2 X Data sets and sample analyses from Jay L. Devore (2008),...
r-devrate 0.2.4 GPL-2 X A set of functions to quantify the relationship between development...
r-devtools 2.4.5 MIT XXXX Collection of package development tools.
r-df2json 0.0.2 GPL-3 X It handles numerics, characters, factors, and logicals.
r-dfa.cancor 0.2.8 GPL-2 X Produces SPSS- and SAS-like output for linear discriminant function...
r-dfadjust 1.0.5 MIT X Computes small-sample degrees of freedom adjustment for...
r-dfcomb 3.1_1 GPL-3 XXX Phase I/II adaptive dose-finding design for combination studies where...
r-dfcompare 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Compares two dataframes with a common key and returns the delta...
r-dfcrm 0.2_2.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions to run the CRM and TITE-CRM in phase I trials and...
r-dfidx 0.0_5 GPL-2 X Provides extended data frames, with a special data frame column which...
r-dfmta 1.7_3 GPL-3 XXX Phase I/II adaptive dose-finding design for single-agent Molecularly...
r-dfoptim 2023.1.0 GPL-2 X Derivative-Free optimization algorithms. These algorithms do not...
r-dfphase1 1.2.0 LGPL-2 XXX Statistical methods for retrospectively detecting changes in location...
r-dga 2.0.1 GPL-2 XX Performs Bayesian model averaging for capture-recapture. This includes...
r-dglars 2.1.7 GPL-2 XXX Differential geometric least angle regression method for fitting sparse...
r-dgmb 1.2 GPL-2 X A set of functions have been implemented to generate random data to...
r-dgodata 0.0.2 GPL-3 X Provides data used by package 'dgo' in examples and vignettes.
r-dgof 1.4 GPL XXX A revision to the stats::ks.test() function and the associated...
r-dharma 0.4.6 GPL-3 X The 'DHARMa' package uses a simulation-based approach to create...
r-dhh 0.0.1 GPL-2 X The density, cumulative distribution, quantiles, and i.i.d random...
r-dhsic 2.1 GPL-3 XXX Contains an implementation of the d-variable Hilbert Schmidt...
r-di 1.1.4 GPL-3 X A set of utilities for calculating the Deficit (frailty) Index (DI) in...
r-diagis 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Fast functions for effective sample size, weighted multivariate mean,...
r-diagonals 6.4.0 GPL-3 X Several tools for handling block-matrix diagonals and similar...
r-diagram 1.6.5 GPL-2 X Visualises simple graphs (networks) based on a transition matrix,...
r-diagrammer 1.0.10 MIT XXXX Build graph/network structures using functions for stepwise addition...
r-diagrammersvg 0.1 MIT X Allows for export of DiagrammeR Graphviz objects to SVG.
r-dialr 0.4.2 GPL-3 X Parse, format, and validate international phone numbers using...
r-dialrjars 8.13.2 GPL-3 X Collects 'libphonenumber' jars required for the 'dialr' package.
r-dials 1.2.0 MIT X Many models contain tuning parameters (i.e. parameters that cannot be...
r-diaplt 1.4.0 MIT X Visualize one-factor data frame. Beads plot consists of diamonds of...
r-dice 1.2 GPL-2 X This package provides utilities to calculate the probabilities of...
r-dicedesign 1.9 GPL-3 XXX Space-Filling Designs and space-filling criteria (distance-based and...
r-diceeval 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Estimation, validation and prediction of models of different types :...
r-dicekriging 1.6.0 GPL-2 XXX Estimation, validation and prediction of kriging models. Important...
r-diceoptim 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm as described in...
r-dichromat 2.0_0.1 GPL-2 XXXX Collapse red-green or green-blue distinctions to simulate the effects...
r-dicionariosibge 1.6 GPL-2 X This package contains the dictionaries for reading microdata from IBGE...
r-dict 0.1.0 MIT X A key-value dictionary data structure based on R6 class which is...
r-dictionar6 0.1.3 MIT X Efficient object-oriented R6 dictionary capable of holding objects of...
r-did 2.1.2 GPL-2 X The standard Difference-in-Differences (DID) setup involves two periods...
r-did2s 1.0.2 MIT X Estimates Two-way Fixed Effects difference-in-differences/event-study...
r-didacticboost 0.1.1 GPL-3 X A basic, clear implementation of tree-based gradient boosting designed...
r-didimputation 0.3.0 MIT X Estimates Two-way Fixed Effects difference-in-differences/event-study...
r-dielectric 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Physical constants. Gold, silver and glass permittivities, together...
r-diezeit 0.1_0 MIT X A wrapper for the ZEIT ONLINE Content API, available at...
r-difconet 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Estimation of DIFferential COexpressed NETworks using diverse and user...
r-diffcor 0.8.1 GPL-2 X Computations of Fisher's z-tests concerning different kinds of...
r-diffdf 1.0.4 MIT X Functions for comparing two data.frames against each other. The core...
r-diffee 1.1.0 GPL-2 X This is an R implementation of Fast and Scalable Learning of Sparse...
r-diffmeshgp 0.1.0 GPL-2 X This R function implements the nonstationary Kriging model proposed by...
r-diffobj 0.3.5 GPL-2 XXX Generate a colorized diff of two R objects for an intuitive...
r-diffpriv 0.4.2 MIT X An implementation of major general-purpose mechanisms for privatizing...
r-diffr 0.1 GPL-2 X An R interface to the 'codediff' JavaScript library (a copy of...
r-diffusionmap 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Implements diffusion map method of data parametrization, including...
r-diffusr 0.1.4 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of network diffusion algorithms such as heat diffusion...
r-diffviewer 0.1.1 MIT X A HTML widget that shows differences between files (text, images, and...
r-difr 5.1 GPL-2 X Provides a collection of standard methods to detect differential item...
r-digest 0.6.33 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of...
r-digitalpcr 1.1.0 GPL-2 X The assay sensitivity is the minimum number of copies that the digital...
r-digitize 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Import data from a digital image; it requires user input for...
r-dils 0.8.1 MIT XXX Combine multiple-relationship networks into a single weighted network. ...
r-dime 1.3.0 GPL-2 XXX A robust identification of differential binding sites method for...
r-dimensionsr 0.0.3 GPL-3 X A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'Digital...
r-dimora 0.3.6 GPL-3 X The implemented methods are: Standard Bass model, Generalized Bass...
r-dimred 0.2.6 GPL-3 XXX A collection of dimensionality reduction techniques from R packages and...
r-dinamic 1.0 GPL-2 X This function implements the DiNAMIC procedure for assessing the...
r-dineq 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Decomposition of (income) inequality by population sub groups. For a...
r-dint 2.1.4 MIT X S3 classes and methods to create and work with year-quarter, year-month...
r-diphiseq 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Implements the algorithm described in Jun Li and Alicia T. Lamere,...
r-dipsaus 0.2.8 GPL-3 X Works as an "add-on" to packages like 'shiny',...
r-diptest 0.76_0 GPL-2 XXX Compute Hartigan's dip test statistic for unimodality /...
r-dire 2.2.0 GPL-2 X Fit latent variable linear models, estimating score distributions for...
r-direct 1.1.0 GPL-2 XXX A Bayesian clustering method for replicated time series or replicated...
r-directedclustering 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Allows the computation of clustering coefficients for directed and...
r-directeffects 0.2.1 GPL-2 X A set of functions to estimate the controlled direct effect of...
r-directional 6.3 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for directional data (including massive data,...
r-directlabels 2023.8.25 GPL-3 X An extensible framework for automatically placing direct labels onto...
r-directstandardisation 1.3 GPL-2 X Calculate adjusted means and proportions of a variable by groups...
r-dirichletreg 0.7_1 GPL-2 X Implements Dirichlet regression models.
r-dirmult 0.1.3_5 GPL-2 X Estimate parameters in Dirichlet-Multinomial and compute log-likelihoods.
r-disaggr MIT X The twoStepsBenchmark() and threeRuleSmooth() functions allow you to...
r-discfrail 0.1 GPL-3 X Functions for fitting Cox proportional hazards models for grouped...
r-disclap 1.5.1 GPL-2 X The discrete Laplace exponential family for use in fitting generalized...
r-disclapmix 1.7.4 GPL-2 XXX Make inference in a mixture of discrete Laplace distributions using the...
r-discretefdr 1.3.6 GPL-3 XXX Multiple testing procedures described in the paper Döhler, Durand and...
r-discretelaplace 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Probability mass function, distribution function, quantile function,...
r-discretemtp 0.1_2 GPL-2 X Multiple testing procedures for discrete test statistics, that use the...
r-discreterv 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Create, manipulate, transform, and simulate from discrete random...
r-discretization 1.0_1.1 GPL-3 X A collection of supervised discretization algorithms. It can also be...
r-discrim 1.0.1 MIT X Bindings for additional classification models for use with the...
r-discriminer 0.1_29 GPL-3 X Functions for Discriminant Analysis and Classification purposes...
r-discsurv 2.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides data transformations, estimation utilities, predictive...
r-diseasemapping 1.4.6 GPL-3 X Formatting of population and case data, calculation of Standardized...
r-dishet 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Model cell type heterogeneity of bulk renal cell carcinoma. The...
r-dismo 1.3_14 GPL-3 XXX Methods for species distribution modeling, that is, predicting the...
r-disordr 0.9_8.1 GPL-2 X Functionality for manipulating values of associative maps. The package...
r-disparityfilter 2.2.3 GPL-2 X The disparity filter algorithm is a network reduction technique to...
r-displayhts 1.0 GPL-2 X A package containing R functions for displaying data and results from...
r-dispmod 1.2 GPL-2 X Functions for estimating Gaussian dispersion regression models (Aitkin,...
r-disposables 1.0.3 MIT X Create disposable R packages for testing. You can create, install and...
r-dissutils 1.0 GPL-2 XXX This package has extensible C++ code for computing dissimilarities...
r-distance 1.0.8 GPL-2 X A simple way of fitting detection functions to distance sampling data...
r-distance.sample.size 0.0 GPL-2 X Calculates the study size (either number of detections, or proportion...
r-distances 0.1.9 GPL-3 XXX Provides tools for constructing, manipulating and using distance metrics.
r-distcomp 1.3_3 LGPL-2 XXX Implementing algorithms and fitting models when sites (possibly remote)...
r-distcrete 1.0.3 MIT X Creates discretised versions of continuous distribution functions by...
r-distdrawr 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Download data from the FlorKart database of the floristic field mapping...
r-distfree.cr 1.5.1 GPL-2 X Constructs confidence regions without the need to know the sampling...
r-distill 1.6 Apache X Scientific and technical article format for the web. 'Distill'...
r-distillery 1.2_1 GPL-2 X Some very simple method functions for confidence interval calculation,...
r-distory 1.4.4 BSD_3_clause XXX Geodesic distance between phylogenetic trees and associated functions....
r-distr 2.9.2 LGPL-3 X S4-classes and methods for distributions.
r-distrex 2.9.0 LGPL-3 X Extends package 'distr' by functionals, distances, and...
r-distrib 1.0 LGPL-3 X A different way for calculating pdf/pmf, cdf, quantile and random data...
r-distributional 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Vectorised distribution objects with tools for manipulating,...
r-distributions3 0.2.1 MIT X Tools to create and manipulate probability distributions using S3. ...
r-distributiontest 1.1 GPL-3 X Provides new types of omnibus tests which are generally much more...
r-distributionutils 0.6_1 GPL-2 XXX Utilities are provided which are of use in the packages I have...
r-distrmod 2.9.0 LGPL-3 X Implements S4 classes for probability models based on packages...
r-distro 0.1.0 Apache X In order to provide unified access to Linux distribution details in R,...
r-disttools 0.1.8 MIT X Provides convenient methods for accessing the data in 'dist'...
r-divdyn 0.8.2 CC XXX Functions to describe sampling and diversity dynamics of fossil...
r-divemove 1.6.1 GPL-3 X Utilities to represent, visualize, filter, analyse, and summarize...
r-diversitree 0.9_20 GPL-2 X Contains a number of comparative 'phylogenetic' methods, mostly...
r-divmelt 1.0.3 GPL-2 X This package has tools for analyzing DNA melting data to generate HRM...
r-divo 1.0.1 GPL-3 XXX A set of tools for empirical analysis of diversity (a number and...
r-dixontest 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX For outlier detection in small and normally distributed samples the...
r-diztools 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Lightweight utility functions used for the R package development...
r-dizutils 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Utility functions used for the R package development infrastructure...
r-dkdna 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Compute diffusion kernels on DNA polymorphisms, including SNP and...
r-dlagm 1.1.13 GPL-3 X Provides time series regression models with one predictor using finite...
r-dlasso 2.0.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of the differentiable lasso (dlasso) and SCAD (dSCAD)...
r-dlib BSL-1.0 XXX Interface for 'Rcpp' users to 'dlib'...
r-dlm 1.1_6 GPL-2 XXX Provides routines for Maximum likelihood, Kalman filtering and...
r-dlnm 2.4.7 GPL-2 X Collection of functions for distributed lag linear and non-linear models.
r-dlookr 0.6.2 GPL-2 X A collection of tools that support data diagnosis, exploration, and...
r-dlstats 0.1.7 Artistic-2.0 X Monthly download stats of 'CRAN' and 'Bioconductor'...
r-dm 1.0.8 MIT X Provides tools for working with multiple related tables, stored as data...
r-dma 1.4_0 GPL-2 X Dynamic model averaging for binary and continuous outcomes.
r-dmrnet 0.4.0 GPL-2 X Model selection algorithms for regression and classification, where the...
r-dmt 0.8.20 BSD_2_clause X Probabilistic dependency modeling toolkit.
r-dmwr 0.4.1 GPL-2 X This package includes functions and data accompanying the book ...
r-dmwr2 0.0.2 GPL-2 X Functions and data accompanying the second edition of the book ...
r-dnaseqtest 1.0 GPL-2 X Generates DNA sequences based on Markov model techniques for matched...
r-dne 2.1.0 GPL-2 X The DnE package involves functions to analyse the distribution of a set...
r-dng 0.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides density, distribution function, quantile function and random...
r-dnmf 1.4.2 GPL-2 X Discriminant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization aims to extend the...
r-do GPL-3 X Flexibly convert data between long and wide format using just two...
r-dobad 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Provides Frequentist (EM) and Bayesian (MCMC) Methods for Inference of...
r-dobson 0.4 GPL-2 X Example datasets from the book "An Introduction to Generalised...
r-doby 4.6.19 GPL-2 X Utility package containing: 1) Facilities for working with grouped...
r-dockerfiler 0.2.1 MIT X Build a Dockerfile straight from your R session. 'dockerfiler'...
r-docopt 0.7.1 MIT X Define a command-line interface by just giving it a description in the...
r-docopulae 0.4.0 MIT XXX A direct approach to optimal designs for copula models based on the...
r-docstring 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Provides the ability to display something analogous to Python's...
r-documair 0.6_0 GPL XXX Production of R packages from tagged comments introduced within the...
r-document 4.0.0 BSD_2_clause X Have you ever been tempted to create 'roxygen2'-style...
r-docusignr 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Connect to the 'DocuSign' Rest API...
r-dodge 0.9_2 GPL-3 X A variety of sampling plans are able to be compared using evaluations...
r-dodgr 0.2.21 GPL-3 X Distances on dual-weighted directed graphs using priority-queue...
r-doe.base 1.2_3 GPL-2 X Creates full factorial experimental designs and designs based on...
r-doe.wrapper 0.12 GPL-2 X Various kinds of designs for (industrial) experiments can be created....
r-doebioresearch 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Performs analysis of popular experimental designs used in the field of...
r-doestrare 0.2 GPL-2 XXX Rare variant association test integrating variant position information....
r-doex 1.2 GPL-2 X Contains the heteroscedastic ANOVA tests for normal and two-parameter...
r-dofuture 1.0.0 LGPL-2.1 X The 'future' package provides a unifying parallelization...
r-domc 1.3.8 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a parallel backend for the %dopar% function using the...
r-dominanceanalysis 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Dominance analysis is a method that allows to compare the relative...
r-domino 0.3.1 MIT X A wrapper on top of the 'Domino Command-Line Client'. It lets...
r-domir 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Methods to apply decomposition-based relative importance analysis for R...
r-doparallel 1.0.17 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a parallel backend for the %dopar% function using the parallel package.
r-dorng 1.8.6 GPL-2 X Provides functions to perform reproducible parallel foreach loops,...
r-dos 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Contains data sets, examples and software from the book Design of...
r-dosearch 1.0.8 GPL-2 XXX Identification of causal effects from arbitrary observational and...
r-dosefinding 1.0_5 GPL-3 XXX The DoseFinding package provides functions for the design and analysis...
r-dosnow 1.0.20 GPL-2 X Provides a parallel backend for the %dopar% function using the snow...
r-dostats 1.3.3 GPL-3 X A small package containing helper utilities for creating functions for...
r-dotcall64 1.1_0 GPL-2 XXX Provides .C64(), which is an enhanced version of .C() and .Fortran()...
r-dotdot 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Use '..' on the right hand side of the ':=' operator as...
r-dotenv 1.0.3 MIT X Load configuration from a '.env' file, that is in the current...
r-dotwhisker 0.7.4 MIT X Quick and easy dot-and-whisker plots of regression results.
r-doubcens 1.1 GPL-2 XXX Contains the discrete nonparametric survivor function estimation...
r-double.truncation 1.7 GPL-2 X Likelihood-based inference methods with doubly-truncated data are...
r-doublecone 1.1 GPL-2 X Performs hypothesis tests concerning a regression function in a...
r-doubleexpseq 1.1 GPL-3 X Differential exon usage test for RNA-Seq data via an empirical Bayes...
r-doubleml 0.5.3 MIT X Implementation of the double/debiased machine learning framework of...
r-dovalidation 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Local linear hazard estimator and its multiplicatively bias correction,...
r-downlit 0.4.3 MIT X Syntax highlighting of R code, specifically designed for the needs of...
r-downloader 0.4 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a wrapper for the download.file function, making it possible...
r-downloadthis 0.3.2 MIT X Implement download buttons in HTML output from 'rmarkdown'...
r-downsize 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Toggles the test and production versions of a large data analysis project.
r-dparser 1.3.1_10 BSD_3_clause XXX A Scannerless GLR parser/parser generator. Note that GLR standing for...
r-dpcid 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Differential partial correlation identification with the ridge and the...
r-dpglasso 1.0 GPL-2 XXX fits the primal graphical lasso, via one-at-a-time block-coordinate descent.
r-dplr 1.7.5 GPL-2 X Perform tree-ring analyses such as detrending, chronology building, and...
r-dplrcon 1.0 GPL-3 X The concordance method is a non-parametric method based on...
r-dplyr 1.1.3 MIT XXX A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both...
r-dplyrassist 0.1.0 GPL-3 X An RStudio addin for teaching and learning data manipulation using the...
r-dpp 0.1.2 MIT XXX This MCMC method takes a data numeric vector (Y) and assigns the...
r-dprint 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Provides a generalized method for printing tabular data within the R...
r-dqrng 0.3.1 AGPL-3 X Several fast random number generators are provided as C++ header only...
r-dqshiny 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Provides highly customizable modules to enhance your shiny apps....
r-dr 3.0.10 GPL-2 X Functions, methods, and datasets for fitting dimension reduction...
r-dragonking 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Statistical tests and test statistics to identify events in a dataset...
r-dragular 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Move elements between containers in 'Shiny' without explicitly...
r-drake 7.13.6 GPL-3 X A general-purpose computational engine for data analysis, drake...
r-drat 0.2.4 GPL-2 X Creation and use of R Repositories via helper functions to insert...
r-draw 1.0.0 MIT X A set of user-friendly wrapper functions for creating consistent...
r-drawr 1.0.3 GPL-2 X We present DRaWR, a network-based method for ranking genes or...
r-drc 3.0_1 GPL-2 X Analysis of dose-response data is made available through a suite of...
r-drdid 1.0.6 GPL-3 X Implements the locally efficient doubly robust...
r-dreamerr 1.3.0 GPL-3 X Set of tools to facilitate package development and make R a more...
r-drgee 1.1.10 GPL-2 X Fit restricted mean models for the conditional association between an...
r-driftbursthypothesis GPL-3 XXX Calculates the T-Statistic for the drift burst hypothesis from the...
r-drillr 0.1 GPL-3 X Provides a R driver for Apache Drill<https://drill.apache.org>,...
r-drimpute 1.0 GPL-3 XXX R codes for imputing dropout events. Many statistical methods in cell...
r-drmdel 1.3.2 GPL-3 XXX Dual empirical likelihood (DEL) inference under semiparametric density...
r-dropr 0.1 GPL-2 X Drop out analysis for psychologists in a R based web application. Shiny...
r-droptest 0.1.3 MIT X Generates simulated data representing the LOX drop testing process...
r-drr 0.0.4 GPL-3 XXXX An Implementation of Dimensionality Reduction via Regression using...
r-ds 4.0 GPL-2 X Performs various analyzes of descriptive statistics, including...
r-dsample GPL-3 X Discretization-based random sampling algorithm that is useful for a...
r-dsbayes 2023.1.0 GPL-2 X Calculate posterior modes and credible intervals of parameters of the...
r-dse 2020.2_1 GPL-2 X Tools for multivariate, linear, time-invariant, time series models....
r-dsi 1.5.0 LGPL-2.1 X 'DataSHIELD' is an infrastructure and series of R packages that...
r-dsl 0.1_7 GPL-3 XXX An abstract DList class helps storing large list-type objects in a...
r-dslabs 0.7.6 Artistic-2.0 X Datasets and functions that can be used for data analysis practice,...
r-dst 1.5.1 GPL-2 X Using the Theory of Belief Functions for evidence calculus. Basic...
r-dstat 1.0.4 GPL-2 X A d-statistic tests the null hypothesis of no treatment effect in a...
r-dt 0.30 GPL-3 XXXX Data objects in R can be rendered as HTML tables using the JavaScript...
r-dtables 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Towards automation of descriptive frequencies and statistics tables.
r-dtangle 2.0.9 GPL-3 X Deconvolving cell types from high-throughput gene profiling data. For...
r-dtaxg 0.1.0 GPL-3 X To calculate the sensitivity and specificity in the absence of gold...
r-dtd 0.2.2 GPL-2 XXX Provides fast methods to work with Merton's distance to default...
r-dtda 3.0.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of different algorithms for analyzing randomly truncated...
r-dtda.cif 1.0.2 GPL-2 XXX Nonparametric estimator of the cumulative incidences of competing risks...
r-dtda.ni 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Non-iterative estimator for the cumulative distribution of a doubly...
r-dtk 3.5 GPL-2 X This package was created to analyze multi-level one-way experimental...
r-dtmcpack 0.1_3 GPL-2 X A series of functions which aid in both simulating and determining the...
r-dtp 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Compute the dynamic threshold panel model suggested by (Stephanie...
r-dtplyr 1.3.1 MIT X Provides a data.table backend for 'dplyr'. The goal of...
r-dtrlearn2 1.1 GPL-2 X We provide a comprehensive software to estimate general K-stage DTRs...
r-dtrreg 1.7 GPL-2 X Dynamic treatment regime estimation and inference via G-estimation,...
r-dtsg 1.1.3 MIT X Basic time series functionalities such as listing of missing values,...
r-dtt 0.1_2 GPL-2 X This package provides functions for 1D and 2D Discrete Cosine Transform...
r-dtw 1.23_1 GPL-2 X A comprehensive implementation of dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithms...
r-dtwclust 5.5.12 GPL-3 X Time series clustering along with optimized techniques related to the...
r-dub 0.2.0 MIT X Provides an operator for assigning nested components of a list to names...
r-duckdb 0.9.1_1 MIT X The DuckDB project is an embedded analytical data management system...
r-dummies 1.5.6 GPL-2 X Expands factors, characters and other eligible classes into...
r-dummy 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Efficiently create dummies of all factors and character vectors in a...
r-dunn.test 1.3.5 GPL-2 X Computes Dunn's test (1964) for stochastic dominance and reports...
r-dunnetttests 2.0 GPL-2 X For the implementation of the step-down or step-up Dunnett testing...
r-durmod 1.1_2 Artistic-2.0 XXX Estimation of piecewise constant mixed proportional hazard competing...
r-dvmisc 1.1.4 GPL-3 X Contains functions that do something convenient (e.g. create BMI...
r-dwdlarger 0.1_0 GPL-2 X Solving large scale distance weighted discrimination. The main...
r-dwlm 0.1.0 GPL-2 X This linear model solution is useful when both predictor and response...
r-dyads 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Contains functions for the MCMC simulation of dyadic network models j2...
r-dydea 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Finds regular and chaotic intervals in the data using the 0-1 test for...
r-dygraphs MIT XXXX An R interface to the 'dygraphs' JavaScript charting library (a...
r-dykstra 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Solves quadratic programming problems using Richard L. Dykstra's...
r-dym 0.2 BSD_3_clause X Add a "Did You Mean" feature to the R interactive. With this...
r-dyn 0.2_9.6 GPL-3 X Time series regression. The dyn class interfaces ts, irts(), zoo() and...
r-dynamac 0.1.12 GPL-2 X While autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models allow for extremely...
r-dynamicdistribution 1.1 GPL-2 X The package is aimed at dynamically visualizing probability...
r-dynamichazard 1.0.1 GPL-2 XX Contains functions that lets you fit dynamic hazard models using state...
r-dynamictreecut 1.63_1 GPL-2 X Contains methods for detection of clusters in hierarchical clustering...
r-dynatree 1.2_16 LGPL-3 XXX Inference by sequential Monte Carlo for dynamic tree regression and...
r-dynclust 3.24 MIT X A two-stage procedure for the denoising and clustering of stack of...
r-dyncomp 0.0.2_1 MIT X While there are many well-established measures for identifying critical...
r-dynetnlaresistance 0.1.0 MIT X An anonymization algorithm to resist neighbor label attack in a dynamic network.
r-dynia 0.2 GPL-2 X Fit dynamic intervention model using the arima() function.
r-dynlm 0.3_6 GPL-2 X Dynamic linear models and time series regression.
r-dynnom 5.0.2 GPL-2 X Demonstrate the results of a statistical model object as a dynamic...
r-dynpanel 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Computes the first stage GMM estimate of a dynamic linear model with p...
r-dynpred 0.1.2 GPL-2 XXX The dynpred package contains functions for dynamic prediction in...
r-dynprog 0.1.1 GPL-3 X A domain-specific language for specifying translating recursions into...
r-dynr 0.1.16_91 GPL-3 X Intensive longitudinal data have become increasingly prevalent in...
r-dynsurv 0.4_5 GPL-3 X Time-varying coefficient models for interval censored and right...
r-dynutils 1.0.11 MIT X Provides common functionality for the 'dynverse' packages....
r-dzexpm 2.0 GPL-2 X MCMC method to estimate and predict skewed spatial processes. A real...
r-e1071 1.7_13 GPL-2 XXX Functions for latent class analysis, short time Fourier transform,...
r-eaf 2.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Computation and visualization of the empirical attainment function...
r-earth 5.3.2 GPL-3 X Build regression models using the techniques in Friedman's papers...
r-easyahp 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Given the scores from decision makers, the analytic hierarchy process...
r-easyanova 9.0 GPL-2 X Perform analysis of variance and other important complementary...
r-easycsv 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Allows users to easily read multiple comma separated tables and create...
r-easynls 5.0 GPL-2 X Fit and plot some nonlinear models.
r-easypackages 0.1.0 MIT X Easily load and install multiple packages from different sources,...
r-easypubmed 2.13 GPL-2 X Query NCBI Entrez and retrieve PubMed records in XML or text format....
r-easyreg 4.0 GPL-2 X Performs analysis of regression in simple designs with quantitative...
r-easystats 0.6.0 GPL-3 X A meta-package that installs and loads a set of packages from...
r-easysvg 0.1.0 MIT X This SVG elements generator can easily generate SVG elements such as...
r-ebal 0.1_8 GPL-2 X Package implements entropy balancing, a data preprocessing procedure...
r-ebass 0.1 GPL-3 X We propose a new sample size calculation method for trial-based...
r-ebayesthresh 1.4_12 GPL-2 X Empirical Bayes thresholding using the methods developed by I. M....
r-ebdbnet 1.2.8 GPL-3 XXX Infer the adjacency matrix of a network from time course data using an...
r-eben 5.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides the Empirical Bayesian Elastic Net for handling...
r-ebgenotyping 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Genotyping the population using next generation sequencing data is...
r-ebglmnet 6.0 GPL-3 XXX Provides empirical Bayesian lasso and elastic net algorithms for...
r-ebprs 2.1.0 GPL-3 X EB-PRS is a novel method that leverages information for effect sizes...
r-ebrank 1.0.0 CC0 X Empirical Bayes ranking applicable to parallel-estimation settings...
r-ebsnp 1.0 GPL-2 X Genotyping and SNP calling tool for single-sample next generation...
r-ecb 0.4.2 CC0 X Provides an interface to the 'European Central Bank's...
r-ecctmc 0.2.5 GPL-3 XXX Draw sample paths for endpoint-conditioned continuous time Markov...
r-ecdat 0.4_2 GPL-2 X Data sets for econometrics, including political science.
r-ecfsup 0.1_2 LGPL-3 XXX Testing the equality of several covariance functions of functional...
r-ecfun 0.3_2 GPL-2 X Functions and vignettes to update data sets in 'Ecdat' and to...
r-echarts2shiny 0.2.13 GPL-2 X Embed interactive charts to their Shiny applications. These charts will...
r-echarts4r 0.4.5 Apache X Easily create interactive charts by leveraging the 'Echarts...
r-ecipex 1.1 GPL-2 X Provides a function that quickly computes the fine structure isotope...
r-ecm 7.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions for easy building of error correction models (ECM) for time...
r-ecmwfr 1.5.0 AGPL-3 X Programmatic interface to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather...
r-eco 4.0_1 GPL-2 XXX Implements the Bayesian and likelihood methods proposed in Imai, Lu,...
r-ecodist 2.0.9 GPL-2 XXX Dissimilarity-based analysis functions including ordination and Mantel...
r-ecohydmod 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Simulates the soil water balance (soil moisture, evapotranspiration,...
r-ecoindr 1.9 GPL-2 X Calculates several indices, such as of diversity, fluctuation, etc.,...
r-econdemand 1.0 GNU X Tools for general properties including price, quantity, elasticity,...
r-ecoreg 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Estimating individual-level covariate-outcome associations using...
r-ecosimr 0.1.0 MIT X Given a site by species interaction matrix, users can make inferences...
r-ecosolver 0.5.5 GPL-3 XXX R interface to the Embedded COnic Solver (ECOS), an efficient and...
r-ecospat 4.0.0 GPL-3 X Collection of R functions and data sets for the support of spatial...
r-ecotoxicology 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of the EPA's Ecological Exposure Research Division...
r-ecotroph 1.6.1 GPL-3 X An approach and software for modelling marine and freshwater...
r-ecovirtual 1.1 GPL-2 X Computer simulations of classical ecological models as a learning resource.
r-ecp 3.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Implements various procedures for finding multiple change-points from...
r-ed50 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Functions of five estimation method for ED50 (50 percent effective...
r-edci 1.1_3 GPL-2 XXX Detection of edge points in images based on the difference of two...
r-edear 0.9.4 MIT X Exploratory and descriptive analysis of event based data. Provides...
r-edesign 1.0_13 GPL XXX An implementation of maximum entropy sampling for spatial data is...
r-edf 1.0.0 MIT X Import physiologic data stored in the European Data Format (EDF and...
r-edfreader 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Reads European Data Format files EDF and EDF+, see...
r-edfun 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Easily creating empirical distribution functions from data:...
r-edgar 2.0.7 GPL-2 X In the USA, companies file different forms with the U.S. Securities and...
r-edgarwebr 1.1.0 MIT X A set of methods to access and parse live filing information from the...
r-edgebundler 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Generates interactive circle plots with the nodes around the...
r-edgecorr 1.0 GPL-2 X Facilitates basic spatial edge correction to point pattern data.
r-edison 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Package EDISON (Estimation of Directed Interactions from Sequences Of...
r-editdata 0.1.8 GPL-3 X An 'RStudio' addin for editing a 'data.frame' or a...
r-edma 1.5_3 GPL-2 XXX Perform dynamic model averaging with grid search as in Dangl and...
r-edsurvey 4.0.4 GPL-2 X Read in and analyze functions for education survey and assessment data...
r-eegkitdata 1.1 GPL-2 X Contains the example EEG data used in the package eegkit. Also contains...
r-eeptools 1.2.5 GPL-3 X Collection of convenience functions to make working with administrative...
r-efa.dimensions GPL-2 X Functions for eleven procedures for determining the number of factors,...
r-efatools 0.4.4 GPL-3 X Provides functions to perform exploratory factor analysis (EFA)...
r-effects 4.2_2 GPL-2 X Graphical and tabular effect displays, e.g., of interactions, for...
r-effectsize 0.8.6 GPL-3 X Provide utilities to work with indices of effect size for a wide...
r-effectsrelbaseline 0.5 GPL-3 X Functions to test for changes of a response to a stimulus grouping...
r-effectstars 1.9_1 GPL-2 X Notice: The package EffectStars2 provides a more up-to-date...
r-effectstars2 0.1_3 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the method of effect stars as proposed by Tutz...
r-effecttreat 1.1 GPL-2 X In personalized medicine, one wants to know, for a given patient and...
r-efficientmaxeigenpair 0.1.4 MIT X An implementation for using efficient initials to compute the maximal...
r-efflog 1.0 GPL-2 X Fitting a causal loglinear model and calculating the causal effects for...
r-effsize 0.8.1 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to compute the standardized effect sizes for...
r-eganet 2.0.2 GPL X Implements the Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA) framework for...
r-egg 0.4.5 GPL-3 X Miscellaneous functions to help customise 'ggplot2' objects....
r-egor 1.23.3 AGPL-3 X Tools for importing, analyzing and visualizing ego-centered network...
r-egst 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Genetic predisposition for complex traits is often manifested through...
r-eha 2.11.1 GPL-2 XXX Parametric proportional hazards fitting with left truncation and right...
r-ehof 1.12 GPL-2 X Extended and enhanced hierarchical logistic regression models (called...
r-eiadata 0.1.3 GPL-2 X An R wrapper to allow the user to query categories and Series IDs, and...
r-eigeninv 2011.8_1 GPL-2 X Solves the ``inverse eigenvalue problem'' which is to generate...
r-eigenmodel 1.11 GPL-2 X Estimation of the parameters in a model for symmetric relational data...
r-eigenprcomp 1.0 GPL-2 X Computes confidence intervals for the proportion explained by the first...
r-eikosograms 0.1.1 GPL-3 X An eikosogram (ancient Greek for probability picture) divides the unit...
r-eila 0.1_2 GPL-2 X Implementation of Efficient Inference of Local Ancestry using fused...
r-eipack 0.2_2 GPL-2 X Provides methods for analyzing R by C ecological contingency tables...
r-eipartialid 0.1.2 MIT X Estimate district-level bounds for 2x2 ecological inference based on...
r-eive 3.1.3 GPL-3 XXX Performs a compact genetic algorithm search to reduce...
r-eiwild 0.6.7 GPL-3 XXX This package allows to use the hybrid Multinomial-Dirichlet-Model of...
r-ekmcmc 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Functions for estimating catalytic constant and Michaelis-Menten...
r-el 1.2 GPL-2 XX Empirical likelihood (EL) inference for two-sample problems. The...
r-el2surv 1.1 GPL-2 X Functions for computing critical values and implementing the...
r-elasth 0.3.1 GPL-3 X O pacote desponibiliza funções para estimar modelos de componentes não...
r-elastic 1.2.0 MIT X Connect to 'Elasticsearch', a 'NoSQL' database built on...
r-elasticnet 1.3 GPL-2 X Provides functions for fitting the entire solution path of the...
r-elec GPL-2 X This is a (somewhat bizarre) collection of functions written to do...
r-elec.strat 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXXX An extension of the elec package intended for use on election audits...
r-elections 1.0 GPL-2 X This includes a dataset on the outcomes of the USA presidential...
r-electivity 1.0.2 MIT X Provides all electivity algorithms (including Vanderploeg and Scavia...
r-elemstatlearn 2015.6.26.2 GPL-2 X Useful when reading the book above mentioned, in the documentation...
r-elevatr 0.99.0 MIT X Several web services are available that provide access to elevation...
r-elexr 1.0 MIT X Provides R access to election results data. Wraps elex...
r-elhmc 1.1.0 GPL-2 X A tool to draw samples from a Empirical Likelihood Bayesian posterior...
r-elitism 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Recently many new p-value based multiple test procedures have been...
r-elliplot 1.3.0 MIT X Correlation chart of two set (x and y) of data. Using Quantiles. ...
r-ellipse 0.5.0 GPL-2 X Contains various routines for drawing ellipses and ellipse-like...
r-ellipsis 0.3.2 MIT XXX The ellipsis is a powerful tool for extending functions. Unfortunately...
r-elliptic 1.4_0 GPL-2 X A suite of elliptic and related functions including Weierstrass and...
r-elmr 1.0 GPL-2 X Training and prediction functions are provided for the Extreme Learning...
r-elmso 1.0.1 GPL-3 X An implementation of the algorithm described in "Efficient Large-...
r-elo 3.0.2 GPL-2 XXX A flexible framework for calculating Elo ratings and resulting rankings...
r-elrm 1.2.5 GPL-2 XXX Implements a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to approximate exact...
r-elyp 0.7_5 GPL-2 XXX Empirical likelihood ratio tests for the Yang and Prentice (short/long...
r-emayili 0.7.18 GPL-3 X A light, simple tool for sending emails with minimal dependencies.
r-embc 2.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Unsupervised, multivariate, binary clustering for meaningful annotation...
r-embed 1.1.3 MIT X Predictors can be converted to one or more numeric representations...
r-embedsom 2.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Provides a smooth mapping of multidimensional points into...
r-emc 1.3 GPL-2 XXX random walk Metropolis, Metropolis Hasting, parallel tempering,...
r-emcdf 0.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Computes and visualizes empirical joint distribution of multivariate...
r-emcluster 0.2_15 Mozilla XXX EM algorithms and several efficient initialization methods for...
r-emdbook 1.3.13 GPL-3 X Auxiliary functions and data sets for "Ecological Models and...
r-emdist 0.3_3 MIT XXX Package providing calculation of Earth Mover's Distance (EMD).
r-emg 1.0.9 GPL-2 X Provides basic distribution functions for a mixture model of a Gaussian...
r-emhawkes 0.9.7 GPL-2 X Simulate and fitting exponential multivariate Hawkes model. This...
r-emistatr GPL-3 X Provides a fast and parallelised calculator to estimate combined...
r-eml MIT X Work with Ecological Metadata Language ('EML') files....
r-emld 0.5.1 MIT X This is a utility for transforming Ecological Metadata Language...
r-emme2 0.9 GPL-3 X This package includes functions to read and write to an EMME/2 databank
r-emmeans 1.8.9 GPL-2 XXXX Obtain estimated marginal means (EMMs) for many linear, generalized...
r-emmixmfa 2.0.11 GPL-2 XXX We provide functions to fit finite mixtures of multivariate normal or...
r-emmixskew 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX EM algorithm for Fitting Mixture of Multivariate Skew Normal and Skew t...
r-emmli 0.0.3 MIT X Fit models of modularity to morphological landmarks. Perform model...
r-emmreml 3.1 GPL-2 X The main functions are 'emmreml', and...
r-emoa 0.5_0.2 GPL-2 XXX Collection of building blocks for the design and analysis of...
r-emoji 15.0 MIT X Contains data about emojis with relevant metadata, and functions to...
r-emojifont 0.5.5 Artistic-2.0 X An implementation of using emoji and fontawesome for using in both base...
r-emon 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Statistical tools for environmental and ecological surveys....
r-emov 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Fixation and saccade detection in eye movement recordings. This package...
r-emp 2.0.5 GPL-3 X Functions for estimating EMP (Expected Maximum Profit Measure) in...
r-empichar 1.0.0 MIT XXX Evaluates the empirical characteristic function of univariate and...
r-empiricalcalibration 3.1.1 Apache X Routines for performing empirical calibration of observational study...
r-emplik 1.3_1 GPL-2 XXX Empirical likelihood ratio tests for means/quantiles/hazards from...
r-emplik2 1.32 GPL-2 X Calculates the p-value for a mean-type hypothesis (or multiple...
r-ems 1.3.11 GPL-2 X Collection of functions related to benchmark with prediction models for...
r-emsaov 2.3 GPL-2 X Provides the analysis of variance table including the expected mean...
r-emsnm 1.0 GPL-2 X It provides a method based on EM algorithm to estimate the parameter of...
r-emt 1.3 GPL-3 X Goodness-of-fit tests for discrete multivariate data. It is tested if a...
r-emulator 1.2_21 GPL-3 X Allows one to estimate the output of a computer program, as a function...
r-emvs 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX An efficient expectation-maximization algorithm for fitting Bayesian...
r-enc 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX Implements an S3 class for storing 'UTF-8' strings, based on...
r-encode 0.3.6 GPL-3 X Interconverts between ordered lists and compact string notation. Useful...
r-endogenous 1.0 GPL-2 X Likelihood-based approaches to estimate linear regression parameters...
r-endogmnp 0.2_1 GPL-2 XXX endogMNP is an R package that fits a Bayesian multinomial probit model...
r-endorse 1.6.2 GPL-2 XXX Fit the hierarchical and non-hierarchical Bayesian measurement models...
r-energy 1.7_11 GPL-2 XXX E-statistics (energy) tests and statistics for multivariate and...
r-energyonlinecpm 1.0 GPL-3 X Provides a function for distribution free control chart based on the...
r-english 1.2_6 GPL-2 X Allow numbers to be presented in an English language version, one, two,...
r-engrexpt 0.1_8 GPL-2 X Datasets from Nelson, Coffin and Copeland "Introductory Statistics...
r-enmeval 2.0.4 GPL-3 X Runs ecological niche models over all combinations of user-defined...
r-enrichr 3.2 GPL-2 X Provides an R interface to all 'Enrichr' databases....
r-enrichvs 0.0.5 BSD X These programs are used for calculating enrichment factors, drawing...
r-enrichwith 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Provides the "enrich" method to enrich list-like R objects with...
r-ensemblebma 5.1.8 GPL-2 X Bayesian Model Averaging to create probabilistic forecasts from...
r-ensemblepp 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Data sets for the chapter "Ensemble Postprocessing with R" of...
r-ensurer 1.1 MIT X Add simple runtime contracts to R values. These ensure that values...
r-entropart 1.6_13 GPL-3 X Measurement and partitioning of diversity, based on Tsallis entropy,...
r-entropy 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Implements various estimators of entropy for discrete random variables,...
r-entropyestimation 1.2 GPL-3 XXX Contains methods for the estimation of Shannon's entropy, variants...
r-entropyexplorer 1.1 GPL-3 X Rows of two matrices are compared for Shannon entropy, coefficient of...
r-envcpt 1.1.3 GPL-3 XXX Tools for automatic model selection and diagnostics for Climate and...
r-envdocument 2.4.1 GPL X Prints out information about the R working environment (system, R...
r-envipat 2.6 GPL-2 XXX Fast and very memory-efficient calculation of isotope patterns,...
r-envirostat 0.4_2 AGPL-3 XXX Functions and datasets to support the book by Nhu D Le and James V...
r-envnames 0.4.1 GPL-3 XXX Set of functions to keep track and find objects in user-defined...
r-envnicher 1.5 GPL-2 X A plot overlying the niche of multiple species is obtained: 1) to...
r-envstats 2.8.1 GPL-3 X Graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data, with focus on...
r-epandist 1.1.1 LGPL-3 X Analyzing censored variables usually requires the use of optimization...
r-epanet2toolkit 0.7.0 MIT XXX Enables simulation of water piping networks using 'EPANET'. The...
r-epanetreader 0.7.3 MIT X Reads water network simulation data in 'Epanet' text-based...
r-epi 2.47.1 GPL-2 X Functions for demographic and epidemiological analysis in the Lexis...
r-epibasix 1.5 GPL-2 X Contains elementary tools for analysis of common epidemiological...
r-epicontacttrace 0.17.0 EUPL XXX Routines for epidemiological contact tracing and visualisation of...
r-epidisplay GPL-2 X Package for data exploration and result presentation. Full...
r-epiestim 2.2_4 GPL-2 X Tools to quantify transmissibility throughout an epidemic from the...
r-epiilm 1.5.2 GPL-2 XXX Provides tools for simulating from discrete-time individual level...
r-epiilmct 1.1.7 GPL-2 XXX Provides tools for simulating from continuous-time individual level...
r-epikit 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Contains tools for formatting inline code, renaming redundant columns,...
r-epimdr 0.6_5 GPL-3 X Functions, data sets and shiny apps for "Epidemics: Models and Data...
r-epimodel 2.4.0 GPL-3 X Tools for simulating mathematical models of infectious disease...
r-epinow2 1.4.0 MIT X Estimates the time-varying reproduction number, rate of spread, and...
r-epir 2.0.65 GPL-2 X Tools for the analysis of epidemiological and surveillance data....
r-episcan 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Searching genomic interactions with linear/logistic regression in a...
r-epistemicgametheory 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Constructing an epistemic model such that, for every player i and for...
r-epitools 0.5_10.1 GPL-2 X Tools for training and practicing epidemiologists including methods for...
r-eplot 1.0 GPL-2 X Aim: Adjust the graphical parameters to create nicer longitudinal...
r-eply 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Evaluate a function over a data frame of expressions.
r-epsiwal 0.1.0 LGPL-3 X Implements the conditional estimation procedure of Lee, Sun, Sun and...
r-epxtor 0.4_1 GPL-3 X Import data from 'Epidata' XML files '.epx' and convert...
r-eq5d 0.15.0 MIT X EQ-5D is a popular health related quality of life instrument used in...
r-eql 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Computation of the EQL for a given family of variance functions,...
r-eqs2lavaan 3.0 GPL-2 X Transitioning from EQS to R for structural equation modeling (SEM) is...
r-equalcovs 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Tests the equality of two covariance matrices, used in paper "Two...
r-equalden.hd 1.2 GPL-2 XXX The equality of a large number k of densities is tested by measuring...
r-equaltestmi 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Functions for examining measurement invariance via equivalence testing...
r-equatags 0.2.0 MIT X Provides function to transform latex math expressions into format...
r-equate 2.0.8 GPL-3 X Contains methods for observed-score linking and equating under the...
r-equivalence 0.7.2 GPL-2 X Provides statistical tests and graphics for assessing tests of...
r-equivnoninf 1.0.2 CC0 X Making available in R the complete set of programs accompanying S....
r-equivump 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of uniformly most powerful invariant equivalence tests...
r-erboost 1.3 GPL-2 XXX Expectile regression is a nice tool for estimating the conditional...
r-ercv 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides a methodology simple and trustworthy for the analysis of...
r-erer 3.1 GPL-2 X Functions, datasets, and sample codes related to the book of...
r-ergm 4.5.0 GPL-3 X An integrated set of tools to analyze and simulate networks based on...
r-ergm.count 4.1.1 GPL-3 X A set of extensions for the 'ergm' package to fit weighted...
r-ergm.ego 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Utilities for managing egocentrically sampled network data and a...
r-ergm.multi 0.2.0 GPL-3 X A set of extensions for the 'ergm' package to fit...
r-ergmharris 1.0 GPL-3 X Data for use with the Sage Introduction to Exponential Random Graph...
r-erm 1.0_4 GPL-3 XXX Fits Rasch models (RM), linear logistic test models (LLTM), rating...
r-erpr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X This package is dedicated to the analysis of event-related potentials...
r-err 0.2.0 MIT X Messages should provide users with readable information about R objects...
r-errorizer 0.2.1 BSD_2_clause X Provides a function to convert existing R functions into...
r-errors 0.4.0 MIT X Support for measurement errors in R vectors, matrices and arrays:...
r-es 1.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of the Edge Selection Algorithm
r-es.dif 1.0.2 MIT X Computes various effect sizes of the difference, their variance, and...
r-esc 0.5.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of the web-based 'Practical Meta-Analysis Effect...
r-esdesign 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Software of 'esDesign' is developed to implement the adaptive...
r-esg 1.3 GPL-2 X Presents a "Scenarios" class containing general parameters,...
r-eshrink 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Computes shrinkage estimators for regression problems. Selects penalty...
r-esmprep 0.2.0 GPL-2 XX Support in preparing a raw ESM dataset for statistical analysis....
r-esquisse 1.1.2 GPL-3 X A 'shiny' gadget to create 'ggplot2' figures...
r-esreg 0.6.2 GPL-3 XX Simultaneous modeling of the quantile and the expected shortfall of a...
r-essentials 4.3.1 Various XXX Some essential packages for working with R
r-essentials-mrclient 3.4.3 Various XX Essential R packages including MS R Client and MS Machine Learning
r-esshist 1.2.2 GPL-3 XXX Provide an optimal histogram, in the sense of probability density...
r-estadistica 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Este paquete pretende apoyar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de...
r-esther 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Our method is a variable selection method to select active components...
r-estimability 1.4.1 GPL-3 XXXX Provides tools for determining estimability of linear functions of...
r-estimatr 1.0.0 MIT XXX Fast procedures for small set of commonly-used, design-appropriate...
r-estmeansd 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Implements the methods of McGrath et al. (2020)...
r-estout 1.2 GPL-2 X This package is intended to speedup the process of creating...
r-estsimpdmp 1.2 GPL-2 X This package deals with the estimation of the jump rate for...
r-estudy2 0.10.0 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of a most commonly used event study methodology,...
r-esvis 0.3.1 MIT X A variety of methods are provided to estimate and visualize...
r-etc 1.5 GPL-3 X Treatments of a one-way layout, being equivalent to a control, can be...
r-etm 1.1.1 MIT XXX The etm (empirical transition matrix) package permits to estimate the...
r-etma 1.1_1 GPL-3 X Traditional meta-regression based method has been developed for using...
r-etrunct 0.1 MIT X Computes moments of univariate truncated t distribution. There is only...
r-etseed 0.1.0 MIT X Client to interact with the 'etcd' 'key-value' data...
r-eulerr 7.0.0 GPL-3 X Generate area-proportional Euler diagrams using numerical optimization....
r-europepmc 0.4.3 GPL-3 X An R Client for the Europe PubMed Central RESTful Web Service (see...
r-europop 0.3.1 CC0 X This dataset contains population estimates of all European cities with...
r-eurosarcbayes 1.1 GPL-2 X Bayesian sample size calculation software and examples for EuroSARC...
r-eurostat 3.8.2 BSD_2_clause X Tools to download data from the Eurostat database...
r-evaluate 0.22 MIT XXXX Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command...
r-evaluationmeasures 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides Some of the most important evaluation measures for evaluating...
r-evapotranspiration 1.16 GPL-2 X Uses data and constants to calculate potential evapotranspiration (PET)...
r-evcombr 0.1_4 GPL-3 X Combine pieces of evidence in the form of uncertainty representations.
r-evd 2.3_6.1 GPL-3 XX Extends simulation, distribution, quantile and density functions to...
r-evdbayes 1.1_3 GPL-2 XX Provides functions for the Bayesian analysis of extreme value models,...
r-eventdatar 0.3.1 MIT X Event dataset repository including both real-life and artificial event...
r-eventinterval 1.3 GPL-2 X Functions for analysis of rate changes in sequential events.
r-events 0.5 GPL-3 X Stores, manipulates, aggregates and otherwise messes with event data...
r-evgam 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Methods for fitting various extreme value distributions with parameters...
r-evidencesynthesis 0.5.0 Apache X Routines for combining causal effect estimates and study diagnostics...
r-evir 1.7_4 GPL-2 X Functions for extreme value theory, which may be divided into the...
r-evmix 2.12 GPL-3 X The usual distribution functions, maximum likelihood inference and...
r-evolvability 2.0.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools for calculating evolvability parameters from estimated...
r-evorag 2.0 GPL-2 X Uses maximum likelihood to estimate rates of trait evolution across...
r-evtree 1.0_8 GPL-2 X Commonly used classification and regression tree methods like the CART...
r-ew 1.1 GPL-3 X Edgeworth Expansion calculation.
r-ewgof 2.2.2 GPL XXX Contains a large number of the goodness-of-fit tests for the...
r-exact 3.2 GPL-2 X Performs unconditional exact tests and power calculations for 2x2...
r-exact2x2 1.6.8 GPL-3 X Calculates conditional exact tests (Fisher's exact test,...
r-exactci 1.4_4 GPL-3 X Calculates exact tests and confidence intervals for one-sample binomial...
r-exactcidiff 2.1 GPL-2 X This is a package for exact Confidence Intervals for the difference...
r-exactextractr 0.10.0 Apache X Quickly and accurately summarizes raster values over polygonal areas...
r-exactloglintest 1.4.2 GPL-3 XXXX Monte Carlo and MCMC goodness of fit tests for log-linear models
r-exactmeta 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Perform exact fixed effect meta analysis for rare events data without...
r-exactranktests 0.8_35 GPL-2 XXX Computes exact conditional p-values and quantiles using an...
r-exampletestr 1.7.1 GPL-3 X Take the examples written in your documentation of functions and use...
r-exams 2.4_0 GPL-2 X Automatic generation of exams based on exercises in Markdown or LaTeX...
r-exceedprob 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Computes confidence intervals for the exceedance probability of...
r-excel.link 0.9.8_1 GPL-2 X Allows access to data in running instance of Microsoft Excel (e. g....
r-excelr 0.4.0 MIT X An R interface to 'jExcel' library to create web-based...
r-excerptr 2.0.1 BSD_2_clause X This is an R interface to the python package 'excerpts'...
r-excessmass 1.0.1 LGPL-3 X Implementation of a function which calculates the empirical excess mass...
r-excon 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Interactive tools to explore topographic-like data sets. Such data...
r-excursions 2.5.5 GPL-3 XX Functions that compute probabilistic excursion sets, contour...
r-exdex 1.2.2 GPL-2 XX Performs frequentist inference for the extremal index of a stationary...
r-exif 0.1.0 BSD_2_clause XX Extracts Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) metadata, such as camera...
r-exifr 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Reads EXIF data using ExifTool <https://exiftool.org> and returns...
r-exiftoolr 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Reads, writes, and edits EXIF and other file metadata using ExifTool...
r-expde 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Modular implementation of the Differential Evolution algorithm for...
r-expdes 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Package for analysis of simple experimental designs (CRD, RBD and LSD),...
r-expdes.pt 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Pacote para análise de delineamentos experimentais (DIC, DBC e DQL),...
r-experiment 1.2.1 GPL-2 XX Provides various statistical methods for designing and analyzing...
r-expert 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Expert opinion (or judgment) is a body of techniques to estimate the...
r-expint 0.1_8 GPL-2 XX The exponential integrals E_1(x), E_2(x), E_n(x) and Ei(x), and the...
r-explor 0.3.10 GPL-3 X Shiny interfaces and graphical functions for multivariate analysis...
r-explore 1.1.0 MIT X Interactive data exploration with one line of code, automated reporting...
r-expm 0.999_7 GPL-2 XX Computation of the matrix exponential, logarithm, sqrt, and related...
r-exporkit 0.9.4 GPL-2 XX An R-interface to the Fortran package Expokit.
r-export 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Easily export 'R' graphs and statistical output to...
r-exposition 2.8.23 GPL-2 X A variety of descriptive multivariate analyses with the singular value...
r-expperm 1.6 GPL-3 XXX A set of functions for computing expected permutation matrices given a...
r-exprep 1.0 Unlimited X Allows to calculate the probabilities of occurrences of an event in a...
r-expsmooth 2.3 GPL-2 X Data sets from the book "Forecasting with exponential smoothing:...
r-expss 0.11.6 GPL-2 X Package computes and displays tables with support for...
r-exptest 1.2 GPL-3 X Tests for the composite hypothesis of exponentiality
r-exrq 1.0 GPL-3 X Estimation for high conditional quantiles based on quantile regression.
r-exsic 1.1.1 MIT X The package provides tools for botanists, plant taxonomists, curators...
r-exteriormatch 1.0.0 GPL-2 X If one treated group is matched to one control reservoir in two...
r-extlasso 0.3 GPL-2 X Estimates coefficients of extended LASSO penalized linear regression...
r-extmallows 0.1.0 GPL-2 X For multiple full/partial ranking lists, R package 'ExtMallows'...
r-extrabinomial 2.1 GPL-3 X This package tests for differences in minor allele frequency between...
r-extradistr 1.9.1 GPL-2 XXX Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-extrafont 0.19 GPL-2 X Tools to using fonts other than the standard PostScript fonts. This...
r-extrafontdb 1.0 GPL-2 X Package for holding the database for the extrafont package
r-extraoperators 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Speed up common tasks, particularly logical or relational comparisons...
r-extras 0.6.1 MIT X Functions to 'numericise' 'R' objects (coerce to...
r-extratrees 1.0.5 Apache X Classification and regression based on an ensemble of decision trees....
r-extremebounds 0.1.7 GPL-2 X An implementation of Extreme Bounds Analysis (EBA), a global...
r-extremefit 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Extreme value theory, nonparametric kernel estimation, tail conditional...
r-extremes 2.1_3 GPL-2 X General functions for performing extreme value analysis. In...
r-extremis 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Conducts inference in statistical models for extreme values (de...
r-extremogram 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Estimation of the sample univariate, cross and return time...
r-extweibquant 1.1 GPL-2 XXX It implements the subjectively censored Weibull MLE and censored...
r-eyetracking 1.1 GPL-3 X Misc function for working with eyetracking data
r-ez 4.4_0 GPL-2 X Facilitates easy analysis of factorial experiments, including purely...
r-ezglm 1.0 GPL-2 XXXX This package implements a simplified version of least squares, and...
r-ezknitr 0.6.3 MIT X An extension of 'knitr' that adds flexibility in several ways....
r-fabci 0.2 GPL-3 X Frequentist assisted by Bayes (FAB) confidence interval construction....
r-fable 0.3.3 GPL-3 X Provides a collection of commonly used univariate and multivariate time...
r-fabletools 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Provides tools, helpers and data structures for developing models and...
r-fabricatr 1.0.0 MIT X Helps you imagine your data before you collect it. Hierarchical data...
r-facebook.s4 1.1.0 MIT X Provides an interface to the Facebook API and builds collections of...
r-factmixtanalysis 1.0 GPL-2 X The package estimates Factor Mixture Analysis via the EM algorithm
r-factoclass 1.2.8 GPL-2 X Some functions of 'ade4' and 'stats' are combined in...
r-factoextra 1.0.7 GPL-2 X Provides some easy-to-use functions to extract and visualize the output...
r-factoinvestigate 1.8 GPL-2 X Brings a set of tools to help and automatically realise the description...
r-factominer 2.9 GPL-2 X Exploratory data analysis methods to summarize, visualize and describe...
r-factorial2x2 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Used for the design and analysis of a 2x2 factorial trial for a...
r-factorplot 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Methods to calculate, print, summarize and plot pairwise differences...
r-factorqr 0.1_4 GPL-2 XXX Package to fit Bayesian quantile regression models that assume a factor...
r-factorsr 1.5 GPL-2 X It identifies the factors significantly related to species richness,...
r-factorstochvol 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for fully Bayesian estimation...
r-factory 0.1.0 MIT X Function factories are functions that make functions. They can be...
r-factoshiny 2.4 GPL-2 X Perform factorial analysis with a menu and draw graphs interactively...
r-factualr 0.5 Apache X Per the Factual.com website, "Factual is a platform where anyone...
r-fadist 2.4 GPL-2 X Probability distributions that are sometimes useful in hydrology.
r-fahrmeir 2016.5.31 GPL-2 X Data and functions for the book "Multivariate Statistical Modelling...
r-fail 1.3 BSD_3_clause X More comfortable interface to work with R data or source files in a...
r-faisalconjoint 1.15 GPL-3 X It is used for systematic analysis of decisions based on attributes and...
r-falcon 0.2 GPL-2 XXX This is a method for Allele-specific DNA Copy Number Profiling using...
r-falconx 0.2 GPL-2 XXX This is a method for Allele-specific DNA Copy Number profiling for...
r-fam.recrisk 0.1 GPL-2 X Given vectors of family sizes and number of affecteds per family,...
r-familyrank 1.0 GPL-3 X Grows families of features by selecting features that maximize a...
r-famle 1.3.7 GPL-2 XXX Estimate parameters of univariate probability distributions with...
r-fanc 2.3.9 GPL-2 XXX Computes the penalized maximum likelihood estimates of factor loadings...
r-fancova 0.6_1 GPL-3 X A collection of R functions to perform nonparametric analysis of...
r-fancycut 0.1.2 CC0 X Provides the function fancycut() which is like cut() except you can mix...
r-fanplot 4.0.0 GPL-2 X Visualise sequential distributions using a range of plotting styles....
r-fansi 1.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Counterparts to R string manipulation functions that account for the...
r-far 0.6_6 LGPL-2.1 XXX Modelizations and previsions functions for Functional AutoRegressive...
r-faraway 1.0.8 GPL-3 X Books are "Linear Models with R" published 1st Ed. August 2004,...
r-farmtest 2.2.0 GPL-3 XXX Performs robust multiple testing for means in the presence of known and...
r-farver 2.1.1 MIT XXX The encoding of colour can be handled in many different ways, using...
r-faseg 0.1.9 GPL-2 X It contains a function designed to the joint segmentation in the mean...
r-fasjem 1.1.2 GPL-2 X This is an R implementation of "A Fast and Scalable Joint Estimator...
r-fassets 4023.85 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to manage, to investigate and to analyze data...
r-fast 0.64 GPL-2 X The Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST) is a method to determine...
r-fasta 0.1.0 MIT X A collection of acceleration schemes for proximal gradient methods for...
r-fastadaboost 1.0.0 MIT XXX Implements Adaboost based on C++ backend code. This is blazingly fast...
r-fastai 2.2.1 Apache X The 'fastai' <https://docs.fast.ai/index.html> library...
r-fastbandchol 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Fast and numerically stable estimation of a covariance matrix by...
r-fastclime 1.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides a method of recovering the precision matrix efficiently and...
r-fastcluster 1.2.3 GPL-2 XXX This is a two-in-one package which provides interfaces to both R and...
r-fastcmh 0.2.7 GPL-2 XXX A method which uses the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test with significant...
r-fastcmprsk 1.1.1 GPL-3 XXX In competing risks regression, the proportional subdistribution hazards...
r-fastcox 1.1.3 GPL-2 XXX We implement a cocktail algorithm, a good mixture of coordinate decent,...
r-fastdigest 0.6_3 Artistic-2.0 XXX Provides an R interface to Bob Jenkin's streaming,...
r-fastdummies 1.7.3 MIT X Creates dummy columns from columns that have categorical variables...
r-fasteraster 1.1.1 GPL-2 XXX If there is a need to recognise edges on a raster image or a bitmap or...
r-fasterelasticnet 1.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Fit Elastic Net, Lasso, and Ridge regression and do cross-validation in...
r-fasterize 1.0.4 MIT XXX Provides a drop-in replacement for rasterize() from the...
r-fastghquad 1.0.1 MIT XXX Fast, numerically-stable Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules and utility...
r-fastglm 0.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Fits generalized linear models efficiently using 'RcppEigen'....
r-fastgraph 2.1 GPL-3 X Provides functionality to produce graphs of probability density...
r-fasthcs 0.0.7 GPL-2 XXX The FastHCS algorithm of Schmitt and Vakili (2015) for...
r-fasthica 1.0.2 GPL-2 X It implements HICA (Hierarchical Independent Component Analysis)...
r-fastica 1.2_3 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of FastICA algorithm to perform Independent Component...
r-fastimputation 2.2.1 GPL-2 X TrainFastImputation() uses training data to describe a multivariate...
r-fastjt 1.0.6 GPL-2 XXX This 'Rcpp'-based package implements highly efficient functions...
r-fastlzerospikeinference 2018.12.10 GPL-3 XXX Estimate spike times from calcium imaging data using an L0 penalty.
r-fastm 0.0_4 GPL-2 XXX Implements the new algorithm for fast computation of M-scatter matrices...
r-fastmap 1.1.1 MIT XXX Fast implementation of data structures, including a key-value store,...
r-fastmatch 1.1_4 GPL-2 XXX Package providing a fast match() replacement for cases that require...
r-fastmatrix 0.5_7 GPL-3 X Small set of functions to fast computation of some matrices and...
r-fastnaivebayes 2.2.1 GPL-3 X This is an extremely fast implementation of a Naive Bayes classifier....
r-fastpcs 0.1.3 GPL-2 XXX The FastPCS algorithm of Vakili and Schmitt (2014)...
r-fastpseudo 0.1 GPL-2 X Computes pseudo-observations for survival analysis on right-censored...
r-fastrcs 0.0.8 GPL-2 XXX The FastRCS algorithm of Vakili and Schmitt (2014) for robust fit of...
r-fastrmodels 1.0.2 MIT X A data package that hosts all models for the 'nflfastR' package.
r-fastrweb 1.2_0 GPL-2 XX Infrastrcture for creating rich, dynamic web content using R scripts...
r-fastshap 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Computes fast (relative to other implementations) approximate Shapley...
r-fastsom 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for computing spillover measures, especially spillover tables...
r-fasttextr 2.0.1 BSD_3_clause XXX An interface to the 'fastText' library...
r-fasttime 1.1_0 GPL-2 XXX Fast functions for timestamp manipulation that avoid system calls and...
r-fastverse 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Easy installation, loading and management, of high-performance packages...
r-faux 1.2.1 MIT X Create datasets with factorial structure through simulation by...
r-fauxpas 0.5.2 MIT X HTTP error helpers. Methods included for general purpose HTTP error...
r-favnums 1.0.0 CC0 X A dataset of favourite numbers, selected from an online poll of over...
r-fbasics 4031.95 GPL-2 XXX Provides a collection of functions to explore and to investigate basic...
r-fbfsearch 1.2 GPL-2 XXX We propose an objective Bayesian algorithm for searching the space of...
r-fbn 1.5.2 GPL-2 X Normalizes the data from a file containing the raw values of the SNP...
r-fbonds 3042.78 GPL-2 X It implements the Nelson-Siegel and the Nelson-Siegel-Svensson term structures.
r-fbranks 2.0 GPL-2 X This package uses time dependent Poisson regression and a record of...
r-fc 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides a streamlined, standard evaluation-based approach to...
r-fcd 0.1 GPL X Efficient procedures for community detection in network studies,...
r-fclust GPL-2 XXX Algorithms for fuzzy clustering, cluster validity indices and plots for...
r-fcmapper 1.1 GPL-2 X Provides several functions to create and manipulate fuzzy cognitive...
r-fcopulae 4022.85 GPL-2 X Provides a collection of functions to manage, to investigate and to...
r-fcps 1.3.4 GPL-3 X Over sixty clustering algorithms are provided in this package with...
r-fcros 1.6.1 GPL-2 XXX A fold change rank based method is presented to search for genes with...
r-fd 1.0_12.1 GPL-2 X Computes different multidimensional FD indices. Implements a...
r-fda 6.1.4 GPL-2 XX These functions were developed to support functional data analysis as...
r-fda.usc 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Routines for exploratory and descriptive analysis of functional data...
r-fdakma 1.2.1 GPL-3 X It performs simultaneously clustering and alignment of a...
r-fdamixed 0.6.1 GPL-3 XXX Likelihood based analysis of 1-dimension functional data in a...
r-fdapace 0.5.9 BSD_3_clause X A versatile package that provides implementation of various methods of...
r-fdasrvf 2.0.3 GPL-3 X Performs alignment, PCA, and modeling of multidimensional and...
r-fdboost 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Regression models for functional data, i.e., scalar-on-function,...
r-fdrci 2.4 Artistic-2.0 X FDR functions for permutation-based estimators, including pi0 as well...
r-fdrsampsize 1.0 GPL-2 X Defines a collection of functions to compute average power and sample...
r-fdrtool 1.2.17 GPL-3 XXX Estimates both tail area-based false discovery rates (Fdr) as well as...
r-fds 1.8 GPL-2 X Functional data sets.
r-fdth 1.2_6 GPL-2 X Perform frequency distribution tables, associated histograms and...
r-feasts 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Provides a collection of features, decomposition methods, statistical...
r-feather 0.3.5 Apache XXX Read and write feather files, a lightweight binary columnar data store...
r-featurehashing GPL-3 XXX Feature hashing, also called as the hashing trick, is a method to...
r-featurizer 0.2 GPL-2 X A collection of functions that would help one to build features based...
r-fechner 1.0_3 GPL-2 XXX Functions and example datasets for Fechnerian scaling of discrete...
r-feddata 4.0.0 MIT X Functions to automate downloading geospatial data available from...
r-federalregister 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Access data from the Federal Register API...
r-fedreporter 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Downloads data from Federal 'RePORTER'...
r-feisr 1.3.0 GPL-2 X Provides the function feis() to estimate fixed effects individual slope...
r-fenmlm 2.4.4 GPL-2 XXX Efficient estimation of maximum likelihood models with multiple...
r-fermicatsr 1.4 CC0 X Data from various catalogs of astrophysical gamma-ray sources detected...
r-fextremes 4021.83 GPL-2 X Provides functions for analysing and modelling extreme events in...
r-ff 4.0.9 GPL-2 XXX The ff package provides data structures that are stored on disk but...
r-ffield 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Force field simulation of interaction of set of points. Very useful for...
r-ffmanova 1.1.2 GPL-2 X General linear modeling with multiple responses (MANCOVA). An overall...
r-ffmetadata 1.0.0 MIT X A collection of functions that allows users to retrieve metadata for...
r-ffstream GPL-2 XXX An implementation of the adaptive forgetting factor scheme described in...
r-fftw 1.0_7 GPL-2 XXX Provides a simple and efficient wrapper around the fastest Fourier...
r-fftwtools 0.9_11 GPL-2 XXX Provides a wrapper for several 'FFTW' functions. This package...
r-fgac 0.6_1 GPL-3 X Bi-variate data fitting is done by two stochastic components: the...
r-fgalgorithm 1.0 GPL-2 X This is a package for implementation of Flury-Gautschi algorithms.
r-fgarch 4031.90 GPL-2 XXX Analyze and model heteroskedastic behavior in financial time series.
r-fgeo.x 1.1.4 GPL-3 X Access small example datasets from Luquillo, a ForestGEO site in Puerto...
r-fgof 0.2_1 GPL-3 X Goodness-of-fit test with multiplier or parametric bootstrap.
r-fgpt 2.3 GPL-3 X A permutation technique to explore and control for spatial...
r-fgsg 1.0.2 GPL-2 XXX Implement algorithms for feature grouping and selection over an...
r-fgui 1.0_8 GPL-3 X Rapidly create a GUI interface for a function you created by...
r-fhdi 1.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Impute general multivariate missing data with the fractional hot deck...
r-fhidata 2019.8.27 GPL-3 X Provides structural data for Norway. Datasets relating to maps,...
r-fi 1.0 GPL-3 X Provide functions for forest inventory calculations. Common volumetric...
r-fiberld 0.1_7 GPL-2 XX Routines for estimating tree fiber (tracheid) length distributions in...
r-fieldhub 1.3.4 MIT X A shiny design of experiments (DOE) app that aids in the creation of...
r-fields 15.2 GPL-2 X For curve, surface and function fitting with an emphasis on splines,...
r-filearray 0.1.6 LGPL-3 X Stores large arrays in files to avoid occupying large memories....
r-filehash 2.4_5 GPL-2 XXX Implements a simple key-value style database where character string...
r-filelock 1.0.2 MIT XXX Place an exclusive or shared lock on a file. It uses 'LockFile'...
r-filematrix 1.3 LGPL-3 X Interface for working with large matrices stored in files, not in...
r-filenamer 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Create descriptive file names with ease. New file names are...
r-files 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Functions for printing the contents of a folder as columns in a...
r-filesstrings 3.2.4 GPL-3 X This started out as a package for file and string manipulation. Since...
r-fillr 1.0.0 MIT X Edit vectors to fill missing values, based on the vector itself.
r-fimport 4021.86 GPL-2 X Provides a collection of utility functions to download and manage data...
r-finalfit 1.0.6 MIT X Generate regression results tables and plots in final format for...
r-finana 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Functions for financial analysis and financial modeling, including...
r-financialinstrument 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Infrastructure for defining meta-data and relationships for financial...
r-financialmath 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Contains financial math functions and introductory derivative functions...
r-finasym 1.0 GPL-3 X This package accomplishes two tasks: a) it classifies implicit trading...
r-fincal 0.6.3 GPL-2 X Package for time value of money calculation, time series analysis and...
r-fincovregularization 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Estimation and regularization for covariance matrix of asset returns....
r-findallroots 1.0 GPL-2 X Find all root(s) of the equation,including complex roots;Find root(s)...
r-findpython 1.0.8 MIT XXXX Package designed to find an acceptable python binary.
r-findr 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Scans all directories and subdirectories of a path for code snippets, R...
r-finepop 1.5.1 GPL X Statistical tool set for population genetics. The package provides...
r-finetune 1.1.0 MIT X The ability to tune models is important. 'finetune' enhances...
r-fingerprint 3.5.7 GPL-3 XXX Functions to manipulate binary fingerprints of arbitrary length. A...
r-fints 0.4_6 GPL-2 X R companion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, second...
r-fire 1.0.1 GPL-3 XXX The algorithm assigns rareness/ outlierness score to every sample in...
r-fishdata 1.0.1 GPL-3 X A collection of four datasets based around the population dynamics of...
r-fisherem 1.6 GPL-2 X The FisherEM algorithm, proposed by Bouveyron & Brunet (2012)...
r-fisheyer 0.9 GPL-2 X fisheyeR provides tools for creating Interactive Data Visualizations by...
r-fishical 1.1 GPL-3 XXX FisHiCal integrates Hi-C and FISH data, offering a modular and...
r-fishkirkko2015 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Dataset of 302 measurements of 11 fish species to accompany the...
r-fishmethods 1.12_1 GPL-2 XX Functions for applying a wide range of fisheries stock assessment methods.
r-fishmod 0.29 GPL-3 XXX Fits models to catch and effort data. Single-species models are 1)...
r-fishtree 0.3.4 BSD_2_clause X An interface to the Fish Tree of Life API to download taxonomies,...
r-fit.models 0.64 GPL-3 X The fit.models function and its associated methods (coefficients,...
r-fitbitscraper 0.1.8 MIT X Scrapes data from Fitbit <http://www.fitbit.com>. This does not...
r-fitdc 0.0.1 MIT X A pure R package for decoding activity files written in the FIT...
r-fitdistrplus 1.1_11 GPL-2 X Extends the fitdistr() function (of the MASS package) with several...
r-fitdrc 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Fits Density Ratio Classes to elicited probability-quantile points or intervals.
r-fitpoly 3.0.0 GPL-2 X Genotyping assays for bi-allelic markers (e.g. SNPs) produce signal...
r-fitsio 2.1_6 GPL-2 X Utilities to read and write files in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport...
r-fittetra 1.0 GPL X Package fitTetra contains three functions that can be used to assign...
r-fivethirtyeight 0.6.2 MIT X Datasets and code published by the data journalism website...
r-fixedpoint 0.6.3 MIT X For functions that take and return vectors (or scalars), this package...
r-fixedtimeevents 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Distribution functions and test for over-representation of short...
r-fixest 0.11.1 GPL-3 XXX Fast and user-friendly estimation of econometric models with multiple...
r-fixseqmtp 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Several generalized / directional Fixed Sequence Multiple Testing...
r-fizzbuzzr 0.1.1 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Fizz Buzz algorithm, as defined e.g. in...
r-fkf 0.2.4 GPL-2 X This is a fast and flexible implementation of the Kalman filter and...
r-flagr 0.3.2 EUPL-1.1 X Three methods are implemented in R to facilitate the aggregations of...
r-flam 3.2 GPL-2 XXX Implements the fused lasso additive model as proposed in Petersen, A.,...
r-flamingos 0.1.0 GPL-3 XXX Provides a variety of original and flexible user-friendly statistical...
r-flare GPL-2 XXX Provide the implementation of a family of Lasso variants including...
r-flashclust 1.01_2 GPL-2 XXXX Fast implementation of hierarchical clustering
r-flatxml 0.1.1 GPL-3 X On import, the XML information is converted to a dataframe that...
r-flexclust 1.4_1 GPL-2 XXX The main function kcca implements a general framework for k-centroids...
r-flexdashboard 0.6.2 MIT X Format for converting an R Markdown document to a grid oriented...
r-flexdir 1.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools to work with the Flexible Dirichlet distribution. The...
r-flexmet 1.1 GPL-3 X Application of the filtered monotonic polynomial (FMP) item response...
r-flexmix 2.3_19 GPL-2 X A general framework for finite mixtures of regression models using the...
r-flexparamcurve 1.5_5 GPL-2 X Model selection tools and 'selfStart' functions to fit...
r-flexpm 2.0 GPL-2 X Estimation of flexible parametric models for survival data.
r-flexsurv 2.2.2 GPL-2 X Flexible parametric models for time-to-event data, including the...
r-flexsurvcure 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Flexible parametric mixture and non-mixture cure models for time-to-event data.
r-flextable 0.9.3 GPL-3 X Use a grammar for creating and customizing pretty tables. The following...
r-flickrapi GPL-3 X Provides an interface to the Flickr API...
r-flip 2.5.0 GPL-2 X It implements many univariate and multivariate permutation (and...
r-flipscores 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Provides robust tests for testing in GLMs, by sign-flipping score...
r-fllat 1.2_1 GPL-2 XXX Fits the Fused Lasso Latent Feature model, which is used for modeling...
r-float 0.3_1 BSD_2_clause XXX R comes with a suite of utilities for linear algebra with...
r-flock 0.7 Apache XXX Implements synchronization between R processes (spawned by using the...
r-flower 1.0 GPL X Flowering is an important life history trait of flowering plants. It...
r-flowfield 1.0 GPL-3 X Flow field forecasting draws information from an interpolated flow...
r-flowregenvcost 0.1.1 MIT X An application to calculate the daily environmental costs of river flow...
r-flows 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Selections on flow matrices, statistics on selected flows, map and...
r-flr 1.0 GPL-2 X FLR algorithm for classification
r-flsa 1.5.3 GPL-2 XXX Implements a path algorithm for the Fused Lasso Signal Approximator....
r-fluosurv 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Use spectrophotometry measurements performed on insects as a way to...
r-flury 0.1_3 GPL-2 X Contains data sets from Bernard Flury (1997) A First Course in...
r-flux 0.3_0.1 GPL-2 X Functions for the calculation of greenhouse gas flux rates from closed...
r-fluxweb 0.2.0 GPL X Compute energy fluxes in trophic networks, from resources to their...
r-fma 2.5 GPL-3 X All data sets from "Forecasting: methods and applications" by...
r-fmcmc 0.5_2 MIT X Provides a friendly (flexible) Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)...
r-fmdates 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Implements common date calculations relevant for specifying the...
r-fme GPL-2 X Provides functions to help in fitting models to data, to perform Monte...
r-fmeffects 0.1.1 LGPL-3 X Create local, regional, and global explanations for any machine...
r-fmesher 0.1.4 MPL-2.0 X Generate planar and spherical triangle meshes, compute finite element...
r-fmp 1.4 GPL-2 X Estimates Filtered Monotonic Polynomial IRT Models as described by...
r-fmrs 1.0_9 GPL-3 XXX Provides parameter estimation as well as variable selection in Finite...
r-fmsb 0.7.5 GPL-2 X Several utility functions for the book entitled "Practices of...
r-fmsmsnreg 1.0 GPL-2 X Fit linear regression models where the random errors follow a finite...
r-fmstable 0.1_4 GPL-3 XXX Some basic procedures for dealing with log maximally skew stable...
r-fmtr 1.6.0 CC0 X Contains a set of functions that can be used to apply formats to data...
r-fmultivar 4031.84 GPL-2 X A collection of functions inspired by Venables and Ripley (2002)...
r-fnn GPL-2 XXX Cover-tree and kd-tree fast k-nearest neighbor search algorithms and...
r-fnonlinear 4021.81 GPL-2 XXX Provides a collection of functions for testing various aspects of...
r-foba 0.1 GPL-2 X foba is a package that implements forward, backward, and foba sparse...
r-focusedmds 1.3.3 GPL-3 X Takes a distance matrix and plots it as an interactive graph. One point...
r-foghorn 1.5.1 MIT X The CRAN check results and where your package stands in the CRAN...
r-folderfun 0.1.4 BSD_2_clause X If you find yourself working on multiple different projects in R,...
r-fontawesome 0.5.2 MIT X Easily and flexibly insert 'Font Awesome' icons into 'R...
r-fontbitstreamvera 0.1.1 file X Provides fonts licensed under the 'Bitstream Vera Fonts'...
r-fontcm 1.1 GPL-2 X Computer Modern font for use with extrafont package
r-fontliberation 0.1.0 file X A placeholder for the Liberation fontset intended for the `fontquiver`...
r-fontquiver 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Provides a set of fonts with permissive licences. This is useful when...
r-foolbox 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides functionality for manipulating functions and translating them...
r-foptions 3042.86 GPL-2 XXX Provides a collection of functions to valuate basic options. This...
r-forcats 1.0.0 MIT XXXX Helpers for reordering factor levels (including moving specified levels...
r-foreach 1.5.2 Apache XXXX Support for the foreach looping construct. Foreach is an idiom that...
r-foreca 0.2.7 GPL-2 X Implementation of Forecastable Component Analysis ('ForeCA'),...
r-forecast 8.21.1 GPL-3 XXX Methods and tools for displaying and analysing univariate time series...
r-forecastcombinations 1.1 GPL-2 X Aim: Supports the most frequently used methods to combine forecasts....
r-forecasthybrid 5.0.19 GPL-3 X Convenient functions for ensemble forecasts in R combining approaches...
r-forecastsnsts 1.3_0 GPL-2 XXX Methods to compute linear h-step ahead prediction coefficients based on...
r-forectheta 2.6.2 GPL-2 X Routines for forecasting univariate time series using Theta Models.
r-foreign 0.8_85 GPL-2 XXX Reading and writing data stored by some versions of 'Epi Info',...
r-forestfit 2.2.3 GPL-2 X Developed for the following tasks. 1 ) Computing the probability...
r-foresthes 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Assessing forest ecosystem health is an effective way for forest...
r-forestmangr 0.9.5 MIT X Processing forest inventory data with methods such as simple random...
r-forestmodel 0.6.2 GPL-2 X Produces forest plots using 'ggplot2' from models produced by...
r-forestplot 3.1.3 GPL-2 X A forest plot that allows for multiple confidence intervals per row,...
r-forestploter 1.1.1 MIT X Create forest plot based on the layout of the data. Confidence interval...
r-foretell 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Project Customer Retention based on Beta Geometric, Beta Discrete...
r-forge 0.2.0 Apache X Helper functions with a consistent interface to coerce and verify the...
r-forit 2.4.0 GPL-3 X Tabacchi et al. (2011) published a very detailed study producing a...
r-formalseries 1.0 GPL-2 X Implemented, addition, subtracking, multiplication, division in formal...
r-formatr 1.14 GPL-3 XXXX Provides a function tidy_source() to format R source code. Spaces and...
r-formattable 0.2.1 MIT XXXX Provides functions to create formattable vectors and data frames....
r-formatters 0.5.2 Apache X We provide a framework for rendering complex tables to ASCII, and a set...
r-formula 1.2_5 GPL-2 XXXX Infrastructure for extended formulas with multiple parts on the...
r-formula.tools 1.7.1 GPL-2 X These utilities facilitate the programmatic manipulations of formulas,...
r-fortunes 1.5_4 GPL-2 X A collection of fortunes from the R community.
r-forward 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Robust analysis using forward search in linear and generalized linear...
r-forwards 0.1.3 CC0 X Anonymized data from surveys conducted by Forwards...
r-forwardsearch 1.0 GPL-3 X Forward Search analysis of time series regressions. Implements the...
r-fossil 0.4.0 GPL-2 X A set of analytical tools useful in analysing ecological and...
r-foto 1.1 AGPL-3 X A tool to use a principal component analysis on radially averaged two...
r-fourgametep 0.1.0 GPL-2 X The four-gamete test is based on the infinite-sites model which assumes...
r-fourierin 0.2.4 MIT XXX Computes Fourier integrals of functions of one and two variables using...
r-fourpno 1.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Estimate Barton & Lord's (1981)...
r-fourscores 1.5.1 GPL-3 X A game for two players: Who gets first four in a row (horizontal,...
r-fpc 2.2_10 GPL-3 X Various methods for clustering and cluster validation. Fixed point...
r-fpca2d 1.0 GPL-3 X Compute the two dimension functional principal component scores for a...
r-fpca3d 1.0 GPL-2 X Run three dimensional functional principal component analysis and...
r-fpcompare 0.2.4 GPL-3 X Comparisons of floating point numbers are problematic due to errors...
r-fpeek 0.1.2 MIT XXX Tools to help text files importation. It can return the number of...
r-fpest 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Given the values of sampled units and selection probabilities the...
r-fpop 2019.08.26 LGPL-2.1 XXX A dynamic programming algorithm for the fast segmentation of univariate...
r-fportfolio 4023.84 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to optimize portfolios and to analyze them...
r-fpow 0.0_2 CC0 XXXX Returns the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral F distribution if...
r-fpp 0.5 GPL-2 X All data sets required for the examples and exercises in the book...
r-fpp2 2.5 GPL-3 X All data sets required for the examples and exercises in the book...
r-fpp3 0.5 GPL-3 X All data sets required for the examples and exercises in the book...
r-fptdapprox 2.4 GPL-2 X Efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion...
r-fracdiff 1.5_2 GPL-2 XXX Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally...
r-fracprolif 1.0.7 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting data to a quiescent growth model, i.e. a growth...
r-fractaldim 0.8_5 GPL-2 X Implements various methods for estimating fractal dimension of time...
r-fractalparameterestimation 1.1.2 GPL-2 X The parameters p and q are estimated with the aid of a randomized...
r-fraction 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Turn numeric,data.frame,matrix into fraction form.
r-fractional 0.1.3 GPL-2 XXX The main function of this package allows numerical vector objects to be...
r-fragman 1.0.9 GPL-3 X Performs fragment analysis using genetic data coming from capillary...
r-frailtyhl 2.3 Unlimited X Implements the h-likelihood estimation procedures for general frailty...
r-frambgrowth 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Generation of theoretical size distributions of framboidal or sunflower...
r-franc 1.1.4 MIT X With no external dependencies and support for 335 languages; all...
r-frapplot 0.1.3 MIT X Automatically process Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)...
r-frbs 3.2_0 GPL-2 X An implementation of various learning algorithms based on fuzzy...
r-frcc 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Contains the core functions associated with Fast Regularized Canonical...
r-fredr 2.1.0 MIT X An R client for the 'Federal Reserve Economic Data'...
r-freealg 1.1_1 GPL-2 X The free algebra in R with non-commuting indeterminates. Uses...
r-freegroup 1.1_6 GPL-2 X The free group in R; juxtaposition is represented by a plus. Includes...
r-freeknotsplines 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Algorithms for fitting free-knot splines for data with one independent...
r-freestats 0.0.3 BSD_3_clause X A collections of useful statistical functions used in Columbia course...
r-freesurferformats 0.1.17 MIT X Provides functions to read and write neuroimaging data in various file...
r-fregression 4021.83 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for linear and non-linear regression...
r-freq 1.0 GPL-2 X Real capture frequencies will be fitted to various distributions which...
r-freqdist 0.1 GPL-2 X Generates a frequency distribution. The frequency distribution includes...
r-freqtables 0.1.1 MIT X Quickly make tables of descriptive statistics (i.e., counts,...
r-frequency 0.4.1 GPL-3 X Generate 'SPSS'/'SAS' styled frequency tables....
r-frequencyconnectedness 0.2.4 GPL-2 X Accompanies a paper (Barunik, Krehlik (2018)...
r-fresh 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Customize 'Bootstrap' and 'Bootswatch' themes, like...
r-frf2 2.3_3 GPL-2 X Regular and non-regular Fractional Factorial 2-level designs can be...
r-frf2.catlg128 1.2_3 GPL-2 X Catalogues of resolution IV regular fractional factorial designs in 128...
r-fritools 4.1.1 BSD_2_clause X Miscellaneous utilities, tools and helper functions for finding and...
r-frk 2.2.0 GPL-2 X A tool for spatial/spatio-temporal modelling and prediction with large...
r-frlr 1.3.0 GPL-2 XXX When fitting a set of linear regressions which have some same...
r-frm 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Estimation and specification analysis of one- and two-part fractional...
r-frmhet 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Estimation and specification analysis of fractional regression models...
r-frmpd 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Estimation of panel data regression models for fractional responses.
r-fromo 0.2.1 LGPL-3 XXX Fast, numerically robust computation of weighted moments via...
r-frontier 1.1_8 GPL-2 X Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production and...
r-frost 0.0.4 MIT X A compilation of empirical methods used by farmers and agronomic...
r-frt 0.1 GPL-2 X Perform full randomization tests.
r-fs 1.6.3 MIT XXX A cross-platform interface to file system operations, built on top of...
r-fsa 0.9.5 GPL-2 X A variety of simple fish stock assessment methods.
r-fsadata 0.4.1 GPL-2 X The datasets to support the Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') package.
r-fselector 0.34 GPL-2 X Functions for selecting attributes from a given dataset. Attribute...
r-fselectorrcpp 0.3.11 GPL-2 XXX 'Rcpp' (free of 'Java'/'Weka') implementation...
r-fsia 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Import data of tests and questionnaires from FormScanner. FormScanner...
r-fsinteract 0.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Performs fast detection of interactions in large-scale data using the...
r-fst 0.9.8 AGPL-3 XXX Multithreaded serialization of compressed data frames using the...
r-fstability 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Has two functions to help with calculating feature selection stability....
r-fstcore 0.9.14 MPL-2.0 X The 'fstlib' library provides multithreaded serialization of...
r-fsthet 1.0.1 GPL-2 X A program to generate smoothed quantiles for the Fst-heterozygosity...
r-ftextra 0.6.1 MIT X Build display tables easily by extending the functionality of the...
r-fticrms 0.8 GPL-2 X This package was developed partially with funding from the NIH Training...
r-ftnonpar 0.1_88 GPL-2 XXX The package contains R-functions to perform the methods in...
r-ftrading 3042.79 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for trading and rebalancing financial...
r-fts GPL-3 XXX Fast operations for time series objects.
r-ftsa 6.3 GPL-3 X Functions for visualizing, modeling, forecasting and hypothesis testing...
r-fueleconomy 1.0.0 CC0 X Fuel economy data from the EPA, 1985-2015, conveniently packaged for...
r-fugue 0.1.7 GPL-2 X As in music, a fugue statistic repeats a theme in small variations. ...
r-fun 0.3 GPL-3 X This is a collection of R games and other funny stuff, such as the...
r-funchir 0.2.2 GPL-2 X YACFP (Yet Another Convenience Function Package). get_age() is a fast...
r-funchisq 2.5.3 LGPL-3 XXX Statistical hypothesis testing methods for inferring model-free...
r-functional 0.6 GPL XXXX Curry, Compose, and other higher-order functions
r-functools 0.2.0 MIT X Extends functional programming in R by providing support to the usual...
r-fungible 2.3 GPL-2 X Computes fungible coefficients and Monte Carlo data. Underlying theory...
r-funique 0.0.1 MIT X Similar to base's unique function, only optimized for working with...
r-funitroots 3042.79 GPL-2 XXX Provides four addons for analyzing trends and unit roots in financial...
r-funr 0.3.2 MIT X A small utility which wraps Rscript and provides access to all R...
r-funreg 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Performs functional regression, and some related approaches, for...
r-funta 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Computes the functional tangential angle pseudo-depth and its...
r-funtimes 9.1 GPL-2 X Nonparametric estimators and tests for time series analysis. The...
r-furniture 1.9.14 GPL-3 X Contains four main functions (i.e., four pieces of furniture): table1()...
r-furrr 0.3.1 MIT X Implementations of the family of map() functions from 'purrr'...
r-fusen 0.5.2 MIT X Use Rmarkdown First method to build your package. Start your package...
r-fusionclust 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Provides the Big Merge Tracker and COSCI algorithms for convex...
r-fusionlearn 0.2.1 GPL-2 X The fusion learning method uses a model selection algorithm to learn...
r-futile.logger 1.4.3 LGPL-3 X Provides a simple yet powerful logging utility. Based loosely on log4j,...
r-futile.options 1.0.1 LGPL-3 X A scoped options management framework. Used in other packages.
r-futility 0.4 GPL-2 X Randomized clinical trials commonly follow participants for a...
r-future 1.33.0 LGPL-2.1 X The purpose of this package is to provide a lightweight and unified...
r-future.apply 1.11.0 GPL-2 X Implementations of apply(), by(), eapply(), lapply(), Map(), .mapply(),...
r-future.batchtools 0.12.0 LGPL-2.1 X Implementation of the Future API on top of the 'batchtools'...
r-future.callr 0.8.2 LGPL-2.1 X Implementation of the Future API on top of the 'callr' package....
r-fuzzr 0.2.2 MIT X Test function arguments with a wide array of inputs, and produce...
r-fuzzyahp 0.9.5 LGPL-3 X Calculation of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process -...
r-fuzzyfdr 1.0 GPL-3 X Exact calculation of fuzzy decision rules for multiple testing. Choose...
r-fuzzyforest 1.0.8 GPL-3 X Fuzzy forests, a new algorithm based on random forests, is designed to...
r-fuzzyjoin 0.1.6 MIT X Join tables together based not on whether columns match exactly, but...
r-fuzzynumbers 0.4_7 LGPL-3 X S4 classes and methods to deal with fuzzy numbers. They allow for...
r-fuzzyr 2.3.2 GPL-2 X Design and simulate fuzzy logic systems using Type-1 and Interval...
r-fuzzyranktests 0.4 MIT XXX Does fuzzy tests and confidence intervals (following Geyer and Meeden,...
r-fuzzysim 4.10.5 GPL-3 X Functions to compute fuzzy versions of species occurrence patterns...
r-fuzzystattra 1.0 GPL-2 X The aim of the package is to provide some basic functions for doing...
r-fuzzytoolkituon 1.0 GPL-2 X A custom framework for working with Type 1 Fuzzy Logic, produced by the...
r-fuzzywuzzyr 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Fuzzy string matching implementation of the 'fuzzywuzzy'...
r-fwb 0.1.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of the fractional weighted bootstrap to be used as a...
r-fwdselect 2.1.0 MIT XXXX A simple method to select the best model or best subset of variables...
r-fwi.fbp 1.7 GPL-2 X Provides three functions to calculate the outputs of the two main...
r-fwildclusterboot 0.13.0 GPL-3 X Implementation of fast algorithms for wild cluster bootstrap inference...
r-fwsim 0.3.4 GPL-2 XXX Simulates a population under the Fisher-Wright model (fixed or...
r-g.data 2.4 GPL-3 X Create and maintain delayed-data packages (ddp's). Data stored in...
r-g1dbn 3.1.1 GPL-2 X G1DBN performs DBN inference using 1st order conditional dependencies.
r-g3viz 1.1.2 MIT X R interface for 'g3-lollipop' JavaScript library. Visualize...
r-ga 3.2.3 GPL-2 XXX Flexible general-purpose toolbox implementing genetic algorithms (GAs)...
r-gad 1.1.1 GPL X This package analyses complex ANOVA models with any combination of...
r-gadag 0.99.0 GPL-2 XXX Sparse large Directed Acyclic Graphs learning with a combination of a...
r-gadifpt 1.0 GPL-2 X In this package we consider Gaussian Diffusion processes and smooth...
r-gafit 0.5.1 GPL-2 XXX A group of sample points are evaluated against a user-defined...
r-gains 1.2 GPL-3 X Constructs gains tables and lift charts for prediction algorithms....
r-gaipe 1.1 GPL-2 X Implements graphical extension with accuracy in parameter estimation...
r-galgo 1.4 GPL-2 XXX Build multivariate predictive models from large datasets having far...
r-gam 1.22_2 GPL-2 XXX Functions for fitting and working with generalized additive models, as...
r-gamair 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Data sets and scripts used in the book 'Generalized Additive...
r-gambin 2.5.0 GPL-3 X Fits unimodal and multimodal gambin distributions to species-abundance...
r-gamboost 1.2_3 GPL-2 XXX This package provides routines for fitting generalized linear and and...
r-gamboostlss 2.0_7 GPL-2 X Boosting models for fitting generalized additive models for location,...
r-games 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Provides estimation and analysis functions for strategic statistical models.
r-gamesga MIT XXX Finds adaptive strategies for sequential symmetric games using a...
r-gamlr 1.13_8 GPL-3 XXX The gamma lasso algorithm provides regularization paths corresponding...
r-gamlss 5.4_20 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting the Generalized Additive Models for Location...
r-gamlss.cens 5.0_7 GPL-2 X This is an add-on package to GAMLSS. The purpose of this package is to...
r-gamlss.data 6.0_2 GPL-2 X Data used as examples in the current two books on Generalised Additive...
r-gamlss.dist 6.1_1 GPL-2 XXX A set of distributions which can be used for modelling the response...
r-gamm4 0.2_6 GPL-2 X Estimate generalized additive mixed models via a version of function...
r-gammslice 2.0_2 GPL-2 XXX Uses a slice sampling-based Markov chain Monte Carlo to conduct...
r-gamrr 0.7.0 GPL-3 X To calculate the relative risk (RR) for the generalized additive model.
r-ganpadata 1.0 GPL-2 X This is a dataset package for GANPA, which implements a network-based...
r-gap 1.5_3 GPL-2 XXX As first reported [Zhao, J. H. 2007. "gap: Genetic Analysis...
r-gap.datasets 0.0.6 GPL-2 X Datasets associated with the 'gap' package. Currently, it...
r-gaparsimony 0.9.5 GPL-2 X Methodology that combines feature selection, model tuning, and...
r-gapminder 1.0.0 CC0 X An excerpt of the data available at Gapminder.org. For each of 142...
r-gar 1.1 GPL-2 X The functions included are used to obtain initial authentication with...
r-gargle 1.5.2 MIT X Provides utilities for working with Google APIs...
r-garray 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Organize a so-called ragged array as generalized arrays, which is...
r-gas 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Simulate, estimate and forecast using univariate and multivariate GAS...
r-gaselect 1.0.21 GPL-2 XXX Provides a genetic algorithm for finding variable subsets in high...
r-gaston 1.5.9 GPL-3 X Manipulation of genetic data (SNPs). Computation of GRM and dominance...
r-gatepoints 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Allows user to choose/gate a region on the plot and returns points within it.
r-gaupro 0.2.11 GPL-3 X Fits a Gaussian process model to data. Gaussian processes are commonly...
r-gausscov 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX Given the standard linear model the traditional way of deciding whether...
r-gaussdiff 1.1 GPL-2 X A collection difference measures for multivariate Gaussian probability...
r-gaussfacts 0.0.2 GPL-2 X Display a random fact about Carl Friedrich Gauss based the on...
r-gaussianhmm1d 1.1.1 GPL-2 XX Inference, goodness-of-fit test, and prediction densities and intervals...
r-gb 2.3.3 Unlimited XXX A collection of algorithms and functions for fitting data to a...
r-gb2 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Package GB2 explores the Generalized Beta distribution of the second...
r-gbm GPL-2 XXX An implementation of extensions to Freund and Schapire's AdaBoost...
r-gbrd 0.4_11 GPL-2 X Provides utilities for processing Rd objects and files. Extract...
r-gbutils 0.5 GPL-2 X Plot density and distribution functions with automatic selection of...
r-gcai.bias 1.0 GPL-2 X Many inherited biases and effects exists in RNA-seq due to both...
r-gcat 0.2 GPL-2 XXX These are two-sample tests for categorical data utilizing similarity...
r-gcd 4.0.7 GPL-2 X Contains the Global Charcoal database data. Data include charcoal...
r-gcdnet 1.0.6 GPL-2 XXX Implements a generalized coordinate descent (GCD) algorithm for...
r-gckrig 1.1.8 GPL-2 XXX Provides a variety of functions to analyze and model geostatistical...
r-gclus 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Orders panels in scatterplot matrices and parallel coordinate displays...
r-gconcord 0.41 GPL-2 XXX Estimates a sparse inverse covariance matrix from a convex...
r-gcookbook 2.0 GPL-2 X Data sets used in the book "R Graphics Cookbook" by Winston...
r-gcpm 1.2.2 GPL-2 XXX Analyze the default risk of credit portfolios. Commonly known models,...
r-gd 10.3 GPL-2 X Geographical detectors for measuring spatial stratified heterogeneity,...
r-gdadata 0.93 GPL-2 X Datasets used in the book 'Graphical Data Analysis with R'...
r-gdalutilities 1.2.5 GPL-2 X R's 'sf' package ships with self-contained 'GDAL'...
r-gdata 3.0.0 GPL-2 XXXX Various R programming tools for data manipulation, including medical...
r-gdatools 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Many tools for Geometric Data Analysis (Le Roux & Rouanet (2005)...
r-gdina 2.9.4 GPL-3 X A set of psychometric tools for cognitive diagnosis modeling based on...
r-gdistance 1.6.4 GPL-2 X Provides classes and functions to calculate various distance measures...
r-gdmp 0.2.0 GPL-2 XXX Manage and analyze high-dimensional SNP data from chips with multiple densities.
r-gdns 0.3.1 AGPL-3 X To address the problem of insecurity of 'UDP'-based...
r-gdpc 1.1.3 GPL-2 XXX Functions to compute the Generalized Dynamic Principal Components...
r-gds 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Contains a function called gds() which accepts three input parameters...
r-gdtools 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Tools are provided to compute metrics of formatted strings and to check...
r-gee 4.13_25 GPL-2 XXX Generalized Estimation Equation solver.
r-gee4 GPL-2 XXX Fit joint mean-covariance models for longitudinal data within the ...
r-geem 0.10.1 GPL-3 X GEE estimation of the parameters in mean structures with possible...
r-geepack 1.3.9 GPL-3 XXX Generalized estimating equations solver for parameters in mean, scale,...
r-geigen 2.3 GPL-2 XXX Functions to compute generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the...
r-geiger 2.0.11 GPL-2 X Methods for fitting macroevolutionary models to phylogenetic trees...
r-gelnet 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Implements several extensions of the elastic net regularization scheme....
r-gen2stage 1.0 GPL-2 X One can find single-stage and two-stage designs for a phase II...
r-genalg 0.2.1 GPL-2 X R based genetic algorithm for binary and floating point chromosomes.
r-genbinomapps 1.2 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-gendata 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Set of functions to create datasets using a correlation matrix.
r-gender 0.6.0 MIT X Infers state-recorded gender categories from first names and dates of...
r-genderizer 2.1.1 MIT X Utilizes the 'genderize.io' Application Programming Interface ...
r-gendist 2.0 GPL-2 X Computes the probability density function (pdf), cumulative...
r-genef 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of several generalized F-statistics. The current version...
r-genelistpie 1.0 GPL-3 X "geneListPie" package is for mapping a gene list to function...
r-genemodel 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Using simple input, this package creates plots of gene models. Users...
r-genepi 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXXX Package for Genetic Epidemiologic Methods Developed at MSKCC. It...
r-genepop 1.2.2 CeCILL-2 XXX Makes the Genepop software available in R. This software implements a...
r-generalcorr 1.2.6 GPL-2 X Function gmcmtx0() computes a more reliable (general) correlation...
r-generalhoslem 1.3.4 GPL-2 X Functions to assess the goodness of fit of binary, multinomial and...
r-generalizedhyperbolic 0.8_4 GPL-2 X Functions for the hyperbolic and related distributions. Density,...
r-generaloaxaca 1.0 GPL-2 X Perform the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition for generalized linear model...
r-generator 0.1.0 MIT X Allows users to quickly and easily generate fake data containing...
r-generics 0.1.3 MIT XXXX In order to reduce potential package dependencies and conflicts,...
r-genesignaturefinder 2014.02.17 GPL-2 X A tool for finding an ensemble gene-signature by a steepest ascending...
r-genesysr 2.1.0 Apache X Access data on plant genetic resources from genebanks around the world...
r-genetics GPL-3 X Classes and methods for handling genetic data. Includes classes to...
r-geneticsubsetter 0.8 GPL-2 X Finds subsets of sets of genotypes with a high Heterozygosity, and Mean...
r-genie 1.0.5 GPL-3 XXX Includes the reference implementation of Genie - a hierarchical...
r-genieclust 1.1.5_2 AGPL-3 X A retake on the Genie algorithm (Gagolewski, 2021...
r-genkern 1.2_60 GPL-2 XXX Computes generalised KDEs
r-genlasso 1.6.1 GPL XXX Computes the solution path for generalized lasso problems. Important...
r-genmeta 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Generalized meta-analysis is a technique for estimating parameters...
r-genodds 1.1.2 GPL XXX Calculates Agresti's generalized odds ratios. For a randomly...
r-genomic.autocorr 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Local structure in genomic data often induces dependence between...
r-genomicper 1.6 GPL-2 X Circular genomic permutation approach uses GWAS results to establish...
r-genoplotr 0.8.11 GPL-2 X Draws gene or genome maps and comparisons between these, in a...
r-genord 1.4.0 GPL-3 X A gaussian copula based procedure for generating samples from discrete...
r-gensa GPL-2 XXX Performs search for global minimum of a very complex non-linear...
r-gensemble 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Generalized ensemble methods allowing arbitrary underlying models to be...
r-gensurv 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Generation of survival data with one (binary) time-dependent covariate....
r-gensvm 0.1.7 GPL-2 XX The GenSVM classifier is a generalized multiclass support vector...
r-gentag 1.0 GPL-2 X Implement a coherent and flexible protocol for animal color tagging....
r-genwin 1.0 MIT X Defines window or bin boundaries for the analysis of genomic data....
r-geoboxplot 1.0 GPL-2 X Make geographic box plot as detailed in Willmott et al. (2007).
r-geobr 1.8.1 MIT X Easy access to official spatial data sets of Brazil as 'sf'...
r-geocount 1.150120 GPL-2 XXX This package provides a variety of functions to analyze and model...
r-geodata 0.5_9 GPL-3 X Functions for downloading of geographic data for use in spatial...
r-geode 1.0 GPL-2 X Given expression data this package calculate a multivariate geometrical...
r-geodist 0.0.8 MIT XXX Dependency-free, ultra fast calculation of geodesic distances. ...
r-geofacet 0.2.0 MIT X Provides geofaceting functionality for 'ggplot2'. Geofaceting...
r-geogrid 0.1.2 MIT X Turn irregular polygons (such as geographical regions) into regular or...
r-geohashtools 0.3.2 MPL-2.0 XXX Tools for working with Gustavo Niemeyer's geohash coordinate...
r-geojson 0.3.5 MIT X Classes for 'GeoJSON' to make working with 'GeoJSON'...
r-geojsonio 0.11.3 MIT X Convert data to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON' from various R...
r-geojsonlint 0.4.0 MIT X Tools for linting 'GeoJSON'. Includes tools for interacting...
r-geojsonr 1.1.1 MIT XXX Includes functions for processing GeoJson objects...
r-geojsonsf 2.0.3 MIT X Converts Between GeoJSON and simple feature objects.
r-geoknife 1.6.11 CC0 X Processes gridded datasets found on the U.S. Geological Survey Geo Data...
r-geomap 2.5_5 GPL-2 X Set of routines for making map projections (forward and inverse),...
r-geomapdata 2.0_2 GPL-3 X Data sets included here are for use with package GEOmap. These include...
r-geomedb 2.0.1 GPL-3 X The Genomic Observatory Metadatabase (GeOMe Database) is an open access...
r-geometa 0.7_1 MIT X Provides facilities to handle reading and writing of geographic...
r-geometries 0.2.3 MIT X Geometry shapes in 'R' are typically represented by matrices...
r-geometry 0.4.7 GPL-3 XXX Makes the 'Qhull' library <http://www.qhull.org>...
r-geomorph 4.0.6 GPL-3 X Read, manipulate, and digitize landmark data, generate shape variables...
r-geomtextpath 0.1.1 MIT X A 'ggplot2' extension that allows text to follow curved paths....
r-geonames 0.999 GPL-3 X The web service at <https://www.geonames.org/> provides a number...
r-geoops 0.2.0 MIT XXX Tools for doing calculations and manipulations on 'GeoJSON', a...
r-geor 1.9_2 GPL-2 X Geostatistical analysis including variogram-based, likelihood-based and...
r-geos 0.2.3 MIT X Provides an R API to the Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS')...
r-geosapi 0.6_7 MIT X Provides an R interface to the GeoServer REST API, allowing to upload...
r-geoscale 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Functionality for adding the geological timescale to bivariate plots.
r-geosed 0.1.1 MIT X Find the smallest circle that contains all longitude and latitude input...
r-geosphere 1.5_18 GPL-3 XXX Spherical trigonometry for geographic applications. That is, compute...
r-geospt 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Estimation of the variogram through trimmed mean, radial basis...
r-geostatsp 2.0.1 GPL-3 XXX Geostatistical modelling facilities using 'SpatRaster' and...
r-geotech 1.0 GPL-3 X A compilation of functions for performing calculations and creating...
r-geotools 0.1 GPL-3 X Tools
r-geouy 0.2.8 GPL-3 X The toolbox have functions to load and process geographic information...
r-geozoo 0.5.1 GPL-2 X Geometric objects defined in 'geozoo' can be simulated or...
r-gepaf 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Encode and decode the Google Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format...
r-germinationmetrics 0.1.8 GPL-2 X Provides functions to compute various germination indices such as...
r-gert 2.0.0 MIT X Simple git client for R based on 'libgit2'...
r-gesca 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Fit a variety of component-based structural equation models.
r-gestalt 0.2.0 MIT X Provides a suite of function-building tools centered around a (forward)...
r-gethr 0.1.0 MIT X Full access to the Geth command line interface for running full...
r-getip 0.1_3 BSD_2_clause X A micro-package for getting your 'IP' address, either the...
r-getopt 1.20.4 GPL-2 XXXX Package designed to be used with Rscript to write '#!' shebang...
r-getoptlong 1.0.5 MIT X This is a command-line argument parser which wraps the powerful Perl...
r-getpass 0.2_2 BSD_2_clause XXX A micro-package for reading "passwords", i.e. reading user...
r-gets 0.37 GPL-2 X Automated General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling of the mean and variance...
r-gettz 0.0.5 GPL-2 XXX A function to retrieve the system timezone on Unix systems which has...
r-gevcdn 1.1.6_2 GPL-3 X Implements a flexible nonlinear modelling framework for nonstationary...
r-gexp 1.0_21 GPL-2 X Generates experiments - simulating structured or experimental data as:...
r-gfa 1.0.4 MIT X Factor analysis implementation for multiple data sources, i.e., for...
r-gfonts 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Download 'Google' fonts and generate 'CSS' to use in...
r-gforce 0.1.4 GPL-2 XX A complete suite of computationally efficient methods for high...
r-ggalluvial 0.12.5 GPL-3 X Alluvial plots use variable-width ribbons and stacked bar plots to...
r-ggally 2.1.2 GPL X The R package 'ggplot2' is a plotting system based on the...
r-ggalt 0.4.0 AGPL-3 X A compendium of new geometries, coordinate systems, statistical...
r-gganimate 1.0.8 MIT X The grammar of graphics as implemented in the 'ggplot2' package...
r-ggbeeswarm 0.7.2 GPL-3 X Provides two methods of plotting categorical scatter plots such that...
r-ggbreak 0.1.2 Artistic-2.0 X An implementation of scale functions for setting axis breaks of a...
r-ggbump 0.1.0 MIT X A geom for ggplot to create bump plots. Can be good to use for showing...
r-ggcorrplot GPL-2 X The 'ggcorrplot' package can be used to visualize easily a...
r-ggdag 0.2.10 MIT X Tidy, analyze, and plot directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). 'ggdag'...
r-ggdark 0.2.1 MIT X Activate dark mode on your favorite 'ggplot2' theme with...
r-ggdemetra 0.2.6 EUPL X Provides 'ggplot2' functions to return the results of seasonal...
r-ggdendro 0.1.23 GPL-2 X This is a set of tools for dendrograms and tree plots using...
r-ggdensity 1.0.0 MIT X The 'ggplot2' package provides simple functions for visualizing...
r-ggdist 3.3.0 GPL-3 X Provides primitives for visualizing distributions using...
r-gge 1.8 MIT X Create biplots for GGE (genotype plus genotype-by-environment) and GGB...
r-ggeasy 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Provides a series of aliases to commonly used but difficult to remember...
r-ggedit 0.3.1 MIT X Interactively edit 'ggplot2' layer and theme aesthetics definitions.
r-ggeffects 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Compute marginal effects and adjusted predictions from statistical...
r-ggextra 0.10.1 MIT X Collection of functions and layers to enhance 'ggplot2'. The...
r-ggfittext 0.10.1 GPL-2 X A 'ggplot2' extension to fit text into a box by growing,...
r-ggforce 0.4.1 MIT X The aim of 'ggplot2' is to aid in visual data investigations....
r-ggformula 0.10.4 MIT X Provides a formula interface to 'ggplot2' graphics.
r-ggfortify 0.4.16 MIT X Unified plotting tools for statistics commonly used, such as GLM, time...
r-ggfun 0.1.3 Artistic-2.0 X Useful functions and utilities for 'ggplot' object (e.g.,...
r-gggenes 0.5.1 GPL-2 X A 'ggplot2' extension for drawing gene arrow maps.
r-gggibbous 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Moon charts are like pie charts except that the proportions are shown...
r-ggh4x 0.2.6 MIT X A 'ggplot2' extension that does a variety of little helpful...
r-gghalves 0.1.4 MIT X A 'ggplot2' extension for easy plotting of half-half geom...
r-gghighlight 0.4.0 MIT X Make it easier to explore data with highlights.
r-gginnards 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Extensions to 'ggplot2' providing low-level debug tools:...
r-ggir 3.0_0 Apache X A tool to process and analyse data collected with wearable raw...
r-ggiraph 0.8.7 GPL-3 X Create interactive 'ggplot2' graphics using 'htmlwidgets'.
r-ggiraphextra 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Collection of functions to enhance 'ggplot2' and...
r-ggirread 0.3.1 Apache X Reads data collected from wearable acceleratometers as used in sleep...
r-ggisotonic 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Provides stat_isotonic() to add weighted univariate isotonic regression curves.
r-ggjoy 0.4.1 GPL-2 X Joyplots provide a convenient way of visualizing changes in...
r-gglasso 1.5 GPL-2 XXX A unified algorithm, blockwise-majorization-descent (BMD), for...
r-gglm 1.0.2 CC0 X Allows for easy creation of diagnostic plots for a variety of model...
r-ggm 2.3 GPL-2 X Functions and datasets for maximum likelihood fitting of some classes...
r-ggmap 3.0.2 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to visualize spatial data and models on top...
r-ggmcmc GPL-2 X Tools for assessing and diagnosing convergence of Markov Chain Monte...
r-ggmice 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Enhance a 'mice' imputation workflow with visualizations for...
r-ggmosaic 0.3.3 GPL-2 X Mosaic plots in the 'ggplot2' framework. Mosaic plot...
r-ggmridge 1.3 GPL-2 X Estimation of partial correlation matrix using ridge penalty followed...
r-ggmselect 0.1_12.7 GPL-3 XXX Graph estimation in Gaussian Graphical Models, following the method...
r-ggnetwork 0.5.12 GPL-3 X Geometries to plot network objects with 'ggplot2'.
r-ggnewscale 0.4.9 GPL-3 X Use multiple fill and colour scales in 'ggplot2'.
r-ggoceanmaps 2.1.1 GPL-3 X Allows plotting data on bathymetric maps using 'ggplot2'....
r-ggokabeito 0.1.0 MIT X Discrete scales for the colorblind-friendly 'Okabe-Ito'...
r-ggparty 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Extends 'ggplot2' functionality to the 'partykit'...
r-ggpattern 1.0.1 MIT X Provides 'ggplot2' geoms filled with various patterns. ...
r-ggpie 0.2.5 MIT X Create pie, donut and rose pie plot with 'ggplot2'.
r-ggplot.multistats 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides the ggplot binning layer stat_summaries_hex(), which functions...
r-ggplot2 3.4.4 MIT XXXX A system for 'declaratively' creating graphics, based on...
r-ggplot2.utils 0.3.0 Apache X Selected utilities, in particular 'geoms' and 'stats'...
r-ggplot2movies 0.0.1 GPL-3 X A dataset about movies. This was previously contained in ggplot2, but...
r-ggplotify 0.1.2 Artistic-2.0 X Convert plot function call (using expression or formula) to...
r-ggpmisc 0.5.4_1 GPL-2 X Extensions to 'ggplot2' respecting the grammar of graphics...
r-ggpointdensity 0.1.0 GPL-3 X A cross between a 2D density plot and a scatter plot, implemented as a...
r-ggpol 0.0.7 MIT X A 'ggplot2' extension for implementing parliament charts and...
r-ggpolypath 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Tools for working with polygons with holes in 'ggplot2', with a...
r-ggpp 0.5.4 GPL-2 X Extensions to 'ggplot2' respecting the grammar of graphics...
r-ggprism 1.0.4 GPL X Provides various themes, palettes, and other functions that are used to...
r-ggpubr 0.6.0 GPL-2 X The 'ggplot2' package is excellent and flexible for elegant...
r-ggqc 0.0.31 GPL-3 X Plot single and faceted type quality control charts for 'ggplot'.
r-ggraph 2.1.0 MIT X The grammar of graphics as implemented in ggplot2 is a poor fit for...
r-ggrastr 1.0.2 MIT X Rasterize only specific layers of a 'ggplot2' plot while...
r-ggrepel 0.9.4 GPL-3 X Provides text and label geoms for 'ggplot2' that help to avoid...
r-ggresidpanel 0.3.0 MIT X An R package for creating panels of diagnostic plots for residuals from...
r-ggridges 0.5.4 GPL-2 X Ridgeline plots provide a convenient way of visualizing changes in...
r-ggroups 2.1.2 GPL-3 X Calculates additive and dominance genetic relationship matrices and...
r-ggsci 3.0.0 GPL-3 X A collection of 'ggplot2' color palettes inspired by plots in...
r-ggseqlogo 0.1 LGPL-3 X The extensive range of functions provided by this package makes it...
r-ggside 0.2.2 MIT X The grammar of graphics as shown in 'ggplot2' has provided an...
r-ggsignif 0.6.4 GPL-3 X Enrich your 'ggplots' with group-wise comparisons. This package...
r-ggspatial 1.1.9 GPL-3 X Spatial data plus the power of the ggplot2 framework means easier...
r-ggstance 0.3.6 GPL-3 X A 'ggplot2' extension that provides flipped components:...
r-ggstar 1.0.4 Artistic-2.0 X To create the multiple polygonal point layer for easily discernible...
r-ggstats 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Provides new statistics, new geometries and new positions for...
r-ggstatsplot 0.12.1 GPL-3 X Extension of 'ggplot2', 'ggstatsplot' creates graphics...
r-ggstream 0.1.0 MIT X Make smoothed stacked area charts in 'ggplot2'. Stream plots...
r-ggsurvfit 1.0.0 MIT X Ease the creation of time-to-event (i.e. survival) endpoint figures....
r-ggtern 3.4.2 GPL-2 X Extends the functionality of 'ggplot2', providing the...
r-ggtext 0.1.2 GPL-2 X A 'ggplot2' extension that enables the rendering of complex...
r-ggthemeassist 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Rstudio add-in that delivers a graphical interface for editing...
r-ggthemes 4.2.4 GPL-2 X Some extra themes, geoms, and scales for 'ggplot2'. Provides...
r-ggupset 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Replace the standard x-axis in 'ggplots' with a combination...
r-ggvenn 0.1.10 MIT X An easy-to-use way to draw pretty venn diagram by 'ggplot2'.
r-ggvenndiagram 1.2.3 GPL-3 X Easy-to-use functions to generate 2-7 sets Venn plot in publication...
r-ggversa 0.0.1 GPL-2 X A collection of datasets for the upcoming book "Graficas versatiles...
r-ggvis 0.4.8 GPL-2 XXXX An implementation of an interactive grammar of graphics, taking the...
r-ggwordcloud 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Provides a word cloud text geom for 'ggplot2'. Texts are placed...
r-gh 1.4.0 MIT X Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'.
r-ghibli 0.3.3 MIT X Colour palettes inspired by Studio Ghibli...
r-ghql 0.1.0 MIT X A 'GraphQL' client, with an R6 interface for initializing a...
r-ghs 0.1 GPL-2 X Draw posterior samples to estimate the precision matrix for...
r-ghyp 1.6.4 GPL-2 XXX Detailed functionality for working with the univariate and multivariate...
r-gibbs.met 1.1_3 GPL-2 X This package provides two generic functions for performing Markov chain...
r-gibbsacov 1.1 GPL-2 X Gibbs sampler for one-way linear mixed-effects models (ANOVA, ANCOVA)...
r-gifi 0.4_0 GPL-3 XXX Implements categorical principal component analysis...
r-gifski 1.6.6_1 MIT XXX Multi-threaded GIF encoder written in Rust: <https://gif.ski/>....
r-gifti 0.8.0 GPL-2 X Functions to read in the geometry format under the...
r-gigrvg 0.8 GPL-2 XXX Generator and density function for the Generalized Inverse Gaussian...
r-gillespiessa 0.6.2 GPL-3 X Provides a simple to use, intuitive, and extensible interface to...
r-gim 0.33.1 MIT X Implements the generalized integration model, which integrates...
r-gimme 0.7_15 GPL-2 X Data-driven approach for arriving at person-specific time series...
r-giniwegneg 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Gini-based coefficients and plot of the ordinary and generalized curve...
r-gipfrm 3.1 GPL-2 X Maximum likelihood estimation under relational models, with or without...
r-giraf 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Allows calculation on, and sampling from Gibbs Random Fields, and more...
r-giscor 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Tools to download data from the GISCO (Geographic Information System of...
r-gistr 0.9.0 MIT XXXX Work with 'GitHub' 'gists' from 'R' (e.g.,...
r-git2r 0.32.0 GPL-2 XXX Interface to the 'libgit2' library, which is a pure C...
r-git2rdata 0.4.0 GPL-3 X The git2rdata package is an R package for writing and reading...
r-gitcreds 0.1.2 MIT X Query, set, delete credentials from the 'git' credential store....
r-githubinstall 0.2.2 MIT X Provides an helpful way to install packages hosted on GitHub.
r-gitlink 0.1.3 MIT X Provides helpers to add 'Git' links to 'shiny'...
r-gjrm 0.2_6.4 GPL-2 X Routines for fitting various joint (and univariate) regression models,...
r-gk2011 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Implementations of the treatment effect estimators for hybrid...
r-glaciersmbm 0.1 GPL-3 X A fully distributed glacier surface mass balance model developed for...
r-glamlasso 3.0.1 GPL-3 XXX Efficient design matrix free lasso penalized estimation in large scale...
r-glarma 1.6_0 GPL-2 X Functions are provided for estimation, testing, diagnostic checking and...
r-glassdoor 0.8.1 GPL-2 X Interacts with the 'Glassdoor' API...
r-glasso 1.11 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of a sparse inverse covariance matrix using a lasso (L1)...
r-glassofast 1.0.1 GPL-3 XXX A fast and improved implementation of the graphical LASSO.
r-glba 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Analyses response times and accuracies from psychological experiments...
r-glcm 1.6.5 GPL-3 XXX Enables calculation of image textures (Haralick 1973)...
r-gld 2.6.6 GPL-2 X The generalised lambda distribution, or Tukey lambda distribution,...
r-gldex GPL-3 XXX The fitting algorithms considered in this package have two major...
r-gldrm 1.5 MIT X Fits a generalized linear density ratio model (GLDRM). A GLDRM is a...
r-glide 1.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Global and individual tests for pleiotropy and direct effects in...
r-glinternet 1.0.12 GPL-2 XXX Group-Lasso INTERaction-NET. Fits linear pairwise-interaction models...
r-gllm 0.38 GPL-2 XXX Routines for log-linear models of incomplete contingency tables,...
r-glm.deploy 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Provides two functions that generate source code implementing the...
r-glm.predict 4.2_0 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate predicted values and the difference between the...
r-glm2 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Fits generalized linear models using the same model specification as...
r-glmaspu 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Several tests for high dimensional generalized linear models have been...
r-glmbb 0.5_1 MIT X Find all hierarchical models of specified generalized linear model with...
r-glmc 0.3_1 GPL-2 X Fits generalized linear models where the parameters are subject to...
r-glmdm 2.60 GPL-3 X This package contains functions to perform generalized linear mixed...
r-glmertree 0.2_4 GPL-2 X Recursive partitioning based on (generalized) linear mixed models...
r-glmgraph 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXX We propose to use sparse regression model to achieve variable selection...
r-glmlep 0.2 GPL-2 XXX Efficient algorithms for fitting regularization paths for linear or...
r-glmm 1.4.4 GPL-2 X Approximates the likelihood of a generalized linear mixed model using...
r-glmmadaptive 0.9_1 GPL-3 X Fits generalized linear mixed models for a single grouping factor under...
r-glmmboot 0.4.0 AGPL-3 X Performs bootstrap resampling for most models that update() works for....
r-glmmlasso 1.6.3 GPL-2 XX A variable selection approach for generalized linear mixed models by...
r-glmmml 1.1.5 GPL-3 XXX Binomial and Poisson regression for clustered data, fixed and random...
r-glmmrr 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for Binary Randomized Response...
r-glmmsr 0.2.3 GPL-2 XXX Conduct inference about generalized linear mixed models, with a choice...
r-glmmtmb 1.1.8 AGPL-3 X Fit linear and generalized linear mixed models with various extensions,...
r-glmnet 4.1_8 GPL-2 XXX Extremely efficient procedures for fitting the entire lasso or...
r-glmnetcr 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Penalized methods are useful for fitting over-parameterized models....
r-glmnetutils 1.1.9 GPL-2 X Provides a formula interface for the 'glmnet' package for...
r-glmpath 0.98 GPL-2 XXX A path-following algorithm for L1 regularized generalized linear models...
r-glmpca 0.2.0 LGPL-3 X Implements a generalized version of principal components analysis...
r-glmsdata 1.4 GPL-2 X Data sets from the book Generalized Linear Models with Examples in R by...
r-glmtlp 2.0.1 GPL-3 XX Extremely efficient procedures for fitting regularization path with l0,...
r-glmtoolbox 0.1.9 GPL-2 X Set of tools to the statistical analysis of data using: (1) normal...
r-glmulti 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Automated model selection and model-averaging. Provides a wrapper for...
r-glmx 0.2_0 GPL-2 X Extended techniques for generalized linear models (GLMs), especially...
r-globalgsa 1.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of three different Gene set analysis (GSA) algorithms...
r-globaloptions 0.1.2 MIT X It provides more configurations on the option values such as validation...
r-globalopttests 1.1 GPL-3 X This package makes available 50 objective functions for benchmarking...
r-globals 0.16.2 LGPL-2.1 X Identifies global ("unknown" or "free") objects in R...
r-globe 1.2_0 GPL X Basic functions for plotting 2D and 3D views of a sphere, by default...
r-glogis 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Tools for the generalized logistic distribution (Type I, also known as...
r-glpkapi 1.3.4 GPL-3 X R Interface to C API of GLPK, depends on GLPK Version >= 4.42.
r-glrt 2.0 GPL-2 X Functions to conduct four generalized logrank tests and a score test...
r-glrth 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Likelihood ratio tests for genome-wide association and genome-wide...
r-glsme 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Performs linear regression with correlated predictors, responses and...
r-glue 1.6.2 MIT XXX An implementation of interpreted string literals, inspired by...
r-gmac 3.1 GPL-3 X Performs genomic mediation analysis with adaptive confounding...
r-gmailr 2.0.0 MIT X An interface to the 'Gmail' 'RESTful' API. Allows...
r-gmapsdistance 4.0.4 GPL-3 X Get distance and travel time between two points from Google Maps. Four...
r-gmcm 1.4 GPL-2 X Unsupervised Clustering and Meta-analysis using Gaussian Mixture Copula Models.
r-gmcp 0.8_15 GPL-2 X Functions and a graphical user interface for graphical described...
r-gmdatabase 0.5.0 GPL-2 X A template for a geometallurgical database and a fast and easy...
r-gmdh 1.6 GPL-2 X Group method of data handling (GMDH) - type neural network algorithm is...
r-gmdhreg 0.2.2 GPL-3 X Regression using GMDH algorithms from Prof. Alexey G. Ivakhnenko. Group...
r-gmedian 1.2.7 GPL-2 X Fast algorithms for robust estimation with large samples of...
r-gmediation 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Current version of this R package conducts mediation path analysis for...
r-gmeta 2.3_1 GPL-2 X An implementation of an all-in-one function for a wide range of...
r-gmfd 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Some methods for the inference and clustering of univariate and...
r-gmisc 3.0.3 GPL-3 X Tools for making the descriptive "Table 1" used in medical...
r-gmm 1.8 GPL-2 XX It is a complete suite to estimate models based on moment conditions....
r-gmmat 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Perform association tests using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs)...
r-gmmboost 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Likelihood-based boosting approaches for generalized mixed models are provided.
r-gmnl 1.1_3.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of maximum simulated likelihood method for the...
r-gmodels GPL-2 X Various R programming tools for model fitting.
r-gmoip 1.5.0 GPL X Make 2D and 3D plots of linear programming (LP), integer linear...
r-gmp 0.7_2 GPL-2 XXX Multiple Precision Arithmetic (big integers and rationals, prime number...
r-gmse GPL-2 X Integrates game theory and ecological theory to construct...
r-gmt 2.0.3 GPL-3 X Interface between the GMT map-making software and R, enabling the user...
r-gmwt 1.4 GPL-2 X Generalized Mann-Whitney type tests based on probabilistic indices and...
r-gnm 1.1_5 GPL-2 X Functions to specify and fit generalized nonlinear models, including...
r-gnorm 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions for obtaining generalized normal/exponential power...
r-gnumeric 0.7_10 GPL-2 X Read data files readable by 'gnumeric' into 'R'. Can...
r-goeveg 0.6.5 GPL-2 X A collection of functions useful in (vegetation) community analyses and...
r-gofkernel 2.1_1 GPL-3 X Tests of goodness-of-fit based on a kernel smoothing of the data.
r-goftest 1.2_3 GPL-2 X Cramer-Von Mises and Anderson-Darling tests of goodness-of-fit for...
r-gogarch 0.7_5 GPL-2 X Provision of classes and methods for estimating generalized orthogonal...
r-golem 0.4.1 MIT X An opinionated framework for building a production-ready...
r-gomms 1.0 GPL-2 X A zero-inflated quasi-Poisson factor model to display similarity...
r-goodmankruskal 0.0.3 MIT X Association analysis between categorical variables using the Goodman...
r-goodpractice 1.0.4 MIT X Give advice about good practices when building R packages. Advice...
r-googleanalyticsr 1.1.0 MIT X Interact with the Google Analytics APIs...
r-googleauthr 2.0.1 MIT X Create R functions that interact with OAuth2 Google APIs...
r-googlecloudstorager 0.7.0 MIT X Interact with Google Cloud Storage...
r-googlecomputeenginer 0.3.0 MIT X Interact with the 'Google Compute Engine' API in R. Lets you...
r-googledrive 2.1.1 MIT X Manage Google Drive files from R.
r-googleformr 0.0.3 GPL-2 X GET and POST data to Google Forms; an API to Google Forms, allowing...
r-googleknowledgegraphr 0.1.0 MIT X Allows you to retrieve information from the 'Google Knowledge...
r-googlelanguager 0.3.0 MIT X Call 'Google Cloud' machine learning APIs for text and speech...
r-googlepolylines 0.8.4 MIT X Encodes simple feature ('sf') objects and coordinates, and...
r-googlesheets4 1.1.1 MIT X Interact with Google Sheets through the Sheets API v4...
r-googlevis 0.7.1 GPL-2 X R interface to Google's chart tools, allowing users to create...
r-googleway 2.7.8 MIT X Provides a mechanism to plot a 'Google Map' from 'R'...
r-goplot 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Implementation of multilayered visualizations for enhanced graphical...
r-goric 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion (GORIC) value for a...
r-govstatjpn 0.1 GPL-3 X This package purposes to deal with public survey data of Japanese...
r-gower 1.0.1 GPL-3 XXX Compute Gower's distance (or similarity) coefficient between...
r-gpairs 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Offers a generalization of the scatterplot matrix based on the...
r-gpareto 1.1.7 GPL-3 X Gaussian process regression models, a.k.a. Kriging models, are applied...
r-gparotation 2023.8_1 GPL-2 X Gradient Projection Algorithms for Factor Rotation. For details see...
r-gpboost 1.2.6 Apache X An R package that allows for combining tree-boosting with Gaussian...
r-gpca 1.0 GPL-2 X This package implements guided principal components analysis for the...
r-gpclib 1.5_6 file X General polygon clipping routines for R based on Alan Murta's C library.
r-gpdtest 0.4 GPL-2 X This package computes the bootstrap goodness-of-fit test for the...
r-gpfit 1.0_8 GPL-2 X A computationally stable approach of fitting a Gaussian Process (GP)...
r-gpk 1.0 GPL-2 X Collection of datasets as prepared by Profs. A.P. Gore, S.A. Paranjape,...
r-gplots 3.1.3 GPL-2 XXXX Various R programming tools for plotting data, including: - calculating...
r-gpltr 1.4 GPL X Combining a generalized linear model with an additional tree part on...
r-gpr 1.1 GPL-3 X This package provides a minimalistic functionality necessary to apply...
r-gprofiler 0.7.0 GPL-2 X This package has been deprecated and will not be updated. New users...
r-gprofiler2 0.2.2 GPL-2 X A toolset for functional enrichment analysis and visualization,...
r-gptstudio 0.3.0 MIT X Large language models are readily accessible via API. This package...
r-gpvam 3.0_9 GPL-2 X An EM algorithm, Karl et al. (2013)...
r-graddescent 3.0 GPL-2 X An implementation of various learning algorithms based on Gradient...
r-grade 0.2_1 GPL-2 X Provides functions for matching student-answers to teacher answers for...
r-grader 1.0.10 MIT X After being given the location of your students' submissions and a...
r-gradientpickerd3 GPL-3 X Widget for an interactive selection and modification of a color...
r-grafify 4.0 GPL-2 X Easily explore data by plotting graphs with a few lines of code. Use...
r-grain 1.4.0 GPL-2 X Probability propagation in graphical independence networks, also known...
r-gramevol 2.1_4 GPL-2 X A native R implementation of grammatical evolution (GE). GE facilitates...
r-grangers 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Contains five functions performing the calculation of unconditional and...
r-grape 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Gene-Ranking Analysis of Pathway Expression (GRAPE) is a tool for...
r-grapes 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Turn arbitrary functions into binary operators.
r-grapfa 1.0 GPL-2 X gRapfa is for modelling discrete longitudinal data using acyclic...
r-grapher 1.9_86_4 GPL-2 X A multi-platform user interface for drawing highly customizable graphs...
r-graphfactor 1.1 GPL-2 X A Network Implementation of Fuzzy Sets: Build Network Objects from...
r-graphicalvar 0.3.3 GPL-2 X Estimates within and between time point interactions in experience...
r-graphicsqc 1.0_8 GPL-2 X Functions to generate graphics files, compare them with "model"...
r-graphkernels 1.6.1 GPL-2 X A fast C++ implementation for computing various graph kernels including...
r-graphlayouts 1.0.1 MIT X Several new layout algorithms to visualize networks are provided which...
r-graphql 1.5.1 MIT X Bindings to the 'libgraphqlparser' C++ library. Parses GraphQL...
r-grassmannoptim 2.0 GPL-2 X Optimizing a function F(U), where U is a semi-orthogonal matrix and F...
r-grates 1.1.0 MIT X Provides a coherent interface and implementation for creating grouped...
r-gratia 0.8.1 MIT X Graceful 'ggplot'-based graphics and utility functions for...
r-graticule 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Create graticule lines and labels for maps. Control the creation of...
r-grbase 2.0.0 GPL-2 X The 'gRbase' package provides graphical modelling features used...
r-grcdata 1.0 GPL-3 X We implement two main functions. The first function uses a given...
r-greedyepl 1.2 GPL-3 X Summarises a collection of partitions into a single optimal partition....
r-greedyexperimentaldesignjars 1.0 GPL-3 X These are GreedyExperimentalDesign Java dependency libraries. Note:...
r-greenclust 1.1.1 MIT X Implements a method of iteratively collapsing the rows of a contingency...
r-gremlin 1.0.1 GPL-3 XX Fit linear mixed-effects models using restricted (or residual) maximum...
r-gremlins 0.2.1 GPL-3 X We define generalized multipartite networks as the joint observation...
r-grex 1.9 GPL-3 X Convert 'Ensembl' gene identifiers from Genotype-Tissue...
r-greybox 2.0.0 LGPL-2.1 X Implements functions and instruments for regression model building and...
r-grf 2.3.1 GPL-3 X Forest-based statistical estimation and inference. GRF provides...
r-gridbase 0.4_7 GPL XXXX Integration of base and grid graphics
r-gridbezier 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Functions for rendering Bezier curves (Pomax, 2018)...
r-gridextra 2.3 GPL XXXX Provides a number of user-level functions to work with "grid"...
r-gridgraphics 0.5_1 GPL-2 X Functions to convert a page of plots drawn with the 'graphics'...
r-gridpattern 1.1.1 MIT X Provides 'grid' grobs that fill in a user-defined area with...
r-gridsvg 1.7_5 GPL-3 X Functions to export graphics drawn with package grid to SVG format. ...
r-gridtext 0.1.5 MIT X Provides support for rendering of formatted text using 'grid'...
r-grim 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Provides the following types of models: Models for contingency tables...
r-grimport 0.9_7 GPL-2 X Functions for converting, importing, and drawing PostScript pictures in R plots.
r-grimport2 0.3_0 GPL-2 X Functions for importing external vector images and drawing them as part...
r-grnn 0.1.0 AGPL-3 X The program GRNN implements the algorithm proposed by Specht (1991).
r-groundhog 3.1.2 GPL-3 X Make R scripts reproducible, by ensuring that every time a given script...
r-groupdata2 2.0.3 MIT X Methods for dividing data into groups. Create balanced partitions and...
r-grouped 0.6_0 GPL-2 X Regression models for grouped and coarse data, under the Coarsened At...
r-groupica 0.1.1 AGPL-3 X Contains an implementation of an independent component analysis (ICA)...
r-groupremmap 0.1_0 GPL-2 X An implementation of the GroupRemMap penalty for fitting regularized...
r-groupseq 1.4.2 GPL-3 X Computes probabilities related to group sequential designs for normally...
r-groupsubsetselection 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Group subset selection for linear regression models is provided in this...
r-grouptest 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Contains functions for a two-stage multiple testing procedure for...
r-growthmodels 1.3.1 GPL-3 X A compilation of nonlinear growth models.
r-growthrate 1.3 GPL-3 X A nonparametric empirical Bayes method for recovering gradients (or...
r-grplasso 0.4_7 GPL-3 X Fits user-specified (GLM-) models with group lasso penalty.
r-grpreg 3.4.0 GPL-3 XXX Efficient algorithms for fitting the regularization path of linear...
r-grpregoverlap 2.2_0 GPL-3 X Fit the regularization path of linear, logistic or Cox models with ...
r-grpss 3.0.1 GPL-2 X Contains the tools to screen grouped variables, and select screened...
r-grpstring 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Methods include converting series of event names to strings, finding...
r-grr 0.9.5 GPL-3 X Alternative implementations of some base R functions, including sort,...
r-grs.test 1.2 GPL-2 X Computational resources for test proposed by Gibbons, Ross, Shanken...
r-grt 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Functions to generate and analyze data for psychology experiments based...
r-grto 1.3 GPL-3 X Offers functions for the comparison of Gutenberg-Richter b-values....
r-gsa 1.03.2 LGPL-3 X Gene Set Analysis.
r-gsafishercombined 1.0 GPL-2 X Provides the p-value for a joint test of association between a...
r-gsalib 2.2.1 MIT X Provides utility functions used by the Genome Analysis Toolkit...
r-gsaq 1.0 GPL-2 X Computation of Quantitative Trait Loci hits in the selected gene set....
r-gsarima 0.1_5 GPL-2 X Write SARIMA models in (finite) AR representation and simulate...
r-gscounts 0.1_4 GPL-2 X Design and analysis of group sequential designs for negative binomial...
r-gsdesign 3.5.0 GPL-3 X Derives group sequential clinical trial designs and describes their...
r-gse 4.2_1 GPL-2 X Robust Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter in the Presence...
r-gseg 1.0 GPL-2 X Using an approach based on similarity graph to estimate change-point(s)...
r-gsg 2.0 GPL-2 X gsg (gam selection gradients) provides a unified approach to the...
r-gsheet 0.4.5 GPL-3 X Simple package to download Google Sheets using just the sharing link....
r-gsignal 0.3_5 GPL-3 X R implementation of the 'Octave' package 'signal',...
r-gsl 2.1_8 GPL-3 XXX An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library.
r-gslnls 1.1.2 GPL-3 X An R interface to nonlinear least-squares optimization with the GNU...
r-gsloid 0.2.0 MIT X Contains published data sets for global benthic d18O data for 0-5.3 Myr...
r-gsm 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Implementation of a Bayesian approach for estimating a mixture of gamma...
r-gsmoothr 0.1.7 LGPL X Tools rewritten in C for various smoothing tasks
r-gsmx 1.3 GPL-2 X Estimating trait heritability and handling overfitting. This package...
r-gsodr 3.1.9 MIT X Provides automated downloading, parsing, cleaning, unit conversion and...
r-gson 0.1.0 Artistic-2.0 X Proposes a new file format ('gson') for storing gene set and...
r-gss 2.2_7 GPL-2 XXX A comprehensive package for structural multivariate function estimation...
r-gstat 2.1_1 GPL X Variogram modelling; simple, ordinary and universal point or block...
r-gstream 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Uses an approach based on k-nearest neighbor information to...
r-gsubfn 0.7 GPL-2 X The gsubfn function is like gsub but can take a replacement function or...
r-gsw 1.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Provides an interface to the Gibbs 'SeaWater'...
r-gsynth 1.2.1 MIT X Provides causal inference with interactive fixed-effect models. It...
r-gt 0.10.0 MIT X Build display tables from tabular data with an easy-to-use set of...
r-gt4ireval 2.0 MIT X Provides tools to measure the reliability of an Information Retrieval...
r-gtable 0.3.4 MIT XXXX Tools to make it easier to work with "tables" of...
r-gtcorr 0.2_1 GPL-3 X This package provides functions to calculate the efficiencies (expected...
r-gte 1.2_3 GPL-2 X Generalized Turnbull's estimator proposed by Dehghan and Duchesne (2011).
r-gtests 0.2 GPL-2 X Four graph-based tests are provided for testing whether two samples are...
r-gtextras 0.5.0 MIT X Provides additional functions for creating beautiful tables with...
r-gtfsio 1.1.1 MIT X Tools for the development of packages related to General Transit Feed...
r-gtfsrouter 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Use 'GTFS' (General Transit Feed Specification) data for...
r-gtfstools 1.2.0 MIT X Utility functions to read, manipulate, analyse and write transit feeds...
r-gtheory 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Estimates variance components, generalizability coefficients, universe...
r-gtools 3.9.4 GPL-2 XXX Functions to assist in R programming, including: - assist in...
r-gtrendsr 1.5.1 GPL-2 X An interface for retrieving and displaying the information returned...
r-gtsummary 1.7.2 MIT X Creates presentation-ready tables summarizing data sets, regression...
r-gtwas 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Quantitative trait loci mapping and genome wide association analysis...
r-gtx 0.0.8 GPL-2 X Assorted tools for genetic association analyses. The current focus is...
r-guardianr 0.9 GPL-2 X Provides an interface to the Open Platform's Content API of the...
r-guerry 1.7.4 GPL-3 X Maps of France in 1830, multivariate datasets from A.-M. Guerry and...
r-guide 1.2.7 GPL-2 XXXX A nice GUI for financial DErivatives in R.
r-gumbel 1.10_2 GPL-2 X Provides probability functions (cumulative distribution and density...
r-gunifrac 1.8 GPL-3 X A suite of methods for powerful and robust microbiome data analysis...
r-gustave 0.4.4 GPL-3 X Provides a toolkit for analytical variance estimation in survey...
r-guts 1.2.4 GPL-2 X Given exposure and survival time series as well as parameter values,...
r-gvarx 1.4 GPL-2 X Light procedures for learning Global Vector Autoregression model (GVAR)...
r-gvc 6.4.0 GPL-3 X Several tools for Global Value Chain ('GVC') analysis are implemented.
r-gvcm.cat 1.9 GPL-2 X Generalized structured regression models with regularized categorical...
r-gvlma GPL-3 X Methods from the paper: Pena, EA and Slate, EH, "Global Validation...
r-gwasexacthw 1.01 GPL-3 X This package contains a function to do exact Hardy-Weinburg testing...
r-gweram 1.0 GPL-2 X This package provides functions to calculate the significance threshold...
r-gwfa 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Performs Geographically Weighted Fractal Analysis (GWFA) to calculate...
r-gwg 1.0 GPL-2 X Based on calculations of 758 women this package calculates positive...
r-gwidgets 0.0_54.1 GPL-2 X Provides a toolkit-independent API for building interactive GUIs. At...
r-gwidgets2 1.0_9 GPL-3 X Re-implementation of the 'gWidgets' API. The API is defined in...
r-gwmodel 2.3_1 GPL-2 X Techniques from a particular branch of spatial statistics,termed...
r-gwqs 3.0.4 GPL-2 X Fits Weighted Quantile Sum (WQS) regression (Carrico et al. (2014)...
r-gwrm GPL-2 X Statistical functions to fit, validate and describe a Generalized...
r-gwrpvr 1.0 GPL-3 X Computes the sample probability value (p-value) for the estimated...
r-gwsignif 1.2 GPL-2 X The correlations and linkage disequilibrium between tests can vary as a...
r-gxm 1.1 GPL-2 X Quantifying and testing gene-by-measured-environment interaction in...
r-gym 0.1.0 MIT X OpenAI Gym is a open-source Python toolkit for developing and comparing...
r-h2o Apache X R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine...
r-h2o4gpu 0.3.3 Apache X Interface to 'H2O4GPU'...
r-hablar 0.3.2 MIT X Simple tools for converting columns to new data types. Intuitive...
r-hac 1.1_0 GPL-3 X Package provides the estimation of the structure and the parameters,...
r-hadoopstreaming 0.2 GPL-3 X Provides a framework for writing map/reduce scripts for use in Hadoop...
r-hail 0.1.1 MIT X Read data from the City of Portland's 'HYDRA'...
r-hal9001 0.4.3 GPL-3 X A scalable implementation of the highly adaptive lasso algorithm,...
r-halfcircle 0.1.0 MIT X There are growing concerns on flow data in diverse fields including...
r-hamlet 0.9.6 GPL-2 X Various functions and algorithms are provided here for solving optimal...
r-handtill2001 1.0.1 BSD_2_clause X An S4 implementation of Eq. (3) and Eq. (7) by David J. Hand and Robert...
r-handyplots 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Several handy plots for quickly looking at the relationship between two...
r-hapassoc 1.2_9 GPL-2 X The following R functions are used for inference of trait associations...
r-hapim 1.3 GPL-3 X The package provides a set of functions whose aim is to propose 4...
r-haplo.stats 1.9.3 GPL-2 X Routines for the analysis of indirectly measured haplotypes. The...
r-haplor 4.0.7 GPL-3 X A set of utilities for querying 'HaploReg'...
r-haploreconstruct 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Reconstruction of founder haplotype blocks from time series data.
r-haplosim GPL-2 X Simulate haplotypes through meioses. Allows specification of population...
r-haplotyper 0.1 GPL-3 X Function to identify haplotypes within QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci)....
r-happytime 0.1.0 GPL-2 X There are two interesting games in this package, one is 2048 games(for...
r-hapsim 0.31 GPL-2 X Package for haplotype-based genotype simulations. Haplotypes are...
r-hardhat 1.3.0 MIT X Building modeling packages is hard. A large amount of effort generally...
r-hardyweinberg 1.7.5 GPL-2 X Contains tools for exploring Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Hardy, 1908; ...
r-harmodel 1.0 GPL-3 X Estimation, simulation, and forecasting using the HAR model from...
r-harmonicregression 1.0 MIT X Fits the first harmonics in a Fourier expansion to one or more time...
r-harmony 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Implementation of the Harmony algorithm for single cell integration,...
r-harrypotter 2.1.1 MIT X Implementation of characteristic palettes inspired in the Wizarding...
r-hartools 0.0.5 GPL-3 X The goal of 'HARtools' is to provide a simple set of functions...
r-harvest.tree 1.1 GPL-2 X Aimed at applying the Harvest classification tree algorithm, modified...
r-hash GPL-2 X Implements a data structure similar to hashes in Perl and dictionaries...
r-hashids 0.9.0 MIT X An R port of the hashids library. hashids generates YouTube-like...
r-hashr 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Apply an adaptation of the SuperFastHash algorithm to any R object....
r-haven 2.5.3 MIT XXX Import foreign statistical formats into R via the embedded...
r-hawkes 0.0_4 GPL-2 X The package allows to simulate Hawkes process both in univariate and...
r-hazer 1.1.1 AGPL-3 X Provides a set of functions to estimate haziness of an image based on...
r-hazus 0.1 GPL-2 X Damage Functions (DFs), also known as Vulnerability Functions,...
r-hbim 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Calculate expected relative risk and proportion protected assuming...
r-hbm 1.0 GPL-2 X A package for building hierarchical block matrices from association...
r-hbmem 0.3_4 LGPL X Contains functions for fitting hierarchical versions of EVSD, UVSD,...
r-hbsae 1.2 GPL-3 X Functions to compute small area estimates based on a basic area or...
r-hbstm 1.0.2 GPL X Fits Hierarchical Bayesian space-Time models for Gaussian data....
r-hbv.ianigla 0.2.6 GPL-3 X The HBV hydrological model (Bergström, S. and Lindström, G., (2015)...
r-hcandersenr 0.2.0 MIT X Texts for H.C. Andersens fairy tales, ready for text analysis. Fairy...
r-hcc 0.54 GPL-2 X A new diagnostic check for model adequacy in regression and generalized...
r-hcci 1.0.0 GPL-2 X This package calculates the interval estimates for the parameters of ...
r-hchinamap 0.1.0 MIT X By binding R functions and the 'Highmaps'...
r-hclust1d 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Univariate agglomerative hierarchical clustering with a comprehensive...
r-hcp 0.1 GPL-2 X Estimation of parameters in 3-segment (i.e. 2 change-point) regression...
r-hcr 0.1.1 GPL-2 X This code provides a method to fit the hidden compact representation...
r-hda 0.2_14 GPL-2 X Functions to perform dimensionality reduction for classification if the...
r-hdbinseg 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Binary segmentation methods for detecting and estimating multiple...
r-hdbm 0.9.0 GPL-3 X Perform mediation analysis in the presence of high-dimensional...
r-hdci 1.0_2 GNU X Fits regression models on high dimensional data to estimate...
r-hdclassif 2.2.1 GPL-2 X Discriminant analysis and data clustering methods for high dimensional...
r-hdcpdetect 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Objective: Implement new methods for detecting change points in...
r-hddesign 1.1 GPL-2 X Determine the sample size requirement to achieve the target probability...
r-hdf5r 1.3.8 Apache X 'HDF5' is a data model, library and file format for storing and...
r-hdfqlr 0.6_2 GPL-3 X Provides an interface to 'HDFql' <https://www.hdfql.com/>...
r-hdglm 0.1 GPL-2 X Test the significance of coefficients in high dimensional generalized...
r-hdi 0.1_9 GPL-3 X Implementation of multiple approaches to perform inference in...
r-hdinterval 0.2.4 GPL-3 X A generic function and a set of methods to calculate highest density...
r-hdlm 1.3.1 GPL X Mimics the lm() function found in the package stats to fit high...
r-hdm 0.3.1 MIT X Implementation of selected high-dimensional statistical and econometric...
r-hdmd 1.2 GPL-2 X High Dimensional Molecular Data (HDMD) typically have many more...
r-hdpca 1.1.5 GPL-2 X In high-dimensional settings: Estimate the number of distant spikes...
r-hdrcde 3.4 GPL-3 X Computation of highest density regions in one and two dimensions,...
r-hdtweedie 1.2 GPL-2 X The Tweedie lasso model implements an iteratively reweighed least...
r-healthyr.ts 0.2.11 MIT X Hospital time series data analysis workflow tools, modeling, and...
r-heatex 1.0 GPL-3 X The heatex package calculates heat storage in the body and the...
r-heatmap.plus 1.3 GPL-3 X Allows heatmap matrix to have non-identical X- and Y-dimensions. ...
r-heatmap3 1.1.9 GPL-2 X An improved heatmap package. Completely compatible with the original R...
r-heatmapfit 2.0.4 GPL-2 X Generates a fit plot for diagnosing misspecification in models of...
r-heatmaply 1.5.0 GPL-2 X Create interactive cluster 'heatmaps' that can be saved as a...
r-hedgehog 0.1 MIT X Hedgehog will eat all your bugs. 'Hedgehog' is a property-based...
r-heemod 0.16.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of the modelling and reporting features described in...
r-hellcor 1.3 GPL-2 X Empirical value of the Hellinger correlation, a measure of dependence...
r-hellno 0.0.1 MIT X Base R's default setting for 'stringsAsFactors' within...
r-hellojavaworld 0.0_9 GPL-3 X A dummy package to demonstrate how to interface to a jar file that...
r-helminthr 1.0.10 GPL-3 X Access to large host-parasite data is often hampered by the...
r-helpersmg 6.0.3 GPL-2 X Contains miscellaneous functions useful for managing 'NetCDF'...
r-helsinki 1.0.6 BSD_2_clause X Tools for accessing various open data APIs in the Helsinki region in...
r-heplots 1.6.0 GPL-2 X Provides HE plot and other functions for visualizing hypothesis tests...
r-here 1.0.1 MIT X Constructs paths to your project's files. Declare the relative path...
r-heritability 1.4 GPL-3 X Implements marker-based estimation of heritability when observations on...
r-hermite 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Probability functions and other utilities for the generalized Hermite...
r-hero 0.6 GPL-2 X An implementation of the sandwich smoother proposed in Fast Bivariate...
r-het.test 0.1 GPL-2 X An implementation of White's Test for Heteroskedasticity as...
r-hetgp 1.1.6 LGPL-3 X Performs Gaussian process regression with heteroskedastic noise...
r-hett 0.3_3 GPL-2 X Functions for the fitting and summarizing of heteroscedastic t-regression.
r-hexbin 1.28.3 GPL-2 XXX Binning and plotting functions for hexagonal bins.
r-hexview 0.3_4 GPL-2 X Functions to view files in raw binary form like in a hex editor. ...
r-hflights 0.1 CC0 X A data only package containing commercial domestic flights that...
r-hglm.data 1.0_1 GPL-2 X This data-only package was created for distributing data used in the...
r-hgm 1.23 GPL-2 X The holonomic gradient method (HGM, hgm) gives a way to evaluate...
r-hgnchelper 0.8.1 GPL X Contains functions for identifying and correcting HGNC human gene...
r-hgsl 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Estimation of high-dimensional multi-response regression with...
r-hh 3.1_49 GPL-2 X Support software for Statistical Analysis and Data Display (Second...
r-hhg 2.3.4 GPL-3 X Heller-Heller-Gorfine tests are a set of powerful statistical tests of...
r-hi 0.5 GPL-2 X Simulation from distributions supported by nested hyperplanes, using...
r-hiclimr 2.2.1 GPL-3 X A tool for Hierarchical Climate Regionalization applicable to any...
r-hicseg 1.1 GPL-2 X This package allows you to detect domains in HiC data by rephrasing...
r-hiddenf 2.0 GPL-2 X Computes the ACMIF test and Bonferroni-adjusted p-value of interaction...
r-hiddenmarkov 1.8_13 GPL-2 X Contains functions for the analysis of Discrete Time Hidden Markov...
r-hidimda 0.2_4 GPL-3 X Performs linear discriminant analysis in high dimensional problems...
r-hier.part 1.0_6 GPL-3 X Partitioning of the independent and joint contributions of each...
r-hierdiversity 0.1 GPL-2 X Hierarchical group-wise partitioning of phenotypic diversity into ...
r-hierfstat 0.5_11 GPL-2 X Estimates hierarchical F-statistics from haploid or diploid genetic...
r-hiernet 1.9 GPL-2 X Fits sparse interaction models for continuous and binary responses...
r-hiertest 1.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of the convex hierarchical testing (CHT) procedure...
r-hiest 2.0 GPL-3 X Uses likelihood to estimate ancestry and heterozygosity. Evaluates...
r-highcharter 0.9.4 MIT XXXX A wrapper for the 'Highcharts' library including shortcut...
r-highfrequency 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Provide functionality to manage, clean and match highfrequency trades...
r-highlight 0.5.1 GPL-3 XXX Syntax highlighter for R code based on the results of the R parser....
r-highlighthtml 0.2.5 MIT X A tool to format R markdown with CSS ids for HTML output. The tool may...
r-highmean 3.0 GPL-2 X Provides various tests for comparing high-dimensional mean vectors in...
r-highr 0.10 GPL-3 XXXX Provides syntax highlighting for R source code. Currently it supports...
r-highs 0.1_10 GPL-2 X R interface to 'HiGHS', an optimization solver for solving...
r-highscreen 0.4 GPL-3 X Can be used to carry out extraction, normalization, quality control...
r-highttest 1.3 GPL-2 X Implements the method developed by Cao and Kosorok (2011) for the...
r-higrad 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Implements the Hierarchical Incremental GRAdient Descent (HiGrad)...
r-hilmm 1.1 GPL-2 X Estimation of heritability with confidence intervals in linear mixed models.
r-hindexcalculator 1.0.0 AGPL-3 X H(x) is the h-index for the past x years. Here, the h(x) of a...
r-hint 0.1_3 GPL-2 X Hypergeometric Intersection distributions are a broad group of...
r-hipread 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Read hierarchical fixed width files like those commonly used by many...
r-histdata 0.9_1 GPL-3 X The 'HistData' package provides a collection of small data sets...
r-histmdl 0.7_1 GPL-2 X Using the MDL principle, it is possible to estimate parameters for a...
r-histogram 0.0_25 GPL-2 X Automatic construction of regular and irregular histograms as described...
r-historydata 0.1 MIT X These sample data sets are intended for historians learning R. They...
r-hitandrun 0.5_6 GPL-3 X The "Hit and Run" Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for sampling...
r-hiv.lifetables 0.1 Unlimited X The functions in this package produce a complete set of mortality rates...
r-hive 0.2_2 GPL-3 X Hadoop InteractiVE facilitates distributed computing via the MapReduce...
r-hk80 0.0.2 GPL-2 X This is a collection of functions for converting coordinates between...
r-hkclustering 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements an ensemble algorithm for clustering combining a k-means and...
r-hkevp 1.1.5 GPL-3 X Several procedures for the hierarchical kernel extreme value process of...
r-hkex.api 0.1 GPL-3 X A set of functions helps to retrieve data from HKEX (Hong Kong Stock...
r-hkprocess 0.1_1 GPL-3 X Methods to make inference about the Hurst-Kolmogorov (fractional...
r-hlmdiag 0.5.0 GPL-2 X A suite of diagnostic tools for hierarchical (multilevel) linear...
r-hlsm 0.9.0 GPL X Implements Hierarchical Latent Space Network Model (HLSM) for ensemble...
r-hmb 1.1 GPL-2 X For estimation of a variable of interest using two sources of auxiliary...
r-hmdhfdplus 2.0.3 GPL-2 X Utilities for reading data from the Human Mortality Database...
r-hmeasure 1.0_2 MIT X Classification performance metrics that are derived from the ROC curve...
r-hmisc 5.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics,...
r-hmm 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Easy to use library to setup, apply and make inference with discrete...
r-hmm.discnp 3.0_9 GPL-2 X Fits hidden Markov models with discrete non-parametric observation...
r-hmmcont 1.0 GPL-3 X The package includes the functions designed to analyse continuous...
r-hmmextra0s 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Contains functions for hidden Markov models with observations having...
r-hmmpa 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Analysing time-series accelerometer data to quantify length and...
r-hmr 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Statistical analysis of static chamber concentration data for trace gas...
r-hms 1.1.3 MIT XXXX Implements an S3 class for storing and formatting time-of-day values,...
r-hmsc 3.0_13 GPL-3 X Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) is a model-based...
r-hmstimer 0.2.1 MIT X Tracks elapsed clock time using a `hms::hms()` scalar, which if running...
r-hmvd 1.0 GPL-3 X Perform association test between a group of variable and the outcome.
r-hnp 1.2_6 GPL-2 X Generates (half-)normal plots with simulation envelopes using different...
r-hoardr 0.5.3 MIT X Suite of tools for managing cached files, targeting use in other R...
r-holdem 1.2 GPL-2 X Simulates hands and tournaments of Texas Holdem, the most popular form...
r-homer 0.3.0 GPL-2 X A collection of functions useful for the analysis of building physics...
r-homeric 0.1_3 GPL-2 X A simple implementation of doughnut plots - pie charts with a blank...
r-hommel 1.6 GPL-2 X Provides methods for closed testing using Simes local tests. In...
r-homomorpher 0.2_2 MIT X Homomorphic computations in R for privacy-preserving applications....
r-homtest 1.0_5 GPL-2 X A collection of homogeneity tests described in: Viglione A., Laio F.,...
r-horizon 1.2 GPL-2 X Calculates horizon elevation angle and sky view factor from a digital...
r-hornpa 1.1.0 GPL-3 X A stand-alone function that generates a user specified number of random...
r-horseshoe 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Contains functions for applying the horseshoe prior to high-...
r-hotelling 1.0_8 GPL-2 X A set of R functions which implements Hotelling's T^2 test and some...
r-hotspot 1.0 GPL-2 X Contains data for software hotspot analysis, along with a function...
r-housingdata 0.3.0 CC0 X Monthly median home listing, sale price per square foot, and number of...
r-howmany 0.3_1 GPL-3 X When testing multiple hypotheses simultaneously, this package provides...
r-hpa 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Multivariate conditional and marginal densities, moments, cumulative...
r-hpackedbubble 0.1.0 MIT X By binding R functions and the 'Highcharts'...
r-hpbayes 0.1 Unlimited X This package provides all the functions necessary to estimate the 8...
r-hqmisc 0.2_1 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous convenience functions and wrapper functions to convert...
r-hqreg 1.4 GPL-3 X Efficient algorithms for fitting regularization paths for lasso or...
r-hrbrthemes 0.8.0 MIT X A compilation of extra 'ggplot2' themes, scales and utilities,...
r-hripw 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Estimates the log hazard ratio associated with a binary exposure using...
r-hrqglas 1.1.0 GPL-2 X A program that conducts group variable selection for quantile and...
r-hrw 1.0_5 GPL-2 X The book "Semiparametric Regression with R" by J. Harezlak, D....
r-hsaur 1.3_10 GPL-3 X Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the book ''A...
r-hsaur2 1.1_20 GPL-2 X Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the second edition of...
r-hsaur3 1.0_14 GPL-2 X Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the third edition of...
r-hsdm 1.4.4 GPL-3 X User-friendly and fast set of functions for estimating parameters of...
r-hsiccca 1.0 GPL-2 X Canonical correlation analysis that extracts nonlinear correlation...
r-hssvd 1.2 GPL-2 X A data mining tool for discovering subgroups of patients and genes that...
r-htdp 0.1.4 MIT X Provides bindings to the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Horizontal Time...
r-htm2txt 2.2.2 GPL-2 X Convert a html document to plain texts by stripping off all html tags.
r-htmltab 0.8.2 MIT X HTML tables are a valuable data source but extracting and recasting...
r-htmltable 2.4.1 GPL-3 XXXX Tables with state-of-the-art layout elements such as row spanners,...
r-htmltidy 0.5.0 MIT X HTML documents can be beautiful and pristine. They can also be...
r-htmltools GPL-2 XXX Tools for HTML generation and output.
r-htmlwidgets 1.6.2 MIT XXXX A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various contexts...
r-htree 2.0.0 GPL-2 X Historical regression trees are an extension of standard trees,...
r-hts 6.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides methods for analysing and forecasting hierarchical and grouped...
r-httpcache 1.2.0 MIT X In order to improve performance for HTTP API clients,...
r-httpcode 0.3.0 MIT X Find and explain the meaning of 'HTTP' status codes. Functions...
r-httpgd 1.3.1 GPL-2 X A graphics device for R that is accessible via network protocols. This...
r-httprequest 0.0.11 GPL-2 X HTTP Request protocols. Implements the GET, POST and multipart POST request.
r-httptest 4.2.1 MIT X Testing and documenting code that communicates with remote servers can...
r-httptest2 0.1.0 MIT X Testing and documenting code that communicates with remote servers can...
r-httpuv 1.6.11 GPL-2 XXX Provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling HTTP and...
r-httr 1.4.7 MIT XXXX Useful tools for working with HTTP organised by HTTP verbs (GET(),...
r-httr2 0.2.3 MIT X Tools for creating and modifying HTTP requests, then performing them...
r-hues 0.2.0 LGPL-3 X Creating effective colour palettes for figures is challenging. This...
r-huge 1.3.5 GPL-2 X Provides a general framework for high-dimensional undirected graph...
r-humanformat 1.2 MIT X Format quantities of time or bytes into human-friendly strings.
r-humaniformat 0.6.0 MIT X Human names are complicated and nonstandard things. Humaniformat, which...
r-humanize 0.2.0 MIT X An almost direct port of the 'python' 'humanize'...
r-humanleague 2.2.0 MIT X Generates high-entropy integer synthetic populations from marginal and...
r-humidity 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Vapor pressure, relative humidity, absolute humidity, specific...
r-hunspell 3.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Low level spell checker and morphological analyzer based on the famous...
r-hurdlr 0.1 GPL-2 X When considering count data, it is often the case that many more zero...
r-hutils 1.8.1 GPL-3 X Provides utility functions for, and drawing on, the...
r-hutilscpp 0.10.2 GPL-2 X Provides utility functions that are simply, frequently used, but may...
r-huxtable 5.5.2 MIT X Creates styled tables for data presentation. Export to HTML, LaTeX,...
r-hw.pval 1.0 GPL-3 X HW.pval calculates plain and fully conditional root-mean-square,...
r-hwde 0.67_3 GPL-2 X Fits models for genotypic disequilibria, as described in Huttley and...
r-hweintrinsic 1.2.3 GPL-2 X General (multi-allelic) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium problem from an...
r-hwriter LGPL-2.1 X Easy-to-use and versatile functions to output R objects in HTML format.
r-hybridhclust 1.0_5 GPL-2 X Hybrid hierarchical clustering via mutual clusters. A mutual cluster...
r-hydra 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Calculate an optimal embedding of a set of data points into...
r-hydrogeo 0.6_1 BSD_2_clause X Contains one function for drawing Piper diagrams (also called...
r-hydroloom 1.0.0 CC0 X A collection of utilities that support creation of network attributes...
r-hydrostats 0.2.9 GPL-2 X Calculates a suite of hydrologic indices for daily time series data...
r-hyperbolicdist 0.6_4 GPL-2 X Maintenance has been discontinued for this package. It has been...
r-hypercube 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Provides functions and methods for organizing data in hypercubes (i.e.,...
r-hypergate 0.8.4 GPL-3 X Given a high-dimensional dataset that typically represents a cytometry...
r-hypergeo 1.2_13 GPL-2 X The Gaussian hypergeometric function for complex numbers.
r-hypersampleplan 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Implements an algorithm for efficient and exact calculation of...
r-hyperspec 0.100.0 GPL-3 X Comfortable ways to work with hyperspectral data sets. I.e. spatially...
r-hypervolume 3.1.3 GPL-3 X Estimates the shape and volume of high-dimensional datasets and...
r-hyphy 1.0 GPL-2 X A Bay Area high level phylogenetic analysis package mostly using the...
r-hypothesestest 1.0 GPL-2 X Compute the confidence interval of the population mean with one sample...
r-iabin 1.0 GPL-2 X In randomized-controlled trials, interim analyses are often planned for...
r-iadapt 2.0.1 LGPL-3 X Simulate and implement early phase two-stage adaptive dose-finding...
r-ialsasynthesis 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Synthesizes information across collaborating research. Created...
r-iasd 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Calculate AIC's and AICc's of unimodal model (one normal...
r-iatanalytics 0.1.1 MIT X Quickly score raw data outputted from an Implicit Association Test...
r-iatscore 0.1.1 MIT X This minimalist package is designed to quickly score raw data outputted...
r-ibdhaplortools 1.8 GPL-3 X Functions to analyze, plot, and store the output of running IBD_Haplo...
r-ibdlabels 1.1 GPL-3 X Convert "label", "lexicographic", "jacquard"...
r-ibdreg 0.3.8 GPL-2 X Method to test genetic linkage with covariates by regression methods...
r-ibelief 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Some basic functions to implement belief functions including:...
r-ibm 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of some (simple) Individual Based Models and methods to...
r-ibmcraftr 1.0.0 MIT X It provides a generic set of tools for initializing a synthetic...
r-ibmsunburst 0.1.2 MIT X Generates Personality Insights sunburst diagrams based on 'IBM...
r-ibr 2.0_4 GPL-2 X Multivariate smoothing using iterative bias reduction with kernel, thin...
r-ibreakdown 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Model agnostic tool for decomposition of predictions from black boxes....
r-ibrokers 0.10_2 GPL-3 X Provides native R access to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation API.
r-ibs 1.4 GPL-2 X Calculate B-spline basis functions with a given set of knots and order,...
r-ibst 1.2 GPL-2 X Fit a full or subsampling bagging survival tree on a mixture of...
r-ic.infer 1.1_7 GPL-2 X Implements inequality constrained inference. This includes parameter...
r-ic10trainingdata 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Training datasets for iC10; which implements the classifier described...
r-ic2 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Lorenz and concentration curves; Atkinson, Generalized entropy and...
r-ic50 1.4.2 GPL-3 X Calculation of IC50 values, automatic drawing of dose-response curves...
r-ica 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Independent Component Analysis (ICA) using various algorithms: FastICA,...
r-icaff 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)...
r-icamp 1.5.12 GPL-2 X To implement a general framework to quantitatively infer Community...
r-icapca 1.1 Unlimited X Implements mixed ICA/PCA model for blind source separation, potentially...
r-icarus 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Provides user-friendly tools for calibration in survey sampling. The...
r-icc 2.4.0 GPL-2 X Assist in the estimation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient...
r-icc.sample.size 1.0 GPL-3 X Provides functions to calculate the requisite sample size for studies...
r-iccbeta 1.2.0 GPL-2 X A function and vignettes for computing an intraclass correlation...
r-iccbin 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Assists in generating binary clustered data, estimates of Intracluster...
r-icd.data 1.0 GPL-3 X Data from the United States Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services...
r-icdglm 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Provides an estimator for generalized linear models with incomplete...
r-icebox 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Implements Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) plots, a tool for...
r-iceinfer 1.3 GPL-2 X Given two unbiased samples of patient level data on cost and...
r-icemelt 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Estimates the parameters of the semiparametric linear transformation...
r-icenreg 2.0.15 LGPL X Regression models for interval censored data. Currently supports...
r-icensmis 1.5.0 GPL-2 XXX We consider studies in which information from error-prone diagnostic...
r-icesadvice 2.1.1 GPL-3 X A collection of functions that facilitate computational steps related...
r-icesdatras 1.4.1 GPL-2 X R interface to access the web services of the ICES (International...
r-icestaf 4.2.0 GPL-3 X Functions to support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework...
r-icesvocab 1.2.0 GPL-3 X R interface to access the RECO POX web services of the ICES...
r-icge 0.4.2 GPL-2 X It is a package that helps to estimate the number of real clusters in...
r-ichimoku 1.4.10 GPL-3 X An implementation of 'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo', also commonly known...
r-iciter 0.2.1 MIT X A minimal wrapper around the NIH's 'iCite' API...
r-icluster 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Integrative clustering of multiple genomic data types using a joint...
r-icods 1.1 GPL-2 X Sieve semiparametric likelihood methods for analyzing interval-censored...
r-icpsrdata 0.6.1 MIT X Reproducible, programmatic retrieval of datasets from the...
r-icr 0.6.3 GPL-2 XXX Provides functions to compute and plot Krippendorff's inter-coder...
r-icranks 3.1 GPL-2 XXX Algorithms to construct simultaneous confidence intervals for the ranks...
r-ics 1.4_1 GPL-2 X Implementation of Tyler, Critchley, Duembgen and Oja's (JRSS B,...
r-icsnp 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Tools for multivariate nonparametrics, as location tests based on...
r-icsoutlier 0.3_1 GPL-2 X Multivariate outlier detection is performed using invariant coordinates...
r-icsurv 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Currently using the proportional hazards (PH) model. More methods under...
r-icsw 1.0.0 MIT X Provides the necessary tools to estimate average treatment effects with...
r-icv 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions for computing the global and local Gaussian density estimates...
r-idbg 1.0 GPL-2 X An interactive R debugger
r-idcard 0.3.0 GPL-3 X The digits of the old version (before 2000 year) of 'Chinese ID...
r-idendr0 1.5.3 GPL-2 X Interactive dendrogram that enables the user to select and color...
r-identity 0.2_1 GPL-2 XXX Calculate identity coefficients, based on Mark Abney's C code.
r-idetect 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides efficient implementation of the Isolate-Detect methodology for...
r-idiogramfish 2.0.13 GPL-2 X Plot idiograms of karyotypes, plasmids, circular chr. having a set of...
r-idmining 1.0.7 CC X Contains techniques for mining large and high-dimensional data sets by...
r-idmtpreg 1.1 GPL-2 XXX Modeling of regression effects for transition probabilities in a ...
r-idpmisc 1.1.20 GPL-3 XXX Different high-level graphics functions for displaying large datasets,...
r-idr 1.3 GPL X This is a package for estimating the copula mixture model and plotting...
r-ids 1.0.1 MIT X Generate random or human readable and pronounceable identifiers.
r-idx2r 1.0.0 MIT X Convert files to and from IDX format to vectors, matrices and arrays....
r-ie2misc 0.9.1 CC0 X A collection of Irucka Embry's miscellaneous USGS functions...
r-ieeeround 0.2_0 GPL-2 XX A pair of functions for getting and setting the IEEE rounding mode for...
r-iemisc 1.0.4 GPL-3 X A collection of Irucka Embry's miscellaneous functions (Engineering...
r-iemiscdata 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Miscellaneous data sets [Chemistry, Engineering Economics,...
r-iemisctext 0.9.99 GPL-3 X The eclectic collection includes the following written pieces: "The...
r-ifa 7.0 GPL-2 XXXX The package performes Independent Factor Analysis
r-ifatools 0.23 AGPL-3 X Tools, tutorials, and demos of Item Factor Analysis using...
r-ifctools 0.3.6 GPL-3 XXX Provides utility functions to deal with Italian fiscal code...
r-ifs 0.1.10 GPL-2 XXX Iterated Function Systems Estimator as in Iacus and La Torre (2005)...
r-ig.vancouver.2014.topcolour CC0 X A dataset of the top colours of photos from Instagram taken in 2014 in...
r-igasso 1.6 GPL-2 X A collection of statistical tests for genetic association studies and...
r-igorr 0.8.1 GPL-2 X Provides function to read data from the 'Igor Pro' data...
r-igraph 1.5.1 GPL-2 XXX Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large...
r-igraphdata 1.0.1 CC X A small collection of various network data sets, to use with the...
r-igraphinshiny 0.1 GPL-2 X Using 'shiny' to demo 'igraph' package makes learning...
r-igraphtosonia 1.0 GPL-2 X This program facilitates exporting igraph graphs to the SoNIA file format
r-igsea 1.2 GPL-2 X To integrate multiple GSEA studies, we propose a hybrid strategy,...
r-ihs 1.0 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-iilasso 0.0.2 MIT XXX Efficient algorithms for fitting linear / logistic regression model...
r-ijtiff 2.3.3 GPL-3 X General purpose TIFF file I/O for R users. Currently the only such...
r-im 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Compute moments of images and perform reconstruction from moments.
r-image 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Performs mQTL (methylation quantitative-trait locus) mapping in ...
r-imageviewer 0.1.0 MIT X Display a 2D-matrix data as a interactive zoomable gray-scale image...
r-imagine 2.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides fast application of image filters to data matrices, using R...
r-imak 2.1.0 GPL-3 X This is an Automatic Item Generator for Psychological Assessment. Items...
r-imap 1.32 GPL-2 X Zoom in and out of maps or any supplied lines or points, with control...
r-imbalance GPL-2 X Class imbalance usually damages the performance of classifiers. Thus,...
r-imfdata 0.2.0 MIT X Search, extract and formulate IMF's datasets.
r-imgur 1.0.3 GPL-3 X A complete API client for the image hosting service Imgur.com,...
r-imgw 0.2.0 MIT X Download Polish meteorological and hydrological data from the Institute...
r-imis 0.1 GPL-2 X IMIS algorithm draws samples from the posterior distribution. The user...
r-iml 0.11.1 MIT X Interpretability methods to analyze the behavior and predictions of any...
r-immailgun 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Send emails using the 'mailgun' api. To use this package you...
r-immigrate 0.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Based on large margin principle, this package performs feature...
r-immunarch 0.9.0 AGPL-3 X A comprehensive framework for bioinformatics exploratory analysis of...
r-impact 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Implement a multivariate analysis of the impact of items to identify a...
r-impactiv 1.0 GPL-2 X In this package, you can find two functions proposed in Ding, Geng and...
r-impimp 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Imputing blockwise missing data by imprecise imputation, featuring a...
r-implied 0.5 GPL-3 X Convert between bookmaker odds and probabilities. Eight different...
r-implyr 0.4.0 Apache XXXX 'SQL' back-end to 'dplyr' for Apache Impala, the...
r-import 1.3.1 MIT X Alternative mechanism for importing objects from packages and R...
r-importar 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Enables 'Python'-like importing/loading of packages or...
r-imprprobest 1.0.1 LGPL-3 X A minimum distance estimator is calculated for an imprecise probability...
r-imptree 0.5.1 GPL-2 XXX Creation of imprecise classification trees. They rely on probability...
r-imputemdr 1.1.2 GPL-2 XXX This package provides various approaches to handling missing values for...
r-imputemissings 0.0.3 GPL-2 X Compute missing values on a training data set and impute them on a new...
r-imputer 2.2 GPL-3 X Multivariate Expectation-Maximization (EM) based imputation framework...
r-imputetestbench 3.0.3 CC0 X Provides a test bench for the comparison of missing data imputation...
r-imputets 3.3 GPL-3 X Imputation (replacement) of missing values in univariate time series....
r-imputeyn 1.3 GPL-2 X Method brings less bias and more efficient estimates for AFT models.
r-imrmc 1.2.5 CC0 X Do Multi-Reader, Multi-Case (MRMC) analyses of data from imaging...
r-imtest 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of the information matrix test for generalized partial...
r-inarmix 0.4 GPL-2 XXX Fits mixtures models for longitudinal data. Appropriate when the data...
r-inbreedr 0.3.3 GPL-2 X A framework for analysing inbreeding and heterozygosity-fitness...
r-inca 0.0.4 GPL-2 XXX Specific functions are provided for rounding real weights to integers...
r-incidence 1.7.3 MIT X Provides functions and classes to compute, handle and visualise...
r-incidence2 2.2.1 MIT X Provides functions and classes to compute, handle and visualise...
r-independencetests 0.2 GPL-2 XXX Functions for testing mutual independence between many numerical random...
r-indexnumr 0.5.0 GPL-2 X Computes bilateral and multilateral index numbers. It has support for...
r-indiantaxcalc 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Calculate Indian Income Tax liability for Financial years of Individual...
r-indicspecies 1.7.14 GPL-2 X Functions to assess the strength and statistical significance of the...
r-indirect 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Functions are provided to facilitate prior elicitation for Bayesian...
r-indtestpp 3.0 GPL-3 X It provides a general framework to analyse dependence between point...
r-ineq 0.2_13 GPL-2 X Inequality, concentration, and poverty measures. Lorenz curves...
r-inext 3.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides simple functions to compute and plot two types (sample-size-...
r-infdim 1.0 GPL-2 X This package contains functions to perform calculations of the...
r-infer 1.0.5 MIT X The objective of this package is to perform inference using an...
r-inference 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Collection of functions to extract inferential values (point estimates,...
r-inferencesmr 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Functions to make inference about the standardized mortality ratio...
r-inferference 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides methods for estimating causal effects in the presence of...
r-infiniumpurify 1.3.1 GPL-2 X The proportion of cancer cells in solid tumor sample, known as the...
r-infix 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Contains a number of infix binary operators that may be useful in day...
r-inflection 1.3.6 GPL-2 X Implementation of methods Extremum Surface Estimator (ESE) and Extremum...
r-influence.me 0.9_9 GPL-3 X Provides a collection of tools for detecting influential cases in...
r-influence.sem 2.3 GPL-2 X A set of tools for evaluating several measures of case influence for...
r-influencer 0.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Provides functionality to compute various node centrality measures on...
r-infodecompute 0.6.2 GPL-3 X The main purpose of this package is to generate the structure of the...
r-information 0.0.9 GPL-3 X Performs exploratory data analysis and variable screening for binary...
r-infotheo GPL-3 XXX Implements various measures of information theory based on several...
r-infotrad 1.2 GPL-3 X Estimates the probability of informed trading (PIN) initially...
r-infra 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Takes a data frame containing latitude and longitude coordinates and...
r-infusion 2.1.0 CeCILL-2 X Implements functions for simulation-based inference. In particular,...
r-ingredients 2.3.0 GPL-3 X Collection of tools for assessment of feature importance and feature...
r-ini 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Parse simple '.ini' configuration files to an structured list....
r-injector 0.2.4 LGPL-3 X R dependency injection framework. Dependency injection allows a program...
r-inlabru 2.10.0 GPL-2 X Facilitates spatial and general latent Gaussian modeling using...
r-inlaspacetime 0.1.7 GPL-2 X Prepare objects to implement models over spatial and spacetime domains...
r-inline 0.3.19 LGPL-3 XXXX Functionality to dynamically define R functions and S4 methods with...
r-inlinedocs 2023.9.4 GPL-2 X Generates Rd files from R source code with comments. The main features...
r-inplace 0.1.2 GPL-3 XXX It provides in-place operators for R that are equivalent to...
r-insiderode 2.0 LGPL X insideRODE package includes buildin functions from deSolve, compiled...
r-insight 0.19.6 GPL-3 X A tool to provide an easy, intuitive and consistent access to...
r-inspectchangepoint 1.2 GPL-3 X Provides a data-driven projection-based method for estimating...
r-inspectdf 0.0.12 GPL-2 X A collection of utilities for columnwise summary, comparison and...
r-inspectr 1.0.0 CC X Check one column or multiple columns of a dataframe using the preset...
r-install.load 1.2.5 GPL-3 X The function 'install_load' checks the local R library(ies) to...
r-installr 0.23.4 GPL-2 X R is great for installing software. Through the 'installr'...
r-instar 0.2.4 GPL-2 X Provides an interface to the Instagram API <https://instagram.com/...
r-insurancedata 1.0 GPL-2 X Insurance datasets, which are often used in claims severity and claims...
r-intamap 1.5_7 GPL-2 X Geostatistical interpolation has traditionally been done by manually...
r-intcal 0.3.1 GPL-2 X The IntCal20 radiocarbon calibration curves (Reimer et al. 2020...
r-intccr 3.0.4 GPL-2 X Semiparametric regression models on the cumulative incidence function...
r-integratebs 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Integrated B-spline function.
r-interact 1.1 GPL-3 XXX This package searches for marginal interactions in a binary response...
r-interactions 1.1.5 MIT X A suite of functions for conducting and interpreting analysis of...
r-interactiontest 1.2 GPL-3 X Implements the procedures suggested in Esarey and Sumner (2017)...
r-interactiveigraph GPL-2 X An extension of the package 'igraph'. This package create...
r-interatrix 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Chi-square tests are computed with corrections.
r-intercure 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Implementations of semiparametric cure rate estimators for interval...
r-interep 0.4.0 GPL-2 XXX Extensive penalized variable selection methods have been developed in...
r-interfaceqpcr 1.0 GPL-2 X Graphical User Interface allowing to determine the concentration in the...
r-interferenceci 1.1 GPL-3 X Computes large sample confidence intervals of Liu and Hudgens (2014),...
r-intergraph 2.0_3 GPL-3 X Functions implemented in this package allow to coerce (i.e. convert)...
r-interim 0.8.0 GPL-3 X Allows the simulation of the recruitment and both the event and...
r-interlinear 1.0 BSD_3_clause X Interlinearized glossed texts (IGT) are used in descriptive linguistics...
r-interp 1.1_4 GPL-2 XXX Bivariate data interpolation on regular and irregular grids, either...
r-interplot 0.2.3 MIT X Plots the conditional coefficients ("marginal effects") of...
r-interpol 1.3.1 GPL-2 X A package for numerical encoding as well as for linear and non-linear...
r-interpol.t 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Hourly interpolation of daily minimum and maximum temperature series....
r-interpretr 0.2.5 GPL-2 X Compute permutation- based performance measures and create partial...
r-interva4 1.7.6 GPL-3 X Provides an R version of the 'InterVA4' software...
r-interva5 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Provides an R version of the 'InterVA5' software...
r-intervals 0.15.4 Artistic-2.0 XXX Tools for working with and comparing sets of points and intervals.
r-intervalsurgeon 1.2 GPL-2 XXX Manipulate integer-bounded intervals including finding overlaps, piling...
r-intervcomp 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Performs hypothesis testing using the interval estimates (e.g.,...
r-interventionaldbn 1.2.2 GPL-2 X This package allows a dynamic Bayesian network to be inferred from...
r-intlik 1.0 GPL-2 X This package calculates the integrated likelihood numerically. Given...
r-intoo 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Contains attribute operators (%$% and %$%<-), convenience functions...
r-intreggof 0.85_5 GPL-2 XXX Performs Goodness of Fit for regression models using Integrated...
r-intriniostockapi 0.0.1 MIT X Download financial data from the free 'Intrinio Stock API'...
r-intrval 0.1_2 GPL-2 X Evaluating if values of vectors are within different open/closed...
r-intrvals 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Calculates event rates and compares means and variances of groups of...
r-intsurv 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX Contains implementations of integrative survival analysis routines,...
r-intubate 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Interface to popular R functions with formulas and data, such as...
r-inum 1.0_5 GPL-2 X Enum-type representation of vectors and representation of intervals,...
r-invasioncorrection 0.1 GPL-3 X The correction is achieved under the assumption that non-migrating...
r-invctr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Vector operations between grapes: An infix-only package! The...
r-investr 1.4.2 GPL-2 X Functions to facilitate inverse estimation (e.g., calibration) in...
r-invgamma 1.1 GPL-2 X Light weight implementation of the standard distribution functions for...
r-invlt 0.2.1 MIT X Provides two functions for the numerical inversion of...
r-ioncopy 2.2.2 GPL-3 X Method for the calculation of copy numbers and calling of copy number...
r-ionr 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Provides item exclusion procedure, which is a formal method to test...
r-iosmooth 0.94 GPL-3 X Density, spectral density, and regression estimation using infinite...
r-iotools 0.3_2 GPL-2 XX Basic I/O tools for streaming and data parsing.
r-ipcwswitch 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Contains functions for formatting clinical trials data and implementing...
r-ipdmeta 2.4 GPL-2 X This package provides functions to estimate an IPD linear mixed effects...
r-ipeadatar 0.1.6 MIT X Allows direct access to the macroeconomic, financial and regional...
r-ipec 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Calculates the RMS intrinsic and parameter-effects curvatures of a...
r-ipflasso 1.1 GPL-3 X The core of the package is cvr2.ipflasso(), an extension of glmnet to...
r-ipfp 1.0.2 Apache XX A fast (C) implementation of the iterative proportional fitting procedure.
r-ipmpack 2.1 GPL-3 X IPMpack takes demographic vital rates and (optionally) environmental...
r-ippp 1.1 CC X Generates random numbers corresponding to the events on a Poisson point...
r-ipred 0.9_14 GPL-2 XXX Improved predictive models by indirect classification and bagging for...
r-iptmnetr 0.1.5 MIT X Provides an R interface to the 'iPTMnet' database REST API,...
r-ipumsr 0.7.0 Mozilla X An easy way to work with census, survey, and geographic data provided...
r-ipw 1.2 GPL-2 X Functions to estimate the probability to receive the observed...
r-ipwsurvival 0.5 GPL-2 X In observational studies, the presence of confounding factors is common...
r-iqcc 0.7 GPL-2 X Builds statistical control charts with exact limits for univariate and...
r-iqlearn 1.5 GPL-2 X Estimate an optimal dynamic treatment regime using Interactive Q-learning.
r-irace 3.5 GPL-2 XX Iterated race is an extension of the Iterated F-race method for the...
r-irafnet 1.1_1 GPL-2 XX Provides a flexible integrative algorithm that allows information from...
r-ircor 1.0 MIT X Provides implementation of various correlation coefficients of common...
r-irdisplay 1.1 MIT XXXX An interface to the rich display capabilities of 'Jupyter'...
r-iregression 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Contains some important regression methods for interval-valued...
r-irepro 1.2 GPL-3 X Calculates intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for assessing...
r-irg 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Fits a double logistic function to NDVI time series and calculates...
r-irishdirectorates 1.4 GPL-3 XX Provides the dataset and an implementation of the method illustrated in...
r-irkernel 1.3.2 MIT XXXX The R kernel for the 'Jupyter' environment executes R code...
r-irlba GPL-3 XXX Fast and memory efficient methods for truncated singular value...
r-irr 0.84.1 GPL-2 X Coefficients of Interrater Reliability and Agreement for quantitative,...
r-irregular1 1.0.0 GPL-3 XX Simulation and density evaluation of irregularly sampled stationary...
r-irtdemo 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Includes a collection of shiny applications to demonstrate or to...
r-irtoys 0.2.2 GPL-2 X A collection of functions useful in learning and practicing IRT, which...
r-irtrees 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Helper functions and example data sets to facilitate the estimation of...
r-isa2 0.3.6 CC XX The ISA is a biclustering algorithm that finds modules in an input...
r-isat 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Reads the output of the 'PerkinElmer InForm' software...
r-isbf 0.2.1 GPL-3 XX Selection of features for sparse regression estimation (like the...
r-isco08conversions 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of functions to assign corresponding common job prestige...
r-isdals 3.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides datasets for the book "Introduction to Statistical Data...
r-isdparser 0.4.0 MIT X Tools for parsing 'NOAA' Integrated Surface Data...
r-isingfit 0.4 GPL-2 X This network estimation procedure eLasso, which is based on the Ising...
r-isinglenzmc 0.2.5 GPL-3 XX Classical Ising Model is a land mark system in statistical physics.The...
r-isingsampler 0.2.3 GPL-2 XX Sample states from the Ising model and compute the probability of...
r-island 0.2.9 GPL-3 XX Develops stochastic models based on the Theory of Island Biogeography...
r-islasso 1.5.1 GPL-2 XX An implementation of the induced smoothing (IS) idea to lasso...
r-islr 1.4 GPL-2 X We provide the collection of data-sets used in the book 'An...
r-islr2 1.3_2 GPL-2 X We provide the collection of data-sets used in the book 'An...
r-ism 0.1.0 GPL-3 X The development of ISM was made by Warfield in 1974. ISM is the process...
r-ismev 1.42 GPL-2 X Functions to support the computations carried out in `An Introduction...
r-isnullptr 1.0.1 GPL-3 XX Check if an 'externalptr' is a null pointer. R does currently...
r-iso 0.0_21 GPL-2 XX Linear order and unimodal order (univariate) isotonic regression;...
r-isoband 0.2.7 MIT XX A fast C++ implementation to generate contour lines (isolines) and...
r-isoci 1.1 GPL-2 X Some functions for confidence intervals for current status data based...
r-isocodes 2022.09.29 GPL-2 XXXX ISO language, territory, currency, script and character codes. Provides...
r-isopat 1.0 GPL-2 X The function calculates the isotopic pattern (fine structures) for a...
r-isoplotr 5.5 GPL-3 X Plots U-Pb data on Wetherill and Tera-Wasserburg concordia diagrams....
r-isorix 0.9.1 GPL-2 X Building isoscapes using mixed models and inferring the geographic...
r-isospecr 2.1.3 BSD_2_clause X IsoSpec is a fine structure calculator used for obtaining the most...
r-isotone 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Contains two main functions: one for solving general isotone regression...
r-isotonic.pen 1.0 GPL-2 X Given a response y and a one- or two-dimensional predictor, the...
r-isoweek 0.6_2 GPL-2 X This is an substitute for the %V and %u formats which are not...
r-isqg 1.3 GPL-2 XX Accomplish high performance simulations in quantitative genetics. The...
r-isr3 0.98 Unlimited XX Performs multivariate normal imputation through iterative sequential ...
r-istacr 0.2.2 GPL-3 X You can access to open data published in Instituto Canario De...
r-iswr 2.0_8 GPL-2 X Data sets and scripts for text examples and exercises in P. Dalgaard...
r-italy 0.1.0 CC0 X Provides two record linkage data sets on the Italian Survey on...
r-iterativehardthresholding 1.0.2 Apache X Fits large-scale regression models with a penalty that restricts the...
r-iterators 1.0.14 Apache XXXX Support for iterators, which allow a programmer to traverse through all...
r-iterpc 0.4.2 GPL-2 X Iterator for generating permutations and combinations. They can be...
r-itertools 0.1_3 GPL-2 X Various tools for creating iterators, many patterned after functions in...
r-itertools2 0.1.1 MIT X A port of Python's excellent itertools module to R for efficient looping.
r-itop 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Infers a topology of relationships between different datasets, such as...
r-itree 0.1 GPL-2 XX This package is based on the code of the rpart package. It extends...
r-itrlearn 1.0_1 GPL-2 XX Maximin-projection learning (MPL, Shi, et al., 2018) is implemented for...
r-itsadug 2.4.1 GPL-2 X GAMM (Generalized Additive Mixed Modeling; Lin & Zhang, 1999) as...
r-itsmr 1.10 FreeBSD X Provides functions for modeling and forecasting time series data....
r-itunesr 0.1.3 CC0 X To enable 'iOS' App Developers to access iTunes App Store...
r-ivfixed 1.0 Artistic-2.0 X Fit an Instrumental least square dummy variable model
r-ivmodel 1.9.1 GPL-2 X Carries out instrumental variable estimation of causal effects,...
r-ivpanel 1.0 GPL-3 X Fit the instrumental panel data models: the fixed effects, random...
r-ivprobit 1.1 GPL-3 X Compute the instrumental variables probit model using the...
r-ivreg 0.6_2 GPL-2 X Instrumental variable estimation for linear models by two-stage...
r-jaatha 3.2.4 GPL-3 X An estimation method that can use computer simulations to approximate...
r-jacobieigen 0.3_4 GPL-2 XX Implements the classical Jacobi algorithm for the eigenvalues and...
r-jacpop 0.6 GPL-3 X Uses the Jaccard similarity index to account for population structure...
r-jade 2.0_4 GPL-2 XXX Cardoso's JADE algorithm as well as his functions for joint...
r-jaggr 0.1.1 GPL-2 X All the data and functions used to produce the book. We do not expect...
r-jaguar 3.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Implements a novel score test that measures 1) the overall shift in the...
r-janeaustenr 1.0.0 MIT XXXX Full texts for Jane Austen's 6 completed novels, ready for text...
r-janitor 2.2.0 MIT X The main janitor functions can: perfectly format data.frame column...
r-jaspar 0.0.1 GPL-2 XXX R modules for JASPAR data processing and visualization
r-javagd 0.6_5 GPL-2 X Graphics device routing all graphics commands to a Java program. The...
r-jcp 1.2 GPL-3 X Procedures for joint detection of changes in both expectation and...
r-jdmbs 1.4 GPL-2 X Option is a one of the financial derivatives and its pricing is an...
r-jdx 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Simplifies and extends data exchange between 'R' and 'Java'.
r-jeek 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides a fast and scalable joint estimator for integrating additional...
r-jenkins 1.0 MIT X Manage jobs and builds on your Jenkins CI server...
r-jetpack 0.5.2 MIT X Manage project dependencies from your DESCRIPTION file. Create a...
r-jfa 0.7.0 GPL-3 X Provides statistical methods for auditing as implemented in JASP for...
r-jgl 2.3.1 GPL-2 X The Joint Graphical Lasso is a generalized method for estimating...
r-jgr 1.9_2 GPL-2 X Java GUI for R - cross-platform, universal and unified Graphical User...
r-jiebar 0.11 MIT X Chinese text segmentation, keyword extraction and speech tagging For R.
r-jiebard 0.1 MIT X jiebaR is a package for Chinese text segmentation, keyword extraction...
r-jinjar 0.3.1 MIT X Template engine powered by the 'inja' C++ library. Users write...
r-jjb 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Set of common functions used for manipulating colors, detecting and...
r-jlctree 0.0.2 GPL-3 X Implements the tree-based approach to joint modeling of time-to-event...
r-jm 1.5_2 GPL-2 X Shared parameter models for the joint modeling of longitudinal and...
r-jmdesign 1.4 GPL-2 X Performs power calculations for joint modeling of longitudinal and...
r-jmdl 0.3.0 GPL-2 XXX Fit joint mean-correlation models for discrete longitudinal data (Tang...
r-jmetrik 1.1 GPL-3 X The main purpose of this package is to make it easy for userR's to...
r-jmi 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Computes the Jackknife Mutual Information (JMI) between two random...
r-jmisc GPL-2 X Some handy function in R.
r-jmotif 1.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Implements time series z-normalization, SAX, HOT-SAX, VSM, SAX-VSM,...
r-jmuoutlier 2.2 GPL-3 X Performs a permutation test on the difference between two location...
r-jmv 2.4.11 GPL-2 X A suite of common statistical methods such as descriptives, t-tests,...
r-jmvcore 2.4.7 GPL-2 X A framework for creating rich interactive analyses for the jamovi...
r-johnson 1.4 GPL-2 X RE.Johnson performs the Johnson Transformation to increase the normality.
r-joiner 1.2.8 GPL-3 X Analysis of repeated measurements and time-to-event data via random...
r-joinerml 0.4.6 GPL-3 X Fits the joint model proposed by Henderson and colleagues (2000)...
r-joint.cox 3.16 GPL-2 X Fit survival data and perform dynamic prediction under joint...
r-jointdiag 0.4 GPL-2 XXX Different algorithms to perform approximate joint diagonalization of a...
r-jointnmix 1.0 GPL-2 X Fits univariate and joint N-mixture models for data on two unmarked...
r-jointpm 2.3.2 GPL-2 X Estimate risk caused by two extreme and dependent forcing variables...
r-jomo 2.7_6 GPL-2 X Similarly to package 'pan', 'jomo' is a package for...
r-josae 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of some unit and area level EBLUP estimators as well as...
r-josaplay 0.1.3 MIT X Josa in Korean is often determined by judging the previous word. When...
r-jose 1.2.0 MIT X Read and write JSON Web Keys (JWK, rfc7517), generate and verify JSON...
r-jousboost 2.1.0 MIT XXX Implements under/oversampling for probability estimation. To be used...
r-jpeg 0.1_10 GPL-2 XXX This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and display...
r-jpen 1.0 GPL-2 X A Joint PENalty Estimation of Covariance and Inverse Covariance Matrices.
r-jqr 1.3.1 MIT XX Client for 'jq', a 'JSON' processor...
r-jquerylib 0.1.4 MIT X Obtain any major version of 'jQuery'...
r-jrc 0.6.0 GPL-3 X An 'httpuv' based bridge between R and 'JavaScript'....
r-jrf 0.1_4 GPL-2 XXX Simultaneous estimation of multiple related networks.
r-jrich 0.60_35 GPL-3 X These functions calculate the taxonomic measures presented in...
r-jrvfinance 1.4.3 GPL-2 X Implements the basic financial analysis functions similar to (but not...
r-js 1.2 MIT X A set of utilities for working with JavaScript syntax in R. Includes...
r-jskm 0.5.2 Apache X The function 'jskm()' creates publication quality Kaplan-Meier...
r-jsmodule 1.4.3 Apache X 'RStudio' addins and 'Shiny' modules for descriptive...
r-json64 0.1.3 MIT X Encode/Decode 'base64', with support for JSON format, using two...
r-jsonarr 1.1.1 AGPL-3 X This package enables users to access MongoDB by running queries and...
r-jsonify 1.2.2 MIT X Conversions between 'R' objects and Javascript Object Notation...
r-jsonld 2.2 BSD_3_clause X JSON-LD is a light-weight syntax for expressing linked data. It is...
r-jsonlite 1.8.7 MIT XXX A reasonably fast JSON parser and generator, optimized for statistical...
r-jsonvalidate 1.3.2 MIT X Uses the node library 'is-my-json-valid' or 'ajv' to...
r-jstable 1.1.2 Apache X Create regression tables from generalized linear model(GLM),...
r-jstree 1.2 MIT X Create and customize interactive trees using the 'jQuery'...
r-jtgwas 1.5.1 GPL-2 XXX The core of this 'Rcpp' based package is a function to compute...
r-jtools 2.2.2 GPL-3 X This is a collection of tools for more efficiently understanding and...
r-jtrans 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Transforming univariate non-normal data to normality using Johnson ...
r-juicyjuice 0.1.0 MIT X There are occasions where you need a piece of HTML with integrated...
r-julia 1.3.5 GPL-3 X Generates image data for fractals (Julia and Mandelbrot sets) on the...
r-juliacall 0.17.5 MIT XXX Provides an R interface to 'Julia', which is a high-level,...
r-juliaconnector 1.1.1 MIT X Allows to import functions and whole packages from 'Julia' in...
r-jumptest 1.1 MIT XXX A fast simulation on stochastic volatility model, with jump tests,...
r-junctions 2.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Individual based simulations of hybridizing populations, where the...
r-junr 0.1.3 MIT X The 'Junar' API is a commercial platform to organize and...
r-jvcoords 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Provides functions to standardize and whiten data, and to perform...
r-jvnvar 1.0 GPL-3 X Many method to compute, predict and back-test VaR. For more detail, see...
r-jwileymisc 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Miscellaneous tools and functions, including: generate descriptive...
r-jwutil 1.2.3 GPL-3 XXX This is a set of simple utilities for various data manipulation and...
r-kableextra 1.3.4 MIT X Build complex HTML or 'LaTeX' tables using 'kable()'...
r-kader 0.0.8 GPL-3 X Implementation of various kernel adaptive methods in nonparametric...
r-kalmanfilter 2.0.2 GPL-2 X 'Rcpp' implementation of the multivariate Kalman filter for...
r-kamila 0.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Implements methods for clustering mixed-type data, specifically...
r-kaphom 0.3 GPL-3 X Tests the homogeneity of intraclass kappa statistics obtained from...
r-kappalab 0.4_10 CeCILL XXX S4 tool box for capacity (or non-additive measure, fuzzy measure) and...
r-kappasize 1.2 GPL-2 X Contains basic tools for sample size estimation in studies of...
r-kaps 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX This package provides some routines to conduct the K-adaptive...
r-katex 1.4.1 MIT X Convert latex math expressions to HTML and 'MathML' for use in...
r-kde1d 1.0.5 MIT X Provides an efficient implementation of univariate local polynomial...
r-kdecopula 0.9.2 GPL-3 X Provides fast implementations of kernel smoothing techniques for...
r-kdensity 1.1.0 MIT X Handles univariate non-parametric density estimation with parametric...
r-kdist 0.2 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-kedd 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Smoothing techniques and computing bandwidth selectors of the nth...
r-keep 1.0 GPL-3 X Provides arrays with flexible control over dimension dropping when subscripting.
r-kendall 2.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Computes the Kendall rank correlation and Mann-Kendall trend test. See...
r-kendl 1.1 GPL-2 X Calculate the kernel-smoothed nonparametric estimator for the exposure...
r-keras 2.13.0 MIT XXXX Interface to 'Keras' <https://keras.io>, a high-level...
r-kerasr 0.6.1 LGPL-2 X Provides a consistent interface to the 'Keras' Deep Learning...
r-kere 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX An efficient algorithm inspired by majorization-minimization principle...
r-kerndwd 2.0.3 GPL-2 XXX A novel implementation that solves the linear distance weighted...
r-kernelknn 1.1.5 MIT XXX Extends the simple k-nearest neighbors algorithm by incorporating...
r-kernelshap 0.3.8 GPL-2 X Efficient implementation of Kernel SHAP, see Lundberg and Lee (2017),...
r-kernlab 0.9_32 GPL-2 XXX Kernel-based machine learning methods for classification, regression,...
r-kernscr 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Kernel Machine Score Test for Pathway Analysis in the Presence of...
r-kernsmooth 2.23_22 Unlimited XXX Functions for kernel smoothing (and density estimation) corresponding...
r-kexpmv 0.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Implements functions from 'EXPOKIT' ...
r-keyboardsimulator 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Control your keyboard and mouse with R code by simulating key presses...
r-keypress 1.3.0 MIT XXX Wait for a single key press at the 'R' prompt. This works in...
r-keyring 1.3.1 MIT X Platform independent 'API' to access the operating system's...
r-keyringr 0.4.0 MIT X Decrypts passwords stored in the Gnome Keyring, macOS Keychain and...
r-kfas 1.5.1 GPL-2 XXX State space modelling is an efficient and flexible framework for...
r-kfda 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KFDA) is performed using Kernel...
r-kfigr 1.2.1 GPL-3 X A streamlined cross-referencing system for R Markdown documents...
r-kfksds 1.6 GPL-2 XXX Naive implementation of the Kalman filter, smoother and disturbance ...
r-kgc BSD_2_clause X Aids in identifying the Koeppen-Geiger (KG) climatic zone for a given...
r-khroma 1.11.0 GPL-3 X Color schemes ready for each type of data (qualitative, diverging or...
r-kidney.epi 1.2.0 LGPL-2 X Contains kidney care oriented functions. Current version contains...
r-kimisc 0.4 GPL-3 X A collection of useful functions not found anywhere else, mainly for...
r-kin.cohort 0.7 GPL-2 X Analysis of kin-cohort studies. kin.cohort provides estimates of...
r-kinship2 1.9.6 GPL-2 X Routines to handle family data with a pedigree object. The initial...
r-kirby21.base 1.7.3 GPL-2 X Multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging ('MRI') data from the...
r-kissmig 1.0_4 GPL-3 XXX Simulating species migration and range dynamics under stable or...
r-kit 0.0.15 GPL-3 X Basic functions, implemented in C, for large data manipulation. Fast...
r-kknn 1.3.1 GPL-2 XXX Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors for Classification, Regression and Clustering.
r-klar 1.7_2 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous functions for classification and visualization, e.g....
r-klin 2007_02_05 GPL-2 X The package implements efficient ways to evaluate and solve equations...
r-klustr 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Used to create dynamic, interactive 'D3.js' based parallel...
r-km.ci 0.5_6 GPL-2 X Computes various confidence intervals for the Kaplan-Meier estimator,...
r-kmconfband 0.1 GPL-2 X Computes and plots an exact nonparametric band for any user-specified...
r-kmda 1.0 GPL-3 X Compute p-values of metabolite differential expression analysis using...
r-kml 2.4.6 GPL-2 X An implementation of k-means specifically design to cluster...
r-kmlcov 1.0.1 GPL-2 X 'kmlcov' Cluster longitudinal data using the likelihood as a...
r-kmodr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of the 'k-means--' algorithm proposed by...
r-kmsurv 0.1_5 GPL-3 X Data sets and functions for Klein and Moeschberger (1997),...
r-knapsacksampling 0.1.0 GPL-2 X The sampl.mcmc() function creates samples of the feasible region of a...
r-knitcitations 1.0.12 MIT X Provides the ability to create dynamic citations in which the...
r-knitlatex 0.9.0 GPL-3 X Provides several helper functions for working with 'knitr' and...
r-knitr 1.44 GPL-3 XXXX Provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R...
r-knitrbootstrap 1.0.2 MIT X A framework to create Bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/> HTML...
r-knitrprogressbar 1.1.0 MIT X Provides a progress bar similar to 'dplyr' that can write...
r-knncat 1.2.2 GPL-2 XXX Scale categorical variables in such a way as to make NN classification...
r-knngarden 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Multi-distance based k-Nearest Neighbors Classification with K...
r-knnindep 2.0 GPL-3 X This package provides the implementation of an exact formula of the ith...
r-knoema 0.1.16 MIT X Using this package, users can access to the largest collection of...
r-knor 0.0_6 Apache XXX The k-means 'NUMA' Optimized Routine library or 'knor'...
r-knotr 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Makes nice pictures of knots using Bezier curves and numerical optimization.
r-knowbr 2.2 GPL-2 X It uses species accumulation curves and diverse estimators to assess,...
r-kodama 2.4 GPL-2 XXX An unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithm that performs...
r-kofdata 0.2 GPL-2 X Read Swiss time series data from the 'KOF Data' API,...
r-kofnga 1.3 GPL-2 X Provides a function that uses a genetic algorithm to search for a...
r-kohonen 3.0.12 GPL-2 XXX Functions to train self-organising maps (SOMs). Also interrogation of...
r-kolmim 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides an alternative, more efficient evaluation of extreme...
r-komadown 0.2.0 GPL-3 X R Markdown templates based on the 'KOMA-Script' classes for...
r-komaletter 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Write beautiful yet customizable letters in R Markdown and directly...
r-konpsurv 1.0.4 GPL-2 XXX The K-sample omnibus non-proportional hazards (KONP) tests are powerful...
r-korpus 0.13_8 GPL-3 X A set of tools to analyze texts. Includes, amongst others, functions...
r-korpus.lang.en 0.1_4 GPL-3 X Adds support for the English language to the 'koRpus' package....
r-kpart 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Cubic spline fitting along with knot selection, includes support for...
r-kpeaks 1.1.0 GPL-2 X The number of clusters (k) is needed to start all the partitioning...
r-kpmt 0.1.0 MIT X Functions that implement the known population median test.
r-kpodclustr 1.1 MIT X Software for k-means clustering of partially observed data from Chi,...
r-kriens 0.1 BSD_3_clause X Provides basic functions for Continuation-Passing Style development.
r-krige 0.6.2 GPL-2 XX Estimates kriging models for geographical point-referenced data. Method...
r-kriging 1.2 GPL-2 XXX An implementation of a simple and highly optimized ordinary kriging...
r-kriginv 1.4.2 GPL-3 X Criteria and algorithms for sequentially estimating level sets of a...
r-krls 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Package implements Kernel-based Regularized Least Squares (KRLS), a...
r-krmm 1.0 GPL-2 X Solves kernel ridge regression, within the the mixed model framework,...
r-ks 1.14.1 GPL-2 X Kernel smoothers for univariate and multivariate data, with...
r-ksamples 1.2_10 GPL-2 XXX Compares k samples using the Anderson-Darling test, Kruskal-Wallis type...
r-ksd 1.0.1 MIT X An adaptation of Kernelized Stein Discrepancy, this package provides a...
r-kseaapp 0.99.0 MIT X Infers relative kinase activity from phosphoproteomics data using the...
r-kselection 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Selection of k in k-means clustering based on Pham et al. paper...
r-ksgeneral 1.1.2 GPL XX Computes a p-value of the one-sample two-sided (or one-sided, as a...
r-ksnn 0.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Prediction with k* nearest neighbor algorithm based on a publication...
r-kstatistics 2.1.1 GPL-3 X Tools for estimate (joint) cumulants and (joint) products of cumulants...
r-kstmatrix 0.2_0 GPL-3 X Knowledge space theory by Doignon and Falmagne (1999)...
r-kuiper.2samp 1.0 AGPL-3 X This function performs the two-sample Kuiper test to assess the anomaly...
r-kulife 0.1_14 GPL-2 X Provides various functions and data sets from experiments at the...
r-kutils 1.73 GPL-2 X Tools for data importation, recoding, and inspection. There are...
r-kvh 1.4.2 GPL-2 XXX The format KVH is a lightweight format that can be read/written both by...
r-kyotil 2023.2_2 GPL-2 XXX Helper functions for creating formatted summary of regression models,...
r-kza GPL-3 XXX Time Series Analysis including break detection, spectral analysis, KZ...
r-kzs 1.4 GPL-2 X A spatial smoothing algorithm based on convolutions of finite...
r-l0ara 0.1.6 GPL-2 XXX An efficient procedure for feature selection for generalized linear...
r-l1pack 0.41_24 GPL-3 XXX L1 estimation for linear regression using Barrodale and Roberts'...
r-l2boost 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Efficient implementation of Friedman's boosting algorithm with...
r-labdsv 2.1_0 GPL-2 X A variety of ordination and community analyses useful in analysis of...
r-label.switching 1.8 GPL-2 X The Bayesian estimation of mixture models (and more general hidden...
r-labeledloop 0.1 MIT X Support labeled loop and escape from nested loop
r-labeling 0.4.3 MIT XXXX Functions which provide a range of axis labeling algorithms.
r-labelled 2.12.0 GPL-3 X Work with labelled data imported from 'SPSS' or 'Stata'...
r-labelvector 0.1.2 MIT X Labels are a common construct in statistical software providing a human...
r-labrs 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Dati, scripts e funzioni per il libro "Ricerca sociale con R....
r-labstatr 1.0.13 GPL-2 X Insieme di funzioni di supporto al volume "Laboratorio di...
r-labstats 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Contains data sets to accompany the book: Lazic SE (2016)....
r-laeken 0.5.2 GPL-2 X Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty, as well as...
r-laercio 1.0_1 GPL-3 X The package contains functions to compare and group means.
r-laf 0.8.4 GPL-3 XXX Methods for fast access to large ASCII files. Currently the following...
r-lagged 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Provides classes and methods for objects, whose indexing naturally...
r-lagp 1.5_9 LGPL-3 X Performs approximate GP regression for large computer experiments and...
r-lagsequential 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Lag-sequential analysis is a method of assessing of patterns (what...
r-lahman 11.0_0 GPL-3 XXXX Provides the tables from the 'Sean Lahman Baseball Database' as...
r-lambda.r 1.2.4 LGPL-3 X A language extension to efficiently write functional programs in R....
r-lambda4 3.0 GPL-2 X Currently the package includes 14 methods for calculating internal...
r-lambertw 0.6.9 GPL-2 X Lambert W x F distributions are a generalized framework to analyze...
r-lamme 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Log-analytic methods intended for testing multiplicative effects.
r-lamw 2.2.1 BSD_2_clause X Implements both real-valued branches of the Lambert-W function (Corless...
r-landest 1.2 GPL-3 X Provides functions to estimate survival and a treatment effect using a...
r-landpred 1.2 GPL-3 X Provides functions for landmark prediction of a survival outcome...
r-landsat 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Processing of Landsat or other multispectral satellite imagery....
r-landscapemetrics 2.0.0 GPL-3 X Calculates landscape metrics for categorical landscape patterns in a...
r-landscaper 1.2 GPL-3 XXX Simulates categorical maps on actual geographical realms, starting from...
r-langevin 1.3.1 GPL-2 XXX Estimate drift and diffusion functions from time series and generate...
r-languagelayer 1.2.4 MIT X Improve your text analysis with languagelayer...
r-languager 1.5.0 GPL-2 X Data sets exemplifying statistical methods, and some facilitatory...
r-languageserver 0.3.16 MIT X An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R. The Language...
r-languageserversetup 0.1.2 AGPL-3 X Allows to install the R 'languageserver' with all dependencies...
r-laplacesdemon 16.1.6 MIT X Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety...
r-lares 5.2.2 AGPL-3 X Auxiliary package for better/faster analytics, visualization, data...
r-larf 1.4 GPL-3 X Provides instrumental variable estimation of treatment effects when...
r-largelist 0.3.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions to write or append a R list to a file, as well as read,...
r-lars 1.3 GPL-2 XXX Efficient procedures for fitting an entire lasso sequence with the cost...
r-lasso2 1.2_22 GPL-2 XXX Routines and documentation for solving regression problems while...
r-lassobacktracking 1.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of the algorithm introduced in Shah, R. D. (2016)...
r-lassopv 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Estimate the p-values for predictors x against target variable y in...
r-lassoshooting 0.1.5_1.1 LGPL-3 X L1 regularized regression (Lasso) solver using the Cyclic Coordinate...
r-lassosir 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Estimate the sufficient dimension reduction space using sparsed sliced...
r-latdiag 0.3 GPL-2 X A graph proposed by Rosenbaum is useful for checking some properties of...
r-latentnet 2.10.6 GPL-3 X Fit and simulate latent position and cluster models for statistical...
r-later 1.3.1 MIT XXX Executes arbitrary R or C functions some time after the current time,...
r-laterality 0.9.4 GPL X Calculates and plots Handedness index (HI), absolute HI, mean HI and...
r-latex2exp 0.9.6 MIT X Parses and converts LaTeX math formulas to R's plotmath...
r-latexpdf 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Converts table-like objects to stand-alone PDF or PNG. Can be used to...
r-lattice 0.22_5 GPL-2 XXX A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization system inspired by...
r-latticedesign 2.0_5 LGPL-2.1 X Lattice-based space-filling designs with fill or separation distance...
r-latticeextra 0.6_30 GPL-2 XXXX Building on the infrastructure provided by the lattice package, this...
r-lava GPL-3 XXXX A general implementation of Structural Equation Models with latent...
r-lavaan 0.6_16 GPL-2 XXXX Fit a variety of latent variable models, including confirmatory factor...
r-lavaanplot 0.6.2 GPL-2 X Plots path diagrams from models in 'lavaan' using the plotting...
r-lavasearch2 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Tools for model specification in the latent variable framework (add-on...
r-lawstat 3.6 GPL-2 X Statistical tests widely utilized in biostatistics, public policy, and...
r-lazy 1.2_18 GPL-2 X By combining constant, linear, and quadratic local models, lazy...
r-lazydata 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Supplies a LazyData facility for packages which have data sets but do...
r-lazyeval 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX An alternative approach to non-standard evaluation using formulas....
r-lazyrmd MIT X An R Markdown html document format that provides the ability to lazily...
r-lazysql 0.1.3 MIT X Helper functions to build SQL statements for dbGetQuery or dbSendQuery...
r-lbfgs GPL-2 X A wrapper built around the libLBFGS optimization library by Naoaki...
r-lbfgsb3c 2020_3.2 GPL-2 X Interfacing to Nocedal et al. L-BFGS-B.3.0 (See...
r-lbreg 1.3 GPL-2 X Maximum likelihood estimation of log-binomial regression with special...
r-lca 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Performs model fitting and significance estimation for Localised...
r-lcf 1.7.0 GPL-3 X Baseline correction, normalization and linear combination fitting (LCF)...
r-lcfdata 2.0 GPL-2 X This package contains (1) event-related brain potential data recorded...
r-lclgwas 1.0.3 GPL-2 X The core of this 'Rcpp' based package is several functions to...
r-lcmcr 0.4.13 GPL-2 X Bayesian population size estimation using non parametric latent-class models.
r-lcmm 2.1.0 GPL X Estimation of various extensions of the mixed models including latent...
r-lcopula 1.0.6 GPL-3 X Collections of functions allowing random number generations and...
r-lcpm 0.1.1 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Log Cumulative Probability Model (LCPM) and...
r-lcyanalysis 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Analysis of stock data ups and downs trend, the stock technical...
r-lda 1.4.2 LGPL-3 X Implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and related models. This...
r-ldatuning 1.0.2 BSD_2_clause X For this first version only metrics to estimate the best fitting number...
r-ldavis 0.3.2 MIT X Tools to create an interactive web-based visualization of a topic model...
r-ldbounds 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Computations related to group sequential boundaries. Includes...
r-ldcorsv 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Four measures of linkage disequilibrium are provided: the usual r^2...
r-ldlinkr 1.3.0 GPL-2 X Provides access to the 'LDlink' API...
r-ldrtools 0.2_2 GPL-2 X Linear dimension reduction subspaces can be uniquely defined using...
r-ldtests 1.0 GPL-3 X Exact tests for Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) and Hardy-Weinberg...
r-leabra 0.1.0 GPL-2 X The algorithm Leabra (local error driven and associative biologically...
r-leadercluster 1.5 LGPL-2 X The leader clustering algorithm provides a means for clustering a set...
r-leafarea 0.1.8 GPL-2 X An interface for the image processing program 'ImageJ', which...
r-leafem 0.2.3 MIT X Provides extensions for packages 'leaflet' &...
r-leafgl 0.1.1 MIT X Provides bindings to the 'Leaflet.glify' JavaScript library...
r-leaflegend 1.1.1 MIT X Provides extensions to the 'leaflet' package to customize...
r-leaflet 2.2.0 GPL-3 XXXX Create and customize interactive maps using the 'Leaflet'...
r-leaflet.extras 1.0.0 GPL-3 X The 'leaflet' JavaScript library provides many plugins some of...
r-leaflet.extras2 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Several 'leaflet' plugins are integrated, which are available...
r-leaflet.minicharts 0.6.2 GPL-2 X Add and modify small charts on an interactive map created with package...
r-leaflet.opacity 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Extends the 'leaflet' R package with the...
r-leaflet.providers 2.0.0 BSD_2_clause X Contains third-party map tile provider information from...
r-leafletr 0.4_0 GPL-2 X Display your spatial data on interactive web-maps using the open-source...
r-leafpm 0.1.0 MIT X A collection of tools for interactive manipulation of (spatial) data...
r-leafpop 0.1.0 MIT X Creates 'HTML' strings to embed tables, images or graphs in...
r-leafstar 1.0 AGPL-3 X Implementation of trigonometric functions to calculate the exposure of...
r-leafsync 0.1.0 MIT X Create small multiples of several leaflet web maps with (optional)...
r-leanpubr 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Provides access to the 'Leanpub' API...
r-leanr 1.4.9 GPL-3 X Implements the method described in "Network-based analysis of omics...
r-leap 0.2 GPL-2 X Advances in sequencing technology now allow researchers to capture the...
r-leapfrog 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Contains LEAPFrOG Gradient Optimisation and Expectation Maximisation...
r-leaps 3.1 GPL-2 XXX Regression subset selection, including exhaustive search.
r-learnbayes 2.15.1 GPL-2 X A collection of functions helpful in learning the basic tenets of...
r-learngeom 1.5 GPL-2 X Contains some functions to learn and teach basic plane Geometry at...
r-learningr 0.29.1 Unlimited X Crabs in the English channel, deer skulls, English monarchs, half-caste...
r-learningstats 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools to teach students elemental statistics. The main topics...
r-learnn 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Implementations of several basic neural network concepts in R, as based...
r-learnr 0.11.5 Apache X Create interactive tutorials using R Markdown. Use a combination of...
r-learnrbook 1.0.2_1 GPL-2 X Data, scripts and code from chunks used as examples in the book...
r-leersiecyl 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Functions to download data from the SIE, which is the Statistical...
r-legocolors 0.3.1 MIT X Provides a dataset containing several color naming conventions...
r-leiden 0.4.3 GPL-3 X Implements the 'Python leidenalg' module to be called in R....
r-leidenalg 1.1.3 GPL-3 X An R interface to the Leiden algorithm, an iterative community...
r-leidenbase 0.1.25 GPL-3 X An R to C/C++ interface that runs the Leiden community detection...
r-leiv 2.0_7 GPL-2 X Estimate the slope and intercept of a bivariate linear relationship by...
r-lemarns 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Set up, run and explore the outputs of the Length-based Multi-species...
r-lemon 0.4.6 GPL-3 X Functions for working with legends and axis lines of 'ggplot2',...
r-lenses 0.0.3 MIT X Provides tools for creating and using lenses to simplify data...
r-lero.lero 0.2 GPL-3 X Generates quotes from 'Lero Lero', a database for meaningless...
r-lessr 4.2.9 GPL-2 X Each function accomplishes the work of multiple standard R functions....
r-lest 1.1.0 MIT XX Functions for vectorised conditional recoding of variables. case_when()...
r-lestat 1.9 GPL-2 X Some simple objects and functions to do statistics using linear models...
r-lettercase 0.13.1 GPL-2 X Utilities for formatting strings and character vectors to for...
r-lexicon 1.2.1 GPL-3 X A collection of lexical hash tables, dictionaries, and word lists.
r-lexiconpt 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides easy access for sentiment lexicons for those who want to do...
r-lexisnexistools 0.3.7 GPL-3 X My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper analysis...
r-lexrankr 0.5.2 MIT X An R implementation of the LexRank algorithm described by G. Erkan and...
r-lfactors 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Provides an extension to factors called 'lfactor' that are...
r-lfda 1.1.3 MIT X Functions for performing and visualizing Local Fisher Discriminant...
r-lfdr.mle 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Suite of R functions for the estimation of the local false discovery...
r-lfdrempiricalbayes 1.0 GPL-3 X New empirical Bayes methods aiming at analyzing the association of...
r-lfe 2.9_0 Artistic-2.0 X Transforms away factors with many levels prior to doing an OLS. Useful...
r-lga 1.1_1 GPL-3 X Tools for linear grouping analysis. Three user-level functions: gap,...
r-lgarch 0.6_2 GPL-2 X Simulation and estimation of univariate and multivariate log-GARCH...
r-lgcp 2.0 GPL-2 X Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling of point patterns using the...
r-lgr 0.4.4 MIT X A flexible, feature-rich yet light-weight logging framework based on...
r-lgrdata 0.1.1 CC0 X A largish collection of example datasets, including several classics....
r-lgtdl 1.1.5 GPL-2 X A very simple implementation of a class for longitudinal data.
r-lhmixr 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Fits sex-specific life-history models for fish and other taxa where...
r-lhs 1.1.6 GPL-3 X Provides a number of methods for creating and augmenting Latin...
r-libcoin 1.0_10 GPL-2 XXX Basic infrastructure for linear test statistics and permutation...
r-libgeos 3.11.1_1 LGPL-2.1 X Provides the Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') as a C API...
r-liblinear 2.10_22 GPL-2 X A wrapper around the LIBLINEAR C/C++ library for machine learning...
r-liblinear.acf 1.94_2 GPL-2 X Solving the linear SVM problem with coordinate descent is very...
r-librarian 1.8.1 GPL-3 X Automatically install, update, and load 'CRAN',...
r-librarysnapshot 0.1.2 MIT X Generate a local library copy with relevant packages. All packages...
r-libsoc 0.7.3 LGPL-3 X Handle 'PharmML' (Pharmacometrics Markup Language) standard...
r-lic 0.0.2 MIT X The LIC criterion is to determine the most informative subsets so that...
r-lidr 4.0.4 GPL-3 X Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) interface for data...
r-lifecontingencies 1.3.11 MIT X Classes and methods that allow the user to manage life table, actuarial...
r-lifecycle 1.0.3 MIT X Manage the life cycle of your exported functions with shared...
r-lift 0.0.2 GPL-2 X Compute the top decile lift and plot the lift curve. Cumulative lift...
r-liftr 0.9.2 GPL-3 X Persistent reproducible reporting by containerization of R Markdown documents.
r-liger 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) is a computational method that...
r-lightgbm 3.3.5 MIT X Tree based algorithms can be improved by introducing boosting...
r-lightningr 1.0.2 MIT X The purpose of this package is to enable usage of lightningviz server...
r-lightr 1.7.0 GPL-2 X Parse various reflectance/transmittance/absorbance spectra file formats...
r-lightsout 0.3.2 MIT X Lights Out is a puzzle game consisting of a grid of lights that are...
r-likelihood 1.9 GPL-2 X Tools for maximum likelihood estimation of parameters of scientific...
r-likelihoodexplore 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides likelihood functions as defined by Fisher (1922)...
r-likert 1.3.5 GPL-3 X An approach to analyzing Likert response items, with an emphasis on...
r-lime 0.5.3 MIT X When building complex models, it is often difficult to explain why the...
r-limitplot 1.2 GPL-2 X Values below a specified limit of detection are stacked in rows in...
r-limsolve 1.5.7 GPL-3 X Functions that (1) find the minimum/maximum of a linear or quadratic...
r-linbin 0.1.3 AGPL-3 X Short for 'linear binning', the linbin package provides...
r-lincal 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Estimate and confidence/credible intervals for an unknown regressor x0...
r-lindenmayer 0.1.13 GPL-3 X L-systems or Lindenmayer systems are parallel rewriting systems which...
r-lindia 0.10 MIT X Provides a set of streamlined functions that allow easy generation of...
r-linearregressionmde 1.0 GPL-2 X Consider linear regression model Y = Xb + error where the distribution...
r-linerr 1.0 GPL-2 X Fits a linear excess relative risk model by maximum likelihood,...
r-link2gi 0.5_3 GPL-3 X Functions to simplify the linking of open source GIS and remote sensing...
r-linkcomm 1.0_14 GPL-2 X Link communities reveal the nested and overlapping structure in...
r-linkedmatrix 1.4.0 MIT X A class that links matrix-like objects (nodes) by rows or by columns...
r-linkim 0.1 GPL-2 X A linkage information based method for imputing missing diploid genotypes
r-linl 0.0.5 GPL-3 X A 'LaTeX' Letter class for 'rmarkdown', using the...
r-linlir 1.1 GPL-2 X This package implements the methodology of Likelihood-based Imprecise...
r-linpk 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Generate concentration-time profiles from linear pharmacokinetic (PK)...
r-linprog 0.9_4 GPL-2 X Can be used to solve Linear Programming / Linear Optimization problems...
r-linreginteractive 0.3_3 GPL-2 X Interactive visualization of effects, response functions and marginal...
r-linselect 1.1.4 GPL-3 X Estimate the mean of a Gaussian vector, by choosing among a large...
r-lintools 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Variable elimination (Gaussian elimination, Fourier-Motzkin...
r-lintr 3.1.0 MIT XXXX Checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic...
r-lisa 0.1.2 MIT X Contains 128 palettes from Color Lisa. All palettes are based on...
r-lisp 0.1 GPL-2 X Though SRFI-1 scopes both list-processing and higher-order programming,...
r-lisreltor 0.1.5 GPL-2 X This is an unofficial package aimed at automating the import of...
r-listarrays 0.3.1 GPL-3 X A toolbox for R arrays. Flexibly split, bind, reshape, modify, subset...
r-listcomp 0.4.1 MIT X An implementation of list comprehensions as purely syntactic sugar with...
r-listenv 0.9.0 LGPL-2.1 X List environments are environments that have list-like properties. For...
r-listest 2.1 GPL-2 X Tests for independence between X and Y computed from a paired sample...
r-listviewer 4.0.0 MIT X R lists, especially nested lists, can be very difficult to visualize or...
r-listwithdefaults 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Provides a function that, as an alternative to base::list, allows...
r-littler 0.3.18 GPL-2 X A scripting and command-line front-end is provided by 'r' (aka...
r-liureg 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Linear Liu regression coefficient's estimation and testing with...
r-ljr 1.4_0 GPL-2 X Fits and tests logistic joinpoint models.
r-lllcrc 1.2 GPL-2 X Applies local log-linear capture-recapture models (LLLMs) for closed...
r-llogistic 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-lm.beta 1.7_2 GPL-3 X Adds standardized regression coefficients to objects created by...
r-lm.br 2.9.6 GPL-2 X Exact significance tests for a changepoint in linear or multiple linear...
r-lme4 1.1_34 GPL-2 XXX Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and...
r-lmec 1.0 GPL-2 X This package includes a function to fit a linear mixed-effects model in...
r-lmeinfo 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Provides analytic derivatives and information matrices for fitted...
r-lmenbbayes 1.3.1 GPL-2 X The functions in this package implement the safety monitoring...
r-lmertest 3.1_3 GPL-2 XXXX Provides p-values in type I, II or III anova and summary tables for...
r-lmesplines 1.1_12 GPL-2 X Adds smoothing spline modelling capability to nlme. Fits smoothing...
r-lmf 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Provides methods for estimation and statistical inference on...
r-lmfilter GPL-2 X We present a method based on filtering algorithms to estimate the...
r-lmm 1.4 Unlimited X It implements Expectation/Conditional Maximization Either (ECME) and...
r-lmmot 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Fit right censored Multiple Ordinal Tobit (MOT) model.
r-lmodel2 1.7_3 GPL-2 X Computes model II simple linear regression using ordinary least squares...
r-lmom 3.0 Common X Functions related to L-moments: computation of L-moments and trimmed...
r-lmomco 2.4.11 GPL-3 X Extensive functions for Lmoments (LMs) and probability-weighted moments...
r-lmoments 1.3_1 GPL-2 X Contains functions to estimate L-moments and trimmed L-moments from the...
r-lmomrfa 3.6 Common X Functions for regional frequency analysis using the methods of J. R. M....
r-lmperm 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Linear model functions using permutation tests.
r-lmreg 1.2 GPL-2 X Data files and a few functions used in the book 'Linear Models and...
r-lmridge 1.2.2 GPL X Linear ridge regression coefficient's estimation and testing with...
r-lmsubsets 0.5_2 GPL-3 X Exact and approximation algorithms for variable-subset selection in...
r-lmtest 0.9_40 GPL-2 XXX A collection of tests, data sets, and examples for diagnostic checking...
r-lmviz 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Contains a suite of shiny applications meant to explore linear model...
r-ln0scis 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Construct the simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of means of...
r-lncpath 1.1 GPL-2 X Identifies pathways synergisticly regulated by the interested...
r-lnirt 0.5.1 GPL-3 X Allows the simultaneous analysis of responses and response times in an...
r-loa GPL-2 X Various plots and functions that make use of the lattice/trellis...
r-loadings 0.4.1 LGPL-3 X Computing statistical hypothesis testing for loading in principal...
r-loadr 0.1.3 BSD_2_clause X Provides intuitive functions for loading objects into environments,...
r-lobstr 1.1.2 MIT X A set of tools for inspecting and understanding R data structures...
r-localcontrol 1.1.3 Apache X Implements novel nonparametric approaches to address biases and...
r-localcontrolstrategy 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Especially when cross-sectional data are observational, effects of...
r-localgauss 0.41 GPL-2 X Computational routines for estimating local Gaussian parameters. Local...
r-localmodel 0.5 GPL-3 X Local explanations of machine learning models describe, how features...
r-localsolver 2.3 LGPL-2.1 X The package converts R data onto input and data for LocalSolver,...
r-locatexec 0.1.1 MIT X A set of functions to locate some programs available on the user...
r-locfdr 1.1_8 GPL-2 X Computation of local false discovery rates.
r-locfit 1.5_9.8 GPL-2 X Local regression, likelihood and density estimation methods as...
r-lock5data 3.0.0 GPL-2 X Datasets for the third edition of "Statistics: Unlocking the Power...
r-lock5withr 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Data sets and other utilities for 'Statistics: Unlocking the Power...
r-locpol 0.8.0 GPL-2 X Computes local polynomial estimators for the regression and also...
r-loder 0.2.1 BSD_3_clause X Read and write access to PNG image files using the LodePNG library. The...
r-lodi 0.9.2 GPL-3 X Impute observed values below the limit of detection (LOD) via censored...
r-loe 1.1 GPL-2 X Local Ordinal embedding (LOE) is one of graph embedding methods for...
r-log4r 0.4.3 Artistic-2.0 X The log4r package is meant to provide a fast, lightweight,...
r-logconcens 0.17_3 GPL-2 X Based on right or interval censored data, compute the maximum...
r-logcondens 2.1.8 GPL-2 X Given independent and identically distributed observations X(1), ...,...
r-logcondiscr 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Given independent and identically distributed observations X(1), ...,...
r-logger 0.2.2 AGPL-3 X Inspired by the the 'futile.logger' R package and...
r-logging 0.10_108 GPL-3 XXXX Pure R implementation of the ubiquitous log4j package. It offers...
r-loggit 2.1.1 MIT X An effortless 'ndjson' (newline-delimited 'JSON')...
r-logicoil 0.99.0 GPL-2 X This package contains the functions necessary to run the LOGICOIL...
r-logicreg 1.6.6 GPL-2 X Routines for fitting Logic Regression models. Logic Regression is...
r-logistf 1.26.0 GPL-3 X Fit a logistic regression model using Firth's bias reduction...
r-logistic4p 1.5 GPL-3 X Error in a binary dependent variable, also known as misclassification,...
r-logisticrr 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Adjusted odds ratio conditional on potential confounders can be...
r-logitnorm 0.8.38 GPL-2 X Density, distribution, quantile and random generation function for the...
r-logitr 1.1.1 MIT X Fast estimation of multinomial (MNL) and mixed logit (MXL) models in R....
r-loglognorm 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Functions to sample from the double log normal distribution and...
r-logmult 0.7.4 GPL-2 X Functions to fit log-multiplicative models using 'gnm', with...
r-lognorm 0.1.10 GPL-2 X The lognormal distribution (Limpert et al. (2001)...
r-lognormreg 0.5_0 GPL-3 X Functions to fits simple linear regression models with log normal...
r-logofgamma 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Uses approximations to compute the natural logarithm of the Gamma...
r-logr 1.3.4 CC0 X Contains functions to help create log files. The package aims to...
r-logranka 1.0 GPL-2 X LogrankA provides a logrank test across unlimited groups with the...
r-logspline 2.1.20 Apache X Contains routines for logspline density estimation. The function...
r-lokern 1.1_10 GPL-2 X Kernel regression smoothing with adaptive local or global plug-in...
r-lomb 2.1.0 GPL-3 X Computes the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram for unevenly sampled time series....
r-longcateda 0.31 GPL-3 X Methods for plotting categorical longitudinal and time-series data by...
r-longitudinal 1.1.13 GPL-3 X Contains general data structures and functions for longitudinal data...
r-longitudinaldata 2.4.5 GPL-2 X Tools for longitudinal data and joint longitudinal data (used by...
r-longmemo 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Datasets and Functionality from 'Jan Beran' (1994). Statistics...
r-longpower 1.0.24 GPL-2 X Compute power and sample size for linear models of longitudinal data....
r-longroc 1.0 GPL-2 X Time-dependent Receiver Operating Characteristic curves, Area Under the...
r-loo 2.6.0 GPL-3 X Efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) for Bayesian...
r-lookup 1.0 MIT X Simple functions to lookup items in key-value pairs. See Mehta (2021)...
r-loon.data 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Data used as examples in the 'loon' package.
r-loop 1.1 GPL-2 X The program can perform loop analysis and plot network structure...
r-loopanalyst 1.2_6 GPL-2 X Loop analysis makes qualitative predictions of variable change in a...
r-lorec 0.6.1 GPL-2 X Estimate covariance matrices that contain low rank and sparse components
r-lotkaslaw GPL-3 X Running Lotka's Law following Pao (1985)(DOI:...
r-lotri 0.4.3 GPL-2 XX Provides a simple mechanism to specify a symmetric block diagonal...
r-lowmemtkmeans 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Performs the trimmed k-means clustering algorithm with lower memory...
r-lowrankqp 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Solves quadratic programming problems where the Hessian is represented...
r-lpbrim 1.0.0 BSD_2_clause X Optimization of bipartite modularity using LP-BRIM (Label propagation...
r-lpc GPL-2 X Implements the LPC method of Witten&Tibshirani(Annals of Applied...
r-lpcm 0.47_3 GPL-2 X Fitting multivariate data patterns with local principal curves,...
r-lpdensity 2.4 GPL-2 X Without imposing stringent distributional assumptions or shape...
r-lpint 2.1 GPL X Functions to estimate the intensity function and its derivative of a...
r-lpirfs 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Provides functions to estimate and visualize linear as well as...
r-lpm 2.9 GPL-2 X Apply Univariate Long Memory Models, Apply Multivariate Short Memory...
r-lpmodeler 0.2_1 GPL-2 X lpmodeler is a set of user-friendly functions to simplify the modelling...
r-lpower 0.1.1 Unlimited X Computes power, or sample size or the detectable difference for a...
r-lpridge 1.0_8 GPL-2 X Local Polynomial Regression with Ridging.
r-lps 1.0.16 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Linear Predictor Score approach, as initiated...
r-lpsolve 5.6.19 LGPL-2 XXX Lp_solve is freely available (under LGPL 2) software for solving...
r-lpsolveapi LGPL-2 X The lpSolveAPI package provides an R interface to 'lp_solve', a...
r-lpstimeseries 1.0_5 GPL-2 X Learned Pattern Similarity (LPS) for time series. Implements a novel...
r-lpwc 1.0.0 MIT XX Computes a time series distance measure for clustering based on...
r-lqmm 1.5.8 GPL-2 X Functions to fit quantile regression models for hierarchical data...
r-lrcontrast 1.0 GPL-3 X Provides functions for calculating test statistics, simulating...
r-lrequire 0.1.3 MIT X In the fashion of 'node.js' <https://nodejs.org/>,...
r-lrgs 0.5.4 MIT X Implements a Gibbs sampler to do linear regression with multiple...
r-lrmest 3.0 GPL-2 X When multicollinearity exists among predictor variables of the linear...
r-lrth 1.3 GPL-3 X R code of a likelihood ratio test for genome-wide association under...
r-lsa 0.73.3 GPL-2 X The basic idea of latent semantic analysis (LSA) is, that text do have...
r-lsasim 2.1.4 GPL-3 X Provides functions to simulate data from large-scale educational...
r-lsd 4.1_0 GPL-2 X Create lots of colorful plots in a plethora of variations. Try the LSD...
r-lsdinterface 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Interfaces R with LSD simulation models. Reads object-oriented data in...
r-lsdv 1.1 Artistic-2.0 X Fit a least square dummy variable regression
r-lsei 1.3_0 GPL-2 X It contains functions that solve least squares linear regression...
r-lshorth 0.1_6 LGPL-3 X Calculates the (localised) length of the shorth and supplies...
r-lsm MIT XX When the values of the outcome variable Y are either 0 or 1, the...
r-lsmeans 2.30_0 GPL-2 XXXX Obtain least-squares means for linear, generalized linear, and mixed...
r-lsmontecarlo 1.0 GPL-3 X The package compiles functions for calculating prices of American put...
r-lspline 1.0_0 MIT X Linear splines with convenient parametrisations such that (1)...
r-lspls 0.2_2 GPL-2 X Implements the LS-PLS (least squares - partial least squares) method...
r-lsplsglm 1.0 GPL-2 X Fit logistic regression models using LS-PLS approaches to analyse both...
r-lsr 0.5.2 MIT X A collection of tools intended to make introductory statistics easier...
r-lsrs 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Rapid satellite data streams in operational applications have clear...
r-ltable 2.0.3 GPL-2 XX Constructs tables of counts and proportions out of data sets with...
r-ltm 1.2_0 GPL-2 X Analysis of multivariate dichotomous and polytomous data using latent...
r-ltpdvar 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Calculation of rectifying LTPD and AOQL plans for sampling inspection...
r-ltr 1.0.0 GPL-2 X A set of functions to execute the linear-transformation of replicate...
r-ltsa 1.4.6 GPL-2 X Methods of developing linear time series modelling. Methods are given...
r-ltsbase 1.0.1 GPL-3 X This is a new tool to estimate Ridge and Liu estimators based on LTS...
r-ltxsparklines 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Sparklines are small plots (about one line of text high), made popular...
r-lubridate 1.9.3 GPL-2 XXX Functions to work with date-times and time-spans: fast and user...
r-lucid 1.8 GPL-3 X Print vectors (and data frames) of floating point numbers using a...
r-lumberjack 1.3.1 EUPL X A framework that allows for easy logging of changes in data. Main...
r-luminescence 0.9.22 GPL-3 X A collection of various R functions for the purpose of Luminescence...
r-lunar 0.2_1 MIT X Provides functions to calculate lunar and other related environmental...
r-lutz 0.3.2 MIT X Input latitude and longitude values or an 'sf/sfc' POINT object...
r-luz 0.4.0 MIT X A high level interface for 'torch' providing utilities to...
r-luzlogr 0.2.0 MIT X Provides flexible but lightweight logging facilities for R scripts....
r-lvec 0.2.2 GPL-3 X Core functionality for working with vectors (numeric, integer, logical...
r-lvmcomp 1.2 GPL-3 X Provides stochastic EM algorithms for latent variable models with a...
r-lvplot 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Implements the letter value 'boxplot' which extends the...
r-lwgeom 0.2_13 GPL-2 X Access to selected functions found in 'liblwgeom'...
r-lxb 1.5 MIT X Functions to quickly read LXB parameter data.
r-lzerospikeinference 1.0.3 GPL-3 X An implementation of algorithms described in Jewell and Witten (2017)...
r-mable 3.1.3 LGPL X Fit data from a continuous population with a smooth density on finite...
r-mac 1.1.1 GPL-2 X This is an integrated meta-analysis package for conducting a...
r-mad 0.8_3 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for conducting a meta-analysis with mean...
r-maddison 0.2 CC0 X Contains the Maddison Project 2018 database, which provides estimates...
r-maditr 0.8.3 GPL-2 X Provides pipe-style interface for 'data.table'. Package...
r-madr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Estimates average treatment effects using model average double robust...
r-madsim 1.2.1 GPL X This function allows to generate two biological conditions synthetic...
r-magclass 6.10.0 LGPL-3 X Data class for increased interoperability working with spatial-temporal...
r-magic 1.6_1 GPL-2 XXXX A collection of functions for the manipulation and analysis of...
r-magicaxis 2.2.14 GPL-3 X Functions to make useful (and pretty) plots for scientific plotting....
r-magicfor 0.1.0 MIT X Magic functions to obtain results from for loops.
r-magree 1.1 GPL-3 X Implements an interface to the legacy Fortran code from O'Connell...
r-magrittr 2.0.3 MIT XXXX Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new forward-pipe...
r-mail 1.0 GPL-2 X Easy to use package for sending email notifications with status...
r-mailr 0.8 GPL-3 X Interface to Apache Commons Email to send emails from R.
r-makefiler 1.0 GPL-3 X A user-friendly interface for the construction of 'Makefiles'.
r-makeproject 1.0 GPL-3 X This package creates an empty framework of files and directories for...
r-malani 1.0 GPL-3 X Find dark genes. These genes are often disregarded due to no detected...
r-maldiquant 1.22.1 GPL-3 X A complete analysis pipeline for matrix-assisted laser...
r-maldiquantforeign 0.14 GPL-3 X Functions for reading (tab, csv, Bruker fid, Ciphergen XML, mzXML,...
r-mallet 1.3.0 MIT X An R interface for the Java Machine Learning for Language Toolkit...
r-mams 2.0.1 GPL-2 XX Designing multi-arm multi-stage studies with (asymptotically) normal...
r-managelocalrepo 0.1.5 GPL-2 X This will allow easier management of a CRAN-style repository on local...
r-mancie 1.4 GPL-2 X High-dimensional data integration is a critical but difficult problem...
r-mandelbrot 0.2.0 MIT X Estimates membership for the Mandelbrot set.
r-mangotraining 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Datasets to be used primarily in conjunction with Mango Solutions...
r-mangrove 1.21 GPL-2 X Methods for performing genetic risk prediction from genotype data. You...
r-manhattanly 0.3.0 MIT X Create interactive manhattan, Q-Q and volcano plots that are usable...
r-manifoldoptim 1.0.1 GPL-2 X An R interface to version 0.3 of the 'ROPTLIB' optimization...
r-manipulate 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXXX Interactive plotting functions for use within RStudio. The manipulate...
r-manipulatewidget 0.11.1 GPL-2 XXXX Like package 'manipulate' does for static graphics, this...
r-manlymix 0.1.15 GPL-2 X The utility of this package includes finite mixture modeling and...
r-manova.rm 0.5.4 GPL-2 X Implemented are various tests for semi-parametric repeated measures and...
r-manynet 0.2.8 MIT X A set of tools for making, manipulating, and mapping many different...
r-manytests 1.2 GPL-2 X Performs the multiple testing procedures of Cox (2011)...
r-mapa 2.0.5 GPL-2 X Functions and wrappers for using the Multiple Aggregation Prediction...
r-mapdata 2.3.1 GPL-2 X Supplement to maps package, providing some larger and/or...
r-mapdeck 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Provides a mechanism to plot an interactive map using 'Mapbox...
r-mapedit 0.6.0 MIT X Suite of interactive functions and helpers for selecting and editing...
r-mapfit 1.0.0 MIT X Estimation methods for phase-type distribution (PH) and Markovian...
r-mapiso 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Regularly spaced grids containing continuous data are transformed to...
r-maples 1.0 GPL-2 X MAPLES is a general method for the estimation of age profiles that uses...
r-mapmisc 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Provides a minimal, light-weight set of tools for producing nice...
r-mapplots 1.5.2 GPL-2 X Create simple maps; add sub-plots like pie plots to a map or any other...
r-mapproj 1.2.11 Lucent XXX Converts latitude/longitude into projected coordinates.
r-maps 3.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in separate...
r-mapsf 0.7.1 GPL-3 X Create and integrate thematic maps in your workflow. This package helps...
r-mapspain 0.8.0 GPL-3 X Administrative Boundaries of Spain at several levels (Autonomous...
r-maptiles 0.6.1 GPL-3 X To create maps from tiles, 'maptiles' downloads, composes and...
r-maptools 1.1_8 GPL-2 XXX Please note that 'maptools' will be retired during October...
r-maptpx 1.9_7 GPL-3 X Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation for topic models (i.e., Latent...
r-maptree 1.4_8 Unlimited X Functions with example data for graphing, pruning, and mapping models...
r-mapview 2.11.2 GPL-3 X Quickly and conveniently create interactive visualisations of spatial...
r-mar 1.2_0 GPL-2 X R functions for the estimation and eigen-decomposition of multivariate...
r-march 3.3.2 GPL-2 X Computation of various Markovian models for categorical data including...
r-mareymap 1.3.6 GPL-2 X Local recombination rates are graphically estimated across a genome...
r-marginaleffects 0.16.0 GPL-3 X Compute and plot predictions, slopes, marginal means, and comparisons...
r-margins 0.3.26 MIT X An R port of Stata's 'margins' command, which can be used...
r-marima 2.2 GPL-2 X Multivariate ARIMA and ARIMA-X estimation using Spliid's algorithm...
r-markdown 1.10 MIT XXXX Render Markdown to full and lightweight HTML/LaTeX documents with the...
r-marked 1.2.8 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting various models to capture-recapture data...
r-marketmatching 1.2.0 GPL-3 X For a given test market find the best control markets using time series...
r-markmyassignment 0.8.6 BSD_2_clause X Automatic marking of R assignments for students and teachers based on...
r-markovchain 0.9.5 MIT X Functions and S4 methods to create and manage discrete time Markov...
r-marl 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions provided allow data simulation; construction of weighted...
r-marmap 1.0.10 GPL-3 X Import xyz data from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric...
r-marqlevalg 2.0.8 GPL X This algorithm provides a numerical solution to the problem of...
r-marss 3.11.8 GPL-2 X The MARSS package provides maximum-likelihood parameter estimation for...
r-masae 2.0.3 BSD_2_clause X An S4 implementation of the unbiased extension of the model- assisted...
r-mass 7.3_60 GPL-2 XXX Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, "Modern...
r-massign 1.1.0 MIT X Constructing matrices for quick prototyping can be a nuisance,...
r-masstimate 2.0_1 GPL-2 X Estimation equations are from a variety of sources and associated error...
r-mat 2.3.1 GPL X Simulates Multidimensional Adaptive Testing using the multidimensional...
r-mata 0.7.1 GPL-2 X Calculates Model-Averaged Tail Area Wald (MATA-Wald) confidence...
r-matchbook 1.0.7 MIT X Provides a wrapper for the some basic functionality around the...
r-matching 4.10_14 GPL-3 X Provides functions for multivariate and propensity score matching and...
r-matchingr 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Computes matching algorithms quickly using Rcpp. Implements the...
r-matchit 4.5.5 GPL-2 X Selects matched samples of the original treated and control groups with...
r-matchthem 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides essential tools for the pre-processing techniques of matching...
r-matconv 0.4.2 GPL-2 X Transferring over a code base from Matlab to R is often a repetitive...
r-mathgraph 0.9_14 GPL-2 X Simple tools for constructing and manipulating objects of class...
r-mathjaxr 1.6_0 GPL-3 X Provides 'MathJax' and macros to enable its use within Rd files...
r-matlab 1.0.4 Artistic-2.0 X Emulate 'MATLAB' code using 'R'.
r-matlab2r 1.5.0 GPL-3 X Allows users familiar with MATLAB to use MATLAB-named functions in R....
r-matlabr 1.5.2 GPL-2 X Provides users to call MATLAB from using the "system" command....
r-matlib 0.9.6 GPL-2 X A collection of matrix functions for teaching and learning matrix...
r-matmanlymix 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Matrix clustering with finite mixture models.
r-matpow 0.1.2 GPL-2 X A general framework for computing powers of matrices. A key feature is...
r-matrix 1.6_1.1 GPL-2 XXX A rich hierarchy of sparse and dense matrix classes, including general,...
r-matrixcalc 1.0_6 GPL-2 XXX A collection of functions to support matrix calculations for...
r-matrixeqtl 2.3 LGPL-3 X Matrix eQTL is designed for fast eQTL analysis on large datasets....
r-matrixextra 0.1.14 GPL-2 X Extends sparse matrix and vector classes from the 'Matrix'...
r-matrixmodels 0.5_2 GPL-2 XXXX Modelling with sparse and dense 'Matrix' matrices, using...
r-matrixnormal 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Computes densities, probabilities, and random deviates of the Matrix...
r-matrixstats 1.0.0 Artistic-2.0 XXX High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of matrices,...
r-matrixstructest 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Tests for block-diagonal structure in symmetric matrices (e.g....
r-matrixtests 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Functions to perform fast statistical hypothesis tests on rows/columns...
r-matskew 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Performs matrix skew-t parameter estimation, Gallaugher and McNicholas...
r-mattools 1.1 GPL-2 X This package in includes functions for receiver operating...
r-mattransmix 0.1.16 GPL-2 X Provides matrix Gaussian mixture models, matrix transformation mixture...
r-mavtgsa 1.3 GPL-2 X This package is a gene set analysis function for one-sided test (OLS),...
r-maxact 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Perform exact MAX3 or MAX2 test for one-locus genetic association...
r-maxlik 1.5_2 GPL-2 XXXX Functions for Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation, non-linear...
r-maxlike 0.1_10 GPL-3 X Provides a likelihood-based approach to modeling species distributions...
r-maxmatching 0.1.0 CC0 X Computes the maximum matching for unweighted graph and maximum matching...
r-maxnet 0.1.4 MIT X Procedures to fit species distributions models from occurrence records...
r-maxpro 4.1_2 LGPL-2.1 X Generate maximum projection (MaxPro) designs for quantitative and/or...
r-maxskew 1.1 GPL-2 X It finds Orthogonal Data Projections with Maximal Skewness. The first...
r-maxstat 0.7_25 GPL-2 X Maximally selected rank statistics with several p-value approximations.
r-maybe 1.1.0 MIT X The maybe type represents the possibility of some value or nothing. It...
r-mazegen 0.1.3 GPL-3 X A maze generator that creates the Elithorn Maze (HTML file) and the...
r-mazeinda 0.0.2 GPL-3 X Methods for calculating and testing the significance of pairwise...
r-mba 0.1_0 GPL-2 X Functions to interpolate irregularly and regularly spaced data using...
r-mbc 0.10_6 GPL-2 X Calibrate and apply multivariate bias correction algorithms for climate...
r-mbcluster.seq 1.0 GPL-3 X Cluster genes based on Poisson or Negative-Binomial model for RNA-Seq...
r-mbend 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Bending non-positive-definite (symmetric) matrices to...
r-mbess 4.9.2 GPL-2 X Implements methods that are useful in designing research studies and...
r-mbest 0.6 Apache X Fast moment-based hierarchical model fitting. Implements methods from...
r-mbi 1.0 GPL-2 X Over 20 multiple-site diversity indices can be calculated. Later...
r-mbir 1.3.5 GPL-2 X Allows practitioners and researchers a wholesale approach for deriving...
r-mblm 0.12.1 GPL-2 X Provides linear models based on Theil-Sen single median and Siegel...
r-mboost 2.9_8 GPL-2 X Functional gradient descent algorithm (boosting) for optimizing general...
r-mbrglm 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Fit generalized linear models with binomial responses using a median...
r-mbvs 1.6 GPL-2 X Bayesian variable selection methods for data with multivariate...
r-mc2d 0.2.0 GPL-2 X A complete framework to build and study Two-Dimensional Monte-Carlo...
r-mcbftest 0.1.0 GPL X Monte Carol based tests for the Behrens Fisher Problem enhance the...
r-mcbiopi 1.1.6 LGPL-2 X Computes the prime implicants or a minimal disjunctive normal form for...
r-mcc 1.0 GPL-2 X A number of biomedical problems involve performing many hypothesis...
r-mcclust 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements methods for processing a sample of (hard) clusterings, e.g....
r-mccmeiv 2.1 GPL-2 X Applying the methodology from Manuel et al. to estimate parameters...
r-mccr 0.4.4 MIT X The Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) score is calculated...
r-mcgibbsit 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Implementation of Warnes & Raftery's MCGibbsit run-length and...
r-mcglm 0.7.0 GPL-3 X Fitting multivariate covariance generalized linear models (McGLMs) to...
r-mcheatmaps 1.0.0 GPL-3 X mcheatmaps serves to visualize multiple different symmetric matrices...
r-mchtest 1.0_3 GPL-3 X Performs Monte Carlo hypothesis tests, allowing a couple of different...
r-mci 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Market area models are used to analyze and predict store choices and...
r-mclogit 0.9.6 GPL-2 X Provides estimators for multinomial logit models in their conditional...
r-mclust 6.0.0 GPL-2 X Gaussian finite mixture models fitted via EM algorithm for model-based...
r-mcmc 0.9_7 MIT X Simulates continuous distributions of random vectors using Markov chain...
r-mcmcglmm 2.35 GPL-2 X Fits Multivariate Generalised Linear Mixed Models (and related models)...
r-mcmcpack 1.6_3 GPL-3 X Contains functions to perform Bayesian inference using posterior...
r-mcmcplots 0.4.3 GPL-2 X Functions for convenient plotting and viewing of MCMC output.
r-mcmcprecision 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Estimates the precision of transdimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo...
r-mcmcse 1.5_0 GPL-2 X Provides tools for computing Monte Carlo standard errors (MCSE) in...
r-mcmcvis 0.16.3 GPL-3 X Performs key functions for MCMC analysis using minimal code -...
r-mco 1.15.6 GPL-2 X A collection of function to solve multiple criteria optimization...
r-mcomp 2.8 GPL-3 X The 1001 time series from the M-competition (Makridakis et al. 1982)...
r-mcompanion 0.5.8 GPL-2 X Provides a class for multi-companion matrices with methods for...
r-mconjoint 0.1 GPL-3 X The package aids in creating a Conjoint Analysis design with extra...
r-mcparalleldo 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides a function that wraps mcparallel() and mccollect() from...
r-mcpmod 1.0_10.1 GPL-3 X Implements a methodology for the design and analysis of dose-response...
r-mcpmodgeneral 0.1_1 GPL-3 X Analyzes non-normal data via the Multiple Comparison Procedures and...
r-mcr 1.3.3 GPL-3 X Regression methods to quantify the relation between two measurement...
r-mcs 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Perform the model confidence set procedure of Hansen et al (2011)...
r-mcsim 1.0 GPL-2 X Identifies the optimal number of clusters by calculating the similarity...
r-mcsm 1.0 GPL-2 X mcsm contains a collection of functions that allows the reenactment of...
r-mctest 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Package computes popular and widely used multicollinearity diagnostic...
r-mctm 1.0 GPL-2 X Transition matrices (probabilities or counts) estimation for discrete...
r-md 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Selects bandwidth for the kernel density estimator with minimum...
r-mda 0.5_4 GPL-2 X Mixture and flexible discriminant analysis, multivariate adaptive...
r-mdatools 0.14.1 MIT X Projection based methods for preprocessing, exploring and analysis of...
r-mded 0.1_2 CC0 X Provides a function for measuring the difference between two...
r-mdendro 2.2.0 AGPL-3 XX A comprehensive collection of linkage methods for agglomerative...
r-mdfs 1.5.3 GPL-3 X Functions for MultiDimensional Feature Selection (MDFS): calculating...
r-mdhglm 1.8 Unlimited X Allows various models for multivariate response variables where each...
r-mdimnormn 0.8.0 GPL-3 X Normalize data to minimize the difference between sample plates (batch...
r-mdir.logrank 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Implemented are the one-sided and two-sided multiple-direction logrank...
r-mdmb 1.8_7 GPL-2 X Contains model-based treatment of missing data for regression models...
r-mdplot 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Provides automatization for plot generation succeeding common molecular...
r-mdscore 0.1_3 GPL-2 X A set of functions to obtain modified score test for generalized linear models.
r-mdsr 0.2.7 CC0 X A complement to *Modern Data Science with R*, both the first and second...
r-mdw 2020.6_17 GPL-2 X Dimension-reduction methods aim at defining a score that maximizes...
r-meanr 0.1_5 BSD_2_clause X Sentiment analysis is a popular technique in text mining that attempts...
r-meanshiftr 0.56 GPL-2 X Performs mean shift classification using linear and k-d tree based...
r-measurementprotocol 0.1.1 MIT X Send server-side tracking data from R. The Measurement Protocol version...
r-measurements 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Collection of tools to make working with physical measurements easier....
r-measures 0.3 GPL-3 X Provides the biggest amount of statistical measures in the whole R...
r-meboot 1.4_9.4 GPL-2 X Maximum entropy density based dependent data bootstrap. An algorithm is...
r-med 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Nonparametric estimation and inference for natural direct and indirect...
r-meddietcalc 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Multi Calculator of different scores to measure adherence to...
r-mederrrank 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Two distinct but related statistical approaches to the problem of...
r-medextractr 0.4.1 GPL-2 X Function and support for medication and dosing information extraction...
r-mediacloudr 0.1.0 MIT X API wrapper to gather news stories, media information and tags from the...
r-mediak 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Calculates MeDiA_K (means Mean Distance Association by K-nearest...
r-mediana 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Provides a general framework for clinical trial simulations based on...
r-mediation 4.5.0 GPL-2 X We implement parametric and non parametric mediation analysis. This...
r-medicaldata 0.2.0 MIT X Provides access to well-documented medical datasets for teaching....
r-medicare 0.2.1 MIT X Publicly available data from Medicare frequently requires extensive...
r-meditations 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Prints a random quote from Marcus Aurelius' book Meditations.
r-medor 0.1 GPL-3 X This package contains the functions used to perform some confidence...
r-mefa 3.2_8 GPL-2 X A framework package aimed to provide standardized computational...
r-mefa4 0.3_9 GPL-2 X An S4 update of the 'mefa' package using sparse matrices for...
r-meifly 0.3.1 MIT X Exploratory model analysis with <http://ggobi.org>. Fit and...
r-melt 1.10.0 GPL-2 X Performs multiple empirical likelihood tests for linear and generalized...
r-memisc GPL-2 X An infrastructure for the management of survey data including value...
r-memnet 0.1.0 GPL-3 XXX Efficient implementations of network science tools to facilitate...
r-memo 1.1 MIT XXX A simple in-memory, LRU cache that can be wrapped around any function...
r-memoise 2.0.1 MIT XXXX Cache the results of a function so that when you call it again with the...
r-memor 0.2.3 GPL-3 X A 'rmarkdown' template that supports company logo, contact...
r-memss 0.9_3 GPL-2 X Data sets and sample analyses from Pinheiro and Bates,...
r-memuse 4.2_3 BSD_2_clause XXX How much ram do you need to store a 100,000 by 100,000 matrix? How much...
r-mendelianrandomization 0.9.0 GPL-2 X Encodes several methods for performing Mendelian randomization analyses...
r-merderiv 0.2_4 GPL-2 X Compute case-wise and cluster-wise derivative for mixed effects models...
r-mergetrees 0.1.3 GPL-2 XXX Aggregates a set of trees with the same leaves to create a consensus...
r-merror 3.0 GPL-2 X N>=3 methods are used to measure each of n items. The data are used...
r-mertools 0.6.1 GPL-2 X Provides methods for extracting results from mixed-effect model objects...
r-mess 0.5.12 GPL-2 X A mixed collection of useful and semi-useful diverse statistical...
r-meta 6.5_0 GPL-2 X User-friendly general package providing standard methods for...
r-meta4diag 2.1.1 GPL-3 X Bayesian inference analysis for bivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic...
r-metabel 0.2_0 GPL-2 X A package for meta-analysis of genome-wide association scans between...
r-metablue 1.0.0 GPL-2 X The sample mean and standard deviation are two commonly used statistics...
r-metabma 0.6.9 GPL-3 X Computes the posterior model probabilities for standard meta-analysis...
r-metabolouise 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Simulating dynamic (longitudinal, time-resolved) metabolomics data...
r-metaboqc 1.1 GPL-2 X Takes QC signal for each day and normalize metabolomic data that has...
r-metacoder 0.3.6 GPL-2 X A set of tools for parsing, manipulating, and graphing data classified...
r-metacore 0.1.2 MIT X Create an immutable container holding metadata for the purpose of...
r-metadat 1.2_0 GPL-2 X A collection of meta-analysis datasets for teaching purposes,...
r-metadynminer 0.1.7 GPL-3 XXX Metadynamics is a state of the art biomolecular simulation technique....
r-metafolio 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX A tool to simulate salmon metapopulations and apply financial portfolio...
r-metafor 4.4_0 GPL-2 X A comprehensive collection of functions for conducting meta-analyses in...
r-metaheuristicfpa 1.0 GPL-2 XXX A nature-inspired metaheuristics algorithm based on the pollination...
r-metaheuristicopt 2.0.0 GPL-2 X An implementation of metaheuristic algorithms for continuous...
r-metalik 0.43.0 GPL-2 X First- and higher-order likelihood inference in meta-analysis and...
r-metamisc 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Facilitate frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis of diagnosis and...
r-metan 1.18.0 GPL-3 X Performs stability analysis of multi-environment trial data using...
r-metansue 2.5 GPL-3 X Novel method to unbiasedly include studies with Non-statistically...
r-metapca 0.1.4 GPL-2 X MetaPCA implements simultaneous dimension reduction using PCA when...
r-metaplus 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Performs meta-analysis and meta-regression using standard and robust...
r-metarnaseq 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Implementation of two p-value combination techniques (inverse normal...
r-metasem 1.3.1 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for conducting meta-analysis using a...
r-metasens 1.5_2 GPL-2 X The following methods are implemented to evaluate how sensitive the...
r-metasubtract 1.60 GPL-3 X If results from a meta-GWAS are used for validation in one of the...
r-metatest 1.0_5 GPL-3 X Fits and tests meta regression models and generates a number of useful...
r-metatools 0.1.5 MIT X Uses the metadata information stored in 'metacore' objects to...
r-metavcov 2.1.5 GPL-2 X Collection of functions to compute within-study covariances for...
r-metbrewer 0.2.0 CC0 X Palettes Inspired by Works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New...
r-meteor 0.4_5 GPL-3 XXX A set of functions for weather and climate data manipulation, and other...
r-meth27qc 1.1 GPL-2 X Meth27QC is a tool for analyzing Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27...
r-methodcompare 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Implementation of the methodology from the paper entitled...
r-metnorm 0.1 GPL-2 X Metabolomics data are inevitably subject to a component of unwanted...
r-meto 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Meteorological Tools following the FAO56 irrigation paper of Allen et...
r-metr 0.14.0 GPL-3 X Many useful functions and extensions for dealing with meteorological...
r-metrics 0.1.4 BSD_3_clause X An implementation of evaluation metrics in R that are commonly used in...
r-metricsgraphics 0.9.0 MIT X Provides an 'htmlwidgets' interface to the...
r-metricsweighted 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides weighted versions of several metrics and performance measures...
r-metrology 0.9_28_1 GPL-2 X Provides classes and calculation and plotting functions for metrology...
r-mets 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Implementation of various statistical models for multivariate event...
r-metstat 1.0 Apache X A diverse collection of metabolomics related statistical tools.
r-mev 1.15 GPL-3 X Various tools for the analysis of univariate, multivariate and...
r-mewavg 0.3.1 GPL XXX Compute the average of a sequence of random vectors in a moving...
r-mf 4.3.2 MIT X Calculate MF (mitigated fraction) with clustering and bootstrap...
r-mfag 1.9 GPL-2 X Performs Multiple Factor Analysis method for quantitative, categorical,...
r-mfgarch 0.2.1 MIT XXX Estimating GARCH-MIDAS (MIxed-DAta-Sampling) models (Engle, Ghysels,...
r-mfilter 0.1_5 GPL-2 X The mFilter package implements several time series filters useful for...
r-mfp 1.5.4 GPL-2 X Fractional polynomials are used to represent curvature in regression...
r-mft 2.0 GPL-3 X Provides statistical tests and algorithms for the detection of change...
r-mfx 1.2_2 GPL-2 X Estimates probit, logit, Poisson, negative binomial, and beta...
r-mgarchbekk 0.0.5 GPL-3 XXX Procedures to simulate, estimate and diagnose MGARCH processes of BEKK...
r-mgcv 1.9_0 GPL-2 XXX Generalized additive (mixed) models, some of their extensions and other...
r-mgcviz 0.1.11 GPL-3 X Extension of the 'mgcv' package, providing visual tools for...
r-mgl 1.1 GPL-2 XXX An aggressive dimensionality reduction and network estimation technique...
r-mglm 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions that (1) fit multivariate discrete distributions,...
r-mgm 1.2_14 GPL-2 X Estimation of k-Order time-varying Mixed Graphical Models and mixed...
r-mgraster 0.9 BSD_2_clause X Convenience Functions for R Language Access to the v.1 API of the...
r-mgsda 1.6.1 GPL-2 XXX Implements Multi-Group Sparse Discriminant Analysis proposal of...
r-mgsub 1.7.3 MIT X Designed to enable simultaneous substitution in strings in a safe...
r-mhadaptive 1.1_8 GPL-3 X Performs general Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling...
r-mhctools 1.5.3 MIT X Fifteen tools for bioinformatics processing and analysis of major...
r-mhg 1.1 GPL-2 X Runs a minimum-hypergeometric (mHG) test as described in: Eden, E....
r-mhsmm 0.4.21 GPL-2 XXX Parameter estimation and prediction for hidden Markov and semi-Markov...
r-mht 3.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Multiple Hypothesis Testing For Variable Selection in high dimensional...
r-mhtdiscrete 1.0.1 GPL-2 X A comprehensive tool for almost all existing multiple testing methods...
r-mhtmult 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX A Comprehensive tool for almost all existing multiple testing methods...
r-mhtrajectoryr 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Spontaneous adverse event reports have a high potential for detecting...
r-mhurdle 1.3_0 GPL-2 X Estimation of models with zero left-censored variables. Null values may...
r-mi 1.1 GPL-2 X The mi package provides functions for data manipulation, imputing...
r-micar 1.1.2 GPL-3 X 'Mica' is a server application used to create data web portals...
r-mice 3.16.0 GPL-2 X Multiple imputation using Fully Conditional Specification (FCS)...
r-miceadds 3.16_18 GPL-2 X Contains functions for multiple imputation which complements existing...
r-micecon 0.6_18 GPL-2 X Various tools for microeconomic analysis and microeconomic modelling,...
r-miceconindex 0.1_8 GPL-2 X Tools for calculating Laspeyres, Paasche, and Fisher price and quantity indices.
r-micefast 0.8.2 GPL-2 XXX Fast imputations under the object-oriented programming paradigm....
r-michelrodange 1.0.0 CC0 X Michel Rodange was a Luxembourguish writer and poet who lived in the...
r-micompr 1.1.4 MIT X A procedure for comparing multivariate samples associated with...
r-microbats 0.1_1 GPL-2 X A nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm based on the echolocation...
r-microbenchmark 1.4.10 BSD_2_clause XXX Provides infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution...
r-microeco 1.1.0 GPL-3 X A series of statistical and plotting approaches in microbial community...
r-micromacromultilevel 0.4.0 GPL-2 X Most multilevel methodologies can only model macro-micro multilevel...
r-micromapst 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Provides the users with the ability to quickly create linked micromap...
r-microplot 1.0_45 GPL-2 X The microplot function writes a set of R graphics files to be used as...
r-micropop 1.6 GPL-3 X Modelling interacting microbial populations - example applications...
r-microseq 2.1.6 GPL-2 XXX Basic functions for microbial sequence data analysis. The idea is to...
r-microsoft365r 2.4.0 MIT X An interface to the 'Microsoft 365' (formerly known as...
r-microsoftr file XXX Umbrella package with licenses and notices for all Microsoft R packages
r-midas 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Contains functions for converting existing HTML/JavaScript source into...
r-midastouch 1.3 GPL-2 X Contains the function mice.impute.midastouch(). Technically this...
r-midn 1.0 CC0 X Implementation of the mid-n algorithms presented in Wellek S (2015)...
r-migest 2.0.3 GPL-3 X Tools for estimating, measuring and working with migration data.
r-migraph 1.1.5 MIT X A set of tools for analysing multimodal networks. It includes functions...
r-migration.indices 0.3.1 AGPL-3 X Calculate various indices, like Crude Migration Rate, different Gini...
r-miivsem 0.5.8 GPL-2 X Functions for estimating structural equation models using instrumental...
r-milc 1.0 GPL-2 X The MILC package is designed to predict individual trajectories using...
r-mime 0.12 GPL-3 XXX Guesses the MIME type from a filename extension using the data derived...
r-mimix 1.0 GPL-2 X Tools to combine results for multiply-imputed data using mixture approximations
r-mindonstats 0.11 GPL-3 X 66 data sets that were imported using read.table() where appropriate...
r-mined 1.0_3 LGPL-2.1 XXX This is a method (MinED) for mining probability distributions using...
r-minerva 1.5.10 GPL-3 XXX Wrapper for 'minepy' implementation of Maximal...
r-miney 0.1 GPL-2 X This package implements the core idea of games known as...
r-minicran 0.2.16 GPL-2 X Makes it possible to create an internally consistent repository...
r-minigui 0.8_1 GPL X Quick and simple Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface to call functions....
r-minimalrsd 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Generate central composite designs (CCD)with full as well as fractional...
r-minimap 0.1.0 MIT X Create tile grid maps, which are like choropleth maps except each...
r-minimax 1.1.1 GPL-2 X The minimax family of distributions is a two-parameter family like the...
r-minirand 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Randomization schedules are generated in the schemes with k (k>=2)...
r-miniui GPL-3 XXXX Provides UI widget and layout functions for writing Shiny apps that...
r-minpack.lm 1.2_4 GPL-3 XXX The nls.lm function provides an R interface to lmder and lmdif from the...
r-minqa 1.2.6 GPL-2 XXX Derivative-free optimization by quadratic approximation based on an...
r-minval 0.8_2 GPL-2 X For a given set of stoichiometric reactions, this package evaluates the...
r-minxent 0.01 GPL-2 X This package implements entropy optimization distribution under...
r-mipfp 3.2.1 GPL-2 X An implementation of the iterative proportional fitting (IPFP), maximum...
r-mirada 1.13.8_8 GPL-2 XXX This package collects algorithms/functions developed for microRNA...
r-mirai 0.11.0 GPL-3 X Lightweight parallel code execution and distributed computing. Designed...
r-mirsea 1.1 GPL-2 X The tools for 'MicroRNA Set Enrichment Analysis' can identify...
r-mirt 1.41 GPL-3 X Analysis of discrete response data using unidimensional and...
r-mirtcat 1.13 GPL-3 X Provides tools to generate HTML interfaces for adaptive and...
r-misaem 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Estimate parameters of linear regression and logistic regression with...
r-misc3d 0.9_1 GPL-3 X A collection of miscellaneous 3d plots, including isosurfaces.
r-miscfuncs 1.5_6 GPL-3 X Implementing various things including functions for LaTeX tables, the...
r-miscor 0.1_1 GPL-3 X Statistical test for the product-moment correlation coefficient based...
r-misctools 0.6_28 GPL-2 XXXX Miscellaneous small tools and utilities. Many of them facilitate the...
r-mise 0.1.0 MIT X Clears the workspace. Useful for the beginnings of R scripts, to avoid...
r-misreport 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Enables investigation of the predictors of misreporting on sensitive...
r-missforest 1.5 GPL-2 X The function 'missForest' in this package is used to impute...
r-missmda 1.18 GPL-2 X Imputation of incomplete continuous or categorical datasets; Missing...
r-missmech 1.0.2 GPL-2 X To test whether the missing data mechanism, in a set of incompletely...
r-missmethods 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Supply functions for the creation and handling of missing data as well...
r-missranger 2.3.0 GPL-2 X Alternative implementation of the beautiful 'MissForest'...
r-misssbm 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX When a network is partially observed (here, NAs in the adjacency matrix...
r-mist 1.0 LGPL X Test for association between a set of SNPS/genes and continuous or...
r-mistat 2.0.4 GPL-2 X Provide all the data sets and statistical analysis applications used in...
r-mistr 0.0.6 GPL-3 X A flexible computational framework for mixture distributions with the...
r-misty 0.5.3 MIT X Miscellaneous functions for descriptive statistics (e.g., frequency...
r-mitisem 1.2 GPL-3 X Flexible multivariate function approximation using adapted Mixture of...
r-mitml 0.4_5 GPL-2 X Provides tools for multiple imputation of missing data in multilevel...
r-mitools 2.4 GPL-2 X Tools to perform analyses and combine results from multiple-imputation datasets.
r-mittagleffler 0.4.1 GPL-2 X Implements the Mittag-Leffler function, distribution, random variate...
r-mix 1.0_11 Unlimited XXX Estimation/multiple imputation programs for mixed categorical and...
r-mixak 5.6 GPL-3 X Contains a mixture of statistical methods including the MCMC methods to...
r-mixdist 0.5_5 GPL-2 X Fit finite mixture distribution models to grouped data and conditional...
r-mixeddataimpute 0.1 GPL-3 XXX Missing data imputation for continuous and categorical data, using...
r-mixedmem 1.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Fits mixed membership models with discrete multivariate data (with or...
r-mixedpsy 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Tools for the analysis of psychophysical data in R. This package allows...
r-mixedts 1.0.4 GPL-2 X We provide detailed functions for univariate Mixed Tempered Stable distribution.
r-mixemm 1.0 GPL-3 X Contains functions for estimating a mixed-effects model for clustered...
r-mixl 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Specification and estimation of multinomial logit models. Large...
r-mixlm 1.3.0 GPL-2 X The main functions perform mixed models analysis by least squares or...
r-mixmap 1.3.4 GPL-3 X A collection of functions to implement the MixMAP algorithm, which...
r-mixmatrix 0.2.6 GPL-3 XXX Provides sampling and density functions for matrix variate normal, t,...
r-mixmeta 1.2.0 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to perform various meta-analytical models...
r-mixor 1.0.4 GPL-2 XXX Provides the function 'mixor' for fitting a mixed-effects...
r-mixphm 0.7_2 GPL-2 X Fits multiple variable mixtures of various parametric proportional...
r-mixr 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Performs maximum likelihood estimation for finite mixture models for...
r-mixrasch 1.1 GPL-2 X Estimates Rasch models and mixture Rasch models, including the...
r-mixraschtools 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides supplemental functions for the 'mixRasch' package...
r-mixreg 2.0_10 GPL-2 X Fits mixtures of (possibly multivariate) regressions (which has been...
r-mixrf 1.0 GPL-3 X It offers random-forest-based functions to impute clustered incomplete...
r-mixsal 1.0 GPL-2 X The current version of the 'MixSAL' package allows users to...
r-mixsim 1.1_7 GPL-2 XXX The utility of this package is in simulating mixtures of Gaussian...
r-mixsmsn 1.1_10 GPL X Functions to fit finite mixture of scale mixture of skew-normal...
r-mixspe 0.9.2 GPL-2 X Mixtures of skewed and elliptical distributions are implemented using...
r-mixsqp 0.3_48 MIT XXX Provides an optimization method based on sequential quadratic...
r-mixtnb 1.0 GPL-3 X Differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq data when replicates under...
r-mixtools 2.0.0 GPL-2 X Analyzes finite mixture models for various parametric and...
r-mixture 2.0.6 GPL-2 XXX An implementation of 14 parsimonious mixture models for model-based...
r-mixtureinf 1.1 AGPL-3 X Functions for computing the penalized maximum likelihood estimate...
r-mixtureregltic 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Fit mixture regression models with nonsusceptibility/cure for...
r-mize 0.2.4 BSD_2_clause X Optimization algorithms implemented in R, including conjugate gradient...
r-mkde 0.2 GPL-3 XXX Provides functions to compute and visualize movement-based kernel...
r-mkdescr 0.8 LGPL-3 X Computation of standardized interquartile range (IQR), Huber-type...
r-mkin 1.2.6 GPL-3 X Calculation routines based on the FOCUS Kinetics Report (2006, 2014). ...
r-mkinfer 1.1 LGPL-3 X Computation of various confidence intervals (Altman et al. (2000),...
r-mkle 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Package for fast computation of the maximum kernel likelihood estimator (mkle).
r-mknapsack 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Package solves multiple knapsack optimisation problem. Given a set of...
r-mkpower 0.7 LGPL-3 X Power analysis and sample size calculation for Welch and Hsu (Hedderich...
r-mkssd 1.2 GPL-2 X Generates efficient balanced non-aliased multi-level k-circulant...
r-ml.msbd 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Inference of a multi-states birth-death model from a phylogeny,...
r-mlapi 0.1.1 MIT X Provides 'R6' abstract classes for building machine learning...
r-mlbench 2.1_3.1 GPL-2 XXX A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark...
r-mlbstats 0.1.0 MIT X Computational functions for player metrics in major league baseball...
r-mlcm 0.4.3 GPL-2 X Conjoint measurement is a psychophysical procedure in which stimulus...
r-mldr 0.4.3 LGPL-3 X Exploratory data analysis and manipulation functions for multi- label...
r-mldr.datasets 0.4.2 LGPL-3 X Large collection of multilabel datasets along with the functions needed...
r-mlds 0.5.1 GPL-2 X Difference scaling is a method for scaling perceived supra-threshold...
r-mle.tools 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Calculates the expected/observed Fisher information and the...
r-mlearning 1.2.1 GPL-2 X A unified interface is provided to various machine learning algorithms...
r-mlecens 0.1_7 GPL-2 XXX We provide functions to compute the nonparametric maximum likelihood...
r-mlegp 3.1.9 GPL-2 XXX Maximum likelihood Gaussian process modeling for univariate and...
r-mleur 1.0_6 GPL-2 X Provides functions for unit root testing using MLE method
r-mleval 0.3 AGPL-3 X Straightforward and detailed evaluation of machine learning models....
r-mlf 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Offers a gentle introduction to machine learning concepts for...
r-mlflow 2.7.1 Apache X R interface to 'MLflow', open source platform for the complete...
r-mlica2 2.1 GPL-2 X An R code implementation of the maximum likelihood (fixed point)...
r-mlid 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Tools and functions to fit a multilevel index of dissimilarity.
r-mlmetrics 1.1.1 GPL-2 X A collection of evaluation metrics, including loss, score and utility...
r-mlml2r 0.3.3 MIT X Maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of the proportions of 5-mC and 5-hmC...
r-mlmmm 0.3_1.2 GPL-2 XXXX Computational strategies for multivariate linear mixed-effects models...
r-mlmrev 1.0_8 GPL-2 XXXX Data and examples from a multilevel modelling software review as well...
r-mlogit 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Maximum likelihood estimation of random utility discrete choice models....
r-mlpack 4.2.1 BSD_3_clause X A fast, flexible machine learning library, written in C++, that aims to...
r-mlphaser 0.01 GPL-2 X Phase haplotypes from genotypes based on a list of known haplotypes....
r-mlpugs 0.2.0 MIT X An implementation of classifier chains (CC's) for multi-label...
r-mlr3 0.16.1 LGPL-3 X Efficient, object-oriented programming on the building blocks of...
r-mlr3cluster 0.1.8 LGPL-3 X Extends the 'mlr3' package with cluster analysis.
r-mlr3data 0.7.0 LGPL-3 X A small collection of interesting and educational machine learning data...
r-mlr3filters 0.7.1 LGPL-3 X Extends 'mlr3' with filter methods for feature selection....
r-mlr3fselect 0.11.0 LGPL-3 X Feature selection package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem. It selects...
r-mlr3hyperband 0.4.5 LGPL-3 X Successive Halving (Jamieson and Talwalkar (2016)...
r-mlr3learners 0.5.6 LGPL-3 X Recommended Learners for 'mlr3'. Extends 'mlr3' with...
r-mlr3mbo 0.2.1 LGPL-3 X A modern and flexible approach to Bayesian Optimization / Model Based...
r-mlr3measures 0.5.0 LGPL-3 X Implements multiple performance measures for supervised learning. ...
r-mlr3misc 0.13.0 LGPL-3 XXX Frequently used helper functions and assertions used in 'mlr3'...
r-mlr3pipelines 0.5.0_1 LGPL-3 X Dataflow programming toolkit that enriches 'mlr3' with a...
r-mlr3spatiotempcv 2.2.0 LGPL-3 X Extends the mlr3 ML framework with spatio-temporal resampling methods...
r-mlr3tuning 0.19.0 LGPL-3 X Hyperparameter optimization package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem. It...
r-mlr3tuningspaces 0.4.0 LGPL-3 X Collection of search spaces for hyperparameter optimization in the...
r-mlr3verse 0.2.8 LGPL-3 X The 'mlr3' package family is a set of packages for...
r-mlr3viz 0.6.1 LGPL-3 X Visualization package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem. It features...
r-mlsjunkgen 0.1.2 MIT X Generate a stream of pseudo-random numbers generated using the MLS Junk...
r-mlt 1.4_9 GPL-2 X Likelihood-based estimation of conditional transformation models via...
r-mlt.docreg 1.1_7 GPL-2 X Additional documentation, a package vignette and regression tests for...
r-mltest 1.0.1 GPL-2 X A fast, robust and easy-to-use calculation of multi-class...
r-mltools 0.3.5 MIT X A collection of machine learning helper functions, particularly...
r-mlvar 0.5.1 GPL-2 X Estimates the multi-level vector autoregression model on time-series...
r-mm4lmm 3.0.2 GPL-2 XXX The main function MMEst() performs (Restricted) Maximum Likelihood in a...
r-mmac 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Contains the data sets for the textbook "Mathematical Modeling and...
r-mmand 1.6.3 GPL-2 XXX Provides tools for performing mathematical morphology operations, such...
r-mmap 0.6_21 GPL-3 XXX R interface to POSIX mmap and Window's MapViewOfFile.
r-mmapcharr 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Uses memory-mapping to enable the random access of elements of a text...
r-mmc 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Provides routines for multivariate measurement error correction....
r-mmds 1.1 GPL-2 X This library implements mixture model distance sampling methods. See...
r-mme 0.1_6 GPL-2 X Fit Gaussian Multinomial mixed-effects models for small area...
r-mmeln 1.5 GPL-3 X Fit multivariate mixture of normal distribution using covariance structure.
r-mmeta 3.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Multiple 2 by 2 tables often arise in meta-analysis which combines...
r-mmmgee 1.20 GPL-3 X Provides global hypothesis tests, multiple testing procedures and...
r-mmms 0.1 GPL-3 X The package implements a multi-marker molecular signature (MMMS)...
r-mmod 1.3.3 MIT X Provides functions for measuring population divergence from genotypic data.
r-mmpa 1.2.0 MIT X To determine the number of quantitative assays needed for a sample of...
r-mmpf 0.0.5 MIT X Marginalizes prediction functions using Monte-Carlo integration and...
r-mmpp 0.6 GPL-2 X Compute similarities and distances between marked point processes.
r-mmrm 0.2.2 Apache X Mixed models for repeated measures (MMRM) are a popular choice for...
r-mmsample 0.1 GPL-3 XXX Subset a control group to match an intervention group on a set of...
r-mmtsne 0.1.0 FreeBSD X An implementation of multiple maps t-distributed stochastic neighbor...
r-mmwrweek 0.1.3 GPL-2 X The first day of any MMWR week is Sunday. MMWR week numbering is...
r-mnormpow 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Computes integral of f(x)*x_i^k on a product of intervals, where f is...
r-mnormt 2.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions are provided for computing the density and the distribution...
r-mnp 3.1_4 GPL-2 XXX Fits the Bayesian multinomial probit model via Markov chain Monte...
r-mns 1.0 GPL-2 X An implementation of the mixed neighbourhood selection (MNS) algorithm....
r-moc 2.0 GPL-2 XXX Fits and vizualize user defined finite mixture models for multivariate...
r-mocca 1.4 Artistic-2.0 X Provides methods to analyze cluster alternatives based on...
r-mockery 0.4.4 MIT X The two main functionalities of this package are creating mock objects...
r-mockr 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Provides a means to mock a package function, i.e., temporarily...
r-mockthat 0.2.8 MIT X With the deprecation of mocking capabilities shipped with...
r-mod 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Creates modules inline or from a file. Modules can contain any R object...
r-mod09nrt 0.14 GPL-2 X Package for processing downloaded MODIS Surface reflectance Product HDF...
r-modalclust 0.7 GPL-2 X Performs Modal Clustering (MAC) including Hierarchical Modal Clustering...
r-modcmfitr 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Fits a modified version of the Connor-Mosimann distribution (Connor...
r-modeest 2.4.0 GPL-3 X Provides estimators of the mode of univariate data or univariate distributions.
r-modehunt 1.0.7 GPL-2 X Given independent and identically distributed observations X(1), ...,...
r-modelbased 0.8.6 GPL-3 X Implements a general interface for model-based estimations for a wide...
r-modeldata 1.2.0 MIT X Data sets used for demonstrating or testing model-related packages are...
r-modelenv 0.1.1 MIT X An developer focused, low dependency package in 'tidymodels'...
r-modelgood 1.0.9 GPL-2 XXX Bootstrap cross-validation for ROC, AUC and Brier score to assess and...
r-modelltest 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of the cross-validated difference in means (CVDM)...
r-modelmap Unlimited X Creates sophisticated models of training data and validates the models...
r-modelmetrics GPL-2 XXX Collection of metrics for evaluating models written in C++ using...
r-modelobj 4.2 GPL-2 X A utility library to facilitate the generalization of statistical...
r-modelr 0.1.11 GPL-3 XXXX Functions for modelling that help you seamlessly integrate modelling...
r-modelsummary 1.4.3 GPL-3 X Create beautiful and customizable tables to summarize several...
r-modeltests 0.1.4 MIT X Provides a number of testthat tests that can be used to verify that...
r-modeltime 1.2.8 MIT X The time series forecasting framework for use with the...
r-modeltime.ensemble 1.0.3 MIT X A 'modeltime' extension that implements time series ensemble...
r-modeltime.resample 0.2.3 MIT X A 'modeltime' extension that implements forecast resampling...
r-modeltools 0.2_23 GPL-2 XXXX A collection of tools to deal with statistical models. The...
r-modelwordcloud 0.1 LGPL-2.1 X Makes a word cloud of text, sized by the frequency of the word, and...
r-moderndive 0.5.5 GPL-3 X Datasets and wrapper functions for tidyverse-friendly introductory...
r-modes 0.7.0 CC X Designed with a dual purpose of accurately estimating the mode (or...
r-modest 0.3_1 GPL-2 X User-friendly Shiny apps for designing and evaluating phase I cancer...
r-modeva 3.9.3 GPL-3 X Analyses species distribution models and evaluates their performance....
r-modifiedmk 1.6 AGPL-3 X Power of non-parametric Mann-Kendall test and Spearman’s Rho test is...
r-modistools 1.1.5 AGPL-3 X Programmatic interface to the Oak Ridge National Laboratories...
r-modistsp 2.1.0 GPL-3 X Allows automating the creation of time series of rasters derived from...
r-modmarg 0.9.6 GPL-3 X Calculate predicted levels and marginal effects, using the delta method...
r-modmax 1.1 GPL-2 X The algorithms implemented here are used to detect the community...
r-modtempeff 1.5.2 GPL-3 X Fits a Constrained Segmented Distributed Lag regression model to...
r-modturpoint 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Turning point method is a method proposed by Choi (1990)...
r-modules 0.12.0 MIT X Provides modules as an organizational unit for source code. Modules...
r-modygliani 1.0 MIT X RMSD and Internal Energy analysis of NAMD and YASARA Molecular Dynamics...
r-mogavs 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Functions for exploring the best subsets in regression with a genetic...
r-mokken 3.1.0 GPL-2 X Contains functions for performing Mokken scale analysis on test and...
r-mole 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Model for simulating language evolution in terms of cultural evolution...
r-mombf 3.4.2 GPL-2 X Model selection and averaging for regression and mixtures, inclusing...
r-momentchi2 0.1.5 GPL-2 X A collection of moment-matching methods for computing the cumulative...
r-moments 0.14.1 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate: moments, Pearson's kurtosis, Geary's...
r-momtrunc 6.0 GPL-2 XX It computes arbitrary products moments (mean vector and...
r-mondate 0.10.02 MPL-2.0 X Keep track of dates in terms of fractional calendar months per Damien...
r-mondrian 1.1.0 GPL X The unique function of this package allows representing in a single...
r-monetdb.r 2.0.0 MPL XXX Allows to pull data from MonetDB into R.
r-mongolite 2.7.2 Apache XXX High-performance MongoDB client based on 'mongo-c-driver' and...
r-monitor 1.0.7 GPL-2 X Acoustic template detection and monitoring database interface. Create,...
r-monographar 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Contains functions intended to facilitate the production of plant...
r-monomvn 1.9_18 LGPL-3 XXX Estimation of multivariate normal (MVN) and student-t data of arbitrary...
r-monopoly 0.3_10 GPL-2 XXX Functions for fitting monotone polynomials to data. Detailed discussion...
r-monotonicity 1.3.1 BSD_3_clause X Test for monotonicity in financial variables sorted by portfolios. It...
r-monreg 0.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Estimates monotone regression and variance functions in a nonparametric...
r-monte.carlo.se 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Computes Monte Carlo standard errors for summaries of Monte Carlo...
r-moonbook 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Several analysis-related functions for the book entitled "R...
r-mopsocd 0.5.1 GPL-2 X A multi-objective optimization solver based on particle swarm...
r-morder 0.1 GPL-2 X MOrder provide functions to check time homogeneity and order of markov...
r-morgenstemning 1.0 GPL-3 X This package is a port of the MATLAB colourmap functions accompanying...
r-morpho 2.11 GPL-2 X A toolset for Geometric Morphometrics and mesh processing. This...
r-morsegen 1.2 GPL-2 X MorseGen is a program for generating raw data based on user-specified...
r-mortalitylaws 2.0.3 MIT X Fit the most popular human mortality 'laws', and construct full...
r-mosaic GPL-2 X Data sets and utilities from Project MOSAIC...
r-mosaiccalc 0.6.0 GPL-2 X Software to support the introductory *MOSAIC Calculus* textbook...
r-mosaiccore GPL-2 X Common utilities used in other MOSAIC-family packages are collected here.
r-mosaicdata 0.20.3 GPL-2 X Data sets from Project MOSAIC (<http://www.mosaic-web.org>) used...
r-most 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions similar to the 'SAS' macros previously...
r-motilitylab 0.2_5 GPL-2 X Statistics to quantify tracks of moving things (x-y-z-t data), such as...
r-moult 2.3.1 GPL-2 X Functions to estimate start and duration of moult from moult data,...
r-mountainplot 1.4 GPL-3 X Lattice functions for drawing folded empirical cumulative distribution...
r-mousetrap 3.2.2 GPL-3 X Mouse-tracking, the analysis of mouse movements in computerized...
r-move 4.2.4 GPL-3 X Contains functions to access movement data stored in...
r-movehmm 1.9 GPL-3 X Provides tools for animal movement modelling using hidden Markov...
r-mozzie 0.1.0 CC0 X Weekly notified dengue cases in 25 districts of Sri Lanka from 2008/...
r-mp 0.4.1 GPL-3 XXX Multidimensional projection techniques are used to create two...
r-mpath 0.4_2.23 GPL-2 X Algorithms compute robust estimators for loss functions in the concave...
r-mpci 1.0.7 GPL-2 X It performs the followings Multivariate Process Capability Indices:...
r-mpcmp 0.1.3 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for estimation, testing and diagnostic...
r-mpcv 1.1 GPL X Multivariate process capability analysis using the multivariate process...
r-mpdir 0.2 GPL-2 X Data sets and scripts for Modeling Psychophysical Data in R (Springer).
r-mpe 1.0 LGPL-3 X Functions for calculating sample size and power for clinical trials...
r-mpinet 1.0 GPL-2 X (1) Our system provides a network-based strategies for metabolite...
r-mpkn 0.1.0 GPL-3 X A matrix discrete model having the form 'M[i+1] = (I +...
r-mplikelihoodwb 1.1 GPL-2 X Computing modified profile likelihood estimates for Weibull Shape and...
r-mplusautomation 1.1.0 LGPL-3 X Leverages the R language to automate latent variable model estimation...
r-mpm 1.0_23 GPL-2 X Exploratory graphical analysis of multivariate data, specifically gene...
r-mpmi GPL-3 XXX Uses a kernel smoothing approach to calculate Mutual Information for...
r-mpn 0.3.0 Unlimited X Calculates the Most Probable Number (MPN) to quantify the concentration...
r-mpoly 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Symbolic computing with multivariate polynomials in R.
r-mppa 1.0 GPL-2 X A procedure to test for dependence between point processes on the real...
r-mpr 1.0.6 GPL-3 X Fitting Multi-Parameter Regression (MPR) models to right-censored...
r-mps 2.3.1 GPL-2 X Developed for computing the probability density function, computing the...
r-mpsem 0.4_1 GPL-3 XXX Computational tools to represent phylogenetic signals using adapted...
r-mpsychor 0.10_8 GPL-2 X Supplementary materials and datasets for the book "Modern...
r-mpt 0.8_0 GPL-2 X Fitting and testing multinomial processing tree (MPT) models, a class...
r-mptinr 1.14.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides a user-friendly way for the analysis of multinomial processing...
r-mpv 1.63 Unlimited X Most of this package consists of data sets from the textbook...
r-mr.raps 0.2 GPL-3 X Mendelian randomization is a method of identifying and estimating a...
r-mra 2.16.11 GPL-3 XXX Accomplishes mark-recapture analysis with covariates. Models available...
r-mratios 1.4.2 GPL-2 X Performs (simultaneous) inferences for ratios of linear combinations of...
r-mrbayes 0.5.1 GPL-3 XX Bayesian estimation of inverse variance weighted (IVW), Burgess et al....
r-mrbin 1.7.4 GPL-3 X A collection of functions for processing and analyzing metabolite data....
r-mrclient 3.4.3 Proprietary XX A free, community-supported, data science tool for high performance analytics
r-mrclient-mlm 3.4.3 Proprietary X Pre-trained machine learning models for sentiment analysis and image detection
r-mrclient-mml 3.4.3 Proprietary XX Provides state-of-the-art fast, scalable machine learning algorithms...
r-mrds 2.2.9 GPL-2 X Animal abundance estimation via conventional, multiple covariate and...
r-mreg 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Implements the methods described in Bond S, Farewell V, 2006, Exact...
r-mrfdepth 1.0.15 GPL-2 X Tools to compute depth measures and implementations of related tasks...
r-mrfse 0.4.1 GPL-3 XXX Three algorithms for estimating a Markov random field structure.Two of...
r-mrgsolve 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Fast simulation from ordinary differential equation (ODE) based models...
r-mri 1.0.1 GPL-2 X It provides functions to compute the values of different modifications...
r-mrm 1.1.6 GPL-2 XXX Conditional maximum likelihood estimation via the EM algorithm and...
r-mrmre Artistic-2.0 XXX Computes mutual information matrices from continuous, categorical and...
r-mro 0.1.1 GPL-2 XX Computes multiple correlation coefficient when the data matrix is given...
r-mrpostman 1.1.0 GPL-3 X An easy-to-use IMAP client that provides tools for message searching,...
r-mrqol 1.0 GPL X We can calculate directly used this package the Minimal Clinically...
r-mrs 1.2.4 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of the MRS algorithm for comparison across...
r-mrsurv 0.2 GPL-2 X This package contains functions, data and examples to compute a...
r-mrtsamplesize 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Provide a sample size calculator for micro-randomized trials (MRTs)...
r-ms.sev 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Calculates ARMSS (age related multiple sclerosis severity), and both...
r-msaface 0.1.0 GPL-3 X The new methodology "moving subset analysis" provides functions...
r-msap 1.1.8 GPL-2 X Statistical Analyses of Methylation-sensitive Amplification...
r-msar 0.6.0 BSL-1.0 X Visualizes multiple sequence alignments dynamically within the Shiny...
r-msbox 1.4.8 GPL-2 X Common mass spectrometry tools described in John Roboz (2013)...
r-msbp 1.4_1 GPL-2 XXX Performs Bayesian nonparametric multiscale density estimation and...
r-mschart 0.4.0 MIT X Create native charts for 'Microsoft PowerPoint' and...
r-mscombine 1.4 GPL-2 X Find common entities detected in both positive and negative ionization...
r-msda 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Efficient procedures for computing a new Multi-Class Sparse...
r-msde 1.0.5 GPL-3 XXX Implements an MCMC sampler for the posterior distribution of arbitrary...
r-mseapca 2.0.1 LGPL-3 X Computing metabolite set enrichment analysis (MSEA) (Yamamoto, H. et...
r-msg 0.8 GPL-3 X A companion to the Chinese book ``Modern Statistical Graphics''.
r-msglasso 2.1 GPL-2 XXX For fitting multivariate response and multiple predictor linear...
r-msgpackr 1.1 BSD_2_clause X This is the library that can serialize or unserialize MessagePack format data.
r-msgps 1.3.5 GPL-2 XXX Computes the degrees of freedom of the lasso, elastic net, generalized...
r-msigdbr 7.5.1 MIT X Provides the 'Molecular Signatures Database' (MSigDB) gene sets...
r-msimcc 0.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Micro simulation model to reproduce natural history of cervical cancer...
r-msm 1.7 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting continuous-time Markov and hidden Markov...
r-msma 3.0 GPL-2 X Several functions can be used to analyze multiblock multivariable data....
r-msme 0.5.3 GPL-3 X Functions and datasets from Hilbe, J.M., and Robinson, A.P. 2013....
r-msmtools 2.0.1 GPL-3 X A fast and general method for restructuring classical longitudinal data...
r-msmwra 1.5 GPL-3 X Data sets in the book entitled "Multivariate Statistical Methods...
r-mssm 0.1.6 GPL-2 XXX Provides methods to perform parameter estimation and make analysis of...
r-mssqlr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Can be used to query data from data from Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL,...
r-mstate 0.3.2 GPL-2 XXX Contains functions for data preparation, descriptives, hazard...
r-mstknnclust 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Implements the MST-kNN clustering algorithm which was proposed by...
r-mstr 1.2 GPL-2 X Generation of response patterns under dichotomous and polytomous...
r-mstrio Apache X Interface for creating data sets and extracting data through the...
r-msu 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Estimators for multivariate symmetrical uncertainty based on the work...
r-mswm 1.5 GPL X Estimation, inference and diagnostics for Univariate Autoregressive...
r-mtdrh 0.1.0 GPL-2 X The Mass Transportation Distance rank histogram was developed to assess...
r-mthapower 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Calculate Sample Size and Power for Association Studies Involving...
r-mtlr 0.2.1 GPL-2 XXX An implementation of Multi-Task Logistic Regression (MTLR) for R. This...
r-mts 1.2.1 Artistic-2.0 XXX Multivariate Time Series (MTS) is a general package for analyzing...
r-mtsys 1.2.0 MIT X Mahalanobis-Taguchi (MT) system is a collection of multivariate...
r-muchpoint 0.6.3 GPL-2 XXX Nonparametric approach to estimate the location of block boundaries...
r-muckrock 0.1.0 Unlimited X A data package containing public domain information on requests made by...
r-mudens 1.3.2 GPL-2 XXX Compute a density estimate from a vector of right-censored survival...
r-muerelativerisk 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Implements an estimator for relative risk based on the median unbiased...
r-muficokriging 1.2 GPL-3 X This package builds multi-fidelity cokriging models from responses with...
r-muhaz GPL-3 XXX Produces a smooth estimate of the hazard function for censored data.
r-mullerplot 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Generates Muller plot from parental/genealogy/phylogeny information and...
r-mulset 1.0.0 EUPL X Computes efficient data distributions from highly inconsistent datasets...
r-multcomp 1.4_25 GPL-2 XXXX Simultaneous tests and confidence intervals for general linear...
r-multcompview 0.1_9 GPL-3 X Convert a logical vector or a vector of p-values or a correlation,...
r-multdm 1.1.4 GPL-3 X Allows to perform the multivariate version of the Diebold-Mariano test...
r-multeq 2.4 GPL-3 X Equivalence tests and related confidence intervals for the comparison...
r-multfisher 1.1 GPL-3 X Calculates exact hypothesis tests to compare a treatment and a...
r-multgee 1.9.0 GPL-2 X GEE solver for correlated nominal or ordinal multinomial responses...
r-multiapply 2.1.4 GPL-3 X The base apply function and its variants, as well as the related...
r-multiassetoptions 0.1_2 GPL-2 X Efficient finite difference method for valuing European and American...
r-multiband 0.1.0 MIT X Algorithms for performing joint parameter estimation in astronomical...
r-multica 1.1 GPL-2 X Implements a generalization of the Cochran-Armitage trend test to...
r-multicmp 1.1 GPL-3 X A toolkit containing statistical analysis models motivated by...
r-multicnvdetect 0.1_1 GPL-2 XXX This package provides a tool for analysis of multiple CNV.
r-multicoll 2.0 GPL-2 X The detection of worrying approximate collinearity in a multiple linear...
r-multicool 0.1_12 GPL-2 XXX A set of tools to permute multisets without loops or hash tables and to...
r-multidplyr 0.1.3 MIT X Partition a data frame across multiple worker processes to provide...
r-multifit 1.1.1 CC0 XXX Test for independence of two random vectors, learn and report the...
r-multifwf 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Read a table of fixed width formatted data of different types into a...
r-multigroup 0.4.5 GPL-3 X Multivariate analysis methods including principal component analysis,...
r-multijoin 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Wrapper around the Unix join facility which is more efficient than the...
r-multilaterals 1.0 GPL-3 X Computing transitive (and non-transitive) index numbers (Coelli et al.,...
r-multilevel 2.7 GPL-2 X Tools used by organizational researchers for the analysis of multilevel...
r-multilinguer 0.2.4 MIT X Provides install functions of other languages such as 'java',...
r-multimode 1.5 GPL-3 X Different examples and methods for testing (including different...
r-multinbmod 1.0 GPL-2 X This is a likelihood approach for the regression analysis of...
r-multinet 4.1.2 Apache XX Functions for the creation/generation and analysis of multilayer social...
r-multinomialci 1.2 LGPL-3 X An implementation of a method for building simultaneous confidence...
r-multiord 2.4.3 GPL-2 X A method for multivariate ordinal data generation given marginal...
r-multiplebubbles 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Provides the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and its variations to check...
r-multiplencc 1.2_3 GPL-2 X Fit Cox proportional hazard models with a weighted partial likelihood....
r-multiplex 3.1.0 GPL-3 X Algebraic procedures for analyses of multiple social networks are...
r-multipol 1.0_9 GPL-3 X Various utilities to manipulate multivariate polynomials. The package...
r-multirdpg 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Fits the Multiple Random Dot Product Graph Model and performs a test...
r-multirich 2.1.3 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate Unique Trait Combinations (UTC) and scaled...
r-multirng 1.2.4 GPL-2 X Pseudo-random number generation for 11 multivariate distributions:...
r-multirobust 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Multiply robust estimation for population mean (Han and Wang 2013)...
r-multiroc 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Tools to solve real-world problems with multiple classes...
r-multirr 1.1 GPL-2 X Calculates bias, precision, and power for multi-level random...
r-multisom 1.3 GPL-2 X Implements two versions of the algorithm namely: stochastic and batch....
r-multispatialccm 1.2 GPL-2 XXX The multispatial convergent cross mapping algorithm can be used as a...
r-multisv 0.0_67 LGPL-3 X MultiSV is an R package for identification of structural variations in...
r-multitaper 1.0_17 GPL-2 XXX Implements multitaper spectral analysis using discrete prolate...
r-multivariance 2.4.1 GPL-3 XXX Distance multivariance is a measure of dependence which can be used to...
r-multivariaterandomforest 1.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Models and predicts multiple output features in single random forest...
r-multivarsel 1.1.3 GPL-2 X It performs variable selection in a multivariate linear model by...
r-multivator 1.1_11 GPL-2 X A multivariate generalization of the emulator package.
r-multiwave 1.4 GPL-2 X Computation of an estimation of the long-memory parameters and the...
r-multiway 1.0_6 GPL-2 X Fits multi-way component models via alternating least squares...
r-multiwayregression 1.2 GPL-3 X Functions to predict one multi-way array (i.e., a tensor) from another...
r-multiwayvcov 1.2.3 BSD_2_clause X Exports two functions implementing multi-way clustering using the...
r-multnonparam 1.3.9 GPL-2 XXX A collection of multivariate nonparametric methods, selected in part to...
r-multxpert 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of commonly used p-value-based and parametric multiple...
r-mumin 1.47.5 GPL-2 X Tools for performing model selection and model averaging. Automated...
r-munsell 0.5.0 MIT XXXX Provides easy access to, and manipulation of, the Munsell colours....
r-murl 0.1_13 GPL-3 X Provides mailmerge methods for reading spreadsheets of addresses and...
r-murphydiagram 0.12.2 GPL-3 X Data and code for the paper by Ehm, Gneiting, Jordan and Krueger...
r-murty 0.3.1 MIT X Calculates k-best solutions and costs for an assignment problem...
r-mus 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Sampling and evaluation methods to apply Monetary Unit Sampling (or in...
r-music 0.1.2 GPL-3 X An aid for learning and using music theory. You can build chords,...
r-mustat 1.7.0 GPL-2 X Performs Wilcox rank sum test, Kruskal rank sum test, Friedman rank sum...
r-mva 1.0_8 GPL-2 X Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the book `An...
r-mvar 2.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Package for multivariate analysis, having functions that perform simple...
r-mvar.pt 2.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Pacote para analise multivariada, tendo funcoes que executam analise de...
r-mvb 1.1 GPL XXX Fit log-linear model for multivariate Bernoulli distribution with mixed...
r-mvbinary 1.1 GPL-2 X Modelling Multivariate Binary Data with Blocks of Specific One-Factor...
r-mvbutils 2.8.232 GPL-2 X Hierarchical workspace tree, code editing and backup, easy package...
r-mvcluster 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of multi-view bi-clustering algorithms. When a sample is...
r-mvcwt 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Computes the continuous wavelet transform of irregularly sampled time series.
r-mvglmmrank 1.2_4 GPL-2 X Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained via an EM algorithm with...
r-mvinfluence 0.9.0 GPL-2 X Computes regression deletion diagnostics for multivariate linear models...
r-mvisage 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients are commonly used to...
r-mvlm 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Allows a user to conduct multivariate multiple regression using...
r-mvmeta 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Collection of functions to perform fixed and random-effects...
r-mvmise 1.0 GPL-3 X Offers a general framework of multivariate mixed-effects models for the...
r-mvn 5.9 GPL-2 X Performs multivariate normality tests and graphical approaches and...
r-mvna 2.0.1 MIT XXX Computes the Nelson-Aalen estimator of the cumulative transition hazard...
r-mvnbayesian 0.0.8_11 GPL-2 X Tools of Bayesian analysis framework using the method suggested by...
r-mvnfast 0.2.8 GPL XXX Provides computationally efficient tools related to the multivariate...
r-mvnggrad 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Package for moving grid adjustment in plant breeding field trials.
r-mvnmle 0.1_11.2 GPL-2 XXX Finds the Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimate of the mean vector and...
r-mvnormtest 0.1_9 GPL-3 X Generalization of shapiro-wilk test for multivariate variables.
r-mvnpermute 1.0.1 GPL X Given a vector of multivariate normal data, a matrix of covariates and...
r-mvntest 1.1_0 GPL-2 X Routines for assessing multivariate normality. Implements three...
r-mvoutlier 2.1.1 GPL-3 X Various methods for multivariate outlier detection: arw, a...
r-mvpot 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Tools for high-dimensional peaks-over-threshold inference and...
r-mvprobit 0.1_10 GPL-2 X Tools for estimating multivariate probit models, calculating...
r-mvprpb 1.0.4 BSD_3_clause X Computes orthant probabilities multivariate normal distribution.
r-mvquad 1.0_8 GPL-3 X Provides methods to construct multivariate grids, which can be used for...
r-mvrtn 1.0 LGPL XXX Mean, variance, and random variates for left/right truncated normal...
r-mvshapirotest 1.0 GPL-3 X This package implements the generalization of the Shapiro-Wilk test for...
r-mvt 0.3_8 GPL-3 XXX Routines to perform estimation and inference under the multivariate...
r-mvtmeta 1.1 GPL-3 X Functions to run fixed effects or random effects multivariate meta-analysis.
r-mvtnorm 1.2_3 GPL-2 XXX Computes multivariate normal and t probabilities, quantiles, random...
r-mvtsplot 1.0_4 GPL-2 X A function for plotting multivariate time series data.
r-mwaved 1.1.7 GPL-3 XXX Computes the Wavelet deconvolution estimate of a common signal present...
r-mwlasso 1.3.1 GPL-3 X The Moving-Window Lasso (MWLasso) method for genome-wide association...
r-mwridge 1.0.0 GPL-3 X A two stage moving-window Ridge method for coefficients estimation and...
r-mwright 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Implements random number generation, plotting, and estimation...
r-mwshiny 2.1.0 MIT X A simple function, mwsApp(), that runs a 'shiny' app spanning...
r-mxkssd 1.2 GPL-2 X Generates efficient balanced mixed-level k-circulant supersaturated...
r-mxm 1.5.5 GPL-2 X Many feature selection methods for a wide range of response variables,...
r-mycobacrvr 1.1 GPL-2 X The mycobacrvR package contains utilities to provide detailed...
r-mycor 0.1.1 CC0 X Perform correlation and linear regression test among the numeric fields...
r-myepisodes 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Useful functions for accessing MyEpisodes feeds and episode information...
r-myrrixjars 1.0_2 Apache X External jars required for package 'Myrrix'. 'Myrrix'...
r-n1qn1 6.0.1_11 CeCILL-2 XXX Provides 'Scilab' 'n1qn1'. This takes more memory than...
r-n2r 1.0.1 Apache X Implements methods to perform fast approximate K-nearest neighbor...
r-na.tools 0.3.1 GPL-3 X This comprehensive toolkit provide a consistent and extensible...
r-nabor 0.5.0 BSD_3_clause XXX An R wrapper for 'libnabo', an exact or approximate k nearest...
r-nada 1.6_1.1 GPL-2 X Contains methods described by Dennis Helsel in his book "Nondetects...
r-nadiv 2.17.2 GPL-2 XXX Constructs (non)additive genetic relationship matrices, and their...
r-naepirtparams 1.0.0 GPL-2 X This data package contains the Item Response Theory (IRT) parameters...
r-naepprimer 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Contains a sample of the 2005 Grade 8 Mathematics data from the...
r-naivebayes 0.9.7 GPL-2 X In this implementation of the Naive Bayes classifier following class...
r-nakagami 1.1.0 MIT X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-nam 1.7.3 GPL-3 XXX Designed for association studies in nested association mapping (NAM)...
r-namedcapture 2020.4.1 GPL-3 X User-friendly wrappers for named capture regular expressions....
r-nameneedle 1.2.7 Apache X The Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm can be used to find...
r-namespace 0.9.1 GPL-2 XXXX This package provides user-level functions to manage namespaces not...
r-naniar 1.0.0 MIT X Missing values are ubiquitous in data and need to be explored and...
r-nanoarrow 0.3.0 Apache X Provides an 'R' interface to the 'nanoarrow'...
r-nanonext 0.10.2 GPL-3 X R binding for NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. NNG is a...
r-nanotime 0.3.7 GPL-2 X Full 64-bit resolution date and time functionality with nanosecond...
r-naptime 1.3.0 GPL-2 X Provides a near drop-in replacement for base::Sys.sleep() that allows...
r-nardl 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Computes the nonlinear cointegrating autoregressive distributed lag...
r-narray 0.5.1 Apache X Stacking arrays according to dimension names, subset-aware splitting...
r-nasapower 4.0.11 MIT X An API client for NASA POWER global meteorology, surface solar energy...
r-nasaweather 0.1 GPL-3 X This package contains tidied data from the ASA 2006 data expo, as well...
r-nat.utils 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Utility functions that may be of general interest but are specifically...
r-natserv 1.0.0 MIT X Interface to 'NatureServe'...
r-natural 0.9.0 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of the two error variance estimation methods in...
r-naturalsort 0.1.3 BSD_3_clause X Provides functions related to human natural ordering. It handles...
r-naturesounds 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Collection of example animal sounds for bioacoustic analysis.
r-nb 0.9 GPL-2 X Estimate the effective population size of a closed population using...
r-nb.mclust 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Model-based clustering of high-dimensional non-negative data that...
r-nbc4va 1.2 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) algorithm used...
r-nbclust 3.0.1 GPL-2 X It provides 30 indexes for determining the optimal number of clusters...
r-nbconvertr 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Calls the 'Jupyter' script 'nbconvert' to create...
r-nbddirichlet 1.4 GPL-3 X The Dirichlet (aka NBD-Dirichlet) model describes the purchase...
r-ncbit 2013.03.29.1 GPL-2 X Makes NCBI taxonomic data locally available and searchable as an R object.
r-ncdf4 1.21 GPL-3 XX Provides a high-level R interface to data files written using...
r-ncdfgeom 1.1.5 CC0 X Tools to create time series and geometry 'NetCDF' files.
r-ncdunnett 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Computes the noncentral Dunnett's test distribution (pdf, cdf and...
r-ncf 1.3_2 GPL-3 X Spatial (cross-)covariance and related geostatistical tools: the...
r-ncg 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Computes the noncentral gamma function: pdf, cdf, quantile function and...
r-ncmeta 0.3.6 GPL-3 X Extract metadata from 'NetCDF' data sources, these can be...
r-ncmisc 1.2.0 GPL-2 X A set of handy functions. Includes a versatile one line progress bar,...
r-ncopula 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Construct and manipulate hierarchical Archimedean copulas with...
r-ncpen 1.0.0 GPL-3 XXX An efficient unified nonconvex penalized estimation algorithm for...
r-ncvreg 3.14.1 GPL-3 XXX Fits regularization paths for linear regression, GLM, and Cox...
r-ndjson 0.9.0 MIT X Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') has one 'JSON'...
r-ndp 0.1.0 GPL-2 X An interactive presentation on the topic of normal distribution using...
r-nearender 1.5 GPL-3 X Performs network enrichment analysis against functional gene sets....
r-neariso 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Implements a path algorithm for Near-Isotonic Regression. For more...
r-neat 1.2.3 GPL-3 X Includes functions and examples to compute NEAT, the Network Enrichment...
r-neatranges 0.1.4 MIT XX Collapse, partition, combine, fill gaps in and expand date/time ranges.
r-needs 0.0.3 MIT X A simple function for easier package loading and auto-installation.
r-needy 0.2 MIT X needy is a small utility library designed to make testing function...
r-negbinbetabinreg 1.0 GPL-2 X The Negative Binomial regression with mean and shape modeling and mean...
r-negenes 1.0_12 GPL-3 XXX Estimating the number of essential genes in a genome on the basis of...
r-neighbr 1.0.3 GPL X Classification, regression, and clustering with k nearest neighbors...
r-neonutilities 2.4.0 AGPL-3 X NEON data packages can be accessed through the NEON Data Portal...
r-nephro 1.4 GPL-3 X Set of functions to estimate kidney function and other phenotypes of...
r-nestedcohort 1.1_3 GPL-2 X Estimate hazard ratios, survival curves and attributable risks for...
r-nestedcv 0.7.0 MIT X Implements nested k*l-fold cross-validation for lasso and elastic-net...
r-nestedlogit 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions for specifying and fitting nested dichotomy logistic...
r-nestedmodels 1.1.0 MIT X A modelling framework for nested data using the 'tidymodels'...
r-nestfs 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Implementation of forward selection based on cross-validated linear and...
r-netchain 0.2.0 GPL-3 XXX In networks, treatments may spill over from the treated individual to...
r-netcoh 0.2 GPL-2 XXX Model fitting procedures for regression with network cohesion effects,...
r-netcomp 1.6 GPL-3 XXX This package contains functions to carry out high throughput data...
r-netdata 0.3 GPL-2 X This package contains all data needed for Dan McFarland's SNA R labs.
r-netindices GPL-2 X Given a network (e.g. a food web), estimates several network indices....
r-netmeta 2.8_2 GPL-2 X A comprehensive set of functions providing frequentist methods for...
r-netrankr 1.2.1 MIT XXX Implements methods for centrality related analyses of networks. While...
r-netregr 1.0.1 MIT X Regress network responses (both directed and undirected) onto...
r-nets 0.9.1 GPL-3 XXX Sparse VAR estimation based on LASSO.
r-netsimr 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Assists actuaries and other insurance modellers in pricing, reserving...
r-netstat 0.1.2 MIT X R interface for the 'netstat' command line utility used to...
r-netswan 0.1 GPL-2 X A set of functions for studying network robustness, resilience and...
r-netweaver 0.0.6 GPL-3 X Implements various simple function utilities and flexible pipelines to...
r-network 1.18.1 GPL-2 X Tools to create and modify network objects. The network class can...
r-networkcomparisontest 2.2.2 GPL-2 X This permutation based hypothesis test, suited for several types of...
r-networkd3 0.4 GPL XXXX Creates 'D3' 'JavaScript' network, tree, dendrogram,...
r-networkdynamic 0.11.3 GPL-3 X Simple interface routines to facilitate the handling of network objects...
r-networkgen 0.1.1 GPL-3 X A network Maze generator that creates different types of network mazes.
r-networklite 1.0.5 GPL-3 X An implementation of some of the core 'network' package...
r-networktoolbox 1.4.2 GPL X Implements network analysis and graph theory measures used in...
r-networktools 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Includes assorted tools for network analysis. Bridge centrality;...
r-neural GPL-2 X RBF and MLP neural networks with graphical user interface
r-neuralnet 1.44.2 GPL-2 X Training of neural networks using backpropagation, resilient...
r-neuralnettools 1.5.3 CC0 X Visualization and analysis tools to aid in the interpretation of neural...
r-neurobase 1.32.3 GPL-2 X Base package for 'Neuroconductor', which includes many helper...
r-neuroblastoma 2023.9.3 GPL-3 X Annotated neuroblastoma copy number profiles, a benchmark data set for...
r-neurohcp 0.9.0 GPL-2 X Downloads and reads data from Human 'Connectome' Project...
r-neurosim 0.2_14 GPL-2 XXX Generates functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) time series or...
r-neverhpfilter 0.4_0 GPL-3 X In the working paper titled "Why You Should Never Use the...
r-newdistns 2.1 GPL-2 X Computes the probability density function, cumulative distribution...
r-newtestsurvrec 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Implements the routines to compare the survival curves with recurrent...
r-nfactors GPL X Indices, heuristics and strategies to help determine the number of...
r-nfca 0.3 GPL-2 X Numerical Formal Concept Analysis (nFCA) is a modern unsupervised...
r-nfl4th 1.0.4 MIT X A set of functions to estimate outcomes of fourth down plays in the...
r-nflfastr 4.6.0 MIT X A set of functions to access National Football League play-by-play data...
r-nflreadr 1.4.0 MIT X A minimal package for downloading data from 'GitHub'...
r-nflseedr 1.2.0 MIT X A set of functions to simulate National Football League seasons...
r-nfwdist 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-ngram 3.2.2 BSD_2_clause XXX An n-gram is a sequence of n "words" taken, in order, from a...
r-ngramrr 0.2.0 GPL-2 X A simple n-gram (contiguous sequences of n items from a given sequence...
r-ngspatial 1.2_2 GPL-2 XXX Provides tools for analyzing spatial data, especially non- Gaussian...
r-nhanes 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Body Shape and related measurements from the US National Health and...
r-nhanesa 0.7.4 GPL-2 X Utility to retrieve data from the National Health and Nutrition...
r-nhds 1.0.3 GPL-3 X The National Hospital Discharge Survey (2010) summarizes the state of...
r-nhldata 1.0.0 CC0 X Each dataset contains scores for every game during a specific season of the NHL.
r-nhsrdatasets 0.3.0 CC0 X Free United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) and other healthcare,...
r-nice 0.4_1 MIT XX Get or set UNIX priority (niceness) of running R process.
r-nicherover 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Implementation of a probabilistic method to calculate...
r-nightday GPL-3 X Computes and plots the boundary between night and day.
r-nilde 1.1_7 GPL-2 X Routines for enumerating all existing nonnegative integer solutions of...
r-nimble 1.0.1 BSD_3_clause XXX A system for writing hierarchical statistical models largely compatible...
r-nipals 0.8 GPL-3 X Principal Components Analysis of a matrix using Non-linear Iterative...
r-nistnls 0.9_13 GPL-2 X Datasets for testing nonlinear regression routines.
r-nistunits 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Fundamental physical constants (Quantity, Value, Uncertainty, Unit) for...
r-nlar 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Client for programmatic access to the 2007 and 2012 National Lakes...
r-nlcoptim 0.6 GPL-3 X Optimization for nonlinear objective and constraint functions. Linear...
r-nleqslv 3.3.4 GPL-2 XXX Solve a system of nonlinear equations using a Broyden or a Newton...
r-nlgeocoder 0.1.3 GPL-2 X R interface to the open location server API of 'Publieke Diensten...
r-nlirms 3.4.4 MIT X Design of non-life insurance rate-making system with a frequency and a...
r-nlist 0.3.3 MIT X Create and manipulate numeric list ('nlist') objects. An...
r-nlme 3.1_163 GPL-2 XXX Fit and compare Gaussian linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models.
r-nlmeode 1.1 LGPL-2.1 X This package combines the odesolve and nlme packages for mixed-effects...
r-nlmeu 0.70_9 GPL-2 X Datasets and utility functions enhancing functionality of nlme...
r-nlmixr2data 2.0.8 GPL-3 X Datasets for 'nlmixr2' and 'rxode2'. 'nlmixr2'...
r-nlmixr2est 2.1.8 GPL-3 X Fit and compare nonlinear mixed-effects models in differential...
r-nlmrt 2016.3.2 GPL-2 X Replacement for nls() tools for working with nonlinear least squares...
r-nlms 1.1 GPL-3 X Package to select best model among several linear and nonlinear...
r-nloptr 2.0.3 LGPL-3 XXX Solve optimization problems using an R interface to NLopt. NLopt is a...
r-nlp 0.2_1 GPL-3 XXXX Basic classes and methods for Natural Language Processing.
r-nlraa 1.9.3 GPL-3 X Additional nonlinear regression functions using self-start (SS)...
r-nlroot 1.0 GPL-2 X This is a package which can help you search for the root of a equation.
r-nls2 0.3_3 GPL-2 X Adds brute force and multiple starting values to nls.
r-nlshrink 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Non-linear shrinkage estimation of population eigenvalues and...
r-nlsmsn 0.0_6 GPL X Fit univariate non-linear scale mixture of skew-normal(NL-SMSN)...
r-nlsr 2023.8.31 GPL-2 X Provides tools for working with nonlinear least squares problems. For...
r-nlsrk 1.1 GPL-2 X Performs univariate or multivariate computation of a single ODE or of a...
r-nlstools 2.0_1 GPL-3 X Several tools for assessing the quality of fit of a gaussian nonlinear...
r-nlsylinks 2.2.1 GPL-3 X Utilities and kinship information for behavior genetics and...
r-nltm 1.4.4 GPL-2 XXX Fits a non-linear transformation model ('nltm') for analyzing...
r-nltt 1.4.9 GPL-2 X Provides functions to calculate the normalised Lineage-Through- Time...
r-nlwaldtest 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Wald Test for nonlinear restrictions on model parameters and confidence...
r-nmainla 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Performs network meta-analysis using integrated nested Laplace...
r-nmdata 0.1.2 MIT X Efficient tools for preparation, checking and post-processing of data...
r-nmf 0.21.0 GPL XXX Provides a framework to perform Non-negative Matrix Factorization...
r-nmfgpu4r GPL-3 XXX Wrapper package for the nmfgpu library, which implements several...
r-nmfn 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Non-negative Matrix Factorization.
r-nmi 2.0 GNU X Calculates the normalized mutual information (NMI) of two community...
r-nmof 2.7_1 GPL-3 X Functions, examples and data from the first and the second edition of...
r-nmw 0.1.5 GPL-3 X This shows how NONMEM(R) software works. NONMEM's classical...
r-nna GPL-2 X Calculates spatial pattern analysis using a T-square sample procedure....
r-nnet 7.3_19 GPL-2 XXX Software for feed-forward neural networks with a single hidden layer,...
r-nnfor 0.9.8 GPL-3 X Automatic time series modelling with neural networks. Allows fully...
r-nngeo 0.4.7 MIT X K-nearest neighbor search for projected and non-projected 'sf'...
r-nnlasso 0.3 GPL-2 X Estimates of coefficients of lasso penalized linear regression and...
r-nnlm 0.4.3 BSD_2_clause XXX This is a package for Non-Negative Linear Models (NNLM). It implements...
r-nnls 1.5 GPL-2 XXXX An R interface to the Lawson-Hanson implementation of an algorithm for...
r-nnmis 1.0.1 LGPL-2 X Imputation for both missing covariates and censored observations...
r-nns 10.2 GPL-3 X Nonlinear nonparametric statistics using partial moments. Partial...
r-noaaoceans 0.3.0 MIT X Provides a small set of tools for collecting data from National Oceanic...
r-noctua 2.6.2 MIT X Designed to be compatible with the 'R' package 'DBI'...
r-nodbi 0.9.8 MIT X Simplified document database access and manipulation, providing a...
r-nodeharvest 0.7_3 GPL-3 X Node harvest is a simple interpretable tree-like estimator for...
r-nofrills 0.3.2 MIT X Provides a compact variation of the usual syntax of function...
r-noia 0.97.3 GPL-2 X The NOIA model, as described extensively in Alvarez-Castro &...
r-noisyce2 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Cross-Entropy optimisation of unconstrained deterministic and noisy...
r-nomclust 2.8.0 GPL-2 XX Similarity measures for hierarchical clustering of objects...
r-nominatimlite 0.2.1 MIT X Lite interface for getting data from 'OSM' service...
r-nomnoml 0.2.7 MIT X A tool for drawing sassy 'UML' (Unified Modeling Language)...
r-noncensus 0.1 MIT X A collection of various regional information determined by the U.S....
r-noncompart 0.6.0 GPL-3 X Conduct a noncompartmental analysis with industrial strength. Some...
r-noncompliance 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX A finite-population significance test of the 'sharp' causal...
r-nonlineartseries 0.2.12 GPL-3 X Functions for nonlinear time series analysis. This package permits the...
r-nonneg.cg 0.1.6_1 BSD_2_clause XXX Minimize a differentiable function subject to all the variables being...
r-nonnest2 0.5_6 GPL-2 X Testing non-nested models via theory supplied by Vuong (1989)...
r-nonnormvtdist 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Implements calculation of probability density function, cumulative...
r-nonpar 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Contains the following 5 nonparametric hypothesis tests: The Sign Test,...
r-nonpareil 3.4.0 Artistic-2.0 X Plot, process, and analyze NPO files produced by 'Nonpareil'...
r-nonpmodelcheck 3.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides tests of significance for covariates (or groups of covariates)...
r-nontargetdata 1.1 GPL-3 X Data sets for isotope pattern grouping of LC-HRMS peaks with package...
r-nopaco 1.0.7 GPL-3 XXX A non-parametric test for multi-observer concordance and differences...
r-nor1mix 1.3_0 GPL-2 X Onedimensional Normal (i.e. Gaussian) Mixture Models Classes, for,...
r-nordklimdata1 1.2 GPL-3 X The Nordklim dataset 1.0 is a unique and useful achievement for climate...
r-norm 1.0_11.1 GPL-2 XXX An integrated set of functions for the analysis of multivariate normal...
r-norm2 2.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Functions for parameter estimation, Bayesian posterior simulation and...
r-normalp 0.7.2 GPL-3 X A collection of utilities referred to Exponential Power distribution,...
r-normalr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X The robustness of many of the statistical techniques, such as factor...
r-normexpression 0.1.0 Artistic-2.0 X It provides a framework and a fast and simple way for researchers to...
r-normt3 1.0_3 GPL-2 XXX Evaluates the probability density function of the sum of the Gaussian...
r-normtest 1.1 GPL-3 X Tests for the composite hypothesis of normality
r-normwhn.test 1.0 GPL-3 X Includes Omnibus Univariate and Multivariate Normality Tests (See...
r-nortara 1.0.0 MIT X An implementation of a specific method for generating n-dimensional...
r-nortest 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Five omnibus tests for testing the composite hypothesis of normality.
r-nortestarma 1.0.2 GPL XXX Tests the goodness-of-fit to the Normal distribution for the errors of...
r-nose 1.0 GPL-2 X The nose package consists of a collection of three functions for...
r-not 1.5 GPL-2 XXX Provides efficient implementation of the Narrowest-Over-Threshold...
r-notemd 0.1.0 MIT X When building a 'shiny' app to generate reports (pdf or...
r-notifyr 1.02 GPL-2 X This Package provides a connection to the pushover.net API to send push...
r-noweb 1.1_2 LGPL-2 X The noweb system for source code, implemented in R.
r-nozzle.r1 1.1_1.1 LGPL-2 X The Nozzle package provides an API to generate HTML reports with...
r-np 0.60_17 GPL-3 XXX Nonparametric (and semiparametric) kernel methods that seamlessly...
r-nparcomp 3.0 GPL-3 X With this package, it is possible to compute nonparametric simultaneous...
r-nparld 2.2 GPL-2 X Performs nonparametric analysis of longitudinal data in factorial...
r-nparsurv 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Nonparametric Tests for Main Effects, Simple Effects and Interaction...
r-npbayesimputecat 0.5 GPL-3 XXX These routines create multiple imputations of missing at random...
r-npcd 1.0_11 LGPL-2.1 X An array of nonparametric and parametric estimation methods for...
r-npcoptest 1.03 GPL-3 XXX A non parametric test for change points detection in the dependence...
r-npcp 0.2_5 GPL-3 XXX Provides nonparametric CUSUM tests for detecting changes in possibly...
r-npde 3.4 GPL-2 X Provides routines to compute normalised prediction distribution errors,...
r-npexact 0.2 GPL-2 X Provides several novel exact hypothesis tests with minimal assumptions...
r-npflow 0.13.3 LGPL-3 X Dirichlet process mixture of multivariate normal, skew normal or skew...
r-nphazardrate 0.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions and examples for histogram, kernel (classical,...
r-nplplot 4.6 GPL-3 X Provides routines for plotting linkage and association results along a...
r-nplr 0.1_7 GPL-3 X Performing drug response analyses and IC50 estimations using...
r-npmlda 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Support the book: Wu CO and Tian X (2018). Nonparametric Models for...
r-npmlecmprsk 3.0 Artistic-2.0 X Given a failure type, the function computes covariate-specific...
r-npmlencc 1.0 GPL-2 X To compute the non-parametric maximum likelihood estimates (NPMLEs) and...
r-npmr 1.3 GPL-2 X Fit multinomial logistic regression with a penalty on the nuclear norm...
r-npmv 2.4.0 GPL-2 X Performs analysis of one-way multivariate data, for small samples using...
r-npmvcp 1.1 GPL-2 X Nonparametric Multivariate Change Point Model
r-npordtests 1.2 GPL-2 X Performs nonparametric tests for equality of location against ordered...
r-npp 0.5.0 GPL-2 X Posterior sampling in several commonly used distributions using...
r-nppbib 1.2_0 GPL-3 X Implements a nonparametric statistical test for rank or score data from...
r-npreg 1.0_9 GPL-2 X Multiple and generalized nonparametric regression using smoothing...
r-nprocregression 1.0_7 GPL-3 XXX Implements several nonparametric regression approaches for the...
r-nps 1.1 GPL-2 X Small functions to make working with survey data in the context of a...
r-npsimex 0.2_1 GPL-3 XXX This package contains a collection of functions to to perform...
r-npst 2.0 GPL-2 XXX Package 'npst' generalizes Hewitt's (1971) test for...
r-nptest 1.1 GPL-2 X Robust nonparametric bootstrap and permutation tests for location,...
r-nricens 1.6 GPL-2 X Calculating the net reclassification improvement (NRI) for risk...
r-nscancor 0.7.0_6 GPL-2 X Two implementations of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) that are...
r-nscluster 1.3.6_1 GPL-2 XXX Simulation and estimation for Neyman-Scott spatial cluster point...
r-nseval 0.4.3 GPL XXX Functions to capture, inspect, manipulate, and create lazy values...
r-nsgp 1.0.5 GPL-2 X A Gaussian process regression using a Gaussian kernel for both...
r-nsm3 1.18 GPL-2 X Designed to replace the tables which were in the back of the first two...
r-nso1212 1.4.0 GPL-3 X National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO) is the national...
r-nsprcomp 0.5.1_2 GPL-2 X Two methods for performing a constrained principal component analysis...
r-nsrfa 0.7_15 GPL-2 XXX A collection of statistical tools for objective (non-supervised)...
r-nsrr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Allows users to access data from the National Sleep Research Resource...
r-nsyllable 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Counts syllables in character vectors for English words. Imputes...
r-nullabor 0.3.9 GPL-2 X Tools for visual inference. Generate null data sets and null plots...
r-numbers 0.8_5 GPL-3 X Provides number-theoretic functions for factorization, prime numbers,...
r-numbersbr 0.0.2 MIT X Validate, format and compare identification numbers used in Brazil....
r-numderiv 2016.8_1.1 GPL-2 XXXX Methods for calculating (usually) accurate numerical first and second...
r-numero 1.9.5 GPL-2 XXX High-dimensional datasets that do not exhibit a clear intrinsic...
r-numform 0.7.0 GPL-2 X Format numbers and plots for publication; includes the removal of...
r-numgen 0.1.1 GPL-3 X A number series generator that creates number series items based on...
r-numkm 0.2.0 GPL-3 X To add the table of numbers at risk below the Kaplan-Meier plot.
r-numosl 2.7 GPL-3 XXX Optimizing regular numeric problems in optically stimulated...
r-nutshell.audioscrobbler 1.0 CC X This package contains the Audio Scrobbler data set used as an example...
r-nutshell.bbdb 1.0 CC X This package contains the baseball databank data set used as an example...
r-nvennr 0.2.3 MIT XXX Provides an interface for the "nVenn"" algorithm...
r-nws GPL-2 X Provides coordination and parallel execution facilities, as well as...
r-nycflights13 1.0.2 CC0 XXXX Airline on-time data for all flights departing NYC in 2013. Also...
r-nzelect 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Convenient access to New Zealand election results by voting place. ...
r-nzilbb.labbcat 1.3_0 GPL-3 X 'LaBB-CAT' is a web-based language corpus management system...
r-nzpullover 0.3.0 CC0 X Datasets of driving offences and fines in New Zealand between 2009 and...
r-oacolors 0.0.4 GPL-3 X Provides carefully chosen color palettes as used a.o. at OpenAnalytics...
r-oai 0.4.0 MIT X A general purpose client to work with any 'OAI-PMH' (Open...
r-oaiharvester 0.3_4 GPL-2 X Harvest metadata using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for...
r-oak 0.2.3 MIT X Functions and classes to create and manipulate trees and nodes.
r-oaqc 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Implements the efficient algorithm by Ortmann and Brandes (2017)...
r-oarray 1.4_9 GPL-3 X Generalise the starting point of the array index.
r-objectsignals 0.10.3 GPL-2 X A mutable Signal object can report changes to its state, clients could...
r-obliclus 0.9 GPL-2 XXX This package conducts factor rotation techniques which intentd to...
r-obmbpkg 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Applies an objective Bayesian method to the Mb capture-recapture model...
r-obs.agree 1.0 GPL-2 X The package includes two functions for measuring agreement. Raw...
r-obsmd 6.1 GPL-2 XXX Implements the objective Bayesian methodology proposed in Consonni and...
r-obssens 1.4 GPL-2 X Observational studies are limited in that there could be an unmeasured...
r-oca 0.5 GPL-2 X Computes optimal capital allocations based on some standard principles...
r-occ 1.1 GPL-3 X Generic function for estimating positron emission tomography (PET)...
r-oce 1.8_1 GPL-2 XXX Supports the analysis of Oceanographic data, including 'ADCP'...
r-ocedata 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Several Oceanographic data sets are provided for use by the...
r-ocomposition 1.1 GPL-2 X Regression model where the response variable is a rank-indexed...
r-ocp 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Implements the Bayesian online changepoint detection method by Adams...
r-od 0.4.2 GPL-3 X The aim of 'od' is to provide tools and example datasets for...
r-odata 0.6 GPL-2 X Helper methods for accessing data from web service based on OData...
r-odb 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Functions to create, connect, update and query 'HSQL' databases...
r-odbc 1.3.5 MIT XXXX A DBI-compatible interface to ODBC databases.
r-odds.converter 1.4.8 GPL-3 X Conversion between the most common odds types for sports betting. Hong...
r-odds.n.ends 0.1.4 CC0 X Computes odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals from a generalized...
r-oddsratio 2.0.1 MIT X Simplified odds ratio calculation of GAM(M)s & GLM(M)s. Provides...
r-odeintr 1.7.1 GPL-2 XXX Wraps the Boost odeint library for integration of differential equations.
r-odenetwork 1.3.2 LGPL-3 X Simulates a network of ordinary differential equations of order two....
r-odin 1.2.5 MIT X Generate systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and integrate...
r-odr 1.4.4 GPL-3 X Calculate the optimal sample size allocation that produces the highest...
r-ods 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Outcome-dependent sampling (ODS) schemes are cost-effective ways to...
r-oecd 0.2.5 CC0 X Search and extract data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation...
r-oem 2.0.11 GPL-2 XXX Solves penalized least squares problems for big tall data using the...
r-officedown 0.3.1 MIT X Allows production of 'Microsoft' corporate documents from...
r-officer 0.6.2 MIT XXXX Access and manipulate 'Microsoft Word', 'RTF' and...
r-offlinechange 0.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Detect the number and locations of change points. The locations can be...
r-ogi 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Consider a data matrix of n individuals with p variates. The objective...
r-oglmx GPL-2 X Ordered models such as ordered probit and ordered logit presume that...
r-ohit 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Ing and Lai (2011) <doi:10.5705/ss.2010.081> proposed a...
r-ohpl 1.4 GPL-3 X Ordered homogeneity pursuit lasso (OHPL) algorithm for group variable...
r-ohtadstats 2.1.1 MIT X Calculate's Tomoka Ohta's partitioning of linkage...
r-oidata 1.0 GPL-2 X A collection of data sets from several sources that may be useful for...
r-okcupiddata 0.1.0 CC0 X Cleaned profile data from "OkCupid Profile Data for Introductory...
r-okmesonet 0.1.5 GPL-2 X okmesonet retrieves and summarizes Oklahoma (USA) Mesonet...
r-olctools 0.3.0 MIT XXX 'Open Location Codes' <http://openlocationcode.com/> are...
r-oligospecificitysystem 1.3 GPL-2 X Calculate the theorical specificity of a system of multiple primers...
r-olinkanalyze 3.5.1 AGPL-3 X A collection of functions to facilitate analysis of proteomic data from...
r-olscurve 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools for more easily organizing and plotting individual...
r-olsrr 0.5.3 MIT X Tools designed to make it easier for users, particularly...
r-omd 1.0 GPL-2 X This package including two useful function, which can be used for...
r-omickriging 1.4.0 GPL-3 X It provides functions to generate a correlation matrix from a genetic...
r-omisc 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Primarily devoted to implementing the Univariate Bootstrap (as well as...
r-ompr 1.0.4 MIT X Model mixed integer linear programs in an algebraic way directly in R....
r-ompr.roi 1.0.2 MIT X A solver for 'ompr' based on the R Optimization Infrastructure...
r-onage 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of a likelihood ratio test of differential onset of...
r-oncomodel 1.0 GPL-2 X Computing probabilistic tree models for oncogenesis based on genetic...
r-oncotree 0.3.5 GPL-2 X Construct and evaluate directed tree structures that model the process...
r-onearmphasetwostudy 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Purpose of this package is it to plan, monitor and evaluate oncological...
r-onehot 0.1.1 MIT XXX Quickly create numeric matrices for machine learning algorithms that...
r-oner 2.2 MIT X Implements the One Rule (OneR) Machine Learning classification...
r-onetr 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Provides a series of functions designed to enable users to easily...
r-onetwosamples 1.1_0 GPL-2 X We introduce an R function one_two_sample() which can deal with one and...
r-onewaytests 3.0 GPL-2 X Performs one-way tests in independent groups designs including...
r-onion 1.5_0 GPL-2 XXX Quaternions and Octonions are four- and eight- dimensional extensions...
r-onlinevar 0.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for recursive online fitting of time-adaptive lasso vector...
r-onnx 0.0.3 MIT X R Interface to 'ONNX' - Open Neural Network Exchange...
r-ontologyindex 2.11 GPL-2 X Functions for reading ontologies into R as lists and manipulating sets...
r-oomisc 1.2 GPL-2 X Includes miscellaneous functions.
r-oompabase 3.2.9 Apache X Provides the class unions that must be preloaded in order for the basic...
r-oompadata 3.1.3 Apache X This is a data-only package to provide example data for other packages...
r-ooplah 0.2.0 MIT X Helper functions for coding object-oriented programming with a focus on...
r-oor 0.1.4 LGPL-3 X Implementation of optimistic optimization methods for global...
r-opalr 3.4.0 GPL-3 X Data integration Web application for biobanks by 'OBiBa'....
r-opart 2019.1.0 GPL-3 XXX A reference implementation of standard optimal partitioning algorithm...
r-opdisdownsampling 0.8.2 GPL-3 X An optimized method for distribution-preserving class-proportional...
r-openai 0.4.1 MIT X An R wrapper of OpenAI API endpoints (see...
r-openair 2.18_0 GPL-2 X Tools to analyse, interpret and understand air pollution data. Data are...
r-openalexr 1.2.2 MIT X A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'OpenAlex'...
r-openblender 0.5.81 MIT X Interface to make HTTP requests to 'OpenBlender' API services....
r-opencpu 2.2.11 Apache X A system for embedded scientific computing and reproducible research...
r-opencv 0.2.2 MIT XX Experimenting with computer vision and machine learning in R. This...
r-openimager 1.3.0 GPL-3 X Incorporates functions for image preprocessing, filtering and image...
r-openintro 2.4.0 GPL-3 X Supplemental functions and data for 'OpenIntro' resources,...
r-openmpcontroller 0.2_5 GPL-2 XXX The OpenMPController package provides a function omp_set_num_threads()...
r-openmx 2.21.8 Apache X Create structural equation models that can be manipulated...
r-opennlp 0.2_7 GPL-3 X An interface to the Apache OpenNLP tools (version 1.5.3). The Apache...
r-opennlpdata 1.5.3_4 GPL-3 X Apache OpenNLP jars and basic English language models.
r-openssl 2.1.1 MIT XXX Bindings to OpenSSL libssl and libcrypto, plus custom SSH key parsers....
r-openstreetmap 0.4.0 GPL-2 X Accesses high resolution raster maps using the OpenStreetMap protocol....
r-openxlsx MIT XXX Simplifies the creation of Excel .xlsx files by providing a high level...
r-openxlsx2 1.1 MIT X Simplifies the creation of 'xlsx' files by providing a high...
r-opera 1.2.0 LGPL-3 XX Misc methods to form online predictions, for regression-oriented...
r-operator.tools 1.6.3 GPL-2 X Provides a collection of utilities that allow programming with R's...
r-operators 0.1_8 MIT X A set of binary operators for common tasks such as regex manipulation.
r-opi 2.11.0 Apache X Implementation of the Open Perimetry Interface (OPI) for simulating and...
r-opportunistic 1.2 GPL-2 X Computes the routing distribution, the expectation of the number of...
r-ops 1.0 Apache X Comparison of data by Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients...
r-optauc 1.0 GPL-2 X Searches for optimal linear combination of multiple diagnostic tests...
r-optextras 2019_12.4 GPL-2 X Tools to assist in safely applying user generated objective and...
r-optgs 1.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions to find near-optimal multi-stage designs for continuous outcomes.
r-opthedging 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of value and hedging strategy of call and put options, based...
r-optifunset 1.0 GPL-2 X A single function 'options.ifunset(...)' is contained herewith,...
r-optigrab GPL-3 X Parse options from the command-line using a simple, clean syntax. It...
r-optimalcutpoints 1.1_5 GPL-3 X Computes optimal cutpoints for diagnostic tests or continuous markers....
r-optimaldesign 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Algorithms for D-, A-, I-, and c-optimal designs. Some of the functions...
r-optimbase 1.0_10 CeCILL-2 X Provides a set of commands to manage an abstract optimization method....
r-optimization 1.0_9 GPL-2 XXX Flexible optimizer with numerous input specifications for detailed...
r-optimparallel 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Provides a parallel version of the L-BFGS-B method of optim(). The main...
r-optimstrat 2.4 GPL-2 X Intended to assist in the choice of the sampling strategy to implement...
r-optimx 2023_8.13 GPL-2 X Provides a replacement and extension of the optim() function to call to...
r-optinterim 3.0.1 GPL-2 X Optimal two and three stage designs monitoring time-to-event endpoints...
r-optional 2.0.1 BSL X Introduces optional types with some() and none, as well as match_with()...
r-optionpricing 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Efficient Monte Carlo Algorithms for the price and the sensitivities of...
r-optionstrat 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Utilizes the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model to calculate key...
r-optiscale 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Optimal scaling of a data vector, relative to a set of targets, is...
r-optismixture 0.1 GPL-2 X Code for optimal mixture weights in importance sampling. Workhorse...
r-optmatch 0.10.6 MIT X Distance based bipartite matching using minimum cost flow, oriented to...
r-optparse 1.7.3 GPL-2 X A command line parser inspired by Python's 'optparse'...
r-optr 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Solves linear systems of form Ax=b via Gauss elimination, LU...
r-optrees 1.0 GPL-3 X Finds optimal trees in weighted graphs. In particular, this package...
r-optweight 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Use optimization to estimate weights that balance covariates for...
r-opusminer 0.1_1 GPL-3 XXX Provides a simple R interface to the OPUS Miner algorithm (implemented...
r-orca 1.1_1 LGPL-3 XXX Implements orbit counting using a fast combinatorial approach. Counts...
r-orclus 0.2_6 GPL-2 X Functions to perform subspace clustering and classification.
r-orcutt 2.3 GPL-2 X Solve first order autocorrelation problems using an iterative method....
r-orddisp 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Estimate location-shift models or rating-scale models accounting for...
r-orddom 3.1 GPL-2 X Computes ordinal, statistics and effect sizes as an alternative to mean...
r-order2parent 1.0 GPL-2 X This package uses B-spline based nonparametric smooth estimators to...
r-ordering 0.7.0 GPL-2 X Functions to test/check/verify/investigate the ordering of vectors. The...
r-orderstats 0.1.0 GPL-2 X All the methods in this package generate a vector of uniform order...
r-ordfacreg 1.0.6 GPL-2 X In biomedical studies, researchers are often interested in assessing...
r-ordinal 2022.11_16 GPL-2 X Implementation of cumulative link (mixed) models also known as ordered...
r-ordinalclust 1.3.5 GPL-2 XXX Ordinal data classification, clustering and co-clustering using...
r-ordinalcont 2.0.2 GPL-2 X A regression framework for response variables which are continuous...
r-ordinalgmifs 1.0.8 GPL-2 XXX Provides a function for fitting cumulative link, adjacent category,...
r-ordinallbm 1.0 GPL-2 X It implements functions for simulation and estimation of the ordinal...
r-ordinalnet 2.12 MIT XX Fits ordinal regression models with elastic net penalty. Supported...
r-ordmonreg 1.0.3 GPL-2 X We consider the problem of estimating two isotonic regression curves...
r-ore BSD_3_clause XXX Provides an alternative to R's built-in functionality for handling...
r-ores 0.3.2 MIT X A connector to ORES (<https://ores.wmflabs.org/>), an AI project...
r-org 2022.11.23 MIT X A system to help you organize projects. Most analyses have three (or...
r-orgmassspecr 0.5_3 BSD_2_clause X Organic/biological mass spectrometry data analysis.
r-oriclust 1.0_2 GPL-2 X A user-friendly R-based software package for gene clustering. Clusters...
r-orientlib 0.10.5 GPL-3 X Representations, conversions and display of orientation SO(3) data. See...
r-origami 1.0.7 GPL-3 X A general framework for the application of cross-validation schemes to...
r-ormdr 1.3_2 GPL-2 XXXX Odds ratio based multifactor-dimensionality reduction method for...
r-oro.nifti 0.11.4 BSD_3_clause X Functions for the input/output and visualization of medical imaging...
r-orsifronts 0.2.0 GPL-3 X A data set package with the "Orsi" and "Park/Durand"...
r-orsk 1.0_8 GPL-2 XXX Convert odds ratio to relative risk in cohort studies with partial data...
r-orthogonalsplinebasis 0.1.7 GPL-2 X Represents the basis functions for B-splines in a simple matrix...
r-orthopanels 1.2_4 GPL-3 X Implements the orthogonal reparameterization approach recommended by...
r-orthopolynom 1.0_6.1 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to construct sets of orthogonal polynomials...
r-osc 1.0.5 GPL-3 XXX Allows distance based spatial clustering of georeferenced data by...
r-oscillatorgenerator 0.1.0 GPL-3 X The supplied code allows for the generation of discrete time series of...
r-osdesign 1.8 GPL-3 XXXX A suite of functions for the design of case-control and two-phase...
r-osdr 1.1.4 GPL-3 X Provides routines for finding an Optimal System of Distinct...
r-oshka 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Expands quoted language by recursively replacing any symbol that points...
r-oskeyring 0.1.6 MIT X Aims to support all features of the system credential store, including...
r-osmdata 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Download and import of 'OpenStreetMap' ('OSM') data as...
r-osmose 3.3.4 CeCILL X The multispecies and individual-based model (IBM) 'OSMOSE'...
r-osqp Apache XXX Provides bindings to the 'OSQP' solver. The 'OSQP'...
r-osrm 4.1.1 GPL-3 X An interface between R and the 'OSRM' API. 'OSRM' is a...
r-osrmr 0.1.36 GPL-3 X Wrapper around the 'Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)' API...
r-ote 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Functions for creating ensembles of optimal trees for regression,...
r-otrselect 1.1 GPL-2 X A penalized regression framework that can simultaneously estimate the...
r-otutable 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Analyses of OTU tables produced by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing,...
r-outbreaks 1.9.0 GPL-2 X Empirical or simulated disease outbreak data, provided either as RData...
r-outlierdc 0.3_0 GPL-3 X This package provides three algorithms to detect outlying observations...
r-outliers 0.15 GPL-2 X A collection of some tests commonly used for identifying outliers.
r-outrankingtools 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions to process ''outranking'' ELECTRE methods...
r-overlap 0.3.4 GPL-3 XXX Provides functions to fit kernel density functions to data on temporal...
r-overlapping 2.1 GPL-2 X Functions for estimating the overlapping area of two or more kernel...
r-overture 0.4_0 LGPL-3 X Simplifies MCMC setup by automatically looping through sampling...
r-owea 0.1.2 GPL-3 X An implementation of optimal weight exchange algorithm Yang(2013)...
r-ows4r 0.3_6 MIT X Provides an Interface to Web-Services defined as standards by the Open...
r-oxcaar 1.1.1 GPL-2 X A set of tools that enables using 'OxCal' from within R....
r-oxybs 1.5 GPL-2 X Provides utilities for processing of Oxy-Bisulfite microarray data...
r-oz 1.0_21 GPL-2 X Functions for plotting Australia's coastline and state boundaries.
r-p2distance 1.0.1 GPL-3 X The welfare's synthetic indicator provides an ideal tool for...
r-p3state.msm 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Contains functions for data preparation, prediction of transition...
r-pabonlasso 1.0 GPL-2 X Pabon Lasso is a graphical method for monitoring the efficiency of...
r-pacbo 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX A function for clustering online datasets. The number of cells is...
r-pacbpred 0.92.2 GPL-2 X This package is intended to perform estimation and prediction in...
r-pack 0.1_1 GPL-3 X Functions to easily convert data to binary formats other...
r-packcircles 0.3.6 MIT XXX Algorithms to find arrangements of non-overlapping circles.
r-packclassic 0.5.2 GPL X This package comes to illustrate the book "Petit Manuel de...
r-packrat 0.9.2 GPL-2 XXXX Manage the R packages your project depends on in an isolated, portable,...
r-packs4 0.9.3 GPL-2 X Illustration of the book "Petit Manuel de Programmation Orientee...
r-pacman 0.5.1 GPL-2 X Tools to more conveniently perform tasks associated with add-on...
r-pact 0.5.0 GPL-3 X A prediction-based approach to the analysis of data from randomized...
r-pade 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Given a vector of Taylor series coefficients of sufficient length as...
r-padr 0.6.2 MIT X Transforms datetime data into a format ready for analysis. It offers...
r-paf 1.0 GPL-2 X Calculate unadjusted/adjusted attributable fraction function of a set...
r-pagedown 0.20 MIT X Use the paged media properties in CSS and the JavaScript library...
r-pagenum 1.2 GPL-3 X A simple way to add page numbers to base/ggplot/lattice graphics.
r-pageviews 0.5.0 MIT X Pageview data from the 'Wikimedia' sites, such as...
r-pagi 1.0 GPL-2 X The package can identify the dysregulated KEGG pathways based on global...
r-pagoda2 1.0.11 GPL-3 X Analyzing and interactively exploring large-scale single-cell RNA-seq...
r-pagwas 2.0 GPL-2 X Bayesian hierarchical methods for pathway analysis of genomewide...
r-painter 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Functions for creating color palettes, visualizing palettes, modifying...
r-paintmap 1.0 GPL-2 X Plots matrices of colours as grids of coloured squares - aka heatmaps,...
r-pairedci 0.5_4 GPL-2 X The package contains two functions: paired.Loc and paired.Scale. A...
r-paireddata 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Many datasets and a set of graphics (based on ggplot2), statistics,...
r-pairheatmap 1.0.1 GPL-2 X A tool to compare two heatmaps and discover patterns within and across...
r-pairsd3 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Creates an interactive scatterplot matrix using the D3 JavaScript...
r-pairwise 0.6.1_0 GPL-3 X Performs the explicit calculation -- not estimation! -- of the Rasch...
r-pairwised 0.9.62 GPL-2 X Pairing observations according to a chosen formula and facilitates...
r-pak 0.6.0 GPL-3 X The goal of 'pak' is to make package installation faster and...
r-pakpmics2014ch 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides data set and functions for exploration of Multiple Indicator...
r-pakpmics2014hh 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides data set and function for exploration of Multiple Indicator...
r-pakpmics2014hl 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides data set and function for exploration of Multiple Indicator...
r-pakpmics2014wm 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides data set and function for exploration of Multiple Indicator...
r-palasso 0.0.8 GPL-3 X Implements sparse regression with paired covariates (Rauschenberger et...
r-paleobiodb 0.7.0 GPL-2 X Includes 19 functions to wrap each endpoint of the PaleobioDB API, plus...
r-paleomorph 0.1.4 MIT X Fill missing symmetrical data with mirroring, calculate Procrustes...
r-paleotree 3.4.5 CC0 X Provides tools for transforming, a posteriori time-scaling, and...
r-paleots 0.5.3 GPL-3 X Facilitates analysis of paleontological sequences of trait values....
r-paletteer 1.5.0 GPL-3 X The choices of color palettes in R can be quite overwhelming with...
r-palettesforr 0.1.2 GPL-2 X A set of palettes imported from 'Gimp' distributed under GPL3...
r-palettetown 0.1.1 MIT X Use Pokemon(R) inspired palettes with additional 'ggplot2'...
r-palinsol 1.0 file X R package to compute Incoming Solar Radiation (insolation) for...
r-palmerpenguins 0.1.1 CC0 X Size measurements, clutch observations, and blood isotope ratios for...
r-palmr 0.1.4 CC X 'Google's 'PaLM'...
r-palr 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Colour palettes for data, based on some well known public data sets....
r-pals 1.8 MIT X A comprehensive collection of color palettes, colormaps, and tools to...
r-pameasures 0.1.0 GPL-3 X We propose a pair of summary measures for the predictive power of a...
r-pammtools 0.5.92 MIT X The Piece-wise exponential (Additive Mixed) Model (PAMM; Bender and...
r-pampe 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Implements the Panel Data Approach Method for program evaluation as...
r-pamr 1.56.1 GPL-2 XXX Some functions for sample classification in microarrays.
r-pan 1.9 GPL-3 XXX It provides functions and examples for maximum likelihood estimation...
r-pander 0.6.5 AGPL-3 XXX Contains some functions catching all messages, 'stdout' and...
r-pandoc 0.2.0 MIT X Provides a set of tools to install, manage and run several...
r-pandocfilters 0.1_6 GPL-3 X The document converter 'pandoc' <https://pandoc.org/> is...
r-panelaggregation 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Aggregate Business Tendency Survey Data (and other qualitative surveys)...
r-paneldata 1.0 Artistic-2.0 X Linear models for panel data: the fixed effect model and the random effect model
r-panelr 0.7.8 MIT X Provides an object type and associated tools for storing and wrangling...
r-panelvar 0.5.5 GPL-2 X We extend two general methods of moment estimators to panel vector...
r-panelview 1.1.17 MIT X Visualizes panel data. It has three main functionalities: (1) it plots...
r-panjen 1.6 GPL-2 X A central decision in a parametric regression is how to specify the...
r-papaja 0.1.2 MIT X Tools to create dynamic, submission-ready manuscripts, which conform to...
r-paperplanes GPL-3 X This is a data only package, that provides distances from a paper plane...
r-parade 0.1 GPL-2 X Tool for producing Pen's parade graphs, useful for visualizing...
r-paradox 0.11.1 LGPL-3 X Define parameter spaces, constraints and dependencies for arbitrary...
r-paralleldist 0.2.6 GPL-2 X A fast parallelized alternative to R's native 'dist'...
r-parallelize.dynamic 0.9_1 LGPL-3 X Passing a given function name or a call to the...
r-parallellogger 3.3.0 Apache X Support for parallel computation with progress bar, and option to stop...
r-parallelly 1.36.0 LGPL-2.1 X Utility functions that enhance the 'parallel' package and...
r-parallelmap 1.5.1 BSD_2_clause X Unified parallelization framework for multiple back-end, designed for...
r-parallelmcmccombine 2.0 GPL-2 X See Miroshnikov and Conlon (2014)...
r-parallelml 1.2 GPL-2 X By sampling your data, running the provided classifier on these samples...
r-parallelpc 1.2 GPL-2 X Parallelise constraint based causality discovery and causal inference...
r-parallelsvm 0.1_9 GPL-2 X By sampling your data, running the Support-Vector-Machine algorithm on...
r-parameters 0.21.3 GPL-3 X Utilities for processing the parameters of various statistical models....
r-paramhelpers 1.14.1 BSD_2_clause X Functions for parameter descriptions and operations in black-box...
r-params 0.7.3 GPL-2 X An interface to simplify organizing parameters used in a package, using...
r-paramtest 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Run simulations or other functions while easily varying parameters from...
r-paran 1.5.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of Horn's technique for numerically and...
r-parbayesianoptimization 1.2.6 GPL-2 X Fast, flexible framework for implementing Bayesian optimization of...
r-parentoffspring 1.0 GPL-2 X Conduct the Parent-Offspring Test Using Monomorphic SNP Markers. The...
r-pareto 2.4.5 GPL-2 X Utilities for the Pareto, piecewise Pareto and generalized Pareto...
r-parglm 0.1.7 GPL-2 XXX Provides a parallel estimation method for generalized linear models...
r-parmigene 1.1.0 AGPL-3 XXX Parallel estimation of the mutual information based on entropy...
r-parse 0.1.0 CC0 X Model-based clustering and identifying informative features based on...
r-parsedate 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Parse dates automatically, without the need of specifying a format....
r-parsermd 0.1.2 MIT X An implementation of a formal grammar and parser for R Markdown...
r-parsetools 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Tools and utilities for dealing with parse data. Parse data represents...
r-parsnip 1.1.1 MIT X A common interface is provided to allow users to specify a model...
r-partdsa 0.9.14 GPL-2 X A novel tool for generating a piecewise constant estimation list of...
r-partiallyoverlapping 2.0 GPL-3 X Tests for a comparison of two partially overlapping samples. A...
r-partialor 0.9 GPL-2 X Computes Odds Ratio adjusted for a vector of possibly continuous covariates
r-partitionbefsp 1.0 GPL-3 X A collection of functions that can be used to estimate selection and...
r-partitionmap 0.5 GPL-3 X Low-dimensional embedding, using Random Forests for multiclass classification
r-partitionmetric 1.1 BSD_2_clause X partitionMetric computes a distance between two partitions of a set.
r-partitions 1.10_7 GPL-3 X Additive partitions of integers. Enumerates the partitions, unequal...
r-partsm 1.1_3 GPL-2 X Basic functions to fit and predict periodic autoregressive time series...
r-party 1.3_13 GPL-2 XXX A computational toolbox for recursive partitioning. The core of the...
r-partykit 1.2_20 GPL-2 X A toolkit with infrastructure for representing, summarizing, and...
r-parzer 0.4.1 MIT X Parse messy geographic coordinates from various character formats to...
r-pas 1.2.5 GPL-2 X An R package for polygenic trait analysis.
r-pass.lme 0.9.0 GPL-3 X Power and sample size calculation for testing fixed effect coefficients...
r-passport 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Smooths the process of working with country names and codes via...
r-password 1.0_0 GPL-3 X Create random passwords of letters, numbers and punctuation.
r-pastecs 1.3.21 GPL-2 X Regularisation, decomposition and analysis of space-time series. The...
r-pastis 0.1_2 GPL-3 X A pre-processor for mrBayes that assimilates sequences, taxonomic...
r-paswr 1.3 GPL-2 X Functions and data sets for the text Probability and Statistics with R.
r-paswr2 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Functions and data sets for the text Probability and Statistics with R,...
r-patchdvi 1.11.0 GPL-2 XXX Functions to patch specials in '.dvi' files, or entries in...
r-patchplot 0.1.5 LGPL-3 X Functions to generate scatterplots with images patches instead of usual...
r-patchsynctex 0.1_4 GPL-2 X This utility eases the debugging of literate documents ('noweb'...
r-patchwork 1.1.3 MIT X The 'ggplot2' package provides a strong API for sequentially...
r-patentsview 0.3.0 MIT X Provides functions to simplify the 'PatentsView' API...
r-pathfindr.data 2.0.0 MIT X This is a data-only package, containing data needed to run the CRAN...
r-pathlibr 0.1.0 MIT X An OO Interface for path manipulation, emulating pythons "pathlib".
r-pathmapping 1.0.2 GPL-2 XXX Functions to compute and display the area-based deviation between...
r-patrick 0.2.0 Apache X This is an extension of the 'testthat' package that lets you...
r-patternator 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides a set of functions to efficiently recognize and clean the...
r-pawacc 1.2.2 GPL-2 X This is a collection of functions to process, format and store...
r-pawls 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Efficient algorithms for fitting weighted least squares regression with...
r-paws 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to Amazon Web Services <https://aws.amazon.com>,...
r-paws.analytics 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' 'analytics'...
r-paws.application.integration 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' application integration...
r-paws.common 0.6.2 Apache XX Functions for making low-level API requests to Amazon Web Services...
r-paws.compute 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' compute services, including...
r-paws.cost.management 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' cost management services,...
r-paws.customer.engagement 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' customer engagement...
r-paws.database 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' database services, including...
r-paws.developer.tools 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' developer tools services,...
r-paws.end.user.computing 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' end user computing services,...
r-paws.machine.learning 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' machine learning services,...
r-paws.management 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' management and governance...
r-paws.networking 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' networking and content...
r-paws.security.identity 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' security, identity, and...
r-paws.storage 0.4.0 Apache X Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' storage services, including...
r-pbapply 1.7_2 GPL-2 X A lightweight package that adds progress bar to vectorized R functions...
r-pbdncdf4 0.1_4 GPL-3 XXX This package adds collective parallel read and write capability to the...
r-pbdprof 0.3_1 Mozilla XX MPI profiling tools.
r-pbdrpc 0.2_1 Mozilla XXX A very light implementation yet secure for remote procedure calls with...
r-pbdzmq 0.3_10 GPL-3 XXX 'ZeroMQ' is a well-known library for high-performance...
r-pbibd 1.3 GPL-2 X The PBIB designs are important type of incomplete block designs having...
r-pbimisc 1.0 GPL-2 X A set of datasets and functions used in the book 'Modele liniowe i...
r-pbivnorm 0.6.0 GPL XXX Provides a vectorized R function for calculating probabilities from a...
r-pbkrtest 0.5.2 GPL-2 XXXX Computes p-values based on (a) Satterthwaite or Kenward-Rogers degree...
r-pbm 1.2.1 MIT X Binding models which are useful when analysing protein-ligand...
r-pbmcapply 1.5.1 MIT XXX A light-weight package helps you track and visualize the progress of...
r-pbo 1.3.5 MIT X Following the method of Bailey et al., computes for a collection of...
r-pbrackets 1.0.1 GPL X Adds different kinds of brackets to a plot, including braces, chevrons,...
r-pbrf 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides three ways to estimate the probability of being in response...
r-pbs 1.1 GPL-2 X Periodic B Splines Basis
r-pbsddesolve 1.13.3 GPL-2 XXX Functions for solving systems of delay differential equations by...
r-pbsmapping 2.73.2 GPL-2 XXX This software has evolved from fisheries research conducted at the...
r-pbsmodelling 2.68.8 GPL-2 XXX Provides software to facilitate the design, testing, and operation of...
r-pbv 0.4_22 GPL-2 XXX Computes probabilities of the bivariate normal distribution in a...
r-pca4ts 0.1 GPL-2 XXX To seek for a contemporaneous linear transformation for a multivariate...
r-pcadapt 4.3.5 GPL-2 X Methods to detect genetic markers involved in biological adaptation....
r-pcamixdata 3.1 GPL X Implements principal component analysis, orthogonal rotation and...
r-pcapp 2.0_3 GPL-3 XXX Provides functions for robust PCA by projection pursuit. The methods...
r-pcensmix 1.2_1 GPL-2 X Functions for generating progressively Type-II censored data in a...
r-pcfam 1.0 GPL-2 X We provide several algorithms to compute the genotype ancestry scores...
r-pcg 1.1 GPL-2 X The package solves linear system of equations Ax=b by using...
r-pch 2.0 GPL-2 X Piecewise constant hazard models for survival data. The package allows...
r-pchc 1.2 GPL-2 X Bayesian network learning using the PCHC algorithm. PCHC stands for PC...
r-pcict 0.5_4.4 GPL-2 XXX Provides a work-alike to R's POSIXct class which implements 360-...
r-pcirt 0.2.4 GPL-3 XXX Estimates the multidimensional polytomous Rasch model (Rasch, 1961)...
r-pcit 1.5_3 GPL-3 XXX Apply Partial Correlation coefficient with Information Theory (PCIT) to...
r-pco 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Computation of the Pedroni (1999) panel cointegration test statistics. ...
r-pcse GPL-3 X A function to estimate panel-corrected standard errors. Data may...
r-pcsinr 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Parallel Constraint Satisfaction (PCS) models are an increasingly...
r-pdc 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX Permutation Distribution Clustering is a clustering method for time...
r-pder 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Data sets for the Panel Data Econometrics with R...
r-pdfcluster 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Cluster analysis via nonparametric density estimation is performed....
r-pdfestimator 4.5 GPL-2 XXX Farmer, J., D. Jacobs (2108) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0196937>....
r-pdfetch 0.2.9 GPL-3 X Download economic and financial time series from public sources,...
r-pdftables 0.1 CC0 X Allows the user to convert PDF tables to formats more amenable to...
r-pdftools 3.4.0 MIT XXX Utilities based on 'libpoppler' for extracting text, fonts,...
r-pdist 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Computes the euclidean distance between rows of a matrix X and rows of...
r-pdm 0.1 GPL-3 X Measures real distances in pictures. With PDM() function, you can...
r-pdp 0.8.1 GPL-2 X A general framework for constructing partial dependence (i.e., marginal...
r-pdsce 1.2.1 GPL-2 XXX Compute and tune some positive definite and sparse covariance estimators.
r-pdshiny 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Interactive shiny application for working with Probability...
r-peacock.test 1.0 GPL-2 X The original definition of the two and three dimensional...
r-peacots 1.3 GPL-3 X Calculates the periodogram of a time series, maximum-likelihood fits an...
r-peakerror 2023.9.4 GPL-3 XXX Chromatin immunoprecipitation DNA sequencing results in genomic tracks...
r-peakpick 0.11 MIT X Biologically inspired methods for detecting peaks in one-dimensional...
r-peakram 1.0.2 GPL-2 X When working with big data sets, RAM conservation is critically...
r-peaksegdisk 2023.9.4 GPL-3 XXX Disk-based implementation of Functional Pruning Optimal Partitioning...
r-peaksegdp 2017.08.15 GPL-3 XXX A quadratic time dynamic programming algorithm can be used to compute...
r-pear 1.2 GPL-2 X Package for estimating periodic autoregressive models. Datasets:...
r-pearson7 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Supports maximum likelihood inference for the Pearson VII distribution...
r-pearsonds 1.3.0 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of the Pearson distribution system, including full...
r-pearsonica 1.2_5 AGPL-3 X The Pearson-ICA algorithm is a mutual information-based method for...
r-pec 2023.04.12 GPL-2 X Validation of risk predictions obtained from survival models and...
r-pedigree 1.4.2 GPL-2 X Pedigree related functions.
r-pedigreemm 0.3_3 GPL-2 XXX Fit pedigree-based mixed-effects models.
r-pedigreetools 0.2 GPL-3 XXX Tools to sort, edit and prune pedigrees and to extract the inbreeding...
r-pedometrics 0.12.1 GPL-2 XXX An R implementation of methods employed in the field of pedometrics,...
r-pedquant 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Provides an interface to access public economic and financial data for...
r-peerperformance 2.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides functions to perform the peer performance analysis of...
r-pegas 1.2 GPL-2 X Functions for reading, writing, plotting, analysing, and manipulating...
r-pegrouptesting 1.0 GPL-2 X The population proportion using group testing can be estimated by...
r-pema 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Conduct penalized meta-analysis, see Van Lissa, Van Erp, & Clapper...
r-pemm 1.0 GPL-3 X This package provides functions to perform multivariate Gaussian...
r-penalized 0.9_52 GPL-2 XXX Fitting possibly high dimensional penalized regression models. The...
r-penaltylearning 2023.8.31 GPL-3 X Implementations of algorithms from Learning Sparse Penalties for...
r-pencoxfrail 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX A regularization approach for Cox Frailty Models by penalization...
r-penmsm 0.99 GPL-2 XXX Structured fusion Lasso penalized estimation of multi-state models with...
r-pense 2.2.0 MIT XXX Robust penalized (adaptive) elastic net S and M estimators for linear...
r-pepsavims 0.9.1 CC X An implementation of the data processing and data analysis portion of a...
r-peptides 2.4.5 GPL-2 XXX Includes functions to calculate several physicochemical properties and...
r-pequod 0.0_5 GPL-2 X Moderated regression with mean and residual centering and simple slopes...
r-perc 0.1.6 GPL-2 X To find the certainty of dominance interactions with indirect...
r-perccal 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Contains functions which allow the user to compute confidence intervals...
r-performance 0.10.8 GPL-3 X Utilities for computing measures to assess model quality, which are not...
r-performanceanalytics 2.0.4 GPL-2 XXX Collection of econometric functions for performance and risk analysis....
r-periodictable 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Provides a dataset containing properties for chemical elements. Helper...
r-perm 1.0_0.4 GPL-3 XXXX Perform Exact or Asymptotic permutation tests [see Fay and Shaw...
r-permalgo 1.2 GPL-2 X This version of the permutational algorithm generates a dataset in...
r-permallows 1.13 GPL-2 XXX Includes functions to work with the Mallows and Generalized Mallows...
r-permdep 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Implementations of permutation approach to hypothesis testing for...
r-permgs 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Permutational group-sequential tests for time-to-event data based on...
r-permute 0.9_7 GPL-2 X A set of restricted permutation designs for freely exchangeable, line...
r-permutes 2.8 FreeBSD X Helps you determine the analysis window to use when analyzing...
r-perry 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Tools that allow developers to write functions for prediction error...
r-persiandictionary 1.0 GPL-2 X Translate words from English to Persian (Over 67,000 words)
r-persianstemmer 1.0 GPL-2 X Allows users to stem Persian texts for text analysis.
r-perturb 2.10 GPL-2 X Use the perturb() function to evaluates collinearity by adding random...
r-pesel 0.7.5 GPL-3 X Automatic estimation of number of principal components in PCA with...
r-pet 0.5.1 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of different analytic/direct and iterative...
r-petfinder 2.1.0 MIT X Wrapper of the 'Petfinder API'...
r-petitr 1.0 GPL-2 X Calculates the relative growth rate (RGR) of a series of individuals by...
r-pgam 0.4.17 GPL-3 XXX This work is an extension of the state space model for Poisson count...
r-pgbart 0.6.16 GPL-2 XXX The Particle Gibbs sampler and Gibbs/Metropolis-Hastings sampler were...
r-pgdraw 1.1 GPL-3 XXX Generates random samples from the Polya-Gamma distribution using an...
r-pgee 1.5 GPL-2 X Fits penalized generalized estimating equations to longitudinal data...
r-pgee.mixed 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Perform simultaneous estimation and variable selection for correlated...
r-pgirmess 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Set of tools for reading, writing and transforming spatial and seasonal...
r-pglm 0.2_3 GPL-2 X Estimation of panel models for glm-like models: this includes binomial...
r-pgls 0.0_1 GPL-2 X Based on the Generalized Least Square model for comparative Phylogenetics (ref).
r-pgm2 1.0_1 GPL-3 X Construction method of nested resolvable designs from a projective...
r-pgmm 1.2.7 GPL-2 XXX Carries out model-based clustering or classification using parsimonious...
r-pgnorm 2.0 GPL-2 X Evaluation of the pdf and the cdf of the univariate, noncentral,...
r-pgsc 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Computes the generalized synthetic control estimator described in...
r-ph2bayes 0.0.2 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of Bayesian single-arm phase II design methods for...
r-ph2hetero 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of Jones (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.cct.2007.02.008> ,...
r-ph2mult 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Provide multinomial design methods under intersection-union test (IUT)...
r-phangorn 2.11.1 GPL-2 X Allows for estimation of phylogenetic trees and networks using Maximum...
r-pharmaversesdtm 0.1.1 Apache X A set of Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) datasets from the Clinical...
r-phase123 2.1 GPL-2 XXX Contains three simulation functions for implementing the entire Phase...
r-phaser 2.2.1 MIT X Performs a qualitative analysis of one- and two-dimensional autonomous...
r-phd 0.2 GPL-3 X Provides permutation methods for testing in high-dimensional linear...
r-pheatmap 1.0.12 GPL-2 X Implementation of heatmaps that offers more control over dimensions and...
r-phenability 2.0 GPL-3 X An alternative to carrying out phenotypic adaptability and stability...
r-phenex 1.4_5 GPL-2 XXX Provides some easy-to-use functions for spatial analyses of (plant-)...
r-pheno 1.7_0 GPL-2 XXX Provides some easy-to-use functions for time series analyses of...
r-phenocamapi 0.1.5 AGPL-3 X A bundle to facilitate working with PhenoCam timeseries and data. The...
r-pheval 0.5.4 GPL X Provides tools for the evaluation of the goodness of fit and the...
r-phia 0.2_1 GPL-3 X Analysis of terms in linear, generalized and mixed linear models, on...
r-phidelta 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Analysis of features by phi delta diagrams. In particular, functions...
r-philentropy 0.7.0 GPL-2 X Computes 46 optimized distance and similarity measures for comparing...
r-phmm 0.7_11 GPL-3 XXX Fits proportional hazards model incorporating random effects using an...
r-phonenumber 0.2.3 MIT X Convert English letters to numbers or numbers to English letters as on...
r-phonics 1.3.10 BSD_2_clause XXX Provides a collection of phonetic algorithms including Soundex,...
r-phontools 0.2_2.1 BSD_2_clause X Contains tools for the organization, display, and analysis of the sorts...
r-phosphoricons 0.2.0 MIT X Use 'Phosphor' icons in 'shiny' applications or...
r-photobiology 0.11.0 GPL-2 X Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use in...
r-phreeqc 3.7.5 GPL-3 XXX A geochemical modeling program developed by the US Geological Survey...
r-phtt 3.1.2 GPL-2 X The package provides estimation procedures for panel data with large...
r-phuassess 1.1 GPL-2 X Assessment of habitat selection by means of the permutation-based...
r-phuse 0.1.8 MIT X Make it easy to review, download and execute scripts stored in Github...
r-phyclust 0.1_34 GPL-2 XXX Phylogenetic clustering (phyloclustering) is an evolutionary Continuous...
r-phylin 2.0.2 GPL-2 X The spatial interpolation of genetic distances between samples is based...
r-phylobase 0.8.10 GPL-2 X Provides a base S4 class for comparative methods, incorporating one or...
r-phyloclim 0.9.5 GPL-2 X Implements some methods in phyloclimatic modeling: estimation of...
r-phylogr 1.0.11 GPL-2 X Manipulation and analysis of phylogenetically simulated data sets and...
r-phylogram 2.1.0 GPL-3 X Contains functions for developing phylogenetic trees as deeply-nested...
r-phyloland 1.3 GPL-2 XXX Phyloland package models a space colonization process mapped onto a...
r-phylolm 2.6.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions for fitting phylogenetic linear models and...
r-phylomeasures 2.1 GPL-3 XXX Given a phylogenetic tree T and an assemblage S of species represented...
r-phylometrics 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions to estimate statistical errors of phylogenetic...
r-phylotate 1.3 MIT X Functions to read and write APE-compatible phylogenetic trees in NEXUS...
r-phylotools 0.2.2 GPL-2 X A collection of tools for building RAxML supermatrix using PHYLIP or...
r-phyr 1.1.0 GPL-3 X A collection of functions to do model-based phylogenetic analysis. It...
r-phyreg 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides general linear model facilities (single y-variable, multiple...
r-physactbedrest 1.1 GPL-3 X Contains a function to categorize accelerometer readings collected in...
r-physicalactivity 0.2_4 GPL-3 X It provides a function "wearingMarking" for classification of...
r-physiology 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX A variety of formulae are provided for estimation of physiologic...
r-phytools 1.9_16 GPL-2 X A wide range of methods for phylogenetic analysis - concentrated in...
r-picante 1.8.2 GPL-2 X Functions for phylocom integration, community analyses, null-models,...
r-picasso 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXX Computationally efficient tools for fitting generalized linear model...
r-pieceexpintensity 1.0.4 GPL-2 XXX This function fits a reversible jump Bayesian piecewise exponential...
r-piecewisesem 2.3.0 GPL-3 X Implements piecewise structural equation modeling from a single list of...
r-piggyback 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Because larger (> 50 MB) data files cannot easily be committed to...
r-pigshift 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Fits models of gene expression evolution to expression data from...
r-pijavski 1.0.3 LGPL-3 XXX Global univariate minimization of Lipschitz functions is performed by...
r-pillar 1.9.0 MIT XXXX Provides 'pillar' and 'colonnade' generics designed for...
r-pimeta 1.1.3 GPL-3 X An implementation of prediction intervals for random-effects...
r-pinfsc50 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Genomic data for the plant pathogen "Phytophthora infestans."...
r-pingr 2.0.2 MIT XXX Check if a remote computer is up. It can either just call the system...
r-pinnacle.api 2.3.3 GPL-3 X An interface to the API by Pinnacle that allows Pinnacle customers to...
r-pinochet 0.1.0 MIT X Packages data about the victims of the Pinochet regime as compiled by...
r-pinp 0.0.10 GPL-3 X A 'PNAS'-alike style for 'rmarkdown', derived from the...
r-pins 1.2.2 Apache X Publish data sets, models, and other R objects, making it easy to share...
r-pipefittr 0.1.2 MIT X To take nested function calls and convert them to a more readable form...
r-pipegs 0.4 GPL-2 X Code for various permutation p-values estimation methods for gene set...
r-pipeliner 0.1.1 Apache X A framework for defining 'pipelines' of functions for applying...
r-piper MIT X Provides various styles of function chaining methods: Pipe operator,...
r-pips 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Generate Predicted Interval Plots. Simulate and plot confidence...
r-piton 1.0.0 MIT XXX A wrapper around the 'Parsing Expression Grammar Template...
r-pivotalr GPL-2 XXX Provides an R interface for the Pivotal Data stack running on...
r-pivotaltrackr 0.2.0 MIT X 'Pivotal Tracker' <https://www.pivotaltracker.com> is a...
r-pivottabler 1.5.5 GPL-3 X Create regular pivot tables with just a few lines of R. More complex...
r-pixels 0.1.1 MIT X Provides tools to show and draw image pixels using 'HTML'...
r-pixiedust 0.9.4 GPL-2 X The introduction of the 'broom' package has made converting...
r-pixmap 0.4_12 GPL-2 X Functions for import, export, plotting and other manipulations of...
r-pk 1.3_6 GPL-2 X Estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters using non-compartmental theory.
r-pkconverter 1.5 GPL-2 X Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug absorption, distribution,...
r-pkgbuild 1.4.2 MIT XXXX Provides functions used to build R packages. Locates compilers needed...
r-pkgcache MIT X Metadata and package cache for CRAN-like repositories. This is a...
r-pkgcond 0.1.1 GPL-2 X This provides utilities for creating classed error and warning...
r-pkgconfig 2.0.3 MIT XXXX Set configuration options on a per-package basis. Options set by a...
r-pkgdepends 0.6.0 MIT X Find recursive dependencies of 'R' packages from various...
r-pkgdown 2.0.7 MIT X Generate an attractive and useful website from a source package. ...
r-pkgfilecache 0.1.4 MIT X Manage optional data for your package. The data can be hosted anywhere,...
r-pkgkitten 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Provides a function kitten() which creates cute little packages which...
r-pkgload 1.3.3 GPL-3 XXXX Simulates the process of installing a package and then attaching it....
r-pkgmaker 0.32.10 GPL-2 XXXX Provides some low-level utilities to use for package development. It...
r-pkgnet 0.4.2 BSD_3_clause X Tools from the domain of graph theory can be used to quantify the...
r-pkgsearch 3.1.2 MIT X Search CRAN metadata about packages by keyword, popularity, recent...
r-pki 0.1_12 GPL-2 XXX Public Key Infrastucture functions such as verifying certificates, RSA...
r-pkmon 1.1 CC X We implement two least-squares estimators under k-monotony constraint...
r-pknca 0.10.2 AGPL-3 X Compute standard Non-Compartmental Analysis (NCA) parameters for...
r-pkpdmodels 0.3.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions to evaluate common pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic...
r-pks 0.6_0 GPL-2 X Fitting and testing probabilistic knowledge structures, especially the...
r-pksea 0.0.1 MIT X A tool for inferring kinase activity changes from phosphoproteomics...
r-pla 0.2 GPL-2 X Parallel Line Assays: Completely randomized design, Randomized Block...
r-plac 0.1.3 GPL-3 XXX A semi-parametric estimation method for the Cox model with...
r-plainview 0.2.1 MIT X Provides methods for plotting potentially large (raster) images...
r-plan 0.4_5 GPL-2 X Supports the creation of 'burndown' charts and 'gantt' diagrams.
r-planesmuestra 0.1 GPL-2 X Calculates an acceptance sampling plan, (sample size and acceptance...
r-planets 0.1.0 MIT X The goal of 'planets' is to provide of very simple and...
r-planor 1.5_1 GPL-2 XXX Automatic generation of regular factorial designs, including fractional...
r-plantecophys 1.4_6 GPL-3 X Coupled leaf gas exchange model, A-Ci curve simulation and fitting,...
r-plaqr 2.0 GPL-2 X Estimation, prediction, thresholding, transformation, and plotting for...
r-playerratings 1.1_0 GPL-3 XXX Implements schemes for estimating player or team skill based on dynamic...
r-plde 0.1.2 GPL-2 X We present a penalized log-density estimation method using Legendre...
r-plfm 2.2.5 GPL-2 XXX Functions for estimating probabilistic latent feature models with a...
r-pliable 1.1 GPL-3 XXX Fits a pliable lasso model. For details see Tibshirani and Friedman...
r-pliman 2.1.0 GPL-3 X Tools for single or batch image manipulation and analysis as described...
r-plink 1.5_1 GPL-2 X Item response theory based methods are used to compute linking...
r-plis 1.2 GPL-3 X A multiple testing procedure for testing several groups of hypotheses...
r-plm 2.6_3 GPL-2 XXXX A set of estimators for models and (robust) covariance matrices, and...
r-pln 0.2_2 GPL-3 XXX Performs bivariate composite likelihood and full information maximum...
r-plogr 0.2.0 MIT XXXX A simple header-only logging library for C++. Add 'LinkingTo:...
r-plordprob 1.1 GPL-2 XXX Multivariate ordered probit model, i.e. the extension of the scalar...
r-plot.matrix 1.6.2 GPL-3 X Visualizes a matrix object plainly as heatmap. It provides S3 functions...
r-plot3d 1.4 GPL X Functions for viewing 2-D and 3-D data, including perspective plots,...
r-plot3drgl 1.0.4 GPL X The 'rgl' implementation of plot3D functions.
r-plotcontour 0.1.0 GPL-2 X This function plots a contour line with a user-defined probability and...
r-plotdap 1.0.3 MIT X Easily visualize and animate 'tabledap' and 'griddap'...
r-plotfunctions 1.4 GPL-2 X When analyzing data, plots are a helpful tool for visualizing data and...
r-plotly 4.10.2 MIT XXXX Create interactive web graphics from 'ggplot2' graphs and/or a...
r-plotlygeoassets 0.0.2 MIT X Includes 'JavaScript' files that allow 'plotly' maps to...
r-plotmcmc 2.0.1 GPL-3 X Markov chain Monte Carlo diagnostic plots. The purpose of the package...
r-plotmo 3.6.2 GPL-3 X Plot model surfaces for a wide variety of models using partial...
r-plotpc 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Plot principal component histograms around a bivariate scatter plot.
r-plotrcs 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Simple drawing of restricted cubic spline (RCS) curves through...
r-plotregionhighlighter 1.0 GPL-2 X Creates an envelope around a set of plotted points. The envelope is...
r-plotrix 3.8_2 GPL-2 X Lots of plots, various labeling, axis and color scaling functions.
r-plotroc 2.3.1 MIT X Most ROC curve plots obscure the cutoff values and inhibit...
r-plotscale 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Figures rendered on graphics devices are usually rescaled to fit...
r-plottools 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Annotate plots with legends for continuous variables and colour spectra...
r-plotwidgets 0.5.1 GPL X Small self-contained plots for use in larger plots or to delegate...
r-plrasch 1.0 GPL-2 X Fit Log Linear by Linear Association models and Rasch family models by...
r-plrmodels 1.4 GPL-3 X Contains statistical inference tools applied to Partial Linear...
r-pls 2.8_2 GPL-2 XXXX Multivariate regression methods Partial Least Squares Regression...
r-plsbiplot1 0.1 GPL-2 X Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplots, Covariance monoplots and...
r-plsdepot 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Different methods for PLS analysis of one or two data tables such as...
r-plsdof 0.3_2 GPL-2 X The plsdof package provides Degrees of Freedom estimates for Partial...
r-plspm 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM), Tenenhaus, Esposito...
r-plsrglm 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Provides (weighted) Partial least squares Regression for generalized...
r-plugdensity 0.8_4 GPL-2 XXX Kernel density estimation with global bandwidth selection via "plug-in".
r-plumber 1.2.1 MIT XXXX Gives the ability to automatically generate and serve an HTTP API from...
r-plus 1.0 GPL-2 X Efficient procedures for fitting an entire regression sequences with...
r-pluscode 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Retrieves a 'pluscode' by inputting latitude and longitude....
r-plusser 0.4_0 GPL-3 X plusser provides an API interface to Google+ so that posts, profiles...
r-plyr 1.8.9 MIT XXX A set of tools that solves a common set of problems: you need to break...
r-pma 1.2_2 GPL-2 X Performs Penalized Multivariate Analysis: a penalized matrix...
r-pmcmr 4.4 GPL-3 X Note, that the 'PMCMR' package is superset by the novel...
r-pmcmrplus 1.9.8 GPL-3 X For one-way layout experiments the one-way ANOVA can be performed as an...
r-pmml 2.5.2 GPL-3 X The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) is an XML-based language...
r-pmmltransformations 1.3.3 GPL X Allows for data to be transformed before using it to construct models....
r-pmr GPL-2 X Descriptive statistics (mean rank, pairwise frequencies, and marginal...
r-pmsampsize 1.1.2 GPL-3 X Computes the minimum sample size required for the development of a new...
r-pmultinom 1.0.0 AGPL-3 X Implements multinomial CDF (P(N1<=n1, ..., Nk<=nk)) and tail...
r-pnadcibge 0.7.3 GPL-3 X Provides tools for downloading, reading and analyzing the PNADC, a...
r-png 0.1_8 GPL-2 XXX This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and display...
r-pnmtrem 1.3 GPL-2 X An R package for Probit-Normal Marginalized Transition Random Effects Models
r-pnn 1.0.1 AGPL-3 X The program pnn implements the algorithm proposed by Specht (1990). It...
r-pocrm 0.13 GPL-2 X Provides functions to implement and simulate the partial order...
r-pod 1.2.0 GPL-3 X This tool computes the probability of detection (POD) curve and the...
r-poet 2.0 GPL-2 X Estimate large covariance matrices in approximate factor models by...
r-poibin 1.5 GPL-2 XXX Implementation of both the exact and approximation methods for...
r-poiclaclu GPL-2 X Implements the methods described in the paper, Witten (2011)...
r-poilog 0.4.2 GPL-3 XXX Functions for obtaining the density, random deviates and maximum...
r-pointblank 0.11.4 MIT X Validate data in data frames, 'tibble' objects, 'Spark'...
r-pointdensityp 0.3.5 MIT X The function pointdensity returns a density count and the temporal...
r-poisbinnonnor 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Generation of multiple count, binary and continuous variables...
r-poisbinom 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides the probability, distribution, and quantile functions and...
r-poisdoublesamp 1.1.1 MIT XXX Functions to create confidence intervals for ratios of Poisson rates...
r-poisnonnor 1.6.3 GPL-2 X Generation of count (assuming Poisson distribution) and continuous data...
r-poisnor 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Generates multivariate data with count and continuous variables with a...
r-poisson 1.0 GPL-2 X Contains functions and classes for simulating, plotting and analysing...
r-poisson.glm.mix 1.4 GPL-2 X Mixtures of Poisson Generalized Linear Models for high dimensional...
r-poissonpca 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX For a multivariate dataset with independent Poisson measurement error,...
r-poissonseq 1.1.2 GPL-2 X This package implements a method for normalization, testing, and false...
r-poistweedie 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Simulation of models Poisson-Tweedie.
r-poker 0.8.8 GPL-2 X Type testRoundOfPoker() to demonstrate the game of Texas Hold ‘Em...
r-polca GPL-2 X Latent class analysis and latent class regression models for polytomous...
r-polidata MIT X This package provides easy access to various political data APIs...
r-poliscidata 2.3.0 CC0 X Bundles the datasets and functions used in the textbook by Philip...
r-polite 0.1.3 MIT X Be responsible when scraping data from websites by following polite...
r-politicaldata 0.1.3 MIT X Provides useful functions for obtaining commonly-used data in political...
r-pollster 0.1.6 CC0 X Calculate common types of tables for weighted survey data. Options...
r-pollstr 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Client for the HuffPost Pollster API, which provides access to U.S....
r-polspline 1.1.23 GPL-2 XXX Routines for the polynomial spline fitting routines hazard regression,...
r-polyaaeppli 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Functions for evaluating the mass density, cumulative distribution...
r-polychrome 1.5.1 Apache X Tools for creating, viewing, and assessing qualitative palettes with...
r-polyclip 1.10_6 BSL XXX R port of Angus Johnson's open source library 'Clipper'....
r-polycor 0.8_1 GPL-2 X Computes polychoric and polyserial correlations by quick...
r-polycub 0.8.1 GPL-2 XXX Numerical integration of continuously differentiable functions f(x,y)...
r-polyfreqs 1.0.2 GPL-2 XXX Implements a Gibbs sampling algorithm to perform Bayesian inference on...
r-polylabelr 0.2.0 MIT XXX A wrapper around the C++ library 'polylabel' from...
r-polynom 1.4_1 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to implement a class for univariate...
r-polynomf 2.0_5 GPL-2 XXX Implements univariate polynomial operations in R, including polynomial...
r-polypatex 0.9.2 GPL-3 X Functions to perform paternity exclusion via allele matching, in...
r-polysat 1.7_7 GPL-2 XXX A collection of tools to handle microsatellite data of any ploidy (and...
r-polysegratio 0.2_5 GPL-3 X Perform classic chi-squared tests and Ripol et al(1999) binomial...
r-polytrend 1.2 GPL-2 X This algorithm classifies the trends into linear, quadratic, cubic,...
r-pomaspu 1.0.0 GPL-3 XXX POM-aSPU test evaluates an association between an ordinal response and...
r-pomdp 1.1.2 GPL-3 XXX Provides the infrastructure to define and analyze the solutions of...
r-pomdpsolve 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Installs an updated version of 'pomdp-solve', a program to...
r-pomic 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Calculations of an information criterion are proposed to check the...
r-pomp 5.4 GPL-3 XXX Tools for data analysis with partially observed Markov process (POMP)...
r-pooh 0.3_2 MIT XXX Finds equivalence classes corresponding to a symmetric relation or...
r-pool 1.0.1 MIT XXXX Enables the creation of object pools, which make it less...
r-pooledmeangroup 1.0 GPL-2 X Calculates the pooled mean group (PMG) estimator for dynamic panel data...
r-poolfstat 2.2.0 GPL-2 XX Functions for the computation of f- and D-statistics (estimation of...
r-poorman 0.2.7 MIT X A replication of key functionality from 'dplyr' and the wider...
r-pop 0.1 MIT X Population dynamic models underpin a range of analyses and applications...
r-pop.wolf 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Simulate the dynamic of wolf populations using a specific...
r-popbio 2.7 GPL-3 X Construct and analyze projection matrix models from a demography study...
r-popdemo 1.3_1 GPL-2 X Tools for modelling populations and demography using matrix projection...
r-popdemog 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Plot demographic graphs for single/multiple populations from coalescent...
r-popepi 0.4.11 MIT X Enables computation of epidemiological statistics, including those...
r-popgenkit 1.0 GPL-2 X There are two main purposes to this package. The first is to allow...
r-popgenreport 3.1 GPL-3 X Provides beginner friendly framework to analyse population genetic...
r-popkin 1.3.23 GPL-3 XXXX Provides functions to estimate the kinship matrix of individuals from a...
r-popkorn 0.3_0 MIT X Provides a suite of tools for various methods of estimating confidence...
r-poppr 2.9.4 GPL-2 X Population genetic analyses for hierarchical analysis of partially...
r-poprange 1.1.3 MIT X Runs a forward genetic simulator
r-popreconstruct 1.0_6 GPL-3 X Implements the Bayesian hierarchical model described by Wheldon,...
r-poptrend 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Functions to estimate and plot smooth or linear population trends, or...
r-population 0.3 GPL-3 XXX Run population simulations using an Individual-Based Model (IBM) compiled in C.
r-portes 6.0 GPL-2 X Contains common univariate and multivariate portmanteau test statistics...
r-portfolio 0.5_2 GPL-2 X Classes for analysing and implementing equity portfolios, including...
r-portfolioanalytics 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Portfolio optimization and analysis routines and graphics.
r-portfoliobacktest 0.4.1 GPL-3 X Automated backtesting of multiple portfolios over multiple datasets of...
r-portsort 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Designed to aid both academic researchers and asset managers in...
r-posi 1.1 GPL-3 X In linear LS regression, calculate for a given design matrix the...
r-postcodesior 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Free UK geocoding using data from Office for National Statistics. It is...
r-posterior 1.4.1 BSD_3_clause X Provides useful tools for both users and developers of packages for...
r-postinfectious 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Functions to estimate the incubation period distribution of...
r-postlogic GPL-2 X Provides adds postfix and infix logic operators for if, then, unless,...
r-pot 1.1_10 GPL-2 XXX Some functions useful to perform a Peak Over Threshold analysis in...
r-potools 0.2.4 GPL-3 X Translating messages in R packages is managed using the po top-level...
r-potts 0.5_11 GPL-2 XXX Do Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation of Potts models (Potts,...
r-powdist 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-power 1.0.7 GPL-2 XXX Functions for the computation of power and level tables for hypothesis...
r-poweranalysis 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Basic functions for power analysis and effect size calculation.
r-powercomprisk 1.0.1 GPL-2 X A power analysis tool for jointly testing the cause-1 cause-specific...
r-powerfulmaxeigenpair 0.1.0 MIT X An implementation for using powerful algorithm to compute the maximal...
r-powerlaw 0.70.6 GPL-2 X An implementation of maximum likelihood estimators for a variety of...
r-powerlmm 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Calculate power for the 'time x treatment' effect in two- and...
r-powermediation 0.3.4 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate power and sample size for testing (1) mediation...
r-powernormal 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous functions for a descriptive analysis and initial Bayesian...
r-powerpkg 1.6 GPL-2 X There are two main functions: (1) To estimate the power of testing for...
r-powersurvepi 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate power and sample size for testing main effect or...
r-powertost 1.5_4 GPL-2 X Contains functions to calculate power and sample size for various study...
r-powerupr 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Includes tools to calculate statistical power, minimum detectable...
r-pp 0.6.3_11 GPL-3 XXX The PP package includes estimation of (MLE, WLE, MAP, EAP, ROBUST)...
r-pp3 1.2 GPL-2 XXX Exploratory projection pursuit is a method to discovers structure in...
r-ppcc 1.2 GPL-3 XXX Calculates the Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient (PPCC) between...
r-ppcor 1.1 GPL-2 X Calculates partial and semi-partial (part) correlations along with p-value.
r-ppls 1.6_1.1 GPL-2 X Contains linear and nonlinear regression methods based on Partial Least...
r-ppmr 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Efficient statistical inference of two-sample MR (Mendelian...
r-pps 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions to select samples using PPS (probability proportional to...
r-pqantimalarials 0.2 GPL-3 X This package allows users to calculate the number of under-five child...
r-pqlseq 1.2.1 GPL-2 XXX An efficient tool designed for differential analysis of large-scale RNA...
r-prabclus 2.3_2 GPL-3 X Distance-based parametric bootstrap tests for clustering with spatial...
r-pracma 2.4.2 GPL-3 X Provides a large number of functions from numerical analysis and linear...
r-practools 1.4 GPL-3 X Functions and datasets to support Valliant, Dever, and Kreuter,...
r-pragma 0.1.3 GPL-2 X pragma allows for the use of pragma (also sometimes called directives...
r-prais 1.1.2 GPL-2 X The Prais-Winsten estimator (Prais & Winsten, 1954) takes into...
r-praise 1.0.0 MIT XXXX Build friendly R packages that praise their users if they have done...
r-praktikum 0.1 GPL-2 X Kasulikud funktsioonid kvantitatiivsete mudelite kursuse (SHPH.00.004) jaoks
r-praznik 11.0.0 GPL-3 XXX A toolbox of fast, native and parallel implementations of various...
r-prclust 1.3 GPL-2 XXX Clustering is unsupervised and exploratory in nature. Yet, it can be...
r-pre 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Derives prediction rule ensembles (PREs). Largely follows the procedure...
r-precisesums 0.6 GPL-2 XXX Most of the time floating point arithmetic does approximately the right...
r-precrec 0.14.4 GPL-3 X Accurate calculations and visualization of precision-recall and ROC...
r-predictabel 1.2_4 GPL-2 X We included functions to assess the performance of risk models. The...
r-prediction 0.3.14 MIT X A one-function package containing 'prediction()', a type-safe...
r-predictiveregression 0.1_4 file X Three prediction algorithms described in the paper "On-line...
r-predictmeans 1.0.9 GPL-2 X Providing functions to diagnose and make inferences from various linear...
r-predicts 0.1_11 GPL-3 X Methods for spatial predictive modeling, especially for spatial...
r-predkmeans 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Implements the predictive k-means method for clustering observations,...
r-predmixcor 1.1_1 GPL-2 X "train_predict_mix" predicts the binary response with binary features
r-preferably 0.4.1 MIT X This is an accessible template for 'pkgdown'. It uses two...
r-prefmod 0.8_36 GPL-2 X Generates design matrix for analysing real paired comparisons and...
r-preknitposthtmlrender 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Dynamize headers or R code within 'Rmd' files to prevent...
r-premium 3.2.10 GPL-2 X Bayesian clustering using a Dirichlet process mixture model. This model...
r-preputils 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Miscellaneous small utilities are provided to mitigate issues with...
r-prereg 0.6.0 GPL-3 X Provides a collection of templates to author preregistration documents...
r-presenceabsence 1.1.11 Unlimited X Provides a set of functions useful when evaluating the results of...
r-prettyb 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Drop-in replacements for standard base graphics functions. The...
r-prettycode 1.1.0 MIT X Replace the standard print method for functions with one that performs...
r-prettydoc 0.4.1 Apache X Creating tiny yet beautiful documents and vignettes from R Markdown....
r-prettygraphs 2.1.6 GPL-2 X Simple and crisp publication-quality graphics for the ExPosition family...
r-prettymapr 0.2.4 GPL-2 X Automates the process of creating a scale bar and north arrow in any...
r-prettyr 2.2_3 GPL-2 X Functions for conventionally formatting descriptive stats, reshaping...
r-prettyunits 1.2.0 MIT XXXX Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities. Time intervals:...
r-prevederer 0.0.1 MIT X Easy and efficient access to the API provided by 'Prevedere',...
r-pricer 1.0.1 MIT X Functions to aid in micro and macro economic analysis and handling of...
r-primefactr 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Use Prime Factorization for simplifying computations, for instance for...
r-primes 1.5.0 MIT XXX Fast functions for dealing with prime numbers, such as testing whether...
r-primme 3.2_5 GPL-3 XX R interface to 'PRIMME'...
r-princurve 2.1.6 GPL-2 XXX Fitting a principal curve to a data matrix in arbitrary dimensions....
r-prinsimp 0.8_8 AGPL-3 X Provides capabilities beyond principal components analysis to focus on...
r-printr 0.3 GPL-3 X Extends the S3 generic function knit_print() in 'knitr' to...
r-priogene 0.99.0 Artistic-2.0 X In gene sequencing methods, the topological features of protein-protein...
r-prioritizr 8.0.3 GPL-3 X Systematic conservation prioritization using mixed integer linear...
r-prioritizrdata 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Conservation planning datasets for learning how to use the...
r-prioritylasso 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Fits successive Lasso models for several blocks of (omics) data with...
r-prism.forecast 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Implements Penalized Regression with Inferred Seasonality Module...
r-prismatic 1.1.1 MIT X Manipulate and visualize colors in a intuitive, low-dependency and...
r-prithulib 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Enables user to perform the following: 1. Roll 'n' number of...
r-privatelr 1.2_22 GPL-2 X Implements two differentially private algorithms for estimating...
r-prnsamplr 0.3.0 MIT X Survey sampling using permanent random numbers (PRN's). A solution...
r-pro 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Optogenetics is a new tool to study neuronal circuits that have been...
r-probably 1.0.2 MIT X Models can be improved by post-processing class probabilities, by:...
r-probemod 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Contains functions that are useful for probing moderation effects (or...
r-probfda 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Probabilistic Fisher discriminant analysis (pFDA) is a probabilistic...
r-probhat 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Computes nonparametric probability distributions (probability density...
r-probsvm 1.00 GPL-2 X This package provides multiclass conditional probability estimation for...
r-proc 1.18.4 GPL-3 XXX Tools for visualizing, smoothing and comparing receiver operating...
r-proccalibrad 0.14 GPL-2 X Package for processing downloaded MODIS Calibrated radiances Product...
r-processcontrol 0.1.0 MIT X Generate time series chart for individual values with mean and +/- 3...
r-processmapr 0.5.3 MIT X Visualize event logs using directed graphs, i.e. process maps. Part of...
r-processx 3.8.2 MIT XXX Tools to run system processes in the background. It can check if a...
r-procmaps 0.0.5 GPL-3 X Portable '/proc/self/maps' as a data frame. Determine which...
r-prodigenr 0.6.2 MIT X Create a project directory structure, along with typical files for that...
r-prodlim 2023.08.28 GPL-2 XXX Fast and user friendly implementation of nonparametric estimators for...
r-productplots 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Framework for visualising tables of counts, proportions and...
r-profdpm 3.3 GPL-2 XXX This package facilitates profile inference (inference at the posterior...
r-profilelikelihood 1.3 GPL-3 X Provides profile likelihoods for a parameter of interest in commonly...
r-profilemodel 0.6.1 GPL-2 XXXX Provides tools that can be used to calculate, evaluate, plot and use...
r-profmem 0.6.0 LGPL-2.1 X A simple and light-weight API for memory profiling of R expressions. ...
r-profr 0.3.3 MIT X An alternative data structure and visual rendering for the profiling...
r-proftools 0.99_3 GPL-3 X Tools for examining Rprof profile output.
r-profvis 0.3.8 GPL-3 XXX Interactive visualizations for profiling R code.
r-prognosticroc 0.7 GPL-2 X Prognostic ROC curve is an alternative graphical approach to represent...
r-progress 1.2.2 MIT X Configurable Progress bars, they may include percentage, elapsed time,...
r-progressr 0.14.0 GPL-3 X A minimal, unifying API for scripts and packages to report progress...
r-proj 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Currently non-operational, a harmless wrapper to allow package...
r-proj4 1.0_13 GPL-2 XX A simple interface to lat/long projection and datum transformation of...
r-projecttemplate 0.10.3 GPL-3 X Provides functions to automatically build a directory structure for a...
r-projmgr 0.1.0 MIT X Provides programmatic access to 'GitHub' API with a focus on...
r-projpred 2.7.0 GPL-3 X Performs projection predictive feature selection for generalized linear...
r-proliferativeindex 1.0.1 MIT X Provides functions for calculating and analyzing the proliferative...
r-promethee 1.1 GPL-3 X Functions which can be used to support the Multicriteria Decision...
r-promises 1.2.1 MIT XXX Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous programming in...
r-promote 1.1.1 FreeBSD X Deploy, maintain, and invoke predictive models using the 'Alteryx...
r-propcis 0.3_0 GPL-3 X Computes two-sample confidence intervals for single, paired and...
r-properties 0.0_9 GPL-2 X Allows to parse 'Java' properties files in the context of...
r-prophet 1.0 MIT X Implements a procedure for forecasting time series data based on an...
r-propscrrand 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Contains functions to run propensity-biased allocation to balance...
r-proreg 1.2 GPL-3 X Offers a variety of tools, such as specific plots and regression model...
r-proscorertools 0.0.4 MIT X Provides a reliable and flexible toolbox to score patient-reported...
r-prospectr 0.2.6 MIT XXX Functions to preprocess spectroscopic data and conduct (representative)...
r-prosper 0.3.3 GPL-3 X An environment to simulate the development of annual plant populations...
r-proteindescriptors 0.1.0 BSD_3_clause X An implementation of protein descriptors in R. These descriptors...
r-proteomicdesign 2.0 GPL-3 X This package provides functions to identify the optimal solution that...
r-proto 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXXX An object oriented system using object-based, also called...
r-protoclass 1.0 GPL-3 X Greedy algorithm described in Bien and Tibshirani (2011) Prototype...
r-protoclust 1.6.4 GPL-2 XXX Performs minimax linkage hierarchical clustering. Every cluster has an...
r-protolidar 0.1 GPL-3 X PROTOLIDAR package contains functions for analyze the LIDAR scan of...
r-protolite 2.3.0 MIT XXX Pure C++ implementations for reading and writing several common data...
r-proton 1.0 GPL-2 X 'The Proton Game' is a console-based data-crunching game for...
r-protr 1.6_3 BSD_3_clause X Comprehensive toolkit for generating various numerical features of...
r-protviz 0.7.7 GPL-3 XXX Helps with quality checks, visualizations and analysis of mass...
r-provparser 1.0 GPL-3 X R functions to access provenance information collected by 'rdt'...
r-provviz 1.0.9 GPL-3 X Displays provenance graphically for provenance collected by the...
r-proxy 0.4_27 GPL-2 XXX Provides an extensible framework for the efficient calculation of auto-...
r-proxyc 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Computes proximity between rows or columns of large matrices...
r-prroc 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Computes the areas under the precision-recall (PR) and ROC curve for...
r-prsr 3.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Tests periodicity in short time series using response surface regression.
r-pryr 0.1.6 GPL-2 XXX Useful tools to pry back the covers of R and understand the language at...
r-ps 1.7.5 MIT XXX List, query and manipulate all system processes, on 'Windows',...
r-psagraphics 2.1.2 GPL-2 X A collection of functions that primarily produce graphics to aid in a...
r-pscl GPL-2 XXX Bayesian analysis of item-response theory (IRT) models, roll call...
r-pseval 1.3.1 MIT X Contains the core methods for the evaluation of principal surrogates in...
r-psi 1.1 GPL-2 X This package contains functions to calculate the Specificity Index...
r-pso 1.0.4 LGPL-3 X Provides an implementation of particle swarm optimisation consistent...
r-psoptim 1.0 GPL X Particle swarm optimization - a basic variant.
r-pspearman 0.3_1 GPL-3 XXX Spearman's rank correlation test with precomputed exact null...
r-pspline 1.0_19 Unlimited XXX Smoothing splines with penalties on order m derivatives.
r-pstat 1.2 GPL-2 X Calculating Pst values to assess differentiation among populations from...
r-psumtsim 0.4 GPL-3 X Functions to simulate Poisson or Normally distributed responses...
r-psy 1.2 GPL-2 X Kappa, ICC, reliability coefficient, parallel analysis, multi-traits...
r-psych 2.3.9 GPL-2 XXXX A general purpose toolbox developed originally for personality,...
r-psycho 0.6.1 MIT X The main goal of the psycho package is to provide tools for...
r-psychometric 2.3 GPL-2 X Provides tools useful for measurement theory (Allen & Yen...
r-psychonetrics 0.11.5 GPL-2 X Multi-group (dynamical) structural equation models in combination with...
r-psychotools 0.7_3 GPL-2 XXX Infrastructure for psychometric modeling such as data classes (for item...
r-psychotree 0.16_0 GPL-2 X Recursive partitioning based on psychometric models, employing the...
r-psychtools 2.3.9 GPL-2 X Support functions, data sets, and vignettes for the 'psych'...
r-psymonitor 0.0.2 GPL-3 X Apply the popular real-time monitoring strategy proposed by Phillips,...
r-psyntur 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides functions and data-sets that are helpful for teaching...
r-psyphy 0.3 GPL-3 X An assortment of functions that could be useful in analyzing data from...
r-pte 1.7 GPL-3 X We provide inference for personalized medicine models. Namely, we...
r-ptest 1.0_8 GPL-2 XXX Implements p-value computations using an approximation to the...
r-ptprocess 3.3_16 GPL-2 X Fits and analyses time dependent marked point process models with an...
r-pts2polys 0.1.3 GPL-2 XXX Various applications in invasive species biology, conservation biology,...
r-ptsuite 1.0.0 GPL-3 XXX Various estimation methods for the shape parameter of Pareto...
r-ptw 1.9_16 GPL-2 XXX Parametric Time Warping aligns patterns, i.e. it aims to put...
r-ptwikiwords 0.0.3 MIT X Contains a dataset of words used in 15.000 randomly extracted pages...
r-ptycho 1.1_4 GPL-2 X Bayesian variable selection for linear regression models using...
r-publish 2023.01.17 GPL-2 X A bunch of convenience functions that transform the results of some...
r-pubmed.miner 1.0.19 GPL-3 X Text mining of PubMed Abstracts (text and XML) from...
r-pubmedr 0.0.3 GPL-3 X A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'PubMed'...
r-pullword 0.3 LGPL-3 XXX R Interface to Pullword Service for natural language processing in...
r-pulsar 0.3.11 GPL-3 X Model selection for penalized graphical models using the Stability...
r-pumilior 1.3.1 GPL-3 X R package to query and get data out of a Pumilio sound archive system...
r-purge 0.2.1 MIT X Enables the removal of training data from fitted R models while...
r-purging 1.0.0 MIT X Simple method of purging independent variables of mediating effects....
r-purrr 1.0.2 MIT XXX A complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R.
r-purrrlyr 0.0.8 GPL-3 X Some functions at the intersection of 'dplyr' and...
r-pushbar 0.1.0 MIT X Create sliders from left, right, top and bottom which may include any...
r-pushoverr 1.1.0 BSD_2_clause X Send push notifications to mobile devices or the desktop using...
r-pvar 2.2.7 GPL-2 X The calculation of p-variation of the finite sample data. This package...
r-pvclass 1.4 GPL-2 X Computes nonparametric p-values for the potential class memberships of...
r-pvclust 2.2_0 GPL-2 X An implementation of multiscale bootstrap resampling for assessing the...
r-pvsr 0.3 GPL-2 X The pvsR package facilitates data retrieval from Project Vote...
r-pwd 1.0 GPL-3 X Contains functions which allow the user to perform time series...
r-pweall GPL-2 X Calculates various functions needed for design and monitoring survival...
r-pwr 1.3_0 GPL-3 X Power analysis functions along the lines of Cohen (1988).
r-pwr2 1.0 GPL-2 X User friendly functions for power and sample size analysis at one-way...
r-pwrab 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Power analysis for AB testing. The calculations are based on the...
r-pwrfdr 2.8.9 GPL-2 X This is a package for calculating two differing notions of power, or...
r-pwrgsd 2.3.6 GPL-2 X Tools for the evaluation of interim analysis plans for sequentially...
r-pwrrasch 0.1_2 GPL-3 X Statistical power simulation for testing the Rasch Model based on a...
r-pwrss 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Statistical power and minimum required sample size calculations for (1)...
r-pwt 7.1_1 GPL-2 X The Penn World Table provides purchasing power parity and national...
r-pwt10 10.01_0 GPL-2 X The Penn World Table 10.x...
r-pwt8 8.1_1 GPL-2 X The Penn World Table 8.x provides information on relative levels of...
r-pwt9 9.1_0 GPL-2 X The Penn World Table 9.x (<http://www.ggdc.net/pwt/>) provides...
r-pxr 0.42.7 GPL-3 X Provides a set of functions for reading and writing PC-Axis files, used...
r-pxweb 0.16.2 BSD_2_clause X Generic interface for the PX-Web/PC-Axis API. The PX-Web/PC-Axis API is...
r-pyinit 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Deterministic Pena-Yohai initial estimator for robust S estimators of...
r-pymturkr 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Provides access to the latest 'Amazon Mechanical Turk'...
r-pyramid 1.5 GPL-2 X Drawing population pyramid using (1) data.frame or (2) vectors. The...
r-pzfx 0.3.0 MIT X Read and write 'GraphPad Prism' '.pzfx' files in R.
r-qaig 0.1.7 GPL-3 X A tool for automatic generation of sibling items from a parent item...
r-qap 0.1_2 GPL-3 X Implements heuristics for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)....
r-qboxplot 0.2 GPL-2 X Produce quantile-based box-and-whisker plot(s).
r-qca 3.21 GPL-3 X An extensive set of functions to perform Qualitative Comparative...
r-qcafalsepositive 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Implements tests for Type I error in Qualitative Comparative Analysis...
r-qcapro 1.1_2 GPL-3 X Provides advanced functionality for performing configurational...
r-qcba 0.5.1 GPL-3 X CBA postprocessing algorithm that creates smaller models for datasets...
r-qcc 2.7 GPL-2 X Shewhart quality control charts for continuous, attribute and count...
r-qcewas 1.2_2 GPL-3 X Tools for (automated and manual) quality control of the results of...
r-qcgwas 1.0_9 GPL-3 X Tools for (automated and manual) quality control of the results of...
r-qcsis 0.1 GPL-2 X Quantile correlation-sure independence screening (QC-SIS) and composite...
r-qcv 1.0 GPL-2 X Primarily, the 'qcv' package computes key indices related to...
r-qdap 2.4.6 GPL-2 X Automates many of the tasks associated with quantitative discourse...
r-qdapdictionaries 1.0.7 GPL-2 X A collection of text analysis dictionaries and word lists for use with...
r-qdapregex 0.7.8 GPL-2 X A collection of regular expression tools associated with the...
r-qdaptools 1.3.7 GPL-2 X A collection of tools associated with the 'qdap' package that...
r-qdcomparison 3.0 GPL-2 X Allows practitioners to determine (i) if two univariate distributions...
r-qdm 0.1_0 GPL-2 X This package provides different specifications of a Quadrilateral...
r-qfrm 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Option pricing (financial derivatives) techniques mainly following...
r-qgam 1.3.4 GPL-2 X Smooth additive quantile regression models, fitted using the methods of...
r-qgcomp 2.15.2 GPL-2 X G-computation for a set of time-fixed exposures with quantile-based...
r-qgglmm 0.7.4 GPL-2 X Compute various quantitative genetics parameters from a Generalised...
r-qgisprocess 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides seamless access to the 'QGIS'...
r-qgraph 1.9.5 GPL-2 X Fork of qgraph - Weighted network visualization and analysis, as well...
r-qgtools 2.0 GPL-2 X Two linear mixed model approaches: REML(restricted maximum likelihood)...
r-qhot 0.1.0 GPL-3 X This function produces both the numerical and graphical summaries of...
r-qicharts 0.5.8 GPL-3 X Functions for making run charts `[Anhoej, Olesen (2014)...
r-qicharts2 0.7.4 GPL-3 X Functions for making run charts, Shewhart control charts and Pareto...
r-qif 1.5 GPL-2 X Developed to perform the estimation and inference for regression...
r-qiitr 0.1.1 MIT X Qiita is a technical knowledge sharing and collaboration platform for...
r-qkerntool 1.19 GPL-2 X Nonlinear machine learning tool for classification, clustering and...
r-qlcmatrix 0.9.7 GPL-3 X Extension of the functionality of the Matrix package for using sparse...
r-qlearn 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions to implement Q-learning for estimating optimal dynamic...
r-qlearning 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Implements Q-Learning, a model-free form of reinforcement learning,...
r-qmap 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Empirical adjustment of the distribution of variables originating from...
r-qmrparser 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Basic functions for building parsers, with an application to PC-AXIS...
r-qpcr 1.4_1 GPL-2 X Model fitting, optimal model selection and calculation of various...
r-qpdf 1.3.2 Apache XXX Content-preserving transformations transformations of PDF files such as...
r-qqconf 1.3.2 GPL-3 X Provides functionality for creating Quantile-Quantile (QQ) and...
r-qqman 0.1.9 GPL-3 X Create Q-Q and manhattan plots for GWAS data from PLINK results.
r-qqperm 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides users the necessary utility functions to generate...
r-qqplotr 0.0.6 GPL-3 X Extensions of 'ggplot2' Q-Q plot functionalities.
r-qqvases 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Presents an explanatory animation of normal quantile-quantile plots...
r-qrage 1.0 MIT X Tools that create D3 JavaScript force directed graph from R. D3...
r-qrank 1.0 GPL-2 X A Quantile Rank-score based test for the identification of expression...
r-qrcode 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Create QRcode in R.
r-qrencoder 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Quick Response codes (QR codes) are a type of matrix bar code and can...
r-qreport 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Provides statistical components, tables, and graphs that are useful in...
r-qrjoint 2.0_9 GPL-2 X Joint estimation of quantile specific intercept and slope parameters in...
r-qrm 0.4_31 GPL-2 XXX Provides functions/methods to accompany the book Quantitative Risk...
r-qrmdata 2022_05_31_1 GPL-2 X Various data sets (stocks, stock indices, constituent data, FX,...
r-qrmix 0.9.0 LGPL-3 X Implements the robust algorithm for fitting finite mixture models based...
r-qrmtools 0.0_16 GPL-3 X Functions and data sets for reproducing selected results from the book...
r-qrng 0.0_9 GPL-2 X Functionality for generating (randomized) quasi-random numbers in high...
r-qrnn 2.1 GPL-2 X Fit quantile regression neural network models with optional left...
r-qrsvm 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Quantile Regression (QR) using Support Vector Machines under the...
r-qs 0.25.5 GPL-3 X Provides functions for quickly writing and reading any R object to and...
r-qsardata 1.3 GPL-3 X Molecular descriptors and outcomes for several public domain data sets
r-qtl 1.60 GPL-3 X Analysis of experimental crosses to identify genes (called quantitative...
r-qtlbook 0.18_8 GPL-3 X Datasets for the book, A Guide to QTL Mapping with R/qtl. Broman and...
r-qtldesign 0.941 GPL-3 X Tools for the design of QTL experiments
r-qtlmt 0.1_6 GPL-2 X Provides tools for joint analysis of multiple traits in a backcross...
r-qtlrel 1.14 GPL-2 X This software provides tools for quantitative trait mapping in...
r-qtools 1.5.9 GPL-2 X Functions for unconditional and conditional quantiles. These include...
r-quadprog 1.5_8 GPL-2 XXX This package contains routines and documentation for solving quadratic...
r-quadprogxt 0.0.5 GPL-2 X Extends the quadprog package to solve quadratic programs with absolute...
r-qualci 0.1 GPL-2 X Exact one-sided p-values and confidence intervals for an outcome...
r-qualtrics 3.1.7 MIT X Provides functions to access survey results directly into R using the...
r-qualv 0.3_5 GPL-2 X Qualitative methods for the validation of dynamic models. It contains...
r-qualvar 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Implements indices of qualitative variation proposed by Wilcox (1973).
r-quandl 2.11.0 MIT X Functions for interacting directly with the Quandl API to offer data in...
r-quantdr 1.2.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of dimension reduction techniques for conditional...
r-quanteda 3.3.1 GPL-3 X A fast, flexible, and comprehensive framework for quantitative text...
r-quanteda.textmodels 0.9.6 GPL-3 X Scaling models and classifiers for sparse matrix objects representing...
r-quanteda.textplots 0.94.3 GPL-3 X Plotting functions for visualising textual data. Extends...
r-quanteda.textstats 0.96.4 GPL-3 X Textual statistics functions formerly in the 'quanteda'...
r-quantileda 1.1 GPL-3 X Code for centroid, median and quantile classifiers.
r-quantilegrader 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of the food safety restaurant grading system adopted by...
r-quantilenpci 0.9.0 GPL-3 X Based on Alan D. Hutson (1999) <doi:10.1080/02664769922458>,...
r-quantmod 0.4.25 GPL-3 XXXX Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading strategies.
r-quantnorm 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Modifies the distance matrix obtained from data with batch effects, so...
r-quantpsyc 1.6 GPL-2 X Contains tools useful for data screening, testing moderation (Cohen et....
r-quantreg 5.97 GPL-2 XXX Estimation and inference methods for models for conditional quantile...
r-quantregforest 1.3_7 GPL-3 X Quantile Regression Forests is a tree-based ensemble method for...
r-quantreggrowth 1.7_0 GPL-3 X Fits non-crossing regression quantiles as a function of linear...
r-quantregranger 1.0 GPL-3 X This is the implementation of quantile regression forests for the fast...
r-quantumops 3.0.1 GPL-3 X Contains basic structures and operations used frequently in quantum...
r-quarto 1.3 GPL-2 X Convert R Markdown documents and 'Jupyter' notebooks to a...
r-quclu 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Various quantile-based clustering algorithms: algorithm CU (Common...
r-queryparser 0.3.2 Apache X Translate 'SQL' 'SELECT' statements into lists of...
r-questionr 0.7.8 GPL-2 X Set of functions to make the processing and analysis of surveys easier...
r-queueing 0.2.12 GPL-2 X It provides versatile tools for analysis of birth and death based...
r-quickjsr 1.0.7 MIT X An 'R' interface to the 'QuickJS' portable...
r-quickmatch 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Provides functions for constructing near-optimal generalized full...
r-quickplot 1.0.2 GPL-3 X A high-level plotting system, compatible with `ggplot2` objects, maps...
r-quickpsy MIT X Quickly fits and plots psychometric functions (normal, logistic,...
r-quiddich 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides tools for an automated identification of diagnostic molecular...
r-quietr 0.1.0 MIT X Simplifies output suppression logic in R packages, as it's common...
r-quotedargs 0.1.3 GPL-2 X A facility for writing functions that quote their arguments, may...
r-quran 0.1.0 MIT X Full text, in data frames containing one row per verse, of the...
r-qvcalc 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXXX Functions to compute quasi variances and associated measures of...
r-qwraps2 0.5.2 GPL-2 X A collection of (wrapper) functions the creator found useful for...
r-qz 0.2_3 Mozilla X Generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors use QZ decomposition...
r-r.blip 1.1 LGPL-3 X Allows the user to learn Bayesian networks from datasets containing...
r-r.cache 0.16.0 LGPL-2.1 X Memoization can be used to speed up repetitive and computational...
r-r.devices 2.17.1 LGPL-2.1 X Functions for creating plots and image files in a unified way...
r-r.huge 0.10.0 LGPL-2.1 X DEPRECATED. Do not start building new projects based on this package....
r-r.matlab 3.7.0 LGPL-2.1 X Methods readMat() and writeMat() for reading and writing MAT files. ...
r-r.methodss3 1.8.2 LGPL-2.1 XXXX Methods that simplify the setup of S3 generic functions and S3 methods....
r-r.oo 1.25.0 LGPL-2.1 XXXX Methods and classes for object-oriented programming in R with or...
r-r.rsp 0.45.0 LGPL-2.1 X The RSP markup language makes any text-based document come alive. RSP...
r-r.utils 2.12.2 LGPL-2.1 XXXX Utility functions useful when programming and developing R packages.
r-r0 1.3_1 GPL-2 X Estimation of reproduction numbers for disease outbreak, based on...
r-r1magic 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Utilities for sparse signal recovery suitable for compressed sensing....
r-r2admb GPL-3 X A series of functions to call 'AD Model Builder' (i.e., compile...
r-r2bayesx 1.1_4 GPL-2 X An R interface to estimate structured additive regression (STAR) models...
r-r2beat 1.0.5 EUPL X Multivariate optimal allocation for different domains in one and two...
r-r2d2 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Generic functions to analyze the distribution of two continuous...
r-r2d3 0.2.6 BSD_3_clause X Suite of tools for using 'D3', a library for producing dynamic,...
r-r2dgc 1.0.3 MIT X Provides functions for aligning 2D gas chromatography mass spectrometry...
r-r2dt 0.2 GPL-3 X Some heavily used base R functions are reconstructed to also be...
r-r2glmm 0.1.2 GPL-2 X The model R squared and semi-partial R squared for the linear and...
r-r2html 2.3.3 GPL-2 X Includes HTML function and methods to write in an HTML file. Thus,...
r-r2mlm 0.3.5 GPL-3 X Generates both total- and level-specific R-squared measures from Rights...
r-r2openbugs 3.2_3.2.1 GPL-2 X Using this package, it is possible to call a BUGS model, summarize...
r-r2pmml 0.27.1 AGPL-3 XX R wrapper for the JPMML-R library...
r-r2rtf 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Create production-ready Rich Text Format (RTF) table and figure with...
r-r2stl 1.0.0 CC X r2stl, R package for visualizing data using a 3D printer Package r2stl...
r-r2winbugs 2.1_21 GPL-2 X Invoke a 'BUGS' model in 'OpenBUGS' or...
r-r3port 0.2.5 GPL-2 X Create and combine HTML and PDF reports from within R. Possibility to...
r-r4couchdb 0.7.5 MIT X Provides a collection of functions for basic database and document...
r-r5r 1.1.0 MIT X Rapid realistic routing on multimodal transport networks (walk, bike,...
r-r6 2.5.1 MIT XXXX Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in...
r-r62s3 1.4.1 MIT X After defining an R6 class, R62S3 is used to automatically generate...
r-r6ds 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Provides reference classes implementing some useful data structures....
r-radanalysis 0.5.5 GPL-3 X It has tools for normalization of rank abundance distributions (RAD) to...
r-radar 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Fundamental formulas for Radar, for attenuation, range, velocity,...
r-radarboxplot 1.0.5 MIT X Creates the radar-boxplot, a plot that was created by the author during...
r-radarchart 0.3.1 MIT X Create interactive radar charts using the 'Chart.js'...
r-raddata 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations from the International...
r-radiosonde 4.2 GPL-2 X A collection of programs for plotting SKEW-T,log p diagrams and wind...
r-radjust 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Calculates adjusted p-values for the null hypothesis of no...
r-radviz 0.9.3 CC XX An implementation of the radviz projection in R. It enables the...
r-radwords 0.1.18 MIT X Aims at loading Google Adwords data into R. Adwords is an online...
r-rafalib 1.0.0 Artistic-2.0 X A series of shortcuts for routine tasks originally developed by Rafael...
r-rage 1.6.0 GPL-3 X Functions for calculating life history metrics using matrix population...
r-ragg 1.2.6 MIT X Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is a high-quality and high-performance 2D...
r-rahrefs 0.1.4 MIT X Enables downloading detailed reports from <https://ahrefs.com>...
r-rainbow 3.7 GPL-3 X Visualizing functional data and identifying functional outliers.
r-rainfallerosivityfactor 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Determination of rainfall-runoff erosivity factor.
r-rainfarmr 0.1 Apache X An implementation of the RainFARM (Rainfall Filtered Autoregressive...
r-ralger 2.2.4 MIT X The goal of 'ralger' is to facilitate web scraping in R.
r-raltmetric 0.7.0 MIT X Provides a programmatic interface to the citation information and...
r-ramble 0.1.1 MIT X Parser generator for R using combinatory parsers. It is inspired by...
r-ramcharts 2.1.15 GPL-2 X Provides an R interface for using 'AmCharts' Library. Based on...
r-ramchoice 2.1 GPL-2 X It is widely documented in psychology, economics and other disciplines...
r-ramcmc 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Function for adapting the shape of the random walk Metropolis proposal...
r-ramify 0.3.3 GPL-2 X Additional matrix functionality for R including: (1) wrappers for the...
r-ramp 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides an efficient procedure for fitting the entire solution path...
r-rampath 0.5.1 GPL-2 X We rewrite of RAMpath software developed by John McArdle and Steven...
r-ramsvm 2.3 GPL-2 X Provides a solution path for Reinforced Angle-based Multicategory...
r-randcorr 1.0 GPL-3 X Implements the algorithm by Pourahmadi and Wang (2015)...
r-randgeo 0.3.0 MIT X Generate random positions (latitude/longitude), Well-known text...
r-randmeta 0.1.0 GPL-2 X A novel numerical algorithm that provides functionality for estimating...
r-random 0.2.6 GPL-2 X The true random number service provided by the RANDOM.ORG website...
r-randomcolor CC0 X Simple methods to generate attractive random colors. The random colors...
r-randomfieldsutils 1.2.5 GPL-3 X Various utilities are provided that might be used in spatial statistics...
r-randomforest 4.7_1.1 GPL-2 XXX Classification and regression based on a forest of trees using random...
r-randomforestexplainer 0.10.1 GPL-3 X A set of tools to help explain which variables are most important in a...
r-randomforestsrc 3.2.2 GPL-3 X Fast OpenMP parallel computing of Breiman's random forests for...
r-randomglm 1.10_1 GPL-2 X A bagging predictor based on generalized linear models (GLMs) is...
r-randomizebe 0.3_5 GPL X Contains a function to randomize subjects, patients in groups of...
r-randomizr 1.0.0 MIT X Generates random assignments for common experimental designs and random...
r-randomlca 1.1_3 GPL-2 X Fits standard and random effects latent class models. The single level...
r-randomnames 1.5_0.0 GPL-3 X Function for generating random gender and ethnicity correct first...
r-randtests 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides several non parametric randomness tests for numeric sequences.
r-randtoolbox 2.0.4 BSD_3_clause X Provides (1) pseudo random generators - general linear congruential...
r-randvar 1.2.1 LGPL-3 X Implements random variables by means of S4 classes and methods.
r-rangemodelmetadata 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Range Modeling Metadata Standards (RMMS) address three challenges: they...
r-rangemodelr 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Generates expected values of species richness, with continuous or ...
r-ranger 0.15.1 GPL-3 XXX A fast implementation of Random Forests, particularly suited for high...
r-rankaggreg 0.6.6 LGPL-3 X Performs aggregation of ordered lists based on the ranks using several...
r-rankcluster 0.94.5 GPL-2 X Implementation of a model-based clustering algorithm for ranking data...
r-rankfd 0.1.1 GPL-2 X The rankFD() function calculates the Wald-type statistic (WTS) and the...
r-rankhazard 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Rank-hazard plots Karvanen and Harrell (2009)...
r-rankingproject 0.4.0 GPL-2 X Functions to generate plots and tables for comparing independently-...
r-rankresponse 4.0.0 GPL-2 X Methods for ranking responses of a single response question or a...
r-rann 2.6.1 GPL-3 X Finds the k nearest neighbours for every point in a given dataset in...
r-rap 1.1 GPL-2 X To find the reversal association between variables.
r-rapiclient 0.1.3 MIT X Access services specified in OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) format. It is...
r-rapidatetime 0.0.8 GPL-2 X Access to the C-level R date and 'datetime' code is provided...
r-rapidjsonr 1.2.0 MIT XX Provides JSON parsing capability through the 'Rapidjson'...
r-rapidoc 8.4.3 MIT X A collection of 'HTML', 'JavaScript', 'CSS' and...
r-rapidxmlr 0.1.0 MIT X Provides XML parsing capability through the 'Rapidxml'...
r-rapiserialize 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Access to the internal R serialization code is provided for use by...
r-rappdirs 0.3.3 MIT XXX An easy way to determine which directories on the users computer you...
r-rapportools 1.1 AGPL-3 X Helper functions that act as wrappers to more advanced statistical...
r-rapror 1.1_5 GPL-3 X Calculate sketches of a data set reducing the number of observations...
r-raptor 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Performs wood cell anatomical data analyses on spatially explicit xylem...
r-raptr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Biodiversity is in crisis. The overarching aim of conservation is to...
r-rare 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of an alternating direction method of multipliers...
r-rarity 1.3_8 GPL X Allows calculation of rarity weights for species and indices of rarity...
r-rarpack 0.11_0 BSD_3_clause X Previously an R wrapper of the 'ARPACK' library...
r-raschsampler 0.8_10 GPL-2 X MCMC based sampling of binary matrices with fixed margins as used in...
r-rasciidoc 4.1.1 BSD_2_clause X Inspired by Karl Broman`s reader on using 'knitr' with...
r-raster 3.6_26 GPL-3 XXX Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of spatial data....
r-rasterize 0.1 GPL-3 X Provides R functions to selectively rasterize components of...
r-rasterkernelestimates 1.0.2 MIT X Performs kernel based estimates on in-memory raster images from the...
r-rasterlist 0.5.20 GPL-3 X A S4 class has been created such that complex operations can be...
r-rastervis 0.51.5 GPL-3 X Methods for enhanced visualization and interaction with raster data. It...
r-ratedistortion 1.01 GPL-2 X An implementation of routines for solving rate-distortion problems....
r-ratelimitr 0.4.1 MIT X Allows to limit the rate at which one or more functions can be called.
r-rateratio.test 1.1 GPL-3 X Performs exact rate ratio tests.
r-raters 2.0.3 GPL-2 X The kappa statistic implemented by Fleiss is a very popular index for...
r-ratesci 0.4_0 GPL-3 X Computes confidence intervals for the rate (or risk) difference...
r-rathena 2.6.1 MIT X Designed to be compatible with the R package 'DBI' (Database...
r-ratios 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Calculation of ratios between two data sets containing environmental...
r-rattle 5.5.1 GPL-2 X The R Analytic Tool To Learn Easily (Rattle) provides a collection of...
r-rattle.data 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Contains the datasets used as default examples by the rattle package....
r-raverage 0.5_8 GPL-2 X Implementation of the R-Average method for parameter estimation of...
r-raw 0.1.8 MPL-2.0 X In order to facilitate R instruction for actuaries, we have organized...
r-rayimage 0.9.1 GPL-3 X Uses convolution-based techniques to generate simulated camera bokeh,...
r-rayvertex 0.7.9 GPL-3 X Rasterize images using a 3D software renderer. 3D scenes are created...
r-rbacon 3.1.1 GPL-2 X An approach to age-depth modelling that uses Bayesian statistics to...
r-rbart 1.0 GPL-2 X A model of the form Y = f(x) + s(x) Z is fit where functions f and s...
r-rbayesianoptimization 1.2.0 GPL-2 X A Pure R implementation of Bayesian Global Optimization with Gaussian Processes.
r-rbcb 0.1.13 MIT X The Brazilian Central Bank API delivers many datasets which regard...
r-rbeast 0.9.9 GPL-2 X Interpretation of time series data is affected by model choices....
r-rbenchmark 1.0.0 GPL-2 X rbenchmark is inspired by the Perl module Benchmark, and is intended to...
r-rbeta2009 1.0 GPL-2 X The package contains functions to generate random numbers from the beta...
r-rbf 2.1.1 GPL X A robust backfitting algorithm for additive models based on (robust)...
r-rbiascorrection 0.3.4 GPL-3 X Implementation of the algorithms (with minor modifications) to correct...
r-rbibutils 2.2.15 GPL-2 X Read and write 'Bibtex' files. Convert between bibliography...
r-rbiouml 1.11 GPL-2 X Functions for connecting to BioUML server, querying BioUML repository...
r-rbit 1.0.0 MIT X A simple implementation of Binary Indexed Tree by R. The...
r-rbitcoin 0.9.2 MIT X Utilities related to Bitcoin. Unified markets API interface (bitstamp,...
r-rbitcoinchartsapi 1.0.4 LGPL-3 X An R package for the BitCoinCharts.com API.
r-rbldatalicense 0.2.4 GPL-3 X R interface to access prices and market data with the 'Bloomberg...
r-rblpapi 0.3.14 file X An R Interface to 'Bloomberg' is provided via the 'Blp API'.
r-rbmn 0.9_6 GPL-2 X Creation, manipulation, simulation of linear Gaussian Bayesian networks...
r-rbokeh 0.6.3 MIT XXXX A native R plotting library that provides a flexible declarative...
r-rborist 0.3_5 GPL-2 X Scalable implementation of classification and regression forests, as...
r-rbounds 2.2 GPL-2 X Takes matched and unmatched data and calculates Rosenbaum bounds for...
r-rbtc 0.1_6 GPL-3 X Implementation of the RPC-JSON API for Bitcoin and utility functions...
r-rbtt 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Tu & Zhou (1999)...
r-rca 2.0 GPL-2 X Relational Class Analysis (RCA) is a method for detecting heterogeneity...
r-rcane 1.0 MIT X There are different numeric optimizations which are used in order to...
r-rcapture 1.4_4 GPL-2 X Estimation of abundance and other demographic parameters for closed...
r-rcarbon 1.5.1 GPL-2 X Enables the calibration and analysis of radiocarbon dates, often but...
r-rcarto 0.8 GPL X This package makes some maps using shapefiles and dataframes. Five...
r-rcartocolor 2.1.1 MIT X Provides color schemes for maps and other graphics designed by...
r-rcassandra 0.1_3 GPL-2 X This packages provides a direct interface (without the use of Java) to...
r-rcatch22 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Calculate 22 summary statistics coded in C on time-series vectors to...
r-rcbalance 1.8.8 MIT X Tools for large, sparse optimal matching of treated units and control...
r-rcbsubset 1.1.7 MIT X Tools for optimal subset matching of treated units and control units in...
r-rcc 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions to implement the parametric and non-parametric bootstrap...
r-rcdd 1.5_2 GPL-2 X R interface to (some of) cddlib...
r-rcdk 3.8.1 LGPL-3 X Allows the user to access functionality in the 'CDK', a Java...
r-rcdklibs 2.8 LGPL-3 X An R interface to the Chemistry Development Kit, a Java library for...
r-rceim 0.3 GPL-2 X An implementation of a stochastic heuristic method for performing...
r-rcelldata 1.3_2 GPL-2 X Example dataset for 'Rcell' package. Contains images and cell...
r-rcereal BSD_2_clause X To facilitate using 'cereal' with Rcpp. 'cereal' is a...
r-rcgmin 2022_4.30 GPL-2 X Conjugate gradient minimization of nonlinear functions with box...
r-rchallenge 1.3.4 GPL-2 X A simple data science challenge system using R Markdown and...
r-rcheology CC0 X Provides a dataset of functions in all base packages of R versions...
r-rchoice 0.3_6 GPL-2 X An implementation of simulated maximum likelihood method for the...
r-rchoicedialogs LGPL-2.1 X Collection of portable choice dialog widgets.
r-rcircos 1.2.2 GPL-2 X A simple and flexible way to generate Circos 2D track plot images for...
r-rcites 1.3.0 MIT X A programmatic interface to the Species+...
r-rclean 1.0.0 GPL-3 X To create clearer, more concise code provides this toolbox helps coders...
r-rclinicalcodes 1.0.1 GPL-2 X R tools for integrating with the www.clinicalcodes.org web repository
r-rclipboard 0.1.6 MIT X Leverages the functionality of 'clipboard.js', a JavaScript...
r-rclone 1.0.2 GPL X R version of 'GenClone' (a computer program to analyse...
r-rcma 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Tool for providing access to the Java version...
r-rcmdcheck 1.4.0 MIT X Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and capture the results of...
r-rcmdr 2.9_1 GPL-2 X A platform-independent basic-statistics GUI (graphical user interface)...
r-rcmdrmisc 2.9_1 GPL-2 X Various statistical, graphics, and data-management functions used by...
r-rcmdrplugin.arnova 0.0.5 GPL-2 X R Commander plug-in for repeated-measures and mixed-design...
r-rcmdrplugin.depthtools 1.4 GPL-2 X We provide an Rcmdr plug-in based on the depthTools package, which...
r-rcmdrplugin.doe 0.12_5 GPL-2 X Provides a platform-independent GUI for design of experiments. The...
r-rcmdrplugin.eacspir 0.2_3 GPL-2 X Este paquete proporciona una interfaz grafica de usuario (GUI) para...
r-rcmdrplugin.ezr 1.62 GPL-2 X EZR (Easy R) adds a variety of statistical functions, including...
r-rcmdrplugin.factominer 1.7 GPL-2 X Rcmdr Plugin for the 'FactoMineR' package.
r-rcmdrplugin.gwrm 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" based on the GWRM package.
r-rcmdrplugin.hh 1.1_47 GPL-2 X Rcmdr menu support for many of the functions in the HH package. The...
r-rcmdrplugin.kmggplot2 0.2_6 GPL-2 X A GUI front-end for 'ggplot2' supports Kaplan-Meier plot,...
r-rcmdrplugin.nmbu 1.8.14 GPL-2 X An R Commander "plug-in" extending functionality of linear...
r-rcmdrplugin.survival 1.3_2 GPL-2 X An R Commander plug-in for the survival package, with dialogs for Cox...
r-rcmdrplugin.teachingdemos 1.2_0 GPL-2 X Provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" based on the TeachingDemos package,...
r-rcmdrplugin.teachstat 1.1.2 GPL-2 X R Commander plugin for teaching statistical methods. It adds a new menu...
r-rcmdrplugin.temis 0.7.10 GPL-2 X An 'R Commander' plug-in providing an integrated solution to...
r-rcmdrplugin.uca 5.1_1 GPL-3 X Some extensions to Rcmdr (R Commander), randomness test, variance test...
r-rcmdrplugin.worldflora 1.3 GPL-3 X An R Commander plug-in for the 'WorldFlora' package. It was...
r-rcolombos 2.0.2 GPL-3 X Provides programmatic access to Colombos, a web based interface for...
r-rcolorbrewer 1.1_3 Apache XXXX Provides color schemes for maps (and other graphics) designed by...
r-rcompanion 2.4.34 GPL-3 X Functions and datasets to support Summary and Analysis of Extension...
r-rconics 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Solve some conic related problems (intersection of conics with lines...
r-rcorpora 2.0.0 CC0 X A collection of small text corpora of interesting data. It contains all...
r-rcpa3 1.1.1 CC0 X Bundles the datasets and functions featured in Philip H. Pollock and...
r-rcpp 1.0.11 GPL-2 XXX The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes...
r-rcpp11 MIT X Rcpp11 includes a header only C++11 library that facilitates...
r-rcppalgos 2.8.2 GPL-2 X Provides optimized functions and flexible combinatorial iterators...
r-rcppannoy 0.0.21 GPL-2 X 'Annoy' is a small C++ library for Approximate Nearest...
r-rcppapt 0.0.9 GPL-2 X The 'APT Package Management System' provides Debian and...
r-rcpparmadillo GPL-2 XXX 'Armadillo' is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by...
r-rcppbdt 0.2.6 GPL-2 X Access to Boost Date_Time functionality for dates, durations (both for...
r-rcppcctz 0.2.12 GPL-2 X 'Rcpp' Access to the 'CCTZ' timezone library is...
r-rcppclassic 0.9.13 GPL-2 X The 'RcppClassic' package provides a deprecated C++ library...
r-rcppcnpy 0.2.11 GPL-2 X The 'cnpy' library written by Carl Rogers provides read and...
r-rcppcwb 0.6.2 GPL-3 X 'Rcpp' Bindings for the C code of the 'Corpus...
r-rcppdate 0.0.3 GPL-2 X A header-only C++ library is provided with support for dates, time...
r-rcppde 0.1.7 GPL-2 X An efficient C++ based implementation of the 'DEoptim' function...
r-rcppdist 0.1.1 GPL X The 'Rcpp' package provides a C++ library to make it easier to...
r-rcppdl 0.0.5 GPL-3 X This package is based on the C++ code from Yusuke Sugomori, which...
r-rcppeigen GPL-2 XXX R and 'Eigen' integration using 'Rcpp'. 'Eigen'...
r-rcppensmallen GPL-2 X 'Ensmallen' is a templated C++ mathematical optimization...
r-rcppexamples 0.1.9 GPL-2 X Examples for Seamless R and C++ integration The 'Rcpp' package...
r-rcppfaddeeva 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Access to a family of Gauss error functions for arbitrary complex...
r-rcppgetconf 0.0.3 GPL-2 X The 'getconf' command-line tool provided by 'libc'...
r-rcppgreedysetcover 0.1.0 MIT X A fast implementation of the greedy algorithm for the set cover problem...
r-rcppgsl 0.3.13 GPL-2 X 'Rcpp' integration for 'GNU GSL' vectors and matrices...
r-rcpphmm 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Collection of functions to evaluate sequences, decode hidden states and...
r-rcpphnsw 0.5.0 GPL-3 X 'Hnswlib' is a C++ library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors....
r-rcpphungarian 0.3 GPL-2 X Header library and R functions to solve minimum cost bipartite matching...
r-rcppint64 0.0.3 GPL-2 X 'Int64' values can be created and accessed via the...
r-rcppml 0.3.7 GPL-2 X Fast machine learning algorithms including matrix factorization and...
r-rcppmsgpack 0.2.3 GPL-2 X 'MsgPack' header files are provided for use by R packages,...
r-rcppnloptexample 0.0.1 GPL-2 X An example package which shows use of 'NLopt' functionality...
r-rcppnumerical 0.6_0 GPL-2 X A collection of open source libraries for numerical computing...
r-rcppparallel 5.1.7 GPL-3 X High level functions for parallel programming with 'Rcpp'. For...
r-rcppprogress 0.4.2 GPL-3 X Allows to display a progress bar in the R console for long running...
r-rcppquantuccia 0.1.1 GPL-2 X 'QuantLib' bindings are provided for R using 'Rcpp' via...
r-rcpproll 0.3.0 GPL XXX Provides fast and efficient routines for common rolling / windowed...
r-rcppsimdjson 0.1.10 GPL-2 X The 'JSON' format is ubiquitous for data interchange, and the...
r-rcppsmc 0.2.7 GPL-2 X R access to the Sequential Monte Carlo Template Classes by Johansen...
r-rcppspdlog 0.0.14 GPL-2 X The mature and widely-used C++ logging library 'spdlog' by Gabi...
r-rcppstreams 0.1.3 GPL-3 X The 'Streamulus' (template, header-only) library by Irit...
r-rcppthread 2.1.6 MIT XX Provides a C++11-style thread class and thread pool that can safely be...
r-rcpptn 0.2_2 GPL-2 X R-level and C++-level functionality to generate random deviates from...
r-rcpptoml 0.2.2 GPL-2 X The configuration format defined by 'TOML' (which expands to...
r-rcppxptrutils 0.1.2 MIT X Provides the means to compile user-supplied C++ functions with...
r-rcppxsimd 7.1.6 BSD_3_clause X This header-only library provides modern, portable C++ wrappers for...
r-rcppxts 0.0.6 GPL-2 XX Access to some of the C level functions of the 'xts' package....
r-rcppziggurat 0.1.6 GPL-2 X The Ziggurat generator for normally distributed random numbers,...
r-rcreds 0.6.6 MIT X Tools to write a list of credentials to an encrypted file and later...
r-rcriteo 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Aims at loading Criteo online advertising campaign data into R. Criteo...
r-rcriticor 2.0 GPL-2 X Goldwin-Pierre correlogram. Research of critical periods in the past....
r-rcrm 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Fit a 2-parameter continual reassessment method (CRM) model...
r-rcrossref 1.2.0 MIT X Client for various 'CrossRef' 'APIs', including...
r-rcrypt 0.1.1 MIT X Provides easy symmetric file encryption using GPG with...
r-rcsdp CPL-1.0 X R interface to the CSDP semidefinite programming library. Installs...
r-rcsf 1.0.2 Apache X Cloth Simulation Filter (CSF) is an airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and...
r-rcssplot 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Provides a means to style plots through cascading style sheets. This...
r-rcube 0.5 GPL-3 X Provides simplified methods for managing classic Rubik's cubes and...
r-rcur 1.3 GPL-2 X Functions and objects for CUR matrix decomposition.
r-rcurl 1.98_1.12 BSD_3_clause XXX A wrapper for 'libcurl' <https://curl.se/libcurl/>...
r-rczechia 1.12.0 MIT X Administrative regions and other spatial objects of the Czech Republic.
r-rd2md 0.0.5 GPL-3 X The native R functionalities only allow PDF exports of reference...
r-rd2roxygen 1.14 GPL-3 X Functions to convert Rd to 'roxygen' documentation. It can...
r-rda 1.2_1 GPL-3 X Provides functions implementing the shrunken centroids regularized...
r-rdatacanvas 0.1 BSD_3_clause X Provides basic functionalities for writing a module for...
r-rdataretriever 3.1.0 MIT X Provides an R interface to the Data Retriever...
r-rdbnomics 0.6.4 AGPL-3 X R access to hundreds of millions data series from DBnomics API...
r-rdd 0.57 Apache X Provides the tools to undertake estimation in Regression Discontinuity...
r-rddensity 2.4 GPL-2 X Density discontinuity testing (a.k.a. manipulation testing) is commonly...
r-rddtools 1.6.0 GPL-2 X Set of functions for Regression Discontinuity Design ('RDD'),...
r-rde 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Allows caching of raw data directly in R code. This allows R scripts...
r-rdetools 1.0 GPL-2 X The package provides functions for estimating the relevant dimension of...
r-rdhs 0.8.0 MIT X Provides a client for (1) querying the DHS API for survey indicators...
r-rdian 0.1.1 MIT X A client library for 'The Guardian' (https://www.guardian.com/)...
r-rdice 1.0.0 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to simulate dice rolls and the like. In...
r-rdidq 1.0 GPL-2 X The package has many function that helps to perform various quality...
r-rdieharder 0.2.5 GPL-2 X The 'RDieHarder' package provides an R interface to the...
r-rdist 0.0.5 GPL-3 X A common framework for calculating distance matrices.
r-rdistance 3.0.0 GPL-3 X Distance-sampling analyses estimate density and abundance of organisms...
r-rdnase 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Comprehensive toolkit for generating various numerical ...
r-rdnb 0.1_5 MIT X A wrapper for the 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National...
r-rdocumentation 0.8.2 GPL-2 X Wraps around the default help functionality in R. Instead of plain...
r-rdota2 0.1.6 MIT X An R API Client for Valve's Dota2. RDota2 can be easily used to...
r-rdpack 2.5 GPL-2 X Functions for manipulation of R documentation objects, including...
r-rdrobust 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Regression-discontinuity (RD) designs are quasi-experimental research...
r-rdroolsjars 1.0.1 Apache X External jars required for package 'Rdrools'.
r-rdsdp GPL-3 X R interface to DSDP semidefinite programming library. The DSDP software...
r-rdsm 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides a threads-type programming environment for R. The package...
r-rdstk 1.1 BSD_2_clause X This package provides an R interface to Pete Warden's Data Science...
r-rdstreeboot 1.0 GPL-2 X A tree bootstrap method for estimating uncertainty in respondent-driven...
r-rdtq 0.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of density tracking by quadrature (DTQ) algorithms for...
r-reactable 0.4.4 MIT X Interactive data tables for R, based on the 'React Table'...
r-reactablefmtr 2.0.0 MIT X Provides various features to streamline and enhance the styling of...
r-reactlog 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Building interactive web applications with R is incredibly easy with...
r-reactr 0.5.0 MIT X Make it easy to use 'React' in R with 'htmlwidget'...
r-read.dbc 1.0.6 AGPL-3 X Functions for reading and decompressing the DBC (compressed DBF) files....
r-read.gb 2.2 GPL-3 X Opens complete record(s) with .gb extension from the NCBI/GenBank...
r-readabf 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Loads Axon Binary Files (both 'ABF' and 'ABF2') created...
r-readabs 0.4.14 MIT X Downloads, imports, and tidies time series data from the Australian...
r-readbitmap 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Identifies and reads Windows BMP, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF format bitmap...
r-readbrukerflexdata 1.9.1 GPL-3 X Reads data files acquired by Bruker Daltonics' matrix-assisted...
r-readbulk 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Combine multiple data files from a common directory. The data files...
r-reader 1.0.6 GPL-2 X A set of functions to simplify reading data from files. The main...
r-readhac 1.0 GPL-2 X Read Acoustic HAC format.
r-readjdx 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Import data written in the JCAMP-DX format. This is an...
r-readmldata 0.9_7 GPL-3 X Functions for reading data sets in different formats for testing...
r-readmnist 1.0.6 GPL-3 X You can use the function Read.mnist() to read data and arrange them...
r-readmzxmldata 2.8.3 GPL-3 X Functions for reading mass spectrometry data in mzXML format.
r-readobj 0.4.1 BSD_2_clause X Wraps 'tiny_obj_loader' C++ library for reading the...
r-readods 2.1.0 GPL-3 X Read ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) into R as data frame. Also support...
r-readoffice 0.2.2 Unlimited X Reads in text from 'unstructured' modern Microsoft Office files...
r-readr 2.1.4 MIT XXX The goal of 'readr' is to provide a fast and friendly way to...
r-readsdmx 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Read Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) XML data. This the...
r-readstata13 0.10.1 GPL-2 X Function to read and write the 'Stata' file format.
r-readtext 0.90 GPL-3 X Functions for importing and handling text files and formatted text...
r-readxl 1.4.3 MIT XXX Import excel files into R. Supports '.xls' via the embedded...
r-readxlsb 0.1.61 GPL-3 X Import data from 'Excel' binary (.xlsb) workbooks into R.
r-realvams 0.4_5 GPL-2 XXX Fits a multivariate value-added model (VAM), see Broatch, Green, and...
r-reams 0.1 GPL-2 X Resampling methods for adaptive linear model selection. These can be...
r-rearrangement 2.1 GPL-2 X The rearrangement operator (Hardy, Littlewood, and Polya 1952) for...
r-rearrr 0.3.3 MIT X Arrange data by a set of methods. Use rearrangers to reorder data...
r-reat 3.0.3 GPL-2 X Collection of models and analysis methods used in regional and urban...
r-rebayes 2.54 GPL-2 X Kiefer-Wolfowitz maximum likelihood estimation for mixture models and...
r-rebird 1.3.0 MIT X A programmatic client for the eBird database...
r-rebmix 2.15.0 GPL-2 XXX Random univariate and multivariate finite mixture model generation,...
r-rebus.base 0.0_3 Unlimited X Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code....
r-reca 1.7 GPL-3 X Relevant Component Analysis (RCA) tries to find a linear transformation...
r-rechonest 1.2 MIT X The 'Echo nest' <http://the.echonest.com> is the...
r-recipa 3.0 GPL-2 X Pathways in a database could have many redundancies among them. This...
r-recipes 1.0.8 MIT XXXX A recipe prepares your data for modeling. We provide an extensible...
r-recoder 0.1 GPL-2 X Simple, easy to use, and flexible functionality for recoding variables....
r-recombinator 1.0.1 MIT X Turns nested lists into data.frames in an orderly manner.
r-recommended 4.3.1 GPL-3.0 XXX R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
r-recommenderlab 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Provides a research infrastructure to develop and evaluate...
r-reconstructr 2.0.4 MIT XXX Functions to reconstruct sessions from web log or other user trace data...
r-recorder 0.8.2 MIT X A lightweight toolkit to validate new observations when computing their...
r-recordlinkage 0.4_12.4 GPL-2 X Provides functions for linking and deduplicating data sets. Methods...
r-records 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions for generating k-record values and k-record times
r-recosystem 0.5.1 BSD_3_clause XXX R wrapper of the 'libmf' library...
r-recurse 1.1.2 MIT XXX Computes revisitation metrics for trajectory data, such as the number...
r-redas 0.9.4 GPL-2 X Provides functions used in the 'R: Einführung durch angewandte...
r-redcapapi 2.8.0 GPL-2 X Access data stored in 'REDCap' databases using the Application...
r-redcapr 1.1.0 MIT X Encapsulates functions to streamline calls from R to the REDCap API. ...
r-redditextractor 3.0.9 GPL-3 X A collection of tools for extracting structured data from...
r-reddyproc 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Standard and extensible Eddy-Covariance data post-processing (Wutzler...
r-redm 1.14.3 BSD_2_clause XXX An implementation of 'EDM' algorithms based on research...
r-redmonder 0.2.0 Apache X Provide color schemes for maps (and other graphics) based on the color...
r-redoc MIT X A collection of 'HTML', 'JavaScript', 'CSS' and...
r-reemtree 0.90.4 GPL-3 X A data mining approach for longitudinal and clustered data, which...
r-reffreeewas 2.2 GPL-2 X Reference-free method for conducting EWAS while deconvoluting DNA...
r-refinr 0.3.2 GPL-3 XXX These functions take a character vector as input, identify and cluster...
r-refmanager 1.4.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools for importing and working with bibliographic references....
r-refnr 0.1.0 Apache X A tool for refining data frame with formulas.
r-refset 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Provides subsets with reference semantics, i.e. subsets which...
r-refund 0.1_32 GPL-2 X Methods for regression for functional data, including...
r-regclass 1.6 GPL-2 X Contains basic tools for visualizing, interpreting, and building...
r-regclust 1.0 Artistic-2.0 X This package clusters regression coefficients using the methods of...
r-regent 1.0.6 GPL-3 X Produces population distribution of disease risk and statistical risk...
r-regexpipes 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides wrappers around base::grep() where the first argument is...
r-regexselect 1.0.0 GPL-2 X 'shiny' extension that adds regular expression filtering...
r-reghelper 1.1.2 GPL-3 X A set of functions used to automate commonly used methods in regression...
r-regions 0.1.8 GPL-3 X Validating sub-national statistical typologies, re-coding across...
r-registry 0.5_1 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a generic infrastructure for creating and using registries.
r-reglogit 1.2_7 LGPL-3 XXX Regularized (polychotomous) logistic regression by Gibbs sampling. The...
r-regnet 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Network-based regularization has achieved success in variable selection...
r-regplot 1.1 GPL-2 X A function to plot a regression nomogram of regression objects....
r-regpro 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Tools are provided for (1) nonparametric regression (kernel, local...
r-regress 1.3_21 GPL-2 X Functions to fit Gaussian linear model by maximising the residual log...
r-regressionfactory 0.7.4 GPL-2 X The expander functions rely on the mathematics developed for the...
r-regsel 0.2 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting linear and generalized linear models with...
r-regsem 1.9.5 GPL-2 X Uses both ridge and lasso penalties (and extensions) to penalize...
r-regspec 2.7 GPL-2 X Computes linear Bayesian spectral estimates from multirate data for...
r-regsubseq 0.12 GPL-2 X For a sequence of event occurence times, we are interested in finding...
r-regtest 0.05 file X Functions for unary and binary regression tests
r-rehh 3.2.2 GPL-2 X Population genetic data such as 'Single Nucleotide...
r-rehh.data 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Contains example data for the 'rehh' package.
r-reinforcelearn 0.2.1 MIT X Implements reinforcement learning environments and algorithms as...
r-reins 1.0.13 GPL-2 XXX Functions from the book "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical...
r-reinstallr 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Search R files for not installed packages and run install.packages.
r-rel 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Derives point estimates with confidence intervals for Bennett et als S,...
r-rela 4.1 Artistic-2.0 X Item analysis with alpha standard error and principal axis factoring...
r-relabeloadings 1.0 GPL-2 X In confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural constraints typically...
r-relaimpo 2.2_7 GPL-2 X Provides several metrics for assessing relative importance in linear...
r-relatable 1.0.0 MIT X Functions to safely map from a vector of keys to a vector of values,...
r-relatedness 2.0 AGPL-3 XXX Inference of relatedness coefficients from a bi-allelic genotype matrix...
r-relations 0.6_13 GPL-2 X Data structures and algorithms for k-ary relations with arbitrary...
r-relaxnet 0.3_2 GPL-2 X Extends the glmnet package with "relaxation", done by running...
r-relaxo 0.1_2 GPL-3 X Relaxed Lasso is a generalisation of the Lasso shrinkage technique for...
r-reldist 1.7_2 GPL-3 X Tools for the comparison of distributions. This includes nonparametric...
r-relen 1.0.1 GPL-2 X This function computes the relative entropy (H) as an index for...
r-reliability 0.0_2 Unlimited X Functions for estimating parameters in software reliability models....
r-reliar 0.01 GPL-2 X A collection of utilities for some reliability models/probability distributions.
r-relimp 1.0_5 GPL-2 X Functions to facilitate inference on the relative importance of...
r-relsurv 2.2_9 GPL-3 XXX Contains functions for analysing relative survival data, including...
r-relvalanalysis 1.0 GPL-2 X Classes and functions for analyzing the performance of portfolios...
r-rem 1.3.1 GPL-2 XXX Calculate endogenous network effects in event sequences and fit...
r-remacor 0.0.16 Artistic-2.0 X Meta-analysis is widely used to summarize estimated effects sizes...
r-rematch 2.0.0 MIT XXXX A small wrapper on 'regexpr' to extract the matches and...
r-rematch2 2.1.2 MIT X Wrappers on 'regexpr' and 'gregexpr' to return the...
r-remindr 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Insert/extract text "reminders" into/from function source code...
r-remmap 0.2_0 GPL-2 XXX remMap is developed for fitting multivariate response regression models...
r-remote 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Empirical orthogonal teleconnections in R. 'remote' is short...
r-remotes MIT X Download and install R packages stored in 'GitHub',...
r-rempsyc 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Make your workflow faster and easier. Easily customizable plots (via...
r-renpow 0.1_1 GPL-2 X Supports calculations and visualization for renewable power systems and...
r-rentrez 1.2.3 MIT X Provides an R interface to the NCBI's 'EUtils' API,...
r-renv 1.0.3 MIT X A dependency management toolkit for R. Using 'renv', you can...
r-reordercluster 1.0 GPL-3 XXX Tools for performing the leaf reordering for the dendrogram that...
r-repeatedhighdim 2.2.0 GPL-3 X A toolkit for the analysis of high-dimensional repeated measurements,...
r-repec 0.1.0 MIT X Utilities for accessing RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) through a...
r-repfdr 1.2.3 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of Bayes and local Bayes false discovery rates for...
r-repmis 0.5 GPL-3 X Tools to load 'R' packages and automatically generate BibTeX...
r-repo 2.1.5 GPL-3 X A data manager meant to avoid manual storage/retrieval of data to/from...
r-repogenerator 0.0.1 MIT X Generates a project and repo for easy initialization of a GitHub repo...
r-repolr 3.4 GPL-3 XXX Fits linear models to repeated ordinal scores using GEE methodology.
r-report 0.5.7 GPL-3 X The aim of the 'report' package is to bridge the gap between...
r-reporter 1.4.3 CC0 X Contains functions to create regulatory-style statistical reports....
r-reportreg 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Provides an easy way to report the results of regression analysis,...
r-reportroc 3.6 GPL-3 X Provides an easy way to report the results of ROC analysis, including:...
r-reports 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Assists in writing reports and presentations by providing a frame work...
r-reporttools 1.1.3 GPL-2 X These functions are especially helpful when writing reports of data...
r-repplab 0.9.4 GPL-2 X An R Interface to 'EPP-lab' v1.0. 'EPP-lab' is a Java...
r-repr 1.1.6 GPL-3 XXXX String and binary representations of objects for several formats / mime types.
r-represent 1.0 GPL-3 X Contains workhorse function jrparams(), as well as two helper functions...
r-represtools 0.1.3 GPL-3 X Reproducible research tools automates the creation of an analysis...
r-reprex 2.0.2 MIT XXXX Convenience wrapper that uses the 'rmarkdown' package to render...
r-reproducible 2.0.8 GPL-3 X A collection of high-level, machine- and OS-independent tools for...
r-reproj 0.4.3 GPL-3 X Transform coordinates from a specified source to a specified target map...
r-repurrrsive 1.1.0 CC0 X Recursive lists in the form of R objects, 'JSON', and...
r-reqres 0.2.5 MIT X In order to facilitate parsing of http requests and creating...
r-reqs 0.8_13 GPL-3 X Contains the function run.eqs() which calls an EQS script file,...
r-request 0.1.0 MIT X High level and easy 'HTTP' client for 'R'. Provides...
r-require 0.3.1 GPL-3 X A single key function, 'Require' that makes rerun-tolerant...
r-requirements 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Helper function to install packages for R using an external...
r-requirer MIT X Modularizes source code. Keeps the global environment clean,...
r-rerddap 1.0.4 MIT X General purpose R client for 'ERDDAP' servers. Includes...
r-rerddapxtracto 1.1.7 CC0 X Contains three functions that access environmental data from any...
r-rerefact 1.0 GPL-2 X Executes a post-rotation algorithm that REorders and/or REflects...
r-resample 0.6 BSD_3_clause X Bootstrap, permutation tests, and jackknife, featuring easy-to-use syntax.
r-resampledata 0.3.1 CC0 X Package of data sets from "Mathematical Statistics with Resampling...
r-resemble 2.2.2 MIT XXX Functions for dissimilarity analysis and memory-based learning (MBL,...
r-reservoir 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Measure single-storage water supply system performance using...
r-reshape 0.8.9 MIT XXX Flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt and cast.
r-reshape2 1.4.4 MIT XXX Flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt...
r-resistorarray 1.0_32 GPL-2 X Electrical properties of resistor networks using matrix methods.
r-resourceselection 0.3_6 GPL-2 X Resource Selection (Probability) Functions for use-availability...
r-ress 1.3 LGPL-3 X Contains three functions that query AuriQ Systems' Essentia...
r-restimizeapi 1.0.0 LGPL-3 X Provides the user with functions to develop their trading strategy,...
r-restorepoint 0.2 GPL-2 X Debugging with restore points instead of break points. A restore point...
r-restrictedmvn 1.0 GPL-2 XXX A fast Gibbs sampler for multivariate normal with affine constraints.
r-restriktor 0.5_30 GPL-2 X Allow for easy-to-use testing or evaluating of linear equality and...
r-restrserve 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Allows to easily create high-performance full featured HTTP APIs from R...
r-rethinker 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Simple, native 'RethinkDB' client.
r-reticulate 1.34.0 Apache XXX Interface to 'Python' modules, classes, and functions. When...
r-retimes 0.1_2 GPL-3 XXX Reaction time analysis by maximum likelihood
r-retrodesign 0.1.0 MIT X Provides tools for working with Type S (Sign) and Type M (Magnitude)...
r-retry 0.1.0 MIT X Provide simple mechanism to repeatedly evaluate an expression until...
r-reval 3.1_0 GPL-3 X Simplified scenario testing and sensitivity analysis, redesigned to use...
r-revdbayes 1.5.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the Bayesian analysis of extreme value models. ...
r-revealjs 0.9 MIT X R Markdown format for 'reveal.js' presentations, a framework...
r-revecor 0.99.3 GPL-2 X An implementation of the reverse ecology framework. Reverse ecology...
r-revgeo 0.15 GPL X Function revgeo() allows you to use the Photon geocoder for...
r-revoioq 10.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Test suite for Microsoft R Services.
r-revomods 11.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Microsoft modifications and extensions to standard R functions
r-revoutils 11.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Utility functions for Microsoft R
r-revoutilsmath 11.0.0 file XX Utility functions for managing math threading.
r-reweight 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Adjusts the weights of survey respondents so that the marginal...
r-rex 1.2.1 MIT XXXX A friendly interface for the construction of regular expressions.
r-rexperigen 0.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides convenience functions to communicate with an Experigen server:...
r-rexpokit GPL-2 XXX Wraps some of the matrix exponentiation utilities from EXPOKIT...
r-rfacebook 0.6.15 GPL-2 X Provides an interface to the Facebook API.
r-rfast 2.0.8 GPL X A collection of fast (utility) functions for data analysis. Column- and...
r-rfast2 GPL X A collection of fast statistical and utility functions for data...
r-rfdsn 0.0.0 GPL-3 X This package facilitates searching for and downloading seismic time...
r-rferns 5.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides the random ferns classifier by Ozuysal, Calonder, Lepetit and...
r-rfgls 1.1 GPL-2 X RFGLS uses a generalized least-squares method to perform single-marker...
r-rfinanceyj 0.3.1 BSD_3_clause X Japanese stock market from Yahoo!-finance-Japan
r-rfinterval 1.0.0 GPL-3 X An integrated package for constructing random forest prediction...
r-rfishbase 4.1.2 CC0 X A programmatic interface to 'FishBase', re-written based on an...
r-rfit 0.24.6 GPL-2 XXX Rank-based (R) estimation and inference for linear models. Estimation...
r-rflights 0.1.102 GPL-3 X Query plane tickets, from several airlines, using the 'Kiwi'...
r-rflptools 2.0 LGPL-3 X Provides functions to analyse DNA fragment samples (i.e. derived from...
r-rfm 0.2.2 MIT X Tools for RFM (recency, frequency and monetary value) analysis....
r-rfml 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Functionality required to efficiently use R with MarkLogic NoSQL...
r-rfoaas 2.3.2 GPL-2 X R access to the 'FOAAS' (F... Off As A Service) web service is provided.
r-rfolding 1.0 GPL-3 X The basic algorithm to perform the folding test of unimodality. Given a...
r-rforcecom 1.1 Apache X Insert, update, retrieve, delete and bulk operate datasets with a SaaS...
r-rfordummies 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Contains all the code examples in the book "R for Dummies" (2nd...
r-rforensicbatwing 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXX A modified version (with great help from Ian J. Wilson) of Ian J....
r-rformatter 0.1.1 GPL-3 X The R Formatter formats R source code. It is very much based on...
r-rfreak 0.3_0 GPL-2 X An R interface to a modified version of the Free Evolutionary Algorithm...
r-rfutilities 2.1_5 GPL-3 X Utilities for Random Forest model selection, class balance correction,...
r-rga 0.4.2 GPL-2 X Provides functions for accessing and retrieving data from the Google...
r-rga4gh 0.1.1 GPL-2 X An Interface to the GA4GH API that allows users to easily GET responses...
r-rgabriel 0.9 GPL-2 X Analyze multi-level one-way experimental designs where there are...
r-rgammagamma 1.0.12 GPL X This package implements a Gamma convolution model for background correction.
r-rgb 1.7.5 GPL-3 XXX Classes and methods to efficiently handle (slice, annotate, draw ...)...
r-rgbif 3.7.8 MIT X A programmatic interface to the Web Service methods provided by the...
r-rgbm 1.0_11 GPL-3 XXX Provides an implementation of Regularized LS-TreeBoost &...
r-rgcca 3.0.2 GPL-3 X Multi-block data analysis concerns the analysis of several sets of...
r-rgdal 1.5_32 GPL-2 XXX Provides bindings to the 'Geospatial' Data Abstraction Library...
r-rgdax 1.2.1 MIT X Allow access to both public and private end points to Coinbase Pro...
r-rgeckoboard 0.1_5 MIT X Provides an interface to Geckoboard.
r-rgee 1.1.7 Apache X Earth Engine <https://earthengine.google.com/> client library for...
r-rgen 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides popular sampling distributions C++ routines based in armadillo...
r-rgendata 1.0 MIT X The GenDataSample() and GenDataPopulation() functions create,...
r-rgenetics 0.1 GPL-2 X R packages for genetics research
r-rgenoud 5.9_0.3 GPL-3 XXX A genetic algorithm plus derivative optimizer.
r-rgeoda 0.0.10_4 GPL-2 X Provides spatial data analysis functionalities including Exploratory...
r-rgeode 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides the hybrid Bayesian method Geometric Density Estimation. On...
r-rgeolocate 1.4.2 Apache X Connectors to online and offline sources for taking IP addresses and...
r-rgeos 0.5_9 GPL-2 XXX Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS') using the C...
r-rgexf 0.16.2 MIT XXXX Create, read and write 'GEXF' (Graph Exchange 'XML'...
r-rgf 1.1.1 MIT X Regularized Greedy Forest wrapper of the 'Regularized Greedy...
r-rgift 0.1_5 GPL-2 X This package provides some functions to create quizzes in the GIFT...
r-rgl 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics,...
r-rglobi 0.3.4 MIT X A programmatic interface to the web service methods provided by Global...
r-rglpk 0.6_5 GPL-2 X R interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit. 'GLPK' is open...
r-rglwidget 0.2.1 GPL-2 XXXX The contents of this package have been merged into rgl, so it is no...
r-rgooddata 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Export raw reports from 'GoodData' business intelligence...
r-rgoogleanalytics 0.1.6 Apache X Provides functions for accessing and retrieving data from the Google...
r-rgoogleanalyticspremium 0.1.1 Apache X It fires a query to the API to get the unsampled data in R for Google...
r-rgooglefit 0.4.0 MIT X Provides interface to Google Fit REST API v1 (see...
r-rgooglemaps GPL-3 X Serves two purposes: (i) Provide a comfortable R interface to query the...
r-rgoogleslides 0.3.2 MIT X Previously, when one is working with in the Google Ecosystem (Using...
r-rgr 1.1.15 GPL-2 X Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) functions for exploratory data...
r-rgrass7 0.2_10 GPL-2 X Interpreted interface between 'GRASS' geographical information...
r-rgroovy 1.3 LGPL-3 X Integrates the Groovy scripting language with the R Project for...
r-rgw 0.3.0 MIT X Implementation of the affine-invariant method of Goodman & Weare...
r-rh2 0.2.4 Mozilla X DBI/RJDBC interface to h2 database. h2 version 1.3.175 is included.
r-rhandsontable 0.3.8 MIT X An R interface to the 'Handsontable' JavaScript library, which...
r-rhealthdatagov 1.0.1 GPL-2 X An R interface for the HealthData.gov data API. For each data...
r-rhino 1.5.0 LGPL-3 X A framework that supports creating and extending enterprise Shiny...
r-rhive 2.0_0.10 Apache XXXX RHive is an R extension facilitating distributed computing via HIVE...
r-rhli 0.0.2 AGPL-3 XXX Complete access from 'R' to the FIS 'MarketMap ...
r-rhmc 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Implements simple Hamiltonian Monte Carlo routines in R for sampling...
r-rhms 1.7 GPL-2 X Hydrologic modelling system is an object oriented tool for simulation...
r-rhnerm 1.1 GPL-2 X Performs the random heteroscedastic nested error regression model...
r-rhor GPL-3 XX Rho is used to test the generalization of inter rater reliability (IRR)...
r-rhosp 1.10 GPL-2 X Evaluating risk (that a patient arises a side effect) during...
r-rhpcbenchmark 0.1.0 Apache X Microbenchmarks for determining the run time performance of aspects of...
r-rhpcblasctl 0.23_42 AGPL-3 XXX Control the number of threads on 'BLAS' (Aka...
r-rhpcc 1.0 GPL-2 X rHpcc is an R package providing an Interface between R and...
r-rhrv 4.2.7 GPL-2 X Allows users to import data files containing heartbeat positions in the...
r-rht 1.0 GPL-3 X This package offers functions to perform regularized Hotelling's...
r-rhub 1.1.2 MIT X Run 'R CMD check' on any of the 'R-hub'...
r-rhymer 1.2.0 MIT X Wrapper for 'Datamuse' API to find rhyming and other associated...
r-ri 0.9 GPL-2 X This package provides a set of tools for conducting exact or...
r-ri2by2 1.3 GPL-3 XXX Computes attributable effects based confidence interval, permutation...
r-ridge 3.3 GPL-2 XXX Linear and logistic ridge regression functions. Additionally includes...
r-ridgefusion 1.0_3 MIT X This package implements ridge fusion methodology for inverse covariance...
r-ridigbio 0.3.7 MIT X An interface to iDigBio's search API that allows downloading...
r-ridit 1.1 GPL-2 X An extension of the Kruskal-Wallis Test that allow selection of...
r-ridittools 0.1 GPL-2 X Functions to compute ridit scores of vectors, compute mean ridits and...
r-rifle 1.0 GPL-2 X Implements the algorithms for solving sparse generalized eigenvalue...
r-rifs 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Pointwise generation and display of attractors (prefractals) of the...
r-riingo 0.3.1 MIT X Functionality to download stock prices, cryptocurrency data, and more...
r-rimpact 1.0 MIT X The metrics() function calculates measures of scholarly impact. These...
r-rinat 0.1.9 MIT X A programmatic interface to the API provided by the...
r-ring 1.0.4 MIT XXX Circular / ring buffers in R and C. There are a couple of different...
r-rinside 0.2.18 GPL-2 XXX C++ classes to embed R in C++ (and C) applications A C++ class...
r-rinsp 1.2.5 GPL-2 XXX Functions to calculate several ecological indices of individual and...
r-rintcal 0.6.4 GPL-2 X The IntCal20 radiocarbon calibration curves (Reimer et al. 2020...
r-rintervaltree 0.1.0 GPL-2 X This tool can be used to build binary interval trees using real number...
r-rintrojs 0.3.2 AGPL-3 X A wrapper for the 'Intro.js' library (For more info:...
r-rio 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXXX Streamlined data import and export by making assumptions that the user...
r-rioja 1.0_6 GPL-2 X Constrained clustering, transfer functions, and other methods for...
r-rip46 1.0.2 GPL-3 XX Utility functions and S3 classes for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, including...
r-rising 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX Fits an Ising model to a binary dataset using L1 regularized logistic...
r-risk 1.0 GPL-2 X Computes 26 financial risk measures for any continuous distribution. ...
r-riskparityportfolio 0.2.2 GPL-3 XXX Fast design of risk parity portfolios for financial investment. The...
r-riskportfolios 2.1.7 GPL-2 X Collection of functions designed to compute risk-based portfolios as...
r-riskr 1.1 GPL-2 X Computes risk measures from data, as well as performs risk management...
r-riskregression 2023.09.08 GPL-2 X Implementation of the following methods for event history analysis....
r-risksetroc GPL-2 X Compute time-dependent Incident/dynamic accuracy measures (ROC curve,...
r-riskyr 0.4.0 GPL-2 X Risk-related information (like the prevalence of conditions, the...
r-rismed 2.3.0 GPL-2 X A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from the National...
r-ritis 1.0.0 MIT X An interface to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System...
r-ritools 0.3_3 GPL-2 X Tools for randomization-based inference. Current focus is on the d^2...
r-riverbuilder 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Generates graphs, CSV files, and coordinates related to river valleys...
r-riverload 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Implements several of the most popular load estimation procedures,...
r-rivernet 1.2.3 GPL-3 X Functions for reading, analysing and plotting river networks. For this...
r-riverplot 0.10 GPL X Sankey plots are a type of diagram that is convenient to illustrate how...
r-rivervis 0.46.0 GPL-2 X This R package is a flexible and efficient tool to visualise both...
r-rivr 1.2_3 GPL-3 XXX A tool for undergraduate and graduate courses in open-channel...
r-rjacgh 2.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Bayesian analysis of CGH microarrays fitting Hidden Markov Chain...
r-rjava 1.0_6 LGPL-2.1 XXX Low-level interface to Java VM very much like .C/.Call and friends....
r-rjazz 0.1.7 Apache X This is the official 'Jazz' client. 'Jazz' is a...
r-rjdbc 0.2_10 MIT XXXX The RJDBC package is an implementation of R's DBI interface using...
r-rjdemetra 0.2.4 EUPL X Interface around 'JDemetra+'...
r-rje 1.12.1 GPL-2 XXX A series of functions in some way considered useful to the author. ...
r-rjsdmx 3.0_6 EUPL X Provides functions to retrieve data and metadata from providers that...
r-rjson 0.2.21 GPL-2 XXX Converts R object into JSON objects and vice-versa.
r-rjsonio 1.3_1.8 BSD_3_clause XXX This is a package that allows conversion to and from data in Javascript...
r-rjsplot 2.7 CC X Creates interactive graphs with 'R'. It joins the data analysis...
r-rjstat 0.4.3 MIT X Handle 'JSON-stat' format (<https://json-stat.org>) in R....
r-rjwsacruncher 0.2.0 GPL-3 X 'JDemetra+' (<https://github.com/jdemetra/jdemetra-app>)...
r-rjython 0.0_4 GPL-2 X R interface to Python via Jython allowing R to call python code.
r-rkeajars 5.0_4 GPL-2 X External jars required for package RKEA.
r-rkeeldata 1.0.5 GPL-3 X 'KEEL' is a popular Java software for a large number of...
r-rkeeljars 1.0.20 GPL-3 X 'KEEL' is a popular Java software for a large number of...
r-rkelly 1.0 MIT X Calculates the Kelly criterion (Kelly, J.L. (1956)...
r-rkeops MIT X The 'KeOps' library lets you compute generic reductions of very...
r-rklout 1.0 GPL-2 X An interface of R to Klout API v2. It fetches Klout Score for a Twitter...
r-rkmetrics 1.3 GPL-3 X Hybrid Mortality Modelling (HMM) provides a framework in which...
r-rknn 1.2_1 GPL-2 XXX Random knn classification and regression are implemented. Random knn...
r-rkt 1.6 GPL-2 X Contains function rkt which computes the Mann-Kendall test (MK) and the...
r-rkum GPL-3 X Robust kernel center matrix, robust kernel cross-covariance operator...
r-rkvo 0.1 GPL-3 XXX This package provides functionality to read files containing...
r-rlab 4.0 GPL-2 X Provides functions and datasets required for the ST 370 course at North...
r-rlabkey 2.8.4 Apache XXX The 'LabKey' client library for R makes it easy for R users to...
r-rlakeanalyzer GPL-2 X Standardized methods for calculating common important derived physical...
r-rlang 1.1.1 MIT XXX A toolbox for working with base types, core R features like the...
r-rlas 1.6.3 GPL-3 XXX Read and write 'las' and 'laz' binary file formats. The...
r-rld 1.0 GPL-2 X Analyzes data from repeated low-dose challenge experiments and provide...
r-rlda 0.2.6 GPL-2 XXX Estimates the Bayesian LDA model for mixed-membership clustering based...
r-rldcp 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Linguistic Descriptions of Complex Phenomena (LDCP) is an architecture...
r-rle 0.9.2 GPL-3 X Common 'base' and 'stats' methods for 'rle'...
r-rleafangle 1.0 GPL-3 X Leaf angle distribution is described by a number of functions (e.g....
r-rleafmap 0.2 GPL-3 X Display spatial data with interactive maps powered by the open-source...
r-rlecuyer 0.3_7 GPL-2 XXX Provides an interface to the C implementation of the random number...
r-rlemon 0.2.1 BSL-1.0 X Allows easy access to the LEMON Graph Library set of algorithms,...
r-rlibeemd 1.4.3 GPL-3 XXX An R interface for libeemd (Luukko, Helske, Räsänen, 2016)...
r-rlinkedin 0.2 GPL-2 X A series of functions that allow users to access the 'LinkedIn'...
r-rlist MIT XXXX Provides a set of functions for data manipulation with list objects,...
r-rlm 1.2 GPL-2 XXX Robust fitting of linear model which can take response in matrix form.
r-rlmdatadriven 0.4.0 GPL X Data driven approach for robust regression estimation in homoscedastic...
r-rlme 0.5 GPL-2 XXX Estimates robust rank-based fixed effects and predicts robust random...
r-rlof 1.1.3 GPL-2 XXX R parallel implementation of Local Outlier Factor(LOF) which uses...
r-rlog 0.1.0 MIT X A very lightweight package that writes out log messages in an...
r-rlrsim 3.1_8 GPL-3 XXX Rapid, simulation-based exact (restricted) likelihood ratio tests for...
r-rlt 3.2.6 GPL-2 XXX Random forest with a variety of additional features for regression,...
r-rltp 0.1.4 LGPL-3 XXX R interface to the 'LTP'-Cloud service for Natural Language...
r-rm2006 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Estimation of the conditional covariance matrix using the RiskMetrics...
r-rmaf 3.0.1 GPL-2 X Uses refined moving average filter based on the optimal and data-driven...
r-rmake 1.1.0 GPL X Creates and maintains a build process for complex analytic tasks in R....
r-rmallow 1.1 GPL-2 X An EM algorithm to fit Mallows' Models to full or partial rankings,...
r-rmalschains 0.2_10 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of an algorithm family for continuous optimization...
r-rmapshaper 0.5.0 MIT X Edit and simplify 'geojson', 'Spatial', and...
r-rmargint 2.0.2 GPL XXX Three robust marginal integration procedures for additive models based...
r-rmariadb 1.3.0 MIT XXX Implements a DBI-compliant interface to MariaDB...
r-rmark 3.0.0 GPL-2 X An interface to the software package MARK that constructs input files...
r-rmarkdown 2.25 GPL-3 XXXX Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.
r-rmatio 0.18.0 GPL-3 XXX Read and write 'Matlab' MAT files from R. The 'rmatio'...
r-rmawgen 1.3.7 GPL-2 X S3 and S4 functions are implemented for spatial multi-site stochastic...
r-rmcorr 0.6.0 GPL-2 X Compute the repeated measures correlation, a statistical technique for...
r-rmda 1.6 GPL-2 X Provides tools to evaluate the value of using a risk prediction...
r-rmdconcord 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Supports concordances in 'R Markdown' documents. This...
r-rmdfiltr 0.1.3 MIT X A collection of 'Lua' filters that extend the functionality of...
r-rmdformats 1.0.4 GPL-2 X HTML formats and templates for 'rmarkdown' documents, with some...
r-rmdpartials 0.5.8 MIT X Use 'rmarkdown' partials, also know as child documents in...
r-rmdplugr 0.4.1 GPL-3 X Formats for R Markdown that undo modifications by 'pandoc' and...
r-rmdshower 2.1.1 MIT X 'R' 'Markdown' format for 'shower'...
r-rmea 1.2.2 GPL-3 X A suite of tools useful to read, visualize and export bivariate motion...
r-rmecabko GPL-2 X An 'Rcpp' interface for Eunjeon project...
r-rmediation 1.2.2 GPL-2 X We provide functions to compute confidence intervals for a well-defined...
r-rmeta 3.0 GPL-2 X Functions for simple fixed and random effects meta-analysis for...
r-rmgarch 1.3_9 GPL-3 X Feasible multivariate GARCH models including DCC, GO-GARCH and Copula-GARCH.
r-rmi 0.1.1 GPL-3 XXX Provides mutual information estimators based on k-nearest neighbor...
r-rminer 1.4.6 GPL-2 X Facilitates the use of data mining algorithms in classification and...
r-rmio 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Provides header files of 'mio', a cross-platform C++11...
r-rmisc 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Contains many functions useful for data analysis and utility operations.
r-rmixmod 2.1.9 GPL-3 XXX Interface of 'MIXMOD' software for supervised, unsupervised and...
r-rmixpanel 0.7_1 MIT X Provides an interface to many endpoints of Mixpanel's Data Export,...
r-rmixtcompio 4.0.11 AGPL-3 XXX Mixture Composer <https://github.com/modal-inria/MixtComp> is a...
r-rmkdiscrete 0.2 GPL-2 XXX Sundry discrete probability distributions and helper functions.
r-rmoajars 1.2.0 GPL-3 X External jars required for package RMOA. RMOA is a framework to build...
r-rmonad 0.7.0 GPL-3 X A monadic solution to pipeline analysis. All operations -- and the...
r-rmosek 1.3.5 LGPL-2.1 X This is a meta-package designed to support the installation of Rmosek...
r-rmpfr 0.9_3 GPL-2 XX Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision...
r-rmpw 0.0.4 GPL-2 X We implement causal mediation analysis using the methods proposed by...
r-rmr 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Analysis of oxygen consumption data generated by Loligo (R) Systems...
r-rmr2 3.3.1 Apache XXX Supports the map reduce programming model on top of hadoop streaming
r-rms 6.7_1 GPL-2 XXX Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics,...
r-rms.gof 1.0 GPL-3 X This package can be used to test any simple null hypothesis using the...
r-rmsfact 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Display a randomly selected quote about Richard M. Stallman based on...
r-rmthreshold 1.1 GPL-3 X An algorithm which can be used to determine an objective threshold for...
r-rmtl 0.9.9 GPL-3 X Efficient solvers for 10 regularized multi-task learning algorithms...
r-rmtstat 0.3.1 BSD_3_clause X Functions for working with the Tracy-Widom laws and other distributions...
r-rmumps 5.2.1_5 GPL-2 XXX Some basic features of MUMPS (Multifrontal Massively Parallel sparse...
r-rmutil 1.1.10 GPL-2 XXX A toolkit of functions for nonlinear regression and repeated...
r-rmvl LGPL-2.1 X Mappable vector library provides convenient way to access large...
r-rmvp 1.0.7 Apache XXX A memory-efficient, visualize-enhanced, parallel-accelerated...
r-rmysql 0.10.26 GPL-2 XXX Legacy 'DBI' interface to 'MySQL' / 'MariaDB'...
r-rnaseqwrapper 1.0_1 GPL-3 X This package is designed to streamline several of the common steps for...
r-rnassqs 0.6.1 MIT X Interface to access data via the United States Department of...
r-rnaturalearth 0.3.4 MIT X Facilitates mapping by making natural earth map data from...
r-rnaturalearthdata 0.1.0 CC0 X Vector map data from <http://www.naturalearthdata.com/>. Access...
r-rnavgraphimagedata 0.0.4 GPL-2 X Image data used as examples in the loon R package.
r-rnavicell 0.2 LGPL-2.1 X Provides a set of functions to access a data visualization web service....
r-rnbp 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Use the <http://api.nbp.pl/> API through R. Retrieve currency...
r-rncbieutilslibs 0.9 GPL-3 X Provides the libraries of the EUtils operations for the RNCBI package.
r-rncl 0.8.7 BSD_2_clause X An interface to the Nexus Class Library which allows parsing of NEXUS,...
r-rnd 1.2 GPL-2 X Extract the implied risk neutral density from options using various methods.
r-rndtexexams 1.5 GPL-2 X Using as input a 'LaTeX' file with a multiple choice exam, this...
r-rnentropy 1.2.3 GPL-3 X An implementation of a method based on information theory devised for...
r-rneos 0.4_0 GPL-2 X Within this package the XML-RPC API to NEOS...
r-rnetcarto 0.2.6 GPL-2 XX Provides functions to compute the modularity and modularity-related...
r-rnetcdf 2.7_1 GPL-2 XXX An interface to the 'NetCDF' file formats designed by Unidata...
r-rnetlogo 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Interface to use and access Wilensky's 'NetLogo' (Wilensky...
r-rnewsflow 1.2.7 GPL-3 X A collection of tools for measuring the similarity of text messages and...
r-rnexml 2.4.11 BSD_3_clause X Provides access to phyloinformatic data in 'NeXML' format. The...
r-rngforgpd 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Generation of univariate and multivariate data that follow the...
r-rngsetseed 0.3_3 GPL-3 XXX A function setVectorSeed() is provided. Its argument is a numeric...
r-rngtools 1.5.2 GPL-3 XXXX Provides a set of functions for working with Random Number Generators...
r-rngwell 0.10_9 BSD_3_clause XXX It is a dedicated package to WELL pseudo random generators, which were...
r-rngwell19937 0.6_0 file XXX Long period linear random number generator WELL19937a by F. Panneton,...
r-rnifti 1.5.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides very fast read and write access to images stored in the...
r-rniftyreg 2.8.1 GPL-2 X Provides an 'R' interface to the 'NiftyReg' image...
r-rnoaa 1.4.0 MIT X Client for many 'NOAA' data sources including the...
r-rnomni GPL-3 XXX Inverse normal transformation (INT) based genetic association testing....
r-rnpn 1.2.6 MIT X Programmatic interface to the Web Service methods provided by the...
r-rnr 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Apply sensitivity analysis for offline policy evaluation, as...
r-rnumerai 3.0.1 GPL-3 X Routines to interact with the Numerai Machine Learning Tournament API...
r-roauth 0.9.6 Artistic-2.0 X Provides an interface to the OAuth 1.0 specification allowing users to...
r-robastrda 1.2.0 LGPL-3 X Includes 'sysdata.rda' file for packages of the...
r-robcompositions 2.4.1 GPL-2 X Methods for analysis of compositional data including robust methods ...
r-robcor 0.1_6.1 GPL-2 X Robust pairwise correlations based on estimates of scale, particularly...
r-robcp 0.3.7 GPL-3 XXX Provides robust methods to detect change-points in uni- or multivariate...
r-robeth 2.7_8 GPL-2 XXX Locations problems, M-estimates of coefficients and scale in linear...
r-robfilter 4.1.3 GPL-2 XXX Implementations for several robust procedures that allow for (online)...
r-robfitcongraph 0.1.0 GPL-3 XXX Contains a single function named robFitConGraph() which includes two...
r-robotstxt 0.7.13 MIT X Provides functions to download and parse 'robots.txt' files....
r-robrsvd 1.0 GPL-3 X This package provides the function to calculate SVD, regularized SVD,...
r-robslopes 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Fast algorithms for the Theil-Sen estimator, Siegel's repeated...
r-robstattm 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Companion package for the book: "Robust Statistics: Theory and...
r-robumeta 2.1 GPL-2 X Functions for conducting robust variance estimation (RVE)...
r-robust 0.7_2 GPL-3 X Methods for robust statistics, a state of the art in the early 2000s,...
r-robustaft 1.4_7 GPL-2 XXX R functions for the computation of the truncated maximum likelihood and...
r-robustbase 0.99_0 GPL-2 XXX "Essential" Robust Statistics. Tools allowing to analyze data...
r-robustblme 0.1.3 GPL-2 XXX Bayesian robust fitting of linear mixed effects models through weighted...
r-robustetm 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Testing homogeneity for generalized exponential tilt model. This...
r-robustgam 0.1.7 GPL-2 XXX This package provides robust estimation for generalized additive...
r-robustgasp 0.6.5 GPL-2 XXX Robust parameter estimation and prediction of Gaussian stochastic...
r-robusthd 0.8.0 GPL-2 X Robust methods for high-dimensional data, in particular linear model...
r-robustlmm 3.2_3 GPL-2 X Implements the Robust Scoring Equations estimator to fit linear mixed...
r-robustrankaggreg 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Methods for aggregating ranked lists, especially lists of genes. It...
r-robustreg 0.1_11 GPL-2 XXX Linear regression functions using Huber and bisquare psi functions....
r-robustvarcomp 0.1_7 GPL-2 X Robust Estimation of Variance Component Models by classic and composite...
r-robustx 1.2_7 GPL-2 X Robustness -- 'eXperimental', 'eXtraneous', or...
r-robyn 3.10.3 MIT X Semi-Automated Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) aiming to reduce human bias...
r-rocc 1.3 GPL-2 X Functions for a classification method based on receiver operating...
r-roccv 1.2 MIT X Cross validate large genetic data while specifying clinical variables...
r-rocit 2.1.1 GPL-3 X Sensitivity (or recall or true positive rate), false positive rate,...
r-rockchalk 1.8.157 GPL X A collection of functions for interpretation and presentation of...
r-rocnit 1.0 GPL-3 X Non-inferiority test and diagnostic test are very important in clinical...
r-rococo 1.1.7 GPL-2 XXX Provides the robust gamma rank correlation coefficient as introduced by...
r-rocr 1.0_11 GPL-2 XXXX ROC graphs, sensitivity/specificity curves, lift charts, and...
r-rocwogs 1.0 GPL-2 X Function to estimate the ROC Curve of a continuous-scaled diagnostic...
r-rodam 0.1.14 LGPL-3 X 'ODAM' (Open Data for Access and Mining) is a framework that...
r-rodbc 1.3_21 GPL-2 XXX An ODBC database interface.
r-rodbcdbi 0.1.1 MIT X An implementation of R's DBI interface using ODBC package as a...
r-rodbcext 0.3.1 GPL-2 XXX An extension for RODBC package adding support for parameterized queries.
r-rode 0.99.6 GPL-2 X Show physics, math and engineering students how an ODE solver is made...
r-rodeo 0.7.7 GPL-2 XXX Provides an R6 class and several utility methods to facilitate the...
r-rodm 1.1 LGPL-2 X This package implements an interface to Oracle Data Mining (ODM). It...
r-roi 1.0_1 GPL-3 X The R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')...
r-roi.plugin.alabama 1.0_2 GPL-3 X Enhances the R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI') package with...
r-roi.plugin.ecos 1.0_2 GPL-3 X Enhances the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')...
r-roi.plugin.glpk 1.0_0 GPL-3 X Enhances the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')...
r-roi.plugin.lpsolve 1.0_2 GPL-3 X Enhances the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')...
r-roi.plugin.neos 1.0_1 GPL-3 X Enhances the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')...
r-roi.plugin.qpoases 1.0_3 GPL-3 X Enhances the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI')...
r-roi.plugin.quadprog 1.0_1 GPL-3 X Enhances the R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI') package by...
r-roll 1.1.6 GPL-2 X Fast and efficient computation of rolling and expanding statistics for...
r-rollbar 0.1.0 MIT X Reports errors and messages to Rollbar, the error tracking platform...
r-rolldown 0.1 MIT X R Markdown output formats based on JavaScript libraries such as...
r-rollregres 0.1.4 GPL-2 XXX Methods for fast rolling and expanding linear regression models. That...
r-roloc 0.1_1 GPL-2 X Functions to convert an R colour specification to a colour name. The...
r-rolr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides fast procedures for exploring all pairs of cutpoints of a...
r-ronfhir 0.4.0 BSD_3_clause X R on FHIR is an easy to use wrapper around the 'HL7 FHIR' REST...
r-rook 1.2 GPL-2 XXX An HTTP web server for R with a documented API to interface between R...
r-roopsd 0.3.9 CeCILL-2 X Statistical distribution in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) way. This...
r-rootsolve GPL-2 XXX Routines to find the root of nonlinear functions, and to perform...
r-rootwishart 0.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for hypothesis testing in single and double Wishart settings,...
r-rop 1.0 GPL X Trees Classification and Regression using multivariate nodes calculated...
r-rope 1.0 GPL-3 X Selects one model with variable selection FDR controlled at a specified...
r-ropendata 0.1.0 MIT X 'Rapid7' collects 'cybersecurity' data and makes it...
r-ropendota 0.1.2 MIT X Provides a client for the API of OpenDota. OpenDota is a web service...
r-ropenfigi 0.2.8 GPL-3 X Provide a simple interface to Bloomberg's OpenFIGI API. Please see...
r-ropensecretsapi 1.0.1 LGPL-3 X An R package for the OpenSecrets.org web services API.
r-ropenweathermap 1.1 MIT X OpenWeatherMap (OWM) <http://openweathermap.org/api> is a service...
r-roperators 1.3.14 MIT X Provides string arithmetic, reassignment operators, logical operators...
r-ropj 0.3_4 GPL-3 X Read the data from Origin(R) project files ('*.opj')...
r-roptim 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Perform general purpose optimization in R using C++. A unified wrapper...
r-roptimizely 0.2.0 GPL-2 X R package extracts optimizely test results and test information using...
r-rose 0.0_4 GPL-2 X Functions to deal with binary classification problems in the presence...
r-rosetteapi 1.14.4 Apache X 'Rosette' is an API for multilingual text analysis and...
r-rosm 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Download and plot Open Street Map...
r-rotasym 1.1.5 GPL-3 X Implementation of the tests for rotational symmetry on the hypersphere...
r-rotationforest 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Fit and deploy rotation forest models ("Rodriguez, J.J., Kuncheva,...
r-rotl 3.1.0 BSD_2_clause X An interface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API to retrieve...
r-rotor 0.3.7 MIT X Conditionally rotate or back-up files based on their size or the date...
r-roughsetknowledgereduction 0.1 MIT X Rough Sets were introduced by Zdzislaw Pawlak on his book "Rough...
r-roughsets 1.3_7 GPL-2 X Implementations of algorithms for data analysis based on the rough set...
r-round 0.21_0 AGPL-3 X Decimal rounding is non-trivial in binary arithmetic. ISO standard...
r-roundhouse 0.0.2 GPL-2 X R functions for generating and/or displaying random Chuck Norris facts....
r-routr 0.4.1 MIT X In order to make sure that web request ends up in the correct handler...
r-rowr 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Provides utilities which interact with all R objects as if they were...
r-roxygen2 7.2.3 MIT XXX Generate your Rd documentation, 'NAMESPACE' file, and collation...
r-rpaci 0.2.2 GPL-3 X Analysis of corneal data obtained from a Placido disk corneal...
r-rpact 3.4.0 LGPL-3 X Design and analysis of confirmatory adaptive clinical trials with...
r-rpanel 1.1_5.2 GPL-2 XXXX A set of functions to build simple GUI controls for R functions. These...
r-rpart 4.1.21 GPL-2 XXX Recursive partitioning for classification, regression and survival...
r-rpart.plot 3.1.1 GPL-3 X Plot 'rpart' models. Extends plot.rpart() and text.rpart() in...
r-rpart.utils 0.5 GPL-3 X This package contains additional tools for working with rpart objects. ...
r-rpartscore 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Recursive partitioning methods to build classification trees for...
r-rpca 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Suppose we have a data matrix, which is the superposition of a low-rank...
r-rpclr 1.0 GPL-2 X This package implements the R-PCLR (Random-Penalized Conditional...
r-rpeglmen 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Implements the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA)...
r-rpeif 1.2.4 GPL-2 X Computes the influence functions time series of the returns for the...
r-rpensemble 0.5 GPL-3 X Implements the methodology of "Cannings, T. I. and Samworth, R. J....
r-rpese 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Estimates of standard errors of popular risk and performance measures...
r-rpexe.rpext 0.0.2 GPL-3 X This reduced piecewise exponential survival software implements the...
r-rpf 1.0.14 GPL-3 X Factor out logic and math common to Item Factor Analysis fitting,...
r-rphylip 0.1_23 GPL-2 X Rphylip provides an R interface for the PHYLIP package. All users of...
r-rpicosat 1.0.1 MIT X Bindings for the 'PicoSAT' solver to solve Boolean...
r-rpinterest 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Get information (boards, pins and users) from the Pinterest...
r-rpipedrive 0.1.1 GPL-2 X R interaction with 'pipedrive.com API'. All functions were...
r-rpivottable 0.3.0 MIT X Build powerful pivot tables (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab)...
r-rplotengine 1.0_9 GPL-2 X Generate basic charts either by custom applications, or from a small...
r-rpmg 2.2_7 GPL-2 X Really Poor Man's Graphical User Interface, used to create...
r-rpmm 1.25 GPL-2 X Recursively Partitioned Mixture Model for Beta and Gaussian Mixtures....
r-rpms 0.5.1 CC0 X Functions to allow users to build and analyze design consistent tree...
r-rpnf 1.0.5 GPL-3 X A set of functions to analyze and print the development of a commodity...
r-rpoet 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Wrapper for the 'PoetryDB' API <http://poetrydb.org> that...
r-rpostgis 1.5.0 GPL-3 X Provides an interface between R and 'PostGIS'-enabled...
r-rpostgres 1.4.5 GPL-3 X Fully DBI-compliant Rcpp-backed interface to PostgreSQL...
r-rpostgresql 0.7_5 GPL-3 X Database interface and 'PostgreSQL' driver for 'R'....
r-rppairwisedesign 1.0 GPL-3 X Using some association schemes to obtain a new series of resolvable...
r-rpresto 1.4.5 BSD_3_clause XX Implements a 'DBI' compliant interface to Presto. Presto is an...
r-rprime 0.1.2 GPL-2 X 'Eprime' is a set of programs for administering psychological...
r-rprintf 0.2.1 MIT X Provides a set of functions to facilitate building formatted strings...
r-rprobsup 3.0 MIT X The A() function calculates the A statistic, a nonparametric measure of...
r-rprojroot 2.0.3 MIT XXXX Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below a project root. The...
r-rpsychi 0.8 GPL-2 X The rpsychi offers a number of functions for psychiatry, psychiatric...
r-rptests 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Performs goodness of fits tests for both high and low-dimensional...
r-rpublica 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Client for accessing data journalism APIs from ProPublica...
r-rpushbullet 0.3.4 GPL-2 X An R interface to the Pushbullet messaging service which provides fast...
r-rpymat 0.1.7 Apache X Aims to create a single isolated 'Miniconda' and...
r-rqcc 2.22.12 GPL-2 X Constructs various robust quality control charts based on the median or...
r-rqdatatable 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Implements the 'rquery' piped Codd-style query algebra using...
r-rqpen 3.2.1 MIT X Performs penalized quantile regression with LASSO, elastic net, SCAD...
r-rquery 1.4.99 GPL-2 X A piped query generator based on Edgar F. Codd's relational...
r-rr 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Enables researchers to conduct multivariate statistical analyses of...
r-rr2 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Three methods to calculate R2 for models with correlated errors,...
r-rrapply 1.2.6 GPL-3 X The minimal 'rrapply'-package contains a single function...
r-rrate 1.0 GPL-3 X Replication Rate (RR) is the probability of replicating a statistically...
r-rrblup 4.6.2 GPL-3 X Software for genomic prediction with the RR-BLUP mixed model (Endelman...
r-rrcov 1.7_4 GPL-3 X Robust Location and Scatter Estimation and Robust Multivariate Analysis...
r-rrcovhd 0.2_7 GPL-2 X Robust multivariate methods for high dimensional data including outlier...
r-rrdrand 0.1_16 AGPL-3 X Make use of the hardware random number accessed by the 'RdRand'...
r-rredlist 0.7.1 MIT X 'IUCN' Red List...
r-rres 1.1 GPL-2 X Functions for studying realized genetic relatedness between people....
r-rrf 1.9.4 GPL-2 X Feature Selection with Regularized Random Forest. This package is based...
r-rri 1.1 GPL-2 X Testing and inference for regression models using residual...
r-rriskdistributions 2.1.2 GPL-3 X Collection of functions for fitting distributions to given data or by...
r-rrna 1.0 GPL-3 X Functions for creating and manipulating RNA secondary structure plots.
r-rroad 0.0.5 MIT X Computation of the International Roughness Index (IRI) given a...
r-rromeo 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Fetches information from the 'SHERPA/RoMEO' API...
r-rrpp 1.4.0 GPL-3 X Linear model calculations are made for many random versions of data....
r-rrreg 0.7.5 GPL-3 X Univariate and multivariate methods to analyze randomized response (RR)...
r-rrscale 1.0 GPL-3 X Non-linear transformations of data to better discover latent effects....
r-rrtable 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Makes documents containing plots and tables from a table of R codes....
r-rsadbe 1.0 GPL-2 X The package contains all the data sets related to the book written by...
r-rsae 0.2 GPL-2 X Empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP) and robust prediction...
r-rsaga 1.4.0 GPL-2 X Provides access to geocomputing and terrain analysis functions of the...
r-rsample 1.2.0 MIT X Classes and functions to create and summarize different types of...
r-rsampling 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Resampling Stats (http://www.resample.com) is an add-in for running...
r-rsarules 1.0 GPL-3 X Implements the Gibbs sampling algorithm to randomly sample association...
r-rsatscan 1.0.6 GPL-3 X 'SaTScan'(TM) <https://www.satscan.org> is software for...
r-rsaucelabs 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Retrieve, update, delete job information from...
r-rsca 3.1 GPL-2 X A statistical tool for multivariate modeling and clustering using...
r-rscala 3.2.19 Apache X 'Scala' <http://www.scala-lang.org/> is embedded in...
r-rscimark 1.0 BSD_2_clause X The SciMark 2.0 benchmark was originally developed in Java as a...
r-rsclient 0.7_9 GPL-2 X Client for Rserve, allowing to connect to Rserve instances and issue commands.
r-rsconnect 1.1.1 GPL-2 XXXX Programmatic deployment interface for 'RPubs',...
r-rscopus 0.6.6 GPL-2 X Uses Elsevier 'Scopus' API...
r-rsdepth 0.1_22 GPL-2 X Ray Shooting Depth functions are provided for bivariate analysis. This...
r-rsdmx 0.6_3 GPL-2 X Set of classes and methods to read data and metadata documents...
r-rse 1.3 GPL-3 X A Bayesian-weighted estimator and two unweighted estimators are...
r-rseedcalc 1.3 GPL-2 X Estimate the percentage of seeds in a seedlot that contain stacks of...
r-rseis 4.1_6 GPL-2 X Multiple interactive codes to view and analyze seismic data, via...
r-rselenium 1.7.9 AGPL-3 X Provides a set of R bindings for the 'Selenium 2.0 WebDriver'...
r-rsem 0.5.1 GPL-2 X A robust procedure is implemented to estimate means and covariance...
r-rserve 1.8_11 GPL-2 XXX Rserve acts as a socket server (TCP/IP or local sockets) which allows...
r-rsfa 1.5 GPL-2 X Slow Feature Analysis (SFA), ported to R based on 'matlab'...
r-rsghb 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Functions for estimating models using a Hierarchical Bayesian (HB)...
r-rsiena GPL-2 X The main purpose of this package is to perform simulation-based...
r-rsitecatalyst 1.4.16 MIT X Functions for interacting with the Adobe Analytics API V1.4...
r-rskey 0.4.4 GPL-2 X Create custom keyboard shortcuts to examine code selected in the...
r-rslp 0.2.0 MIT X Implements the "Stemming Algorithm for the Portuguese Language"...
r-rslurm 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Functions that simplify submitting R scripts to a 'Slurm'...
r-rsm 2.10.4 GPL-2 X Provides functions to generate response-surface designs, fit first- and...
r-rsmartlyio 0.1.3 MIT X Aims at loading Facebook and Instagram advertising data from...
r-rsnns 0.4_16 LGPL-2 X The Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS) is a library containing...
r-rsocrata 1.7.15_1 MIT X Provides easier interaction with 'Socrata' open data portals...
r-rsoi 0.5.5 GPL-3 X Downloads Southern Oscillation Index, Oceanic Nino Index, North Pacific...
r-rsolnp 1.16 GPL-3 X General Non-linear Optimization Using Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method.
r-rsomoclu 1.7.6 GPL-3 X Somoclu is a massively parallel implementation of self-organizing maps....
r-rsparse 0.5.1 GPL-2 X Implements many algorithms for statistical learning on sparse matrices...
r-rspc 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Implementation of Nelson rules for control charts in 'R'. The...
r-rspde 2.3.2 GPL-3 X Functions that compute rational approximations of fractional elliptic...
r-rspectra 0.16_1 MPL X R interface to the 'Spectra' library...
r-rspincalc 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Conversion between attitude representations: DCM, Euler angles,...
r-rspm 0.4.0 GPL-2 X Enables binary package installations on Linux distributions. Provides...
r-rsps 1.0 GPL-2 X Provides functions for estimating power or sample size for RNA-Seq...
r-rsq 2.5 GPL-2 X Calculate generalized R-squared, partial R-squared, and partial...
r-rsqlite 2.3.1 LGPL-2.1 XXX Embeds the SQLite database engine in R and provides an interface...
r-rssa 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Methods and tools for Singular Spectrum Analysis including...
r-rssop 1.1 GPL-2 X Reservoir Systems Standard Operation Policy. A system for simulation of...
r-rstac 0.9.2_5 MIT X Provides functions to access, search and download spacetime earth...
r-rstack 1.0.1 MIT X An extremely simple stack data type, implemented with 'R6'...
r-rstackdeque 1.1.1 MIT X Provides fast, persistent (side-effect-free) stack, queue and deque...
r-rstan 2.32.3 GPL-3 XXX User-facing R functions are provided to parse, compile, test, estimate,...
r-rstanarm 2.26.1 GPL-3 X Estimates previously compiled regression models using the...
r-rstantools GPL-3 X Provides various tools for developers of R packages interfacing with...
r-rstata 1.1.1 GPL-3 X A simple R -> Stata interface allowing the user to execute Stata...
r-rstatix 0.7.2 GPL-2 X Provides a simple and intuitive pipe-friendly framework, coherent with...
r-rstatscn 1.1.3 Apache X R interface for china national data <http://data.stats.gov.cn/>,...
r-rstiefel 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Simulation of random orthonormal matrices from linear and quadratic...
r-rstorm 1.0 GPL-2 X While streaming processing provides opportunities to deal with...
r-rstpm2 1.6.2 GPL-2 X R implementation of generalized survival models (GSMs), smooth...
r-rstream 1.3.7 GPL-2 X Unified object oriented interface for multiple independent streams of...
r-rstripe 0.1 MIT X A convenience interface for communicating with the Stripe payment...
r-rstudioapi 0.15.0 MIT XXXX Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error...
r-rsubgroup 1.1 GPL-3 X A collection of efficient and effective tools and algorithms for...
r-rsurfer 0.2 MIT X The software suite, 'Freesurfer', is a open-source software...
r-rsurrogate 3.1 GPL-3 X Provides functions to estimate the proportion of treatment effect on...
r-rsvd 1.0.5 GPL-3 X Low-rank matrix decompositions are fundamental tools and widely used...
r-rsyntax 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Various functions for querying and reshaping dependency trees, as for...
r-rsyslog 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Functions to write messages to the 'syslog' system logger API,...
r-rt.test GPL-2 X Performs one-sample t-test based on robustified statistics using...
r-rt3 0.1.2 MIT X Play the classic game of tic-tac-toe (naughts and crosses).
r-rtables 0.6.3 Apache X Reporting tables often have structure that goes beyond simple...
r-rtape 2.2 GPL-2 X Storing huge data in RData format causes problems because of the...
r-rtauchen 1.0 GPL-2 X Discretize AR(1) process following Tauchen (1986)...
r-rtaxometrics 3.2.1 MIT X We provide functions to perform taxometric analyses. This package...
r-rtconnect 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Tools for analyzing sales report files of iTunes Connect.
r-rtde 0.2_1 GPL-2 X Robust tail dependence estimation for bivariate models. This package is...
r-rtdists 0.11_5 GPL-3 X Provides response time distributions (density/PDF, distribution...
r-rtematres 0.2 GPL-3 X Exploit controlled vocabularies organized on tematres servers.
r-rtensor 1.4.8 GPL-2 X A set of tools for creation, manipulation, and modeling of tensors with...
r-rtephra 0.1 GPL-3 X Models and displays tephra transport through custom (windy, turbulent,...
r-rtexttools 1.4.3 GPL-3 X A machine learning package for automatic text classification that makes...
r-rtexturemetrics 1.1 GPL-2 X This package contains several functions for calculation of texture...
r-rtf 0.4_14.1 GPL-2 X A set of R functions to output Rich Text Format (RTF) files with high...
r-rticles 0.25 GPL-3 X A suite of custom R Markdown formats and templates for authoring...
r-rtika 2.7.0 Apache X Extract text or metadata from over a thousand file types, using Apache...
r-rtk GPL-2 X Rarefy data, calculate diversity and plot the results.
r-rtkore 1.6.7 GPL-2 X 'STK++' <http://www.stkpp.org> is a collection of C++...
r-rtnmin 2016_7.7 GPL-2 X Truncated Newton function minimization with bounds constraints based on...
r-rtoot 0.3.2 MIT X An implementation of calls designed to collect and organize Mastodon...
r-rtop 0.6_8 GPL-2 X Data with irregular spatial support, such as runoff related data or...
r-rtorch 0.4.2 MIT X 'R' implementation and interface of the Machine Learning...
r-rtriangle 1.6_0.12 CC X This is a port of Jonathan Shewchuk's Triangle library to R. From...
r-rtrim 2.1.1 EUPL X The TRIM model is widely used for estimating growth and decline of...
r-rts 1.1_14 GPL-3 X This framework aims to provide classes and methods for manipulating and...
r-rtsne 0.16 file X An R wrapper around the fast T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor...
r-rtson 1.3 Apache X TSON, short for Typed JSON, is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON...
r-rtsplot 0.1.5 MIT X A fast and elegant time series visualization package. In addition to...
r-rttf2pt1 1.3.12 file X Contains the program 'ttf2pt1', for use with the...
r-rtwalk 1.8.0 GPL-3 X The 't-walk' is a general-purpose MCMC sampler for arbitrary...
r-rtweet 1.2.1 MIT X An implementation of calls designed to collect and organize Twitter...
r-rtype 0.1_1 MIT X A strong type system for R which supports symbol declaration and...
r-rucm 0.6 GPL-2 X Unobserved Components Models (introduced in Harvey, A. (1989),...
r-rucrdtw 0.1.5 Apache X R bindings for functions from the UCR Suite by Rakthanmanon et al....
r-rugarch 1.5_1 GPL-3 X ARFIMA, in-mean, external regressors and various GARCH flavors, with...
r-ruimtehol 0.3.1 MPL-2.0 X Wraps the 'StarSpace' library...
r-rules 1.0.2 MIT X Bindings for additional models for use with the 'parsnip'...
r-runit 0.4.32 GPL-2 XXXX R functions implementing a standard Unit Testing framework, with...
r-runiversal 1.0.2 GPL-3 X This package contains some functions for converting R objects to Java...
r-runner 0.4.3 GPL-2 X Lightweight library for rolling windows operations. Package enables...
r-runonce 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Package 'runonce' helps automating the saving of long-running...
r-runstats 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides methods for fast computation of running sample statistics for...
r-runuran 0.38 GPL-2 X Interface to the 'UNU.RAN' library for Universal Non-Uniform...
r-rust 1.4.1 GPL-2 X Uses the generalized ratio-of-uniforms (RU) method to simulate from...
r-ruta 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Implementation of several unsupervised neural networks, from building...
r-ruv GPL-3 X Implements the 'RUV' (Remove Unwanted Variation) algorithms. ...
r-rv 2.3.5 GPL-2 X Implements a simulation-based random variable class and a suite of...
r-rvcg 0.22.1 GPL-2 X Operations on triangular meshes based on 'VCGLIB'. This package...
r-rvcheck 0.2.1 Artistic-2.0 X Check latest release version of R and R package (both in...
r-rvenn 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Set operations for many sets. The base functions for set operations in...
r-rversions 2.1.2 MIT XXXX Query the main 'R' 'SVN' repository to find the...
r-rvertnet 0.8.2 MIT X Retrieve, map and summarize data from the 'VertNet.org'...
r-rvest 1.0.3 MIT XXXX Wrappers around the 'xml2' and 'httr' packages to make...
r-rvg 0.3.3 GPL-3 X Vector Graphics devices for 'Microsoft PowerPoint' and...
r-rvhpdt 4.0 GPL-2 X To detecting rare variants for binary traits using general pedigrees,...
r-rviennacl GPL-3 X 'ViennaCL' is a free open-source linear algebra library for...
r-rviewgraph 1.4.2 GPL-2 X Provides 'Java' graphical user interfaces for viewing,...
r-rvinecopulib GPL-3 X Provides an interface to 'vinecopulib', a C++ library for vine...
r-rvtdt 1.0 GPL-3 X Used to compute population controls weighted rare variants transmission...
r-rwa 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Perform a Relative Weights Analysis (RWA) (a.k.a. Key Drivers Analysis)...
r-rwars 1.0.0 MIT X Provides functions to retrieve and reformat data from the 'Star...
r-rwave 2.6_5 GPL-2 X A set of R functions which provide an environment for the...
r-rwc 1.11 GPL-2 X Code to facilitate simulation and inference when connectivity is...
r-rweblogo 1.0.3 BSD_3_clause X RWebLogo is a wrapper for the WebLogo python package that allows...
r-rweka 0.4_46 GPL-2 X An R interface to Weka (Version 3.9.3). Weka is a collection of machine...
r-rwekajars 3.9.3_2 GPL-2 X External jars required for package 'RWeka'.
r-rwhois 1.0.14 MIT X Queries data from WHOIS servers.
r-rwiener 1.3_3 GPL-2 X Provides Wiener process distribution functions, namely the Wiener first...
r-rwinsteps 1.0_1.1 GPL-2 X Facilitates communication between R and the Rasch modeling software...
r-rwishart 0.1.2 GPL-2 X An expansion of R's 'stats' random wishart matrix...
r-rworldmap 1.3_8 GPL-2 X Enables mapping of country level and gridded user datasets.
r-rworldxtra 1.01 GPL-2 X High resolution vector country boundaries derived from Natural Earth...
r-rxkcd 1.9.2 GPL-2 X Visualize your favorite XKCD comic strip directly from R. XKCD...
r-rxnat 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Allows communication with Extensible Neuroimaging Archive Toolkit...
r-rxode2 2.0.14 GPL-3 X Facilities for running simulations from ordinary differential equation...
r-rxode2et 2.0.10 GPL-3 X Provides the event table and support functions needed for...
r-rxode2ll 2.0.11 GPL-3 X Provides the log-likelihoods with gradients from 'stan'...
r-rxode2parse 2.0.16 GPL-3 X Provides the parsing needed for 'rxode2' (Wang, Hallow and...
r-rxode2random 2.0.11 GPL-3 X Provides the random number generation (in parallel) needed for...
r-rxseq 0.99.3 GPL-2 X Analysis of combined total and allele specific reads from the...
r-rxshrink 2.3 GPL-2 X Functions are provided to calculate and display ridge TRACE Diagnostics...
r-ryacas 1.1.5 GPL-3 X Interface to the 'yacas' computer algebra system...
r-ryandextranslate 1.0 MIT X 'Yandex Translate' (https://translate.yandex.com/) is a...
r-rym 1.0.6 GPL-2 X Allows work with 'Management API' for load counters, segments,...
r-ryoudaotranslate 1.0 GPL-2 X You can use this package to translate thousands of words. The Youdao...
r-ryoutheria 1.0.3 MIT X A programmatic interface to web-services of YouTheria. YouTheria is an...
r-rzabbix 0.1.0 GPL-2 X R interface to the 'Zabbix API' data...
r-rzeit2 0.2.3 MIT X Interface to gather newspaper articles from 'DIE ZEIT' and...
r-rzmq 0.9.11 GPL-3 XXX Interface to the 'ZeroMQ' lightweight messaging kernel (see...
r-s2 1.1.4 Apache X Provides R bindings for Google's s2 library for geometric...
r-s20x 3.1_40 GPL-2 X A set of functions used in teaching STATS 201/208 Data Analysis at the...
r-sabarsi 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Implements a new approach 'SABARSI' described in Wang et al.,...
r-sac 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Semiparametric empirical likelihood ratio based tests of change-point...
r-sacobra 1.2 GPL-2 X Performs surrogate-assisted optimization for expensive black-box...
r-sadeg 1.0.0 GPL-3 X We analyzed the nucleotide composition of genes with a special emphasis...
r-sae 1.3 GPL-2 X Functions for small area estimation.
r-saemix 3.2 GPL-2 X The 'saemix' package implements the Stochastic Approximation EM...
r-saery 1.0 GPL-2 X A complete set of functions to calculate several EBLUP (Empirical Best...
r-safd 2.1 GPL-2 X The aim of the package is to provide some basic functions for doing...
r-safer 0.2.1 GPL-3 X A consistent interface to encrypt and decrypt strings, R objects and...
r-safetensors 0.1.2 MIT X A file format for storing tensors that is secure (doesn't allow for...
r-saic 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Computes the Akaike information criterion for the generalized linear...
r-salesforcer 1.0.1 MIT X Functions connecting to the 'Salesforce' Platform APIs (REST,...
r-saltsampler 1.1.0 BSD_3_clause X The SALTSampler package facilitates Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC)...
r-salty 0.1.0 MIT X Take real or simulated data and salt it with errors commonly found in...
r-sample.size 1.0 GPL-2 X Computes the required sample size using the optimal designs with...
r-sampleselection 1.2_12 GPL-2 X Two-step and maximum likelihood estimation of Heckman-type sample...
r-samplesize 0.2_4 GPL-2 X Computes sample size for Student's t-test and for the...
r-samplesize4clinicaltrials 0.2.3 GPL-3 X There are four categories of Phase III clinical trials according to...
r-samplesizecmh 0.0.0 GPL-2 X Calculates the power and sample size for Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests....
r-samplesizelogisticcasecontrol 2.0.2 GPL-2 X To determine sample size or power for case-control studies to be...
r-samplesizemeans 1.2.3 GPL-2 X Sample size requirements calculation using three different Bayesian...
r-samplesizeproportions 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Sample size requirements calculation using three different Bayesian...
r-sampling 2.9 GPL-2 X Functions to draw random samples using different sampling schemes are...
r-samplingbigdata 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Select sampling methods for probability samples using large data sets. ...
r-samplingbook 1.2.4 GPL-2 X Sampling procedures from the book 'Stichproben - Methoden und...
r-samplingdatacrt 1.0 GPL-3 X Package provides the possibility to sampling complete datasets from a...
r-samplingvarest 1.5 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate some point estimators and estimate their...
r-samurais 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides a variety of original and flexible user-friendly statistical...
r-sandwich 3.0_2 GPL-2 XXXX Object-oriented software for model-robust covariance matrix estimators....
r-sanitizers 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Recent gcc and clang compiler versions provide functionality to test...
r-sanon 1.6 GPL-2 X There are several functions to implement the method for analysis in a...
r-santoku 0.10.0 MIT X A tool for cutting data into intervals. Allows singleton intervals....
r-sapp 1.0.9_1 GPL-2 X Functions for statistical analysis of point processes.
r-sarima 0.9.1 GPL-2 X Functions, classes and methods for time series modelling with ARIMA and...
r-sarp.moodle 1.0.4 Artistic-2.0 X Provides a set of basic functions for creating Moodle XML output files...
r-sas7bdat 0.7 GPL-2 X Documentation and prototypes for the earliest (circa 2010) open-source...
r-sascii 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Using any importation code designed for 'SAS' users to read...
r-saslm 0.9.12 GPL-3 X This is a core implementation of 'SAS' procedures for linear...
r-sasmarkdown 0.8.2 MIT X Settings and functions to extend the 'knitr' 'SAS' engine.
r-sasmixed 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Data sets and sample lmer analyses corresponding to the examples in...
r-saspect 0.1_1 GPL-2 X A statistical method for significant analysis of comparative proteomics...
r-sass 0.4.7 MIT X An 'SCSS' compiler, powered by the 'LibSass' library....
r-satellite 1.0.4 MIT X Herein, we provide a broad variety of functions which are useful for...
r-saturnin 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Bayesian inference of graphical model structures using spanning trees.
r-sautomata 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Machine learning provides algorithms that can learn from data and make...
r-saver 1.1.2 GPL-2 X An implementation of a regularized regression prediction and empirical...
r-saves 0.5 AGPL-3 X The purpose of this package is to be able to save and load only the...
r-sbf 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Smooth Backfitting for additive models using Nadaraya-Watson estimator
r-sbgcop 0.980 GPL-2 X Estimation and inference for parameters in a Gaussian copula model,...
r-sbiopn 1.1.0 GPL-2 X sbioPN is a package suited to perform simulation of deterministic and...
r-sbl 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Implements sparse Bayesian learning method for QTL mapping and...
r-sbm 0.4.5 GPL-3 X A collection of tools and functions to adjust a variety of stochastic...
r-sbmsdp 0.2 GPL-3 X An ADMM implementation of SDP-1, a semidefinite programming relaxation...
r-sbrect 0.26 GPL-2 X The package uses fitting axes-aligned rectangles to a time series in...
r-sbsa 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Simplified Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis
r-sbsdiff 0.1.0 MIT X Calculates a Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-squared difference test between...
r-sbw 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Implements the Stable Balancing Weights by Zubizarreta (2015)...
r-scagnostics 0.2_6 BSD_2_clause X Calculates graph theoretic scagnostics. Scagnostics describe various...
r-scales 1.2.1 MIT XXXX Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for...
r-scalreg 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Algorithms for fitting scaled sparse linear regression and estimating...
r-scam 1.2_14 GPL-2 XX Routines for generalized additive modelling under shape constraints on...
r-scar 0.2_2 GPL-2 X Computes the maximum likelihood estimator of the generalised additive...
r-scat 0.5.0 GPL-2 X Conditional association test based on summary data from genome-wide...
r-scatterd3 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Creates 'D3' 'JavaScript' scatterplots from 'R'...
r-scattermore 1.2 GPL-3 X C-based conversion of large scatterplot data to rasters plus other...
r-scatterpie 0.2.1 Artistic-2.0 X Creates scatterpie plots, especially useful for plotting pies on a map.
r-scatterplot3d 0.3_44 GPL-2 X Plots a three dimensional (3D) point cloud.
r-scbmeanfd 1.2.2 GPL-3 X Statistical methods for estimating and inferring the mean of functional...
r-scci 1.2 GPL-2 X An efficient implementation of SCCI using 'Rcpp'. SCCI is short...
r-scclust 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Provides wrappers for 'scclust', a C library for...
r-sccore 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Core utilities for single-cell RNA-seq data analysis. Contained within...
r-sccustomize 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Collection of functions created and/or curated to aid in the...
r-scdensity 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Implements methods for obtaining kernel density estimates subject to a...
r-scdhlm 0.7.2 GPL-3 X Provides a set of tools for estimating hierarchical linear models and...
r-scenario 1.0 GPL-2 X Uses the neural gas algorithm to construct a scenario tree for use in...
r-scepter 0.2_4 GPL-2 X A pipeline for estimating the stellar age, mass, and radius given...
r-schoenberg 2.0.2 GPL-3 X Functions for creating and manipulating 12-tone (i.e., dodecaphonic)...
r-scholar 0.2.4 MIT X Provides functions to extract citation data from Google Scholar. ...
r-schoolmath 0.4.2 GPL-2 X Contains functions and datasets for math taught in school. A main focus...
r-schorsch 1.10 GPL-3 X Offers a helping hand to psychologists and other behavioral scientists...
r-schumaker 1.2.1 MIT X This is a shape preserving spline <doi:10.1137/0720057> which is...
r-scico 1.5.0 MIT X Colour choice in information visualisation is important in order to...
r-scientotext 0.1 GPL-3 X It involves bibliometric indicators calculation from bibliometric...
r-scifigure 0.2 MIT X Users may specify what fundamental qualities of a new study have or...
r-scina 1.2.0 GPL-2 X An automatic cell type detection and assignment algorithm for single...
r-sciplot 1.2_0 GPL-2 X A collection of functions that creates graphs with error bars for data...
r-sciviews 0.9_13.1 GPL-2 X Functions to install SciViews additions to R, and more tools.
r-scma 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Perform meta-analysis of single-case experiments, including calculating...
r-scmodels 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Provides functions for fitting discrete distribution models to count...
r-scorecard 0.4.3 MIT X The `scorecard` package makes the development of credit risk scorecard...
r-scoreggum 1.0 GPL-2 X Estimate GGUM Person Parameters Using Pre-Calibrated Item Parameters...
r-scorepeak 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Provides peak functions, which enable us to detect peaks in time...
r-scorer2 0.99.0 GPL-2 X This package contains the functions necessary to run the SCORER 2.0...
r-scoring 0.6 GPL-2 X Evaluating probabilistic forecasts via proper scoring rules. scoring...
r-scoringrules 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Dictionary-like reference for computing scoring rules in a wide range...
r-scoringutils 1.1.0 MIT X Provides a collection of metrics and proper scoring rules (Tilmann...
r-scottknott 1.3_2 GPL-2 X Perform the balanced (Scott and Knott, 1974) and unbalanced...
r-scperf 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Implements different inventory models, the bullwhip effect and other...
r-scpubr 2.0.2 GPL-3 X A system that provides a streamlined way of generating publication...
r-scrabblescore 1.0 MIT X Given a word will produce that word's scrabble score. Unlike many...
r-scraep 1.2 GPL-3 X Tools for scraping information from webpages and other XML contents,...
r-scraper 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Tools for Scraping Data from Web-Based Documents
r-screenclean 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Routines for a collection of screen-and-clean type variable selection...
r-scrime 1.3.5 GPL-2 X Tools for the analysis of high-dimensional data developed/implemented...
r-scriptests 1.0_16 GPL-3 X Support for using .Rt (transcript) tests in the tests directory of a...
r-scriptexec 0.3.1 Apache X Run complex native scripts with a single command, similar to system commands.
r-scriptname 1.0.1 MIT X A small set of functions wrapping up the call stack and command line...
r-scripturs 0.1.0 MIT X Full text, in data frames containing one row per verse, of the Standard...
r-scrm 1.7.4_0 GPL-3 X A coalescent simulator that allows the rapid simulation of biological...
r-scrobbler 1.0.3 GPL-3 X 'Last.fm'<https://www.last.fm> is a music platform...
r-scrselect 1.3_3 GPL-2 X Contains four functions used in the DIC-tau_g procedure. SCRSELECT()...
r-scrt 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Design single-case phase, alternation and multiple-baseline...
r-scrypt 0.1.6 FreeBSD X Functions for working with the scrypt key derivation functions...
r-scs 3.2.4 GPL-3 X Solves convex cone programs via operator splitting. Can solve: linear...
r-sctransform 0.4.1 GPL-3 X A normalization method for single-cell UMI count data using a variance...
r-scuba 1.11_1 GPL-2 X Code for describing and manipulating scuba diving profiles (depth-time...
r-sda 1.3.8 GPL-3 X Provides an efficient framework for high-dimensional linear and...
r-sdaa 0.1_5 GPL-3 X Functions and Datasets from Lohr, S. (1999), Sampling: Design and...
r-sdamr 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Data sets and functions to support the books "Statistics: Data...
r-sdat 1.1 GPL-2 XXX Test the global null in linear models using marginal approach.
r-sdchierarchies 0.20.0 GPL-3 X Provides functionality to generate, (interactively) modify (by adding,...
r-sdcmicro 5.7.6 GPL-2 X Data from statistical agencies and other institutions are mostly...
r-sdcspatial 0.5.2 GPL-2 X Privacy protected raster maps can be created from spatial point data....
r-sdctable 0.32.6 GPL-2 X Methods for statistical disclosure control in tabular data such as...
r-sdde 1.0.1 GPL-3 XXX Compares the evolution of an original network X to an augmented network...
r-sddpack 0.9 GPL-2 X The semidiscrete decomposition (SDD) approximates a matrix as a...
r-sde 2.0.18 GPL-2 X Companion package to the book Simulation and Inference for Stochastic...
r-sdef 1.7 GPL-2 X Performs two tests to evaluate if the experiments are associated and...
r-sdm 1.1_8 GPL-3 X An extensible framework for developing species distribution models...
r-sdmpredictors 0.2.15 MIT X Terrestrial and marine predictors for species distribution modelling...
r-sdmtmb 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Implements spatial and spatiotemporal GLMMs (Generalized Linear Mixed...
r-sdmtools 1.1_221.1 GPL-3 XX This packages provides a set of tools for post processing the outcomes...
r-sdmvspecies 0.3.2 AGPL-3 X A software package help user to create virtual species for species...
r-sdnet 2.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Fitting discrete Bayesian networks using soft-discretized data. ...
r-sdprior 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Utility functions for scale-dependent and alternative hyperpriors. The...
r-sdpt3r 0.3 GPL-2 XXX Solves the general Semi-Definite Linear Programming formulation using...
r-sdt 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions for self-determination motivation theory (SDT) to compute...
r-sdtoolkit 2.33_1 GPL-3 X Implements algorithms to help with scenario discovery - currently only...
r-sdwd 1.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Formulates a sparse distance weighted discrimination (SDWD) for...
r-seacarb 3.3.2 GPL-2 XXXX Calculates parameters of the seawater carbonate system and assists the...
r-sealasso 0.1_3 GPL-2 X Standard error adjusted adaptive lasso (SEA-lasso) is a version of the...
r-searchable GPL-2 X Provides functionality for searching / subsetting and slicing named...
r-searcher 0.0.6 GPL-2 X Provides a search interface to look up terms on 'Google',...
r-searchtrees 0.5.5 LGPL-3 XXX The QuadTree data structure is useful for fast, neighborhood-restricted...
r-seas 0.6_0 GPL-2 XXX Capable of deriving seasonal statistics, such as "normals", and...
r-seasic 0.1 GPL-3 X This package conducts Score Equity Assessment (SEA; Dorans, 2004) by...
r-seasonal 1.9.0 GPL-3 X Easy-to-use interface to X-13-ARIMA-SEATS, the seasonal adjustment...
r-seasonalview 0.3 GPL-3 X A graphical user interface to the 'seasonal' package and...
r-seastests 0.15.4 GPL-3 X An overall test for seasonality of a given time series in addition to a...
r-secr 4.6.4 GPL-2 XXX Functions to estimate the density and size of a spatially distributed...
r-secret 1.1.0 MIT X Allow sharing sensitive information, for example passwords,...
r-secure 0.6 GPL XXX Sequential factor extraction via co-sparse unit-rank estimation (SeCURE).
r-securitytxt 0.1.1 MIT XXX When security risks in web services are discovered by independent...
r-see 0.8.0 GPL-3 X Provides plotting utilities supporting packages in the...
r-seeclickfixr 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides a wrapper to access data from the SeeClickFix web API for R....
r-seedcalc 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate seed germination and seedling emergence and...
r-seededlda 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Seeded Sequential LDA can classify sentences of texts into pre-define...
r-seedwater 1.0 GPL-2 X Bringing together tools for modeling drying and soaking (rehydration)...
r-seer2r 1.0 GPL-2 X read and write SEER*STAT data files
r-seermapper2010east 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides supplemental 2010 census tract boundary package for 20 states...
r-seermapper2010regs 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides supplemental 2010 census tract boundaries of the 19 states...
r-seermapper2010west 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides supplemental 2010 census tract boundaries for the 13 states...
r-seermappereast 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides supplemental 2000 census tract boundaries for the 20 states,...
r-seermapperregs 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides supplemental 2000 census tract boundaries for the 19 states...
r-seermapperwest 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Provides supplemental 2000 census tract boundaries for the 13 states...
r-seewave 2.2.3 GPL-2 X Functions for analysing, manipulating, displaying, editing and...
r-segmag 1.2.4 GPL-3 XXX Contains functions that help to determine event boundaries in event...
r-segmented 1.6_4 GPL-3 X Given a regression model, segmented `updates' it by adding one or...
r-segmentier 0.1.2 GPL-2 XXX A dynamic programming solution to segmentation based on maximization of...
r-segmentor3isback 2.0 GPL-2 XXX Performs a fast exact segmentation on data and allows for use of...
r-segmentr 0.2.0 MIT XXX Given a likelihood provided by the user, this package applies it to a...
r-segmgarch 1.2 GPL-2 XXX Implements a segmentation algorithm for multiple change-point detection...
r-segregation 1.0.0 MIT XX Computes segregation indices, including the Index of Dissimilarity, as...
r-seismic 1.1 GPL-3 X An implementation of self-exciting point process model for information...
r-seismicroll 1.1.5 GPL-2 XXX Fast versions of seismic analysis functions that 'roll' over a...
r-sejong 0.01 GPL-3 X Sejong(http://www.sejong.or.kr/) corpus and...
r-sel 1.0_3 GPL-3 XXX Implements a method for fitting a bounded probability distribution to...
r-selectapref 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Provides indices such as Manly's alpha, foraging ratio, and...
r-selectiongain 2.0.710 GPL-2 X Multi-stage selection is practiced in numerous fields of life and...
r-selectmeta 1.0.8 GPL-2 X Publication bias, the fact that studies identified for inclusion in a...
r-selectr 0.4_2 BSD_3_clause XXXX Translates a CSS3 selector into an equivalent XPath expression. This...
r-selemix 1.0.2 EUPL X Detection of outliers and influential errors using a latent variable model.
r-seleniumpipes 0.3.7 GPL-3 X The W3C WebDriver specification defines a way for out-of-process...
r-selfingtree 0.2 BSD_3_clause X A probability tree allows to compute probabilities of complex events,...
r-sem 3.1_15 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting general linear structural equation models (with...
r-semeff 0.6.1 GPL-3 X Automatically calculate direct, indirect, and total effects for...
r-semicomprisks 3.4 GPL-2 XXX Hierarchical multistate models are considered to perform the analysis...
r-semid 0.4.1 GPL-2 X Provides routines to check identifiability or non-identifiability of...
r-seminr 2.3.2 GPL-3 X A powerful, easy to syntax for specifying and estimating complex...
r-semipar 1.0_4.2 GPL-2 X Functions for semiparametric regression analysis, to complement the...
r-semmodcomp 1.0 GPL-3 X Conduct tests of difference in fit for mean and covariance structure...
r-semnetdictionaries 0.2.0 GPL X Implements dictionaries that can be used in the 'SemNetCleaner'...
r-semplot 1.1.6 GPL-2 X Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages' output.
r-sempls 1.0_10 GPL-2 X Fits structural equation models using partial least squares (PLS). The...
r-sempower 2.0.1 LGPL-3 X Provides a-priori, post-hoc, and compromise power-analyses for...
r-semtools 0.5_6 GPL-2 X Provides tools for structural equation modeling, many of which extend...
r-semver 0.2.0 MIT XXX Tools and functions for parsing, rendering and operating on semantic...
r-sen2r 1.5.5 GPL-3 X Functions to download Sentinel-2 optical images and perform preliminary...
r-sendmailr 1.4_0 GPL-2 X Package contains a simple SMTP client with minimal dependencies which...
r-sensemakr 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Implements a suite of sensitivity analysis tools that extends the...
r-sensibo.sky 1.0.0 MIT X Provides an interface to the 'Sensibo Sky' API which allows to...
r-sensitivity 1.29.0 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for sensitivity analysis of model outputs...
r-sensitivity2x2xk 1.01 GPL-2 X Performs exact or approximate adaptive or nonadaptive...
r-sensitivitycasecontrol 2.2 GPL-2 X Sensitivity analysis for case-control studies in which some cases may...
r-sensitivityfull 1.5.6 GPL-2 X Sensitivity to unmeasured biases in an observational study that is a...
r-sensitivitymult 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Sensitivity analysis for multiple outcomes in observational studies. ...
r-sensitivitymv 1.4.3 GPL-2 X The package performs a sensitivity analysis in an observational study...
r-sensitivitymw 2.1 GPL-2 X Sensitivity analysis for tests, confidence intervals and estimates in...
r-sensitivitypstrat 1.0_6 GPL-3 XXX This package provides functions to perform principal stratification...
r-sensmediation 0.3.0 GPL-2 X We implement functions to estimate and perform sensitivity analysis to...
r-sensominer 1.26 GPL-2 X Statistical Methods to Analyse Sensory Data. SensoMineR: A package for...
r-sensory 1.1 GPL-2 X Contains the function CUUimpute() which performs model-based clustering...
r-sensr 1.5_1 GPL-2 X Provides methods for sensory discrimination methods; duotrio, tetrad,...
r-sensrivastava 2015.6.25 GPL-2 X Collection of datasets from Sen & Srivastava: "Regression...
r-senstrat 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Sensitivity analysis in unmatched observational studies, with or...
r-sentimentanalysis 1.3_5 MIT X Performs a sentiment analysis of textual contents in R. This...
r-sentimentr 2.9.0 MIT X Calculate text polarity sentiment at the sentence level and optionally...
r-separate 0.3.2 MIT X Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of matrix and 3rd-order...
r-separationplot 1.4 Artistic-2.0 X Visual representations of model fit or predictive success in the form...
r-seqalloc 1.0 GPL-2 X Potential randomization schemes are prospectively evaluated when units...
r-seqcbs 1.2.1 GPL-2 XXX This is a method for DNA Copy Number Profiling using Next-Generation...
r-seqdesign 1.2 GPL-2 X A modification of the preventive vaccine efficacy trial design of...
r-seqicp 1.1 GPL-3 X Contains an implementation of invariant causal prediction for...
r-seqinr 4.2_30 GPL-2 X Exploratory data analysis and data visualization for biological...
r-seqmade 1.0 GPL-2 X A network module-based generalized linear model for differential...
r-seqmeta 1.6.7 GPL-2 XXX Computes necessary information to meta analyze region-based tests for...
r-seqminer 9.1 GPL-3 XXX Integrate sequencing data (Variant call format, e.g. VCF or BCF) or...
r-seqmon 2.4 MIT X S4 class object for creating and managing group sequential designs. It...
r-seqrflp 1.0.1 GPL-2 X This package includes functions for handling DNA sequences, especially...
r-seqtest 0.1_0 GPL-3 X Sequential triangular test for the arithmetic mean in one- and two-...
r-sequences 0.5.9 GPL-3 XXX Educational package used in R courses to illustrate object-oriented...
r-sequential 4.3 GPL-2 X Functions to calculate exact critical values, statistical power,...
r-sequoia 2.7.2 GPL-2 XXX Multi-generational pedigree inference from incomplete data on hundreds...
r-serial 3.0 GPL-2 X Enables reading and writing binary and ASCII data to RS232/RS422/RS485...
r-seriation 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Infrastructure for ordering objects with an implementation of several...
r-serieslcb 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Calculate and compare lower confidence bounds for binomial series...
r-seroincidence 2.0.0 GPL-3 X Translates antibody levels measured in a (cross-sectional) population...
r-servr 0.27 GPL-3 X Start an HTTP server in R to serve static files, or dynamic documents...
r-sesem 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Structural equation modeling is a powerful statistical approach for the...
r-session 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Utility functions for interacting with R processes from external...
r-sessioninfo 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Query and print information about the current R session. It is similar...
r-set 1.2 GPL-3 X More easy to get intersection, union or complementary set and combinations.
r-setmethods 4.0 GPL-2 X Functions for performing set-theoretic multi-method research, QCA for...
r-setpath 1.0 GPL-2 X Tests gene expression data from a biological pathway for biologically...
r-setrank 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Implements an algorithm to conduct advanced gene set enrichment...
r-setrng 2022.4_1 GPL-2 X Provides utilities to help set and record the setting of the seed and...
r-sets 1.0_24 GPL-2 XXX Data structures and basic operations for ordinary sets, generalizations...
r-setter 0.0_1 Unlimited X Mutators to set attributes of variables, that work well in a pipe (much...
r-settest 0.2.0 GPL-2 X It provides cumulative distribution function (CDF), quantile, p-value,...
r-settings 0.2.7 GPL-3 X Provides option settings management that goes beyond R's default...
r-seurat 4.4.0 MIT X A toolkit for quality control, analysis, and exploration of single cell...
r-seuratobject 5.0.0 MIT X Defines S4 classes for single-cell genomic data and associated...
r-severity 2.0 GPL-2 X This package contains functions for calculating severity and generating...
r-sf 1.0_14 GPL-2 XXX Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial...
r-sfa 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Stochastic Frontier Analysis introduced by Aigner, Lovell and Schmidt...
r-sfheaders 0.4.3 MIT X Converts between R and Simple Feature 'sf' objects, without...
r-sfinx 1.7.99 Apache X The straightforward filtering index (SFINX) identifies true positive...
r-sfnetworks 0.6.3 Apache X Provides a tidy approach to spatial network analysis, in the form of...
r-sfs 0.1.4 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of the Similarity-First Search algorithm (SFS), a...
r-sfsmisc 1.1_16 GPL-2 XXXX Useful utilities ['goodies'] from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH...
r-sftime 0.2_0 Apache X Classes and methods for spatial objects that have a registered time...
r-sgb 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Main properties and regression procedures using a generalization of the...
r-sgd 1.1.1 GPL-2 X A fast and flexible set of tools for large scale estimation. It...
r-sgee 0.6_0 GPL-3 X Stagewise techniques implemented with Generalized Estimating Equations...
r-sgeostat 1.0_27 GPL-2 XXX An Object-oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+ ...
r-sgl 1.3 GPL-3 XXX Fit a regularized generalized linear model via penalized maximum...
r-sglasso 1.2.5 GPL-2 XXX RCON(V, E) models are a kind of restriction of the Gaussian Graphical...
r-sgloptim 1.3.8 GPL-2 XXX Fast generic solver for sparse group lasso optimization problems. The...
r-sgmcmc 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Provides functions that performs popular stochastic gradient Markov...
r-sgp 2.1_0.0 GPL-3 X An analytic framework for the calculation of norm- and...
r-sgpdata 27.0_0.0 GPL-3 X Data sets utilized by the 'SGP' package as exemplars for users...
r-sgr 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Sample Generation by Replacement simulations (SGR; Lombardi &...
r-sgrsea 0.1 GPL-2 X Provides functions to implement sgRSEA (single-guide RNA Set Enrichment...
r-shades 1.4.0 BSD_3_clause X Functions for easily manipulating colours, creating colour scales and...
r-shadowtext 0.1.2 Artistic-2.0 X Implement shadowtextGrob() for 'grid' and geom_shadowtext()...
r-shape 1.4.6 GPL-3 X Functions for plotting graphical shapes such as ellipses, circles,...
r-shapechange 1.5 GPL-2 X In a scatterplot where the response variable is Gaussian, Poisson or...
r-shapefiles 0.7.2 GPL-3 X Functions to read and write ESRI shapefiles.
r-shapes 1.2.7 GPL-2 X Routines for the statistical analysis of landmark shapes, including...
r-shapforxgboost 0.1.3 MIT X Aid in visual data investigations using SHAP (SHapley Additive...
r-shapr 0.2.2 MIT X Complex machine learning models are often hard to interpret. However,...
r-shapviz 0.9.2 GPL-2 X Visualizations for SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations), such as...
r-sharpdata 1.4 Unlimited XXX Functions and data sets inspired by data sharpening - data perturbation...
r-sharpr2 GPL-2 X An algorithm for identifying high-resolution driver elements for...
r-shiftr 1.5 LGPL-3 XXX Fast enrichment analysis for locally correlated statistics via circular...
r-shiftsharese 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides confidence intervals in least-squares regressions when the...
r-shiny GPL-3 XXXX Makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R....
r-shiny.fluent 0.3.0 LGPL-3 X A rich set of UI components for building Shiny applications, including...
r-shiny.i18n 0.3.0 MIT X It provides easy internationalization of Shiny applications. It can be...
r-shiny.react 0.3.0 LGPL-3 X A toolbox for defining React component wrappers which can be used...
r-shiny.router 0.3.1 MIT X It is a simple router for your Shiny apps. The router allows you to...
r-shiny.semantic 0.4.3 MIT X Creating a great user interface for your Shiny apps can be a hassle,...
r-shinyace 0.4.2 MIT X Ace editor bindings to enable a rich text editing environment within Shiny.
r-shinyaframe 1.0.1 AGPL-3 X Make R data available in Web-based virtual reality experiences for...
r-shinyalert 3.0.0 MIT X Easily create pretty popup messages (modals) in 'Shiny'. A...
r-shinyanimate 0.3.0 MIT X An extension of 'animate.css' that allows user to easily add...
r-shinyauthr 1.0.0 MIT X Add in-app user authentication to 'shiny', allowing you to...
r-shinybootstrap2 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Provides Bootstrap 2 web components for use with the Shiny package....
r-shinybrowser 1.0.0 MIT X Sometimes it's useful to know some information about your user in a...
r-shinybs 0.61.1 GPL-3 XXXX Adds additional Twitter Bootstrap components to Shiny.
r-shinybusy 0.3.1 GPL-3 X Add indicators (spinner, progress bar, gif) in your 'shiny'...
r-shinycssloaders 1.0.0 MIT XXXX When a 'Shiny' output (such as a plot, table, map, etc.) is...
r-shinycustomloader 0.9.0 GPL-3 X A custom css/html or gif/image file for the loading screen in R...
r-shinydashboard 0.7.2 GPL-2 XXXX Create dashboards with 'Shiny'. This package provides a theme...
r-shinydashboardplus 2.0.3 GPL-2 X Extend 'shinydashboard' with 'AdminLTE2' components....
r-shinydisconnect 0.1.1 MIT X A 'Shiny' app can disconnect for a variety of reasons: an...
r-shinydnd 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Add functionality to create drag and drop div elements in shiny.
r-shinyeffects 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Add fancy CSS effects to your 'shinydashboards' or...
r-shinyfeedback 0.4.0 MIT X Easily display user feedback in Shiny apps.
r-shinyfiles 0.9.3 GPL-2 X Provides functionality for client-side navigation of the server side...
r-shinyglide 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Insert Glide JavaScript component into Shiny applications for carousel...
r-shinyhelper 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Creates a lightweight way to add markdown helpfiles to 'shiny'...
r-shinyitemanalysis 1.5.0 GPL-3 X Package including functions and interactive shiny application for the...
r-shinyjqui 0.4.1 MIT X An extension to shiny that brings interactions and animation effects...
r-shinyjs 2.1.0 MIT XXXX Perform common useful JavaScript operations in Shiny apps that will...
r-shinylogs 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Track and record the use of applications and the user's...
r-shinylp 1.1.2 MIT X Provides functions that wrap HTML Bootstrap components code to enable...
r-shinymanager 1.0.410 GPL-3 X Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single 'Shiny'...
r-shinymaterial 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Allows shiny developers to incorporate UI elements based on...
r-shinymatrix 0.6.0 MIT X Implements a custom matrix input field.
r-shinyscreenshot 0.2.1 MIT X Capture screenshots in 'Shiny' applications. Screenshots can...
r-shinyshortcut 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides function shinyShortcut() that, when given the base directory...
r-shinysky 2.0.0 MIT XXX A set of Shiny UI components includings alerts and styled buttons
r-shinystan 2.6.0 GPL-3 X A graphical user interface for interactive Markov chain Monte Carlo...
r-shinytest 1.5.3 MIT X For automated testing of Shiny applications, using a headless browser,...
r-shinytest2 0.3.1 MIT X Automated unit testing of Shiny applications through a headless...
r-shinythemes 1.2.0 GPL-3 XXXX Themes for use with Shiny. Includes several Bootstrap themes from...
r-shinytime 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Provides a time input widget for Shiny. This widget allows intuitive...
r-shinytoastr 2.2.0 MIT X Browser notifications in 'Shiny' apps, using 'toastr':...
r-shinytree 0.3.1 MIT X Exposes bindings to jsTree -- a JavaScript library that supports...
r-shinyvalidate 0.1.3 MIT X Improves the user experience of Shiny apps by helping to provide...
r-shinywidgets 0.8.0 GPL-3 X Collection of custom input controls and user interface components for...
r-ship 1.0.2 GPL-2 X The SHIP-package allows the estimation of various types of shrinkage...
r-shipunov 1.17.1 GPL-2 X A collection of functions for data manipulation, plotting and...
r-shopifyr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X An interface to the Admin API of the E-commerce service Shopify,...
r-shotgroups 0.8.2 GPL-2 X Analyzes shooting data with respect to group shape, precision, and...
r-showimage 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Sometimes it is handy to be able to view an image file on an...
r-showtext 0.9_6 Apache X Making it easy to use various types of fonts ('TrueType',...
r-showtextdb 3.0 Apache X Providing font files that can be used by the 'showtext' package.
r-shp2graph 0_5 GPL-2 XXX Functions for converting network data from a SpatialLinesDataFrame...
r-shrinkcovmat 1.4.0 GPL-2 XXX Provides nonparametric Steinian shrinkage estimators of the covariance...
r-shuffle 1.0.1 GPL X Implementation of the shuffle estimator, a non-parametric estimator for...
r-shutterstock 0.1.0 MIT X Access 'Shutterstock' API from R. The 'Shutterstock'...
r-si 0.2.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of four stochastic methods of integrating in R,...
r-sidrar 0.2.9 GPL-3 X Allows the user to connect with IBGE's (Instituto Brasileiro de...
r-siebanxicor 1.0.0 MIT X Allows to retrieve time series of all indicators available in the Bank...
r-sier 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Methods for regression with high-dimensional predictors and univariate...
r-sieveph 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Implements semiparametric estimation and testing procedures for a...
r-sievetest 1.2.3 GPL-2 X Functions for making particle-size analysis. Sieve tests are widely...
r-sig 0.0_6 Unlimited X Print function signatures and find overly complicated code.
r-sigclust GPL-2 X SigClust is a statistical method for testing the significance of...
r-sightabilitymodel 1.5.5 GPL-2 X Uses logistic regression to model the probability of detection as a...
r-sigmanet 1.1.0 MIT X Create interactive graph visualizations using 'Sigma.js'...
r-sigmoid 1.4.0 GPL-3 X Several different sigmoid functions are implemented, including a...
r-signal 0.7_7 GPL-2 XXX A set of signal processing functions originally written for...
r-signifreg 4.3 GPL-2 X Provides significance controlled variable selection algorithms with...
r-signmedian.test 1.5.1 GPL-2 X Perform sign test on one-sample data, which is one of the oldest...
r-sigoptr 0.0.1 MIT X Interfaces with the 'SigOpt' API. More info at...
r-sigora 3.1.1 GPL-3 X Pathway Analysis is statistically linking observations on the molecular...
r-sigr 1.1.5 GPL-2 X Succinctly and correctly format statistical summaries of various models...
r-sii GPL-2 X This package calculates ANSI S3.5-1997 Speech Intelligibility Index...
r-sim.diffproc 4.8 GPL-2 XXX It provides users with a wide range of tools to simulate, estimate,...
r-simboot 0.2_6 GPL-2 X Provides estimation of simultaneous bootstrap and asymptotic confidence...
r-simcausal 0.5.6 GPL-2 X A flexible tool for simulating complex longitudinal data using...
r-simcdm 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides efficient R and 'C++' routines to simulate cognitive...
r-simcomp 3.3 GPL-3 X Simultaneous tests and confidence intervals are provided for one-way...
r-simcop 0.7.0 GPL-2 X Provides a framework to generating random variates from arbitrary...
r-simctest 2.6 GPL-2 XXX Algorithms for the implementation and evaluation of Monte Carlo tests,...
r-simdesign 2.13 GPL-2 X Provides tools to safely and efficiently organize and execute Monte...
r-simdistr 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Assessment of the distributions of baseline continuous and categorical...
r-simecol 0.8_14 GPL-2 XXX An object oriented framework to simulate ecological (and other) dynamic...
r-simex 1.8 GPL-3 X Implementation of the SIMEX-Algorithm by Cook & Stefanski (1994)...
r-simexaft GPL-3 X Implement of the Simulation-Extrapolation (SIMEX) algorithm for the...
r-simframe 0.5.4 GPL-2 XXX A general framework for statistical simulation, which allows...
r-simhaz 0.1 GPL-2 X Generate power for the Cox proportional hazards model by simulating...
r-similar 1.0.8 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of a novel method to quantify the similarity of the...
r-similaritymeasures 1.4 GPL-3 X Functions to run and assist four different similarity measures. The...
r-simile 1.3.3 Unlimited X Allows a Simile model saved as a compiled binary to be loaded,...
r-siminf 9.5.0 GPL-3 XXX Provides an efficient and very flexible framework to conduct...
r-simmer GPL-2 XXX A process-oriented and trajectory-based Discrete-Event Simulation (DES)...
r-simmer.plot 0.1.18 MIT X A set of plotting methods for 'simmer' trajectories and simulations.
r-simml 0.3.0 GPL-3 X A major challenge in estimating treatment decision rules from a...
r-simms 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Algorithms to create prognostic biomarkers using biological genesets or...
r-simone 1.0_4 GPL-2 XXX Implements the inference of co-expression networks based on partial...
r-simphe 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Provides functions to simulate single or multiple, independent or...
r-simpleboot 1.1_7 GPL-2 X Simple bootstrap routines.
r-simplecache 0.4.2 BSD_2_clause X Provides intuitive functions for caching R objects, encouraging...
r-simplegraph 1.0.1 MIT X Simple classic graph algorithms for simple graph classes. Graphs may...
r-simpleneural 0.1.3 MIT X Trains neural networks (multilayer perceptrons with one hidden layer)...
r-simplercache 0.3.3 LGPL-3 X Simple result caching in R based on R.cache. The global environment is...
r-simplermarkdown 0.0.6 GPL-3 X Runs R-code present in a pandoc markdown file and includes the...
r-simplesetup 0.1.0 GPL-3 X When working across multiple machines and, similarly for reproducible...
r-simplicialcubature 1.3 GPL-2 X Provides methods to integrate functions over m-dimensional simplices in...
r-simputation 0.2.8 GPL-3 XXX Easy to use interfaces to a number of imputation methods that fit in...
r-simr 1.0.7 GPL-2 X Calculate power for generalised linear mixed models, using simulation....
r-simsalapar 1.0_12 GPL-2 X Tools for setting up ("design"), conducting, and evaluating...
r-simscrpiecewise 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Contains two functions for simulating survival data from piecewise...
r-simsem 0.5_16 GPL-2 X Provides an easy framework for Monte Carlo simulation in structural...
r-simstudy 0.7.0 GPL-3 X Simulates data sets in order to explore modeling techniques or better...
r-simsurv 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Simulate survival times from standard parametric survival distributions...
r-simtimer 4.0.0 GPL-3 X Handles datetimes as integers for the usage inside Discrete-Event...
r-simulator 0.2.5 GPL-3 X A framework for performing simulations such as those common in...
r-simule 1.3.0 GPL-2 X This is an R implementation of a constrained l1 minimization approach...
r-sin 0.6 GPL-2 X This package provides routines to perform SIN model selection as...
r-sinaplot 1.1.0 GPL-2 X The sinaplot is a data visualization chart suitable for plotting any...
r-singlecasees 0.7.2 GPL-3 X Provides R functions for calculating basic effect size indices for...
r-sinib 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-sirad 2.3_3 GPL-2 X Calculating daily global solar radiation at horizontal surface using...
r-sirt 3.13_228 GPL-2 X Supplementary functions for item response models aiming to complement...
r-sis 0.8_8 GPL-2 X Variable selection techniques are essential tools for model selection...
r-sisvive 1.4 GPL-2 X Selects invalid instruments amongst a candidate of potentially bad...
r-sitmo 2.0.2 MIT XXX Provided within are two high quality and fast PPRNGs that may be used...
r-sitools 1.4 GPL-3 X Format a number (or a list of numbers) to a string (or a list of...
r-sitree 0.1_13 GPL-2 X Framework to build an individual tree simulator.
r-sixsigma 0.11.1 GPL-2 X Functions and utilities to perform Statistical Analyses in the Six...
r-sizer 0.1_8 GPL-2 X Calculates and plots the SiZer map for scatterplot data. A SiZer map...
r-sjdbc 1.6.1 BSD_3_clause X Provides a database-independent JDBC interface.
r-sjlabelled 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Collection of functions dealing with labelled data, like reading and...
r-sjmisc 2.8.9 GPL-3 X Collection of miscellaneous utility functions, supporting data...
r-sjplot 2.8.15 GPL-3 X Collection of plotting and table output functions for data...
r-sjstats 0.18.2 GPL-3 X Collection of convenient functions for common statistical computations,...
r-skat 2.2.5 GPL-2 XXX Functions for kernel-regression-based association tests including...
r-skda 0.1 GPL-2 XXX Sparse (Multicategory) Kernel Discriminant Analysis does variable...
r-skedastic 2.0.1 MIT X Implements numerous methods for testing for, modelling, and correcting...
r-skeletor 1.0.4 MIT X A tool for bootstrapping new packages with useful defaults, including a...
r-skellam 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Functions for the Skellam distribution, including: density (pmf), cdf,...
r-skewhyperbolic 0.4_0 GPL-2 X Functions are provided for the density function, distribution function,...
r-skewt 1.0 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-skimr 2.1.5 GPL-3 X A simple to use summary function that can be used with pipes and...
r-skmeans 0.2_16 GPL-2 X Algorithms to compute spherical k-means partitions. Features several...
r-skpr 1.4.0 GPL-3 X Generates and evaluates D, I, A, Alias, E, T, and G optimal designs....
r-skywatchr 0.8_2 GPL-2 X Query and download satellite imagery and climate/atmospheric datasets...
r-slackr 3.3.1 MIT X 'Slack' <https://slack.com/> provides a service for teams...
r-slam 0.1_50 GPL-2 XXX Data structures and algorithms for sparse arrays and matrices, based on...
r-slc 0.3 GPL-2 X Estimates the slope and level change present in data after removing...
r-sldassay 1.8 GPL-3 X Calculates maximum likelihood estimate, exact and asymptotic confidence...
r-sleekts 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Compute Time series Resistant Smooth 4253H, twice smoothing method.
r-sleepr 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Use behavioural variables to score activity and infer sleep from bouts...
r-sleuth2 2.0_5 GPL-2 X Data sets from Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2002), "The...
r-sleuth3 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Data sets from Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013), "The...
r-slfm 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Set of tools to find coherent patterns in gene expression (microarray)...
r-slhd 2.1_1 LGPL-2.1 XXX Generate the optimal Latin Hypercube Designs (LHDs) for computer...
r-slickr 0.6.0 MIT X Create and customize interactive carousels using the 'Slick'...
r-slide 1.0.0 GPL-3 X This statistical method uses the nearest neighbor algorithm to estimate...
r-slider 0.3.1 MIT X Provides type-stable rolling window functions over any R data type....
r-slideview 0.2.0 MIT X Create a side-by-side view of raster(image)s with an interactive slider...
r-slim 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Fits singular linear models to longitudinal data. Singular linear...
r-slippymath 0.3.1 MIT X Provides functions for performing common tasks when working with slippy...
r-slope 0.5.0 GPL-3 XXX Efficient implementations for Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation...
r-slouch 2.1.4 GPL-2 X An implementation of a phylogenetic comparative method. It can fit...
r-slp 1.0_5 GPL-2 XXX Interface for creation of 'slp' class smoother objects for use...
r-sm 2.2_5.7.1 GPL-2 XXX This is software linked to the book 'Applied Smoothing Techniques...
r-smaa 0.3_2 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of the Stochastic Multi-Criteria Acceptability Analysis...
r-smac 1.0 GPL-2 XXX This package provides a solution path for L1-penalized angle-based...
r-smacof 2.1_5 GPL-3 X Implements the following approaches for multidimensional scaling (MDS)...
r-smallarea 0.1 GPL-2 X Inference techniques for Fay Herriot Model.
r-smarteda 0.3.9 MIT X Exploratory analysis on any input data describing the structure and the...
r-smartsizer 1.0.3 GPL-3 X A set of tools for determining the necessary sample size in order to...
r-smatr 3.4_8 GPL-2 X Methods for fitting bivariate lines in allometry using the major axis...
r-smbinning 0.9 GPL-2 X A set of functions to build a scoring model from beginning to end,...
r-smc 1.1 GPL-2 XXX particle filtering, auxiliary particle filtering and sequential Monte...
r-smcfcs 1.7.1 GPL-3 X Implements multiple imputation of missing covariates by Substantive...
r-smco 0.1 GPL-2 X This package is for optimizing non-linear complex functions based on...
r-smcrm 0.0_3 GPL-3 X Data Sets for Kumar and Petersen (2012). Statistical Methods in...
r-smcure 2.1 GPL-2 X An R-package for Estimating Semiparametric PH and AFT Mixture Cure Models.
r-smd 0.6.6 MIT X Computes standardized mean differences and confidence intervals for...
r-smdata 1.2 GPL-2 X Contains data files to accompany Smithson & Merkle (2013),...
r-smds 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Symbolic multidimensional scaling for interval-valued dissimilarities....
r-sme 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Fit smoothing-splines mixed-effects models to replicated functional...
r-smerc 1.8.3 GPL-2 X Implements statistical methods for analyzing the counts of areal data,...
r-smfilter 1.0.3 GPL-3 X Provides the filtering algorithms for the state space models on the...
r-smfsb 1.3 LGPL-3 XXX Code and data for modelling and simulation of stochastic kinetic...
r-smirnov 1.0_1 GPL-2 X This tiny package contains one function smirnov() which calculates two...
r-smisc BSD_3_clause XXX A collection of functions for statistical computing and data...
r-smithwilsonyieldcurve 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Constructs a yield curve by the Smith-Wilson method from a table of...
r-smitidvisu 0.0.9 GPL-3 XXX Visualisation tools for 'SMITIDstruct' package. Allow to...
r-smloutliers 0.1 GPL-2 X Local Correlation Integral (LOCI) method for outlier identification is...
r-smma 1.0.3 GPL-2 XXX Efficient design matrix free procedure for solving a soft maximin...
r-smoof BSD_2_clause X Provides generators for a high number of both single- and multi-...
r-smooth 4.0.0 LGPL-2.1 X Functions implementing Single Source of Error state space models for...
r-smoother 1.1 GPL-2 X A collection of methods for smoothing numerical data, commencing with a...
r-smoothhazard 1.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of two-state (survival) models and irreversible illness-...
r-smoothhr 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Provides flexible hazard ratio curves allowing non-linear relationships...
r-smoothie 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Perform two-dimensional smoothing for spatial fields using FFT and the...
r-smoothmest 0.1_3 GPL-3 X Some M-estimators for 1-dimensional location (Bisquare, ML for the...
r-smoothr 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Tools for smoothing and tidying spatial features (i.e. lines and...
r-smoothsurv 2.4 GPL-2 XXX Contains, as a main contribution, a function to fit a regression model...
r-smotefamily 1.3.1 GPL-3 X A collection of various oversampling techniques developed from SMOTE is...
r-smpracticals 1.4_3 GPL-2 X Contains the datasets and a few functions for use with the practicals...
r-smr 2.1.0 GPL-2 XX Computes the studentized midrange distribution (pdf, cdf and quantile)...
r-sms 2.3.1 GPL-3 X Produce small area population estimates by fitting census data to survey data.
r-smss 1.0_2 GPL-3 X Datasets used in "Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences"...
r-smvar 1.3.4 GPL-3 X Implementation of the structural model for variances in order to detect...
r-sn 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Build and manipulate probability distributions of the skew-normal...
r-sna 2.7_1 GPL-2 X A range of tools for social network analysis, including node and...
r-snakecase 0.11.1 GPL-3 X A consistent, flexible and easy to use tool to parse and convert...
r-snakecharmr GPL-2 XX Run 'Python' code, make function calls, assign and retrieve...
r-snakesandladdersanalysis 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Plays the game of Snakes and Ladders and has tools for analyses. The...
r-snappier 0.1.0 BSD_3_clause XXX Compression and decompression with 'Snappy'.
r-snapshot 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Functions for reading and writing Gadget N-body snapshots. The Gadget...
r-snem 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Efficient estimation of multivariate skew-normal distribution in closed form.
r-snipem 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Snipping methods optimally removing scattered cells for robust...
r-snn 1.1 GPL-3 X Implement K-nearest neighbor classifier, weighted nearest neighbor...
r-snnr 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Solve the problem of over-parameterization in neural networks for...
r-snow 0.4_4 GPL-3 X Support for simple parallel computing in R.
r-snowballc 0.7.1 BSD_3_clause XXX An R interface to the C 'libstemmer' library that implements...
r-snowfall 1.84_6.2 GPL-3 X Usability wrapper around snow for easier development of parallel R...
r-snowflakes 1.0.0 GPL-2 X The function generates and plots random snowflakes. Each snowflake is...
r-snpar 1.0 GPL-2 X contains several supplementary non-parametric statistics methods...
r-snpassoc 2.1_0 GPL-2 X Functions to perform most of the common analysis in genome association...
r-snpmaxsel 1.0_3 GPL-2 X This package implements asymptotic methods related to maximally...
r-sns 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Stochastic Newton Sampler (SNS) is a Metropolis-Hastings-based, Markov...
r-soar 0.99_11 GPL-2 X Allows objects to be stored on disc and automatically recalled into...
r-sobolsequence 1.0 BSD_3_clause XXX R implementation of S. Joe and F. Y. Kuo(2008)...
r-soccer 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions for evaluating tournament predictions, simulating results...
r-social 1.0 GPL-2 XXX A set of functions to quantify and visualise social autocorrelation.
r-socialmixr 0.3.1 MIT X Provides methods for sampling contact matrices from diary data for use...
r-socialnetworks 1.1 GPL-3 XXX Generates social networks using either of two approaches: using either...
r-socialposition 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Provides to sociologists (and related scientists) a toolbox to...
r-socviz 1.2 MIT X Supporting materials for a course and book on data visualization. It...
r-soda 1.0_6.1 GPL-2 XXX Functions, examples and other software related to the book...
r-sodavis 1.2 GPL-2 X Variable and interaction selection are essential to classification in...
r-sodium 1.3.0 MIT X Bindings to 'libsodium' <https://doc.libsodium.org/>: a...
r-sofa 0.4.0 MIT X Provides an interface to the 'NoSQL' database 'CouchDB'...
r-sofia 1.0 GPL-3 X Software that leverages the capabilities of Circos by manipulating...
r-softclustering 2.1.3 GPL-2 X It contains soft clustering algorithms, in particular approaches...
r-softimpute 1.4_1 GPL-2 XXX Iterative methods for matrix completion that use nuclear-norm...
r-softmaxreg 1.2 GPL-2 X Implementation of 'softmax' regression and classification...
r-softrandomforest 0.1.0 CC0 XXX Performs random forests for soft decision trees for a classification...
r-soildb 2.7.8 GPL-3 X A collection of functions for reading soil data from U.S. Department of...
r-soilhyp 0.1.7 GPL-2 X Provides functions for (1) soil water retention (SWC) and unsaturated...
r-soilphysics 5.0 GPL-2 X Basic and model-based soil physical analyses.
r-soiltexture 1.5.1 AGPL-3 X "The Soil Texture Wizard" is a set of R functions designed to...
r-soilwater 1.0.5 GPL-2 X It implements parametric formulas of soil water retention or...
r-sokoban 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Interactively play a game of sokoban ,which has nine game...
r-solar 0.46 GPL-3 X Calculation methods of solar radiation and performance of photovoltaic...
r-solarpos 1.0 GPL-2 X Calculation of solar zenith and azimuth angles.
r-solartime 0.0.2 GPL-3 X Provide utilities to work with solar time, i.e. where noon is exactly...
r-solitude 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Isolation forest is anomaly detection method introduced by the paper...
r-solomon 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Parentage analysis using Bayes' theorem
r-solrad 1.0.0 AGPL-3 X For surface energy models and estimation of solar positions and...
r-solrium 1.2.0 MIT X Provides a set of functions for querying and parsing data from...
r-solverationalmatrixequation 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Given a symmetric positive definite matrix Q and a non-singular matrix...
r-solvesaphe 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Universal and robust algorithm for solving the total alkalinity-pH...
r-som 0.3_5.1 GPL-3 XXX Self-Organizing Map (with application in gene clustering).
r-somebm 0.1 MIT X some Brownian motions simulation functions
r-somekfwer 1.2 GPL-2 X This package collects some procedures controlling the Generalized...
r-somemtp GPL-2 X It's a collection of functions for Multiplicity Correction and...
r-sommer 4.3.2 GPL-2 XXX Structural multivariate-univariate linear mixed model solver for...
r-somplot 1.6.4 GPL-2 X The package provides the plot function som.plot() to create high...
r-sonar 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Formulas for calculating sound velocity, water pressure, depth,...
r-soniclength 1.4.7 GPL-2 X Estimate the abundance of cell clones from the distribution of lengths...
r-soobench 1.9.18 BSD_2_clause XXX Collection of different single objective test functions useful for...
r-sopie 1.6 GPL-3 X Provides functions to non-parametrically estimate the off-pulse...
r-soql 0.1.1 MIT X Used to construct the URLs and parameters of 'Socrata Open Data...
r-sor 0.23.1 GPL-3 X Estimation for longitudinal data following outcome dependent sampling...
r-sorptionanalysis 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools to efficiently analyze and visualize laboratory data...
r-sortable 0.5.0 MIT X Enables drag-and-drop behaviour in Shiny apps, by exposing the...
r-sortablehtmltables 0.1_3 MIT X SortableHTMLTables writes a data frame to an HTML file that contains a...
r-sos 2.1_7 GPL-2 X Search contributed R packages, sort by package.
r-sotkanet 0.9.79 BSD_2_clause X Access statistical information on welfare and health in Finland from...
r-sotu 1.0.4 GPL-2 X The President of the United States is constitutionally obligated to...
r-sound 1.4.5 GPL-2 X Basic functions for dealing with wav files and sound samples.
r-soundexbr 1.2 GPL-2 XXX The SoundexBR package provides an algorithm for decoding names into...
r-soundgen 2.6.1 GPL-2 X Performs parametric synthesis of sounds with harmonic and noise...
r-soupx 1.6.2 GPL-2 X Quantify, profile and remove ambient mRNA contamination (the...
r-source.gist 1.0.0 MIT X Analogous to source(), but works when given a Gist URL or ID.
r-sourcetools 0.1.7_1 MIT XXX Tools for the reading and tokenization of R code. The...
r-sp 2.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Classes and methods for spatial data; the classes document where the...
r-sp23design 0.9_1 LGPL-3 X Provides methods for generating, exploring and executing seamless Phase...
r-spa3g 1.0 GPL-3 X The package implements the model-based kernel machine method for...
r-spaa 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous functions for analysing species association and niche overlap.
r-space 0.1_1 GPL-2 XXX Partial correlation estimation with joint sparse regression model
r-spacefillr 0.3.2 MIT X Generates random and quasi-random space-filling sequences. Supports the...
r-spacejam 1.1 GPL-2 XXX This package provides an extension of conditional independence (CIG)...
r-spacesrgb 1.4_0 GPL-3 X Standard RGB spaces included are sRGB, 'Adobe' RGB,...
r-spacesxyz 1.2_1 GPL-3 X Functions for converting among CIE XYZ, xyY, Lab, and Luv. Calculate...
r-spacetime 1.3_0 GPL-2 X Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data, including space-time...
r-spacyr 1.2.1 GPL-3 X An R wrapper to the 'Python' 'spaCy' 'NLP'...
r-spaddins 0.2.0 MIT X A set of RStudio addins that are designed to be used in combination...
r-spader 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Estimation of various biodiversity indices and related (dis)similarity...
r-spaero 0.6.0 GPL-2 X Implements methods for anticipating the emergence and eradication of...
r-spam 2.9_1 LGPL-2 XXX Set of functions for sparse matrix algebra. Differences with other...
r-spam64 2.10_0 LGPL-2 XXX Provides the Fortran code of the R package 'spam' with 64-bit...
r-spamm 4.4.0 CeCILL-2 X Inference based on models with or without spatially-correlated random...
r-spanel 0.1 GPL-3 X Fit the spatial panel data models: the fixed effects, random effects...
r-spanish 0.4.2 GPL-3 X Character vector to numerical translation in Euros from Spanish spelled...
r-spant 2.16.0 GPL-3 X Tools for reading, visualising and processing Magnetic Resonance...
r-spar 0.1 GPL-2 X This package performs robust nonparametric tests for rare variants...
r-sparcl 1.0.4 GPL-2 XXX Implements the sparse clustering methods of Witten and Tibshirani...
r-spark.sas7bdat 1.4 GPL-3 X Read in 'SAS' Data ('.sas7bdat' Files) into 'Apache...
r-sparkline 2.0 MIT X Include interactive sparkline charts...
r-sparklyr 1.8.3 Apache XXXX R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data...
r-sparklyr.nested 0.0.4 Apache X A 'sparklyr' extension adding the capability to work easily...
r-sparkr 2.4.4 Apache X Provides an R Front end for 'Apache Spark'...
r-sparktex 0.1 GPL-2 X Generate syntax for use with the sparklines package for LaTeX.
r-sparql 1.16 GPL-3 X Use SPARQL to pose SELECT or UPDATE queries to an end-point.
r-sparr 2.3_10 GPL-2 X Provides functions to estimate kernel-smoothed spatial and...
r-sparsebnutils 0.0.8 GPL-2 X A set of tools for representing and estimating sparse Bayesian networks...
r-sparsedc 0.1.17 GPL-3 X Implements the algorithm described in Barron, M., Zhang, S. and Li, J....
r-sparsediscrim 0.3.0 MIT X A collection of sparse and regularized discriminant analysis methods...
r-sparseeigen 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Computation of sparse eigenvectors of a matrix (aka sparse PCA) with...
r-sparsegrid 0.8.2 GPL-3 X SparseGrid is a package to create sparse grids for numerical...
r-sparsehessianfd MPL XXX Estimates Hessian of a scalar-valued function, and returns it in a...
r-sparseindextracking 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Computation of sparse portfolios for financial index tracking, i.e.,...
r-sparseinv 0.1.3 GPL X Creates a wrapper for the 'SuiteSparse' routines that execute...
r-sparselda 0.1_9 GPL-2 X Performs sparse linear discriminant analysis for Gaussians and mixture...
r-sparsem 1.81 GPL-2 XXX Some basic linear algebra functionality for sparse matrices is...
r-sparsemdc 0.99.5 GPL-3 X Implements the algorithm described in Barron, M., and Li, J. (Not yet...
r-sparsemse 2.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements the routines and algorithms developed and analysed in...
r-sparsemvn 0.2.2 MPL X Computes multivariate normal (MVN) densities, and samples from MVN...
r-sparsepca 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) attempts to find sparse...
r-sparsepp 1.22 BSD_3_clause X Provides interface to 'sparsepp' - fast, memory efficient hash...
r-sparsesem 4.0 GPL-3 XXX Provides elastic net penalized maximum likelihood estimator for...
r-sparsestep 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Implements the SparseStep model for solving regression problems with a...
r-sparsesvd 0.2_2 BSD_3_clause XXX Wrapper around the 'SVDLIBC' library for (truncated) singular...
r-sparsesvm 1.1_6 GPL-3 XXX Fast algorithm for fitting solution paths of sparse SVM models with...
r-sparsio 1.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Fast 'SVMlight' reader and writer. 'SVMlight' is most...
r-spatest 3.1.2 GPL-2 X Performs score test using saddlepoint approximation to estimate the...
r-spatgraphs 3.4 GPL-2 XXX Graphs (or networks) and graph component calculations for spatial...
r-spatial 7.3_17 GPL-2 XXX Functions for kriging and point pattern analysis.
r-spatialacc 0.1_4 GPL-2 X Provides a set of spatial accessibility measures from a set of...
r-spatialcovariance 0.6_9 GPL-3 X Functions that compute the spatial covariance matrix for the matern and...
r-spatialepi 1.2.8 GPL-2 X Methods and data for cluster detection and disease mapping.
r-spatialextremes 2.1_0 GPL-2 X Tools for the statistical modelling of spatial extremes using...
r-spatialml 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Implements a spatial extension of the random forest algorithm...
r-spatialnp 1.1_5 GPL-2 XXX Test and estimates of location, tests of independence, tests of...
r-spatialpack 0.4 GPL-3 XXX Tools to assess the association between two spatial processes....
r-spatialposition 2.1.2 GPL-3 X Computes spatial position models: the potential model as defined by...
r-spatialreg 1.2_9 GPL-2 X A collection of all the estimation functions for spatial...
r-spatialsample 0.4.0 MIT X Functions and classes for spatial resampling to use with the...
r-spatialwidget 0.2.3 GPL-3 X Many packages use 'htmlwidgets'...
r-spatimeclus 1.0 GPL-2 XXX Mixture model is used to achieve the clustering goal. Each component is...
r-spatiotemporal GPL-2 XXX Utilities that estimate, predict and cross-validate the spatio-temporal...
r-spats 1.0_18 GPL-3 X Analysis of field trial experiments by modelling spatial trends using...
r-spatstat 3.0_6 GPL-2 X Comprehensive open-source toolbox for analysing Spatial Point Patterns....
r-spatstat.core 2.4_4 GPL-2 X Functionality for data analysis and modelling of spatial data, mainly...
r-spatstat.data 3.0_1 GPL-2 X Contains all the datasets for the 'spatstat' family of packages.
r-spatstat.explore 3.2_3 GPL-2 X Functionality for exploratory data analysis and nonparametric analysis...
r-spatstat.geom 3.2_5 GPL-2 X Defines spatial data types and supports geometrical operations on them....
r-spatstat.linnet 3.1_1 GPL-2 X Defines types of spatial data on a linear network and provides...
r-spatstat.model 3.2_6 GPL-2 X Functionality for parametric statistical modelling and inference for...
r-spatstat.random 3.1_6 GPL-2 X Functionality for random generation of spatial data in the...
r-spatstat.sparse 3.0_2 GPL-2 X Defines sparse three-dimensional arrays and supports standard...
r-spatstat.utils 3.0_3 GPL-2 XXX Contains utility functions for the 'spatstat' family of...
r-spatsurv 2.0_1 GPL-3 X Bayesian inference for parametric proportional hazards spatial survival...
r-spbayes 0.4_6 GPL-2 XXX Fits univariate and multivariate spatio-temporal random effects models...
r-spbsampling 1.3.5 GPL-3 XXX Selection of spatially balanced samples. In particular, the implemented...
r-spc 0.6.7 GPL-2 X Evaluation of control charts by means of the zero-state, steady-state...
r-spcadjust 1.1 GPL-2 X Calibration of thresholds of control charts such as CUSUM charts based...
r-spcalda 1.0 GPL-2 X A new reduced-rank LDA method which works for high dimensional multi-class data.
r-spcavrp 0.4 GPL-3 X Implements the SPCAvRP algorithm, developed and analysed in "Sparse...
r-spcdanalyze 0.1.0 Unlimited X Programs to find the sample size or power of studies using the...
r-spcov 1.3 GPL-2 X Provides a covariance estimator for multivariate normal data that is...
r-spcr 2.1.1 GPL-2 X The sparse principal component regression is computed. The...
r-spd 2.0_1 GPL-3 X The Semi Parametric Piecewise Distribution blends the Generalized...
r-spdata 2.3.0 CC0 XXXX Diverse spatial datasets for demonstrating, benchmarking and teaching...
r-spdep 1.2_8 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to create spatial weights matrix objects from...
r-spdl 0.0.5 GPL-2 X Logging functions in 'RcppSpdlog' provide access to the logging...
r-spdownscale 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Spatial downscaling of climate data (Global Circulation Models/Regional...
r-spearmanci 1.0 GPL-3 X Functions for conducting jackknife Euclidean / empirical likelihood...
r-spec 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Creates a data specification that describes the columns of a table...
r-speccalt 0.1.1 LGPL-3 X Alternative to the kernlab::specc function. Includes a spectral...
r-specdetec 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Calculate change point based on spectral clustering with the option to...
r-spechelpers 0.2.7 GPL-3 X Utility functions for spectroscopy. 1. Functions to simulate spectra...
r-species 1.1.4 GPL-2 X Implementation of various methods in estimation of species richness or...
r-specklestar GPL-2 X A set of functions for obtaining positional parameters and magnitude...
r-specsverification 0.5_3 GPL-2 X A collection of forecast verification routines developed for the SPECS...
r-spectralgp 1.3.3 GPL-2 X Routines for creating, manipulating, and performing Bayesian inference...
r-spedinstabr 2.0 GPL-2 X From output files obtained from the software 'ModestR', the...
r-speedglm 0.3_5 GPL-3 X Fitting linear models and generalized linear models to large data sets...
r-speff2trial 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Performs estimation and testing of the treatment effect in a 2-group...
r-spei 1.8.1 GPL-2 X A set of functions for computing potential evapotranspiration and...
r-spelling 2.2.1 MIT X Spell checking common document formats including latex, markdown,...
r-spgrass6 0.8_9 GPL-2 X Interpreted interface between GRASS 6+ geographical information system...
r-spgs 1.0_4 GPL-2 X A collection of statistical hypothesis tests and other techniques for...
r-spgwr 0.6_36 GPL-2 X Functions for computing geographically weighted regressions are...
r-sphericalk 1.2 GPL-2 X Spherical K-function for point-pattern analysis on the sphere.
r-spi 1.1 GPL-2 X Compute the SPI index using R
r-spiassay 1.1.0 GPL-2 X The SNP Panel Identification Assay (SPIA) is a package that enables an...
r-spiderbar 0.2.5 MIT X The 'Robots Exclusion Protocol'...
r-spiders 1.2 GPL X Fits and simulates data from our predator preferences model,...
r-spikes 1.1 GPL-2 X Applies re-sampled kernel density method to detect vote fraud. It...
r-spikeslab 1.1.6 GPL-3 X Spike and slab for prediction and variable selection in linear...
r-spin 1.1 GPL-2 X An optimal weighting strategy to compute simulation-efficient shortest...
r-spina 4.1.0 BSD_3_clause X Calculates constant structure parameters of endocrine homeostatic...
r-spinbayes 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Many complex diseases are known to be affected by the interactions...
r-spinyreg 0.1_0 GPL-2 X Implements a generative model that uses a spike-and-slab like prior...
r-spiritr 0.1.1 MIT X Contains an R Markdown template for a clinical trial protocol adhering...
r-splancs 2.01_44 GPL-2 X The Splancs package was written as an enhancement to S-Plus for display...
r-splines2 0.5.1 GPL-3 XX Constructs basis functions of B-splines, M-splines, I-splines, convex...
r-splitfeas 0.1.0 MIT X An implementation of the majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm...
r-splitreg 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Functions for computing split regularized estimators defined in...
r-splitsoftening 2.1_0 GPL-2 X Allows to produce and use classification trees with soft (probability)...
r-splitstackshape 1.4.8 GPL-3 X Online data collection tools like Google Forms often export...
r-splittools 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Fast, lightweight toolkit for data splitting. Data sets can be...
r-splm 1.6_3 GPL-2 X ML and GM estimation and diagnostic testing of econometric models for...
r-splot 0.5.3 GPL-2 X Automates common plotting tasks to ease data exploration. Makes density...
r-spls 2.2_3 GPL-2 X Provides functions for fitting a sparse partial least squares (SPLS)...
r-splus2r 1.3_3 GPL-2 X Currently there are many functions in S-PLUS that are missing in R. To...
r-splustimedate 2.5.3 BSD_3_clause X A collection of classes and methods for working with times and dates....
r-spmc 0.3.15 GPL-2 X A set of functions is provided for 1) the stratum lengths analysis...
r-spnn 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Scale invariant version of the original PNN proposed by Specht (1990)...
r-spocc 1.2.2 MIT X A programmatic interface to many species occurrence data sources,...
r-spongebob 0.4.0 BSD_3_clause X Convert text (and text in R objects) to Mocking SpongeBob case...
r-sporm 1.1 GPL-2 X R implementation of the methods described in "A rank-based...
r-sportsanalytics 0.2 GPL-2 X The aim of this package is to provide infrastructure for sports...
r-spotifyr 2.2.4 MIT X An R wrapper for pulling data from the 'Spotify' Web API...
r-spreda 1.1 GPL-2 X The Statistical Package for REliability Data Analysis (SPREDA)...
r-sprintr 0.9.0 GPL-3 X An implementation of a computationally efficient method to fit...
r-sprsmdl 0.1_0 GPL-2 X R functions to mine sparse models from data.
r-sprt 1.0 BSD_2_clause X Perform Wald's Sequential Probability Ratio Test on variables with...
r-spscomps GPL-3 X The systemPipeShiny (SPS) framework comes with many UI and server...
r-spsl 0.1_9 GPL-3 X Provides basic functionality for labeling iso- & anisotropic...
r-spsurvey 5.5.0 GPL-3 X A design-based approach to statistical inference, with a focus on...
r-spt 2.5.1 Unlimited X A collection of algorithms related to Sierpinski pedal triangle (SPT).
r-spthin 0.2.0 GPL-3 X A set of functions that can be used to spatially thin species...
r-spurs 2.0.2 GPL-3 X Provides functions and datasets from Jones, O.D., R. Maillardet, and...
r-spyvsspy 0.1.1 LGPL-3 X Data on the Spy vs. Spy comic strip of Mad magazine, created and...
r-sqldf 0.4_11 GPL-2 X The sqldf() function is typically passed a single argument which is an...
r-sqlrender 1.16.1 Apache X A rendering tool for parameterized SQL that also translates into...
r-sqlutils 1.2 GPL-3 X This package provides utilities for working with a library of SQL files.
r-sqrl 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Provides simple and powerful interfaces that facilitate interaction...
r-squarem 2021.1 GPL-2 XXXX Algorithms for accelerating the convergence of slow, monotone sequences...
r-squash 1.0.9 Artistic-2.0 X Functions for color-based visualization of multivariate data, i.e....
r-sra 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Artificial selection through selective breeding is an efficient way to...
r-srcs 1.1 LGPL-3 X Implementation of the SRCS method for a color-based visualization of...
r-srda 1.0.0 MIT X Sparse redundancy analysis for high dimensional (biomedical) data....
r-srm 0.4_26 GPL-2 X Provides functionality for structural equation modeling for the social...
r-srttools 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Srt file is a common subtitle format for videos, it contains subtitle...
r-srvyr 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Use piping, verbs like 'group_by' and 'summarize', and...
r-ssanv 1.1 GPL-3 X A set of functions to calculate sample size for two-sample difference...
r-ssbtools 1.4.8 MIT X Functions used by other packages from Statistics Norway are gathered....
r-sscor 0.2 GPL-2 X Provides the spatial sign correlation and the two-stage spatial sign...
r-ssd 0.3 GPL-2 X ssd calculates the sample size needed to detect the differences between...
r-ssdr 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Performs structured OLS (sOLS) and structured SIR (sSIR).
r-sse 0.7_17 GPL-3 X Provides functions to evaluate user-defined power functions for a...
r-ssgraph 1.15 GPL-2 X Bayesian estimation for undirected graphical models using...
r-ssh.utils 1.0 Apache X This package provides utility functions for system command execution,...
r-ssize.fdr 1.2 GPL-3 X This package contains a set of functions that calculates appropriate...
r-sslasso 1.2_2 GPL-3 X Efficient coordinate ascent algorithm for fitting regularization paths...
r-ssm 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Creates an S4 class "SSM" and defines functions for fitting...
r-ssosvm 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Soft-margin support vector machines (SVMs) are a common class of...
r-sspline 0.1_6 GPL-2 X R package for computing the spherical smoothing splines
r-sss 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Tools to import survey files in the '.sss' (triple-s) format....
r-sssimple 0.6.6 GPL-2 X Simulate, solve state space models.
r-ssvd 1.0 GPL-2 X Fast iterative thresholding sparse SVD, together with an initialization...
r-st 1.2.7 GPL-3 X Implements the "shrinkage t" statistic introduced in...
r-stable 1.1.6 GPL-2 X Density, distribution, quantile and hazard functions of a stable...
r-stabledist 0.7_1 GPL XXXX Density, Probability and Quantile functions, and random number...
r-stableestim 2.2 GPL-2 X Estimate the four parameters of stable laws using maximum likelihood...
r-stablelearner 0.1_5 GPL-2 X Graphical and computational methods that can be used to assess the...
r-stabm 1.2.2 LGPL-3 X An implementation of many measures for the assessment of the stability...
r-stabreg 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Efficient regression for heavy-tailed and skewed data following a...
r-stabs 0.6_4 GPL-2 X Resampling procedures to assess the stability of selected variables...
r-stackoverflow 0.7.0 CC X Helper functions collected from StackOverflow.com, a question and...
r-stacks 1.0.2 MIT X Model stacking is an ensemble technique that involves training a model...
r-stacomirtools GPL-2 X S4 class wrappers for the 'ODBC' and Pool DBI connection, also...
r-stagedchoicesplinemix 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Analyzing a mixture of two-stage logistic regressions with fixed...
r-staggered 1.1 GPL-2 X Efficiently estimates treatment effects in settings with randomized...
r-stakeholderanalysis 1.2 GPL-2 X Proposes an original instrument for measuring stakeholder influence on...
r-stampp 1.6.3 GPL-3 X Allows users to calculate pairwise Nei's Genetic Distances (Nei...
r-stan4bart 0.0_6 GPL-3 X Fits semiparametric linear and multilevel models with non-parametric...
r-stand 2.0 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the analysis of occupational and environmental...
r-standardize 0.2.2 GPL-3 X Tools which allow regression variables to be placed on similar scales,...
r-standardizetext 1.0 GPL-3 X Standardizes text according to a template; particularly useful for...
r-stanheaders 2.26.28 BSD_3_clause XXX The C++ header files of the Stan project are provided by this package,...
r-staplr 3.2.2 GPL-3 X Provides functions to manipulate PDF files: fill out PDF forms; merge...
r-stargazer 5.2.3 GPL-2 X Produces LaTeX code, HTML/CSS code and ASCII text for well-formatted...
r-stars 0.6_4 Apache X Reading, manipulating, writing and plotting spatiotemporal arrays...
r-startdesign 1.0 GPL-2 X The package is used for calibrating the design parameters for...
r-startup 0.20.0 LGPL-2.1 X Adds support for R startup configuration via '.Renviron.d' and...
r-startupmsg 0.9.6 LGPL-3 X Provides utilities to create or suppress start-up messages.
r-stat 0.1.0 GPL-2 X An interactive document on the topic of basic statistical analysis...
r-stat2data 2.0.0 GPL-3 X Datasets for the textbook Stat2: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA...
r-statar 0.7.6 GPL-2 X A set of tools inspired by 'Stata' to explore data.frames...
r-statdataml 1.0_27 GPL-2 X Support for reading and writing files in StatDataML---an XML-based data...
r-statebins 1.4.0 MIT X The 'cartogram' heatmaps generated by the included methods are...
r-states 0.3.2 MIT X Create panel data consisting of independent states from 1816 to the...
r-statgraph 0.5.0 GPL-3 X Contains statistical methods to analyze graphs, such as graph parameter...
r-statip 0.2.3 GPL-3 X A collection of miscellaneous statistical functions for probability...
r-statmatch 1.4.1 GPL-2 X Integration of two data sources referred to the same target population...
r-statmeasures 1.0 GPL-2 X Offers useful functions to perform day-to-day data manipulation ...
r-statmod 1.5.0 GPL-2 X A collection of algorithms and functions to aid statistical modeling....
r-statnet 2019.6 GPL-3 X Statnet is a collection of packages for statistical network analysis...
r-statnet.common 4.9.0 GPL-3 X Non-statistical utilities used by the software developed by the Statnet...
r-statpermeco 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Statistical performance measures used in the econometric literature to...
r-statprograms 0.2.0 MIT X A small collection of data on graduate statistics programs from the...
r-stats19 3.0.0 GPL-3 X Tools to help download, process and analyse the UK road collision data...
r-statsexpressions 1.5.2 GPL-3 X Utilities for producing dataframes with rich details for the most...
r-statsr 0.3.0 MIT X Data and functions to support Bayesian and frequentist inference and...
r-stcov 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Estimates a covariance matrix using Stein's isotonized covariance...
r-stddiff 3.1 GPL-3 X Contains three main functions including stddiff.numeric(),...
r-stdvectors 0.0.5 GPL-2 X Allows the creation and manipulation of C++ std::vector's in R.
r-steadyica 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions related to multivariate measures of independence and ICA:...
r-steepness 0.3_0 GPL-2 X The steepness package computes steepness as a property of dominance...
r-steinernet 3.1.0 GPL-3 X A set of functions for finding and analysing Steiner trees. It has...
r-steiniv 0.1_1 GPL-2 X Routines for computing different types of linear estimators, based on...
r-stellar 0.3_4 GPL-2 X Manages and display stellar tracks and isochrones from Pisa low-mass...
r-stem 1.0 GPL-2 X Estimation of the parameters of a spatio-temporal model using the EM...
r-stemmatology 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Explore and analyse the genealogy of textual or musical traditions,...
r-stepplr 0.93 GPL-2 X L2 penalized logistic regression for both continuous and discrete...
r-stepreg 1.4.4 MIT X Three most common types of stepwise regression including linear...
r-stepsignalmargilike 2.6.0 GPL-2 X Provides function to estimate multiple change points using marginal...
r-stepwisetest 1.0 GPL-2 X Collection of stepwise procedures to conduct multiple hypotheses...
r-stevedore 0.9.6 MIT X Work with containers over the Docker API. Rather than using system...
r-stheoreme 1.2 GPL-2 X Functions implementing the procedure of entropy comparison between two...
r-sticky GPL-2 X In base R, object attributes are lost when objects are modified by...
r-stima 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Regression trunk model estimation proposed by Dusseldorp and Meulman...
r-stinepack 1.4 GPL-2 X A consistently well behaved method of interpolation based on piecewise...
r-stlplus 0.5.1 BSD_3_clause X Decompose a time series into seasonal, trend, and remainder components...
r-stm MIT X The Structural Topic Model (STM) allows researchers to estimate topic...
r-stmgp 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Rapidly build accurate genetic prediction models for genome-wide...
r-stmomo 0.4.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of the family of generalised age-period-cohort...
r-stochprofml 2.0.3 GPL-2 X New Version of the R package originally accompanying the paper...
r-stochqn 0.1.2_1 BSD_2_clause X Implementations of stochastic, limited-memory quasi-Newton optimizers,...
r-stochvol 3.2.1 GPL-2 X Efficient algorithms for fully Bayesian estimation of stochastic...
r-stockchina 0.3.1 GPL-2 X With this package, users can obtain the real-time price and volume...
r-stockr 1.0.76 GPL-2 X Provides a mixture model for clustering individuals (or sampling...
r-stoichcalc 1.1_5 GPL-2 X Given a list of substance compositions, a list of substances involved...
r-stopes 0.2 GPL-2 X Implements variable selection procedures for low to moderate size...
r-stopwords 2.3 MIT XXXX Provides multiple sources of stopwords, for use in text analysis and...
r-storr 1.2.5 MIT XX Creates and manages simple key-value stores. These can use a variety...
r-stosim 0.0.15 GPL-3 X A toolkit for Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM)...
r-stplanr 1.1.2 MIT X Tools for transport planning with an emphasis on spatial transport data...
r-str 0.6 GPL-2 X Methods for decomposing seasonal data: STR (a Seasonal-Trend...
r-str2str 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Offers a suite of functions for converting to and from (atomic)...
r-strainranking 1.2 GPL X Regression-based ranking of pathogen strains with respect to their...
r-strategy 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Users can build and test customized quantitative trading strategies....
r-stratest 1.1.6 GPL-3 X Variants of strategy estimation (Dal Bo & Frechette, 2011,...
r-stratification 2.2_7 GPL-2 X Univariate stratification of survey populations with a generalization...
r-stratifiedbalancing 0.3.0 GPL-2 X Performs Stratified Covariate Balancing with Markov blanket feature...
r-strawr 0.0.91 MIT X API for fast data extraction for .hic files that provides programmatic...
r-streambugs 1.3 GPL-3 X Numerically solve and plot solutions of a parametric ordinary...
r-streammetabolism 1.1.3 GPL-3 X I provide functions to calculate Gross Primary Productivity, Net...
r-streamr 0.4.5 GPL-2 X Functions to access Twitter's filter, sample, and user streams, and...
r-stressr 1.0.0 MIT X Forms queries to submit to the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank web...
r-stressstrength 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Reliability of (normal) stress-strength models and for building...
r-strex 1.6.1 GPL-3 X There are some things that I wish were easier with the...
r-strider 1.3 MIT X The strided iterator adapts multidimensional buffers to work with the...
r-string2adjmatrix 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Takes a list of character strings and forms an adjacency matrix for the...
r-stringb 0.1.17 MIT X Base R already ships with string handling capabilities 'out-...
r-stringdist 0.9.10 GPL-3 XXX Implements an approximate string matching version of R's native...
r-stringfish 0.15.8 GPL-3 X Provides an extendable, performant and multithreaded...
r-stringformattr 0.1.2 MIT X Pass named and unnamed character vectors into specified positions in...
r-stringi 1.7.12 file XXX A collection of character string/text/natural language processing tools...
r-stringr 1.5.0 MIT XXXX A consistent, simple and easy to use set of wrappers around the...
r-strip 1.0.0 MIT X The strip function deletes components of R model outputs that are...
r-stripless 1.0_3 GPL-2 X For making Trellis-type conditioning plots without strip labels. This...
r-striprtf 0.6.0 MIT X Extracts plain text from RTF (Rich Text Format) file.
r-strucchange 1.5_3 GPL-2 XXXX Testing, monitoring and dating structural changes in (linear)...
r-strucchangercpp 1.5_3_1.0.4 GPL-2 X A fast implementation with additional experimental features for...
r-structfdr 1.3 GPL-2 X Perform more powerful false discovery control (FDR) for microbiome...
r-stsm.class 1.3 GPL-2 X This package defines an S4 class for structural time series models and...
r-stuart 0.10.0 GPL-3 X Construct subtests from a pool of items by using...
r-stubthat 1.2.1 MIT X Create stubs of functions for use while testing.
r-stv 1.0.2 LGPL-3 X Implementations of the Single Transferable Vote counting system. By...
r-styler 1.10.2 MIT X Pretty-prints R code without changing the user's formatting intent.
r-stylest 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Estimates distinctiveness in speakers' (authors') style. Fits...
r-stylo 0.7.4 GPL-3 X Supervised and unsupervised multivariate methods, supplemented by GUI...
r-subcopem2d 1.3 GPL-3 X Calculate empirical subcopula and dependence measures from a given...
r-subcultcon 1.0 GPL-2 X The three functions in the package compute the maximum likelihood...
r-subdetect 1.2 GPL-3 X A test for the existence of a subgroup with enhanced treatment effect....
r-subgroup 1.1 GPL-2 X Produces various measures of expected treatment effect heterogeneity...
r-subgroup.discovery 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Developed to assist in discovering interesting subgroups in...
r-subgxe 0.9.0 GPL-3 X Classical methods for combining summary data from genome-wide...
r-subniche 0.9.7 GPL-2 X Complementary indexes calculation to the Outlying Mean Index analysis...
r-subpathwaygmir 1.0 GPL-2 X Routines for identifying metabolic subpathways mediated by microRNAs...
r-subplex 1.8 GPL-3 X The subplex algorithm for unconstrained optimization, developed by Tom...
r-subrank GPL-3 X Estimation of copula using ranks and subsampling. The main feature of...
r-subsamp 0.1.0 GPL-2 X This subsample winner algorithm (SWA) for regression with a large-p...
r-subselect 0.15.5 GPL-2 X A collection of functions which (i) assess the quality of variable...
r-subtite 4.0.5 GPL-2 X Chooses subgroup specific optimal doses in a phase I dose finding...
r-sudoku 2.8 GPL-3 X Generates, plays, and solves Sudoku puzzles. The GUI playSudoku()...
r-sudokualt 0.2_1 GPL-2 X Tools for making, retrieving, displaying and solving sudoku games. This...
r-sue 1.0 GPL-2 X This is a package for the subsampling method of robust estimation of...
r-summclust 0.7.2 MIT X Module to compute cluster specific information for regression models...
r-sunburstr 2.1.8 MIT X Make interactive 'd3.js' sequence sunburst diagrams in R with...
r-suncalc 0.5.1 GPL-2 X Get sun position, sunlight phases (times for sunrise, sunset, dusk,...
r-sunclarco 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Survival analysis for unbalanced clusters using Archimedean copulas...
r-sunder 0.0.4 GPL-3 X Quantification of the effect of geographic versus environmental...
r-sundialr BSD_3_clause X Provides a way to call the functions in 'SUNDIALS' C ODE...
r-sungeo 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Tools for integrating spatially-misaligned GIS datasets. Part of the...
r-suntersampling 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Functions for drawing samples according to Sunter's sampling...
r-suntools 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides a set of convenient functions for calculating sun-related...
r-supc GPL-3 X Implements the self-updating process clustering algorithms proposed in...
r-supclust 1.1_1 GPL-3 X Methodology for supervised grouping aka "clustering" of...
r-supcluster 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Clusters features under the assumption that each cluster has a random...
r-superdiag 2.0 GPL-2 X The 'superdiag' package provides a comprehensive test suite for...
r-superexacttest 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Identification of sets of objects with shared features is a common...
r-supergauss 2.0.3 GPL-3 X Likelihood evaluations for stationary Gaussian time series are...
r-superheat 0.1.0 CC0 X A system for generating extendable and customizable heatmaps for...
r-superlearner 2.0_28.1 GPL-3 X Implements the super learner prediction method and contains a library...
r-supermds 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Witten and Tibshirani (2011) Supervised multidimensional scaling for...
r-superml 0.5.6 GPL-3 X The idea is to provide a standard interface to users who use both R and...
r-supernova 2.5.7 AGPL-3 X Produces ANOVA tables in the format used by Judd, McClelland, and Ryan...
r-superpc 1.12 GPL-3 X Does prediction in the case of a censored survival outcome, or a...
r-superranker 1.2.1 GPL-2 X Tools for analysing the agreement of two or more rankings of the same...
r-suppdists 1.1_9.7 GPL-2 XXX Ten distributions supplementing those built into R. Inverse Gauss,...
r-support.bws 0.4_6 GPL-2 X Provides basic functions that support an implementation of object case...
r-support.bws2 0.4_0 GPL-2 X Provides three basic functions that support an implementation of Case 2...
r-support.ces 0.6_0 GPL-2 X Provides basic functions that support an implementation of (discrete)...
r-sur 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Access to the datasets and many of the functions used in...
r-surrogateoutcome 1.1 GPL-3 X Provides functions to estimate the proportion of treatment effect on a...
r-surrogatetest 1.3 GPL-3 X Provides functions to test for a treatment effect in terms of the...
r-surrosurvroc 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Nonparametric and semiparametric estimations of the time-dependent ROC...
r-surtex 0.9 GPL-3 X suRtex was designed for easy descriptive statistic reporting of...
r-survauc 1.2_0 GPL-2 X Provides a variety of functions to estimate time-dependent true/false...
r-survawkmt2 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Tests for equality of two survival functions based on integrated...
r-survbootoutliers 1.0 GPL-2 X Three new methods to perform outlier detection in a survival context....
r-survc1 1.0_3 GPL-2 X Performs inference for C of risk prediction models with censored...
r-surveillance 1.22.0 GPL-2 X Statistical methods for the modeling and monitoring of time series of...
r-survexp.fr 1.1 GPL-2 X It computes Relative survival, AER and SMR based on French death rates.
r-survey 4.2_1 GPL-2 X Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear...
r-surveyeditor 1.0 GPL-2 X Help generate slides for surveys or experiments. The resulted slides...
r-surveyoutliers 0.1 GPL-2 X At present, the only functionality is the calculation of optimal...
r-survgini 1.0 GPL-2 X The Gini concentration test for survival data is a nonparametric test...
r-survidinri 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Performs inference for a class of measures to compare competing risk...
r-survival 3.5_7 LGPL-2 XXX Contains the core survival analysis routines, including definition of...
r-survivalmpl 0.2_3 LGPL-2 X Estimate the regression coefficients and the baseline hazard of...
r-survivalroc GPL-2 XX Compute time-dependent ROC curve from censored survival data using...
r-survjamda.data 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Three breast cancer gene expression data sets that can be used for...
r-survlong 1.3 GPL-2 X Provides kernel weighting methods for estimation of proportional...
r-survminer 0.4.9 GPL-2 X Contains the function 'ggsurvplot()' for drawing easily...
r-survmisc 0.5.6 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to help in the analysis of right-censored...
r-survpresmooth 1.1_11 GPL-2 X Presmoothed estimators of survival, density, cumulative and...
r-survregcenscov 1.7 GPL-2 X The function SurvRegCens() of this package allows estimation of a...
r-survrm2 1.0_4 GPL-2 X Performs two-sample comparisons using the restricted mean survival time...
r-survrm2adapt 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Estimates the restricted mean survival time (RMST) with the time window...
r-survsnp 0.26 GPL-3 X Conduct asymptotic and empirical power and sample size calculations for...
r-survtrunc 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Package performs Cox regression and survival distribution function...
r-susier 0.12.35 BSD_3_clause X Implements methods for variable selection in linear regression based on...
r-svapls 1.4 GPL-3 X Accurate identification of genes that are truly differentially...
r-svars 1.3.11 MIT X Implements data-driven identification methods for structural vector...
r-svd BSD_3_clause X R bindings to SVD and eigensolvers (PROPACK, nuTRLan).
r-svdialogs 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Quickly construct standard dialog boxes for your GUI, including message...
r-svdvisual 1.1 GPL-2 X Some visualization tools based on Singular Value Decomposition
r-svenssonm 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Obtain parameters of Svensson's Method, including percentage...
r-svglite 2.1.2 GPL-2 X A graphics device for R that produces 'Scalable Vector...
r-svgpanzoom 0.3.4 MIT X This 'htmlwidget' provides pan and zoom interactivity to R...
r-svgui 1.0.1 GPL-2 X The 'SciViews' 'svGUI' package eases the management of...
r-svgviewr 1.4.3 GPL-2 X Creates 3D animated, interactive visualizations that can be viewed in a...
r-svmisc 1.2.3 GPL-2 X Miscellaneous functions for 'SciViews' or general use: manage a...
r-svmmatch 1.1 GPL-2 X Causal effect estimation in observational data often requires...
r-svmpath 0.970 GPL-2 X Computes the entire regularization path for the two-class svm...
r-svmplus 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Implementation of Support Vector Machines Plus (SVM+) for...
r-svn 1.0.1 GPL X Determines networks of significant synchronization between the discrete...
r-svs 3.0.0 GPL-3 X Various tools for semantic vector spaces, such as correspondence...
r-svsweave 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Functions to enumerate and reference figures, tables and equations in R...
r-svunit 1.0.6 GPL-2 X A complete unit test system and functions to implement its GUI part.
r-swagger 3.33.1 Apache X A collection of 'HTML', 'JavaScript', and 'CSS'...
r-swapclass 1.0.1 GPL-3 X A null model randomizing semi-quantitative multi-classes (or ordinal)...
r-swarmsvm 0.1_7 GPL-2 X Three ensemble learning algorithms based on support vector machines....
r-swcrtdesign 4.0 GPL-2 X A set of tools for examining the design and analysis aspects of stepped...
r-swdft 1.0.0 MIT X Implements the Sliding Window Discrete Fourier Transform (SWDFT). Also...
r-sweep 0.2.5 GPL-3 X Tidies up the forecasting modeling and prediction work flow, extends...
r-sweidnumbr 1.4.2 BSD_2_clause X Structural handling of identity numbers used in the Swedish...
r-swephr 0.3.1 AGPL-3 X The Swiss Ephemeris (version 2.10.03) is a high precision ephemeris...
r-swimplot 1.2.0 GPL-3 X Used for creating swimmers plots with functions to customize the bars,...
r-swirl 2.4.5 MIT X Use the R console as an interactive learning environment. Users receive...
r-swissair 1.1.5 GPL-3 X Ozone, NOx (= Sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide), nitrogen...
r-swissmrp 0.62 GPL-2 X Provides a number of useful functions to employ MrP for small area...
r-switchr 0.14.8 Artistic-2.0 X Provides an abstraction for managing, installing, and switching between...
r-sybil 2.2.0 GPL-3 X This Systems Biology Package (Gelius-Dietrich et. al. (2012)...
r-sylcount 0.2_5 BSD_2_clause X An English language syllable counter, plus readability score...
r-sylly 0.1_6 GPL-3 X Provides the hyphenation algorithm used for...
r-sylly.en 0.1_3 GPL-3 X Adds support for the English language to the 'sylly' package....
r-sym.arma 1.0 GPL-2 X Functions for fitting the Autoregressive and Moving Average Symmetric...
r-symengine 0.2.2 GPL-2 X Provides an R interface to 'SymEngine'...
r-symmetry 0.2.3 MIT X Implementations of a large number of tests for symmetry and their...
r-symmoments 1.2.1 GPL-3 X Symbolic central and non-central moments of the multivariate normal...
r-symts 1.0_2 GPL-3 X Contains methods for simulation and for evaluating the pdf, cdf, and...
r-synbreeddata 1.5 GPL-2 X Data sets for the 'synbreed' package with three data sets from...
r-synchronicity 1.3.5 LGPL-2 X Boost mutex functionality in R.
r-synchrony 0.3.8 GPL-2 X Methods for computing spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal statistics...
r-syncmove 0.1_0 GPL-2 X The function 'syncSubsample' subsamples temporal data of...
r-syncrng 1.3.2 GPL-2 X Generate the same random numbers in R and Python.
r-synet 2.0 GPL-3 X Infers sympatry matrices from distributional data and analyzes them in...
r-synlik 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Framework to perform synthetic likelihood inference for models where...
r-syntaxr 0.8.0 MIT X A set of functions for generating 'SPSS' syntax files from the...
r-synth 1.1_8 GPL-2 X Implements the synthetic control group method for comparative case...
r-synthacs 1.7.1 MIT X Provides access to curated American Community Survey (ACS) base tables...
r-synthpop 1.8_0 GPL-2 X A tool for producing synthetic versions of microdata containing...
r-sys 3.4.2 MIT XXX Drop-in replacements for the base system2() function with fine control...
r-sysfonts 0.8.8 GPL-2 X Loading system fonts and Google Fonts <https://fonts.google.com/>...
r-syslognet MIT X Send 'syslog' protocol messages to a remote 'syslog'...
r-systemfit 1.1_30 GPL-2 X Econometric estimation of simultaneous systems of linear and nonlinear...
r-systemfonts 1.0.5 MIT X Provides system native access to the font catalogue. As font handling...
r-systemicrisk 0.4.2 GPL-3 X A toolbox for systemic risk based on liabilities matrices. Contains a...
r-syuzhet 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Extracts sentiment and sentiment-derived plot arcs from text using a...
r-t2eq 1.1 GPL-3 X Contains functions for applying the T^2-test for equivalence. The...
r-tab 5.1.1 GPL-3 X Contains functions for creating various types of summary tables, e.g....
r-tablaxlsx 1.2.5 GPL-3 X For writing tables with custom formats in a Excel file ready to be distributed.
r-table1 1.4.3 GPL-3 X Create HTML tables of descriptive statistics, as one would expect to...
r-table1heatmap 1.2 LGPL-3 X Table 1 is the classical way to describe the patients in a clinical...
r-tablehtml 2.1.2 MIT X A tool to create and style HTML tables with CSS. These can be exported...
r-tablematrix 0.82.0 GPL-2 X Provides two classes extending 'data.table' class. Simple...
r-tablemonster 1.7 GPL-2 X Provides a user friendly interface to generation of booktab style...
r-tableone 0.13.2 GPL-2 X Creates 'Table 1', i.e., description of baseline patient...
r-tableplot 0.3_5 GPL-3 X Description:
r-tablerdash 0.1.0 GPL-2 X 'R' interface to the 'Tabler' HTML template. See more...
r-tables 0.9.17 GPL-2 X Computes and displays complex tables of summary statistics. Output may...
r-tabletolongform 1.3.2 GPL-3 X A wrapper to a set of algorithms designed to recognise positional cues...
r-tabulate 0.1.0 MIT X Generates pretty console output for tables allowing for full...
r-tabulizerjars 1.0.1 MIT X 'Java' .jar files for the 'Tabula'...
r-tabulog 0.1.1 MIT X Convert semi-structured log files (such as 'Apache' access.log...
r-tabusearch 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Tabu search algorithm for binary configurations. A basic version of the...
r-tactile 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Extensions to 'lattice', providing new high-level functions,...
r-taf 4.2.0 GPL-3 X Functions to organize data, methods, and results used in scientific...
r-tagcloud 0.6 GPL-2 X Generating Tag and Word Clouds.
r-tailloss 1.0 GPL-2 X Set of tools to estimate the probability in the upper tail of the...
r-taipan 0.1.2 GPL-3 X A tool to help create shiny apps for selecting and annotating elements...
r-tam 4.1_4 GPL-2 X Includes marginal maximum likelihood estimation and joint maximum...
r-tandem 1.0.3 GPL-2 X A two-stage regression method that can be used when various input data...
r-tangram 0.8.2 GPL-3 X Provides an extensible formula system to quickly and easily create...
r-taoteprogramming 1.0 Unlimited X Art-like behavior based on randomness
r-tapkee 1.2 GPL-2 X Wrapper for using 'tapkee' command line utility, it allows to...
r-taqmngr 2018.5_1 GPL-2 X Manager of tick-by-tick transaction data that performs...
r-tar 1.0 GPL-2 X Identification and estimation of the autoregressive threshold models...
r-tarchetypes 0.7.9 MIT X Function-oriented Make-like declarative pipelines for Statistics and...
r-targeted 0.3 Apache X Various methods for targeted and semiparametric inference including...
r-targets 1.3.2 MIT X Pipeline tools coordinate the pieces of computationally demanding...
r-tariff 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Implement the Tariff algorithm for coding cause-of-death from verbal...
r-tarifx GPL-2 X A collection of various utility and convenience functions.
r-tatest 1.0 GPL-3 X The ta-test is a modified two-sample or two-group t-test of Gosset...
r-tatoo 1.1.2 MIT X Functions to combine data.frames in ways that require additional effort...
r-tau 0.0_24 GPL-2 X Utilities for text analysis.
r-taup.r 1.5 GPL-3 X Evaluates traveltimes and ray paths using predefined Earth (or other...
r-taustar 1.1.4 GPL-3 X Computes the t* statistic corresponding to the tau* population...
r-taxa 0.4.2 MIT X Provides classes for storing and manipulating taxonomic data. Most of...
r-taxadb 0.2.1 MIT X Creates a local database of many commonly used taxonomic authorities...
r-taxicabca 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Computation and visualization of Taxicab Correspondence Analysis,...
r-taxize 0.9.100 MIT X Interacts with a suite of web 'APIs' for taxonomic tasks, such...
r-tbart 1.0 GPL-2 X Solves Teitz and Bart's p-median problem - given a set of points...
r-tbd 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Estimation of the survivor average causal effect under outcomes...
r-tbdiag 0.1 MIT X This package provides functions to assist researchers working in the...
r-tcgaretriever 1.7 GPL-2 X The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is a program aimed at improving our...
r-tciapathfinder 1.0.6 MIT X A wrapper for The Cancer Imaging Archive's REST API. The Cancer...
r-tcltk2 1.2_11 LGPL-3 X A series of additional Tcl commands and Tk widgets with style and...
r-tclust 1.5_4 GPL-3 X Provides functions for robust trimmed clustering. The methods are...
r-tcpl 3.1.0 MIT X A set of tools for processing and modeling high-throughput and...
r-tcplfit2 0.1.6 MIT X Performs the basic concentration response curve fitting used in the...
r-tdamapper 1.0 GPL-3 X Topological Data Analysis using Mapper (discrete Morse theory)....
r-tdbook 0.0.6 Artistic-2.0 X The companion package that provides all the datasets used in the book...
r-tdboost 1.4 GPL-3 X An implementation of a boosted Tweedie compound Poisson model proposed...
r-tdcor 0.1_2 GPL-2 X The Time-Delay Correlation algorithm (TDCor) reconstructs the topology...
r-tdigest 0.4.1 MIT X The t-Digest construction algorithm, by Dunning et al., (2019)...
r-tdpanalysis 1.0 GPL-2 X Set of functions designed to help in the analysis of TDP sensors....
r-tdroc 1.0 GPL-2 X Compute time-dependent ROC curve from censored survival data using...
r-tdsc 1.0.4 GPL-3 X Functions for performing time domain signal coding as used in Chesmore...
r-tdthap 1.2 Artistic-2.0 X Functions and examples are provided for Transmission/disequilibrium...
r-teachingdemos 2.12 Artistic-2.0 X Demonstration functions that can be used in a classroom to demonstrate...
r-teachingsampling 4.1.1 GPL-2 X Allows the user to draw probabilistic samples and make inferences from...
r-teachnet 0.7.1 GPL-2 X Can fit neural networks with up to two hidden layer and two different...
r-teamr 0.0.1 MIT X Package of wrapper functions using R6 class to send requests to...
r-teda 0.1.1 GPL-3 X The typicality and eccentricity data analysis (TEDA) framework was put...
r-teereg 1.1 GPL-2 X For fitting multiple linear regressions, the ordinary least squares...
r-teigen 2.2.2 GPL-2 X Fits mixtures of multivariate t-distributions (with eigen-decomposed...
r-tejapi 1.0.1 MIT X Functions for interacting directly with the Taiwan Economic Journal API...
r-telegram 0.6.0 GPL-3 X R wrapper around the Telegram Bot API...
r-telegram.bot 3.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides a pure interface for the 'Telegram Bot API'...
r-tempcont 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Method to estimate the effect of the trend in predictor variables on...
r-tempcyclesdata 1.0.1 GPL-2 X This is the data companion package to the package tempcycles. This...
r-tempdisagg 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Temporal disaggregation methods are used to disaggregate and...
r-tempor GPL-3 X TEMPO (TEmporal Modeling of Pathway Outliers) is a pathway-based...
r-tempr GPL-2 X Analysis and visualization of data from temporal sensory methods,...
r-tenispolar 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Implementation of ZENIT-POLAR substitution cipher method of encryption...
r-tensor 1.5 GPL-2 X The tensor product of two arrays is notionally an outer product of the...
r-tensora 0.36.2 GPL-2 X Provides convenience functions for advanced linear algebra with tensors...
r-tensorflow 2.14.0 Apache XXXX Interface to 'TensorFlow' <https://www.tensorflow.org/>,...
r-tensorr 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides methods to manipulate and store sparse tensors. Tensors are...
r-tensr 1.0.1 GPL-3 X A collection of functions for Kronecker structured covariance...
r-teqr 6.0_0 GPL-2 X The TEQR package contains software to calculate the operating...
r-teraplusb 1.0 LGPL-2.1 X This package is for the comparison of various types of A+B escalation...
r-tergm 4.2.0 GPL-3 X An integrated set of extensions to the 'ergm' package to...
r-term 0.3.5 MIT X Creates, manipulates, queries and repairs vectors of parameter terms. ...
r-ternary 2.2.1 GPL-2 X Plots ternary diagrams (simplex plots / Gibbs triangles) and Holdridge...
r-ternvis 1.2 GPL-2 X A suite of functions for visualising ternary probabilistic forecasts,...
r-terra 1.7_55 GPL-3 X Methods for spatial data analysis with vector (points, lines, polygons)...
r-terrainmeshr 0.1.0 MIT X Provides triangulations of regular height fields, based on the methods...
r-tess 2.1.2 GPL-3 X Simulation of reconstructed phylogenetic trees under tree-wide...
r-testassay 0.1.1 MIT X A common way of validating a biological assay for is through a...
r-testcor GPL-2 X Different multiple testing procedures for correlation tests are...
r-testdriver 0.5.2 GPL-3 X Provides data sets for teaching statistics and data science courses. It...
r-testequavar 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Tests the hypothesis that variances are homogeneous or not using...
r-tester 0.1.7 GPL-3 X tester allows you to test characteristics of common R objects.
r-testfunctions 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Test functions are often used to test computer code. They are used in...
r-testingsimilarity 1.1 GPL-3 X Provides a bootstrap test which decides whether two dose response...
r-testit 0.13 GPL-3 XXXX Provides two convenience functions assert() and test_pkg() to...
r-testscorer 1.7.2 GPL-2 X GUI for entering test items and obtaining raw and transformed scores....
r-testthat 3.2.0 MIT XXX Software testing is important, but, in part because it is frustrating...
r-texexamrandomizer 1.2.3 MIT X Randomizing exams with 'LaTeX'. If you can compile your main...
r-texreg 1.38.6 GPL-3 X Converts coefficients, standard errors, significance stars, and...
r-text 1.0 GPL-3 X Link R with Transformers from Hugging Face to transform text variables...
r-text2vec 0.6.3 GPL-2 X Fast and memory-friendly tools for text vectorization, topic modeling...
r-textcat 1.0_8 GPL-2 X Text categorization based on n-grams.
r-textclean 0.9.3 GPL-2 X Tools to clean and process text. Tools are geared at checking for...
r-textdata 0.4.4 MIT X Provides a framework to download, parse, and store text datasets on the...
r-textgrid 1.0.1 GPL-3 X The software application Praat can be used to annotate waveform data...
r-textile 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Contains real images of the same textile material with/without local...
r-textminer 3.0.5 MIT X An aid for text mining in R, with a syntax that should be familiar to...
r-textometry 0.1.6 GPL-3 X Statistical exploration of textual corpora using several methods from...
r-textrank 0.3.1 MPL-2.0 X The 'textrank' algorithm is an extension of the...
r-textrecipes 1.0.5 MIT X Converting text to numerical features requires specifically created...
r-textreg 0.1.5 MIT XXX Function for sparse regression on raw text, regressing a labeling...
r-textshape 1.7.3 GPL-2 X Tools that can be used to reshape and restructure text data.
r-textshaping 0.3.7 MIT X Provides access to the text shaping functionality in the...
r-textstem 0.1.4 GPL-2 X Tools that stem and lemmatize text. Stemming is a process that removes...
r-texttinyr 1.1.7 GPL-3 XXX It offers functions for splitting, parsing, tokenizing and creating a...
r-textutils 0.3_2 GPL-3 X Utilities for handling character vectors that store human-readable text...
r-tfautograph 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Translate R control flow expressions into 'Tensorflow' graphs.
r-tfcox 0.1.0 GPL-2 XXX In Cox's proportional hazard model, covariates are modeled as...
r-tfdatasets 2.9.0 Apache X Interface to 'TensorFlow' Datasets, a high-level library for...
r-tfer 1.3 GPL-2 X Statistical interpretation of forensic glass transfer (Simulation of...
r-tfisher 0.2.0 GPL-2 X We provide the cumulative distribution function (CDF), quantile, and...
r-tfmpvalue 0.0.9 GPL-2 XXX In putative Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBSs) identification...
r-tfplot 2021.6_1 GPL-2 X Utilities for simple manipulation and quick plotting of time series...
r-tframe 2015.12_1.1 GPL-2 X A kernel of functions for programming time series methods in a way that...
r-tfruns 1.5.1 Apache XXXX Create and manage unique directories for each 'TensorFlow'...
r-tfse 0.5.0 MIT X A collection of useful tools for programming and writing-scripts....
r-tfx 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Connects R to TrueFX(tm) for free streaming real-time and historical...
r-tgcd 2.7 GPL-2 XXX Deconvolving thermoluminescence glow curves according to various...
r-tggd 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation...
r-tgp 2.4_21 LGPL-3 X Bayesian nonstationary, semiparametric nonlinear regression and design...
r-tgram 0.2_3 GPL-2 X Functions to compute and plot tracheidograms, as in De Soto et al....
r-th.data 1.1_2 GPL-3 XXXX Contains data sets used in other packages Torsten Hothorn maintains.
r-thankr 1.0.0 MIT X Find out who maintains the packages you use in your current session or...
r-thankyoustars 0.2.0 MIT X A tool for starring GitHub repositories.
r-theft MIT X Consolidates and calculates different sets of time-series features from...
r-thematic 0.1.3 MIT X Theme 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and 'base' graphics...
r-themis 1.0.2 MIT X A dataset with an uneven number of cases in each class is said to be...
r-thermindex 0.2.0 GPL-2 X Calculates several thermal comfort indexes using temperature, wind...
r-thermocouple 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Temperature measurement data, equations and methods for thermocouples,...
r-thgenetics 0.4_2 GPL-3 XXX A step-up test for genetic rare variants in a gene or in a pathway. The...
r-thief 0.3 GPL-3 X Methods and tools for generating forecasts at different temporal...
r-thinknum 1.3.0 GPL-2 X This package interacts directly with the Thinknum API to offer data in...
r-this.path 2.2.0 MIT X Determine the path of the executing script. Compatible with a few...
r-threearmedtrials 1.0_4 GPL-3 XXX Design and analyze three-arm non-inferiority or superiority trials...
r-threeboost 1.1 GPL-3 X This package implements a thresholded version of the EEBoost algorithm...
r-threegroups 0.21 GPL-2 X Implements the Maximum Likelihood estimator for baseline, placebo, and...
r-threejs 0.3.3 MIT XXXX Create interactive 3D scatter plots, network plots, and globes using...
r-threeway 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Component analysis for three-way data arrays by means of...
r-threewords 0.1.0 MIT X A connector to the 'What3Words' (http://what3words.com/)...
r-threg 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Fit a threshold regression model based on the first-hitting-time of a...
r-thregi 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Fit a threshold regression model for Interval Censored Data based on...
r-thresholdroc 2.9.2 GPL-2 X Functions that provide point and interval estimations of optimum...
r-thsls 0.1 GPL-3 X Fit the Simultaneous Systems of Linear Equations using Three-stage...
r-tibble 3.2.1 MIT XXX Provides a 'tbl_df' class (the 'tibble') with stricter...
r-tibbletime 0.1.8 MIT X Built on top of the 'tibble' package, 'tibbletime' is...
r-tibbrconnector 1.5.1 BSD_3_clause X Post messages to tibbr from within R.
r-tickexec 1.1 GPL-3 X Functions to execute orders in backtesting using tick data. A testing...
r-tictoc 1.2 Apache X Code execution timing functions 'tic' and 'toc' that...
r-tiddlywikir 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Utilities to generate wiki reports in TiddlyWiki format.
r-tideharmonics 0.1_1 BSD_3_clause X Implements harmonic analysis of tidal and sea-level data. Over 400...
r-tides 2.1 GPL-3 X Calculate Characteristics of Quasi-Periodic Time Series, e.g. Estuarine...
r-tidetables 0.0.3 GPL-3 X Tide analysis and prediction of predominantly semi-diurnal tides with...
r-tidybayes 3.0.6 GPL-3 X Compose data for and extract, manipulate, and visualize posterior draws...
r-tidycensus 1.5 MIT X An integrated R interface to several United States Census Bureau APIs...
r-tidyclust 0.2.0 MIT X A common interface to specifying clustering models, in the same style...
r-tidycmprsk 1.0.0 AGPL-3 X Provides an intuitive interface for working with the competing risk...
r-tidycpp 0.0.6 GPL-2 X Core parts of the C API of R are wrapped in a C++ namespace via a set...
r-tidydr 0.0.5 Artistic-2.0 X Dimensionality reduction (DR) is widely used in many domain for...
r-tidyfst 1.7.7 MIT X A toolkit of tidy data manipulation verbs with 'data.table' as...
r-tidygeocoder 1.0.5 MIT X An intuitive interface for getting data from geocoding services.
r-tidygraph 1.2.3 MIT X A graph, while not "tidy" in itself, can be thought of as two...
r-tidyjson 0.3.2 MIT X Turn complex 'JSON' data into tidy data frames.
r-tidylog 1.0.2 MIT X Provides feedback about 'dplyr' and 'tidyr' operations.
r-tidylpa 1.1.0 MIT X An interface to the 'mclust' package to easily carry out latent...
r-tidymodels 1.1.1 MIT X The tidy modeling "verse" is a collection of packages for...
r-tidymv 3.4.2 GPL-3 X Provides functions for visualising generalised additive models and...
r-tidync 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Tidy tools for 'NetCDF' data sources. Explore the contents of a...
r-tidyposterior 1.0.1 MIT X Bayesian analysis used here to answer the question: "when looking...
r-tidypredict 0.5 MIT X It parses a fitted 'R' model object, and returns a formula in...
r-tidyquant 1.0.7 MIT X Bringing business and financial analysis to the 'tidyverse'....
r-tidyr 1.3.0 MIT XXX Tools to help to create tidy data, where each column is a variable,...
r-tidyrss 2.0.7 MIT X With the objective of including data from RSS feeds into your analysis,...
r-tidyrules 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Utility to convert text based summary of rule based models to a tidy...
r-tidyselect 1.2.0 MIT XXXX A backend for the selecting functions of the 'tidyverse'. It...
r-tidysem 0.2.6 GPL-3 X A tidy workflow for generating, estimating, reporting, and plotting...
r-tidyseurat 0.7.4 GPL-3 X It creates an invisible layer that allow to see the 'Seurat'...
r-tidysynth 0.2.0 MIT X A synthetic control offers a way of evaluating the effect of an...
r-tidytable 0.10.2 MIT X A tidy interface to 'data.table', giving users the speed of...
r-tidyterra 0.4.0 MIT X Extension of the 'tidyverse' for 'SpatRaster' and...
r-tidytext 0.4.1 MIT XXXX Using tidy data principles can make many text mining tasks easier, more...
r-tidytree 0.4.5 Artistic-2.0 X Phylogenetic tree generally contains multiple components including...
r-tidytuesdayr 1.0.2 MIT X 'TidyTuesday' is a project by the 'R4DS Online Learning...
r-tidyverse 2.0.0 MIT XXXX The 'tidyverse' is a set of packages that work in harmony...
r-tidyxl 1.0.9 MIT X Imports non-tabular from Excel files into R. Exposes cell content,...
r-tiff 0.1_11 GPL-2 XXX Functions to read, write and display bitmap images stored in the TIFF...
r-tigerstats 0.3.2 GPL-3 X A collection of data sets and functions that are useful in the teaching...
r-tightclust 1.1 GPL-2 X The functions needed to perform tight clustering Algorithm.
r-tigris 2.0.4 MIT X Download TIGER/Line shapefiles from the United States Census Bureau...
r-tikzdevice 0.12.5 GPL-2 X Provides a graphics output device for R that records plots in a...
r-tiledb 0.21.1 MIT X The universal storage engine 'TileDB' introduces a powerful...
r-tilegramsr 0.2.0 MIT XXXX R spatial objects for Tilegrams. Tilegrams are tiled maps where the...
r-tilting 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Implements an algorithm for variable selection in high-dimensional...
r-timechange 0.2.0 GPL-3 XXX Efficient routines for manipulation of date-time objects while...
r-timedate 4022.108 GPL-2 XXXX The 'timeDate' class fulfils the conventions of the ISO 8601...
r-timedelay 1.0.11 GPL-2 X We provide a toolbox to estimate the time delay between the brightness...
r-timeordered 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Approaches for incorporating time into network analysis. Methods...
r-timeprojection 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Extract useful time components of a date object, such as day of week,...
r-timer 1.2.0 Apache X Provides a 'timeR' class that makes timing codes easier. One...
r-timereg 2.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Programs for Martinussen and Scheike (2006), `Dynamic Regression Models...
r-timeroc 0.4 GPL-2 X Estimation of time-dependent ROC curve and area under time dependent...
r-timesboot 1.0 GPL-2 X Computes bootstrap CI for the sample ACF and periodogram
r-timeseries 4031.107 GPL-2 XXXX 'S4' classes and various tools for financial time series: Basic...
r-timetk 2.9.0 GPL-3 X Easy visualization, wrangling, and feature engineering of time series...
r-timetools 1.14 GPL-3 XXX Objects to manipulate sequential and seasonal time series. Sequential...
r-timevis 2.1.0 MIT X Create rich and fully interactive timeline visualizations. Timelines...
r-timevtree 0.3.1 GPL-2 X Estimates time varying regression effects under Cox type models in...
r-timewarp 1.0.15 GPL-3 X Date sequence, relative date calculations, and date manipulation with...
r-timsac 1.3.8_4 GPL-2 XXX Functions for statistical analysis, prediction and control of time...
r-tinflex 2.4 GPL-2 XXX A universal non-uniform random number generator for quite arbitrary...
r-tinsel 0.0.1 MIT X Instead of nesting function calls, annotate and transform functions...
r-tint 0.1.4 GPL-3 X A 'tufte'-alike style for 'rmarkdown'. A modern take on...
r-tinylabels 0.2.4 MIT X Assign, extract, or remove variable labels from R vectors. Lightweight...
r-tinyproject 0.6.1 GPL-2 X Creates useful files and folders for data analysis projects and...
r-tinytest 1.4.1 GPL-3 X Provides a lightweight (zero-dependency) and easy to use unit testing...
r-tinytex 0.48 MIT XXXX Helper functions to install and maintain the 'LaTeX'...
r-tinytiger 0.0.8 MIT X Download geographic shapes from the United States Census Bureau...
r-tiobeindexr 0.1.1 AGPL-3 X Get latest 'TIOBE' Programming Index Tables. The...
r-tipom 1.0.2_1 GPL-3 X TIPOM is based on a methodology that was developed in the 1960s by...
r-tippy 0.1.0 MIT X 'Htmlwidget' of 'Tippyjs' to add tooltips to...
r-tis 1.39 Unlimited XXX Functions and S3 classes for time indexes and time indexed series,...
r-titan 1.0_16 GPL-2 X GUI to analyze mass spectrometric data on the relative abundance of two...
r-titanic 0.1.0 CC0 X This data set provides information on the fate of passengers on the...
r-titrationcurves 0.1.0 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to plot acid/base titration curves (pH vs....
r-tkrgl 0.8 GPL XXXX Provides 'TK' widget tools for the 'rgl' package.
r-tkrplot 0.0_27 GPL-3 XXX Simple mechanism for placing R graphics in a Tk widget.
r-tkrplotr 0.1.7 GPL-2 X Display a plot in a Tk canvas.
r-tlemix 0.1.3 GPL-3 X TLE implements a general framework for robust fitting of finite mixture...
r-tlm 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Computation of effects under linear, logistic and Poisson regression...
r-tlmec 0.0_2 GPL X Fit a linear mixed effects model for censored data with Student-t or...
r-tlmoments GPL-2 X Calculates empirical TL-moments (trimmed L-moments) of arbitrary order...
r-tlrmvnmvt 1.1.2 GPL-2 X Implementation of the classic Genz algorithm and a novel tile-low-rank...
r-tls 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Functions for point and interval estimation in error-in-variables...
r-tm 0.7_11 GPL-3 XXX A framework for text mining applications within R.
r-tm.plugin.alceste 1.1 GPL-2 X This package provides a tm Source to create corpora from a corpus...
r-tm.plugin.dc 0.2_10 GPL-2 X A plug-in for the text mining framework tm to support text mining in a...
r-tm.plugin.europresse 1.4 GPL-2 X Provides a 'tm' Source to create corpora from articles exported...
r-tm.plugin.factiva 1.8 GPL-2 X Provides a 'tm' Source to create corpora from articles exported...
r-tm.plugin.lexisnexis 1.4.1 GPL-2 X Provides a 'tm' Source to create corpora from articles exported...
r-tm.plugin.mail 0.2_2 GPL-3 X A plug-in for the tm text mining framework providing mail handling...
r-tm.plugin.webmining 1.3 GPL-3 X Facilitate text retrieval from feed formats like XML (RSS, ATOM) and...
r-tm1r 1.1.8 GPL-2 X Useful functions to connect to 'TM1'...
r-tmap 3.3_4 GPL-3 X Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions...
r-tmaptools 3.1_1 GPL-3 X Set of tools for reading and processing spatial data. The aim is to...
r-tmb 1.9.6 GPL-2 XXX With this tool, a user should be able to quickly implement complex...
r-tmcalculator 1.0.3 GPL-2 X This tool is extended from methods in Bio.SeqUtils.MeltingTemp of...
r-tmcn 0.2_13 LGPL-3 XXX A Text mining toolkit for Chinese, which includes facilities for ...
r-tmdb 1.1 Artistic-2.0 X Provides an R-interface to the TMDb API (see TMDb API on...
r-tmg 0.3 GPL-2 XXX Random number generation of truncated multivariate Gaussian...
r-tmisc 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Miscellaneous utility functions for data manipulation, data tidying,...
r-tmle 2.0.0 BSD_3_clause X Targeted maximum likelihood estimation of point treatment effects...
r-tmpm 1.0.3 GPL-2 X Trauma Mortality prediction for ICD-9, ICD-10, and AIS lexicons in long...
r-tmvmixnorm 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Efficient sampling of truncated multivariate (scale) mixtures of...
r-tmvnsim 1.0_2 GPL-2 XXX Importance sampling from the truncated multivariate normal using the...
r-tmvtnorm 1.5 GPL-2 X Random number generation for the truncated multivariate normal and...
r-tnc 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Node centrality measures for temporal networks. Available measures are...
r-tnet 3.0.16 GPL-3 X Binary ties limit the richness of network analyses as relations are...
r-todor 0.1.2 MIT X This is a simple addin to 'RStudio' that finds all...
r-tokenbrowser 0.1.5 GPL-3 XXX Create browsers for reading full texts from a token list format....
r-tokenizers 0.3.0 MIT XXX Convert natural language text into tokens. Includes tokenizers for...
r-tokenizers.bpe 0.1.3 MPL-2.0 XXX Unsupervised text tokenizer focused on computational efficiency. Wraps...
r-tolerance 2.0.0 GPL-2 X Statistical tolerance limits provide the limits between which we can...
r-toordinal 1.3_0.0 GPL-3 X Language specific cardinal to ordinal number conversion.
r-topicmodels 0.2_14 GPL-2 XXX Provides an interface to the C code for Latent Dirichlet Allocation...
r-topmodel 0.7.5 GPL-2 XXX Set of hydrological functions including an R implementation of the...
r-topsis 1.0 GPL-2 X Evaluation of alternatives based on multiple criteria using TOPSIS method.
r-torch 0.11.0 MIT X Provides functionality to define and train neural networks similar to...
r-torchvision 0.5.1 MIT X Provides access to datasets, models and preprocessing facilities for...
r-tosls 1.0 Artistic-2.0 X Fit an Instrumental Variables Two Stage Least Squares model
r-toster 0.8.0 GPL-3 X Two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure to test equivalence for t-tests,...
r-totalcensus 0.6.6 MIT X Download summary files from Census Bureau...
r-totalcopheneticindex 2.0.1 Unlimited X Measures the degree of balance for a given phylogenetic tree by...
r-touch 0.1_6 GPL-3 XXX R implementation of the software tools developed in the H-CUP...
r-tourr 1.1.0 MIT X Implements geodesic interpolation and basis generation functions that...
r-toxtestd 2.0 GPL-2 X Calculates sample size and dose allocation for binary toxicity tests,...
r-tp.idm 1.5.1 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of transition probabilities for the illness-death model....
r-tpauc 2.1.1 GPL-2 X Tools for estimating and inferring two-way partial area under receiver...
r-tpe 1.0.1 MIT X This package implements the greedy approximation for tree preserving embedding.
r-tpes 1.0.0 MIT X A bioinformatics tool for the estimation of the tumor purity from...
r-tplyr 1.1.0 MIT X A traceability focused tool created to simplify the data manipulation...
r-tpmsm 1.2.7 GPL-3 XXX Estimation of transition probabilities for the illness-death model and...
r-tracerer 2.2.3 GPL-3 XXX 'BEAST2' (<https://www.beast2.org>) is a widely used...
r-track 1.1.9 GPL-3 X Automatically stores objects in files on disk so that files are...
r-trading 2.5 GPL-3 X Contains performance analysis metrics of track records including...
r-trajectories 0.2_7 GPL-2 X Classes and methods for trajectory data, with support for nesting...
r-tram 1.0_0 GPL-2 X Formula-based user-interfaces to specific transformation models...
r-traminer 2.2_8 GPL-2 X Set of sequence analysis tools for manipulating, describing and...
r-trampr 1.0_10 GPL-2 X Matching terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism...
r-transcriber 0.0.0 GPL-3 X Transcribes audio to text with the HP IDOL API. Includes functions to...
r-transformr 0.1.4 MIT X In order to smoothly animate the transformation of polygons and paths,...
r-translation.ko GPL-2 X R version 2.1.0 and later support Korean translations of program...
r-transmodel 2.3 GPL-2 X A unified estimation procedure for the analysis of right censored data...
r-transp 0.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of two transportation problem algorithms. 1. North West...
r-transport 0.14_6 GPL-2 XXX Solve optimal transport problems. Compute Wasserstein distances (a.k.a....
r-transurv 1.2.2 GPL-3 XXX A latent, quasi-independent truncation time is assumed to be linked...
r-trapezoid 2.0_2 GPL-3 XXXX The trapezoid package provides 'dtrapezoid',...
r-tree 1.0_43 GPL-2 XXX Classification and regression trees.
r-tree.interpreter 0.1.1 MIT X An R re-implementation of the 'treeinterpreter' package on PyPI...
r-treebase 0.1.4 CC0 X Interface to the API for 'TreeBASE' <http://treebase.org>...
r-treeclust 1.1_7 GPL-2 X Create a measure of inter-point dissimilarity useful for clustering...
r-treecm 1.2.2 GPL-2 X The centre of mass is a crucial data for arborists in order to...
r-treedist 2.7.0 GPL-3 X Implements measures of tree similarity, including information-based...
r-treelet 1.1 GPL-2 X Treelets provides a novel construction of multi-scale bases that...
r-treeman 1.1.4 GPL-2 XXX S4 class and methods for intuitive and efficient phylogenetic tree manipulation.
r-treemap 2.4_4 GPL-3 X A treemap is a space-filling visualization of hierarchical structures....
r-treemapify 2.5.6 GPL-3 X Provides 'ggplot2' geoms for drawing treemaps.
r-treeperm 1.6 GPL-2 XXX An implementation of permutation tests in R, supporting both exact and...
r-treesim 2.4 GPL-2 X Simulation methods for phylogenetic trees where (i) all tips are...
r-treetools 1.10.0 GPL-3 X Efficient implementations of functions for the creation, modification...
r-trekfont 0.9.5 GPL-3 X Provides a collection of true type and open type Star Trek-themed fonts.
r-trelliscopejs 0.2.6 BSD_3_clause X Trelliscope is a scalable, flexible, interactive approach to...
r-trend 1.1.6 GPL-3 X The analysis of environmental data often requires the detection of...
r-trendchange 1.2 GPL-3 X Innovative Trend Analysis is a graphical method to examine the trends...
r-trendsegmentr 1.3.0 GPL-3 X Performs the detection of linear trend changes for univariate time...
r-trialsize 1.4 GPL XXX Functions and Examples in Sample Size Calculation in Clinical Research.
r-triangle 1.0 GPL-2 X Provides the "r, q, p, and d" distribution functions for the...
r-triangulation 0.5.0 LGPL-3 X Measuring angles between points in a landscape is much easier than...
r-triebeard 0.4.1 MIT XXX 'Radix trees', or 'tries', are key-value data...
r-trimcluster 0.1_5 GPL-3 X Trimmed k-means clustering. The method is described in Cuesta-Albertos...
r-trimr 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Provides various commonly-used response time trimming methods,...
r-triosgl 1.1.0 GPL-3 XXX Fit a trio model via penalized maximum likelihood. The model is fit for...
r-tripack 1.3_9.1 ACM XXX A constrained two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation package providing...
r-tripsanddipr 0.1.0 MIT X Uses read counts for biallelic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)...
r-tropalgebra 0.1.1 GPL-3 X It includes functions like tropical addition, tropical multiplication...
r-tropfishr 1.6.3 GPL-3 X A compilation of fish stock assessment methods for the analysis of...
r-tropicalsparse 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Some of the basic tropical algebra functionality is provided for sparse...
r-trotter 0.6 GPL-3 X Class definitions and constructors for pseudo-vectors containing all...
r-trtf 0.4_2 GPL-2 X Recursive partytioning of transformation models with corresponding...
r-trueskill 0.1 GPL-3 X An implementation of the TrueSkill algorithm (Herbrich, R., Minka, T....
r-truncatednormal 2.2.2 GPL-3 X A collection of functions to deal with the truncated univariate and...
r-truncdist 1.0_2 GPL-2 X A collection of tools to evaluate probability density functions,...
r-truncgof 0.6_0 GPL-2 XXX Goodness-of-fit tests and some adjusted exploratory tools allowing for...
r-truncnorm 1.0_9 GPL-2 XXX Density, probability, quantile and random number generation functions...
r-truncreg 0.2_5 GPL-2 X Estimation of models for truncated Gaussian variables by maximum likelihood.
r-truncsp 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Semi-parametric estimation of truncated linear regression models
r-trust 0.1_8 MIT X Does local optimization using two derivatives and trust regions....
r-trustedtimestamping 0.2.6 AGPL-3 X Trusted Timestamps (tts) are created by incorporating a hash of a file...
r-trustoptim MPL XXX Trust region algorithm for nonlinear optimization. Efficient when the...
r-trycatchlog 1.3.1 GPL-3 X Advanced tryCatch() and try() functions for better error handling...
r-tsa 1.3.1 GPL-2 X Contains R functions and datasets detailed in the book "Time Series...
r-tsallisqexp 0.9_4 GPL-2 X Tsallis distribution also known as the q-exponential family...
r-tsbox 0.4.1 GPL-3 X Time series toolkit with identical behavior for all time series...
r-tsc 1.0_3 GPL-2 XXX Performs the two-sample comparisons using the following exact test...
r-tsclust 1.3.1 GPL-2 X A set of measures of dissimilarity between time series to perform time...
r-tsdata 2016.8_1 GPL-2 X Illustrates the various 'TSdbi' packages with a vignette using...
r-tsdecomp 0.2 GPL-2 X ARIMA-model-based decomposition of quarterly and monthly time series...
r-tsdf 1.1_8 GPL-2 X Calculate optimal Zhong's two-/three-stage Phase II designs (see...
r-tsdfgs 2.0 GPL-3 XXX We propose an optimality criterion to determine the required training...
r-tsdisagg2 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Disaggregates low frequency time series data to higher frequency...
r-tsdist 3.7.1 GPL-2 X A set of commonly used distance measures and some additional functions...
r-tsdyn 11.0.4 GPL-2 X Implements nonlinear autoregressive (AR) time series models. For...
r-tse 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Calculates total survey error (TSE) for one or more surveys, using...
r-tseind 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Calculates total survey error (TSE) for one or more surveys, using both...
r-tsentropies 0.9 GPL-3 XXX Computes various entropies of given time series. This is the initial...
r-tseries 0.10_54 GPL-2 XXX Time series analysis and computational finance.
r-tserieschaos 0.1_13.1 GPL-2 XXX Routines for the analysis of nonlinear time series. This work is...
r-tseriesmma 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Multiscale multifractal analysis (MMA) (Gierałtowski et al.,...
r-tsetools 0.2.2 BSD_2_clause X Tools to perform some descriptive data analysis for assets. Manage the...
r-tsewgt 0.1.0 GPL-2 X Calculates total survey error (TSE) for a survey under multiple,...
r-tsfeatures 1.1.1 GPL-3 X Methods for extracting various features from time series data. The...
r-tsgsis 0.1 GPL-2 X To provide a high dimensional grouped variable selection approach for...
r-tshrc 0.1_6 MIT XXX Two-stage procedure compares hazard rate functions, which may or may...
r-tsibble 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Provides a 'tbl_ts' class (the 'tsibble') for temporal...
r-tsibbledata 0.4.1 GPL-3 X Provides diverse datasets in the 'tsibble' data structure....
r-tsintermittent 1.10 GPL-2 X Time series methods for intermittent demand forecasting. Includes...
r-tsmn 1.0.0 GPL X Return the first four moments of the SMN distributions (Normal,...
r-tsmodel 0.6_1 GPL-2 X Tools for specifying time series regression models.
r-tsna 0.3.5 GPL-3 X Temporal SNA tools for continuous- and discrete-time longitudinal...
r-tsne 0.1_3.1 GPL-3 X A "pure R" implementation of the t-SNE algorithm.
r-tsoutliers 0.6_8 GPL-2 X Detection of outliers in time series following the Chen and Liu (1993)...
r-tsp 1.2_4 GPL-3 XXX Basic infrastructure and some algorithms for the traveling salesperson...
r-tsqn 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Time Series Qn is a package with applications of the Qn estimator of...
r-tsss 1.3.4_5 GPL-2 XXX Functions for statistical analysis, modeling and simulation of time...
r-tsstudio 0.1.7 MIT X Provides a set of tools for descriptive and predictive analysis of time...
r-tstools 0.4.2 GPL-2 X Plot official statistics' time series conveniently: automatic...
r-tstr 1.2 GPL-2 X A ternary search tree is a type of prefix tree with up to three...
r-tstutorial 1.2.7 GPL X Interactive laboratory of Time Series based in Box-Jenkins methodology.
r-tsutils 0.9.3 GPL-3 X Includes: (i) tests and visualisations that can help the modeller...
r-tsvr 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Tools for timescale decomposition of the classic variance ratio of...
r-ttbbeer 1.1.0 CC0 X U.S. Department of the Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade...
r-tth 4.12_0_1 GPL-2 XXX C source code and R wrappers for the tth/ttm TeX-to-HTML/MathML translators.
r-ttmoment 1.0 GPL-2 X Computing the first two moments of the truncated multivariate t (TMVT)...
r-ttr 0.24.3 GPL-2 XXX A collection of over 50 technical indicators for creating technical...
r-tts 1.1 GPL-2 X Time-Temperature Superposition analysis is often applied to frequency...
r-ttservice 0.4.0 GPL-3 X It provides generic methods that are used by more than one package,...
r-tttplot 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of Time to Target plot based on the work of Ribeiro and...
r-ttutils 1.0_1.1 GPL-2 X Contains some auxiliary functions.
r-ttwa GPL X This package makes Travel To Work Area from a commuting flow data frame.
r-tuber 0.9.9 MIT X Get comments posted on YouTube videos, information on how many times a...
r-tubern 0.1.0 MIT X Get statistics and reports from YouTube. To learn more about the...
r-tuckerr.mmgg 1.5.1 GPL-3 X Performs Three-Mode Principal Components Analysis, which carries out...
r-tufte 0.13 GPL-3 X Provides R Markdown output formats to use Tufte styles for PDF and HTML output.
r-tufterhandout 1.2.1 MIT X Custom template and output formats for use with rmarkdown. Produce...
r-tukeyc 1.3_42 GPL-2 X Perform the conventional Tukey test from formula, lm, aov, aovlist and...
r-tukeytrend 0.7 GPL-2 X Provides wrapper functions to the multiple marginal model function...
r-tumblr 1.2 Artistic-2.0 X Provides an R-interface to the Tumblr web API (see Tumblr v2 API on...
r-tune 1.1.2 MIT X The ability to tune models is important. 'tune' contains...
r-tunepareto 2.5.3 GPL-2 XXX Generic methods for parameter tuning of classification algorithms using...
r-tuner 1.4.5 GPL-2 X Analyze music and speech, extract features like MFCCs, handle wave...
r-tuple 0.4_02 LGPL-3 X Functions to find all matches or non-matches, orphans, and duplicate or...
r-turboem 2021.1 GPL-2 X Algorithms for accelerating the convergence of slow, monotone sequences...
r-turner 0.1.7 GPL-3 X Package designed for working with vectors and lists of vectors, mainly...
r-turtlegraphics 1.0_8 GPL-3 X An implementation of turtle graphics...
r-tutorial 0.4.3 MIT X DataCamp Light (<https://github.com/datacamp/datacamp-light>) is...
r-tuwmodel 1.1_1 GPL-2 XXX The model, developed at the Vienna University of Technology, is a...
r-tvd 0.1.0 EPL XXX Total Variation Denoising is a regularized denoising method which...
r-tvsmiss 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX Use a regularization likelihood method to achieve variable selection...
r-twang 2.5 GPL-3 X Provides functions for propensity score estimating and weighting,...
r-twangcontinuous 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Provides functions for propensity score estimation and weighting for...
r-tweedie 2.3.5 GPL-2 XXX Maximum likelihood computations for Tweedie families, including the...
r-tweenr 2.0.2 MIT X In order to create smooth animation between states of data, tweening is...
r-twfy 0.1.0 GPL-3 X An R wrapper around the API of TheyWorkForYou, a parliamentary...
r-twiddler 0.5_0 GPL-2 X Twiddler is an interactive tool that automatically creates a Tcl/Tk GUI...
r-twilio 0.1.0 MIT X The Twilio web service provides an API for computer programs to...
r-twitter 1.1.9 Artistic-2.0 X Provides an interface to the Twitter web API.
r-twitterwidget 0.1.1 MIT X Include the Twitter status widgets in HTML pages created using R...
r-twocop 1.0 GPL-2 XXXX This package implements the nonparametric test of equality between two...
r-twophaseind 1.1.2 GPL-2 XXX Estimation of gene-treatment interactions in randomized clinical trials...
r-twosamples 2.0.1 GPL-2 XXX Fast randomization based two sample tests. Testing the hypothesis that...
r-twosampletest.hd 1.2 GPL-2 X For high-dimensional data whose main feature is a large number, p, of...
r-twostepclogit 1.2.5 GPL-2 X Conditional logistic regression with longitudinal follow up and...
r-twoway 0.6.3 GPL-3 X Carries out analyses of two-way tables with one observation per cell,...
r-txtplot 1.0_4 LGPL-3 X Provides functions to produce rudimentary ascii graphics directly in...
r-txtq 0.2.4 MIT X This queue is a data structure that lets parallel processes send and...
r-typed 0.0.1 GPL-3 X A type system for R. It supports setting variable types in a script or...
r-types 1.0.0 MIT X Provides a simple type annotation for R that is usable in scripts, in...
r-tzdb 0.4.0 MIT X Provides an up-to-date copy of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority...
r-ubcrm 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Two Phase I designs are implemented in the package: the classical 3+3...
r-ubl 0.0.9 GPL-2 X Provides a set of functions that can be used to obtain better...
r-ucbthesis 1.0 GPL-2 X This package contains latex, knitr and R Markdown templates that adhere...
r-ucminf 1.2.0 GPL-2 XXX An algorithm for general-purpose unconstrained non-linear optimization....
r-ucr.columnnames 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Changes the column names of the inputted dataset to the correct names...
r-ucscxenatools 1.4.8 GPL-3 X Download and explore datasets from UCSC Xena data hubs, which are a...
r-udapi 0.1.3 MIT X A client for the Urban Dictionary <http://www.urbandictionary.com/> API.
r-udderquarterinfectiondata 1.0.0 GPL-3 X The udder quarter infection data set contains infection times of...
r-udpipe 0.8.11 MPL-2.0 XXX This natural language processing toolkit provides language-agnostic...
r-udunits2 GPL-2 XXX Provides simple bindings to Unidata's udunits library.
r-ufs 0.5.10 GPL-3 X This is a new version of the 'userfriendlyscience' package,...
r-ui 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Implements functions to derive uncertainty intervals for (i) regression...
r-uiucthemes 0.3.1 MIT X A set of custom 'R' 'Markdown' templates for documents...
r-ukbabynames 0.3.0 CC0 X Full listing of UK baby names occurring more than three times per year...
r-ukgasapi 0.21 GPL-2 X Allows users to access live UK energy market information via various APIs.
r-ulid 0.3.0 MIT XXX Universally unique identifiers ('UUIDs') can be suboptimal for...
r-ultimixt 2.1 GPL X A generic reference Bayesian analysis of unidimensional mixture...
r-umap MIT X Uniform manifold approximation and projection is a technique for...
r-umoments 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Calculates one-sample unbiased central moment estimates and two-sample...
r-ump 0.5_8 MIT XXX Does uniformly most powerful (UMP) and uniformly most powerful unbiased...
r-umpire 2.0.10 Apache X The Ultimate Microrray Prediction, Reality and Inference Engine...
r-unbalhaar 2.1 GPL-2 X Top-down and bottom-up algorithms for nonparametric function estimation...
r-uncdecomp 1.0.1 GPL-2 X If a procedure consists of several stages and there are several models...
r-unf 2.0.8 GPL-2 X Computes a 'universal numeric fingerprint' ('UNF') for...
r-unfoldr 0.7 GPL-3 XXX Stereological unfolding of the joint size-shape-orientation...
r-unglue 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Use syntax inspired by the package 'glue' to extract matched...
r-unicode 15.0.0_1 GPL-2 X Data from Unicode 15.0.0 and related utilities.
r-unidoe 1.0.2 GPL-3 XXX Efficient procedures for constructing uniform design of experiments...
r-unifed 1.1.6 GPL-3 XXX Probability functions, family for glm() and Stan code for working with...
r-uniisoregression 0.0_0 GPL-2 XXX Perform L1 or L2 isotonic and unimodal regression on 1D weighted or...
r-unikn 0.9.0 CC X Define and use graphical elements of corporate design manuals in R. The...
r-unine 0.2.0 MIT XXX Implementation of "light" stemmers for French, German, Italian,...
r-uniqtag 1.0.1 MIT X For each string in a set of strings, determine a unique tag that is a...
r-unireg 1.1 GPL-3 X Univariate spline regression. It is possible to add the shape...
r-unisensr 0.3.3 LGPL-3 X Provides the ability to read 'Unisens' data into R....
r-unitcircle 0.1.3 GPL-3 X The uc.check() function checks whether the roots of a given polynomial...
r-unitedr 0.4 GPL-2 X United is a software tool which can be downloaded at the following...
r-unitizer 1.4.20 GPL-2 X Simplifies regression tests by comparing objects produced by test code...
r-units 0.8_4 GPL-2 XXX Support for measurement units in R vectors, matrices and arrays:...
r-unittest 1.6_0 GPL-3 X Concise TAP <http://testanything.org/> compliant unit testing...
r-univariateml 1.1.1 MIT X User-friendly maximum likelihood estimation (Fisher (1921)...
r-universals 0.0.5 MIT X Provides S3 generic methods and some default implementations for...
r-univrng 1.2.3 GPL-2 X Pseudo-random number generation of 17 univariate distributions proposed...
r-unix 1.5.5 MIT XX Bindings to system utilities found in most Unix systems such as POSIX...
r-unmarked 1.3.2 GPL-3 XXX Fits hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence to data...
r-unrepx 1.0_2 GPL-2 X Provides half-normal plots, reference plots, and Pareto plots of...
r-unrtf 1.4.3 GPL-3 X Wraps the 'unrtf' utility...
r-unsystation 0.2.0 GPL-2 XXX Performs a test for second-order stationarity of time series based on...
r-unvotes 0.3.0 MIT X Historical voting data of the United Nations General Assembly. This...
r-updater 0.1.2 MIT X When updating major or minor R versions all packages should be...
r-upsetr 1.4.0 MIT X Creates visualizations of intersecting sets using a novel matrix...
r-upsvarapprox 0.1.4 GPL-3 X Variance approximations for the Horvitz-Thompson total estimator in...
r-uptimerobot 1.0.0 MIT X Provide a set of wrappers to call all the endpoints of UptimeRobot API...
r-urbin 0.1_12 GPL-2 X Calculate unified measures that quantify the effect of a covariate on a...
r-urca 1.3_3 GPL-2 XXX Unit root and cointegration tests encountered in applied econometric...
r-urlchecker 1.0.1 GPL-3 X Provide the URL checking tools available in R 4.1+ as a package for...
r-urlshortener 1.5.7 Apache X Allows using two URL shortening services, which also provide expanding...
r-urltools 1.7.3 MIT X A toolkit for all URL-handling needs, including encoding and decoding,...
r-uroot 2.1_2 GPL-2 XXXX Seasonal unit roots and seasonal stability tests. P-values based on...
r-usa.state.boundaries 1.0.1 CC0 X Contains a WGS84 datum map of the USA, which includes all Commonwealth...
r-usaboundaries 0.4.0 MIT X The boundaries for geographical units in the United States of America...
r-uscensus2000cdp 0.03 GPL-2 X US Census 2000 Designated Places shapefiles and additional demographic...
r-uscensus2000tract 0.03 GPL-2 X US 2000 Census Tract shapefiles and additional demographic data from...
r-uscensus2010 0.20.0 GPL-2 X US Census 2010 shape files and additional demographic data from the SF1...
r-usdata 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Demographic data on the United States at the county and state levels...
r-usdm 2.1_7 GPL-3 X This is a framework that aims to provide methods and tools for...
r-usedist 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Functions to re-arrange, extract, and work with distances.
r-useful BSD_3_clause X A set of little functions that have been found useful to do little odds...
r-usethis 2.2.2 MIT X Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed...
r-usgas 0.1.2 MIT X Provides an overview of the demand for natural gas in the US by state...
r-usgsstates2k 1.0.1 CC0 X A map of the USA from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)....
r-usingr 2.0_7 GPL-2 X A collection of data sets to accompany the textbook "Using R for...
r-usmap 0.6.2 GPL-3 X Obtain United States map data frames of varying region types (e.g....
r-usmapdata 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides a container for data used by the 'usmap' package. The...
r-ustatbookabsc 1.0.0 GPL-3 X A set of functions leading to multivariate response L1 regression. This...
r-ustyc 1.0.0 MIT X Forms a query to submit for US Treasury yield curve data, posting this...
r-utc 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Three functions are provided: first function changes time from local to...
r-utf8 1.2.4 Apache XXX Process and print 'UTF-8' encoded international text (Unicode)....
r-utility 1.4.6 GPL-3 X Construct and plot objective hierarchies and associated value and...
r-uuid 1.1_1 MIT XXX Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers).
r-uwot 0.1.16 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection...
r-v8 4.4.0 MIT XX An R interface to V8 <https://v8.dev>: Google's open source...
r-vaersndvax 1.0.4 CC0 X Non-Domestic VAERS vaccine data for 01/01/2016 - 06/14/2016. If you...
r-vaersvax 1.0.5 CC0 X US VAERS vaccine data for 01/01/2018 - 06/14/2018. If you want to...
r-valaddin 1.0.1 MIT X A set of basic tools to transform functions into functions with input...
r-valection 1.0.0 GPL-3 X A binding for the 'valection' program which offers various ways...
r-valetr 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Interface to Bank of Canada's 'Valet' API...
r-validate 1.1.3 GPL-3 X Declare data validation rules and data quality indicators; confront...
r-validatejsonr 1.0.4 BSD_2_clause XXX The current implementation uses the C++ library 'RapidJSON' to...
r-valorate 1.0_1 GPL-2 XXX The algorithm implemented in this package was designed to quickly...
r-valottery 0.0.1 CC0 X Historical results for the state of Virginia lottery draw games. Data...
r-vapour 0.9.5 GPL-3 X Provides low-level access to 'GDAL' functionality....
r-var.etp 1.1 GPL-2 X A collection of the functions for estimation, hypothesis testing,...
r-varband 0.9.0 GPL-3 XXX Implementation of the variable banding procedure for modeling local...
r-varbin 0.2.1 GPL-2 X Tool for easy and efficient discretization of continuous and...
r-vardiag 0.2_1 GPL-2 X Interactive variogram diagnostics.
r-vared 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Generating functions for both optimal and ordinary difference...
r-vares 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Computes Value at risk and expected shortfall, two most popular...
r-varhandle 2.0.6 GPL-2 X Variables are the fundamental parts of each programming language but...
r-variables 1.1_1 GPL-2 X Abstract descriptions of (yet) unobserved variables.
r-variancegamma 0.4_0 GPL-2 X Provides functions for the variance gamma distribution. Density,...
r-varimp 0.4 GPL-3 X Computes the random forest variable importance (VIMP) for the...
r-vars 1.5_9 GPL-2 XXXX Estimation, lag selection, diagnostic testing, forecasting, causality...
r-varsedig 1.9 GPL-2 X An algorithm which identifies the morphometric features that...
r-varsel 0.2 GPL-3 X Feature selection using Sequential Forward Floating feature Selection...
r-varselrf 0.7_8 GPL-2 X Variable selection from random forests using both backwards variable...
r-varswapprice 1.0 GPL-3 X Computes a portfolio of European options that replicates the cost of...
r-vaultr 1.1.1 MIT X Provides an interface to a 'HashiCorp' vault server over its...
r-vbdm 0.0.4 GPL-2 XXX Efficient algorithm for solving discrete mixture regression model for...
r-vbsr 0.0.5 GPL-2 XXX Efficient algorithm for solving ultra-sparse regularized regression...
r-vca 1.4.5 GPL-3 XXX ANOVA and REML estimation of linear mixed models is implemented, once...
r-vcd 1.4_11 GPL-2 X Visualization techniques, data sets, summary and inference procedures...
r-vcdextra 0.8_5 GPL-2 X Provides additional data sets, methods and documentation to complement...
r-vcfr 1.14.0 GPL-3 X Facilitates easy manipulation of variant call format (VCF) data....
r-vcov 0.0.1 GPL-2 X Methods for faster extraction (about 5x faster in a few test cases) of...
r-vcr 1.2.2 MIT X Record test suite 'HTTP' requests and replays them during...
r-vctrs 0.6.4 MIT X Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to provide...
r-vcvcomp 1.0.2 GPL-3 X Comparison of variance - covariance patterns using relative principal...
r-vdgraph 2.2_7 GPL-2 XXX Uses a modification of the published FORTRAN code in "A Computer...
r-vdiffr 1.0.7 MIT X An extension to the 'testthat' package that makes it easy to...
r-vdjgermlines 0.1 GPL-2 X Contains variable, diversity, and joining sequences and accompanying...
r-vdspcalibration 1.0 GPL-3 X Provides statistical methods for the design and analysis of a...
r-vec2dtransf 1.1.3 GPL-2 X Applies affine and similarity transformations on vector spatial data...
r-vecsets 1.3.1 LGPL-3 X The 'base' tools union() intersect(), etc., follow the...
r-vecstatgraphs2d 1.8 GPL-3 X A 2D statistical analysis is performed, both numerical and graphical,...
r-vegalite 0.6.1 AGPL-3 X The 'Vega-Lite' 'JavaScript' framework provides a...
r-vegan 2.6_4 GPL-2 X Ordination methods, diversity analysis and other functions for...
r-vegawidget 0.4.3 MIT X 'Vega' and 'Vega-Lite' parse text in 'JSON'...
r-vegdata GPL-2 X Handling of vegetation data from different sources ( Turboveg 2.0...
r-vegetarian 1.2 GPL-2 X This package computes diversity for community data sets using the...
r-vegperiod 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Collection of common methods to determine growing season length in a...
r-vembedr 0.1.5 MIT X A set of functions for generating HTML to embed hosted video in your R...
r-venn 1.11 GPL-3 X Draws and displays Venn diagrams up to 7 sets, and any Boolean union of...
r-venndiagram 1.7.3 GPL-2 X A set of functions to generate high-resolution Venn and Euler plots....
r-venneuler 1.1_3 MPL-1.1 X Calculates and displays Venn and Euler Diagrams.
r-verification 1.42 GPL-2 X Utilities for verifying discrete, continuous and probabilistic...
r-versions 0.3 BSD_3_clause X Installs specified versions of R packages hosted on CRAN and provides...
r-vertexsimilarity 0.1 GPL-2 X Creates Vertex Similarity matrix of an undirected graph based on the...
r-verylargeintegers 0.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Multi-precision library that allows to store and operate with...
r-vetiver 0.2.4 MIT X The goal of 'vetiver' is to provide fluent tooling to version,...
r-vetr 0.2.15 GPL-2 XXX Declarative template-based framework for verifying that objects meet...
r-vfprogression 0.7.1 GPL-2 X Realization of published methods to analyze visual field (VF)...
r-vgam 1.1_9 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of about 6 major classes of statistical regression...
r-vgamdata 1.1_9 GPL-2 X Mainly data sets to accompany the VGAM package and the book "Vector...
r-vgamextra 0.0_5 GPL-2 XXX Extending the functionalities of the 'VGAM' package with...
r-vhdclassification 0.3 GPL-2 X This package provides an implementation of Linear discriminant analysis...
r-vhica 0.2.8 GPL-2 X The "Vertical and Horizontal Inheritance Consistence Analysis"...
r-vicmodel 0.1.2 GPL-3 XXX The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model is a macroscale...
r-vietnamcode 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Converts Vietnam's provinces' names and ID across different...
r-vif 1.0 GPL-2 X This package implements a fast regression algorithm for building linear...
r-vifcp 1.2 LGPL-3 XXX Contains a function to support the following paper: Xiaoping Shi,...
r-vigor 1.1.2 MIT XXX Conducts linear regression using variational Bayesian inference,...
r-vim 6.2.2 GPL-2 X New tools for the visualization of missing and/or imputed values are...
r-vinecopula 2.5.0 GPL-2 X Provides tools for the statistical analysis of regular vine copula...
r-violinmplot 0.2.1 GPL-2 X A lattice violin-plot is overlayed with the arithmetic mean and...
r-vioplot 0.4.0 BSD_3_clause X A violin plot is a combination of a box plot and a kernel density plot....
r-viopoints 0.2_1 GPL-2 X viopoints draws one dimensional scatter plots with jitter using kernel...
r-vip 0.4.1 GPL-2 X A general framework for constructing variable importance plots from...
r-vipor 0.4.5 GPL-2 X Generate a violin point plot, a combination of a violin/histogram plot...
r-viridis 0.6.4 MIT XXXX Color maps designed to improve graph readability for readers with...
r-viridislite 0.4.2 MIT XXXX Color maps designed to improve graph readability for readers with...
r-virustotal 0.2.2 MIT X Use VirusTotal, a Google service that analyzes files and URLs for...
r-visdat 0.6.0 MIT X Create preliminary exploratory data visualisations of an entire dataset...
r-visielse 1.2.2 AGPL-3 X A graphical R package designed to visualize behavioral observations...
r-visnetwork 2.1.2 MIT XXXX Provides an R interface to the 'vis.js' JavaScript charting...
r-visreg 2.7.0 GPL-3 X Provides a convenient interface for constructing plots to visualize the...
r-vistime 1.2.4 GPL-3 X A library for creating time based charts, like Gantt or timelines....
r-visualize 4.4.0 MIT X Graphs the pdf or pmf and highlights what area or probability is...
r-vita 1.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Implements the novel testing approach by Janitza et al.(2015)...
r-vitae 0.5.3 GPL-3 X Provides templates and functions to simplify the production and...
r-vitality 1.3 GPL-2 X Provides fitting routines for four versions of the Vitality family of...
r-vkr 0.2 GPL-3 X Provides an interface to the VK API <https://vk.com/dev/methods>....
r-vlad 0.2.2 GPL-2 XXX Contains functions to set up risk-adjusted quality control charts in...
r-vlf 1.1 GPL-3 X Using frequency matrices, very low frequency variants (VLFs) are...
r-vlmc 1.4_3_1 GPL-2 XXX Functions, Classes & Methods for estimation, prediction, and...
r-vmask 1.0 LGPL-3 X The cumulative sum (CUSUM) control chart is considered to be an...
r-vnm 7.1 GPL-2 XXX Provide tools for finding multiple-objective optimal designs for...
r-vocaldia 0.8.4 GPL-3 X Create adjacency matrices of vocalisation graphs from dataframes...
r-volesti 1.1.2_7 LGPL-3 XXX Provides an R interface for 'volesti' C++ package....
r-volleystat 0.2.0 CC0 X Volleyball match statistics of the German volleyball first division...
r-vortexrdata 1.0.5 GPL-3 X Contains selected data from two publications, Campbell 'et'...
r-vote 2.3_2 GPL-2 X Counting election votes and determining election results by different...
r-votesys 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Various methods to count ballots in voting systems are provided....
r-vottrans 1.0 GPL-3 X Calculates voter transitions comparing two elections, using the...
r-vowels 1.2_2 GPL-3 X Procedures for the manipulation, normalization, and plotting of...
r-voxr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Tools for 3D point cloud voxelisation, projection, geometrical and...
r-vpc 1.2.2 MIT X Visual predictive checks are a commonly used diagnostic plot in...
r-vrmlgen 1.4.9 GPL-2 X vrmlgen creates 3D scatter and bar plots, visualizations of 3D meshes,...
r-vroom 1.6.4 MIT X The goal of 'vroom' is to read and write data (like...
r-vrtest 1.2 GPL-2 X A collection of statistical tests for martingale difference...
r-vstsr 1.1.0 GPL-2 X Implementation of 'Azure DevOps'...
r-vtable 1.4.6 MIT X Automatically generates HTML variable documentation including variable...
r-vtreat 1.6.4 GPL-2 X A 'data.frame' processor/conditioner that prepares real-world...
r-vudc 1.1 GPL-2 X Contains functions for visualization univariate data: ccdplot and qddplot.
r-vwr 0.3.0 GPL-3 X Functions and data for use in visual word recognition research: ...
r-w3cmarkupvalidator 0.1_7 GPL-2 X R interface to a W3C Markup Validation service. See...
r-waffect 1.2 GPL-3 XXX waffect (pronounced 'double-u affect' for 'weighted...
r-waffle 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used to communicate...
r-wahc 1.0 GPL-3 X Fit the fixed effect panel data model with heteroskedasticity and...
r-waiter 0.2.5 MIT X Full screen and partial loading screens for 'Shiny' with...
r-wakefield 0.3.6 GPL-2 X Generates random data sets including: data.frames, lists, and vectors.
r-waldo 0.5.1 MIT X Compare complex R objects and reveal the key differences. Designed...
r-walkscoreapi 1.2 GPL-2 X A collection of functions to perform the Application Programming...
r-wamasim 1.0.0 GPL-3 X The outcome of various rehabilitation strategies for water distribution...
r-wand 0.5.0 MIT X 'MIME' types are shorthand descriptors for file contents and...
r-warbler 1.1.29 GPL-2 X Functions aiming to facilitate the analysis of the structure of animal...
r-warn 1.2_4 GPL-3 X This estimates precise weaning ages for a given skeletal population by...
r-warp 0.2.1 MIT X Tooling to group dates by a variety of periods including: yearly,...
r-washdata 0.1.3 CC0 X Urban water and sanitation survey dataset collected by Water and...
r-washer 0.1.3 GPL-2 X Time series outlier detection with non parametric test. This is a new...
r-waterfall 1.0.2 BSD_2_clause X Provides support for creating waterfall charts in R using both...
r-waterfalls 1.0.0 MIT X A not uncommon task for quants is to create 'waterfall charts'....
r-wateryeartype 1.0.1 MIT X Provides Water Year Hydrologic Classification Indices based on measured...
r-waved 1.2 GPL-3 X Makes available code necessary to reproduce figures and tables in...
r-wavefunction 1.0.0 Apache X Real probability distributions can be represented as the square of an...
r-waveletcomp 1.1 GPL-2 X Wavelet analysis and reconstruction of time series, cross-wavelets and...
r-wavelets 0.3_0.2 GPL-2 XXX Contains functions for computing and plotting discrete wavelet...
r-waveslim 1.8.4 BSD_3_clause XXX Basic wavelet routines for time series (1D), image (2D) and array (3D)...
r-wavethresh 4.7.2 GPL-2 XXX Performs 1, 2 and 3D real and complex-valued wavelet transforms,...
r-wbs 1.4 GPL-2 XXX Provides efficient implementation of the Wild Binary Segmentation and...
r-wbstats 1.0.4 MIT X Search and download data from the World Bank Data API.
r-wce 1.0.2 GPL-2 X A flexible method for modeling cumulative effects of time-varying...
r-wcorr 1.9.8 GPL-2 XXX Calculates Pearson, Spearman, polychoric, and polyserial correlation...
r-wcq 0.2 GPL-3 X The package contains the WCQ method for detection of QTL effects in a...
r-wdi 2.7.8 GPL-3 X Search and download data from over 40 databases hosted by the World...
r-wdm 0.2.4 MIT XXX Provides efficient implementations of weighted dependence measures and...
r-wdman 0.2.6 MIT X There are a number of binary files associated with the...
r-wdpar 1.3.7 GPL-3 X Fetch and clean data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)...
r-weatherdata 0.5.0 GPL XXX Functions that help in fetching weather data from websites. Given a...
r-weathermetrics 1.2.2 GPL-2 X Functions to convert between weather metrics, including conversions for...
r-webchem 1.3.0 MIT X Chemical information from around the web. This package interacts with a...
r-webddx 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Freely available online differential-diagnosis generating tools are...
r-webdriver 1.0.6 MIT X A client for the 'WebDriver' 'API'. It allows driving a...
r-webex 0.9.1 CC X Functions for easily creating interactive web pages using 'R...
r-webexercises 1.1.0 CC X Functions for easily creating interactive web pages using 'R...
r-webfakes 1.2.1 MIT X Create a web app that makes it easier to test web clients without using...
r-webmockr 0.9.0 MIT X Stubbing and setting expectations on 'HTTP' requests. Includes...
r-webp 1.2.0 MIT XXX Lossless webp images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNG. Lossy...
r-webpower 0.9.4 GPL-3 X This is a collection of tools for conducting both basic and advanced...
r-webr 0.1.5 GPL-3 X Several analysis-related functions for the book entitled "Web-based...
r-websearchr 0.0.3 MIT X Functions that allow for accessing domains and a number of search engines.
r-webshot 0.5.5 GPL-2 XXXX Takes screenshots of web pages, including Shiny applications and R...
r-webshot2 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Takes screenshots of web pages, including Shiny applications and R...
r-websocket 1.4.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides a 'WebSocket' client interface for R....
r-webutils 1.1 MIT XXX Parses http request data in application/json, multipart/form-data, or...
r-weco 1.2 GPL-3 XXX Western Electric Company Rules (WECO) have been widely used for...
r-wee 1.0 GPL-2 X Secondary analysis of case-control studies using a weighted estimating...
r-weibullness 1.23.8 GPL-2 X Performs a goodness-of-fit test for Weibull distribution (weibullness...
r-weibullr 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXX Life data analysis in the graphical tradition of Waloddi Weibull....
r-weighted.desc.stat 1.0 LGPL-3 X Weighted descriptive statistics is the discipline of quantitatively...
r-weightedporttest 1.1 GPL-3 X An implementation of the Weighted Portmanteau Tests described in...
r-weightedroc 2020.1.31 GPL-3 X Fast computation of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and...
r-weightit 0.14.2 GPL-2 X Generates balancing weights for causal effect estimation in...
r-weightquant 1.0.1 GPL X Estimation of observation-specific weights for incomplete longitudinal...
r-weightr 2.0.2 GPL-2 X Estimates the Vevea and Hedges (1995) weight-function model. By...
r-weights 1.0.4 GPL-2 X Provides a variety of functions for producing simple weighted...
r-weightsvm 1.7_11 GPL-2 X Functions for subject/instance weighted support vector machines (SVM)....
r-weirs 0.25 GPL-2 X Provides computational support for flow over weirs, such as...
r-welchadf 0.3.2 LGPL-3 X Implementation of Johansen's general formulation of...
r-wemix 4.0.0 GPL-2 X Run mixed-effects models that include weights at every level. The WeMix...
r-wesanderson 0.3.6 MIT X Palettes generated mostly from 'Wes Anderson' movies.
r-wfe 1.9.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides a computationally efficient way of fitting weighted linear...
r-wfg 0.1 GPL-2 X Implementation of Weighted Fast Greedy algorithm for community...
r-wgteff 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Functions for determining the effect of data weights on the variance of...
r-wheatmap 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Builds complex plots, heatmaps in particular, using natural semantics....
r-whereami 0.2.0 MIT X Robust and reliable functions to return informative outputs to console...
r-whiboclustering 0.1.2 GPL-3 X White Box Cluster Algorithm Design allows you to create Representative...
r-whisker 0.4.1 GPL-3 XXXX Implements 'Mustache' logicless templating.
r-whitebox 2.3.1 MIT X An R frontend for the 'WhiteboxTools' library, which is an...
r-whitechapelr 0.3.0 MIT X Provides a set of functions to make tracking the hidden movements of...
r-whitening 1.4.0 GPL-3 X Implements the whitening methods (ZCA, PCA, Cholesky, ZCA-cor, and...
r-whoami 1.3.0 MIT X Look up the username and full name of the current user, the current...
r-whoapi 0.1.2 MIT X Retrieve data from the 'Whoapi' (https://whoapi.com) store of...
r-whopgenome 0.9.7 GPL-2 XXX Provides very fast access to whole genome, population scale variation...
r-wicket 0.4.0 MIT XXX Utilities to generate bounding boxes from 'WKT' (Well-Known...
r-widgetframe 0.3.1 MIT X Provides two functions 'frameableWidget()', and...
r-widyr 0.1.5 MIT X Encapsulates the pattern of untidying data into a wide matrix,...
r-wikibooks 0.2.1 GPL-2 X The german Wikibook "GNU R" introduces R to new users. This...
r-wikidataqueryservicer 1.0.0 MIT X An API client for the 'Wikidata Query Service'...
r-wikidatar 2.3.3 MIT X Read from, interogate, and write to Wikidata...
r-wikifacts 0.4.2 CC0 X Query Wikidata and get facts from current and historic Wikipedia main pages.
r-wikipediar 1.1 GPL X Provides an interface to the Wikipedia web application programming...
r-wikipedir 1.5.0 MIT X A wrapper for the MediaWiki API, aimed particularly at the Wikimedia...
r-wikitaxa 0.4.0 MIT X 'Taxonomic' information from 'Wikipedia',...
r-wilcoxcv 1.0_2 GPL-2 X This package provides functions to perform fast variable selection...
r-wildcard 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Generate data frames from templates.
r-wildmeta 0.3.2 GPL-3 X Conducts single coefficient tests and multiple-contrast hypothesis...
r-wildpoker 1.1 GPL-3 X Provides insight into how the best hand for a poker game changes based...
r-winch 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Obtain the native stack trace and fuse it with R's stack trace for...
r-wingui 0.2 GPL-2 XXX Helps for interfacing with the operating system particularly for Windows.
r-wisam 0.2.8 GPL-3 X In the course of a genome-wide association study, the situation often...
r-withr 2.5.1 MIT XXXX A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and temporarily...
r-wk 0.8.0 MIT X Provides a minimal R and C++ API for parsing well-known binary and...
r-wkb 0.4_0 BSD_3_clause X Utility functions to convert between the 'Spatial' classes...
r-wktmo 1.0.5 GPL-2 X Converts weekly data to monthly data. Users can use three types of week...
r-wlreg GPL-2 XXX Use various regression models for the analysis of win loss endpoints...
r-wmdb 1.0 GPL-2 X Distance discriminant analysis method is one of classification methods...
r-wmwssp 0.4.0 GPL-3 X Calculates the minimal sample size for the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test...
r-wnl 0.7.3 GPL-3 X This is a set of minimization tools (maximum likelihood estimation and...
r-wnnsel 0.1 GPL-2 X New tools for the imputation of missing values in high-dimensional data...
r-woe 0.2 GPL-2 X Shows the relationship between an independent and dependent variable...
r-woebinning 0.1.6 GPL-2 X Implements an automated binning of numeric variables and factors with...
r-wooldridge 1.4_3 GPL-3 X Students learning both econometrics and R may find the introduction to...
r-worcs 0.1.14 GPL-3 X Create reproducible and transparent research projects in 'R'....
r-word.alignment 1.1 GPL-2 X For a given Sentence-Aligned Parallel Corpus, it aligns words for each...
r-word2vec 0.4.0 Apache X Learn vector representations of words by continuous bag of words and...
r-wordcloud 2.6 LGPL-2.1 XXX Functionality to create pretty word clouds, visualize differences and...
r-wordcloud2 0.2.1 GPL-2 X A fast visualization tool for creating wordcloud by using...
r-wordmatch 1.0 GPL-2 X Matches words in one file with words in another file and shows...
r-wordnet 0.1_16 MIT X An interface to WordNet using the Jawbone Java API to WordNet. WordNet...
r-wordpools 1.2.0 GPL-2 X Collects several classical word pools used most often to provide lists...
r-wordspace 0.2_8 GPL-3 X An interactive laboratory for research on distributional semantic...
r-workflowr 1.7.1 MIT X Provides a workflow for your analysis projects by combining literate...
r-workflows 1.1.3 MIT X Managing both a 'parsnip' model and a preprocessor, such as a...
r-workflowsets 1.0.1 MIT X A workflow is a combination of a model and preprocessors (e.g, a...
r-worldflora 1.13_2 GPL-3 X World Flora Online is an online flora of all known plants, available...
r-worldfootballr 0.6.2 GPL-3 X Allow users to obtain clean and tidy football (soccer) game, team and...
r-worldmet 0.9.8 GPL-2 X Functions to import data from more than 30,000 surface meteorological...
r-worms 0.2.2 AGPL-3 X Retrieves taxonomic information from ...
r-worrms 0.4.3 MIT X Client for World Register of Marine Species...
r-wperm 1.0.1 GPL-2 X Supplies permutation-test alternatives to traditional hypothesis-test...
r-wpkde 0.1 GPL-3 XXX Weighted Piecewise Kernel Density Estimation for large data.
r-wpp2008 1.0_1 GPL-2 X Data from the United Nation's World Population Prospects 2008
r-wpp2010 1.2_0 GPL-2 X Data from the United Nation's World Population Prospects 2010
r-wpp2012 2.2_1 GPL-2 X Data from the United Nation's World Population Prospects 2012
r-wpp2015 1.1_2 GPL-2 X Provides data from the United Nation's World Population Prospects 2015.
r-wpp2017 1.2_3 GPL-2 X Provides data from the United Nation's World Population Prospects 2017.
r-wpp2019 1.1_1 file X Provides data from the United Nation's World Population Prospects 2019.
r-wrapr 2.1.0 GPL-2 X Tools for writing and debugging R code. Provides: '%.>%'...
r-wrassp 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX A wrapper around Michel Scheffers's 'libassp'...
r-wrgraph 1.3.6 GPL-3 X Additional options for making graphics in the context of analyzing...
r-wrightmap 1.3 BSD_2_clause X A powerful yet simple graphical tool available in the field of...
r-write.snns 0.0_4.2 GPL-2 X Function for writing a SNNS pattern file from a data.frame or matrix.
r-writexl 1.4.2 BSD_2_clause XXX Zero-dependency data frame to xlsx exporter based on...
r-writexls 6.4.0 GPL-2 X Cross-platform Perl based R function to create Excel 2003 (XLS) and...
r-wrmisc 1.13.0 GPL-3 X The efficient treatment and convenient analysis of experimental...
r-wrs2 1.1_5 GPL-3 X A collection of robust statistical methods based on Wilcox' WRS...
r-wrswor 1.1.1 GPL-3 XXX A collection of implementations of classical and novel algorithms for...
r-wrswor.benchmark 0.2 GPL-3 X Includes performance measurements and results of repeated experiment...
r-wskm 1.4.40 GPL-3 XXX Entropy weighted k-means (ewkm) by Liping Jing, Michael K. Ng and...
r-wsrf 1.7.30 GPL-2 XXX A parallel implementation of Weighted Subspace Random Forest. The...
r-wsvm 0.1_7 GPL-2 X We propose weighted SVM methods with penalization form. By adding...
r-wtest 3.2 GPL-2 XXX Perform the calculation of W-test, diagnostic checking, calculate minor...
r-wtss 1.1.0 GPL-3 X An R client that provides remote access to satellite image time series....
r-wvplots 1.3.7 GPL-2 X Select data analysis plots, under a standardized calling interface...
r-wvtool 1.0 GPL-2 X This tool, wood vision tool, is intended to facilitate preprocessing...
r-wwgbook 1.0.2 GPL-2 X Book is "Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide Using Statistical...
r-wwr 1.2.2 GPL-2 XXX Calculate the (weighted) win loss statistics including the win ratio,...
r-x12 1.10.3 GPL-2 X The 'X13-ARIMA-SEATS'...
r-x13binary 1.1.57_4 file XXXX The US Census Bureau provides a seasonal adjustment program now called...
r-xaringan 0.28 MIT X Create HTML5 slides with R Markdown and the JavaScript library...
r-xaringanthemer 0.4.2 MIT X Create beautifully color-coordinated and customized themes for your...
r-xbrl GPL-2 XXX Functions to extract business financial information from an Extensible...
r-xefun 0.1.5 MIT X Miscellaneous functions used for x-engineering (feature engineering) or...
r-xfun 0.40 MIT XXXX Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by...
r-xgboost doc dev Apache XXX Extreme Gradient Boosting, which is an efficient implementation of the...
r-xgboost-cpu 0.90 XXX None
r-xgboost-gpu 0.80 X None
r-xgobi 1.2_15 file X Interface to the XGobi and XGvis programs for graphical data analysis.
r-xgxr 1.1.2 MIT X Supports a structured approach for exploring PKPD data...
r-xhwe 1.0 GPL-2 X Conduct the likelihood ratio tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at...
r-ximple 0.11_2 GPL-3 X Provides a simple XML tree parser/generator. It includes functions to...
r-xlconnect 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Provides comprehensive functionality to read, write and format Excel data.
r-xlconnectjars 0.2_15 GPL-3 X Provides external JAR dependencies for the XLConnect package.
r-xlink 1.0.1 GPL-2 X The expression of X-chromosome undergoes three possible biological...
r-xllim 2.2.1 GPL-2 X Provides a tool for non linear mapping (non linear regression) using a...
r-xls 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Given the date column as an ascending entry, future errors are included...
r-xlsimple 0.0.1 GPL-3 X Provides a simple wrapper for some 'XLConnect' functions....
r-xlsx 0.6.5 GPL-3 XXXX Provide R functions to read/write/format Excel 2007 and Excel...
r-xlsxjars 0.6.1 GPL-3 XXXX The xlsxjars package collects all the external jars required for the...
r-xltabr 0.1.2 GPL-3 X Writes beautifully formatted cross tabulations to Excel using...
r-xmisc 0.2.1 GPL-2 X This is Xiaobei's miscellaneous classes and functions useful when...
r-xml 3.99_0.17 BSD_3_clause XXX Many approaches for both reading and creating XML (and HTML) documents...
r-xml2 1.3.6 MIT XXX Work with XML files using a simple, consistent interface. Built on top...
r-xml2r 0.0.6 GPL-2 X XML2R is a framework that reduces the effort required to transform XML...
r-xmlparsedata 1.0.5 MIT X Convert the output of 'utils::getParseData()' to an...
r-xmlrpc2 1.1 GPL-3 X The 'XML-RPC' is a remote procedure call protocol based on...
r-xnomial 1.0.4 GPL-3 XXX Tests whether a set of counts fit a given expected ratio. For example,...
r-xopen 1.0.0 MIT X Cross platform solution to open files, directories or 'URLs'...
r-xplorerr 0.1.2 MIT XX Tools for interactive data exploration built using 'shiny'....
r-xptr 1.1.3 MIT XXX There is limited native support for external pointers in the R...
r-xr 0.7.2 GPL-2 X Support for interfaces from R to other languages, built around a class...
r-xrf 0.2.2 MIT X An implementation of the RuleFit algorithm as described in Friedman...
r-xrscc 0.1 GPL-2 X This is a set of statistical quality control functions, that allows...
r-xslt 1.4.4 GPL-2 XXX An extension for the 'xml2' package to transform XML documents...
r-xtable 1.8_4 GPL-2 XXXX Coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables.
r-xtal 1.15 GPL-2 X This is the tool set for crystallographer to design and analyze...
r-xtensor 0.13.2_0 BSD_3_clause XXX The 'xtensor' C++ library for numerical analysis with...
r-xtermstyle 3.0.5 GPL-2 X Can be used for coloring output in terminals. It was developed for the...
r-xts 0.13.1 GPL-2 XXX Provide for uniform handling of R's different time-based data...
r-xwf 0.2_3 MIT X Extrema-weighted feature extraction for varying length functional data....
r-xyloplot 1.6 GPL-2 X A method for creating vertical histograms sharing a y-axis using base graphics.
r-xyz 0.2 GPL-3 XXX High dimensional interaction search by brute force requires a quadratic...
r-yacca 1.4_2 GPL-3 X An alternative canonical correlation/redundancy analysis function, with...
r-yaimpute 1.0_33 GPL-2 XXX Performs nearest neighbor-based imputation using one or more...
r-yakmor 0.1.1 GPL-2 XXX This is a simple wrapper for the yakmo K-Means library (developed by...
r-yaletoolkit 4.2.3 LGPL-3 X This collection of data exploration tools was developed at Yale...
r-yaml 2.3.7 BSD_3_clause XXX Implements the 'libyaml' 'YAML' 1.1 parser and emitter...
r-yardstick 1.2.0 MIT X Tidy tools for quantifying how well model fits to a data set such as...
r-yarr 0.1.2 GPL-3 X A parser and a writer for 'WEKA' Attribute-Relation File Format...
r-yarrr 0.1.5 GPL-2 X Contains a mixture of functions and data sets referred to in the...
r-yasp 0.2.0 MIT X A collection of string functions designed for writing compact and...
r-yatah 0.2.1 GPL-3 X Provides functions to manage taxonomy when lineages are described with...
r-yesno 0.1.2 GPL-2 X Asks Yes-No questions with variable or custom responses.
r-yfr 1.1.0 MIT X Facilitates download of financial data from Yahoo Finance...
r-yhat 2.0_4 GPL-2 X The purpose of this package is to provide methods to interpret multiple...
r-yhatr 0.15.1 FreeBSD X Deploy, maintain, and invoke models via the Yhat REST API.
r-yieldcurve 5.1 GPL-2 X Modelling the yield curve with some parametric models. The models...
r-ykmeans 1.0 GPL-3 X The clustering by k-means of using the target variable. To determine...
r-yll 1.0.0 GPL-2 X Compute the standard expected years of life lost (YLL), as developed by...
r-yonder 0.2.0 GPL-3 X Build 'shiny' applications with the latest Bootstrap components...
r-ypinterimtesting 1.0.3 GPL-3 XXX For any spending function specified by the user, this package provides...
r-ypmodel 1.4 GPL-3 X Inference procedures accommodate a flexible range of hazard ratio...
r-yulab.utils 0.1.0 Artistic-2.0 X Miscellaneous functions commonly used by 'YuLab-SMU'.
r-yum 0.1.0 GPL-3 X Provides a number of functions to facilitate extracting information in...
r-yummlyr 0.1.1 GPL-2 X Yummly.com is one of the world's largest and most powerful recipe...
r-zcompositions 1.4.1 GPL-2 X Principled methods for the imputation of zeros, left-censored and...
r-zeallot 0.1.0 MIT XXXX Provides a %<-% operator to perform multiple, unpacking, and...
r-zen4r 0.3 MIT X Provides an Interface to 'Zenodo' (<https://zenodo.org>)...
r-zendeskr 0.4 GPL-2 X This package provides an R wrapper for the Zendesk API
r-zic 0.9.1 GPL-2 XXX Provides MCMC algorithms for the analysis of zero-inflated count...
r-zillowr 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Zillow, an online real estate company, provides real estate and...
r-zim 1.1.0 GPL-3 X Analyze count time series with excess zeros. Two types of statistical...
r-zip 2.3.0 MIT XXX Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression Library. A replacement for the...
r-zipcode 1.0 CC X This package contains a database of city, state, latitude, and...
r-zipcoder 0.3.5 GPL-3 X Make working with ZIP codes in R painless with an integrated dataset of...
r-zipfr 0.6_70 GPL-3 X Statistical models and utilities for the analysis of word frequency...
r-zipr 0.1.1 GPL-3 X Implements Python-style zip for R. Is a more flexible version of cbind.
r-zoeppritz 1.0_9 GPL-2 X Calculate and plot scattering matrix coefficients for plane waves at interface.
r-zoo 1.8_12 GPL-2 XXX An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It...
r-zoocat GPL-3 X Tools for manipulating multivariate time series data by extending...
r-zoom 2.0.6 GPL-3 X You can call zm(), when displaying any active plot to enter an...
r-zoomgrid 1.0.0 GPL-3 X Provides the grid search algorithm with a zoom. The grid search...
r-zseq 0.2.1 MIT X Generates well-known integer sequences. 'gmp' package is...
r-ztable 0.2.3 GPL-2 X Makes zebra-striped tables (tables with alternating row colors) in...
r-ztree 1.0.7 GPL-3 X Read '.xls' and '.sbj' files which are written by the...
r-zyp 0.11_1 LGPL-2.1 X An efficient implementation of the slope method described by Sen (1968)...
r.methodss3 1.7.1 LGPL XXXX Methods that simplify the setup of S3 generic functions and S3 methods....
r.oo 1.22.0 LGPL XXXX Methods and classes for object-oriented programming in R with or...
r.utils 2.8.0 LGPL XXXX Utility functions useful when programming and developing R packages.
r2d3 0.2.3 BSD_3_clause X Suite of tools for using 'D3', a library for producing dynamic,...
r6 2.4.0 MIT XXXX Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in...
randomforest 4.6_14 GPL XXX Classification and regression based on a forest of trees using random...
ranger 0.11.2 GPL-3 XXX A fast implementation of Random Forests, particularly suited for high...
rappdirs 0.3.1 MIT XXX An easy way to determine which directories on the users computer you...
raster 2.8_19 GPL XXX Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded...
rbokeh 0.6.3 MIT XXXX A native R plotting library that provides a flexible declarative...
rcmdcheck 1.3.2 MIT X Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' programmatically, and...
rcolorbrewer 1.1_2 Apache XXXX Provides color schemes for maps (and other graphics) designed by...
rcpp 1.0.1 GPL XXX The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes...
rcpparmadillo 0.9.300.2.0 GPL XXX 'Armadillo' is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by...
rcppeigen GPL XXX R and 'Eigen' integration using 'Rcpp'. 'Eigen'...
rcppprogress 0.4.1 GPL X Allows to display a progress bar in the R console for long running...
rcpproll 0.3.0 GPL XXX Provides fast and efficient routines for common rolling / windowed...
rcurl 1.95_4.12 BSD XXX A wrapper for 'libcurl' <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/>...
readr 1.3.1 GPL XXX The goal of 'readr' is to provide a fast and friendly way to...
readxl 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXX Import excel files into R. Supports '.xls' via the embedded...
recipes 0.1.5 GPL-2 XXXX An extensible framework to create and preprocess design matrices....
recommended 3.6.0 GPL-3.0 XXX R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
registry 0.5_1 GPL-2 XXXX Provides a generic infrastructure for creating and using registries.
rematch 1.0.1 MIT XXXX A small wrapper on 'regexpr' to extract the matches and...
remotes 2.0.4 GPL X Download and install R packages stored in 'GitHub',...
repr 0.19.2 GPL-3 XXXX String and binary representations of objects for several formats / mime types.
reprex 0.2.1 MIT XXXX Convenience wrapper that uses the 'rmarkdown' package to render...
reshape 0.8.8 MIT XXX Flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt...
reshape2 1.4.3 MIT XXX Flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt...
reticulate 1.12 Apache XXX Interface to 'Python' modules, classes, and functions. When...
revoioq 10.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Test suite for Microsoft R Services.
revomods 11.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Microsoft modifications and extensions to standard R functions
revoutils 11.0.0 GPL-2 XXX Utility functions for Microsoft R
revoutilsmath 11.0.0 file XX Utility functions for managing math threading.
rex 1.1.2 MIT XXXX A friendly interface for the construction of regular expressions.
rgexf 0.15.3 GPL XXX Create, read and write GEXF (Graph Exchange XML Format) graph files...
rgl 0.100.19 GPL XXX Provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics,...
rglwidget 0.2.1 GPL-2 XXXX The contents of this package have been merged into rgl, so it is no...
rhive 2.0_0.10 Apache XXX RHive is an R extension facilitating distributed computing via HIVE...
rio 0.5.16 GPL-2 XXXX Streamlined data import and export by making assumptions that the user...
rjava 0.9_11 GPL-2 XXX Low-level interface to Java VM very much like .C/.Call and friends....
rjdbc 0.2_7.1 MIT XXX The RJDBC package is an implementation of R's DBI interface using...
rjson 0.2.20 GPL-2 XXX Converts R object into JSON objects and vice-versa.
rjsonio 1.3_1.1 BSD_3_clause XXX This is a package that allows conversion to and from data in...
rlang 0.3.4 GPL-3 XXX A toolbox for working with base types, core R features like the...
rlist MIT XXXX Provides a set of functions for data manipulation with list objects,...
rmariadb 1.0.6 GPL-2 XXX Implements a 'DBI'-compliant interface to 'MariaDB'...
rmarkdown 1.12 GPL-3 XXXX Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.
rmr2 3.3.1 Apache XXX Supports the map reduce programming model on top of hadoop streaming
rms 5.1_3.1 GPL XXX Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics,...
rmysql 0.10.15 GPL-2 XXX Legacy 'DBI' interface to 'MySQL' / 'MariaDB'...
rngtools 1.3.1 GPL-3 XXXX Provides a set of functions for working with Random Number Generators...
robustbase 0.93_4 GPL XXX "Essential" Robust Statistics. Tools allowing to analyze data...
rocr 1.0_7 GPL XXXX ROC graphs, sensitivity/specificity curves, lift charts, and...
rodbc 1.3_15 GPL-2 XXX An ODBC database interface.
rook 1.1_1 GPL-2 XXX This package contains the Rook specification and convenience software...
roxygen2 6.1.1 GPL XXX Generate your Rd documentation, 'NAMESPACE' file, and collation...
rpanel 1.1_4 GPL XXXX A set of functions to build simple GUI controls for R functions. ...
rpart 4.1_15 GPL-2 XXX Recursive partitioning for classification, regression and survival...
rprojroot 1.3_2 GPL-3 XXXX Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below a project root. The...
rpy2 3.5.11 doc GPL-2.0-or-later XXX Python interface to the R language (embedded R)
rsconnect 0.8.13 GPL-2 XXXX Programmatic deployment interface for 'RPubs',...
rserve 1.7_3.1 GPL-2 XXX Rserve acts as a socket server (TCP/IP or local sockets) which allows...
rsqlite 2.1.1 LGPL XXX Embeds the 'SQLite' database engine in R and provides an...
rstan 2.18.2 GPL XXX User-facing R functions are provided to parse, compile, test, estimate,...
rstudio 1.1.456 doc dev Commercial XXX A set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R
rstudioapi 0.10 MIT XXXX Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error...
rtools 3.4.0 X None
runit 0.4.26 GPL-2 XXX R functions implementing a standard Unit Testing framework, with...
rversions 1.1.0 MIT XXXX Query the main 'R' 'SVN' repository to find the...
rvest 0.3.3 GPL-3 XXXX Wrappers around the 'xml2' and 'httr' packages to make...
rzmq 0.9.6 GPL-3 XXX Interface to the 'ZeroMQ' lightweight messaging kernel (see...
sandwich 2.5_1 GPL-2 XXXX Model-robust standard error estimators for cross-sectional, time...
scales 1.0.0 MIT XXX Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for...
seacarb 3.2.12 GPL XXXX Calculates parameters of the seawater carbonate system and assists the...
selectr 0.4_1 BSD_3_clause XXXX Translates a CSS3 selector into an equivalent XPath expression. This...
sessioninfo 1.1.1 GPL-2 X Query and print information about the current R session. It is similar...
sf 0.6_3 GPL-2 XXX Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial...
sfsmisc 1.1_3 GPL XXXX Useful utilities ['goodies'] from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH...
shiny 1.3.2 GPL-3 XXXX Makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R....
shinybs 0.61 GPL-3 XXXX Adds additional Twitter Bootstrap components to Shiny.
shinycssloaders 0.2.0 GPL-3 XXXX Create a lightweight Shiny wrapper for the css-loaders created by Luke...
shinydashboard 0.7.1 GPL XXXX Create dashboards with 'Shiny'. This package provides a theme...
shinyjs 1.0 AGPL-3 XXXX Perform common useful JavaScript operations in Shiny apps that will...
shinysky 2.0.0 MIT XXX A set of Shiny UI components includings alerts and styled buttons
shinythemes 1.1.2 GPL-3 XXXX Themes for use with Shiny. Includes several Bootstrap themes from...
slam 0.1_45 GPL-2 XXX Data structures and algorithms for sparse arrays and matrices, based on...
snowballc 0.6.0 BSD_3_clause XXX An R interface to the C 'libstemmer' library that implements...
sourcetools 0.1.7 MIT XXX Tools for the reading and tokenization of R code. The...
sp 1.3_1 GPL XXX Classes and methods for spatial data; the classes document where the...
sparklyr 1.0.0 Apache XXXX R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data...
sparsem 1.77 GPL XXX Some basic linear algebra functionality for sparse matrices is...
spatial 7.3_11 GPL-2 XXX Functions for kriging and point pattern analysis.
spdata 0.3.0 CC0 XXXX Diverse spatial datasets for demonstrating, benchmarking and teaching...
squarem 2017.10_1 GPL XXXX Algorithms for accelerating the convergence of slow, monotone sequences...
stabledist 0.7_1 GPL XXXX Density, Probability and Quantile functions, and random number...
stanheaders 2.18.1 BSD_3_clause XXX The C++ header files of the Stan project are provided by this package,...
stopwords 0.9.0 MIT XXXX Provides multiple sources of stopwords, for use in text analysis and...
stringdist GPL-3 XXX Implements an approximate string matching version of R's native...
stringi 1.4.3 file XXX Fast, correct, consistent, portable, as well as convenient character...
stringr 1.4.0 GPL-2 XXXX A consistent, simple and easy to use set of wrappers around the...
strucchange 1.5_1 GPL-2 XXXX Testing, monitoring and dating structural changes in (linear)...
suppdists 1.1_9.4 GPL XXX Ten distributions supplementing those built into R. Inverse Gauss,...
survival 2.44_1.1 LGPL XXX Contains the core survival analysis routines, including definition of...
sys 3.2 MIT XXX Drop-in replacements for the base system2() function with fine control...
tensorflow 1.13.1 Apache XXXX Interface to 'TensorFlow' <https://www.tensorflow.org/>, ...
testit 0.9 GPL XXXX Provides two convenience functions assert() and test_pkg() to...
testthat 2.1.1 MIT XXX Software testing is important, but, in part because it is frustrating...
tfruns 1.4 Apache XXXX Create and manage unique directories for each 'TensorFlow' ...
th.data 1.0_10 GPL-3 XXXX Contains data sets used in other packages Torsten Hothorn maintains.
threejs 0.3.1 MIT XXXX Create interactive 3D scatter plots, network plots, and globes using...
tibble 2.1.1 MIT XXX Provides a 'tbl_df' class (the 'tibble') that provides...
tidyr 0.8.3 MIT XXX An evolution of 'reshape2'. It's designed specifically for...
tidyselect 0.2.5 GPL-3 XXX A backend for the selecting functions of the 'tidyverse'. It...
tidytext 0.2.0 MIT XXXX Text mining for word processing and sentiment analysis using...
tidyverse 1.2.1 GPL-3 XXXX The 'tidyverse' is a set of packages that work in harmony...
tilegramsr 0.2.0 MIT XXX R spatial objects for Tilegrams. Tilegrams are tiled maps where the...
timedate 3043.102 GPL XXXX The 'timeDate' class fulfils the conventions of the ISO 8601 ...
timeseries 3042.102 GPL XXXX Provides a class and various tools for financial time series. This...
tinytex 0.12 MIT XXXX Helper functions to install and maintain the 'LaTeX'...
tkrgl 0.8 GPL XXXX Provides 'TK' widget tools for the 'rgl' package.
tkrplot 0.0_24 GPL XXX Simple mechanism for placing R graphics in a Tk widget.
tm 0.7_6 GPL-3 XXX A framework for text mining applications within R.
tokenizers 0.2.1 MIT XXX Convert natural language text into tokens. Includes tokenizers for...
tseries 0.10_46 GPL-2 XXX Time series analysis and computational finance.
ttr 0.23_4 GPL-2 XXX Functions and data to construct technical trading rules with R.
udunits2 0.13 GPL-2 XXX Provides simple bindings to Unidata's udunits library.
units 0.6_2 GPL-2 XXX Support for measurement units in R vectors, matrices and arrays:...
urca 1.3_0 GPL XXX Unit root and cointegration tests encountered in applied econometric...
uroot 2.0_9.1 GPL-2 XXX Seasonal unit roots and seasonal stability tests. P-values based on...
usethis 1.5.0 GPL-3 X Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed...
utf8 1.1.4 Apache XXX Process and print 'UTF-8' encoded international text (Unicode)....
uuid 0.1_2 MIT XXX Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers).
vars 1.5_3 GPL XXXX Estimation, lag selection, diagnostic testing, forecasting, causality...
vgam 1.1_1 GPL-3 XXX An implementation of about 6 major classes of statistical regression...
viridis 0.5.1 MIT XXXX Implementation of the 'viridis' - the default -,...
viridislite 0.3.0 MIT XXXX Implementation of the 'viridis' - the default -,...
visnetwork 2.0.6 MIT XXXX Provides an R interface to the 'vis.js' JavaScript charting...
weatherdata 0.5.0 GPL XXX Functions that help in fetching weather data from websites. Given a...
webshot 0.5.1 GPL-2 XXXX Takes screenshots of web pages, including Shiny applications and R...
whisker 0.3_2 GPL-3 XXXX logicless templating, reuse templates in many programming languages including R
withr 2.1.2 GPL XXXX A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and temporarily...
x13binary 1.1.39_2 file XXXX The US Census Bureau provides a seasonal adjustment program now called...
xfun 0.6 MIT XXXX Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by...
xgboost 0.80 doc dev Apache-2 XXX eXtreme Gradient Boosting
xgboost-cpu 0.80 XXX
xgboost-gpu 0.80 X
xlsx 0.6.1 GPL-3 XXXX Provide R functions to read/write/format Excel 2007 and Excel...
xlsxjars 0.6.1 GPL-3 XXX The xlsxjars package collects all the external jars required for the...
xml 3.98_1.19 BSD_2_clause XXX Many approaches for both reading and creating XML (and HTML) documents...
xml2 1.2.0 GPL XXX Work with XML files using a simple, consistent interface. Built on top...
xopen 1.0.0 MIT X Cross platform solution to open files, directories or 'URLs'...
xtable 1.8_4 GPL XXXX Coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables.
xts 0.11_2 GPL XXX Provide for uniform handling of R's different time-based data...
yaml 2.2.0 BSD_3_clause XXX Implements the 'libyaml' 'YAML' 1.1 parser and emitter...
zeallot 0.1.0 MIT XXXX Provides a %<-% operator to perform multiple, unpacking, and...
zip 2.0.1 CC0 XXX Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression Library. A replacement for the...
zoo 1.8_5 GPL-2 XXX An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It...
Updated: 2024-10-23 04:02:47 +0000 - Files: 9576